

Jul 14th, 2012
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  1. [15:43:08] <castfromhp> It's the Dawn of the Final Day, and all descriptions from that onward apply. I would take this to be very soon after waking, probably just skipping small morning routine stuff if applicable.
  2. [15:44:22] <Rini> Well not QUITE, because Rini's small mourning routine stuff is shut off due to an injured-as-fuck leg. It consists of yawning really loudly, slipping goggles on, and... wait why are there MULTIPLE swords there now?
  3. [15:47:08] <castfromhp> (are you waiting on more description or...?)
  4. [15:47:12] <Arae> Well, without a doubt, Arae is freaking out. Was it the flowers, blown away? Partly, but not too much. More forebodding than anything. Was it Caleb waking up? Kind of. Was it the axe? With Caleb waking up to a bloody axe (and you know, being (tightly) bound), Arae feels that she needs to step it up. Her calmness magics, of course. The time for calmness comes when she's
  5. [15:47:13] <Arae> freaking out. Lovely.
  6. [15:47:19] * AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  7. [15:47:27] * Rini ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  8. [15:47:31] <castfromhp> (hurr hurr)
  9. [15:47:44] * AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME is now known as Rini
  10. [15:47:59] <Arae> (I'll lastlines a bit for you)
  11. [15:48:25] <Caleb> (Tree’s got his Whypod, but... If he’s gonna make any attempt at logging that’s probably a good idea.)
  12. [15:48:39] <Arae> (...whypod can see queries right)
  13. [15:48:43] <Ri2> (^)
  14. [15:48:57] <Ri2> (it can see EVERYTHING)
  15. [15:49:11] <Ri2> (also it blew up again already)
  16. [15:49:24] <Arae> ( I have to query Ri2--oh, wait, I get it, don't mind me)
  17. [15:49:51] * AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  18. [15:50:43] * AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME (hold on I'll reg it in a second) gets prepped to head over for a long talk but not before scanning the thing on the ground and making a weak attempt to kick one of the stupid swords over. "You're just making fun of me now, huh?"
  19. [15:51:16] * Rini ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  20. [15:51:19] * AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME is now known as Rini
  21. [15:51:36] <Caleb> It’s kind of really, really hard to engage in any kind of morning routine when you’re all tied up, isn’t it? ... And wouldn’t you agree that a morning routine would be the last thing on your mind when you wake up to a giant, bloody axe slamming through the roof above you? Caleb’d have jumped back in shock upon seeing the axe slam through overhead... If he could,
  22. [15:51:36] <Caleb> anyways. Speaking of which, why is he tied up, anyways? “... Nnngh... The hell’s going...?!?” He’d probably be freaking out a lot, lot more if it wasn’t for someone exerting their will (and by that effect, their choice of emotions) upon him. (Slowbother is slow today.)
  23. [15:52:09] <castfromhp> Your foot passes through, and the image blurs and disappears, the black swords replaced by a single spear with a bloodied helmet hanging off the top.
  24. [15:52:35] <castfromhp> It's clear now that these...additions to your surroundings are merely some form of illusion or image or maybe an intangible object?
  25. [15:52:37] <Caleb> Probably, at the very least, squirming in the restraints once he realizes he actually is restrained.
  26. [15:52:41] <Ri2> (I give up, just gonna use this instead)
  27. [15:53:42] <castfromhp> Rini, someone has helpfully left a pair of crutches leaning against the side of your bed.
  28. [15:54:07] <Ri2> "Alright, sure. I'll remember that.". Groggily, our protagonist glares at the illusion before making a pained attempt to slowly walk to- oh, she uses those then, yeah. Reluctantly.
  29. [15:54:32] * Rini ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  30. [15:54:43] <castfromhp> Caleb, Arae, the faint smell of flowers mixing with the metallic scent of blood is all that's left of the respective symbols you saw. It begins to fade rapidly.
  31. [15:54:47] * Ri2 is now known as Rini
  32. [15:55:28] <Arae> (Welcome to the slow side.) Thankfully, Arae stepped it up. " want Rini to explain this? You probably don't want to hear it from me, and if I lose too much focus you might flip out anyway." The question would be if she could get anyone else to get Rini, but...well, time to turn it up another notch when he sees her in crutches.
  33. [15:56:40] * Rini does slowly proceed into the room, waving at the two of them. In crutches. The way she stands and looks at Caleb both emphasize 'you fucked up.'
  34. [15:57:29] <Arae> Arae turns it up some more. The last thing anyone wants is for him to beat up Rini again because he beat her up in the first place.
  35. [15:57:38] * Celeste ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  36. [15:58:29] <Rini> "Aerie, how's he feelin'?"
  37. [15:59:27] * Valene ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  38. [15:59:59] <Valene> !dm9001 lastlines #5
  39. [16:00:07] <Valene> "He just woke up to realize he's restrained and he saw an axe fly into a wall."
