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- on mine of iron ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a iron ingot
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to iron ore
- on mine of diamond ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a diamond
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to diamond ore
- on mine of emerald ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a emerald
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to emerald ore
- on mine of coal ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a coal
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to coal ore
- on mine of lapis ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a lapis
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to lapis ore
- on mine of gold ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a gold ingot
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to gold ore
- on mine of oak log:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a oak log
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to oak log
- on mine of redstone ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a redstone
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to redstone ore
- on mine of nether quartz ore:
- cancel event
- set event-block to bedrock
- give player a nether quartz
- wait 120 ticks
- set event-block to nether quartz ore
- command /broadcast <string>:
- aliases: /bc
- permission: chat.broadcast
- permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.broadcast&7 to run this command!
- trigger:
- broadcast "&r&r&r&r&r&r&r&r&r&"
- broadcast "&cBLOCKED &7%arg-1%"
- broadcast "&r&r&r&r&r&r&r&r&r&"
- command /bc <string>:
- aliases: /broadcast
- permission: chat.broadcast
- permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.broadcast&7 to run this command!
- trigger:
- broadcast " "
- broadcast "&cBLOCKED &7%arg-1%"
- broadcast " "
- on chat:
- replace all "fuck" with "****" in the message
- replace all "cunt" with "****" in the message
- replace all "bitch" with "*****" in the message
- replace all "nigger" with "******" in the message
- replace all "pussy" with "*****" in the message
- replace all "kys" with "Hope you live long" in the message
- command /warn [<offline player>] [<text>]:
- permission: chat.warn
- trigger:
- if arg-1 is set:
- if arg-2 is set:
- add 1 to {warn.%arg-1%}
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- broadcast "&7%arg-1% &rhas been warned by &7%player%"
- broadcast "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/warn [player] [reason]"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/warn [player] [reason]"
- command /clearchat:
- aliases: /cc
- permission: chat.clearchat
- trigger:
- loop 300 times:
- broadcast " "
- broadcast "&cBLOCKED &8» &7Chat has been cleared by &e%player%"
- command /unban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
- permission: chat.ban
- trigger:
- if arg-1 is set:
- if arg-2 is set:
- if {banned.%arg-1%} is false:
- message "&7%arg-1% is currently not banned"
- else if {banned.%arg-1%} is not set:
- message "&7%arg-1% is currently not banned"
- else if {banned.%arg-1%} is true:
- add 1 to {unban.%arg-1%}
- set {banned.%arg-1%} to false
- unban arg-1
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- broadcast "&7%arg-1%'s suspension has been revoked by &7%player%"
- broadcast "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/unban [player] [reason]"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/unban [player] [reason]"
- command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
- permission: chat.ban
- trigger:
- if arg-1 is set:
- if arg-2 is set:
- if {banned.%arg-1%} is true:
- message "&7%arg-1% is currently banned for &r%{banned.reason.%arg-1%}% &7and was banned on &r%{banned.time.%arg-1%}%"
- else if {banned.%arg-1%} is false:
- add 1 to {ban.%arg-1%}
- kick arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- ban arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- set {banned.%arg-1%} to true
- set {banned.reason.%arg-1%} to arg-2
- set {banned.time.%arg-1%} to now
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- broadcast "&7%arg-1% &rhas been suspended by &7%player%"
- broadcast "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- else if {banned.%arg-1%} is not set:
- add 1 to {ban.%arg-1%}
- kick arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- ban arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- set {banned.%arg-1%} to true
- set {banned.reason.%arg-1%} to arg-2
- set {banned.time.%arg-1%} to now
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- broadcast "&7%arg-1% &rhas been suspended by &7%player%"
- broadcast "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/ban [player] [reason]"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/ban [player] [reason]"
- command /kick [<offline player>] [<text>]:
- permission: chat.kick
- trigger:
- if arg-1 is set:
- if arg-2 is set:
- add 1 to {kick.%arg-1%}
- kick arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- broadcast "&7%arg-1% &rhas been kicked by &7%player%"
- broadcast "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
- broadcast "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/kick [player] [reason]"
- else:
- message "&7Incorrect usage, &r/kick [player] [reason]"
- command /gm [<text>] [<player>]:
- description: Change your gamemode
- permission: chat.gamemode
- permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions to execute this command.
