
TAW Backers Only Chat 5/10/14

May 10th, 2014
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  1. [14:57] *** now talking in #robitstudios
  2. [14:57] *** channel #robitstudios mode is +ntk
  3. [14:57] *** channel created at Sat Dec 07 10:45:36 2013
  4. [14:57] <Kiitos> is there a / help on this. I'm pretty familiar with console commands
  5. [14:58] <Mazey> Kiitos: yeys there is
  6. [14:58] <Mazey> no need to ask, just try
  7. [14:58] *** RobitStudios sets channel #robitstudios mode +o RobitSutdiosLapp
  8. [14:58] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> Hey
  9. [14:59] <Mazey> hi
  10. [14:59] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> last minute i decided i wanted to do this on my laptop on my couch
  11. [14:59] <Mazey> did you read my advice
  12. [14:59] <Ginji> Hello!
  13. [14:59] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> about sending the email sooner?
  14. [14:59] <Mazey> also cant you just change your /nick to stephen or robit lol
  15. [14:59] <Mazey> yea
  16. [15:00] <Ginji> Sassy.
  17. [15:00] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> yeah, thats a good idea and i meant to do that actually
  18. [15:00] <Kiitos> I'm excited to participate. I've gotten these before but I never really had the time until now to check it out. : D
  19. [15:01] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> but im forgetful... ill try to remember nextt ime
  20. [15:01] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> hey kiitos! thanks for coming
  21. [15:01] <Ginji> Today's the first time I had off when the chat was. :3
  22. [15:01] <Vession> I woke up exceedingly early and saw the email in my box so woo
  23. [15:01] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> hey ginji, you too!
  24. [15:01] <Mazey> RobitSutdiosLapp: usually i check my email like every 20min
  25. [15:01] <Mazey> but the past few months
  26. [15:01] <Mazey> on saturday
  27. [15:01] <Kiitos> I wish more developers did things like this lol
  28. [15:01] <Mazey> i hadnt checked for like 4 hours
  29. [15:01] <Mazey> >meeting closed already
  30. [15:02] <Vession> I have a neat little chrome app which shows me how many emails I have in the top right of the browser
  31. [15:02] <Mazey> Kiitos: most do afaik, you just have to be tester
  32. [15:02] <Ginji> I have a cell phone. :P
  33. [15:02] <Mazey> usually its without paying
  34. [15:02] <Mazey> so you have smaller chance
  35. [15:03] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> yeah, it seems like a lot more developers are doing chats and streaming and stuff
  36. [15:03] <Ginji> It's lovely!
  37. [15:03] <Mazey> eg THD/Transhuman design with their game KAG
  38. [15:03] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> i like doing it, but im also very anti-social, so i really have to keep on it
  39. [15:03] <Vession> 'tis
  40. [15:03] <Mazey> im tester there
  41. [15:03] <Mazey> i idle there daily
  42. [15:03] <Mazey> like 7am to 0000
  43. [15:03] <Mazey> devs join at different times
  44. [15:04] <Mazey> we ahve a nice chat
  45. [15:04] <Mazey> we spam them to fix bugs
  46. [15:04] <Ginji> About baked goods?
  47. [15:04] <Mazey> and they leave
  48. [15:04] <Mazey> no
  49. [15:04] <Kiitos> Mazey, I try to seek out those opportunities, but life can get in the way as it always does. Got to have a skype chat with Ian Stocker, the guy behind Escape Goat with my club a few months back.
  50. [15:04] <Mazey> escape goat nice
  51. [15:04] <Mazey> i really gotta buy II one time
  52. [15:04] <Vession> i dont even
  53. [15:04] <Mazey>
  54. [15:04] <Mazey> :^)
  55. [15:04] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> haha i had to look up KAG
  56. [15:04] <Mazey> im Mazey on the right
  57. [15:05] <Vession> Ah, heard of this
  58. [15:05] <Mazey> its amazing
  59. [15:06] <Mazey> have been playing for 2+ years
  60. [15:06] <Vession> I remember someone mentioned it back when I was in my last year of highschool as a game like terraria but that's about it lol
  61. [15:06] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> i havent played it but it does look sweet
  62. [15:06] <Kiitos> I've never heard of this, what is it in short?