  40. [16:00:22] <Valene> "He is feeling very calm right now."
  41. [16:00:36] * Arae ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  42. [16:00:39] * Valene is now known as Arae
  43. [16:01:11] <Caleb> Hey, why’s she giving CALEB that look? Addy’s the one who triggered it :3 ... But seriously, lay off the switch! You’re gonna, like, blow Caleb’s fragile mind to pieces with that shit now that he’s got only two Mental Stress points. Zero Conviction is a terrible thing to have. He takes a deep breath before speaking. “... Think I’m gonna need someone t’explain
  44. [16:01:11] <Caleb> this shit to me...”
  45. [16:01:44] <Arae> "...You probably know him better than I do, so tell me when I should turn it down a little, OK?"
  46. [16:02:29] <Rini> A shrug. "So that kinda thing's everywhere now? Well, thanks, anyway. I'll take it from here.". Rini the fearless leader crutches on up and displays her grotesque leg injury to the little boy.
  47. [16:02:52] <Rini> "I think we found out what happened to Charis, for one."
  48. [16:03:34] <castfromhp> The injury has been thoroughly packed with gauze all the way through, so it's hard to see at a glance how bad it is, unless you show the hole on the other side of your leg too. Unless you're taking it out for some reason. Not sure why you would. Hurts like hell.
  49. [16:04:01] <Rini> No way, but pointing out that OW.
  50. [16:04:44] <Rini> "Don't try to move or anything, just relax and tell me HOW much you remember from last night."
  51. [16:05:21] <Arae> "...I'm not about to make him stop being calm till it's safe though." Resolution to not meet Evil-Caleb: Maximum.
  52. [16:05:36] * Rini winces painfully all the while, trying to hide her face or something with goggles on. It doesn't work great. Also...
  53. [16:05:43] <Rini> 1d4
  54. [16:05:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Rini, 1d4: 1 [1d4=1]
  55. [16:06:02] <Rini> Sidetail still to the left.
  56. [16:09:03] <Caleb> “...” Caleb’s attention’s definitely drawn to the wound, and even if he can’t see the actual wound, there’s possibly enough blood visible soaked up in there that he can at least tell it’s a pretty bad one. If not that, just the volume of gauze applied would say that much. “... Y’know... Don’cha think the person who woke up tied down...” Is he even tied
  57. [16:09:03] <Caleb> down to a thing moreso than he is just wrapped up in bindings? “... Should be the one gettin’ stuff explained to ‘em first?”
  58. [16:09:56] <Caleb> “Like... The hell she’s sayin’ bout ‘turnin’ it down’, or ‘the hell y’got that injury from’... Or, y’know, ‘why I’m tied up in the first place?’ “
  59. [16:10:39] <Arae> (So I was told to dust before being taken for rides everywhere...and I forgot, so I'm doing it now, brb)
  60. [16:11:12] <Caleb> (>dusting)
  61. [16:11:33] <Caleb> (... I’ve never heard someone other than a maid say they were gonna go dusting before in my life. Not that I’ve met a real maid before, but...)
  62. [16:11:37] <Rini> "No," she says bluntly. "I would've thought so too for a while, sure, but... That's the thing. YOU did this. Even if you weren't really you during it, getting mad over a little thing seems to've caused it. Somehow you got cursed or something."
  63. [16:12:22] <Celeste> (Shuku's one of touhoufag's maids)
  64. [16:12:36] <Rini> "Tell me what you remember, and I'll tell you how I'm gonna fix this. Okay?"
  65. [16:12:37] <Caleb> (Hold on a sec completely losing it)
  66. [16:13:07] * Rini takes a deep breath, pretty clearly taking a lot of effort to not just reach over and slug the kid.
  67. [16:13:32] <Rini> (can't unsee)
  68. [16:17:46] <Caleb> “... You’re... You’re just... Fuckin’ ‘round with me... Right?” It’s... Pretty clear he doesn’t actually mean that as it escapes from his lips. His eyes become pretty much fixated on the wound, locked in an intense stare, from which no emotions are hidden. He’s a good deal of horrified, despite Arae’s attempts to settle him down.
  69. [16:18:25] <Caleb> Just some pitiful attempt to try and convince himself otherwise.
  70. [16:18:46] * Aori_Radidjiu ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  71. [16:18:54] <Rini> "Like hell I'd lie after all that," she flips the goggles up and shakes her head. "So it's all totally blank, huh? Is that it?"
  72. [16:20:09] <Arae> Arae responds by making him even CALMER. At least for a bit, after which she reduces it to previous levels. Can't have him basically forced to be calm forever. It takes effort on her part, and today is a very, very busy day.
  73. [16:20:54] <Rini> Sighing, Rini leans against a wall. "Fine, talk to me then. And this time don't leave ANYTHING out."
