
Karma Discussion + Toka + Xarnata

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [23:33:45] Lotlhuitl looked decidedly gloomy as she approached Karma Vindict. Was she more or less gloomy than normal? Hard to say. Lotlhuitl was not, generally speaking, the smiling sorta gal.
  3. The Nagual with the blue-black hair approached the Ezmaran Chieftain from the south. Her head held high, fluffy ears lightly pinned back, hands clasped in front of her.
  5. "Chieftain Vindict," she said, speaking Karma's name and title in lieu of greeting. Formal. Stiff.
  7. A glance was given to Griffin. "I'm fine," she said, tension building in her shoulders. Either she couldn't help sounding terse or she didn't care to mask such things. Possibly the former, considering she blinked, sighed, and seemed to correct herself. "Later," she said.
  9. Her attention turned fully back to Karma.
  10. (Lotlhuitl)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [23:33:45] Lotlhuitl says, "I wish an audience with you."
  14. [23:37:10] Leaning against the temple walls, the Chieftain would slowly open his eyes up, blinking once, yellow hues drifting over to the source of familiar figure and all he offered was a small, brief stare.
  16. "Oh-- greetings." finally the lips parted, words escaping--- it appeared as if the Chieftain was in a wake-up daze?
  18. Letting out a soft, misty breath, the Ezmaran would slowly pull himself off the wall, face somewhat buried into the azure cloak as he stepped forward. "Mmh, what is it?
  19. (Karma Vindict)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [23:41:26] (Midnight Coven) Griffin D'cil {Neophyte}: wya pd?
  23. [23:42:17] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: in the ezmaran temple
  24. [23:42:17] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: I did RP at ya but u left :P
  25. [23:42:17] (Midnight Coven) Griffin D'cil {Neophyte}: had to answer my challenge
  26. [23:42:17] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: Lotlhuitl told you "later" but uh, you're welcome OOC to come and loiter around or continue to interact
  27. [23:43:08] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: i'll copy my post to you in discord in a min
  28. [23:49:58] "Look. I'm here because Xoconan wanted me to talk to you."
  30. There it was. Lotlhuitl hadn't looked at the Ezmaran Chieftain as she walked ahead of him into the temple. Walk? It was more of a sashay. Lotlhuitl strode forward, seemingly not caring if others found her ostentatious. The jewellery adorning her body caught the light as she moved. Quietly jingled.
  32. She turned, long hair fanning out behind her as she spun around and faced Karma. Green eyes flashing.
  34. Xoconan had wanted to be here for this talk. It wouldn't have been too much of a stretch for Karma to realise or assume that Xoconan likely had intended on being here.
  36. But, as per usual, Lotlhuitl was doing her own thing. The thing she thought was right. And one may very well get the vibe that she wholeheartedly believed herself in the right, what with her general posture, and the way the six foot tall woman looked down at Karma Vindict.
  38. She folded her arms.
  40. "You're physically much stronger than I, Chieftain Vindict. And so I suppose I ought to thank you for standing here and listening to me." By her tone it was hard to tell whether Lotlhuitl intended compliment or insult towards the Chieftain. Her expression seemed entirely genuine. But.. she was angry. Her tail wrapped tightly around herself. End twitching.
  42. "So. I'm here. Is there anything you want to say about how poorly you have treated me?"
  44. (Lotlhuitl)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [23:55:56] Hands slipped inside his pockets, head tilted over to the side and face a little bit buried into the azure Cloak of Storms, the Chieftain's steps are small, and slow, frosted locks swaying about as they'd finally come to a halt by the throne.
  50. Karma would slowly nod, yellow hues focused upon the nagual's figure before him-- of course Conan did... he was kind of expecting as much anyway.
  52. The Chieftain's features remained neutral, though, barring a brief raise in eyebrows as he'd finally let his lips part.
  54. "I was having quite an important-- and perhaps somewhat emotional discussion with a person I know all too well. A friend of sorts, even. Then there I have this one nagual I don't even know randomly, and rudely interrupting the two of us and spouting unwanted, pointless toxicity regarding me. After that, I heard you've been spouting similar things to every other person you cross in Ezmara and whatnot."
  56. A pause,
  58. "You say mistreated. I didn't even try to talk to you, or confront you following that. I was considering a ban, but didn't act on it either--- I didn't mistreat you, Lotlhuitl. I ignored you and everything you did... unless you find that offensive."
  59. (Karma Vindict)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [00:11:18] He hadn't even known her? What?
  63. "How could--" Lotlhuitl had begun to interrupt Karma, before she bit back her words. Clenched her jaw. All but held her breath. The tension in her willowy limbs intensified. By all the spirits in the highest realms, she was hurt.
  65. No. Not hurt. Angry. She was too strong to allow herself to feel hurt. Pain. Grief.
  67. He'd been ignoring her on purpose. That concept distinctly offended her, yes. But more than that, it disturbed her. He'd never noticed her.
  69. The Nagual slowly exhaled. Slooowly. Released the tension in her hands. Unfurled her hands from fists. Her knuckles had gone white, she had been clenching her delicate hands so tightly into fists.
  71. "Yes, mistreated," she found herself asserting, her belief in this no weaker than before. Her emerald eyes narrowed, gazing directly into the Cheiftain's eyes. "I served Ezmara loyally for years - I served you. You made me into a fool."
  72. (Lotlhuitl)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [00:13:52] Adsila Coaxoch whispers something.
  76. [00:17:16] "I never even talked to you before you interrupted me and Effigy." it's murmured out and then there's a brief pause, the Chieftain would slowly lift his finger, tapping his chin a couple times before the lips finally parted yet once again.
  78. "Conan approached me regarding you, and I said whatever decisions he makes--- whatever choice in partner he has, it won't change anything between him and I. Since he officially inherited Oyaotl's house in Ezmara, I decided to not ban or anything. I can't mistreat you if I never even talk to you."
  80. A slow pause.
  82. "You say I made a fool out of you, but I just don't understand... you started bad-mouthing me after interrupting an important, emotional conversation I was having with a friend--- I didn't even know who you were back then. There are thousands of warrior in Ezmara and we've never talked before, so it was only natural---- and so, I ignored you there. After that, I heard you were constantly claiming similar things about me to other people--- which, again, I ignored... there's mistreatment. As the Chieftain, I chose the most logical route with least verbal wildfire; ignoring."
  84. With that, he'd come to a soft halt, Adsila's voice embracing his senses and Karma slowly turns around, blinking once, closing his eyes, and blinking again at the crowd before him.
  86. "Ahh?"
  87. (Karma Vindict)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [00:22:24] One... Two... Three steps.
  92. Perhaps this wasn't the most thrilling welcome home gift that Noa could give to Karma though it seemed more than enough. With children tucked beneath his cloak suddenly darting off through this temple it was both Kaschei and Toka pushed forwards without so much as another word. His gaze locked upon the chieftain in silence as his mind worked tirelessly to find the perfect way to explain all of this.
  94. "My Siblings. Kaschei and Toka have attempted to use the two of them to harm me. To put them in danger and flee from Gehenna with them simply due to the fact I disallowed Toka from remaining a threat to them." His words ringing clearly as in this rushed explanation his mind still attempted to figure out everything that had transpired in a church that had been meant only for Order and Righteousness.
  96. "... Their response to caring for my Fathers children was to proclaim I was nothing to them. To attempt and run off with them. Both have been caught, so now we seek out you Karma to pass judgement."
  98. Hi dad, I'm home
  99. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [00:24:57] Adsila Coaxoch whispers something.
  103. [00:24:57] The dryad licks her entire face, in one smooth motion.
  104. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [00:25:48] Kaschei follows along with a blanched, deadpan sort of look. It wasn't normal- ... usually, he was chipper or hopeful.
  109. As he stands there- as Noa tells of what had happened however he liked- there's only a look of bitter regret on his face. No matter who he tried to help, no matter what he tried to do, it seemed as ever that he would fail.
  111. His head hangs low as he awaits his judgement. Not justce -- but judgement.
  112. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [00:25:48] Toka was pushed forward, her body stumbling and falling to the ground. A collar around her neck. And tears down her face. No, still streaming down her face. The lies spoke from Noa, she couldn't combat. She was in despair from her children being taken from her.
  117. Attempts to leave Gehenna? She said she wanted to take them home. It all hurt, but she couldn't fight it. All that she could do was cry. Everything finally was too much for her. What point was there to even try to stand up for herself anymore? She was cursed. Her eyes were taken from her. And now her children too.
  119. Everything was gone. Her life had nothing in it anymore. She was broken.
  120. (Toka)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [00:29:13] He held a remote in his left hand, stave in his right. A brow went up to Lotlhuitl, turning into a frown. What in the hell was she doing here alon- nevermind that.
  125. "Noa's explained it pretty thoroughly." He stepped out of the way, still holding the remote, stepping aside to stand next to Maiya instead, glancing around the room.
  127. "You'll be happy to know that there wasn't a fight, for once."
  128. (Xoconan)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [00:48:00] Lotlhuitl felt her blood grow cold.
  133. She could hear her pulse hammering in her ears, her heart beginning to race.
  135. The Nagual's green eyes had visibly dilated. Her skin growing distinctly ashen. But what had she expected to come of this? Even she wasn't so certain.
  137. And so she turned from Karma, abruptly. No response. Her hair fanned out behind her with the motion.
  139. The Nagual had been about to storm off. To exit. But that was when she realised that suddenly the temple was not so empty.
  141. When had they all entered? Her gaze met Xoconan's. She blinked. Her ears twitched, attention drawn to Noa's words. "Toka." Lotlhuitl had breathed, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
  143. Well! This was probably yet another scene which her opinion would again be ignored.
  145. Lotlhuitl knew she was being distinctly petty as she walked away from Karma, head held high. Jewellery still catching the torchlight.
  147. And she joined Xoconan's side.
  149. "I warned Dmex that this might happen. That Toka might run. I expected her to run to Xomac, however. Xomac seemed to think she has been working for him."
  151. (Lotlhuitl)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [00:54:49] He'd offer a small frown, taking just a moment longer to... process everything. Noa's explanation, and the sight of Toka's breakdown, it was all just... he couldn't help but find his frown deepen, a soft, faint sigh escaping him all the while.
  156. The Chieftain remained silent for just a couple moments longer before he finally let his lips part, soft words rolling off his tongue, yellow hues focused upon Toka.
  158. "Pointless conflicts... assaults with no base--- constantly getting yourself in trouble and now... this." it's murmured out as he'd slowly lower himself, a hand reaching out, but halting before it could be placed upon her shoulder. "What is wrong with you, Toka? We aren't your enemies--- you're being insane right now... Ixchel-"
  160. A pause and he'd glance up at the Krausite, frowning all the while.
  162. "---she has been unstable--- why would you encourage such an action, Kaschei? To leave Gehenna, what the hell...?"
  163. (Karma Vindict)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [00:55:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: Dmex thinks she is going to fall to Sin. And she all but admitted to me that she wanted to stand back and see Gehenna burn..
  167. [00:55:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: Toka said that to me.
  168. [00:58:14] Xoconan whispers: "... I plan on killing her."
  169. [00:58:14] Xoconan whispers: "By the way - we're even now."
  170. [00:58:14] Xoconan whispers: "I'd say publicly shaming her in front of Karma, taking away her children is enough, right?"
  171. [01:01:39] Kaschei frowns at Karma's questions. The expression isn't directed at Karma himself. But he felt shamed that he was brought here, and Noa's self-righteous tone left an unpleasant taste in his mouth.
  173. To the chieftan- he gestures Noa's way with an open hand. "He's lying to make himself look good." He says plainly, an unusually- ... no, an almost uncharacteristically cold statement from the oft-gentle Krausite.
  175. But his eyes narrow on Noa with a harsh intensity. "He wanted to take Toka's children and keep them in the church, then in a residence of his choice a year later. Toka disagreed. I was a mediator, insisting we involve someone unrelated for a compromise." He says, recalling each detail with a tepid pace.
  177. His hands hang limply on his sides... If he had any hope of justice, it was here. "... Toka said she was taking the children. I don't know where she planned to go. But Noa and Xoconan insisted they'd attack her if she tried to take her children back." He declares, nearing the end of what he had to say...
  179. He looks to Toka- how broken she was, and how it hurt to be reminded he'd been unable to help her. "I stood his way and tried to help her take her children where she wished. It's not his place to separate a mother from her own- ... and I know Toka has been struggling, nearly in despair." He answers.
  181. He shakes his head. "Toka denounces Noa as her son, however- and it is my belief that Noa will want to carve her children away from her in revenge. I couldn't have sat by and watched him do it-!" He speaks, a glint of light returning to his eyes with a swell of righteous fury- ...
  183. But the grim shade of his failure silences his stirred hopes. Once again- he can only be heard, and he can only await the Chieftan's answer.
  184. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [01:02:30] Lotlhuitl whispers: in my wildest dreams, I didn't imagine you doing this for me, my love.
  188. [01:03:21] Xoconan whispers: "I *did* make a promise."
  189. [01:03:21] Lotlhuitl whispers: Mmm.. thank you.
  190. [01:05:55] Mmm...
  192. He could only nod his head at those familiar words as these were the actions of a man who still didn't realize his own wrongdoings. Though they spoke of revenge even now he felt no need to reassure them of what he had time and time again. Fingers curling inwards beneath his cloak to idly tap upon this fur that acted as armor hanging from his form. They wouldn't take this defeat without giving their own twisted story it seemed.
  194. "Toka is unstable. I told them I could not forgive myself if I allowed her to walk out of that Church with them. My intentions were to have the children grow up here in the temple in time if you'd allow it, Karma." His words ringing clearly as hands pressed themselves against his hips now. With a sigh his body leaned forwards and those very same words he spoke time and time again in that church rang clear.
  196. "I do not hate Toka. That is a lie you tricked yourself into believing. I did not seek to remove her from them permanently, I said she could visit as she pleased. I am their brother, I am their family. Above all I am Solem's only son, that is who I am to take them from this woman."
  198. His stance and opinion on the topic had been made.
  199. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [01:08:28] Xoconan slowly wraps an arm around Lotl.