  63. [15:06] <Mazey> uhm
  64. [15:06] <Mazey> its NOT terraria
  65. [15:06] <Mazey> pls
  66. [15:06] <Mazey> its even older
  67. [15:07] <Mazey> you can choose to build castles and defend
  68. [15:07] <Mazey> attack as archer for range
  69. [15:07] <Mazey> or knight with sword
  70. [15:07] <Mazey> PvP online
  71. [15:07] <Mazey> with teams
  72. [15:07] <Ginji> baked goods?
  73. [15:07] <Mazey>
  74. [15:07] <Mazey> watch the trailer
  75. [15:07] <Vession> Looks pre' cool
  76. [15:08] <Mazey> Ginji: they removed baking fishes in build 900
  77. [15:08] <Vession> If I wasn't stuck on mobile broadband I might actually do something with this newfound opinion
  78. [15:08] <Ginji> Darn. :(
  79. [15:08] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> i think ive seen every 2d platofrm game get compared to terraria by someone at least once
  80. [15:08] <Vession> Ah well
  81. [15:08] <Mazey> but stephen tfw its older than terraria
  82. [15:08] <Mazey> and reviews have like
  83. [15:08] <Mazey> -1 looks like terraria
  84. [15:09] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> yeah, that sucks - Treasure adventure game got compared to terraria a lot and they are really very different games
  85. [15:09] <Vession> how do you even
  86. [15:09] <Mazey> what the hell
  87. [15:09] <Mazey> >not pixel art
  88. [15:09] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> but i think just being low rest pixel art people
  89. [15:09] <Mazey> >not building
  90. [15:09] <@RobitSutdiosLapp> will compare it
  91. [15:10] <Kiitos> Not to fuel the argument, but it does look aesthetically like terraria, I mean that as an observation, not an insult.
  92. [15:10] <Vession> I remember one sarcastic review for terraria including the terrible level design
  93. [15:10] <Mazey> RobitStudios: /nick Robit or /nick Stephen pls
  94. [15:10] <Kiitos> lol haha
  95. [15:10] *** beta_red (~beta_red@ joined
  96. [15:10] <Mazey> dat nick too long
  97. [15:11] <Vession> seconded
  98. [15:11] <Mazey> also with fetal come
  99. [15:11] Robit - Nickname is already in use.
  100. [15:11] <Mazey>
  101. [15:11] <Kiitos> Mazey, looks like a really fun game though. I will have to check into it
  102. [15:11] *** RobitSutdiosLapp changed nick to Robits
  103. [15:11] <Vession> Well, that is indeed shorter
  104. [15:11] <@Robits> hey beta_red!
  105. [15:12] <beta_red> Hey Friends!  How goes it?
  106. [15:12] <Mazey> Kiitos: if you are short on money feel free to nag me on Starbound forums for a code
  107. [15:12] <Mazey> im PMint there
  108. [15:12] <Ginji> Aww man I didn't even notice it was Robit "Sut"dios Lapp until now
  109. [15:12] <Vession> neither haha
  110. [15:13] <@Robits> haha! tricked you all
  111. [15:13] <Halader> Stephen, is Robit Sutdios a full company, like a llc or something? How hard/confusing was it to make a company and deal with the legal stuff?
  112. [15:13] <@Robits> (nah im just stupid)
  113. [15:13] <Kiitos> Mazey, I'll probably take advantage of that offer haha. I'll note it down for later.
  114. [15:13] <Mazey> kk
  115. [15:13] <Ginji> RobitSutdios is illuminati.
  116. [15:14] <Ginji> Cracked the code.
  117. [15:14] <@Robits> Halader, its not registered as an LLC no... right now im just running as a sole propreitorship with a DBA
  118. [15:14] <Kiitos> Now to crack the code of RobitStudios
  119. [15:14] <Halader> I have no idea what that means, lol.