  74. [16:22:04] <Rini> "I wanna hear every single thing you remember since you and Aerie went into the book, word-for-word. Everything the voice and Charis told you. NO skimming."
  75. [16:23:49] <Caleb> “After... After a point... Pretty much, yeah...” He tries to draw his eyes away from the wound, but can’t do much to avert that other than shut his eyes. “... Last I remember... Was the lotta you gettin’ stupid drunk... An’ when the fuck’s her face, Addy, had that monster in ‘er hat... I just remember bein’ real scared... An’ freakin’ the hell out...
  76. [16:23:49] <Caleb> An’ after that...” he shakes his head (Dammit Tree give people time to respond to things he woulda said that before the ‘since you went into the book’ thing...)
  78. [16:25:01] * Aori_Radidjiu ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  79. [16:25:12] <Caleb> (You FAR outspeed me mentally.)
  80. [16:25:24] * Rini leans and listens then, with a take-no-shits attitude.
  81. [16:25:48] <Rini> (sorry, I'm a supergenius, can't help it)
  82. [16:27:21] <Rini> "Before that, then? The root of the problem's gotta be in there somewhere."
  83. [16:29:22] <Caleb> Well, you might as well pull out the overpriced movie snacks. “... Just... Gimme a moment. This shit’s... Real annoyin’...” A calm mind is a focused mind, no? ... Going by that logic, if he even can use his Grabby Hands magic, he’ll try to bring them forth to remove the bindings.
  84. [16:30:01] <Caleb> Hopefully, like, just prying them off, not HULK SMASH rip out with bursts of metal chains flying everywhere shrapnel style or anything.
  85. [16:30:05] <castfromhp> Yeah, in fact it comes to you even more naturally than before, and they quickly remove the ropes.
  86. [16:30:27] <Arae> Arae tenses for a moment...and if Rini isn't panicking, well, fine. She's on duty, it shouldn't hurt.
  87. [16:31:45] <Rini> "... Stay there," Rini doesn't panic, but gives a stern look. "I'm not gonna let you leave until AFTER I hear everything... Doubt that was comfy though anyway." SHRUG.
  88. [16:33:44] <Caleb> “... Wasn’t plannin’ on leavin’ right this moment, anyway... Just really didn’ like the way ‘at rope was rubbin’ against me...” He slowly retreats towards the nearest wall and props himself up against it.
  89. [16:34:54] <Rini> "Just gonna freak the Triads out if they find out you 'got loose,' that's all. And even I don't know if the thing from last night is gonna happen again or not. So, anyway," now time to listen.
  90. [16:38:22] <Caleb> “... I could care less what they think as long as they don’t go pointin’ any a their guns in my face or anythin’...” With the retreat, he’s actually able to pull his eyes away from the wound for long enough that he can keep his eyes averted. His eyes go south to the floor. “... Ain’t too much to it, i don’t think...”
  91. [16:40:14] * Rini herself does a good job not looking at the wound at least, that's something to learn from. Even though her face kinda shows that it hurts like hell but she's enduring it. Arms folded still, she listens while being ready to jump on any weird-sounding facts.
  92. [16:41:06] <Caleb> “... After the bookstore, the sword was ‘ere, ‘long with all the rest a’ the hurtin’ those fuckin’ things did to us... An’ considerin’ people seemed to take a real likin’ a shootin’ at us... Figured I might as well just take it with...”
  93. [16:42:22] <Rini> *sign*. "... Hold up, before the thing happened, did it feel weird when you grabbed it? Like something freaky was 'dripping' into you?"
  94. [16:42:28] <Caleb> “... Yyyeah, that... Probably wasn’t the best thing I coulda done... Soon as I walk out the store, some asshole cop comes outta nowhere, chases me an’ tackles me to the ground...”
  95. [16:45:41] <Caleb> “Tried cuffin’ me, too... Like hell if I needed any a’ that shit, so I tried bookin’ it again... An’ then he pulls out a fuckin’ taser.”
  96. [16:46:23] <Caleb> “That’s when I started hearin’ shit in my head...”
  97. [16:46:32] <Caleb> (You may proceed to interject NOW.)
  98. [16:47:16] <Rini> "Alright, try to remember EXACTLY what it said. There's no way there isn't a clue in there."
  99. [16:51:28] <Caleb> “It just... Asked me what kinda victory I wanted! Idunno, I was freakin’ out, couldn’actually do anythin’... Was like I was frozen in time or some shit! Just remember tellin’ it I wanted the thing ‘at was an actual victory, ‘cause... Really, was a fuckin’ taser!” ... Maybe some more calm might be needed. Or at the very least, Botherer should put his calmmusic
  100. [16:51:28] <Caleb> on repeat.
  101. [16:52:57] <Arae> She complies with the confusion and panic in his voice. And the several curse words he's spouting, too. Calm people generally don't fling those around!