  203. (Xoconan)
  204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. [01:08:28] Xoconan whispers: "Shouldn't doubt me next time, hm?"
  207. [01:08:28] Noa shoots Xoconan a less than subtle thumbs up.
  208. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  209. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. [01:10:11] Lotlhuitl became visibly awkward, mumbling something under her breath to Xoconan about people watching.
  212. (Lotlhuitl)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [01:10:11] The dryad reads the letter, and smirks.
  216. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  217. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  219. [01:10:11] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I didn't doubt you, Xoconan.. nn.. people are watching..
  220. [01:11:02] Lotlhuitl whispers: I just.. I didn't realise this would be so.. incredible.
  221. [01:11:53] Xoconan whispers: "I don't care how many people are watching."
  222. [01:11:53] Xoconan whispers: "I'll keep giving you that feeling, too."
  223. [01:14:27] The Paladin salutes towards Adsila, two fingers rising up to meet his mythril-covered forehead. He observed the exchange for a while now, but he had to go. A curt nod was given to the others, as he finally said something, just to mark his presence here.
  225. "I trust Karma won't jump to conclusions and will give a fair trial. To make justice where it's due. I'd gladly help, but I must leave."
  227. And then, he leaves, because I got to sleep.
  228. (Paladin)
  229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. [01:19:34] Xoconan whispers: "I think I've earned a reward later."
  232. [01:22:59] Lotlhuitl whispers: Nn..
  233. [01:22:59] Lotlhuitl whispers: Maybe so.
  234. [01:23:50] Xoconan whispers: "Hey, it's not every day you get to see someone you hate brought so low."
  235. [01:30:40] There's a soft, soft pause and the Chieftain would let out a small sigh, his eyes briefly shutting close, head tilted downwards as he'd pull himself back up. No words escaped him, though, and the Ezmaran remained silent for a couple moments further or so before his eyes slowly opened, soft words escaping.
  237. "Toka has been struggling, nearly in despair." it's murmured out, words repeated as he'd glance back over at Kaschei, eyes softened up a little bit. "---she's unstable. Anything could've happened following the escape and... shouldn't have encouraged such a thing, no--- there are peaceful methods. You could've came to see me instead--- people need to report things first before taking actions. It always leads to similar, bad results."
  239. A pause and he'd let out a small groan all the while.
  241. "Toka attacked the native without a single report about the willing Gehennan slave--- lead up to thisscenario at first place." he'd come to a brief halt, eyes trailing over to Noa's figure. "The twins will live in temple for the time being. Well guarded."
  243. Finally did he glance back at Toka, briefly closing his eyes as he'd sigh yet once again.
  245. "'re their mother, and I have no right to separate you from your children--- but their safety matter. You can't run into wild with two twins and expect to be fine--- expect them to be fine. Solem was the closest friend I've ever had--- he loved you, and he loved his children, too... do you realize how he'd feel if he learned you and the kids betrayed and went over to any other nation--- or are left to fend for themselves in wild? Please, Toka... quit this nonsense. We aren't your enemies--- stop trying to hold grudges, stop trying to take reckless, stupid actions. None of this is worth it, dear Ixchel..."
  247. Yet another, brief pause.
  249. "Someone take her collar off... she's allowed to visit the kids--- not unguarded, though. I'm not allowing you to take them out of Gehenna... mother or not--- this is absurd, dangerous and goes against everything their father ever lived for. You need to calm down, get yourself fixed--- you're struggling." a brief glance is spared in Kaschei's direction.
  251. "I expect you to help her get better-- help encourage peaceful solutions without rushing instead of encouraging an escape with no proper discussion? Why'd you act such way in the heat of moment? You say you couldn't just sit and watch things happen--- you didn't need to. But leaving Gehenna is far from an ideal solution."
  252. (Karma Vindict)
  253. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  255. [01:32:22] Xoconan walking up to Toka, he removes the collar from her neck with a click of a button.
  256. (Xoconan)
  257. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. [01:34:56] Toka was on the ground. Her tears had dried up. But she barely moved. She wanted to be happy, she wanted to be with her children. "I wanted to take my children home...they threatened me if I even so much as held my children...they threatened to exile me under your name...they threatened me with imprisonment..." Fists would clench, tears slowly forming again in her eyes.
  261. "I wasn't...leaving Gehenna...I said I wanted to take them home...he ripped my children from me when I wasn't home...he tried to take them...I my children missing...and when I found them...Noa brought ensure I could not take them home with me...they threatened me with your name...Noa paints me a criminal...paints me as insane...I raised no intentions to harm them...he threatened me with violence...he lies when he claims I tried to flee from Gehenna...he claims me a threat to my own children..." Slowly pushing herself to sit on the ground. Gaze lowered.
  263. "I gave up...on my hunt on the demons...ask Dmex...she came to me and asked what I would do...I told her nothing...that I would sit back and no longer pursue it...I just wanted to go home...with my children...I wanted to sleep...but I was met with hostility..." As she spoke, the collar was taken from her apparently. Near despair? She had been in despair for a long time now. And this was the worst thing to happen since.
  264. (Toka)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [01:39:12] Lotlhuitl whispers: she's a liar..
  268. [01:39:12] Xoconan whispers: "I'm well aware."
  269. [01:40:03] Stressed.
  271. Rolling his head back the tension throughout his form worked tirelessly to calm. With a hand raising from his cloak as gaze rolled to look straight up all to pinch the edge of his nose. Her words rang with nothing more than what she believed to be the truth though still it remained as twisted and contorted as ever. Perhaps what they all needed was the grace only teachings that The Sun could offer to set them back on the right track.
  273. "I told her taking them home wasn't possible. Yet she insisted on walking out with them. I did not threaten to exile them, only take them to you as I did now. They claimed I'd kill them when imprisonment at worst was what I wanted." His words rolled from the tongue as a roll of his head was shot back in the direction of Karma. Smirking towards this Chieftain he felt his shoulders raise into that of a shrug.
  275. "I'm sure I don't need to go over everything. You can discern what I did from herwords, though I appreciate you allowing them to grow up here. You have my thanks, Karma."
  277. One more nod shot back towards the Chieftain before his attention returned to that of Toka.
  278. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  281. [01:43:28] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... do you understand why Karma acts as he does? I.. I don't understand.
  282. [01:45:10] Kaschei nods his head slowly. He lets out a leaden exhale, but under the weight of its burden lied the beginnings of relief. "It's true, Karma- I was hasty. The situation was tense and I felt it was safest for everyone if we'd fled." He says, lowering his head...
  284. He hadn't shown good faith in the Cheiftan. A tinge of guilt shows in his eyes. "I'll do my best to help her find peace..." He says, before pausing after Noa began to speak; he waits for them to finish, even if he didn't think too highly of the boy for now.
  286. But he doesn't address what they'd said. Only a stern disapproval is shot their way with a leery glance from Kaschei's ice-blue eyes. "I'm... sorry." He apologizes, for it was then that he'd realized something-
  288. -he had been part of a disturbance. He felt that, like how he had seen of Noa, he too had gotten caught-up in something... Somehow it had seemed dire enough he'd wanted to avoid Karma, or the chiefs altogether, back in the tense air of that room.
  290. He looks thoughtful, not so despaired, but still troubled. It shamed him already enough that for all his good intentions he had not made things any better for Toka.
  291. (Kaschei Coaxoch)
  292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. [01:50:17] "Nobody is branding you a criminal, Toka. You won't be exiled--- you won't be put under surveillance, either... the kids living in temple--- take it as a safety measure, if anything. The mountain house isn't safe--- far from it. It's out in wild, and demons like Tragedy often roam that place. I just need to run a couple checks and such for formality and then you'd be allowed to freely live with and visit them--- you're allowed to do so even now, just... not in private for a little while."
  296. A pause... he tried his best to be tactful.
  298. Slowly the Chieftain's gaze lifted, focused upon Kaschei's figure.
  300. "Just--- try to help her get better, help her find peace. You run the church--- you're one of the very few, and perhaps most prominent Order mage in Gehenna. I expect a lot from you, Kaschei. Don't let this get you down--- if anything, learn from this and don't act hasty-- don't make brash decisions in future."
  302. With that he'd come to a soft halt, eyes closing and a soft sigh escaping all the while.
  304. "Settle the kids in temple... you should take a break, too, Toka. You can stay here, or in Church for that matter, just please try to relax, it's alright--- nothing is being taken away from you. Nothing is changing... just breathe and relax, try to forget everything. You're not a criminal."
  305. (Karma Vindict)
  306. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. [01:52:51] Toka says, "They..."
  309. [01:52:51] Toka says, "Didn't live in the"
  310. [01:52:51] Toka says, "They lived in Ezmara..."
  311. [01:53:42] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Outside of it technically. In the swamps."
  312. [01:53:42] Karma Vindict asks, " have a house in Ezmara?"
  313. [01:53:42] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "In any event! I'm glad this has been resolved."
  314. [01:53:42] Toka says, "I own a house in Ezmara..."
  315. [01:53:42] Toka says, "Yes..."
  316. [01:53:42] Karma Vindict asks, "Is it--- Sable's old one?"
  317. [01:53:42] Toka says, "Sable's...old house...the babysitter...took the children there...when I was not present..."
  318. [01:54:33] Karma Vindict says, "It's alright... temple is no different--- the backrooms have privacy."
  319. [01:54:33] Karma Vindict asks, "Don't think too much about it. Just relax for the time being, okay?"
  320. [01:54:33] Toka says, "I can't..."
  321. [01:54:33] Toka says, "My children...were all I had left...and they are being ripped from me..."
  322. [01:55:24] Toka says, "By a child...who the last he saw me...was him attacking me..."
  323. [01:55:24] Toka says, "Solem final wishes were to protect the children..."
  324. [01:55:24] Toka says, "To teach him...with the tome he entrusted me with..."
  325. [01:56:16] Karma Vindict says, "...they're not being ripped from you. You can live here, they can live here--- you're just not allowed to take them outside."
  326. [01:56:16] Karma Vindict says, "Nobody is, really."
  327. [01:56:16] Karma Vindict says, "We're protecting the children."
  328. [01:56:16] Karma Vindict says, "And once the routine checks are said and done, it'll be back to normal."
  329. [01:56:16] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Once they're ten I said they should have that sense off reedom."
  330. [01:56:16] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (of freedom*
  331. [01:57:07] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "To do as they please and build their own path."
  332. [01:57:07] Toka says, "He will be back to take them again..."
  333. [01:57:07] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Choice is all I want to offer my siblings."
  334. [01:57:07] Karma Vindict says, "He won't be."
  335. [01:57:07] Karma Vindict says, "Don't be afraid, Toka."
  336. [01:57:07] Lotlhuitl says, "She's mad.."
  337. [01:57:07] Karma Vindict says, "If anything happens, I'm always here--- just calm down and relax."
  338. [01:57:07] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Just a little."
  339. [01:57:58] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Though I can't blame her."
  340. [01:57:58] Toka says, "..."
  341. [01:57:58] Karma Vindict says, "Toka, relax. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change."
  342. [01:58:49] Karma Vindict says, "Go, take a break, sleep for a while."
  343. [01:58:49] Lotlhuitl whispers: Man. Karma just.. ugh. I was in such a bad mood. Because of him. Then you turn up, and make everything better. And now? He's just ruining it again.
  344. [01:59:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: Ruining everything.
  345. [01:59:40] Xoconan whispers: "I'll talk to him after this."
  346. [01:59:40] Xoconan whispers: "He's... Soft."
  347. [02:00:32] Xoconan whispers: "Maiya wants her exiled at the absolute minimu,."
  348. [02:02:14] Lotlhuitl whispers: Karma seems to think that he's offering mercy.
  349. [02:03:05] Lotlhuitl whispers: But.. from where I stand? It just seems that he's just.. avoiding his duties.
  350. [02:09:55] Toka clenched her fists. They were calling her mad. The lax had ran out, and so did the holy presence due to the wound no longer being suppressed by the essence. The voice had returned to haunt her.
  352. And now she was told to sleep. To sleep on her own. "Every night...I slept with them...holding them close to me and promising them a happy tomorrow...that Mama will get better...that my injuries would heal...that my eyes would get better..." He says nothing has changed, when things have clearly changed. Things that meant so much to her, were no longer allowed to live with her in her own home.
  354. She would open her mouth to say more, but simply couldn't find it in herself. No matter what she said, it was turned against her.
  355. (Toka)
  356. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. [02:10:46] Karma Vindict says, "---nothing has changed."
  359. [02:10:46] Karma Vindict says, "Go sleep with your kids--- backroom."
  360. [02:10:46] Karma Vindict says, "Hold them close, talk to them, comfort them."
  361. [02:10:46] Karma Vindict says, "Toka, just relax--- nothing has changed. It's okay."
  362. [02:11:37] Lotlhuitl whispers: I mean.. you *could* talk to Karma..
  363. [02:11:37] Lotlhuitl whispers: You coooould..
  364. [02:12:28] Lotlhuitl whispers: I thought you wanted a reward?
  365. [02:12:28] Xoconan whispers: "Mm. I can only do so much at the moment."
  366. [02:12:28] Xoconan whispers: "They're kind of... Guarded now."
  367. [02:13:20] Xoconan whispers: "I'm not going to walk in and execute her in the middle of the temple."
  368. [02:13:20] Xoconan whispers: "Much as I want to."
  369. [02:14:11] Lotlhuitl pouted, gaze flicking between Xoconan and the scene unfolding before her.
  370. (Lotlhuitl)
  371. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. [02:15:02] Xoconan whispers: "I do kind of live here."
  374. [02:15:02] Xoconan whispers: "I couldn't get every guard. Killing her isn't the problem."
  375. [02:15:02] Xoconan whispers: "It's the aftermath."
  376. [02:15:02] Lotlhuitl whispers: Nn.. fine..
  377. [02:15:53] Xoconan whispers: "I'll do it later."
  378. [02:15:53] Xoconan whispers: "She can't stay here forever."
  379. [02:15:53] Xoconan whispers: "And she's convinced she's doomed anyway."