  120. [15:14] <@Robits> i will probably do the llc thing though
  121. [15:15] <@Robits> it basically means just working for yourself but you can have a fnacy name too
  122. [15:15] <Halader> Alright
  123. [15:15] <Kiitos> So is this going to be a roundtable style discussion? Seeing as its my first time on the chat, I don't know what to expect.
  124. [15:16] <@Robits> kiitos, yeah if anyone has a question just say it and we'll try to answer then in order
  125. [15:16] <@Robits> and if no one has any i can talk about what we did this month
  126. [15:17] <Halader> In the e-mail you mentioned talking about PAX East. Did you have other stuff in addition to what you already posted on the blog that you wanted to share?
  127. [15:17] *** Robits sets channel #robitstudios mode +o beta_red
  128. [15:17] <Mazey> is red fetalstart
  129. [15:17] <Mazey> star
  130. [15:17] <Mazey> or whatever shes called
  131. [15:17] <@Robits> i pretty much said everything in that post yeah
  132. [15:18] <@beta_red> Nope,  I'm the music and sound design guy :)
  133. [15:18] <Mazey> oh
  134. [15:18] <Mazey> 'that guy'
  135. [15:18] <@Robits> i could probably expand on it though if you had an specific questions
  136. [15:18] <Ginji> Oooh TAG music was lovely, I assume TAW will be a musical masterpiece.
  137. [15:19] <Mazey> robits how did contacting CF and getting them to publish for you go
  138. [15:19] <Vession> Looking forward to the mushroom level music
  139. [15:19] <@Robits> Ginji, the OST is done and it is fantastic!
  140. [15:20] <@beta_red> Thanks, Ginji! :)  I'm glad to hear you liked it!  I'm actually listening to the TAW OST right now (it helps the baby sleep, haha), and I'm digging it, so I hope you all will too  :)
  141. [15:20] <Mazey> i honestly never played TAW
  142. [15:20] <@Robits> Mazey - they contacted me - and i was the one hesitant at first, but only because i was unsure i wanted to remake TAG, but it seemed like too good a deal to pass up
  143. [15:20] <@beta_red> Thanks, Vession!  The mushroom music was a lot of fun--I can't wait to hear what you all think of it!
  144. [15:20] <Mazey> like i downloaded it several times
  145. [15:20] <Mazey> but never opened
  146. [15:21] <Mazey> Robits: it was their idea?
  147. [15:21] <@Robits> yep - Tiy specifically.. he talked me into doing it
  148. [15:21] <Mazey> also they claim that you shouldnt publish at a publisher who asks a lot of revenue, do they ask for any?
  149. [15:21] <@Robits> and im very glad i did
  150. [15:21] <Halader> Any new information on the cut scenes? Still just waiting to get enough preorders?
  151. [15:22] <@Robits> the deal we cut with them we very generous for us
  152. [15:22] <@Robits> they are good peopls
  153. [15:22] <Vession> Sure sounds like it
  154. [15:22] <Ginji> Will there be an expansion to the creation myth and mythology in TAW from TAG?
  155. [15:23] <@Robits> Halader, yeah we're all good to go with the cut scenes we're going to announce a press release soon and try to get Adams fans on board to hopfully push some pre-orders
  156. [15:23] <@Robits> Ginji, yes - for sure
  157. [15:23] <@Robits> we're adding a lot of small background details
  158. [15:23] <Mazey> Robits also do you plan on developing games in something else then youre doing now - contruct2 iirc
  159. [15:23] <Kiitos> You guys are asking all the deep questions.. I was wondering if you could highlight a few of the struggles or unexpected set backs you've experienced in the past couple months?
  160. [15:23] <Vession> Most I ever ended seeing of that was a giant foot lol
  161. [15:24] <@Robits> like all the gods now have their own symblsols and color schemes thay show up around the world, for example
  162. [15:24] <Vession> neat
  163. [15:24] <@Robits> Mazey, my plan is to port the game over to C2 as soon as it's finished - that way i can get it on mac, linux etc
  164. [15:25] <Mazey> wait what are you developing it in now?
