

Jun 14th, 2016
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  1. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  2. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  5. CUC: >Play Game
  6. ?AO: World File A detected. Loading.
  7. ?AO: Loading...
  8. ?AO: Loading...
  9. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  10. CUC: >Recall recent past.
  11. ?AO: You just cleared out the Eta Sector. You are now on the ship, preparing to depart to the Alpha Sector, as per Charoite's spiral travel idea.
  12. ?AO: Would you like to depart to the Alpha Sector?
  13. CTG: sure.
  14. CUC: >Yes.
  15. CCP: >yes
  16. ?AO: You plot a course. Given that it is right next to the Eta Sector, it'll take fifteen minutes or so.
  17. CSE ceased responding to memo.
  18. ?AO: You've got all that time to burn.
  19. CUC: >Experiment with the Pen a bit more, perhaps?
  20. CUC: >That or continue trying to summon your weapon.
  21. ?AO: What shall it be?
  22. CTG: try to summon your weapon.
  23. CUC: Anyone else vote -- The Twin carries it.
  24. ?AO: Very well.
  25. CCP: Try to summon ωeαpon.
  26. ?GG: >ask charoıte to look up the weapon
  27. ?GG: wasn't she goıng to do that way back when she told us about weapon summonıng
  28. ?AO: She was not. This command was never entered.
  29. ?GG: huh
  30. ?GG: ı guess she just mentıoned ıt
  31. ?AO: How will you attempt to summon your weapon? Any particular state of mind you wish to be in?
  32. ?AO: Please enter command.
  33. CTG: try to relaX
  34. CTG: and then try to summon your weapon
  35. ?AO: You attempt to just feel it, as you probably should. Imagining the sensation of pulling something out of your back isn't too difficult.
  36. ?AO: And... heads.
  37. ?AO: Before you know it, there's a pair of water wings sticking out of your back. Everyone is blown away by this sudden revelation.
  38. ?AO: Really? Wings? Wow. Who would have known.
  39. CUC: Water wings woo!
  40. CTG: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ we did it!
  41. CUC: We did it Reddit!
  42. ?AO: You have about five minutes left. Who knew just feeling it took so long?
  43. ?AO: Now what?
  44. CTG: uh..
  45. CTG: experiment with the pen a bit more.
  46. ?AO: You pull up another sheet of paper. What shall you write with the Fountain Pen?
  47. CTG: hmmmmm....
  48. CTG: "Heh."
  49. ?GG: >wrıte the word "fountaın"
  50. CUC ceased responding to memo.
  51. ?AO: Sure thing, pal. You write "Heh," and then "fountain."
  52. ?AO: The magetear ink of the latter word briefly shows the visage of a water fountain.
  53. ?AO: The former word, however, sits there for a few moments, before lighting the paper ablaze, destroying it.
  54. CTG: OH
  55. ?AO: You take another sheet of paper.
  56. CCA ceased responding to memo.
  57. ?AO: Is there any word in particular you desire to write next?
  58. ?AO: Please enter command.
  59. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  60. CUC: /back
  61. CTG: hmmm..
  62. CAO made UC an OP.
  63. CTG: write the word "lapis"
  64. ?AO: You do so.
  65. CUC: someone kick me quick?
  66. ?AO: The paper turns a little blue, and the magetear words show you a picture of you! Unfused you, that is.
  67. ?AO banned CUC from responding to memo.
  68. CCC made UC an OP.
  69. ?AO: Congratulations. You've survived the flight. You land on the landmass of the Alpha Sector, which appears to be mostly covered in vegetation, possibly some sort of strawberry.
  70. ?AO: Who do you want to take with you?
  71. CTG: who can we take?
  72. ?AO: Cyan's an automatic, as she is currently you, Topaz, and Charoite.
  73. CTG: charoite seemed pretty awesome last time
  74. ?AO: She's cool.
  75. ?AO: Do you wish to merely take Charoite?
  76. CTG: can we take all of them?
  77. ?AO: Sure.
  78. CTG: ask topaz if she wants to come.
  79. ?GG: leave charoıte behınd
  80. CTG: (she seemed apprehensive about going on a mission last time I saw her?)
  81. ?GG: worrıed about the whole...
  82. ?GG: shıp theft
  83. ?GG: possıbılıty
  84. ?AO: "... Sitting in a ship for about an hour really helped with the sword practicing. Kind of. I guess I'll go."
  85. ?AO: Are you sure you want to leave Charoite behind?
  86. CTG: alright
  87. CTG: UC what do you think
  88. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  89. CUC: Hrm.
  90. CUC: Yeah.
  91. CTG: ok.
  92. CUC: Let's get Topaz some experience outside the ship.
  93. ?AO: Charoite stays behind, then.
  94. CUC: And we've gotta trust Charoite.
  95. ?AO: You walk over to the hatch, preparing to exit.
  96. ?AO: However, a banging noise suddenly begins to emanate forth from it, as if a great many things are bashing against the metal.
  97. CTG: investigate
  98. ?AO: Do you wish to open the hatch to investigate, or merely attempt to figure it out inside?
  99. CUC: Hrm.
  100. CTG: it would probably be dangerous to open the hatch,
  101. CTG: but we're a fusion.
  102. ?AO: Is that a yes for opening the hatch?