  380. [02:17:36] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  381. [02:21:00] Toka slowly stood up. A single hand rested against her stomach. Feeling uneasy due to the crying, and simply the stress of all that was going on. The other hand pressing against her head. The voice that plagued it ringing within. Though she would walk off. Aiming to go and sleep, and to comfort her children.
  382. (Toka)
  383. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  385. [02:21:52] Lotlhuitl says, "She'll try and take them again. "
  386. [02:21:52] Lotlhuitl says, "She's broken."
  387. [02:21:52] Xoconan says, "And when she does, I'll kill her myself."
  388. [02:22:43] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm."
  389. [02:22:43] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "She won't if she knows what's best."
  390. [02:22:43] Lotlhuitl says, "She doesn't. She's obviously mad."
  391. [02:22:43] Lotlhuitl says, "She told Dmex and I that she's going to just stand back and let Gehenna burn."
  392. [02:24:25] Lotlhuitl says, "People like her make me sick."
  393. [02:25:16] Lotlhuitl says, "<absolutely no irony there what so ever no siree bob>"
  394. [02:26:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I need some air."
  395. [03:22:27]
  397. --------------------
  398. {LOAD GAME}
  400. [03:28:25] Xarnata Kuraichie asks, "Lotlhuitl. I trust Khalisha is alive?"
  401. [03:29:16] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't know."
  402. [03:30:08] Lotlhuitl says, "If she isn't, it is Toka's fault."
  403. [03:30:08] Xarnata Kuraichie says, ". . . . I swear to god if she hurt Khalisha I'm gonna kick her ass."
  404. [03:30:08] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "I happened to like that girl."
  405. [03:30:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I haven't seen Kalisha in some time."
  406. [03:30:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Not since Toka stole her from my protection."
  407. [03:30:08] Lotlhuitl says, "And Toka? Well.. she's.. deranged."
  408. [03:30:59] Lotlhuitl says, "Tried to grab her children and leave Gehenna. "
  409. [03:30:59] Xarnata Kuraichie says, ". . . . That is not a wise idea."
  410. [03:30:59] Lotlhuitl says, "Noa and Xoconan stopped her."
  411. [03:31:50] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "In the words of a wise woman, everyone needs to wait a few weeks for everything to settle down."
  412. [03:31:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Toka's children are under protection at Ezmara's temple, but.. Karma has let Toka roam freely."
  413. [03:31:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Heh."
  414. [03:32:41] Xarnata Kuraichie asks, "Anyways.. before I start hitting on you, seen JaDrako?"
  415. [03:32:41] Lotlhuitl says, "... hitting on me? "
  416. [03:32:41] Lotlhuitl says, "What do you mean..."
  417. [03:32:41] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "As in pitching flirtations."
  418. [03:32:41] Lotlhuitl says, "<*tilted her head.*> "
  419. [03:32:41] Lotlhuitl says, "I have not seen JaDrako."
  420. [03:33:32] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Ah that sucks. I like your belt. Really accentuates your hips."
  421. [03:38:40] Xarnata glances right. "Need something?"
  422. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  423. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  425. [03:39:31] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "No like hood man. Help foreigner hide the consequence."
  426. [03:39:31] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Want see face."
  427. [03:39:31] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Sadly, you can see my face, unless you are simpliy not looking. I have my rights to be here however, so you may be on your way."
  428. [03:40:22] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (I can see your face IC?)
  429. [03:41:13] LOOC - Xarnata Kuraichie: (yup.)
  430. [03:41:13] LOOC - Xarnata Kuraichie: (Just like in the pic, face is visible, only hair's not)
  431. [03:41:13] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (can I see your hands? or deduct that your skin is light?)
  432. [03:41:13] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (Going off the sprite here)
  433. [03:42:04] LOOC - Xarnata Kuraichie: (One hand's metal, one's flesh)
  434. [03:42:04] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (kk
  435. [03:42:04] Lotlhuitl regarded Xarnata from beneath long, dark eyelashes. Slooowly tracing her green, predatory, feline gaze up and down his form. Appraising him.
  437. "Hm," she murmured, expression serious as she raised one of her delicate hands to her lips. The other hand (her left) she placed on one of those hips of hers. Shifted her weight, hip thrust out.
  439. "My belt wouldn't suit you, Jianghuan. I made it from prizes take from enemies I downed in battle."
  441. Either Lotlhuitl was being purposefully obtuse, or she'd missed the purpose of Xarnata's comment.
  443. "Besides, I'd have to find something else shiny to replace it." Her tail, fluffy and long, slowly swayed from side to side as she spoke.
  445. Languidly, she cast her gaze towards Uro and Nizhoni.
  447. "Problem?"
  448. (Lotlhuitl)
  449. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  451. [03:42:04] Uro looks at the man's face, then exposed hands. One of them wasn't flesh-- the other one was.
  452. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  453. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  455. [03:42:56] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Foreigner steal Nyeshk lately. Light skin tell me foreigner."
  456. [03:42:56] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "... and Lotlhuitl say you Jink."
  457. [03:42:56] Uro Tlahcotzin asks, "Where permission?"
  458. [03:42:56] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Want see."
  459. [03:42:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I made an assumption that was obvious)
  460. [03:52:19] The man turned his head away from Uro, clearly disinterested in the man.
  462. "Anyways, I would't want to take your belt from you, at least not for long if I were to manage getting that far."
  464. The man winks to the woman with a grin, his hands idly go up to his head, pulling back his hood and resting behind his neck in a relaxed manner, shifting his weight onto his left leg.
  466. His kimono sleieves fell down his arms, revealing more of the man's arms, he seemed a bit scrawny as though he rarely saw any manual labor, though his skin suggested he was well kempt and clean, though his lackluster clothing suggested that he was neither rich, nor a miner. A satchel on his side carrying rolls of empty paper. The runes upon his robes were a mix of Valmasian, Jianghuran and Gehennan in nature in equal proportions.
  468. His eyes trailed over to Uro again as a small trace of memory towards the man who was captured.
  470. "Besides, Like I said, I need to find JaDrako before I start getting it in my mind to try and spread my bloodline here... What are you looking at? You really gotta ask me to -see- permission when it's not the way of Gehenna to give written slips of permission? I am friend of Hatsune Panic, JaDrako, the former Ezmaran warchief Necalli, Oyaotl and many others. Need further proof of my right to walk these lands?"
  471. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  472. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  474. [03:53:10] Uro narrows his eyes, dilated eyes judging him.
  475. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  476. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  478. [03:53:10] Uro Tlahcotzin asks, "Supposed to take word?"
  479. [03:53:10] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "You steal Gehenna things>"
  480. [03:53:10] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: ?*)
  481. [03:54:01] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Foreigner who come Gehenna show permission from funny man Lin."
  482. [03:54:01] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Not Gehenna Chief."
  483. [03:54:01] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Show me if have Nyeshk and other Gehenna thing."
  484. [03:54:52] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Yeah, that's a trade permit to gather resources. I'm not here to gather resources. Well, maybe hot women, but otherwise, I don't have any ore except steel from the caverns. Six pieces."
  485. [03:55:44] Uro glances at Nizhoni, then back at Xarnata.
  486. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  487. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  489. [03:55:44] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Ok."
  490. [03:55:44] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "If catch lying, will make Ocualli."
  491. [03:55:44] Xarnata Kuraichie asks, "And what is Occualli?"
  492. [03:55:44] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Slave."
  493. [03:55:44] Xarnata Kuraichie asks, "Oh really?"
  494. [03:56:35] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yes. Like other Jink Ocualli."
  495. [03:56:35] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Nobody special."
  496. [03:56:35] Xarnata motions to the blue haired woman. "Her?"
  497. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  498. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  500. [03:56:35] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Foreigner all filth."
  501. [03:56:35] Uro clicks his tongue, shaking his head.
  502. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  503. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505. [03:56:35] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "No."
  506. [03:57:26] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "That mate. Beauty Nizhoni."
  507. [03:57:26] LOOC - Nizhoni : (oh god i missed so much im back now
  508. [03:57:26] Nizhoni says, "I'm part of Atl, though my mother is from Jianghu. She is an Ocualli, a slave, whereas my father is a warrior of Atl. "
  509. [03:58:17] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Well, I'm glad you are not Ocualli. There's somethings I won't bare. A woman who gives sex out of pity and a sex slave."
  510. [03:59:08] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Do many thing in Atl."
  511. [03:59:08] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "But one thing don't do is harm Ocualli."
  512. [03:59:08] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Any way."
  513. [03:59:08] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Good."
  514. [04:00:00] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Spirits protect. No steal."
  515. [04:00:00] Uro Tlahcotzin asks, "Ok?"
  516. [04:00:00] Xarnata let loose an overwhelming pressure of raw mana for a few moments. "You got it."
  517. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  518. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  520. [04:00:51] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Good foreigner. This one not foolish."
  521. [04:00:51] Uro raises a hand, walking away towards who knows where.
  522. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  523. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  525. [04:01:42] LOOC - Nizhoni : (she has been dotting a long time
  526. [04:01:42] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (didn't see dot sorry)
  527. [04:02:33] Lotlhuitl blinked. "You suspect this man is your outsider Nyeshek thief..?"
  529. The youthful woman thought hard about that. A delicate hand tapping against her chin as she continued to appraise Xarnata.
  531. And then a frown.
  533. "You.. you would rob me? You couldn't take my belt from me, Jianghuan. But thank you for warning me of your strange intentions." Lotlhuitl - unlike the other two it seemed - did not use racial slurs. She scoffed. "Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati is not so easily robbed."
  535. Yeah. Lotlhuitl really hadn't understood the vaguely sexual undercurrent to what Xarnata was saying. No. The Nagual, not understanding, seemed to be concerned something suspicious was going on. "You two." She said, terse. She didn't look at Uro or his mate as she spoke. "Thank you for informing me of the Nyeshek theft. I will take this from here."
  537. Lotlhuitl bit her bottom lip, shifting in place. Still looking Xarnata up and down. Fluffy blue-black ears pinning back lightly.
  539. "Will you come with me inside the temple? I have a few questions."
  541. (Lotlhuitl)
  542. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  544. [04:02:33] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im slow. sorry.)
  545. [04:03:24] LOOC - Xarnata Kuraichie: (np)
  546. [04:08:32] The man looked back over the Nagual as his attention was once more solely on the woman. His eyes gaguing her figure, perhaps she was playing hard to get, perhaps she was unknowing. He remembered how much she went after Khalisha, perhaps she was into women.
  548. "Oh you wouldn't be robbed, Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati, you would be mated with after much teasing and pointless banter that serves only to make your desire all the more burning."
  550. He let out a slow, heated breath through his nose as he admired her stomach, then up further around her chest before finally resting on her face.
  552. "But alas, I do do not take what is not offered, though you look so tantalizing."
  553. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  554. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  556. [04:23:02] Lotlhuitl had expected Xarnata to follow. She only wanted to ask him a few questions, after all. It was routine. And so, the woman had turned, hair fanning behind her. The Nagual, draped in jewellery as she was, subtly jingled with each step.
  558. But when the Jianghuan spoke, she realised he hadn't followed at all. She looked over her shoulder first, before once more turning to him. Expression serious. Chin held high.
  560. "Mated with." She repeated. Tension building in her willowy limbs. "Mated with."
  562. Lotlhuitl exhaled. One long breath. Tension in her jaw as she grit her teeth. "I will see these papers of yours." Oh, she wanted a lot more than that. She wanted to punch him in the fucking face. "And see if you've got any stolen goods on you, you deviant."
  563. (Lotlhuitl)
  564. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  566. [04:28:09] The man chuckled at her sudden fighting spirit. His face remaining calm and smiling, unmoving yet.
  568. "I'm suprised it took you that long to realize the flirtations, having to speak plainly of the intent of the words."
  570. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other.
  572. "As I told the guy that passed, however, I'm not a trader and thus I do not need trader's papers. I am a walker, I walk and I deliver messages."
  574. He looked beyond the Nagual and lifted his right arm in greeting to Xitlalli
  576. "Hello beautiful Dancer, I have not seen you in quite a while, Xitlalli, you are looking quite provocative today, did your hair change since last we met?"
  577. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  578. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  580. [04:34:08] Provocative wasn't the word she wished to be associated with; something in the same vein yes, but not that. Not only that, but Xarnata was someone she hardly knew nor trusted entirely due to a lack of knowing.
  582. There wouldn't be much in response however, to the man's words, only a half-lidded gaze being cast upon him and a few words given before she went back to idling.
  584. "No, it's still the same. I wonder where you've been. Where's Kalisha? Anyway... I'm busy sort of. Plenty to think on."
  585. (Xitlalli)
  586. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588. [04:34:08] Lotlhutil stepped up to Xarnata, drawing herself up to her full height. The Nagual was angry. Her fluffy tail bristled, her ears pinned back. A deep blush at her cheeks.
  590. "You will not ignore me, outsider." She stated, anger flaring within her as he laughed at her. His smiling, calm countenance did not make her desire to break his nose decrease.
  592. "I am a warrior of the Cruxati and.. and you are very suspicious!"
  593. (Lotlhuitl)
  594. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  596. [04:37:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (brb)
  597. [04:46:56] "That was a question I was wondering as well, but even Lotlhutil here does not know..."
  599. His eyes gaze down at her from a full foot taller in height. Her tail given a brief glance over, it was diffent from a Kitsune's, less hair and less teasing. His eyes pinched at the corners as his smile widened, something about women being angry made them cute. Perhaps it was his love of a fight. Perhaps something else..
  601. "I am not ignoring you, Lotlhutil. Merely stating the facts of the matter at hand. I have delivered messages before, to your very chieftan even. Quite the powerful presence she has. Very tantalizing. You now, you have your own air of beauty that teases the mind in wondering, would you like a friendly spar?~"
  603. His tone was lilting, as if he had not sparred in so long, or perhaps a spar with the woman was something he simply desired. He had spoken his peace and his proof after all, and JaDrako slowly resurfaced in his thoughts.
  604. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  605. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. [05:14:14] Lotlhuitl stood at six feet tall. She was a tall woman. Willowy. Draped in jewellery. Bold. Oh, and she was furious.
  609. Her gaze didn't shy away from Xarnata as he brazenly continued to check her out. No. Her green eyes narrowed, gaze fixing on Xarnata's face. The frown only deepened, her brows furrowing.