  102. [16:53:49] <Caleb> They do when that’s the way they normally talk. He’s a filthy, half-naked street rat. Do you really put it past him?
  103. [16:54:05] <Rini> Tree has loud battle music blaring 24/7, you have no excuse. "What kind? That's it? And that's all you said? Well... Okay, I can believe that I guess. Real Faustian magic is everywhere I guess. So, turns out what you picked was the WRONG choice."
  104. [16:54:17] <Rini> -I guess x1
  105. [16:54:28] <castfromhp> (>implying right choice)
  106. [16:54:49] <Rini> Also Rini swears when she's calm too, silly Shookie.
  107. [16:55:20] <Caleb> (What kind of what?)
  108. [16:55:22] <Caleb> (Voice?)
  109. [16:55:37] <Rini> (of victory)
  110. [16:56:41] <Arae> You're terrible then, and are getting slightly calmed down appropriately. Dirty, dirty mouths on all of you.
  111. [16:56:59] <Caleb> “... It... Didn’t tell me what kinda victory it actually was... Just... Asked me what kinda price I wanna pay for it...”
  112. [16:57:37] <Rini> "Whatever it did, it took advantage of you and turned you batshit. And... Whoa whoa whoa more detail on that, we might be onto something."
  113. [16:58:36] <Rini> "Hoe victory works is you EARN it, not BUY it. That already says something's up."
  114. [17:03:53] <Caleb> “It just... Told me t’pay a price, an’... Really, I...” Preparing to flip Rini’s bitchswitch so she can slap the fuck outta Caleb in 3, 2... “Idunno... Didn’t think that much on it, an’ if yer payin’ yer soul, y’turn into a lifeless emotionless corpse an’ might as well be dead... An’ yer body, I probably woulda ended up like her...” He points to
  115. [17:03:53] <Caleb> Arae. “... Like hell if I wanna be a fuckin’ ghost like her, either... Just thought it’d make me dumb or somethin’ if I payed with my mind! I... I really just... Don’t got a fuckin’ clue....”
  116. [17:06:18] <Arae> She has basically accepted that Caleb isn't going to like her the way she is. And it's fine, really. Some people are jerks to some people. It's why she was going to make Rini talk to him for this, and it's worked out pretty well! ...And Caleb was already dumb. D-dummy...
  117. [17:06:27] <Rini> "Er... What? Pay your body, soul, or mind, THAT's what it asked?" Massive headshake. "Oohhh you friggin' IDIOT, haven't you seen enough TV to tell you questions like that are ALWAYS designed to screw you over? Paying your mind turns you into a BRAINLESS RAMPAGING HELLBEAST, eff why eye!"
  118. [17:07:53] <Caleb> “Y’don’t exactly get t’watch TV when ya spent the last five years a’ yer life without a proper home!” >:1
  119. [17:08:25] <Caleb> It’s pretty easy to pick up on the mad.
  120. [17:08:54] <Rini> "Not that I blame you considering the situation, getting tazed doesn't sound fun. Everyone probably freaks out at times like that. But..." Rini looks at the ground. "Yeah... Alright, my bad. Knowin' that I might be able to work backwards."
  121. [17:11:05] <Rini> "Well whatever, long story short the sword is cursed and you probably screwed yourself for life by being in a panic." She stands up. "But a supergenius like me being around changes everything. So, take a good look," she gestures to her leg, "and lemme ask you: Do you WANT to do stuff like this? Does hurting people without thinking make you happy?"
  122. [17:14:36] * Aori_Radidjiu ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  123. [17:14:38] * Aori_Radidjiu ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  124. [17:19:06] <Caleb> “. . .” Caleb’s head rises from its slumped down position. “. . . The hell... The hell kinda dumb question is ‘at? ... Y’think... Y’think ‘at I wanna live like this?” (Oh God I’m sorry I kind of just blanked out and started... Still wordsing but just letting you know I didn’t like die)
  125. [17:19:29] <Rini> (you are so cute)
  126. [17:20:02] <Celeste> (Goddamnit Airy, you made him too calm)
  127. [17:21:08] <Arae> (oops~)
  128. [17:23:24] <Caleb> “... Y think I wanna go ‘round just choppin’ people up an’ makin’ ground beef an’ shit?” He wants to be angry... He really does. ‘cause really, what kinda person would... His eyes shut tightly before disappearing behind a hand as it clamps upon his face. “... Really, I... I wouldn’t mind just... Walkin’ over there an’ kickin’ ya in that wound ya
  129. [17:23:24] <Caleb> got right now just fer suggestin’ at...”
  130. [17:24:45] <Rini> "So you don't?" She wears an arrogant smirk now. "Good. Because I'm long to suggest something better, something that works for both of us."
  131. [17:25:13] <Caleb> (... Long to suggest? ... In english please?)