  103. CTG: yeah
  104. ?AO: You carefully unseal the thing. Topaz takes a step back first, grabbing onto your wrist.
  105. ?AO: Hundreds of shapes immediately flow into the ship, almost entirely identical. They appear to be curved beaks with wings.
  106. CTG: oh fuck.
  107. CUC: Oh crap it's these things
  108. ?AO: Hah.
  110. ?AO: You seal the hatch.
  111. CUC: Now, let's zap as many of these things as we can!
  112. ?AO: The birds all come together. With a quick glow of white light, they form into one large bird.
  113. ?AO: Do you wish to engage in combat?
  114. CTG: ...yes.
  115. CUC: >Yes.
  117. ?AO: Notice: you must also act for Topaz, unlike Charoite.
  118. CTG: noted.
  119. CUC: We still have Charoite in the ship, I presume?
  120. CCP: >Perceive
  121. CUC: So she'll act as well.
  122. ?AO: Yeah, she's in the ship as well.
  123. ?AO: Beset Flopbird: ████████ HP. NOTES: A rather thin bird with a curved beak. A large turquoise shard of crystal is jutting out of its stomach.
  124. CTG: immediately create a large hand of water, sending it towards its chest.
  125. CTG: *its being the flopbird's chest.
  126. ?AO: Very well. And Topaz?
  127. CUC: She has a sword, correct?
  128. ?AO: Yes.
  129. CCP: Attempt to rip out the gem using the lαrge hαnd or ωαter, or rip out its ωings ωith the hαnd of ωαter.
  130. ?AO: Topaz cannot utilize hydrokinesis.
  131. CCP: Thαt ωαs αn αddeum to Tωin's suggestion.
  132. ?AO: Noted.
  133. CTG: have topaz slash at one of its wings.
  134. ?AO: Alright.
  135. ?AO: The flopbird immediately takes a water fist to the chest, banging against the ceiling of the ship. The hand pulls the shard of crystal out of the bird's chest, to an extent.
  136. ?AO: The bird is currently too high in the room for Topaz to reach.
  137. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  138. ?AO: The bird's maw drips with saliva. But, before it can do anything, Charoite bursts into the room from the deck, summons her wand, and shoots the thing in the eye immediately.
  139. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  141. CCP: Using the fist, pound the βird toωαrds the ground.
  142. CTG: > Percieve
  143. ?AO: Beset Flopbird: ████████ HP. NOTES: A rather thin bird with a curved beak. A large turquoise shard of crystal is jutting out of its stomach.
  144. ?AO: Topaz's action?
  145. CUC: >Be ready to attack the bird as it falls.
  146. CCP: If the βird is κnocκed into rαnge βy the first, stαβ its crystαl shαrd or cut off it's ωings.
  147. CUC: ^
  148. ?AO: Very well.
  149. ?AO: You pound the flopbird straight to the ground, and Topaz stabs it several times in the imbedded crystal shard. It seems to grow more relieved the more you destroy the thing, quite frankly.
  150. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  151. ?AO: The bird flaps its massive wings a number of times. The force of the wind disturbance forces all of you into the walls.
  152. ?AO: Then, the thing leaps into the air, diving for its target.
  153. ?AO: That target, of course, being the amethyst bubble containing the unconscious form of none other than Delta.
  154. CUC: Fuck.
  155. CCP: A shocκ, indeed.
  156. ?AO: The thing pops the bubble, grabs Delta up in its maw, and immediately soars over you all in an arc, driving itself straight through the hatch, instantly pummeling it to the ground below, and to the outside.
  157. CTG: how bad is this.'
  158. CUC: Delta is an amazingly powerful psionic, who basically wiped the floor with us when we fought him.
  159. ?AO: Delta single-handedly took out two Crystallomechanici, incapacitated Charoite, and nearly killed both Cyan and yourself.
  160. ?GG: he's just gonna whıne at us
  161. ?GG: 
  162. CTG: huh.
  163. ?AO: Everyone remains silent.
  164. CCP: So βαsicαlly the Ψ-godmodder 
  165. ?AO: Well, except for Charoite's hyperventilation, of course.
  166. CCP: >Everyone: Shoot thαt βird doωn
  167. ?AO: You drop down to the soft, green earth of the landmass. Looking up, you see the flopbird is already far, far away.
  168. CCP: >Trαcκ doωn the Flopβird
  169. ?AO: Some object is fired up at the bird from far away, funnily enough.
  170. ?AO: You can't see if it hits, and, before you know it, the bird is gone.
  171. ?AO: Now what?
  172. CCP: >Recαll the direction the βird ωent in
  173. ?AO: The bird went in the direction of the other side of the landmass. You're right on the edge.
  174. CTG: go on a birdquest to find the bird.
  175. CCP: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  176. ?AO: You march onwards, on a birdquest.
  177. CCP: Birdquest 2016
  178. ?AO: Charoite stays behind, still having what appears to be an anxiety attack, muttering something about fixing the hatch, and calming down, with a great deal of apologies.
  179. CTG: ((I'm HEAVILY modifying /zodiac 493.))
  180. ?AO: You and Topaz trudge through the strawberry fields yourself.
  181. ?AO: You note several things. First, there are what appear to be a mass of Grayholdian plasma artillery just sort of situated in the field, along with a number of fallen robots.