  611. "Oh, believe me." Lotlhuitl finally said. Shifting her weight forward. "There will be nothing friendly about me laying my fist into your pretty face." The woman snarled, ears pinned back.
  613. "Now, stand still." With intense annoyance, Lotlhuitl attempted to reach out and pat Xarnata down, intending on searching him for stolen goods, specifically the stolen ore!
  614. (Lotlhuitl)
  615. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  617. [05:19:21] The man chuckled as he stood still, she would find no ore save the six steel chunks in his posession, though hopefuly she would avoid certain areas for find an odd surprise.
  619. "Careful now."
  620. ( )
  621. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  622. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  624. [05:20:12] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Ah, Drako! Just the man I was wishing to see."
  625. [05:21:04] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Yo?"
  626. [05:21:04] Xarnata Kuraichie exclaims, "Though being patted down because other Jianghese are said to be stealing Nysheck... well not the best view to be seen in mn? So long as she does not pat down the uhh.. goods though I'll be fine. I come with a message!"
  627. [05:21:55] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Xarnata isn't a thief can ya like not?"
  628. [05:21:55] Lotlhuitl inspected the ore that Xarnata had on his possession.
  629. (Lotlhuitl)
  630. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  632. [05:21:55] Oyaotl asks, "What is the message?"
  633. [05:21:55] Oyaotl says, "Let me guess: 'JaDrako please come back'."
  634. [05:21:55] JaDrako Kumo says, "They don't want me."
  635. [05:21:55] Xitlalli asks, "Hrm?"
  636. [05:22:46] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "I'm already aroused as it is. The message is a more personal one."
  637. [05:22:46] Lotlhuitl says, "Ugh."
  638. [05:22:46] Oyaotl says, "..."
  639. [05:22:46] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Careful, Lotlhuit.."
  640. [05:22:46] Xitlalli says, "What the hell."
  641. [05:22:46] Oyaotl says, "Disgustin'."
  642. [05:22:46] Xarnata Kuraichie asks, "You done looking through my pouch?"
  643. [05:22:46] JaDrako Kumo says, "Here he goes with the weird shit."
  644. [05:22:46] Lotlhuitl drops the steel ore, disgusted.
  645. (Lotlhuitl)
  646. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  648. [05:22:46] Oyaotl says, "Make it quick, you test my paitence. Messenger."
  649. [05:22:46] Lotlhuitl says, "Deviant."
  650. [05:23:37] Xitlalli glares at the pervert! Good grief.
  651. (Xitlalli)
  652. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  654. [05:23:37] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Just pass the message please?"
  655. [05:23:37] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Yes yes. The message is simple. Let's hang out."
  656. [05:24:28] Xitlalli says, "Why... Make things so long-winded? Why not ask a question, that method of luring in one's attention seems really crude."
  657. [05:25:20] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Thats it?"
  658. [05:25:20] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Yup. That's the extent of the message. Let's hang out. There's some subtext, such as , I grow bored of the bedroom politics and wish to be around people who are not as.. Backstabbing for atime."
  659. [05:26:11] Oyaotl asks, "Take 'em to the house...?"
  660. [05:26:11] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Big pimpin Leo?"
  661. [05:26:11] Leo says, "Hi, J."
  662. [05:26:11] JaDrako Kumo says, "Yea he can chill there."
  663. [05:27:02] Oyaotl asks, "Ya' gonna greet me sweet'ums?"
  664. [05:27:02] Leo says, "Hi, maaa..."
  665. [05:27:02] Oyaotl is appeased.
  666. (Oyaotl)
  667. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  669. [05:27:53] JaDrako Kumo says, "That's more like it ya dork."
  670. [05:27:53] What even was this. The Nagual's ears had been entirely pinned back, cold fury taking hold of her limbs. She.. she could feel her blood surging in her veins.
  672. Xarnata disgusted her.
  674. Lotlhuitl laughed.
  676. And then the Nagual spun on her back foot, aiming on slamming her fist into Xarnata's face.
  677. (Lotlhuitl)
  678. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  680. [05:29:36] JaDrako Vritra dashes over to the Nagual grabbing her wrist and looking at her dead in the face
  682. "People who do dumb shit like that is why they call us savages what the hell?" JaDrako sounded very annoyed today.
  683. (JaDrako Kumo)
  684. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  686. [05:33:52] The man was knocked backwards though something seemed off. Like.. really off. The moment she punched him, instead of a trickle of blood, there was a release of purple mist. Where normally such a blow would knock him off his ass, the blow seemed to slow down then suddenly halt entirely.
  688. A brief moment, if a moment could be so brief, passed before his body reveresed the entirety of the reeling motion, the purple mist itself wisking back up his nose.
  690. And he was fine.. Completely fine somehow, looking untouched by the blow given without the strenght of mana to back it into a more perminant hit.
  692. The man had finaly rewound time. Though only four seconds had passed since the blow had been connected, one would expect it to be the extent of his power, or any magi's power over their own time.
  694. He blinked.
  695. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  696. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  698. [05:34:43] Xitlalli asks, "Oyaotl, why is this happening?"
  699. [05:34:43] Oyaotl says, "I do not know. I want to leave. "
  700. [05:34:43] Xitlalli leans back on the wall, crossing her arms over one another.
  701. (Xitlalli)
  702. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  704. [05:35:34] Xitlalli says, "That'd mean moving your legs then."
  705. [05:35:34] Lotlhuitl says, "He.. he came here under false pretenses. To say lewd things to me. To Xitlalli."
  706. [05:35:34] Oyaotl says, "Carry me..."
  707. [05:35:34] Xitlalli asks, "Carry you?"
  708. [05:35:34] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "No, I came here under pretense of delivering a message to JaDrako. Flirting with you was a bonus."
  709. [05:35:34] Oyaotl says, "I want to leave, but I am lazy."
  710. [05:36:25] Xitlalli says, "You're much larger than me, Oyaotl... I'm smaller."
  711. [05:36:25] Oyaotl says, "Then I'll wait for prince big J to carry me."
  712. [05:37:16] Xitlalli exclaims, "He's just as tall as myself!"
  713. [05:37:16] Oyaotl says, "I am stranded.."
  714. [05:37:16] Xitlalli scratches the back of her head for a moment.
  715. (Xitlalli)
  716. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  718. [05:37:16] JaDrako still holding the nagual's wrist
  720. "Perverts are everywhere it doesn't mean beat the hell out of them, its not like he touched you. If anything you touched him."
  722. JaDrako sighed and placed a hand on his Trap face
  724. "Can ya just not go trying to smack people it makes us look bad."
  725. (JaDrako Kumo)
  726. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  728. [05:37:16] Xitlalli says, "Fine. Fine. But if I fall down, it's your fault."
  729. [05:38:08] Oyaotl says, "Carry me~"
  730. [05:38:59] Xitlalli extends her arms out, in a bid to carry Oyaotl.
  731. (Xitlalli)
  732. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. [05:38:59] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "I mean I never touch without permission, and when asked to stop flirting, I stop. Simple as that. I respect women enough for that."
  735. [05:38:59] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Which is saying a lot for some of the men left in Jianghu."
  736. [05:39:50] Leo blinks, having flashbacks of Shinzu.
  737. (Leo)
  738. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  740. [05:39:50] Oyaotl outstretches her arms, awaiting to be carted off like the princess she is.
  741. (Oyaotl)
  742. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  743. [05:40:41] Xitlalli awkwardly scoops up Oyaotl like that of a princess? Oof. They also got carted off.
  744. (Xitlalli)
  745. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  747. [05:40:41] Xitlalli asks, "So, where to?"
  748. [05:40:41] Oyaotl says, "Home."
  749. [05:42:24] "JaDrako. Let go of me."
  751. Lotlhuitl shot the feminine Drakanite a look, by which she intended on non-verbally communicating that she was steadily gaining a growing desire to disembowel him.
  753. And then, that look! The Nagual bared her teeth, screwing up her face as she all but spat at Xarnata. "You keep your filthy thoughts to yourself, Jianghuan pervert."
  755. She attempted to tug her hand free of JaDrako's grasp.
  756. (Lotlhuitl)
  757. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  759. [05:43:15] Xitlalli says, "I'll see you in a bit, Lotlhuitl."
  760. [05:43:15] Xarnata Kuraichie asks, "So. I heard something about a house?"
  761. [05:45:48] JaDrako looked over at Lotlhuitl unamused he let go of her hand shaking his head
  763. "Stop acting like such a-" He cut his self off and just walked away before he'd leave he turn to the others
  765. "Leo, Xarnata, Uro and Nizhoni wanna hang at the house or...?"
  766. (JaDrako Kumo)
  767. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  769. [05:46:40] Xarnata places his hand behind his head, relaxingly walking
  770. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  771. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  772. [06:01:10] Uro Tlahcotzin asks, "Foreigner Jink bother you?"
  774. [06:04:35] Lotlhuitl was visibly furious. Her large fluffy ears pinned back flat against her head. A snarl at her lips. Her gaze baleful. The foreigner had bothered her.
  776. "He has no right to be here!" She found herself blurting out, hands balled into fists once more. "And a pervert!"
  777. (Lotlhuitl)
  778. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780. [06:06:17] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yes."
  781. [06:06:17] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "No trust foreigner."
  782. [06:06:17] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Ever."
  783. [06:07:08] Lotlhuitl says, "He's a liar. I.. I'm.. under orders, however."
  784. [06:07:08] Lotlhuitl says, "it's.. a difficult situation."
  785. [06:08:00] Lotlhuitl says, "JaDrako.. I don't know what on earth he is playing at."
  786. [06:08:51] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yea,"
  787. [06:08:51] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Strange place."
  788. [06:09:42] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "No such thing happen in Atl."
  789. [06:09:42] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Atl no like foreigners."
  790. [06:09:42] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Make Ocualli."
  791. [06:09:42] Lotlhuitl says, "The Cruxati are not weak."
  792. [06:10:33] Lotlhuitl says, "JaDrako is.. he's supposed to be one of us."
  793. [06:10:33] Lotlhuitl says, "But he stood there. He stopped me from defending myself, after that vile creature insulted me. "
  794. [06:10:33] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yes."
  795. [06:11:24] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Must care."
  796. [06:11:24] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Jink may hurt Lotlhuitl."
  797. [06:11:24] Lotlhuitl says, "He.. he couldn't. I am strong."
  798. [06:13:07] Nizhoni says, "Yes, it's worrying to see we allow foreigners to come in and act the way he did. If it were Atl, if it were our Chieftain, he would have been... Well, it wouldn't be good. "
  799. [06:13:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Kayeliun would have had him arrested."
  800. [06:13:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Will have him arrested, once I tell her what he said to me. "
  801. [06:13:58] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yes yes."
  802. [06:13:58] Nizhoni says, "Good. Same will happen if he comes to Atl. Uro and I will take care of him. "
  803. [06:13:58] Lotlhuitl says, "And I will sacrifice him to my Goddess. She will burn away his impurity. "
  804. [06:13:58] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Never trust Jink."
  805. [06:13:58] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Good."
  806. [06:13:58] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Sacrifice Jink."
  807. [06:15:40] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I will."
  808. [06:15:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's grace."
  809. [06:16:32] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Be safe Lotlhuitl."
  810. [06:16:32] Nizhoni says, "Good. Spirits protect. "
  811. [06:16:32] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Uro like."
  812. [06:16:32] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Spirits protect."
  813. [06:17:23] He turns around, staring at him with calm facial expression, sizing him up.
  814. (Leon)
  815. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  817. [06:18:14] Slowly, but he realizes that person he was staring is female.
  818. (Leon)
  819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  821. [06:19:56] He keeps looking at her, turning his head sideways a bit, clueless about who she is, being completely quiet and patient, awaiting for greetings or somewhat of response.
  822. (Leon)
  823. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  825. [06:19:56] Lotlhuitl was a tall woman. A nagual, with overlarge and fluffy cat-like ears; a long, fluffy, blue-black tail; and one hell of a scowl decorating her pretty little face.
  827. She cast Leon a harsh, appraising gaze.
  829. "Identify yourself: name and tribal affiliation." A command.
  831. The woman shifted closer to him, her gaze (emerald green and feline and predatory!) locking onto the man. With each step she audibly jingled, such was the amount of jewellery adorning her willowy frame.
  832. (Lotlhuitl)
  833. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  835. [06:19:56] Leon says, "Uh.."
  836. [06:20:48] Leon says, "Name's Leon, I am from Gehenna."
  837. [06:20:48] Lotlhuitl asks, "Tribeless?"
  838. [06:20:48] Leon says, "I guess."
  839. [06:20:48] Lotlhuitl asks, "New off the boat?"
  840. [06:20:48] Leon says, "Yes."
  841. [06:20:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  842. [06:20:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Let me give you a tour, Leon."
  843. [06:20:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Follow me."
  844. [06:21:39] Leon says, "I'll be grateful."
  845. [06:21:39] Lotlhuitl says, "I am Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati, and this is the main courtyard of the Cruxati. Within, Cruxati temple."
  846. [06:21:39] He kicks his feet into motion, following her step by step, curious about a tour he's gonna get.
  847. (Leon)
  848. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  850. [06:21:39] Leon asks, "Why is it Cruxati?"
  851. [06:22:30] Leon asks, "Somebody owns it?"
  852. [06:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Cruxati is the name of our people. The Cruxati tribe."
  853. [06:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "There are three tribes. Cruxati, Atl, and Ezmaran."
  854. [06:23:21] Leon asks, "So you are some kind of high command within Cruxati?"
  855. [06:23:21] Leon says, "Because.. nobody really asked my tribe or my name in that way."
  856. [06:23:21] Lotlhuitl says, "I am a warrior, yes."
  857. [06:23:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Not high command. I am not the Warchief, nor Chieftess."
  858. [06:23:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Kayeliun leads us. "
  859. [06:24:12] Lotlhuitl says, "And I? I guard Cruxati against danger."
  860. [06:24:12] Leon says, "Don't take me as enemy, I am just a mage."
  861. [06:24:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I... am feeling terse as some outsider just insulted me, flaunted an utter disrepect for our customs and laws, and.. well. Just all around was unpleasant."
