
The Concert Thing

Jan 4th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  2. Covet: -Cadence was waiting outside for the doors to open up, with her phone sending texts back to Remy. Waiting to pay at the door, because I assume there would be a cover charge at the very least.-
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah, that.)
  4. Covet: [performance space isn't free XD]
  5. Musik has joined the chat
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was already inside the venue standing near the front barrier, her arms leaning over the metal as she watched the girls finish up their sound check and begin to exit the stage to head back into the green room to prepare for the show. She took a deep breath, sweeping her hand back through her hair and closing her eyes, saying a silent prayer to herself that all went well tonight and the guys would like the band and everyone would win because nervous as fuck.-
  7. Musik: -The guys stood by the bar, Jack chugging down shots and forcing shots down Alex's throat. Attempting to do the same with Rian and Zack but that never worked.- // -Ash made his way through the crowd with a beer in btoh hands. He moved up to where Steph was, handing her a beer and taking a sip of his own as he looked upa the stage.- // -Aubrey pulled her car into the parking lot, killin the engine and looking over to Bryan as she walked over to stand next to the door incase he needed a shoulder.-
  8. Tsaaq: He was drumming his hands against his steering wheel between driving, his music playing loudly as he made his way to Cold Saliva then groaning. "There's never any fucking parking over here." Remy scoffed and leaned his head out the window. "Go! Just fucking go!" Remy shouted before resuming his driving, speeding after he switched lanes. He found a spot and basically stole it from a family in an SUV that was trying to safely park. His lambo made a loud screeching sound when he hit the brakes. With more care he parralled parked so he wouldn't get a ticket for being on the curb or anything which I imagine is an issue he has often. "Sorry." He called out over his music, thought it didn't sound convincing. He shut off his car and hurriedly got out, spotting Cadence across the street. "Hey babe." He said as he went to stand beside her and gave her a quick peck.
  9. Covet: -Cadence pulled the cash she'd tucked away in her back pocket- I'm paying for two though. -she said holding her hand out for it to be marked, after she showed her ID. She looked over seeing Remy drive up all erratic quickly finding a spot to park.- Oh, and the other one is for him. -she said then smiled giving him a kiss back- They should be starting up here soon, let's get in -she said with a grin, taking his hand-
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned to look at Ash when he came over and handed her a beer, twisting it between her hands as she eyed the now empty stage. "I'm going to throw up. I'm not even going to make it to hear the songs." Turning to look back over her shoulder, she glanced around the forming crowd behind her. "I didn't see the guys. Do you think they're here yet? I didnt really confirm with anyone after I invited them..." // Bryan pushed his door open and shoved his cane out, pushing down on it heavily to pull himself out of the car and up to his feet. Leaning against the car, he shoved the door closed and looked to Aubrey, reaching out to take her hand to begin making his way toward the entrance of the venue.-
  11. Musik: -He moved his arm to drape around her shoulders, sipping his beer.- "Oh stop it. It's going to be fine. I saw the one with the red streak in his hair up at the bar." -He said nodding to the bar.- // -Aubrey laced her fingers with his as she walked up to the front door, pulling her wallet out to hand the guy some money.- "Two tickets." -She took the change and the tickets, moving to pull the door open, holding it open so he could walk through first.- // -Alex held his hand up over his mouth, waving his other hand.- "NO MORE SHOTS, JACK.!" -He shouted, pushing Jack's hand away.- // "Oh come on! Let's get litttttt." -Jack said shaking his ass like a retard and YOU CAN ALL PICTURE IT.- // -Zack sipped his beer shaking his head.- "I'm going to go find Steph!" -He said over their voices to Rian, moving to walk away from the bar, moving through the crowd.-
  12. Tsaaq: "You paid for me?" He asked as he started to go inside but not before waving at Aubrey and Bryan once they walked up. "Hey guys. I guess we'll see you inside and shit." He said with a nod as he led Cadence inside. "You think we'll have to push our way to the front or anything or you weren't planning to go to the pit?"