  182. ?AO: You recall Charoite mentioning this was once a battlefield in the war. Now what? Where shalt you head, to find the bird?
  183. CTG: I was going to check if there was weaponry
  184. CTG: KNEW IT
  185. ?AO: Where there are strawberries, there are battles past.
  186. CTG: go in the direction you saw the bird fly.
  187. ?AO: You march onwards, through the fields. Topaz climbs onto your giant woman shoulder, and just sort of rides along, mildly grinning.
  188. CTG: :D
  189. CCP: :)
  190. ?AO: On the horizon, you see something rather large. It appears to be some sort of massive limestone wall, with hundreds of sparkling lights before it, and a few artillery stations as well.
  191. ?AO: Several massive holes appear to have been blown into said wall.
  192. CTG: huh.
  193. ?AO: The bird definitely flew in this direction. Do you head to the wall, or stay back?
  194. ?AO: Staying back would entail going around, of course.
  195. CTG: head to teh wall.
  196. ?AO: You walk over to the wall.
  197. ?AO: The strawberries around you seem to be muttering something you can't quite make out...
  198. CTG: .....
  199. CCP: >Be insαne, listen to the strαωβerries
  200. ?AO: They appear to be collectively muttering something to the tune of 'IOS CIREE. IOS CIREE H EM.'
  202. CUC: Consulting dictionary...
  203. CUC: IO is I, so IOS might be we?
  204. CUC: Other than that, no idea on CIREE H EM.
  205. ?AO: Shall you investigate, or just trudge onwards?
  206. CTG: investigate
  207. ?AO: You examine the strawberries first. Nothing seems to be particularly different about these, in comparison to the others. The only other thing of note outside the wall is a large teal sphere, mildly transparent, just lying on the ground, several conical legs of some sort lying about it.
  208. CTG: .....flask robonoid?
  209. ?AO: Size-wise, it looks like more of a plug robonoid, you must say.
  210. CTG: poke it and see if it moves. if it does, follow it.
  211. ?AO: You poke it.
  212. ?AO: It stirs once, then twice. The legs spring into action, and the large robot begins to step about in a circle for several seconds, legs emitting that adorable 'wop' noise.
  213. CTG: wop wop wop wop wOP WOP WOP WOP
  214. ?AO: The robonoid is just continually walking in a circle.
  215. CTG: ignore it and resume your noble birdquest.'
  216. ?AO: You resume your birdquest.
  217. ?AO: Shall you head into the wall, or around it?
  218. CCP: The Birdquest cαnnot βe stoped βy mere ωαlls!
  219. CTG: .....through
  220. ?AO: You duck through one of the large holes in the wall. The instant you do, you hear the grind of stone against stone, from some distance away. You have moments to act.
  221. CTG: DUCK
  222. CCP: >dodge
  223. CCP: >Ducκdoge
  224. CTG: wait, get out of the hole
  225. CCP: ^
  226. ?AO: You dodge out of the hole.
  227. ?AO: A long shard of turquoise crystal narrowly misses you, and imbeds itself into the inside of the wall proper.
  228. ?AO: You can hear stone grinding again, as if the thing was brought to life by your presence there.
  229. CTG: interesting.
  230. CCP: >Wαit for the mαchine to reαct further
  231. ?AO: You sight a barrage of six of these crystal shards arcing toward your current position, heading over the wall itself.
  232. CCP: Dodge.
  233. ?AO: You just sort of back against the wall, as the shards cannot head directly down, of course.
  234. CCP: Unless they cαn.
  235. CCP: dundundun 
  236. ?AO: The things land in the strawberries, though one strikes an artillery unit, causing it to explode violently.
  237. CCP: Rip innocent αrtillery unit
  238. CTG: huh
  239. ?AO: Now what?
  240. CTG: try to go around wall. too dangerous to head straight through.
  241. ?AO: You begin to head around the wall, scores of crystal shards just sort of flying into the plant matter some distance away.
  242. ?AO: Suddenly, the robonoid stops moving in circles when a shard lands near it.
  243. ?AO: The thing appears somewhat disoriented for a few seconds, if AI can even be as such. Then, it walks right next to you.
  244. ?AO: You have a moment to react to this.
  245. CCP: Bαcκ αωαy.
  246. ?AO: You take a step back.
  247. ?AO: Then a few more.
  248. CTG: just run from the wall and go around it
  249. ?AO: The robonoid is unfazed. A panel slides upward and out on the front of the spherical robot, revealing a concealed nozzle. The thing crouches to the ground, and sprays some sort of light teal paste saturated with crystalline particles into the ground.
  250. CUC: Maybe we should've brought Charoite, she would know what all of this is.
  251. CPP: gotta go
  252. CPP: Ciao
  253. CPP ceased responding to memo.
  254. ?AO: Do you wish to exit the safety of being right behind the wall, and go out into the range of the machine's firing distance?
  255. CTG: sure. run as fast as you can.
  256. CTG: unless there's an alternate way
  257. ?AO: There really isn't, unless you want to follow the path of the wall all the way around first.
  258. CTG: sure
  259. ?AO: You take just one step forward toward getting around the wall. Then, Topaz taps your shoulder. "You... you might wanna take a look at this." She points back to the robonoid.