  862. [06:25:04] Leon says, "..Oh."
  863. [06:25:04] Leon says, "I feel sorry for you."
  864. [06:25:04] Lotlhuitl says, "If you meet a fellow named Xarnata, white hair, Jianghuan, I'd avoid him."
  865. [06:25:04] Lotlhuitl says, "He is a deviant and a pervert."
  866. [06:25:04] Leon says, "I met someone from a church with a white hair."
  867. [06:25:04] Lotlhuitl says, "... hm."
  868. [06:25:55] Leon says, "He is friendly."
  869. [06:25:55] Leon says, "I learnt holy powers and I almost mastered fire."
  870. [06:25:55] Lotlhuitl says, "Well. Xarnata decided to tell me in great detail that he was going to mate me. So, I do not think he is the type of fellow which Gehenna is happy to have visit."
  871. [06:25:55] Leon says, "Must be rapist."
  872. [06:26:46] He looks around, as he pays attention to his surroundings closely.
  873. (Leon)
  874. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  876. [06:27:37] Lotlhuitl says, "Follow."
  877. [06:28:28] He kicks his feet into motion once again, as he steps forwards, following Lotlhuitl.
  878. (Leon)
  879. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  881. [06:28:28] Lotlhuitl says, "The Cruxati consider themselves the best dressed tribe."
  882. [06:29:20] Lotlhuitl squints at Leon.
  883. (Lotlhuitl)
  884. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  886. [06:29:20] Lotlhuitl says, "You pass. So.. I could induct you into the tribe, if you were interested."
  887. [06:29:20] Lotlhuitl says, "If you wish to freshen up your look - which is already pretty good - you can talk to the merchants here."
  888. [06:29:20] Leon says, "I am broke."
  889. [06:29:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  890. [06:30:11] Lotlhuitl says, "What can you offer me? I'm happy to pay you for your services."
  891. [06:30:11] Lotlhuitl asks, "A story, perhaps?"
  892. [06:30:11] Leon asks, "Are you fan of magic?"
  893. [06:30:11] Lotlhuitl asks, "Or a favour, at some later stage?"
  894. [06:30:11] Lotlhuitl asks, "What kind of magic?"
  895. [06:30:11] Leon says, "Fire or holy."
  896. [06:30:11] Leon says, "I am learning gravity as well."
  897. [06:31:02] Lotlhuitl says, "My love is a gravity mage."
  898. [06:31:02] Leon says, "It is really useful, indeed."
  899. [06:31:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: It's a weak force. (omit)
  900. [06:31:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (physics joke)
  901. [06:31:02] LOOC - Leon: (15 rpp ;-;)
  902. [06:31:53] Leon says, "Well, I can do fire show."
  903. [06:31:53] Leon says, "Or something like this."
  904. [06:31:53] Leon says, "Some kind of entertainment."
  905. [06:31:53] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well. I hire you for you to perform a fire show for me. Not now, at a later date.."
  906. [06:32:44] {Item} Dropped a bag of 100 Coins.
  907. [06:32:44] Lotlhuitl handed Leon a bag of some 100 coins!
  908. (Lotlhuitl)
  909. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  911. [06:33:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Maybe fix up your outfit later, though."
  912. [06:33:36] Lotlhuitl says, "I'd like to finish the tour."
  913. [06:33:36] Leon says, "Sure, I won't interrupt you."
  914. [06:33:36] Lotlhuitl says, "This is the farmland. You can sometimes find -- "
  915. [06:33:36] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (brb)
  916. [06:33:36] Lotlhuitl GLARED AT ADSILA.
  917. (Lotlhuitl)
  918. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  920. [06:33:36] ADSILA GLARES HARDER
  921. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  922. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  924. [06:33:36] He turns around, notiicng a pause, as he stares at duo, raising his eyebrow, confused.
  925. (Leon)
  926. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  928. [06:34:27] Lotlhuitl IS A CHAMPION GLARER YO
  929. (Lotlhuitl)
  930. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  932. [06:34:27] In this moment, Leon understood, he's fucked up.
  933. (Leon)
  934. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  936. [06:34:27] But for a split of moment, he came to realization, that argument or something like this is not gonna touch him, he silently observes both of them.
  937. (Leon)
  938. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  940. [06:35:18] Lotlhuitl says, "This is Adsila, Leon."
  941. [06:35:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Gave up being a priestess to pursue monetary gain."
  942. [06:35:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Also takes cheap shots in honour duels."
  943. [06:36:09] Leon says, "Greetings, Adsila."
  944. [06:37:52] Leon asks, "She's not talkative, is she?"
  945. [06:39:34] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Hello, again."
  946. [06:39:34] He wonders if they met each other together or it wasn't directed to him, so he'll just stay silent.
  947. (Leon)
  948. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  950. [06:40:25] Lotlhuitl says, "Nnn.."
  951. [06:41:16] Leon asks, "Nnn?"
  952. [06:41:16] Lotlhuitl looked exceedingly grumpy, tapping her left foot as the cogs in her Nagual head were visibly whirring..
  953. (Lotlhuitl)
  954. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  956. [06:41:16] Leon says, "Oh.. "
  957. [06:41:16] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Come on now, that's no way to greet an old friend!"
  958. [06:41:16] The dryad smiles, revealing her sharp teeth.
  960. Not necessarily out of malice.
  961. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  962. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  964. [06:41:16] Leon asks, "You're okay, Lotlhuitl?"
  965. [06:41:16] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  966. [06:41:16] Lotlhuitl looked behind herself, to Leon.
  967. (Lotlhuitl)
  968. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  970. [06:42:08] Lotlhuitl asks, "He knows you?"
  971. [06:42:08] Leon says, "Uh. I don't know her."
  972. [06:42:08] Nizhoni says, "I picked up a few things. "
  973. [06:42:08] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (ban naguals.)
  974. [06:42:08] Maiya Vindict says, "Ahhhn, thank you. I've just got to head inside."
  975. [06:42:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (D<)
  976. [06:42:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (a n g e r y)
  977. [06:42:59] LOOC - Leon: ( -triggered- )
  978. [06:42:59] Lotlhuitl says, "... as I was saying, you can often get work here, Leon."
  979. [06:43:50] Lotlhuitl says, "All right. Fine. I'll bite."
  980. [06:43:50] Lotlhuitl asks, "We're friends now?"
  981. [06:43:50] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Sure are."
  982. [06:43:50] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  983. [06:43:50] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Let's continue the tour!"
  984. [06:43:50] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  985. [06:43:50] He finds it hillarious and holds his laugh in.
  986. (Leon)
  987. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  989. [06:44:41] Lotlhuitl seemed to think really HARD about this. Tail visbly twitching, annoyance rising within her..
  990. (Lotlhuitl)
  991. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  993. [06:44:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Fine."
  994. [06:45:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Mostly homes, but to the north here, there's a church. I think Kaschei hangs out here."
  995. [06:45:32] Leon says, "Yeah I remembered."
  996. [06:45:32] Leon says, "His name is Kaschei."
  997. [06:45:32] Leon says, "He was the one I met."
  998. [06:45:32] LOOC - Leon: (i am in iustus guild now)
  999. [06:45:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmm. Well, hopefully he stops his foolishness."
  1000. [06:46:24] Lotlhuitl says, "N-not his worship, just.. recent events.."
  1001. [06:46:24] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Kaschei is my husband!"
  1002. [06:47:15] Leon says, "I think we lost someone."
  1003. [06:47:15] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Keep going.)
  1004. [06:47:15] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh. Well, I'm sorry for you."
  1005. [06:47:15] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (itll warp me 2 u()
  1006. [06:47:15] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Ah yes! The arena! It's been a long time since I built this!"
  1007. [06:47:15] Leon asks, "You built this?"
  1008. [06:47:15] Lotlhuitl says, "You buil-"
  1009. [06:48:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Ahem."
  1010. [06:48:06] Leon says, "No way."
  1011. [06:48:06] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Yes, I built everything from here, north. South of the Ezmaran wall, of course!"
  1012. [06:48:06] Lotlhuitl didn't seem to have known this. Not entirely sure how to process it.
  1013. (Lotlhuitl)
  1014. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1016. [06:48:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes.. well. This is the Ezmaran Arena. "
  1017. [06:48:57] Lotlhuitl says, "If you can't find people elsewhere, they're usually in here. "
  1018. [06:49:48] Lotlhuitl says, "This is Ezmara. "
  1019. [06:49:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Has a large marketplace. "
  1020. [06:49:48] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Welcome to the Market!"
  1021. [06:49:48] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "If you ever need a discount, don't hesitate to ask!"
  1022. [06:49:48] Leon says, "Alright.. Thank you.."
  1023. [06:49:48] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "I manage most of the stores here, however, I work hard to ensure other merchants can set up buisinesses as well!"
  1024. [06:50:40] Lotlhuitl squinted at Adsila.
  1025. (Lotlhuitl)
  1026. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1028. [06:50:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, so.. talk to Adsila if that interests you. "
  1029. [06:51:31] Lotlhuitl says, "This is a spooky cave. You can find reagents within. "
  1030. [06:51:31] Lotlhuitl says, "Need a torch or.. some sort of magical aura which lights up to see inside."
  1031. [06:51:31] LOOC - Leon: (is it lag)
  1032. [06:51:31] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Careful though! If Maiya catches you snooping around in here, she may not take kindly to it!"
  1033. [06:51:31] Lotlhuitl asks, "What, really?"
  1034. [06:52:22] Lotlhuitl asks, "Since when?"
  1035. [06:52:22] LOOC - Leon: (did i crash)
  1036. [06:52:22] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Since ever."
  1037. [06:52:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeh)
  1038. [06:52:22] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Of course, if you work with her, or get her regents, she doesn't mind."
  1039. [06:52:22] Adsila Coaxoch says, "That said, if you are trying to become an alchemist without her permission."
  1040. [06:52:22] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Don't."
  1041. [06:53:13] Leon says, "I'll stick to my mage title for now."
  1042. [06:53:13] Lotlhuitl rolled her eyes.
  1043. (Lotlhuitl)
  1044. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1046. [06:55:47] Lotlhuitl says, "North of here is the dreadwoods. There are some mountains further to the north, caves there too in which you can mine, if you're inclined."
  1047. [06:55:47] Lotlhuitl says, "... also the dwelling place of the Great Spirit, Dmex, Warchief of the Ezmara, slayer of the wicked, protector of Gehenna."
  1048. [06:56:38] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Here!"
  1049. [06:56:38] Adsila Coaxoch says, "She is something, I don't know about all that, but Dmex is indeed something."
  1050. [06:56:38] Leon says, "It is headache, being a total newbie to these places."
  1051. [06:57:29] Lotlhuitl offered Leon what appeared to be a charm bracelet, made from coloured thread, and carved bones, and glass beads and inlaid with runes..
  1052. (Lotlhuitl)
  1053. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1055. [06:57:29] He chuckles a little bit, as he takes bracelet with curiousity.
  1056. (Leon)
  1057. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1059. [06:57:29] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Don't feel bad! We all need to take the time to learn!"
  1060. [06:57:29] Lotlhuitl says, "If you wear this, Dmex will recognise you as one of hers."
  1061. [06:57:29] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, we all start somewhere.."
  1062. [06:58:20] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1063. [06:58:20] Lotlhuitl eyed Adsila.
  1064. (Lotlhuitl)
  1065. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1067. [06:58:20] Lotlhuitl offered the dryad a bracelet.
  1068. (Lotlhuitl)
  1069. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1071. [06:59:12] The dryad calmly refuses the bracelet.
  1073. "She and I are of the same tribe. I hesitate to say I don't need one."
  1074. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  1075. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1077. [06:59:12] Leon says, "Oh."
  1078. [07:00:54] Leon says, "I see."
  1079. [07:00:54] Leon says, "I saw a demons around there and one of them wanted to crush me."
  1080. [07:00:54] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Demons will sometimes attack you."
  1081. [07:00:54] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Other times they are entirely harmless."
  1082. [07:01:45] Adsila Coaxoch says, "My only issue is with mimics."
  1083. [07:01:45] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Fucking slime-balls."
  1084. [07:02:36] Lotlhuitl says, "... well, I guess the only other place to show you is Atl."
  1085. [07:03:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.. this, here? This is a really nice lake.."
  1086. [07:03:28] Lotlhuitl says, "This is still Cruxati territory.."
  1087. [07:03:28] Lotlhuitl says, "We're just south of the main square."
  1088. [07:04:19] Lotlhuitl says, "This is Teocualt. Home of the Atl."
  1089. [07:05:10] Leon says, "Quite empty."
  1090. [07:05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "This building is the Nitiehuezit Temple."
  1091. [07:05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes.. I think everyone is asleep."
  1092. [07:05:10] Leon asks, "Arena, I suppose?"
  1093. [07:05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "The Blood Pits."
  1094. [07:05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "But, yes."
  1095. [07:05:10] Leon says, "Oh wow."
  1096. [07:05:10] Lotlhuitl whispers: I will only warn you once.
  1097. [07:06:01] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xomac Tepin is consumed with the Curse of Sin.
  1098. [07:06:01] Lotlhuitl whispers: Be wary around him.
  1099. [07:06:01] Lotlhuitl whispers: He is the Chieftain of the Atl.
  1100. [07:06:01] He nods.
  1101. (Leon)
  1102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1104. [07:06:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: Many around him plot his death.
  1105. [07:06:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: He is threatening to tear Gehenna apart.
  1106. [07:07:44] Lotlhuitl whispers: Likewise, be wary of Ezmara. Karma is... he means well. I suppose.
  1107. [07:07:44] Lotlhuitl whispers: He's better now that the Great Spirit Dmex guides him.
  1108. [07:07:44] Leon whispers something.
  1109. [07:07:44] Lotlhuitl whispers: I didn't hear that.
  1110. [07:07:44] Leon whispers: He defended me from demon.
  1111. [07:08:35] Lotlhuitl whispers: He did?
  1112. [07:08:35] Leon whispers: Yes.
  1113. [07:08:35] Lotlhuitl whispers: Hm.