  13. Alexithymiaa: (Remy no. Theyre a chick band. There wont be a pit.)
  14. Covet: Yeah, I figured it would save time for when you got here. -She said then waved at Bryan and Aubs as they walked up.- Hey! Yeah see you inside. -She looked at Remy as they walked down the stairs- I don't think it's going to be that busy... or if there will be a pit. I don't know what to expect other than awesomeness. Bar first for a beer? -she asked him, with a smile? wiggling in her shoes as she held his hand.-
  15. Tsaaq: ((Damn it Cadence.))
  16. Covet: [XD She told him she didn't know! It's not a lie XD]
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She took a sip of her beer and felt her stomach flip, lowering it away from her face and leaning heavily onto the barrier. She watched the blonde with multicolored streaked hair pop her head out from behind the curtain to look around before disappearing back out of sight. "Jack? Was he doing something stupid? Or already drunk? Because that would be Jack. And if Jack is here, they're all here." She took a deep steadying breath, closing her eyes. // Bryan hobbled to the entrance and stepped inside once they paid, nodding to Remy and Cadence. "I didn't know you guys would be here." Once inside, he looked at the long spiraling staircase, his heart dropping. "Shit..." Turning to face Aubrey, he tried to act casually. "If you want to go ahead and get drinks or something, I'll meet you down there...."-
  18. Musik: "Pretty sure he's already drunk.." -He said with a laugh, looking up at the stage.- // -She looked at the staris, eyeing them for a second, before looking back to him, knowing why he wanted her to go ahead because she's not stupid. She nodded slightly and lifted up to kiss his cheek before moving down the stairs, moving over to the bar. She spotted Jack being insane, followed by Alex and Rian. She moved up and stood up on her toes, placing her hands over Jack's eyes.- // -Jack jumped when he felt the hands over his eyes, twirling quickly to look at Aubrey.- "SANCHEZ!" -He squeaked and moved to hug her tightly lifting her up to spin her around a little.- // -Alex laughed and waved to Zack before looking to Aubrey and Jack, shifting slightly.- "Hey Aubs." // -Rian lifted his beer to Zack before looking to Aubrey shaking his head at Jack.- "Jack don't kill her." // -Zack pushed through the crowd until he spotted Steph's pink hair, moving up to the front tapping her her shoulder.- "Hey!"
  19. Tsaaq: His eyes widened as he descended with Cadence. "Pits are awesomeness..." He muttered before shrugging. "Yeah sure I guess a beer doesn't sound bad." Remy replied as he made his way towards the bar with her.
  20. Covet: I've never been in one. -Cadence told him- I've seen them, but never gotten involved. Aren't they kind of dangerous? -She asked him , geting up to the bar ordering a couple of beers for them both and handing him one when they were slid over to them- I don't know where anyone is at the moment though -she turned her head to see Aubrey joining up with the ATL guys, then looked around for Bryan remembering the stairs.- Should we go casually stand by the stairs for when Bryan get's down? Make it seem like that's just where we want to stand for the start of the show? -she asked Remy, leaning over to talk to him so only he could hear.-
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Usually is..." She mumbled, turning around when she felt the tap on her shoulder. Her face lit up when she saw Zack standing there being big and beefy and good looking and adorable, jumping up and throwing her arms around his deliciousness. "Hey! I'm so glad you guys made it! They should be going on any minute." // Bryan watched her go down ahead of him, letting a group go as well before he moved to the stairs, slowly making his way down one painful step at a time. He leaned heavily on the cane as he made his way down very carefully, sighing in relief when he reached the ground floor. Turning, he headed over toward the bar, seeing Aubrey and furrowing his brows when he immediately saw her being spun by Jack, his eyes narrowing when he noticed Alex next to them.-
  22. Musik: -Ash's smile faded completely when he saw her hug Zack, takking a long drink of his beer.- // -Aubrey laughed and slapped Jack's back, forcing him to her down.- "God you're obnoxious." -She said fixing her hair and nodded to Alex, sending him a small smile.- "Hey Alex." -She turned to look at Rian, leaning over to hug him.- "Hey Ri. Where's Zack?" -She asked looking around.- // -Jack flinched whens he hit him, glaring at her.- "Not nice." -He said and pointed to the crowd.- "Went to go find Red." // "Steph. He went to go find Steph." -Alex corrected him and took a drink of his alcohol.-
  24. Musik: -Ash's smile faded completely when he saw her hug Zack, takking a long drink of his beer.- // -Aubrey laughed and slapped Jack's back, forcing him to her down.- "God you're obnoxious." -She said fixing her hair and nodded to Alex, sending him a small smile.- "Hey Alex." -She turned to look at Rian, leaning over to hug him.- "Hey Ri. Where's Zack?" -She asked looking around.- // -Jack flinched whens he hit him, glaring at her.- "Not nice." -He said and pointed to the crowd.- "Went to go find Red." // "Steph. He went to go find Steph." -Alex corrected him and took a drink of his alcohol.- // -Zack laughed and hugged her back.- "I told you we'd be here. I can't wait to hear them play." -He said sending Ash a friendly smile and wave.- "Hey man."