  260. CTG: uh oh.
  261. CUC: Uh oh.
  262. CUC: >Take a look.
  263. ?AO: Looking back around, you can see the robonoid take a few steps back, the paste sinking into the ground. Then, something glows in the earth, rising into the air moments after pushing past some vegetation.
  264. ?AO: It appears to be a cut stone of rose quartz, with a central octagonal facet.
  265. CUC: Rose quartz? Oh...
  266. ?AO: Similarly, you can see some of the shards imbedded in the earth rising in a similar fashion.
  267. CTG: /////
  268. CUC: Either microcluster or forced gem revivification.
  269. CTG: did we take something of rose's when we made the deal
  270. CUC: No.
  271. CTG: alright
  272. CUC: We got the Fountain Pen.
  273. CUC: Cotangent was Rose's Sword.
  274. ?AO: ((Calm down. Rose has a central pentagonal facet.))
  275. CTG: oh thank god
  276. CUC: Phew.
  277. ?AO: Almost in unison, they all begin to form glowing bodies of light, and all glitch out horribly, before sinking back into their stones.
  278. ?AO: Instead, the very vegetation rises to form their bodies.
  279. CTG: SHIT.
  280. ?AO: The beings all lumber toward you, precisely four in number.
  281. ?AO: Do you wish to engage in combat, or merely talk this out like civilized gems?
  282. CTG: talk it out.
  283. ?AO: What do you say?
  284. CTG: "Hey, we're both gems here. You don't have to hurt anyone!"
  285. CTG: *all
  286. CTG: *we're all gems here
  287. ?AO: You reason with the masses.
  288. ?AO: There's just one problem. V e g e t a b l e s d o n ' t h a v e e a r s , d u n k a s s .
  289. CCP: Plαnts Cαnt Tαlκ Dummy
  291. ?AO: The rose quartz gem grows what appears to be a blade of wood from its left arm, before lunging at you.
  292. CTG: Narrowly dodge.
  293. ?GG: >transmute vegetables to corn
  294. ?AO: Tails. You don't dodge swiftly enough. The thing stabs you in the foot.
  295. ?AO: Do you wish to engage in combat?
  296. CCP: Yes
  298. CCP: >perceive
  299. ?AO: Strawberry Golem: : ███████ HP x3. NOTES: An animated mass of plant matter and strawberries, all centered around a central turquoise crystal shard.
  300. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  301. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  302. ?AO: Aquamarine: █████████████████████████ HP.
  303. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  304. CCP: Using ωαter poωers, drαin the ωαter from the strαωβerrys, αnd use the sticκy miχutre of strαωβerry αnd ωαter to sloω the fαllen soldier.
  305. ?AO: And Topaz?
  306. CCP: Topαz shout βe αβle to eαsily give the strαωβerry golems α nice trim ωith his sωord. Ideαlly βy chopping the pαrts thαt αttαches them to the crystαl shαrd.
  307. ?AO: Topaz is a girl.
  308. CTG: THATS what the new HP bar was for. but... why is it so different?
  309. CCP: HER******************************
  310. ?AO: You'll see.
  311. CCP: Re___
  312. CTG: i'm scared
  313. ?AO: Hah.
  314. CCP: Corrected sentence: Topαz shout βe αβle to eαsily give the strαωβerry golems α nice trim ωith HER sωord. Ideαlly βy chopping the pαrts thαt αttαches them to the crystαl shαrd.
  315. CCP: should*
  316. ?AO: You dehydrate two of the golems successfully, and manage to create shackles of water to chain the Fallen Soldier to the floor.
  317. CTG: weremalachitenow.jpg
  318. CCW ceased responding to memo.
  319. ?AO: Topaz can't reach the golems from your shoulder.
  320. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  321. ?GG: oh yeah we can fınally fıll out the homeworld gems theme
  322. ?GG: sınce bob exısts
  323. ?GG: 
  324. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier struggles against their bonds, but they manage to hold, for now.
  325. ?AO: Two of the golems suddenly break out into a sprint, rushing toward you.
  326. ?AO: One of them is actually struck with a shard from the machine over the wall, and collapses to the ground, falling back.
  327. ?AO: The other, however, leaps up into the air, and tackles Topaz from your shoulder, bringing her to the ground.
  328. ?AO: The War Robonoid sprays some more paste onto the fallen golem.
  329. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  332. ?AO: Strawberry Golem: ███████ ██████ ████████ HP. NOTES: An animated mass of plant matter and strawberries, all centered around a central turquoise crystal shard.
  333. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew. Chained to the ground.
  334. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  335. ?AO: Aquamarine: █████████████████████████ HP.
  336. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP. Golem on top of her.
  337. CUC: We might want to take down the Robonoid.
  338. CTG: ....yeah.
  339. CUC: /afk
  340. CTG: new priority: attack the war robonoid. wrap it in a water fist and try to squeeze it apart.
  341. CCP: Use the ωαter componet on the ωαter golem holding doωn Topαz to mαlnipulαte it, αnd slαm it into the Wαr Roβonoid.
  342. CCP: Then folloω up ωith tωin's suggestion.
  343. ?AO: You can only do one action at a time.
  344. ?AO: One per person.
  345. CCP: Tωin, ωhich one do you thinκ is βetter?
  346. CCP: No response?
  347. ?AO: TG.