  132. [17:25:34] <Rini> (going to suggest, hurr this client)
  133. [17:26:15] <Caleb> “... Not... Helping...” (also, dat whypod autocorrect!)
  134. [17:26:49] <Rini> "Hold on a bit. You said fear was the trigger, yeah?"
  135. [17:27:58] * Rini pauses to tap her goggles and mutter a little, but pulls them back up. "Anyway, if that's it, then it's easy."
  136. [17:30:23] <Caleb> “I... I dunno... Mean, it... Seems like ‘at was what’s gone an’ provoked it most, but... When I, er... woke up... In ‘at prison cell...”
  137. [17:31:08] <Rini> "Mmm? It happen again there?"
  138. [17:32:57] <Caleb> “Nah, not in there... Was just where I ended up after ‘at weird feelin’ right before... All I remember ‘fore I woke up in ‘ere... Slicin’ right through someone’s neck... That Charisse lady... She was tellin ‘me... ‘bout my, err.. My parents...”
  139. [17:35:28] <Rini> "... And you lost your cool? I always thought my mom could make me flip out like that too, so I get how it feels. But everything's okay there- and I really owe you one for helping her, I gotta say. That kinda thing is why I figure no matter how apeshit you go you're not a bad person."
  140. [17:35:51] <Rini> "Sorry, sorry, go ahead and finish."
  141. [17:39:32] <Caleb> “... Yeah... Buncha fuckin’ dumbasses... Whole lot of ‘em...” Caleb droops down a fair bit, to the point he might as well just be lying on the floor.
  142. [17:42:03] <Rini> "Mad at 'em? Well... Lemme tell you a few things. First off, what happened wasn't really YOUR fault, so crazy as it is, I still want to be your friend, got it? That means I'll be here if you need someone to talk to about that kinda stuff. 'Cause that's what friends do, y'know?"
  143. [17:46:24] <Rini> "Second.. That curse, I only have vague ideas how to lift it. But as far as I care you're still an honorary Rogue, and that means I'm still your leader. Instead of being scared of that sword and hiding from it," she smiles and walks over. "I'd rather give you an order: You be MY sword instead. I'll show you there's nothing to be afraid of if you'll fight with me, maybe even only go berserk for the cause of good and that
  144. [17:46:25] <Rini> kinda stuff. How about it?"
  145. [17:49:42] <Rini> (also someone post Living With Determination Iwatodai plz, I have it blasting)
  146. [17:50:56] <Arae> ( )
  147. [17:51:14] <Arae> (No one extended it, I THOUGHT ALL THE SONGS WERE EXTENDED)
  148. [17:52:09] <Rini> (THEN IT IS YOUR DESTINY- also thank you)
  149. [17:53:44] <Caleb> (... AAAAGH MY MOM FUCKING DAMNIT)
  150. [17:53:52] <Caleb> (Hold on catching up on words)
  151. [17:54:01] <Rini> (mad)
  152. [17:57:33] <Caleb> “...” That was a hellofa mouthful to take in as he slinks down further, which would’ve happened earlier if Botherer didn’t get dragged away while attempting to words some more. To the point that he’s pretty much just lying on the floor. “... You’re... You’re real fuckin’ nuts... Y’know that, Rini?” (Also, needs more of the one you hear when you go outside
  153. [17:57:33] <Caleb> after New year’s with the cult)
  154. [17:57:48] <Caleb> (I just like that one better :p)
  155. [17:59:26] * Anise` is now known as Satsuki
  156. [18:00:07] <Rini> "Hee Hee. Sure is somethin' to have a demon-possessee telling me that, huh? But it's pretty true. I had some time to think about it and no matter how injured I am, I still have a world to save. That's still gonna happen."
  157. [18:02:14] <Rini> "So I'll be as blunt as I possibly can about the last thing: I figured out how, so if you berserk and hurt me or any of my friends again I'll kill you. No questions asked." Standing over the shota, her face is more... Sisterly than condescending.
  158. [18:02:55] <Rini> "And that's why I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you control it from now on. I'll HELP you control it."
  159. [18:13:17] <Caleb> “...” Caleb looks up at the girl who, if only because he’s lying down on the floor, is towering over him... And just closes his eyes for a bit. When he opens them, the grabby hands emerge. One to “relieve” Rini of one of her crutches, and the other to push her down to the floor.
  160. [18:15:25] <Rini> "NNNG." The expression doesn't leave her face, though said face is pretty pained now. Because OW. Now at his level the little girl just looks at the little boy, scarf brushing against the ground.
  161. [18:20:37] <Arae> If his eyes aren't insane, bloodshot, or anything like that, Arae stays her course and keeps it at the level it's been all this time. No stopping him from being Caleb, just stopping him from being batshit insane. Or way too much of an abusive future husband. Or something.
  162. [18:21:11] <Caleb> “... Your move,” he says as he closes his eyes, clasping his real hands together and placing the two of them over his chest.