  165. [15:25] <Mazey> i though c2
  166. [15:25] <Kiitos> That sounds like a really good feature, the distinction and symbols and stuff.
  167. [15:25] <@Robits> nope we're using Construct Classic now
  168. [15:25] <Mazey> oh
  169. [15:25] <Mazey> well its construct
  170. [15:25] <Mazey> what i meant was like from scratch
  171. [15:25] <Mazey> building your own engine
  172. [15:25] <Mazey> like a lot of devs also do
  173. [15:25] <Mazey> instead of things like GM, C2
  174. [15:26] <@Robits> Kiitos, Pax was definitely a bit of a set-back - just because i thought we'd get more promotion
  175. [15:26] <Mazey> using irrlicht irrklang smfl etc
  176. [15:26] <@Robits> Mazey- i would have to hire someone for that - its beyond my skill set
  177. [15:26] <Mazey> you shouldnt hire someone to make a game for you :P
  178. [15:27] <@Robits> Kiitos, and other than that the biggest annoyance was refactoring a bit to fix the loading time - had to build a new level loading system
  179. [15:27] <@beta_red> An engine is not a game
  180. [15:27] <Mazey> i know
  181. [15:27] <@Robits> took about a month of work
  182. [15:27] <Mazey> but i meant
  183. [15:27] <Mazey> beta_red: getting someone elses engine might not be that easy
  184. [15:27] <Kiitos> sounds like you accomplished something important though, even for all the time it took
  185. [15:28] <Halader> Lots of devs use Unity and Game Maker. Vlambeer, for example, uses Game Maker Studio, I believe.
  186. [15:28] <Mazey> yea
  187. [15:28] <@Robits> mazey, i think there are certain games that benefit from building your own engine
  188. [15:28] <@beta_red> Who said it would be easy?
  189. [15:28] <Mazey> no one
  190. [15:28] <@Robits> especially if you are doing something unique
  191. [15:28] <@beta_red> It really just depends on if you need a dedicated engine.
  192. [15:28] <Mazey> also more freedom
  193. [15:28] <Kiitos> Since we're on the topic, what is the benefit of making your own engine at this point? I'd have to see the advantages before I decided to make a decision like making a unique engine.
  194. [15:28] <@beta_red> So many indie games never happen b/c people getting bogged down in making engines rather than games.
  195. [15:29] <Mazey> made their own engine
  196. [15:29] <@beta_red> If you know what you want to do, and there's an engine that can do all that, and more, get out there and make the game.
  197. [15:29] <Mazey> if id like use gamemaker
  198. [15:29] <Mazey> i wouldnt be able to do certain stuff
  199. [15:29] <Ginji> Honestly, I don't care about the engine as long as I get a quality game.
  200. [15:29] <@beta_red> Right, it depends on what you want to do.
  201. [15:30] <Mazey> Ginji: im talking about the devs view
  202. [15:30] <Kiitos> yeah I see we are in agreement then. If the engine being used can create the initial vision for TAW, why change it?
  203. [15:30] <@Robits> yeah thats been my motto - it would take me years to learn the skills to make my own engine - or i could use one of many of the fnatastic middleware programs that port to various computers and consoles
  204. [15:30] <Mazey> having your own engine built (not building it probably) can be useful
  205. [15:30] <@beta_red> definitely!  It just depends on your needs really
  206. [15:30] <Mazey> yea
  207. [15:31] <@Robits> maybe i would do it someday though
  208. [15:31] <Ginji> Speaking of consoles, any new on that front?
  209. [15:31] <@Robits> if i have the time :)
  210. [15:31] <Kiitos> that being said, the only thing I've done in my classes at college is engine building. And I feel like you do have to make the game first to see what kind of engine would best suit it. Even though that is some kind of impossible..
  211. [15:32] <Mazey> Robits: maybe something like C#+XNA, C++?