  348. ?GG: mmmmmmmm
  349. ?GG: kychee
  350. CTG: wait
  351. ?GG: *lychee
  352. CTG: battlefury you can go first
  353. ?AO: And Topaz's action?
  354. CCP: TG gets topαzs αction, i suppose.
  355. CTG: nah its fine
  356. CTG: you go ahead
  357. CCP: Restαting ωhαt i sαid βefore: Use the ωαter componet on the ωαter golem holding doωn Topαz to mαlnipulαte it, αnd slαm it into the Wαr Roβonoid.
  358. ?AO: Notice: summoning weapons is a free action, and you can summon as many weapons as you can hold, not including constructs like wings.
  359. CCP: Topαz cαn then αttempt to seperαte the strαωβerry golems from their gem ωith her sωords.
  360. ?AO: Very well.
  361. ?AO: You can't manipulate the golem, but instead dehydrate it, and use the water to attack the war robonoid. A sizable crack forms on the robonoid's surface.
  362. CCP: αnd then is repαired
  363. CCP: proβαβly
  364. CCP: regen hp αnd αll
  365. ?AO: Topaz proceeds to desperately stab near the gem of the golem atop her, successfully separating it from the body.
  366. CTG: robonoids can't repair themselves
  367. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  368. ?AO: The golem Topaz removed from its gem slowly begins to reform itself.
  369. ?AO: The other two leap over to you, and punch you in the face twice.
  370. ?AO: ... They don't have weapons.
  371. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier immediately breaks free from their bonds, stepping toward you with dignity.
  372. CTG: 
  373. ?AO: The being raises their maple blade, and immediately impales you through the chest. You hear Topaz call out as you drop to the ground.
  374. ?AO: There's a poof of dust, and you are now once again merely Azure Lapis. Cyan lies on the ground next to you. She grabs your hand.
  375. ?AO: The same paste inside of the robonoid oozes out of the wound you made in it.
  376. ?AO: The crack heals, but only halfway.
  377. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  378. CCP: >Oβserve
  379. CUC: >Observe.
  381. ?AO: You must wait for the menu to pop up first, hah.
  382. CCP: oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  383. CCP: >oβserve
  384. ?AO: Strawberry Golem: ███████ ██████ ████████ HP. NOTES: An animated mass of plant matter and strawberries, all centered around a central turquoise crystal shard.
  385. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew. Chained to the ground.
  386. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  387. ?GG:
  388. CCP: Your turn, tωin.
  389. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  390. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  391. CUC: Why not just quirk the menu?
  392. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  393. ?AO: ((That would probably be wise. I'll do that next after this session.))
  394. CUC: Something like :strifemenu:
  395. CUC: And for fusion something like :fusionmenu:
  396. CUC: Hah.
  397. CCP: For eχαmple, ** = *insert menu* or summonmenu1/summonmenufusion
  398. ?AO: Still your turn.
  399. CCP: I βelive tωin αrgeed to tακe this.
  400. CCP: TG: poκepoκepoκe
  401. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  402. CCU: AMBUSH!!!
  403. CCA: "bush"
  404. CCU: Hellowz.
  405. CCA: 
  406. CCP: Hello, tαzz.
  407. CCA: hey
  408. CCP: A gαme of AO is ongoing
  409. CCU: Mph.
  410. CCU: |'ll leave you to it.
  411. ?GG: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  412. CURRENT totallyTenacious [CTT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  413. CTT: Hey guys
  414. CTG: hey!
  415. CCP: Hello.
  416. ?GG: yo
  417. ?AO: Please select method of combat.
  418. ?AO: ((And hello.))
  419. CCU: Heyoooooooooooo
  420. CTG: TT: did you see volume 10?
  421. CTT: Of?
  422. CCU: So, all 3 main session GMs are here.
  423. CCU: Homestuck.
  424. CTT: Homestuck you say?
  425. ?AO: Perhaps someone else should take the turn.
  426. CTT: Is this new?
  427. CCU: Yep.
  428. CTT: Ooh! Soundtrack album! Yes!
  429. CTT: I'll be sure to listen to it when I have the chance.
  430. CCP: AO: give the turn to α dog
  431. CCA: ((hey crystal, want to aeonpack?))
  432. CTG: lapis: focus on killing the war robonid. wrap it in a water hand and pitch it to topaz, who makes her sword act like a bat, hitting the robonoid up in the air where it gets hit by the crystals raining down from teh wall.
  433. ?AO: Hah. Wonderful. And Cyan?
  434. CTG: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, dont know enough about cyan to act for her
  435. ?AO: She's got a limb destabilizer.
  436. CTG: destabilize the fallen soldier's left arm so it no longer has a sword.
  437. ?AO: Peridotite limb enhancer, if that rings a bell.
  438. CCP: Use the Limβdestαβleinαtor on the fαllen solly
  439. ?AO: Alright.
  440. CUC: ((Sure, AeonPack sounds good.))
  441. ?AO: You manage to successfully pick up the robonoid, and toss it to Topaz. She slams her blade into it with a massive crack.
  442. CCP: Whelp im gonnα go Aeonpακc ωith the others.
  443. ?AO: Cyan blows off the Fallen Soldier's left arm.