  25. Tsaaq: "Uhhhhh..." Remy trailed off as he drank from his glass. "Yeah sure I guess, but we gotta be smooth." He answered and began to stroll towards the stairs, seeing Bryan and perking up. "Hey bro, what's up?" Remy greeted way too loudly.
  26. Covet: -Cadence nodded her head- No no for sure Smooth as silk. -She said walking along with Remy, holding her beer in one hand, she gave Bryan a wave again, then noticed his glare at the group of guys. she stayed quiet and took another sip of her beer, waiting for a response to Remy before she said anything.-
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She eased backt o look up at Zack. "I know. I'm really excited for you guys to hear them. You need to give me feedback on the songs." She looked over to Ash, reaching over to take his hand. // Bryan's eyes stayed on Alex at the bar when Remy and Cadence came over, leaning to one side to look around them so he could continue to watch Alex because fuck that guy. "Huh? Nothing. I didn't think Steph invited that many people." Nodding over toward the bar at the band, his lip curled. "The fuck are they doing here?" // Kristen came darting out from backstage, moving down the stairs with her crazy blonde hair flying behind her, stopping in front of Steph with wide eyes. "Rachel is gone. She left. I don't know what happened! I came back from the bathroom and her and Gabby were arguing over the songs and she just... took off."-
  28. Musik: -He took her hand and pulled her closer to his side, wrapping his arm around her moving his eyes to look at Kristen as she came running over. His brows shot up looking between her and steph.- "Which one is Rachel, again?"// -Aubrey rolled her eyes and looked at the bartender, holding up two fingers.- "Can I get two beers please?" -She asked pulling her money out to toss a few bills on the counter. She looked at Jack.- "I should probably go find Bryan." -She said leaning over to take the beers.- "I'll see you guys later." -She half hugged Jack before nodding to the other guys moving to walk away from the bar seeing Bryan with Remy and Cadence.- "Hey guys." -She said holding the beer out to Bryan, noticing the glare and following his eyes. She rolled her eyes and looked at him.- "Stop it." // -Jack watched Aubrey walk off to Bryan, waving to Bryan before looking back to Alex.- "Stop staring at her ass, Alexander." // -Alex shot his eyes up to Jack, totally checking out Aubrey's ass.- "I'm not." -He said taking a drink.- // -Rian let out a muffled laugh, knowing damn well he was.- // -Zack raised a brow looking confused as shit.
  29. Tsaaq: Remy turned and glanced at All Time Low people at the bar and rose an eyebrow. "Oh yeah..." He whispered. "I don't know. They're around sometimes. Doesn't your sister know them and shit?" He asked before turning to Bryan. "Oh and Aubrey-OH!" Remy nodded his head in realization then shut up. He waved at Aubrey. "Heyyy."
  30. Covet: I was talking to her via text messages earlier today...I needed...out.. and this was kinda perfect. Plus I want to see Steph's song's kill. -She looked back at Aubrey and smiled waving at her- Hey, How are the guys? -Cadence asked her-
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's eyes went wide when the wild haired female came running over, gawking at her. "What? How could she just leave?" Sucking in a deep breath and trying not to panic, she looked up at Ash. "Rachel sings. Rachel fucking sings. Wait, can't Gabby just sing lead? Just for tonight?" She asked a bit frantically. // Bryan did not stop it. He did not stop it at all. He continued to stare at Alex even after Aubrey told him not to. "Yeah well...." Trailing off, he huffed. "The fuck are they doing here, Aubrey?" // Kristen shook her head, pushing back her pink and blue streaked hair. "No way! Have you heard Gabby sing? There's a reason her mic is turned down so low. You HAVE to help us. There's no way we can blow this tonight." Her eyes drifted over to look at Zack, blushing because ATL and hot.-
  32. Musik: "Steph go do it." -He said nudging her slightly.- "Take a drink of the beer and get up there. You can do it." -He said nodding to the beer and then to Kristen.- "She'll do it." // -Aubrey shrugged sipping her beer.- "I don't know. I just saw them when I walked up there. I didn't know they were coming. You do know Steph talks to them too?" // -Jack reached over and slapped the back fo Alex's head.- "REMEMBER LISA? THAT'S NOT LISA'S ASS." -He said forcing Alex to turn away from Aubrey'd direction.- // "Obviously. Lisa has no ass." -He said taking a drink.- // "Probably shouldn't talk about your wife that way.." -Rian said furrowing his brows.- // "Yeah Steph come on. Get up there." -Zack said patting her shoulder gently.-
  33. Tsaaq: Remy nodded his head. "See? Yeah, Steph definitely knows them." He piped up after Aubrey spoke. He took a gulp from his glass and glanced at the stage. "So uh... They starting soon or? I don't know. WHat's up?"