  212. [15:32] <@Robits> Ginji - nope we havent really even looking into it though
  213. [15:32] <Mazey> or you really prefer someething like C2
  214. [15:32] <@beta_red> Yeah, that can certainly be true--sometimes though, the limitations of a system can really drive creativity, and help you come with something fun and new.  
  215. [15:33] <@Robits> yeah, its funny how we lump development together with design
  216. [15:34] <@Robits> i guess its because so many devs are also designing their own levels/games
  217. [15:34] <@Robits> but really never wanted to be a developer - i just realised i had to do it myself since i couldnt afford to pay someone
  218. [15:35] <Mazey> lol?
  219. [15:35] <Mazey> do you mean
  220. [15:35] <Mazey> you wanted to be designer
  221. [15:35] *** fetalstar ( joined
  222. [15:35] <Mazey> or you wanted a game
  223. [15:35] <fetalstar> oh heeeeyyyyy
  224. [15:35] <Mazey> fetalstar <3 where is my space pig
  225. [15:35] <Mazey> you got like 5 months
  226. [15:35] <Mazey> and im back
  227. [15:35] <@Robits> yeah, i want to design worlds, levels stories, puzzles etc
  228. [15:35] <Mazey> ah ok
  229. [15:35] <@Robits> but the development part is not the fun part to me
  230. [15:35] <Halader> I know that you were disappointed somewhat by how things went at PAX. It seems like a great learning opportunity, though. We learn a lot more from failures than successes (though i'm not saying that PAX was a total failure or anything).
  231. [15:36] <@Robits> hey fetal!
  232. [15:36] <@Robits> just a little late
  233. [15:36] <Mazey> currently im just playing around in gamemaker
  234. [15:36] <fetalstar> heyyyyyy
  235. [15:36] <fetalstar> just a little
  236. [15:36] <fetalstar> i was sleeping
  237. [15:36] <fetalstar> hahaha
  238. [15:36] <Mazey> im forcing myself to not quit after i cant fix a bug
  239. [15:36] <Mazey> i got like 50 projects
  240. [15:36] <Mazey> all stopped
  241. [15:36] <@Robits> Halader, thats exactly the attitude i have about it
  242. [15:36] <Halader> Have you found any ways to better pitch the game to people? How has that changed after having to explain the game to so many people?
  243. [15:37] <Mazey> also i could post about TAW here
  244. [15:37] <Mazey> probably some people willbe interested
  245. [15:37] <@Robits> halader, yeah for sure - my pitch is getting better all the time - and in fact ive been invited to do two talks at events in the next few months - so ill see how practicing my elevator statement pays off
  246. [15:37] <@beta_red> Hey Fetal!  How goes it?  
  247. [15:38] <@Robits> Mazey, that would be awesome - any way you can spread the word
  248. [15:38] <fetalstar> lil bit sleepy hahaha
  249. [15:38] <Halader> That's cool! What are you going to talk about during your talks? TAW, design, or what?
  250. [15:39] <@Robits> One of them is just about TAW and im going to talk about the history of its development
  251. [15:39] <@beta_red> @fetalstar Word, haha me too :)
  252. [15:39] <@Robits> and then the other one has to be about a challenge i had to overcome during development
  253. [15:39] <@Robits> and ill probably talk about that issue with the loading time/level loader stuff
  254. [15:40] <Halader> Ok, neat. Sounds like some really cool opportunities.
  255. [15:41] <@Robits> yeah, they are small events but thats good beause i havent given a public talk in like 6 years
  256. [15:41] <@Robits> but its good practice
  257. [15:41] <fetalstar> oh man
  258. [15:41] <Halader> I think it's really good that you're getting some exposure now, when the game is still a while away from release. It'll probably be easier to get more coverage when it's closer to being finished.