  163. [18:21:52] * Aori_Radidjiu ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  164. [18:23:58] * Rini grunts and gets up, nodding to the ghost and turning back. "Do you refuse? I offered all I could, if you're not gonna help then the Triads are too afraid to stop you, I bet. You could just leave now and live like you did the past five years again."
  165. [18:26:46] <Rini> "I won't stop you. I won't even have Aerie stop you. Buy no matter how many times you knock me down, even if it hurts like hell, I'll get up. The chakras, my mom, the world... All those things count on me, y'know."
  166. [18:27:27] <Arae> She has no idea why she was nodded to, and frankly, [DATA EXPUNGED]. But, let's just let Rini talk.
  167. [18:28:04] <Rini> It was a 'stand aside in case he runs off like a wimp' nod.
  168. [18:28:34] <Arae> Well, she'll comply with that with no questions!
  169. [18:28:54] <Caleb> He just pops an eye open. “You’re sayin’at as if that’s what I wanna go back to. ... An’ even if I do help... Well... Ain’t like that’s not exactly what I’ll be goin’ back to after all a’ this...”
  170. [18:29:21] <Rini> "Wrong."
  171. [18:31:11] <Caleb> “... Really?” He’s just got his head tilted so he’s looking at Rini.
  172. [18:32:00] <Rini> "That kinda attitude, you KNOW I can't stand that. Frankly I'm sick of you acting like a selfish brat too, especially to people who just want to be friends. I want your help not just because you can do things I can't, but because I just can't STAND that act of yours, how you make it seem like everyone hates you and you hate them back. That's now how it works. People can understand each other."
  173. [18:34:09] <Rini> "I have an idea in mind, maybe you'd even like it. But before that I wanted to show you what a real friend's like. And a friend wouldn't stop a friend from doing what they want either, so if you dot want my help, get out. That's my final offer."
  174. [18:39:03] * Firespitter ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  175. [18:39:03] * Firespitter ( Quit (Quit: Firespitter)
  176. [18:51:02] * Caleb just shrugs, and pulls himself up off the floor and to his feet. “... Not quite what I was gettin’ at... Think I might need t’ just.. Go fer a walk or somethin’... Maybe I’ll come back... Maybe I won’t... Idunno... But if I don’t... Idunno, you got yer crazy shit that y’know everythin’ ‘bout everyone an’ got all yer shit wherever y’need it to
  177. [18:51:03] * Caleb be... So if I don’t... Well, feel free t’ just press yer big red button an’ fire the missile at me or whatever yer plan is...” He at least helps Rini up, too, though it might accidentally hurt with Grabby Hands.
  178. [18:53:28] <Rini> "Promise I won't do anything bad unless you deserve it," she takes the help and doesn't really mind how much it hurts, considering she's dealing with a fucked-up leg anyway. "If you leave, g'luck. If not... Well, we'll see."
  179. [18:54:15] * Rini wears a smile, a confident one as usual, and steps to the side, leaving the doorway open.
  180. [18:56:38] <Arae> "...I'll have to escort you out of the building, if you want to take a walk. And then a bit farther, just in case. You'll probably be jumped on if I'm not following you." She's calm, but that's probably just the magic.
  181. [18:57:28] <Caleb> “... Considerin’ the shit yer tryin’a pull, I’d think you’d be the one in needa luck...”
  182. [18:59:04] <Rini> "Not luck," her head shakes. "I have enough confidence to cover that one. But thanks, and be careful."
  183. [19:00:20] <Rini> "... Hold still before you go, though.". Rini approaches Caleb before letting him out and tries to reach into his clothes. Wat do?
  184. [19:00:42] <Caleb> ... INTO his clothes?
  185. [19:00:44] <Arae> (Reach into his pants)
  186. [19:01:03] <Arae> (You know you want to, you wild dirty animal)
  187. [19:01:20] <Caleb> Seriously, I’ma need Rini to clarify this shit.
  188. [19:01:26] <Caleb> ‘cause WHAT THE FUCK AM I READING?!?
  189. [19:01:57] <Rini> Probably his shirt or something. If he wears pockets, those.
  190. [19:02:17] <Caleb> ... Hey, cast, did the Triad clothe him while he was unconscious?
  191. [19:02:45] <castfromhp> Presumably you got some sort of change of clothes before the meeting?
  192. [19:02:47] <Rini> (>implying they weren't too scared of him)
  193. [19:03:48] <Rini> (... In that case consider Rini was the one who brought him said change, for fluff)
  194. [19:04:09] <Rini> (or she at least talked with triads before they brought it)
  195. [19:05:12] <Caleb> ... Huh, I’ve been under the assumption he got pulled straight outta nap mode and into the meeting last session, no questions asked. He’s looking a bit wary and takes a step back as she approaches... Just what is she doing?!?