  34. Covet: She told me they'd be I knew... She said she's hoping they can make a connection with the band to help them gain some more fans and all that. She's hoping they like what's done. -she said looking at the group, then glanced at the stage- I mean...I imagine so yeah.... Maybe there's a technical difficulty?
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Wait, what? Are you out of your fucking minds? I wanted to hurl at the prospect of YOU guys getting up there. You want me to do it? No fucking way. No." She dug her heels in when Kristen grabbed her wrist, tugging her through the barrier to the stairs. "No! I can't. I can't do that. Kris, I can't. Seriously. I'm going to throw up. I will throw up on you! I don't even know the words to Fireproof!" // Bryan leaned on his cane, shaking his head. "I thought she only talked to the big one that I'm not supposed to threaten. The mute that's probably retarded. What's his name, Lennie...?" He tried not to laugh at his own joke, looking down at his feet. "Yeah, I dont know. I just wanted to hear the shit Stephs been doing. She didn't tell me shit about it." // Kristen dragged Steph up the stairs despite her protests, shaking her head. "You'll be fine. Just act like Rachel. Do whatever you've seen Rachel do. And we'll pull Fireproof from the setlist. It's fine!" She yelled over the chatter, dragging Steph back behind the curtain pretty much kicking and screaming.-
  36. Musik: "You'll be fine!" -Ash said after her, looking over to Zack keeping his distance before moving his eyes back over to Steph as she disappeared.- // -Aubrey rolled her eyes.- "Zack? He's not retarded. He just doesn't like conflict. You're not supposed to threwaten any of them. Now shut up and just... Watch for the girls." -She said obviously annoyed turning to look at the Stage.- // -Jack and the guys went back tod rinking and talking about Lisa's none ass.- // -Zack smiled as he watched Steph walk away, turning to look at Ash.- "She's gonna do great up there."
  37. Tsaaq: He sighed, scratching his beard a moment while he held his gaze on the stage. "Yeah that makes sense. She was gonna do that when she was in my band but. I don't know, artistic differences." He shrugged. "Was... Was that a John Steinbeck joke?" Remy asked with his eyes squinted as he glanced at Bryan.