  259. [15:42] <fetalstar> public speaking no thankkks D:
  260. [15:42] <Ginji> Are you working on any other projects? (I appologize because I am sure these questions have been asked at earlier chats)
  261. [15:42] <Mazey> fetalstar: dont ignore me :^) you wont git rid of me
  262. [15:43] <@Robits> Ginji, nope, dont really have time for anything else... but when TAW is finihed i have lots of ideas for a followup
  263. [15:43] <@beta_red> @Halader, yeah, definitely! that would be great! :)
  264. [15:43] <Ginji> Do you ever consider going back to Karma>
  265. [15:44] <@Robits> haha i was just playing Karma about an hour ago... i want to show some footage of it during my talk
  266. [15:44] <Halader> Christine, what is development like right now with you? Do you work on specific areas or do you just have a huge list of assets that need to be done that you work through in a random order? does Stephen make you make changes/revisions much?
  267. [15:45] <@Robits> Ginji, i could see that happening
  268. [15:45] <fetalstar> Halader, I usually work on specific areas at a time. Like right now my focus is on the jungle, and jungle-related things. I do have a large list of things that need to be done, but it's all for one area
  269. [15:45] <Halader> Stephen, your favorite Mario game is SMB2, as in, not Lost Levels, right? Interesting.
  270. [15:45] <Halader> Ok.
  271. [15:46] <@beta_red> Brb, gotta take care of the baby
  272. [15:46] <@Robits> halader, yeah thats right - i love that game and i think its because of the level design and no timer
  273. [15:46] <fetalstar> a lot of the changes/revisions that i end up doing are based on things that i notice by playing through a new area. i'll notice things that don't quite look right and take notes on it
  274. [15:47] <fetalstar> though stephen asks for revisions sometimes, and sometimes i'll need to make new objects
  275. [15:47] <Halader> I never really understood why there was a timer. I mean, in a few levels (like boswers castle) where it's a maze, I guess it makes sense, but the timer was rarely an issue anyway, I don't know why it was there at all...
  276. [15:47] <Kiitos> Hey question for anybody at RobitStudios, would you be interested in possibly having a Q&A chat with my IGDA chapter in Ohio at the start of the next college semester? (in August, likely) We like to have developers talk with students about the process behind developing and marketing games. I would love to have the opportunity to give you a little exposure and to give my club members something fun to look forward too.
  277. [15:47] <@Robits> Halader, i agree, but as a kid the timer made me nervous
  278. [15:48] <@Robits> i liked just playing in the world and not worrying about dying for taking too long
  279. [15:48] <Halader> Ok, interesting.
  280. [15:48] <@Robits> so i naturally gravitated toward mario 2
  281. [15:48] <@beta_red> I'm back :)
  282. [15:49] <@Robits> Kiitos yeah for sure
  283. [15:49] <@Robits> email me the details
  284. [15:49] <@Robits>
  285. [15:49] <Kiitos> Awesome! I'd probably.. yeah e-mail you with further details and to organise it. Thanks for letting me know you're interested!
  286. [15:49] <Halader> There is/was a sea monster outside of the ghost place, right? I'm looking forward to what that looks like in TAW.
  287. [15:50] <@Robits> Halader, yeah thats right - the sea monster will return but it might not be in the same place
  288. [15:50] <Halader> One thing that I was wondering, is is there a difference between making art that is animated (like characters) versus assets that are more static (like platforms, etc)? Do you have to approach them differently?
  289. [15:51] <Ginji> Similair question, do any of you at Robit want to come to a shindig? There will be Mountain Dew, Pizza, and gummy worms.
  290. [15:51] <Ginji> SOUR gummy worms
  291. [15:51] <@Robits> if its in NYC im there
  292. [15:51] <Vession> if you trap my robits in your party of doom and they never get to finish TAW i'm going to cry
  293. [15:52] <Ginji> Oh, darn. Well next time you're by CHI, hit me up.
  294. [15:52] <@Robits> haha thanks for the invited ... even though it may be a set-up to kidnap me to make games for your own amusement
  295. [15:53] <Ginji> (I'm just playing around anyway, you have yet asked me to dinner, I'm not sure we're ready to meet each other's friends.)