  196. [19:05:43] <Caleb> (Yeah, I thought he was still parading in his undies. ... Whoops? :3)
  197. [19:06:02] <Caleb> (Underwear or bust!)
  198. [19:06:05] <Rini> "Hold STILL I said! You'll probably want me to get rid of this."
  199. [19:06:47] * Rini makes another attempt; seems she's just reaching for the edge of a pocket or something anyhow.
  200. [19:08:02] <Caleb> “...” He watches her warily as she does whatever she plans to do.
  201. [19:09:04] <Rini> She pulls her hand back and clamps it closed, stepping away. "... Transmitter. How do you think I found where you were at all those times before? Anyway you're free now."
  202. [19:10:31] <Caleb> ... She did what?!?
  203. [19:10:48] <Arae> Fucking Rini, man.
  204. [19:10:48] <Rini> <3
  205. [19:12:11] <Rini> For the record as Aerie would know she usually tracks by cell phone, but he's TOO POOR for that.
  206. [19:12:28] <Caleb> (... I thought she was doing her crazy satellite shit. That’s... Nowhere near as impressive.)
  207. [19:12:59] <Rini> (Uhhhh that IS her crazy satellite shit)
  208. [19:13:32] <Arae> She's so amazing that everything she does just seems more amazing, even if it actually isn't. That's Rini!
  209. [19:14:03] <Rini> And that's why she's the main character!
  210. [19:15:32] <Caleb> “... Errr... Thanks... I think...” Nosuitableresponse.jpg
  211. [19:16:09] * Rini waves pleasantly~
  212. [19:20:14] * Caleb just sighs as he lets Arae escort him out to rally up what few belongings he actually has and get the fuck outta Triad base.
  213. [19:21:30] * Rini slumps over by a wall while the ghost makes her way out, until she (hopefully) comes back.
  214. [19:23:14] <Arae> As long as Caleb doesn't do something like beat the shit out of her or strike up a conversation or what have you, as soon as he's somewhat far away from the base, she's back, having not said a word the entire trip.
  215. [19:23:21] <Caleb> So, Arae, you need to say anything to Caleb, or is this just an awkwardly silent walk--Okay.
  216. [19:23:28] <castfromhp> (damnit are you guys going outside?)
  217. [19:23:36] <castfromhp> (because I have to describe that, but I haven't finished it all)
  218. [19:23:49] <Caleb> (... Sorry.)
  219. [19:23:53] <Arae> It's a terribly awkward the front doors, it seems. Fun times.
  220. [19:24:05] <Rini> (well caleb is, aerie is probably just glancing?)
  221. [19:24:14] <castfromhp> (so I'd appreciate if we kinda timefroze for the moment until session or something - I thought you guys would keep the whole mini indoors)
  222. [19:24:44] <Rini> (can it be not-terrifying enough that aerie can come back?)
  223. [19:24:51] <Arae> Oh, Arae's going out with him. Better wait until he's actually a distance away, and walk with him till then. Of course, that might be moot anyway. Fun!
  224. [19:25:32] <Arae> And by 'going out with him', I mean 'outside'. Before you think anything, I'll throw the thought in your head and tell you to stop.
  225. [19:25:35] <Rini> (because that seems really... Nonproductive to force us to call it when we probably just had a few lines left)
  226. [19:25:57] <castfromhp> (can Arae just walk Caleb partway to the door or something?)
  227. [19:26:16] <Caleb> (He can tell her he doesn’t need to be babied the whole way and part off that way.)
  228. [19:27:07] <Arae> (And let Caleb walk on his own? Hell no. He's a liability to everyone's safety (or at least, everyone in the building save them think he is). He's gonna get escorted out by her unless someone else wants to take that role.)
  229. [19:28:08] <Arae> (And, you know, let the beast walk without restraining powers. That just doesn't sound like a good idea to other people at all.)
  230. [19:28:22] <castfromhp> (I'm trying to make this easier :/)
  231. [19:29:14] <Rini> (if you're really putting THIS much effort into shutting us down I'll just rage quit my client and come back Saturday)
  232. [19:30:06] <castfromhp> (uhhh, I suggested a solution to this that I felt was pretty reasonable. Is it incredibly important that Arae glance outside at all?)
  233. [19:31:01] <Arae> (...If it's that important, fine, budging on the 'actually escorting him outside' is reasonable, I guess)
  234. [19:32:40] <Arae> In which case, there she is!
  235. [19:33:57] <Rini> And slumped against the wall the supergenius is, having apparently just rather the ceiling the whole time. "I'm actually pretty bad at this, huh?"
  236. [19:34:22] <Rini> -rather +stared at
  237. [19:41:54] * Arae ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  238. [19:43:58] <Rini> HE MAD
  239. [19:44:21] <Satsuki> erryone mad
  240. [19:44:51] <Caleb> Madness runs in the family.