  1114. [07:08:35] Lotlhuitl whispers: He's.. not terrible.
  1115. [07:08:35] Lotlhuitl whispers: He's just..
  1116. [07:08:35] Lotlhuitl whispers: Eh. Be wary around him, is all I can say.
  1117. [07:08:35] Leon whispers: Okay.
  1118. [07:08:35] Lotlhuitl whispers: Only Chieftess Kayeliun is truly worthy.
  1119. [07:09:26] Leon whispers: Who should I avoid at all costs?
  1120. [07:09:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  1121. [07:11:08] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xomac.
  1122. [07:11:08] Leon whispers: How do I identify him?
  1123. [07:12:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: An oppressive aura of hate.
  1124. [07:12:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: He usually is found in Atl. Sitting atop the temple.
  1125. [07:12:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: He claims to be a god, you see.
  1126. [07:12:00] Leon whispers: But he isn't?
  1127. [07:13:42] Lotlhuitl whispers: No, he isn't.
  1128. [07:13:42] Leon whispers: So yeah, for a later date. Can I demonstrate you my fire show?
  1129. [07:15:24] Lotlhuitl whispers: mmm.
  1130. [07:17:07] Lotlhuitl says, "You may show me now, if you wish."
  1131. [07:17:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Or later."
  1132. [07:17:07] Leon says, "I'll be going to sleep and return later."
  1133. [07:17:07] Lotlhuitl says, "I am both kind *and* generous."
  1134. [07:17:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Of ourse."
  1135. [07:17:07] Leon says, "So."
  1136. [07:17:07] Leon says, "I'll show you now."
  1137. [07:17:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's Grace, Leon."
  1138. [07:17:58] LOOC - Leon: (i need rpp too ;-;)
  1139. [07:17:58] Lotlhuitl asks, "Oh?"
  1140. [07:18:49] He steps back a little bit, enough for a distance not to hurt anybody in his barrier, as he waves his hands around, creating a fire barrier around himself for more entertainment and curiousity.
  1142. He summons fire around the place, on it's plates for a big distance, as he sends fireballs in four directions, afterwards, doing a holy strike, forwards, performing a sightful maneuver.
  1143. (Leon)
  1144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1146. [07:20:32] Fire ignites, as it lights brightfully, as he imitates sending a kick forwards, summoning a fire out of his shoe and sending another fireballs towards his direction, hitting fist to the ground, summoning huge fire around him.
  1147. (Leon)
  1148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1150. [07:20:32] Lotlhuitl oohed and ahhed at appropriate moments! Clapping!
  1151. (Lotlhuitl)
  1152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1154. [07:21:23] Lotlhuitl gave Leon the first smile that he probably had seen her actually make since meeting her. She's ordinarily a very serious person!
  1155. (Lotlhuitl)
  1156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1158. [07:23:05] He then releases a fire under his legs, recreating somewhat of stairs, running onto them, as smoke comes out of his shoes, he then does somewhat of a charge into air, releasing fire in all directions, falling down with his head towards the ground, rolling around in air, as he sends a fireball downwards, performing a flip and landing down onto the ground, afterwards healing himself from some bruises he taken from his own fire, due not to mastering it completely yet.
  1160. He then summons holy blast in the air, charging them with a couple of fireballs, that connect together with a huge power, showing off his barrier, as he is in fire, as he then blows fire out of his mouth (Naruto remark), releasing a really huge amount of it forwards, wasting his mana to 1/2.
  1161. (Leon)
  1162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1164. [07:23:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "Gosh. Wow. Uh, are you supposed to be doing that?"
  1165. [07:23:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Ooh. Oh, I see."
  1166. [07:23:56] Lotlhuitl clapped again?
  1167. (Lotlhuitl)
  1168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1170. [07:23:56] He toggles off his barrier, as everything that remains from fire disappears, as it is extinguished completely.
  1171. (Leon)
  1172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1174. [07:24:48] Leon says, "It's somewhat of a quick and short fire show."
  1175. [07:24:48] Leon says, "Additionally with holy power that I taught yesterday."
  1176. [07:24:48] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "That was great!"
  1177. [07:24:48] Leon says, "Of healing and releasing holy blasts."
  1178. [07:24:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I thought you were going to brain yourself for sure for a second."
  1179. [07:24:48] Lotlhuitl says, "You've got a lot of potential."
  1180. [07:25:39] Leon says, "Being honest, I'll tell you a story."
  1181. [07:25:39] Leon says, "I was a mage before and in deadly battle, I lost my memory."
  1182. [07:25:39] Leon says, "I don't remember anything else than my age and name."
  1183. [07:25:39] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.."
  1184. [07:25:39] Lotlhuitl says, "That's really unfortunate."
  1185. [07:25:39] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm sure you'll remember, in time."
  1186. [07:26:30] You'd notice a scar at his forehead, seemingly from a sharp item.
  1187. (Leon)
  1188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1190. [07:26:30] LOOC - Leon: (yes)
  1191. [07:26:30] LOOC - Leon: (ur name?)
  1192. [07:26:30] LOOC - Leon: (Lotlhuitl (PD)?)
  1193. [07:27:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm PD!)
  1194. [07:27:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yes)
  1195. [07:27:21] LOOC - Leon: (police department?)
  1196. [07:28:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha no)
  1197. [07:29:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (phoenixdoll)
  1198. [07:29:04] LOOC - Leon: (woa)
  1199. [07:29:04] LOOC - Leon: (brb sec)
  1200. [07:29:55] LOOC - Leon: (back)
  1201. [07:30:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sadly my back is kinda achey)
  1202. [07:30:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I need to stretch, I'll brb)
  1203. [07:31:37] LOOC - Leon: (k)
  1204. [07:41:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm kinda super sleepies)
  1205. [07:41:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I may RP more)
  1206. [07:41:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (or may not..)
  1207. [07:41:52] LOOC - Leon: (lmao)
  1208. [07:41:52] LOOC - Leon: (as u wish)
  1209. [07:55:31]
  1210. {LOAD GAME}
  1212. [07:55:31] LOOC - Leon: (u rp or afk?)
  1213. [07:56:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm here)
  1214. [07:56:22] LOOC - Leon: (alright)
  1215. [07:57:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Come, Leon."
  1216. [07:57:13] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you want to see where Dmex dwells?"
  1217. [07:57:13] Leon says, "Yeah."
  1218. [07:58:04] Lotlhuitl says, "This is the Great Spirit's home."
  1219. [07:58:56] Leon asks, "Great Spirit?"
  1220. [07:58:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Dmex."
  1221. [07:58:56] Lotlhuitl says, "She's a Spirit."
  1222. [07:58:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Of the Tocathian."
  1223. [07:58:56] Leon says, "Oh."
  1224. [07:58:56] Leon asks, "But we aren't allowed to go here?"
  1225. [07:58:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, the door is locked."
  1226. [07:58:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "It's rude to break into someone's home, no?"
  1227. [07:58:56] Lotlhuitl knocks.
  1228. (Lotlhuitl)
  1229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1231. [07:59:47] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: It's best to ping people over here if you want to RP.
  1232. [07:59:47] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: But
  1233. [07:59:47] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: If you look in the guilds section, you can see if people are online.
  1234. [07:59:47] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: By clicking "members"
  1235. [07:59:47] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: Unfortunately, nobody else is online.
  1236. [08:00:38] Leon says, "yeah"
  1237. [08:00:38] LOOC - Leon: ))
  1238. [08:00:38] LOOC - Leon: (how to speak in guild chat)
  1239. [08:01:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you see how there's a "say" button next to an "RP" button ->)
  1240. [08:01:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (click on "say"
  1241. [08:01:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you can change say to "OOC" or "Midnight Covern"
  1242. [08:02:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: Midnight Covern lets you chat in that guild.)
  1243. [08:02:20] (Midnight Coven) Leon {Neophyte}: Like this?
  1244. [08:02:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (just make sure that you set yourself back to say when you're finished, otherwise you might accidentally mischannel at an inoptune time)
  1245. [08:02:20] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: yep
  1246. [08:02:20] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: guild chats are always OOC.
  1247. [08:02:20] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: Well, I think so.
  1248. [08:03:12] (Midnight Coven) Leon {Neophyte}: Yeah, I doubt we got telepathical communication.
  1249. [08:04:03] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: haha
  1250. [08:04:03] Leon says, "So uh."
  1251. [08:04:03] Leon asks, "What's next?"
  1252. [08:04:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmn.."
  1253. [08:04:03] Lotlhuitl says, "In truth, I.. kinda want to search out this demon settlement which has been allowed to form to the north."
  1254. [08:04:03] Lotlhuitl says, "But.. it may be a dangerous trip."
  1255. [08:04:54] Leon says, "Better than boredom."
  1256. [08:04:54] Lotlhuitl says, "And I should not put you in harms' way."
  1257. [08:04:54] Leon says, "Let's go."
  1258. [08:04:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah.."
  1259. [08:04:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Aha. Well, I like how you think."
  1260. [08:04:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Promise you won't tell my love, Xoconan about this."
  1261. [08:04:54] Leon says, "Sure."
  1262. [08:04:54] Lotlhuitl says, "He would not be happy with me, going off thrill seeking.."
  1263. [08:04:54] Leon says, "I promise."
  1264. [08:05:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Putting myself in danger."
  1265. [08:05:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Okay. Lets go.."
  1266. [08:05:45] Lotlhuitl asks, "Keep your wits around you, eh, Leon?"
  1267. [08:05:45] Leon says, "Yeah."
  1268. [08:09:10] Lotlhuitl was, admittedly, full of bad ideas.
  1270. She said the wrong things to Chieftains. Hunted the wrong creatures into the wrong parts of the jungle. And now she was contemplating doing exactly what she had chided others about doing.. and bringing along some fledgling mage with her, to boot.
  1272. "Hmm, just a brief look."
  1274. But it was not in the direction of the demon camp to which Lotlhuitl sought to travel. It was to the north west. Towards Jianghu.
  1276. "I'm not sure where this camp is, is the only issue.."
  1277. (Lotlhuitl)
  1278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1280. [08:10:52] He'd remain calm, as he knows that adventures are just beginning, he'll follow her silently, kicking his feet into motion, hiding his emotions about fear completely, as he has a emotionless facial expression, being self-confident about his powers.
  1281. (Leon)
  1282. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1284. [08:11:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (just having.. controller issue 1 sec)
  1285. [08:15:08] His movements are slow, but determined at the same moment, he is walking steady with his motion, he is rather worried about what is gonna happen next, collecting his powers together and making up a tactic, using a method of deduction on future, contemplated and furiously collecting things inside of his mind, having his eyes shut down for a little while, as they glow brightfully white, showing his holy powers in usage, as he begins to collect fire and holy powers together, creating somewhat of advanced usage, as he summons a fire with a flick of his fingers. Separately from growing bright, it grows white, creating up a holy fire, that would do double damage to his enemies with a flaw of taking more mana than usual, which is not a problem for Leon. His magic capacity is big, he'd just summon even bigger fire, lighting everything around to ease their sight.
  1286. (Leon)
  1287. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1289. [08:16:51] A fire would glow around places they go, bushes and trees would glow deeply, as everything under their feet is visible. Once you go through forest, it's bushes and forests would turn from green to brightfully red, due to weird glow he has in his hands, creating somewhat of optical illusion, filling everything around of them.
  1290. (Leon)
  1291. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1293. [08:16:51] LOOC - Leon: (i just got 4 rpp)
  1294. [08:16:51] LOOC - Leon: (damn)
  1295. [08:16:51] LOOC - Leon: (is that a lot)
  1296. [08:17:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:) )
  1297. [08:17:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (not bad!)
  1298. [08:17:42] LOOC - Leon: (i had 10 yesterday)
  1299. [08:17:42] LOOC - Leon: (added)
  1300. [08:20:16] He shakes his dominant hand aside, brushing off the fire, extinguishing it instantly, as it fades down intensively.
  1301. (Leon)
  1302. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1304. [08:21:07] Leon asks, "So?"
  1305. [08:21:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I feel bad about dragging you out to the demon camp, and I remembered OOCly that the bridge to Jianghu is out)
  1306. [08:22:49] LOOC - Leon: (lmao its ok)
  1307. [08:22:49] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm just looking at a map)
  1308. [08:24:32] Leon says, "Or we can do it later."
  1309. [08:24:32] Leon says, "And socialize with others."
  1310. [08:24:32] Leon says, "Communication and making friends with other people is always great."
  1311. [08:27:05] Lotlhuitl says, "I suppose."
  1312. [08:27:05] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't always enjoy talking with people."
  1313. [08:27:05] Lotlhuitl says, "I offer tours because, well. People don't like talking to me very much."
  1314. [08:27:56] Leon asks, "Why not?"
  1315. [08:27:56] Leon says, "You are quite friendly."
  1316. [08:27:56] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1317. [08:28:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not very good with people."
  1318. [08:28:48] Lotlhuitl says, "And I'm not friendly."
  1319. [08:29:39] Lotlhuitl frowned, plainly not liking being called friendly.
  1320. (Lotlhuitl)
  1321. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1323. [08:30:30] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm fierce. I'm.. not frivolous, like some."
  1324. [08:30:30] Leon asks, "Are you sure about that?"
  1325. [08:31:21] Lotlhuitl asks, "... do you want to face me in battle and find out?"
  1326. [08:31:21] Lotlhuitl arched an eyebrow.
  1327. (Lotlhuitl)
  1328. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1330. [08:31:21] Leon says, "Well why not, I always wanted to try out my abilities."
  1331. [08:32:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  1332. [08:32:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Well, I suppose we could. A friendly bout?"
  1333. [08:33:04] He summons a fire shield, staring at her.
  1334. (Leon)
  1335. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1337. [08:33:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (do you want to RP between?)
  1338. [08:33:04] LOOC - Leon: (why not)
  1339. [08:34:46] His eye iris turns red flaming with white, as he turns into state of battle, having somewhat of megalomania syndrom, he'd maintain low fighting position, as he concentrates onto his attack.
  1340. (Leon)
  1341. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1343. [08:35:37] Lotlhuitl led Leon not to Jianghu, nor to the demon settlement. As reckless as she was, she couldn't lead the newcomer to Argatha into those dens of scum and villainy. It just wouldn't be a good look.