  38. Covet: Wait...Are they dragging Steph up on stage? I thought she wasn't performing.... -Cadence asked confused having been watching the stage-
  39. Alexithymiaa: -She milled around with the girls backstage, her face pale as a ghost. They fussed around her, handing her the transmitter pack to clip onto herself and her playback for her ear. "Wait... guys no... seriously...." When no one acknowledged that she didn't want to do this and looked like she was going to throw up at any moment, she slowly fumbled with the pack to clip it onto the back of her pants, pulling her flannel over the top of it to hide it. Sticking the playback onto her ear, she turned to look at the other girls setting up for their pow wow. Joining them, she just awkwardly stood there, listening to the pep talk and advice until they broke to stand on the side of the stage. The lights in the venue went down and she walked over to join them on the side of the stage, watching as they walked one by one to to their instruments on stage starting with Kristen running to her drums, Katie running out with her guitar, Ashley with her bass and then Gabby with her guitar and out to the second microphone set up. Hearing the their music start, she closed her eyes and took a few steadying breaths, trying her best to get into the mindset of Rachel before running out onto the stage, freezing in front of the microphone set up for her as she gawked out across the packed venue. She looked over at Gabby who was rocking out and jumping around and shit in front of her microphone, moving toward her own as she started to sing. "I let you get away with thinking you're the cure. I think I'm in too deep it's time to pull the cord. You like me more when you think I'm getting bored. I hope you're home the day I tear down the walls." When Gabby started to sign the chorus with her she relaxed a little, pulling the microphone off the stand to sing directly into it. ( ) // Bryan rolled his eyes and scoffed at Aubrey's words about adorable Zack, shaking his head at Remy. "What? No. Of course not... no...." His eyes shot over to the stage when he heard Cadence's words, watching the girls take the stage and the music start. "Whaaaaat?"-
  40. Musik: -Ash ignored Zack and finished his beer, letting the empty cup fall onto the ground. He looking up at Steph with a huge goofy fuckin grin on his face watching her, cupping his hands around his lips as he cheered for her.- // -Aubrey's eyes grew slightly watching Steph on stage.- "Holy shit.." -She said as she watched her.- // -The guys moved to where they could See Steph and cheered and danced like idiots.- // -Zack watched Ash completely ignore him, rolling his eyes. He turned back to Steph, not dancing or anything because he doesn't dance. But he nodded his head and tapped his foot.-
  41. Tsaaq: Remy turned his body and watched as Steph got on stage and sang. He nodded his head despite feeling very tricked since the band leaned way towards Hey Monday on the girl band meter. He looked over to Cadence and shook his head. "That was cool but it definitely wasn't anywhere near ETHS." He said as he patted her shoulder.
  42. Covet: -Cadence watched as the band came out on stage and the music kicked up, bouncing a bit with the beat of the song, then her mouth dropped hearing Steph start in on the lyrics.- Dude....Holy Shit... Steph's REALLY killing it! Wooooooo! -Cadence called out throwing her hands up in the air, dancing to the beat- I never said it was going to be -Cadence said with a laugh
  43. Alexithymiaa: "Ohhh woahhh. Ohhh woahhhh. Oh woahh." She sang into the microphone as the music cut out. Taking a few deep breaths since she was frankly out of breath already, she turned and grabbed a bottle of water from one of the speakers, taking a long sip before replacing it and walking back toward the front of the stage. Listening to the piano begin to play, she dropped her head, singing powerlessly into the microphone. "It's a brand new day, it's never too late to start. Can't live this life with an empty heart. And every single time that we lay it on the line it's a roller coaster ride for one. And we know it's do or die, but we're running out of time. We've got to give it all we've got. All we've got..." ( ) // Bryan stared at the stage watching the band and Steph singing, leaning over slightly toward Aubrey. "Am I missing something? I thought you said she was writing for this band..."-
  44. Musik: -Ash kept cheering for her, bobbing his head slightly.- // -Aubrey looked at Bryan and shrugged.- "She didn't say anyting about singing. She said they wer edoing it." -She finished off her beer and tossed it into the trash next to them.- "I'm gonnr un to the bathroom. I'll be back." -She said patting his arm before moving through the crowd to the bathroom.- // -Zack pushed through the crowd to go off and stand by the guys.-
  45. Tsaaq: "You said it was in the middle!" He shouted over the music and shook his head as he went to stare at the stage again.
  46. Covet: Okay, but it's still good. I didn't know what to expect. This is the first time I've heard them. -Cadence told him gawking at the stage still loving it even if it was on the softer side.-
  47. Alexithymiaa: "It's a brand new day, it's never too late to start..." She lowered the microphone from her mouth and closed her eyes, not wanting to look out across the crowd just yet. Glancing down at the floor to read the setlist, she pursed her lips and turned back, her eyes finding Ash in the crowd to stare down at him, forcing a smile onto her face despite the knots twisting around in her stomach. She mouthed the words 'for you' before bouncing slightly at the heavy basslines starting, swinging the microphone around by the cord and sticking her arm out to let it swing around her arm until she was wound in cord, moving the microphone to her mouth. " Fell into you like the sea. You broke my fall and you pulled me deep.." ( ) // "What? Oh." He nodded to Aubrey, clapping his hands together when Steph finished and started the next song.-
  48. Musik: -Ash moved through the crowd, sneaking his way backstage so he could surprise steph abck there once she was done.-
  49. Musik has left the chat
  50. Tsaaq: Remy pursed his lips and shrugged. "Yeah I guess." He replied and watched them finish up the next song before waving at Aubrey as she walked off. "Well these people like it. So that's good."