- executable by: players
- trigger:
- if arg-1 is set:
- if arg-2 is set:
- if arg-1 is "C", "1" or "Creative":
- set gamemode of arg-2 to creative
- message "&eSet the gamemode of %arg-2% to &6&lCreative" to player
- message "&eGamemode changed to &6&lCreative&e by %player%" to arg-2
- else if arg-1 is "S", "0" or "Survival":
- set gamemode of arg-2 to survival
- message "&eSet the gamemode of %arg-2% to &6&lSurvival" to player
- message "&eGamemode changed to &6&lSurvival&e by %player%" to arg-2
- else if arg-1 is "A", "2" or "Adventure":
- set gamemode of arg-2 to adventure
- message "&eSet the gamemode of %arg-2% to &6&lAdventure" to player
- message "&eGamemode changed to &6&lAdventure&e by %player%" to arg-2
- else if arg-2 isn't set:
- if arg-1 is "C", "1" or "Creative":
- set gamemode of player to creative
- message "&eSet your gamemode to &6&lCreative" to player
- else if arg-1 is "S", "0" or "Survival":
- set gamemode of player to survival
- message "&eSet your gamemode to &6&lSurvival" to player
- else if arg-1 is "A", "2" or "Adventure":
- set gamemode of player to adventure
- message "&eSet your gamemode to &6&lAdventure" to player
- else if arg-2 isn't "A", "2", "Adventure", "S", "0", "Survival", "C", "1" or "Creative":
- message "&cUnexpected error! gamemode.Type = false"
- message "&cPlease choose a valid gamemode!"
- message ""
- message "&4If you feel that this is incorrect, please contact your server developer."
- else:
- message "&cIncorrect usage format, /gm <gamemode> [player]"
- Variables:
- {level.%player%} = 0
- on mine:
- if player is holding a pickaxe:
- add 1 to {level.%player%}
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 100:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 1!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 200:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 2!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 350:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 3!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 500:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 4!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 700:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 5!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 2000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 6!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 2500:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 7!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 3250:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 8!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 5000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 9!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 6700:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 10!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 8000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 11!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 9000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 12!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 10500:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 13!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 12000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 14!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 12500:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 15!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 14000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 16!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 16000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 17!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 18000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 18!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 20000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 19!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 25000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 20!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 30000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 21!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 35000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 22!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 40000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 23!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 45000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 24!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 50000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 25!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 55000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 26!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 60000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 27!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 65000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 28!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 70000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 29!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 80000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 30!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 90000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 31!"
- if {level.%player%} is equal to 100000:
- broadcast "&b&lLEVELUP &c%player% &7has leveled up! They are level 32!"
- command /level:
- trigger:
- wait 1 tick
- message "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- message "&7Your xp is &b{level.%player%}"
- wait 1 tick
- message "&e&m*------------------------------------------*"
- on join:
- set {ip.%player%} to IP of player
- command /checkip <text>:
- permission: core.checkip
- permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have permission &7 to run this command!
- trigger:
- send "&7last ip of %arg 1% was &8%{ip.%arg 1%}%"
- command /lagkill:
- permission: lagkill.use
- permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have permission &7 to run this command!
- trigger:
- make player execute command "/minecraft:kill @e[type=!player]"
- options:
- noperm: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have permission &7 to run this command!
- command /lockchat:
- permission: chat.lock
- trigger:
- broadcast "&c%player% &7locked chat"
- if {chat.set} is not set:
- set {chat.set} true
- on chat:
- if {chat.set} is set:
- cancel event
- else:
- if player has permission "bypass permission":
- stop
- command /unlockchat:
- permission: chat.lock
- trigger:
- broadcast "&c%player% &7Unlocked chat"
- if {chat.set} is set:
- set {chat.set} false
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