  1345. "Okay, Leon. Give me your best shot!" The Nagual said, jumping down into the arena with a flash of lightning.
  1347. A crack of thunder followed.
  1349. Her skin had gone pitch black, as had her eyes. But still, the jewellery adorned her form. Still, she glittered in the torchlight.
  1351. She gestured for him to attack her.
  1352. (Lotlhuitl)
  1353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1355. [08:35:37] His hands flame brightfully red with a fire, covering his arms, it seems like his fists turned into fire, as he uses it as stunning maneuver, approaching her, as he wastes all of his power to down her, blowing fire at her with fireballs, afterwards summoning all fire onto her.
  1356. (Leon)
  1357. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1359. [08:36:28] He'd then enter state of defense, putting all of his effort to defending himself with his kinetic fire barrier.
  1360. (Leon)
  1361. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1363. [08:36:28] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (OK!)
  1364. [08:36:28] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so when you're ready, type /ready)
  1365. [08:38:11] {combat} Leon has been defeated by Lotlhuitl! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1366. [08:38:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (OK!)
  1367. [08:38:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (So what happens in RP battles)
  1368. [08:38:11] LOOC - Leon: (i am loser lmao)
  1369. [08:38:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (is a bit different to normal RP)
  1370. [08:38:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (no, its ok I'm like a billion times more powerful than you)
  1371. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (have you ever done an RPB before?)
  1372. [08:39:02] LOOC - Leon: (nope)
  1373. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you're doing well!)
  1374. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so what happens, is that normally in RP you'd know you never RP someone else's actions)
  1375. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (but in an RPB the person who wins a round narrates the round)
  1376. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if that makes sense)
  1377. [08:39:02] LOOC - Leon: (i get it)
  1378. [08:39:02] LOOC - Leon: (narrate me)
  1379. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so that means I write if my attacks hit, if I win)
  1380. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ye)
  1381. [08:39:53] LOOC - Leon: (first strike put me down ez)
  1382. [08:39:53] LOOC - Leon: (20'/. maximum damage is shame lol)
  1383. [08:40:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm RPlv 175)
  1384. [08:40:44] LOOC - Leon: (holy fk)
  1385. [08:40:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so)
  1386. [08:40:44] LOOC - Leon: (i am 59)
  1387. [08:40:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry, 174)
  1388. [08:40:44] LOOC - Leon: (wow why i am 59)
  1389. [08:40:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so please don't feel bad)
  1390. [08:40:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i've been playing for three months)
  1391. [08:41:36] LOOC - Leon: (i played for a week, first day and then yesterday and now today)
  1392. [08:41:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you will get strong soon!)
  1393. [08:41:36] LOOC - Leon: (3 not full days)
  1394. [08:41:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (next round I'll let you hit me so you can get used to combat aha)
  1395. [08:41:36] LOOC - Leon: (lmao)
  1396. [08:41:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry :P)
  1397. [08:41:36] LOOC - Leon: (its ok lol)
  1398. [08:49:16] Leon had potential. She could feel it.
  1400. The Nagual, in truth, had expected him to go down straight away. She struggled to hold back. In truth, she had a lot of pent up frustration from earlier that she (unfairly) took out on poor Leon.
  1402. The Nagual had shuddered, rolling her entire body for a moment.. as the moisture in the air suddenly condensed. Wrapped around her in one long liquid ribbon.
  1404. She was fury incarnate.
  1406. She was Dmex's handmaiden.
  1408. She was Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati.
  1410. Leon had summoned flames against her. A great wave of flames, like she had seen him use earlier in his magic show.
  1412. Something in that flicked a switch in her head, and instead of going easy on him like she'd intended, a massive gyser of water blasted the kid off his feet.
  1414. Lotlhuitl blinked. Slowly. Regarding him.
  1416. She'd expected Leon to stay down after that. Whoops. But.. he lept back up immediately. At that, she grinned. "Nice!"
  1418. The two chased each other around the arena. Lotlhuitl truthfully wanting to see what he was capable of.
  1420. Until finally? She drew a knife! Though, its purpose was not for us on Leon. The Nagual cut her palm, and then lashed out at the boy with a whip made from her own blood. She tripped him.
  1422. "Ready for round two?"
  1424. She asked, offering him a bloodied hand up.
  1425. (Lotlhuitl)
  1426. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1428. [08:50:08] LOOC - Leon: (aaand appeared)
  1429. [08:50:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry accident)
  1430. [08:50:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (not for use**)
  1431. [08:50:59] He stands up slowly, as his wounds play at him, he'd be weakened a bit.
  1432. (Leon)
  1433. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1435. [08:52:41] Noxim Florus says, "...Is cute little fight."
  1436. [08:52:41] {combat} Leon has been defeated by Lotlhuitl! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1437. [08:56:06] It was a cute little fight.
  1439. Lotlhuitl was clearly merely sparring with Leon, a lad who, despite having potential, lacked the firepower to evaporate the water she kept around herself.
  1441. This round went on longer than the last. With Leon casting waves of flames at her. She walked through them.
  1443. And yet.. her attempts to hold him still, largely, didn't work as intended. Her whips didn't land nearly as often as they ought to (in her opinion).
  1445. She was rusty!
  1447. Finally, the same move which she had used against Leon before, the gigantic beam of water, was what brought him down. Knocked him from the arena.
  1449. Dismissing the lightning which had crackled over her form, Lotlhuitl walked to Leon's side and offered him a hand up.
  1451. "You fight well."
  1452. (Lotlhuitl)
  1453. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1455. [08:56:57] He takes her hand and rises up from the ground, having a bruise at his palms from fire he summoned.
  1456. (Leon)
  1457. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1459. [08:57:48] LOOC - Leon: (what was ur hp at least)
  1460. [08:57:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (a lot)
  1461. [08:57:48] LOOC - Leon: (yeah i didnt do much lol)
  1462. [08:58:40] Zyanya Tlaco says, "Hmm, I'd like to fight someone, if anyone's willing."
  1463. [08:58:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Sure. I grow rusty."
  1464. [08:58:40] Lotlhuitl says, "And hopefully Cruxati will be joining the war against Jianghu.."
  1465. [08:59:31] Leon asks, "Chair is a bit big for you, don't you think?"
  1466. [08:59:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omfg ahaha)
  1467. [09:00:22] Noxim Florus says, "Oh? Yes! Yes it is."
  1468. [09:00:22] He stares at creature nearby him.
  1469. (Leon)
  1470. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1472. [09:00:22] Noxim Florus says, "But! Noxim have solution."
  1473. [09:00:22] Leon says, "Better not."
  1474. [09:00:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (gonna pretype bc i slow af)
  1475. [09:02:56] Wordlessly, the enormous beast slowly leaned off towards the side, slumping half his body onto the cold cobblestone below. All in all, his body was spread without consideration nor care for the space occupied, turning the stetch of wall from the staircase, up to Leon, into a mess of brambles, mud and various bits of decayed flora.
  1476. (Noxim Florus)
  1477. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1479. [09:02:56] Noxim Florus asks, "Is better?"
  1480. [09:02:56] The woman was rather rusty herself, as her injury took away from her training. Every move she made was calculated, because she was always a few moments from extreme pain. She maintained her composure, exposing none of this. She was stone faced, her expression betraying only the slightest emotion.
  1482. She grasped her staff in one hand, allowing the azure runes to burn along the staff's side. She conjured her aura around her; it was slow at first, but soon a golden radiance consumed her form. Blue orbs floated along the incandescent trails of light before disappearing into the air above them.
  1484. Slowly, she found herself in a fighting stance with her fixed on her opponent; she had no reference for the girl's strength, but she assumed that she was strong. Anyone within their nation had a claim to some strength.
  1486. "On your mark."
  1488. This was more of endurance test rather than an aim for victory; she wanted to see how far she could goinjured, to see if she could handle an actual fight while her nervous system screamed in pain. As her body lamented, she simply stood still, abating the weakness with sheer willpower.
  1489. (Zyanya Tlaco)
  1490. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1492. [09:02:56] Leon says, "I didn't say it was bad. You can sit."
  1493. [09:02:56] Leon says, "Just don't break chair, they are wooden."
  1494. [09:03:47] LOOC - Leon: (chairs*)
  1495. [09:08:03] Lotlhuitl followed Zyanya into the arena. In truth, she wasn't sure she'd ever spoken to the woman before. The Nagual had seen her around, she thought. Was unsure of her name. But still! The offer to spar was appreciated, considering the shocking interaction she had just had. Battle made her feel better. Alive.
  1497. The Nagual with the blue-black hair was adorned with jewellery. Each piece of metal catching the torchlight and made subtle metallic sounds as she moved her willowy form. As she sauntered languidly, turning so that, to Zyanya, she was side on.
  1499. Her right hand was still tacky with her own blood. Good. She wouldn't need to cut herself again.
  1501. "Ready, set, go," Lotlhuitl said, her skin suddenly shifting from its usual warm and rich brown hues to blackest midnight.
  1502. (Lotlhuitl)
  1503. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1505. [09:09:45] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Zyanya Tlaco! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1506. [09:10:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha)
  1507. [09:10:36] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: haha im pretty high)
  1508. [09:10:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (rp inbetween or after?)
  1509. [09:10:36] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: after)
  1510. [09:11:28] Noxim Florus says, "...Is cute, watching Gehennas fight."
  1511. [09:11:28] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Zyanya Tlaco! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1512. [09:12:19] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ahaha, thanks)
  1513. [09:16:35] The magic she possessed was interesting. Using her own blood as projectiles was definitely commendable, and it surprised the young commander at first; however, there was an immense gap between their power. She had more experience, and she had long since transfigured her potential into actual power. It was an exercise in futility, a true waste of time, but it was entertaining in spite of its uselessness.
  1515. It was a quick tendril of lightning, fast and vicious, that ended the fight. She waved her spear about, and it erupted from the end of it like a coiled snake. It was not aimed to injure her, or to even cause pain, it was more of an attempt to knock the woman off balance so that the fight could end. It achieved its purpose, leaving Lothuitl on the floor for a few moments.
  1517. "Hmm... Definitely an interesting fighter," she spoke honestly, having never witnessed such a thing before now. "Am glad that we fought, so that I could see that magic used."
  1519. She placed her spear over her back, and she moved toward the sidelines, aiming to stood abreast of one of the chairs. Her injury was unchanged; it was beginning to heal, and the pain it was responsible for diminished greatly with each passing day. Her endurance was fine, even if she was disadvantaged as a fighter.
  1520. (Zyanya Tlaco)
  1521. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1523. [09:20:51] He floated in, watching the fight with a raised brow. At the conclusion, his arms folded across his chest, a veneer of a smile on his face. "Is someone abusing my love?" He asked, glancing around, as if expecting this to be another honor duel.
  1525. "If not..." He dropped to the stone with a metal click, holding out an arm to Lotl, inviting her to take the place at his side.
  1526. (Xoconan)
  1527. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1529. [09:23:24] Noxim Florus says, "Noxim is not abusing anyone. Is just watching."
  1530. [09:23:24] Xoconan asks, "Then you're safe, aren'tcha?"
  1531. [09:23:24] Noxim Florus says, "Though, is willing to give try in cute fight against Gehennas, if need practice."
  1532. [09:24:16] Zyanya nods.
  1533. (Zyanya Tlaco)
  1534. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1536. [09:24:16] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (Short on time, so I'll be making short rps.)
  1537. [09:25:07] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (As in, I've gotta' drop out in 20 minutes, complete or not.)
  1538. [09:25:07] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: ok!)
  1539. [09:25:07] Zyanya simply readies herself for combat.
  1540. (Zyanya Tlaco)
  1541. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1543. [09:25:07] Noxim Florus says, "Noxim say sorry beforehand. Is not sure how good will be."
  1544. [09:25:07] Zyanya Tlaco says, "Hmm... All practice is good practice."
  1545. [09:25:58] Without another word, the enormous beast quietly took its place within the arena, a thin aura of dark magic enshrouding his form. For all intents and purposes, he was going to at least try to give Zyanya a fair fight.
  1546. (Noxim Florus)
  1547. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1549. [09:27:40] {combat} Zyanya Tlaco has been defeated by Noxim Florus! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1550. [09:28:32] {combat} Zyanya Tlaco has been defeated by Noxim Florus! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1551. [09:28:32] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: damn)
  1552. [09:28:32] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: dark beam op)
  1553. [09:28:32] Lotlhuitl had picked herself up off the floor.
  1555. It was distinctly obvious who had won that match.
  1557. Thank you was what was the socially expected thing to say. However, Lotlhuitl did not immediately thank Zyanya. No, instead her gaze had tracked over to Xoconan.
  1559. "No-one here has done me any dishonour." Lotlhuitl answered. "I was merely getting some..." she paused, ears twitching as she seemed to think carefully about how she would word what she wanted to say, "...frustration out." It was then that she joined Xoconan by his side.
  1561. It was rare that the Nagual would seek physical comfort from him, especially with people watching. So whether or not Xoconan found it strange that she proceeded to reach for him, to press her willowy form against his, to hold him. Well, that depended on him, really. Perhaps this was just a rare tender moment from the usually grumpy and non-affectionate Nagual.
  1563. Clinging to her love, Lotlhuitl cast her gaze to Zyanya as she joined the Demon in the fighting arena. "Thank-you," she finally said.
  1565. "I've been giving another person a tour around the Gehennan territories. That one is called Leon," she said to Xoconan.
  1566. (Lotlhuitl)
  1567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1569. [09:29:23] He'd sit still, observing the fight carefully, as he then summons a fire figure in his palm, making somewhat of a fire drawing with his powers, as the place what was burned is slowly healing, as he uses his healing holy powers to rehabilitate from previous battle, superficial scars and bruises are soaking in, in short time leaving no mark of it, as his wounds are regenerated quickly. He then raises his hand, healing rest of wounds he had, completely rehabilating from everything that he experienced. His eyes turn completely white and bright for split seconds, as his healing factor kicks in. He then shuts his palm, along with his fire, as it disappears mystically as it appears, a bruise at his eye still holds, but it is not that visible if you don't pay a lot of attention. He covers himself with a barrier, that has been extending in few meters, filling him with power, as his eyes turned normal.