  296. [15:53] <Ginji> [not yet]
  297. [15:54] <@Robits> haha yeah lets keep it slow for now :)
  298. [15:55] <fetalstar> Halader, yeah, there's definitely a difference between them! With animated things, I have to think a lot about how something will move without it being too stiff (unless it's intentional). Also depending on what it is, everything is broken into pieces
  299. [15:55] <Ginji> I understand. </3
  300. [15:55] <fetalstar> like with the red beetle enemy in the desert
  301. [15:55] <Ginji> Haha :)
  302. [15:55] <fetalstar> i think the head, body, and legs are all separated
  303. [15:55] <fetalstar> and stephen pieces it all together in engine
  304. [15:55] <Vession> Oh geez
  305. [15:56] <fetalstar> the red beetle was the first enemy i did using that method, and it's probably my favorite enemy
  306. [15:56] <Halader> Ok. That sounds like it'd be difficult to do. Things that are separate, but you have to figure out how they fit together. Seems complicated.
  307. [15:56] <fetalstar> so i'm going to go back and revisit the older enemies at some point, so i can make them look a little nicer
  308. [15:56] <@Robits> yeah, we've been getting better at making the enemies use a combination of tradional animation and in-engine movements
  309. [15:57] <fetalstar> well, in the file that i send off to stephen, everything is actually layered on top of each other, so it's just a matter of making sure that it matches when it's added in engine
  310. [15:58] <fetalstar> stephen uses the .psd file i send him as a guide on how to line things up
  311. [15:58] <Halader> Ok. So what is the benefit of having them be in separate parts?
  312. [15:58] <Halader> Does the engine move them separately, and that's how it's animated?
  313. [15:58] <fetalstar> part of it is that it's a lot easier on me, and another part is that it lets stephen add some in-engine animation
  314. [15:59] <fetalstar> there are a few enemies that are all completely animated in engine
  315. [15:59] <@Robits> it depends on the enemy- but in the case of that one it saves on memory
  316. [15:59] <Kiitos> Answer this whenever, I don't want to derail the topic but: can you talk about what went into TAG and how you are doing things differently for TAW?
  317. [15:59] <fetalstar> like the slime monster and the little bomb robots are all just animated in engine
  318. [15:59] <Kiitos> *What went into the making of TAG
  319. [15:59] <Halader> Ok, so you only need 1 asset for an animation, instead of several, 1 for each frame? Makes sense.
  320. [16:00] <@Robits> yeah
  321. [16:00] <fetalstar> but the red beetle and the crab are a mix i think?
  322. [16:00] <@Robits> and then i can move the legs as fast or slow as i want depending on speed
  323. [16:00] <@Robits> yeah, they have a couple of frames for their main body and then their legs are seperate
  324. [16:01] <fetalstar> i animated the legs for the most part hahaha
  325. [16:01] <fetalstar> i'll have to look back at the files, i don't even remember
  326. [16:01] <@Robits> maybe i should but that together for the blog
  327. [16:01] <fetalstar> oh that'd be cool
  328. [16:01] <Ginji> Also answer at any time, what inspired you to make Sonic-esque good/bad ending?
  329. [16:01] <@Robits> show how the enemies are split up
  330. [16:01] <Ginji> For TAG that is,
  331. [16:02] <@Robits> ok these will have to be the last Qs for today
  332. [16:02] <Halader> Yeah, that'd be interesting to see, Stephen.
  333. [16:03] <@Robits> Kiitos - theres a LOT to say about this - and in fact i was just thinking about it before this chat as i thats going to be part of my topic for one of these talks ill be doing
  334. [16:03] <fetalstar> here's a quick idea though:
  335. [16:03] <@Robits> but it all started with just a  vision that i wanted to make a openworld platform game
  336. [16:04] <@Robits> and i wrote down every idea i had and just started putting it together
  337. [16:04] <@Robits> and i was very sloppy - i didnt have a grand vision of know where i was going with it
  338. [16:04] <@Robits> and because of that i had to make some massive changes that wasted a lot of time
  339. [16:05] <@Robits> but i jsut kept going with it and tried o ignore that some things were sorta broken or not exactly how i wanted it
  340. [16:05] <Halader> Ok, interesting. Thanks for sharing that, Christine.