  444. CUC: (Yeah, Cyan has one Peridot-esque limb enhancer, complete with cannon function and multipurpose screen)
  445. CTG: awesome.
  446. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  447. CTG: fuck, if they're playing aeonpack no one can play AO or pinary ;-;
  448. CTG: Traitors.
  449. ?AO: Now, it's just you and me, it seems.
  450. CUC: I'll come back for Pinary and offer AO advice from time to time
  451. CUC: Just because I'm minecrafting doesn't mean Pesterchum will be closed
  452. ?AO: The golems all leap on Topaz. The reforming one is struck in the gem with another shard. Both shatter.
  453. CUC: Ooh, AeonPack has Witchery and Ars Magica 2!
  454. CUC: /Fuck/ yes.
  455. ?AO: The other two golems pummel Topaz repeatedly.
  456. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  458. CCA: ((oh and UC I'm into ars magica, made some tf2-themed spells))
  460. CTG: break up the fight by grabbing both golems and tossing them (hard) to opposite ends of the field.
  461. CTG: but first, >observe
  462. ?AO: Strawberry Golem: ███████ ████████ HP. NOTES: An animated mass of plant matter and strawberries, all centered around a central turquoise crystal shard.
  463. CUC: ((oh fuck yes, what do they do? I'm expecting an invis spell and a minigun spell right now))
  464. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew. Chained to the ground.
  465. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  466. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  467. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  468. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  469. CCA: ((fuck dammit vazkii why is botania suddenly so hard))
  470. CTG: break up the fight by grabbing both golems and tossing them (hard) to opposite ends of the field.
  471. ?AO: What shall Cyan and Topaz do, then? If you are using water hands, that is.
  472. CTG: cyan: destabilize the limbs of the already-wounded golem.
  473. ?GG: alrıght headıng on
  474. CTG: when I say grab I mean water grab
  475. ?AO: Noted.
  476. CCA: ((Through trade I've gotten all five ars magica*agricraft seeds))
  477. ?AO: And Topaz?
  478. CTG: once the golems are off of you, lunge at the golem cyan didn't attack.
  479. CTG: with your sword.
  480. ?AO: Very well.
  481. CUC: ((I so wish preludecraft hadn't banned imbued fire, we could make a cake reactor for botania if we could use aer imbued fire))
  482. ?AO: You pry the golems off Topaz, and toss them in opposite directions. Cyan shoots one, Topaz stabs the other. This is all incredibly effective.
  483. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  484. ?AO: The golem Topaz stabbed is impaled with a shard, and killed.
  485. CTG: YES
  486. ?AO: However, you are also hit with a shard, straight through the face. Poof.
  487. ?GG: ha
  488. CTG: NO
  489. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier lumbers over to Cyan, and just sort of headbutts her.
  490. ?AO: She lets out some sort of noise of pain.
  491. CTG: NO x2 COMBO
  492. ?AO: Finally, the ooze from the robonoid seems to help repair its wounds.
  494. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  497. ?GG: >cyan: scoop up gem.
  498. ?AO: ((Fuck. I have to go AFK. Uh, just sit there, or something. Have an intermissionary picnic, and discuss strategy.))
  499. CCP: Lets hαve α picnic
  500. CTG: could I do pinary
  501. ?GG: server's full...
  502. ?GG: ı'm gonna fuck off to ınf-nm
  503. CUC: The daily Erelye 8:15 AFK.
  504. CTG: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  505. CUC: Ayep.
  506. ?AO: Strawberry Golem: ████████ HP. NOTES: An animated mass of plant matter and strawberries, all centered around a central turquoise crystal shard.
  507. CCP: *shrug*
  508. CUC: First, is it possible to silence the whole 'chat effect' thing? As in, area-effect silence field?
  509. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew. Chained to the ground.
  510. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. PHLEROS?
  511. CUC: Second, is there some equivalent to 'shout' to broadcast to a larger area?
  512. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  513. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  514. CUC: Third, is wherever Notch is now warded against teleportation?
  515. CCP: rip
  516. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  517. ?AO: Please enter command.
  518. CCP: >Cyαn: Implode the Fαllen Solly's other αrm. >Topαz: Slice Fαllen Soldier into multiple pieces.
  519. ?AO: Very well.
  520. ?AO: Cyan manages to blow off the Fallen Soldier's other arm. However, Topaz cannot stab the soldier at all, for she is accosted by the final golem.
  521. CCA: ((Player count is at 26 on aeonpack))
  522. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  523. CCA: (27)
  524. CCP: ((joining when minecraft loads))
  525. CUC: Working on joining,
  526. CUC: *.
  527. ?AO: The robonoid fires a blast of teal paste at the Fallen Soldier. Within seconds, it draws forth more substance, and reforms its left arm and blade, as well as its right arm.
  528. ?AO: The golem punches Topaz in the face.
  529. ?GG: ((still on inf-nm, probably gonna stay there))
  530. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  532. CCA: ((28))
  533. CCP: >oβserve
  534. ?AO: Strawberry Golem: ████████ HP. NOTES: An animated mass of plant matter and strawberries, all centered around a central turquoise crystal shard.
  535. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  536. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  537. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. PHLEROS?