  1572. He stares at Xoconan and Lotlhuitl, nodding politely once.
  1573. (Leon)
  1574. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1576. [09:30:14] Xoconan whispers: "Frustration?"
  1577. [09:30:14] Xoconan whispers: "Something else happen?"
  1578. [09:30:14] Lotlhuitl whispers: Some.. filthy Jianghuan..
  1579. [09:31:05] Xoconan raises a brow.
  1580. (Xoconan)
  1581. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1583. [09:31:05] Xoconan whispers: "Here, let's go somewhere that you can yell."
  1584. [09:38:46] Lotlhuitl remained clinging to Xoconan, burying her head against his shoulder. She was shaking. Angry. Humiliated. Her ears pinned back, her hands grabbing at his cloak, his body.
  1586. Everything about her was TENSE.
  1588. "A deviant Jianguese man, Xarnata something or other. He approached me and said some very offensive things. I.. I didn't even realise at first and he just kept going."
  1590. The woman let go of Xoconan suddenly. Actually, she let go of him with force. That is, she pushed herself away from him. Visibly agitated.
  1592. "He was a suspect in some stolen ore. I was polite. I.. really, Xoconan. I really was. I held my tongue. And all it got me? Some disgusting Jiangese dog making lewd comments at me, telling me how he was going to mate me."
  1594. She shuddered, heart thumping in her chest. The whole experience had been disturbing. And recounting it all? It just.. made her more and more worked up.
  1596. "I can't.. I can't explain it all. It was bad, Xoconan. I was just performing my duty and I.. I was defending myself. I was going to break his fucking nose. And JaDrako grabbed me. Stopped me. Told me that it was my fault that people call Gehennans savages. Mine!"
  1597. (Lotlhuitl)
  1598. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1600. [09:43:53] A frown crossed his lips as she pushed herself away from him, hand moving out to grab her again, narrowly missing. An unnaturally hot wind howled through the air for a moment, before Xoconan regained his composure, growing angrier as she spoke.
  1602. "This man, what did he look like?" His words came out forced, lip curling up in a hateful sneer. Hands clenched, nails digging into his palms. Oh, there would be blood to shed.
  1604. "JaDrako stopped you?" Eyes closed. Oh, he had some things to do now, people to talk to. People to break. His tone softened lightly, as he realized.
  1606. "Are you okay? Did he touch you?" She ran up to her, wrapping his arms around her, inspecting her.
  1607. (Xoconan)
  1608. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1610. [09:57:32] What did he look like? "Slightly taller than me. About your height, perhaps.." Lotlhuitl mused. "He.. was wearing white. A white hood. Jianghuan. He claimed to be a friend of your mother's. Of JaDrako. He claimed to have permission to enter Gehenna, as he had to deliver a message to JaDrako. But when JaDrako turned up, the message was 'lets hang out.' "
  1612. She went quiet for a moment. Nodding at the question about JaDrako. He had stopped her from defending herself. "He.."
  1614. Xoconan drew near. His arms wrapping around her. "Ah," Lotlhuitl breathed. Twitching. Squirming against him. She wanted him close. She wanted to be held! She wanted to break things. She wanted Xoconan to make her forget that disgusting Jianghuan had ever looked her way.
  1616. Lightning crackled over her form. Not intentionally, mind. Her emotional state was clearly becoming more and more distressed as she forced herself to think about the scene unfolding in the centre of Cruxati Square.
  1618. She shuddered slightly. "He didn't touch me," she answered. "He - I -"
  1620. She was no coward. Why couldn't she just say it?
  1622. "I thought he had stolen goods. He had said so many strange things, was acting so strangely. And there was a report of a Jianghuan stealing Nyeshek. So I had to pat him down. And even though it wasn't vaguely sexual he - I don't understand it, but he liked it, Xoconan."
  1624. Lotlhuitl grit her teeth, hanging her head. "He treated me like.. something that existed for his amusement. To get his dick hard."
  1625. (Lotlhuitl)
  1626. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1628. [10:01:48] "Shh, shh..." He made soft sounds as soon as she was done describing him, holding her tightly. Much as she didn't like it when she lost control, he decided to take hers away. She needed a distraction. Something, anything.
  1630. So he began to lay down, forcefully dragging her with him, and if she didn't provide enough resistance, would force her to lay against him entirely, holding her tightly. "I'll take care of it." He promised, voice intent.
  1632. "You won't ever have to see him again." He pressed his head against hers, applying a weight of gravity to ensure she couldn't get up, to ensure she couldn't focus on anything other than him, as he reached out to nip at the ends of one of her ears with his mouth.
  1633. (Xoconan)
  1634. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1636. [10:18:01] "Nnn," Lotlhuitl breathed as Xoconan told her to shush. She screwed up her face, tension making her tremble against him. She was so angry.
  1638. "I felt so helpless when JaDrako grabbed me." A shuddering breath. More trembling. "He had no right."
  1640. A gasp rolled from her lips as Xoconan dragged her down onto the grass. Her hair fanned out behind her. Her green gaze staring up at him, illuminated only by his Sun pendant nestled just above her cleavage. And, well. Moonlight. Stars.
  1642. She provided no resistance. Her hands once more moving to cling to him. Fingernails digging into his flesh as she held him with furious intensity.
  1644. Someone might have easily got the idea that she was crying. If they didn't know her better. Her face was buried against his bare chest, her warm breath playing out across Xoconan's scarred flesh.
  1646. She felt his magic around her. Gravity changing. Shifting. Pressing against her. It almost felt like a hug. A hug she couldn't possibly escape from. She couldn't move from her position, nestled within his arms.
  1648. She wouldn't ever have to see him again. "You'll kill him." Lotlhuitl didn't ask. She stated. It was a need. She needed the man who had so humiliated and distressed her dead. Needed it.
  1650. Her eyes were closed, her breathing almost levelling out, when Xoconan nipped at the end of her ear. A soft "ah!" of surprise rolled from her lips. And she found herself trying to move away, out of reflex. But was held.
  1652. "Xoco.." She gasped, feeling a warm shiver run up her spine. She couldn't move. She was helpless in his arms. And yet, somehow, it didn't scare her. She trusted Xoconan. She loved him.
  1654. "Y-you brat.."
  1655. (Lotlhuitl)
  1656. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1658. [10:26:33] She was clenched, held with an intensity to rival her own. Someone had worked her up, made advances on her, on his love. If he'd been there, it would've already been resolved, but as it was? He'd simply clean up.
  1660. "Don't worry about a thing." He muttered softly, stroking her back. His lips curled up into a smirk at her gasp, corner of her ear never having left his lips. He rolled them back and forth, clearly enjoying himself.
  1662. Pulling back, he planted a kiss to the top of her head. "That's what you love about me, right?" He shifted her up, to be able to look at him face to face.
  1664. "I'm not gonna stop being a brat, you're stuck with that."
  1665. (Xoconan)
  1666. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1668. [10:40:12] Don't worry about a thing. Xoconan spoke and the whisper made her ear twitch.
  1670. "Nng," Lotlhuitl had breathed, her willowy form trembling against Xoconan's as she felt his hand at her back. His lips at her fluffy ear. No matter how much it twitched involuntarily, she didn't seem to be able to keep it from him. Both ears twitching, and then her hands, the Nagual attempted to arch her back. "Tickles!" She finally gasped, coming close to begging him for mercy.
  1672. Oh, yes. She'd certainly put all thoughts of that horrible Jianghuan weeelll out of her mind. Lotlhuitl's attention was completely on Xoconan. Another soft, "ah," passed her lips as she felt a kiss at the top of her head.
  1674. Shifted up, Xoconan may well have noticed the tears still clinging to her eyelashes like morning dew. The deep blush at her cheeks. The beginnings of a bemused smile tugging at her lips. She squirmed in his grasp, or at least attempted to. "Am I that transparent?" She asked, a slight laugh rolling from her lips. She wanted to kiss him. Wanted to lean in and feel his lips against hers. Heck. She wanted more than that.
  1676. "I love you, Xoco."
  1677. (Lotlhuitl)
  1678. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1680. [10:53:52] He slowly relaxed the grip of gravity on her, enough to allow her to move, now that he wasn't afraid of her bolting off or ranting in anger. His own hadn't been forgotten, but it was pushed aside. It wouldn't do to be angry in front of his...
  1682. What was she to him? Not a wife, not without an official ceremony, and mate sounded cold. Animals took mates. A hand came to brush at her eyes, his own sanguine hues meeting hers. "Well, maybe not that transparent, but I figured there was something about me, and that's what you keep saying..."
  1684. He grinned, leaning down to peck at her lips. "I love you too, Lotl." The feel of gravity faded entirely, giving the Nagual free motion.
  1685. (Xoconan)
  1686. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1688. [11:04:06] Xoconan wiped the tears from Lotlhuitl's eyes. Her lips had parted, her eyelashes fluttering in the aftermath of his fingers gently brushing against her eyes.
  1690. Still, she clung to him. Like a lifeline. She returned his grin, suddenly feeling giddy. Dimples at her cheeks.
  1692. He kissed her. A soft murmur passed her lips at that, not unlike a sigh. A happy sound! But a peck wasn't enough. Oh, no. She proceeded to give him all the kisses. Heck, she would have covered every damn inch of him in kisses, but midway through she seemed to remember that they were just out in the middle of the jungle.
  1694. The woman, sitting now beside him, half draped over his prone form, laughed once more. She traced a circle against his chest. Her long, silken blue hair fell across him, with how she was leaning over him, next to him. It likely would have felt soft, or perhaps silky, to his bare skin.
  1696. "I.. I knew when you brought Toka in. I.. I mean, I'd trusted you before. And I know it's not done. But Xoconan. You make me feel so happy."
  1697. (Lotlhuitl)
  1698. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1700. [11:13:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (blue-black hair. eh.. w/e you know what I meant..)
  1701. [11:19:28] He seemed content to let her shower him in kisses, holding her tightly as she did it. His grin never faded, utterly happy to lay there in the jungle as she attended him. Sensibility came back too soon for his tastes, disappointment becoming clear.
  1703. It felt odd to be so covered in her hair. Like a strange, shifting blanket, a soft one. "You make me happy too, seeing you, bringing you home. Even just... This." He motioned around them, to how they were lying in the jungle in the dead of night.
  1705. "Come on, let's go somewhere better than this, before some idiot walks on us." He began to regretfully push himself up to a seated position, pulling her against him again.
  1707. "I'll even carry you."
  1708. (Xoconan)
  1709. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1711. [11:28:51] Lotlhuitl's hands kept tracing over his chest as he spoke, gently finding the scars which adorned his flesh like badges of honour. Each told a tale, she was sure. She just didn't know all of them yet.
  1713. Her touch was gentle. Her hands warm. Soft. Strong, too. Though for the moment their strength was not evident: she was not demonstrating her death grip at the moment.
  1715. One long "mmmmmm," was all Lotlhuitl said as Xoco pulled himself to a seating position. With a soft hum, she wrapped her arms around him; shifting into his lap, into his arms. With a wicked twinkle in her eye, she leant in. Suppressing a grin, hiding her lightly pointed teeth, the Nagual leant up and attempted to place a teasingly chaste kiss against his cheek. Sweet, almost.
  1717. She was clinging to him. Aware of his body, his strength. She nuzzled against him, welling up with affection for her love, the man who would slay all those she hated. "Somewhere better, my love?"
  1718. (Lotlhuitl)
  1719. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1721. [11:30:33] Xoconan whispers: "Yes... Somewhere with walls, and a bed, and where the ground is dry, hmm?"
  1722. [11:30:33] Xoconan suddenly levitates off the ground, carrying Lotlhuitl with him!
  1723. (Xoconan)
  1724. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1726. [11:41:39] Without so much as taking a step, she was drug towards their shared bedroom, never needing to so much as shift from his entwined position with Lotlhuitl. Sometimes, being a Magi was simply amazing.
  1728. Deposited onto the bed, he unclipped his cloak, tossing it to the table, stave joining it, as he laid back down, clutching his Nagual love all the while.
  1730. "Some place like this." He had a glimmer in his own eye, lips curled in a grin. "Nice big bed, perfect for doing things like sleeping, or giving me a better place to hold you down."
  1731. (Xoconan)
  1732. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1734. [11:51:53] Lotlhuitl didn't help Xoconan remove his cloak. If anything, the Nagual hindered. She was trying to kiss him. Trying to wrap her arms around his neck. Trying to gain leverage to, well. You get the idea.
  1736. "Oh?" She breathed, hair half obscuring her face. With a laugh, she shook her head. Sending a cascade of dark locks rolling over her shoulders. "Is that list exhaustive?" She teased, biting her bottom lip as she played coy with him.
  1738. Somehow, all of this made things feel right. Her whole problem had been that she'd felt somehow sullied by the outsider. But as she clung to Xoconan, as she felt his hands at her flesh. She was reassured. She was fine. Everything was fine.
  1740. "Mmn, Xoconan. When you kill him? The.. outsider.." She murmured, rolling her hips ever-so-slightly as she sat in his lap. Her fluffy tail brushed against his shoulders, against his side. Against his face. She grinned, beaming down at him. Overjoyed.
  1742. "I want to watch."
  1743. (Lotlhuitl)
  1744. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1746. [12:08:06] Xoconan didn't mind the hindrance at all, considering what it was getting in the way. Sometimes, as he watched her shake her head, hair everywhere, he wondered if it was truly worth it to have such a mane... And decided it was, at least for his benefit, as a hand came up to run through it.
  1748. "Mm, not the longest list, but I'm sure we'll make the most of it." He pressed himself up on an elbow, grinning at her. "You can't really go wrong if it's short enough, right?"
  1750. He found he couldn't keep his hands off her. She was his, and he felt like he had to reassure her of that, after someone had stepped in on it. She certainly didn't seem to mind as his hands roamed, the young man grinning.
  1752. "I'll see what I can do..." The grin took a feral, predatory edge. "Now, let's put *him* aside. I didn't get your other ear..."
  1753. (Xoconan)
  1754. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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