  341. [16:05] <Mazey> fetalstar :^(
  342. [16:05] <@Robits> and eventually it all came together into something that i was happy with
  343. [16:06] <@Robits> but with TAW, not i can see the big picture from the start
  344. [16:06] <@Robits> so i have an opportunity to make everything more coherent and better designed
  345. [16:07] <@Robits> so things like the story arc will be improved, and the difficulty curve will be better balanced
  346. [16:07] <Kiitos> Sounds like the second chance that everybody wants in life. I like the way that you're approaching it
  347. [16:07] <@Robits> yeah thats very much how it feels
  348. [16:07] <fetalstar> the nice thing about doing the sprites this way, is that i only animate the legs for one side of the body, and then stephen duplicates it and layers it behind, and offsets the frames a little. so i only have to animate one set of legs instead of two
  349. [16:08] <Mazey> not nice thing is ignoring me
  350. [16:08] <@Robits> fetal- anything so you have less work :P
  351. [16:08] <Mazey> and promising me a space pig
  352. [16:08] <Mazey> and not giving
  353. [16:09] <@Robits> Ginji, about the ending - that sort of ties into what i was saying about TAG - the ending was one of the things that i felt like i wasnt happy with
  354. [16:09] <fetalstar> also, for example on the red beetle, his head changes depending on if he sees you VS if he doesn't. so instead of having to switch out the entire sprite based on his mood, you just have to switch out the head
  355. [16:09] <fetalstar> Robits: right??? :p
  356. [16:09] <fetalstar> Mazey: i promised nothing
  357. [16:09] <Mazey> liar
  358. [16:09] <Mazey> have you even started
  359. [16:09] <@Robits> but i was burnt our with the game and so i did a quick bad end thing
  360. [16:10] <@Robits> i dont know if i was inspired by sonic, but possibly
  361. [16:10] <Ginji> That's just what I thought of. Sorry, if it was a misstep.
  362. [16:10] <@Robits> this time we will have at new ending and all the endings will be more detailed
  363. [16:11] <Ginji> Like...three endings?
  364. [16:11] <@Robits> ginji- no worries - i acknowledge that almost all my ideas are inspired by other games
  365. [16:11] <@Robits> yeah im planning on at least 3 endings
  366. [16:11] <Ginji> Will it be based off of collecting or decisions?
  367. [16:12] <@Robits> haha both :)
  368. [16:12] <Ginji> Wicked! :)
  369. [16:13] <@Robits> its not decisions as muhc as things you havent completed though
  370. [16:13] <@Robits> ok so we should wrap this up
  371. [16:14] <@Robits> thanks for coming everyone! it was a really nice chat
  372. [16:14] <Ginji> See you in a month!
  373. [16:14] <@beta_red> Thanks for coming, friends!  See you all next time!
  374. [16:14] <Halader> Thanks for answering our questions
  375. [16:14] <Mazey> cya beta_red
  376. [16:14] <Ginji> Thank you!
  377. [16:14] <Halader> Good luck with your talks. When are they?
  378. [16:15] <@Robits> may 27th and june 21st
  379. [16:15] <@Robits> they are in manhatten
  380. [16:16] <@Robits> see ya beta_red thanks!
  381. [16:16] <@Robits> bye everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  382. [16:16] <@Robits> :P
  383. [16:16] <Halader> bye
  384. [16:16] <fetalstar> byeeee
  385. [16:16] <@beta_red> Right on, man!  Bye everyone!
  386. [16:16] <fetalstar> i need to go bake some bread now!
  387. [16:16] *** beta_red (~beta_red@ left ()
  388. [16:16] <@Robits> yum, i need to get some work done :P
  389. [16:16] <Ginji> Sleep tight!
  390. [16:16] <fetalstar> work comes after :p
  391. [16:17] *** Halader quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- The alternative IRC client)
  392. [16:17] <@Robits> see ya
  393. [16:17] *** Ginji ( left ()
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