  538. CCA: ((forgot to warn you, you spawn in water))
  539. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  540. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  541. ?GG: ((pikipek confirm for pearl))
  542. CCP: >Cyαn: Keep imploding thαt αrm. Then punch it in the fαce. >Topαz: Brutαlly murder αssilαnt βy choping them into pieces.
  543. CCP: By thαt αrm, i meαn the ωeαpon αrm.
  544. ?AO: Tails. Cyan actually misses the arm, and strikes the thing in the chest.
  545. ?AO: Topaz brutalizes the last golem with her sword. The plant matter falls to the ground, and the gem soon after.
  546. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  547. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier finishes Cyan off, and the War Robonoid continues to heal itself with its own ooze.
  548. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  550. CCP: Do ωe hαve enough dαmαge to finish the fαllen solly βefore it κills us
  551. ?AO: Do you?
  552. ?AO: Be creative.
  553. ?AO: Oh, and this.
  554. ?AO: TOPAZ INV: Longsword, Medkit x8, Gluon Destabilizer x4.
  555. CCP: The ωαr roβonoid hαs to hαve the gel stored someωhere on it, right? And the Gluon's deαl loαds of dαmαge?
  556. ?AO: The paste is within the robonoid, yes.
  557. ?AO: And the grenades usually deal quite a bit of damage, yes.
  558. CCP: If ωe nuκe the Roβonoid αnd use its gel to heαl if it dies, then ωe cαn tακe out the heαler αnd get α free supply of βαsicαlly medκit-in-pαste-form αlloωing for us to heαl the sαme turn.
  559. ?AO: You already have medkits, you know.
  560. CCP: Those cost αn αction to use, αnd the fαllen soldier's high dαmαge comβined ωith the heαler is dαngorous.
  561. ?AO: Do you wish to use a Gluon Destabilizer on the War Robonoid?
  562. CCP: Yes.
  563. ?AO: Very well.
  564. ?AO: You prime and toss the thing. It detonates. When the smoke clears, two things are revealed. One, the robonoid is massively damaged. Two, the field of vegetation is now on fire.
  565. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  566. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier leaps up into the air above you, coming down blade first. You have a second to react.
  567. CCP: Blocκ it.
  568. ?AO: Are you sure?
  569. CCP: Try stαββing it in midαir, if not, βlocκ.
  570. ?AO: Very well.
  571. ?AO: 2/3, thank fuck. You manage to block the blade, and roll out of the way.
  572. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  574. CCP: >Oβserve
  575. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  576. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  577. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  578. CCP: I αssume thαt the fαllen solly is gonnα go for non-second to reαct things since thαt tricκ fαiled.
  579. ?AO: Possibly.
  580. CCP: Lets eχplode the Wαr Roβo ωith grenαdes, αnd try to use the pαste to heαl, if possiβle.
  581. ?AO: Very well. Another Gluon Destabilizer?
  582. CCP: This should κill it.
  583. ?AO: You prime and throw another grenade.
  584. ?AO: Everything is on fire even more. The robonoid is just barely holding on.
  585. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  586. ?AO: You get stabbed. Several times. But, you're still alive! And screaming. And crying.
  587. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  589. CCP: "Tis βut α scrαtch!"
  590. CCP: >Oβserve.
  591. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  592. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  593. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  594. CCP: So, fαllen solly's αverαge dαmαge is 3 per turn.
  595. ?AO: That just dealt six damage.
  596. ?AO: So no.
  597. CCP: Oωαit.
  598. CCP: Wαrβot is on tωo, i thinκ ωe cαn stαβ it, βut gonnα plαy it sαfe. I αssume Medκit is full HP?
  599. ?AO: Yes.
  600. CCP: Medκit.
  601. ?AO: You use a medkit.
  602. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  603. ?AO: The robonoid sprays some more paste onto the Fallen Soldier, who proceeds to stab you twice in the chest, again. One of the strokes narrowly misses your gem.
  604. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  606. CCP: >oβserve
  607. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  608. ?AO: War Robonoid: ████████ HP. NOTES: What appears to be a modified plug robonoid, filled with a thick teal paste saturated with particles of some crystal or other. The stuff is remarkably effective at repairing and invigorating crystalline matter, it seems.
  609. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  610. CCP: Run αt the Wαr Roβonoid. Then stαβ it. Then stαβ it some ωαr. Then slice in dice it. Then ωhαcκ it ωith the side of your sωord. Then give it α long βoring speech thαt βores everyone. Then stαβ it until you hit the pαste contαiner αnd use αs much pαste αs possiβle in one αction to heαl self.
  611. CCP: thαt sentence is α disαster.
  612. ?AO: Hah.
  613. CCP: Adduem to lαst αttαcκ: Shoω it this sentence, αnd ωαtch it die from the horriβle mistακes.
  614. ?AO: You destroy the War Robonoid utterly. Then, you restore yourself to full health by rubbing some of the paste on your gem.
  615. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  616. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier steps over to you.
  617. ?AO: Oh god. 1/3 on defense.
  618. ?AO: It... it stabs you straight in the gemstone. The thing cracks a good deal, but does not shatter.
  619. CCP: oωuch
  620. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  622. CCP: >Oβserve
  623. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  624. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP. STA: Critical!
  625. ?AO: Please enter command.