  241. [19:45:32] * Valene ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  242. [19:47:42] * Valene is now known as Arae
  243. [19:48:46] <Arae> Arae shakes her head. Gotta get all that calm out. That calm she's been exterting for hours. Or more than four hours. "...I don't think anything you could have said could have kept him from taking a walk. A great deal of stuff just happened in...less than 10 minutes. ...He'll come back." She's unsure if she knows what's going through Rini's head, and she's definitely sure
  244. [19:48:46] <Arae> she has no idea what's going through Caleb's. People are still confusing.
  245. [19:50:41] <Rini> She doesn't. "Well, yeah, but not just that. He walked out without even saying he was sorry and... I dunno. Everything actually DIDN'T turn out okay this time, that's all. You didn't let him take that sword with him on the way out at least, yeah?"
  246. [19:53:32] <Arae> If he tried, she definitely gave him a big nope. "...Caleb just isn't the kind of person to apologize, I guess. That's just who he is. ...But if 100% doesn't go right, then let's go for 80%." Nod. "...And no, he made a beeline to the exit, and didn't take anything like that with him."
  247. [19:54:12] <Caleb> (>Not 99% right)
  248. [19:54:22] <Caleb> (Not optimistic enough.)
  249. [19:54:26] <Rini> "Anyway, what I wanna say is... Sorry. I guess I didn't think of either of your feelings when I asked for you to help me together and now we're all a little miserable thanks to it. Not that I doubt it's all gonna be alright in the end, but... Yeah. You're right, thanks."
  250. [19:57:44] <Arae> "...I'm just a little miserable thanks to stuff I've done. ...I'll only be miserable thanks to you if you mess up finding a plan B, but you won't do that, right? Right." Let's just throw out that he got the sword while he was in Arae's little book here and see if anything happens.
  251. [19:59:50] <Rini> "By the way, taking that transmitter back doesn't actually change anything. The HUD doesn't work right anymore, so I'm in the dust when it comes to finding stuff.". Hey, don't do that in ooc text, we were getting there. "Don't worry about a plan b, I already got it pretty much covered; let's just focus on keeping as many people from dying or worse as we possibly can today, 'Kay?"
  252. [20:01:50] <Rini> "How I'm gonna get around... That's something else.". Groan.
  253. [20:03:44] <Arae> Oh, oop. And...that's our Rini! "And that would involve claiming those chakra, so we're good!" Nod nod. The calmness gradually subsides! "...though there is'd be nice if there was a hoverchair around here or something, but..." Not the case!
  254. [20:04:07] <Rini> (OH YOU)
  255. [20:04:16] <Arae> (<3)
  256. [20:04:40] * Oxford ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  257. [20:05:17] <Caleb> (/nick Frederini)
  258. [20:06:21] <Rini> "I thought about staying back and coordinating through some kinda devices or something, but that wouldn't be any fun, would it?" NOW she's wearing a goofy grin. "I'll just have to... Not let it get to me. I got a lot of stuff to tell people about the chakras since I didn't get to finish last night, anyway... Got something to write it all down on?"
  259. [20:06:37] <Rini> AND THEN THRY TALKED ALL THROUGH THE MORNING maybe?
  260. [20:07:06] <Arae> Oh, she does have stuff to write it down on. Though talking all through the morning would be a definite no. They're pressed for time as it is!
  261. [20:07:17] <castfromhp> (you could talk to Siyao if Oxford's free. or Addy if Bardy is here)
  262. [20:07:56] <Celeste> (induring ping)
  263. [20:08:45] <Rini> (I can only talk to slow people while phoneplaying)
  264. [20:10:18] <Arae> Though if off-screen talking is happening, Arae's definitely throwing out what she saw this morning there!
  265. [20:11:49] <Rini> Then apparently NOW is the point where we leave off until Saturday, zzzz
  266. [20:12:16] <Rini> 1d2 does she tell Aerie about the fire chakra
  267. [20:12:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Rini, does she tell Aerie about the fire chakra: 1 [1d2=1]
  268. [20:12:26] <Rini> 1d2 really?
  269. [20:12:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Rini, really?: 1 [1d2=1]
  270. [20:12:36] <Arae> 1d2 Are you sure?
  271. [20:12:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Arae, Are you sure?: 1 [1d2=1]
  272. [20:12:38] <Rini> Huh.
  273. [20:12:43] <Arae> Are you NOT sure?
  274. [20:12:45] <Arae> 1d2
  275. [20:12:46] <DiceMaid-9001> Arae, 1d2: 1 [1d2=1]
  276. [20:12:48] <Arae> HA
  277. [20:12:50] <Celeste> quads
  278. [20:13:00] <Celeste> 1d2
  279. [20:13:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Celeste, 1d2: 2 [1d2=2]
  280. [20:13:04] <Celeste> c-c-combo breaker
  281. [20:13:37] <Rini> "... By the way, Aerie, when was the last time you watched movies?"
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