  51. Covet: They'd be dumb not to. I'm still stoked to see Steph singing..... She's going to be soooo sick after this though. -Cadence said feeling a little bad for her, but she was still doing awesome in the moment.-
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Please don't wake me up, we're dreaming in technicolor." She rocked out to the music as the girls closed out the song, untangling herself from the cord she'd coiled around her arm because she didnt think that shit through. Glancing down at the setlist again, she bounced when the catchy beat started, trying to stay in it and not think about everything. "Dear whoever, do you remember? It's me old whatshername. Can't believe it, you ain't dreamin, I don't look quite the same." ( ) // Bryan nodded his head along with the beat of the song, his eyes set on his sister actually moving around the stage and not standing like a statue for the first time ever. "This is... I've been waiting a long ass time for this."-
  53. Tsaaq: "Really?" He asked Bryan and went to sip his beer then realized it was empty, causing him to look pretty disappointed.
  54. Covet: Right? -Cadence said back to Bryan.- She looks like she's actually enjoying herself up there too... and she's singing her songs. I mean, this is a revalation night. -She said cheering out again like an obnoxious fangirl. -She saw the pout on Remy's face as he looked at his beer, then looked at hers still like half full- Here....Take this all I'm doing is shaking it up anyways dancing.
  55. Alexithymiaa: "I hope you won't forget me now." She reached over to grab her water again, taking a long drink and pulling the playback from her ear because it was annoying and she wasn't used to it, letting it hang down over her shoulder. Walking up to the front of the stage, she replaced the microphone in the stand, wrapping her hands around it when the piano started. "I've seen the rise and the fall. The bitterness and all the empty hearts that stopped before they left their mark. In this town, worst friends can be your best enemies. Share the same last wish, last names. It's all lies to keep you in line..." ( ) // "Yeah, really." He sighed as he watched her, leaning on his cane. "I feel like I should buy her something after this."-
  56. Tsaaq: He took the beer from Cadence and began to sip it. "I would've definitely let her sing on some songs..." He trailed off as he tried not to hold in a burp from the fizzy drink.
  57. Covet: Flowers? I mean... What do you buy for a congrats like this? -She asked confused, then looked at Remy- I mean... You could still ask her if she'd want to. Mend that bridge a little maybe?
  58. Alexithymiaa: "No oh. You cant tell us no!" She screamed into the microphone, taking a step back and looking out into the audience that was jumping up and down and doing the dance thing and all that shit, actually paying attention for the first time. Her stomach pitched and she turned to run off the stage, stopping in front of a large janitor's trash can to puke her guts up into it. // "A cat? I dont know. Whenever I don't know what to buy her, I just buy her a cat. Seems to be working out pretty well so far for me." He watched Steph run off and the band file off more casually, raising his brows. "Sooo.... I'm going to see if I can find Casper."-
  59. Tsaaq: "I didn't do anything! I'm pretty sure that was Brad!" He said quickly. "I only did bad shit that one time I talked shit about her song writing and when she didn't show up for practice." He grumbled. "Alright. Have fun." He called out to Bryan cause he didn't know what to say.
  60. Covet: Oh my god Bryan. No...not another cat. She has a menagerie as is. Unless it's like a plushie one. Go with that instead. -She told him then watched as they finished up- Wait...Casper? Who the fuck is Casper? -She asked giving a shrug, then looked at Remy- Okay, but it's YOUR band right...not Brad's So does she know that it was Brad's doing and didn't have anything to do with you?
  61. Alexithymiaa: "Casper... the friendly ghost? Ghost? No? Fine." He brushed her off, waving his hand as he limped forward on his cane to move toward the stage so he could go find Steph and squeeze her and try to buy her another cat.-
  63. Tsaaq: He shrugged againt. "It's like, me and Brad's band. Sort of..." He trailed off. He started to frown while thinking on it. "I honestly don't know. I always assumed she did so I'm gonna go with that." He said to Cadence. "Yeah I figured that's who he meant and I didn't know why he said it so I just told him to have fun." Remy crossed his arms over his chest. "We did leave her out on a lot of decisions but we did that with Rey too, to be fair." He muttered. "You wanna risk saying hi or go home?"
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