  626. CCP: >Attempt to ruβ α smαll αmount of pαste on the crαcκs. Then, chop the Fαllen Solly into little pieces viα the folloωing αctions: First, chop off it's ωeαpon αrm. Then chop sαid ωeαpon αrm into tiny pieces. Then, slice off the legs/ωhαtever it uses to move off, αnd stαβ it in the chest repeαtly, βefore chopping off the other αrm, grαββing it's ωeαpon , αnd chopping of the mαss of plαnt
  627. then βeheαd it ωith your sωord.
  628. ?AO: Hah.
  629. CCP: The good thing αβout sωords: They cut things.
  630. ?AO: You apply some more paste. You feel healthier, but certainly not better. The stuff does not have the ability to repair cracks.
  631. ?AO: You slice off the weapon arm of the Fallen Soldier.
  632. ?AO: Then, you attempt to go for the next bits, but cannot. Which is reasonable, seeing as your form is now glitching out massively.
  633. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  634. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier picks up its severed arm with its other arm, and stabs you in your weapon arm.
  635. ?AO: You drop your sword.
  636. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  638. CCP: >Oβserve.
  639. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  640. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP. STA: Critical!
  641. CTG: chop offf its other arm, then pick up its severed weapon arm and run it through its chest.
  642. ?AO: Very well.
  643. CCP: A pile of plαnt crαp verus α gemstone? Fαir fight. If it's α free αction αnd i cαn fight ωell enough ωith my other hαnd, picκ up my sωord αnd slice off its αrm. Agαin. If not, quicκly use some pαste, αnd do thαt tωin suggests eχcept ωithout chopping
  644. ?AO: You resummon your sword, chop off the other arm of the Fallen Soldier, and double-run it through the chest. Unfortunately, you stop doing this halfway, because your sword arm glitches into a foot.
  645. CCP: >Improvise αnd κicκ it in the fαce
  646. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  647. CCP: 
  648. ?AO: The Fallen Soldier just sort of... headbutts you in the chest, exacerbating the crack slightly.
  649. CTG: youllexacerbateyourcrack.jpeg
  650. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  652. CCP: >oβserve
  653. ?AO: Fallen Soldier: ████████████ HP. NOTES: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  654. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP. STA: Critical!
  655. CCP: >Since ωe don't hαve much time, αttempt to βeheαd it, folloωed βy seperαteding the plαnt mαtter from the gem.
  656. ?AO: You don't have a sword arm anymore, and your sword is still in the Fallen Soldier.
  657. CCP: >End the turn βy using the pαste if αt αll possiβle.
  658. CCP: >Punch the fαllen soldier in the fαce, rip off it's heαd, αnd smαsh it's heαd into it's gem.
  659. ?AO: All in favor?
  660. ?AO: TG.
  661. CTG: yeah
  662. ?AO: Very well. You kick the thing's head off with your foothand, pick the head up with your only real hand, and destroy the plant avatar with the head. The plant matter drops to the ground, the rose quartz gem soon after.
  663. ?AO: Congratulations. You killed it. As if in celebration, your right foot turns into a large nose.
  664. CCP: Hα.
  665. ?AO: You collapse to the ground, as such.
  666. CTG: 
  667. CCP: >Attempt to see if the HEALING PASTE hαs αny effect on glitching.
  668. ?AO: Then, the two gems in your hand begin to glow. With pulses of energy, Cyan and yourself return.
  669. ?AO: It doesn't.
  670. CCP: Ah.
  671. ?AO: Now, what? You're just watching Topaz gibber out nonsense on the ground, Cyan panicking all the while?
  672. CCP: >Collect remαining HEALING GOOP into proper storαge.
  673. CTG: return topaz to the ship?
  674. ?AO: That's miles away now.
  675. CTG: shit.
  676. CTG: save?
  677. CCP: Birdquest 2016: The most lethαl βirdquest in the αnnuαls of gem history
  678. CCP: ^
  679. ?AO: AZURE INV: Medkit x3, Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x7, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x11, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Potion of the Nine, Draught of Tears, Duopen, Sniper Rifle, Ink Cartridge x2, Gluon Destabilizer x3, Ink Canister x2, Manufactory Key, Tenebrous Substance, Fluchwater, Brinewater, Bristewater, Frequency Resonator, Fountain Pen, Handwritten Post-It Note, Autumnal Hand, Verdant Dust.
  680. CTG: you definitely made draught of tears stand out for a reason.
  681. CTG: use it on topaz.
  682. ?AO: You uncork the bottle of either saliva or tears.
  683. ?AO: Topaz's gemstone seems to knit itself back together under the touch of the stuff.
  684. ?AO: She reforms, unconscious.
  685. CTG: save game
  686. CTG: (just in case)
  687. ?AO: You casually bubble and send the quartz gem back to the ship, just as a bird lands on the top tower within the walls.
  688. ?AO: Game saved. Would you like to quit?
  689. CCP: >Quit
  690. ?AO: Are you sure?
  691. CCP: I thinκ thαts enough for todαy.
  692. CCP: TG, αny oβjections?
  693. CTG: not at all.
  694. ?AO: Very well.
  695. CCP: >Yes.
  696. CTG: > Yes.
  697. ?AO: Game quit successfully. Have a nice day, with hopefully less near-death experiences.
  698. CCP: ^
  699. CTG: alright, finally. when I return from my incoming /afk, we'll do pinary.
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