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a guest
Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  2. "TVector<3u, float>::TVector(TVector<3u, float> const&)", referenced from:
  3. TraceRay(TVector<3u, float> const&, TVector<3u, float> const&, std::__1::vector<TObject*, std::__1::allocator<TObject*> > const&, float, float) in main.cpp.o
  4. void std::__1::allocator<TVector<3u, float> >::construct<TVector<3u, float>, TVector<3u, float> const&>(TVector<3u, float>*, TVector<3u, float> const&&&) in main.cpp.o
  5. TSphere::TSphere(TVector<3u, float> const&, float, TVector<3u, float> const&) in main.cpp.o
  6. TObject::TObject(TVector<3u, float> const&) in main.cpp.o
  7. TSphere::IntersectRay(TVector<3u, float> const&, TVector<3u, float> const&) const in sphere.cpp.o
  8. "TVector<3u, float>::TVector(TVector<3u, float>&)", referenced from:
  9. TCanvas::Out(char const*) in canvas.cpp.o
  10. TVector<3u, float> operator*<3u, float>(TVector<3u, float>, float) in canvas.cpp.o
  11. TVector<3u, float> operator-<3u, float>(TVector<3u, float>, TVector<3u, float> const&) in sphere.cpp.o
  12. "TVector<3u, float>::TVector(std::initializer_list<float>)", referenced from:
  13. TCanvas::CanvasToViewport(int, int) in canvas.cpp.o
  14. _main in main.cpp.o
  15. ___cxx_global_var_init in main.cpp.o
  16. "TVector<3u, float>::TVector()", referenced from:
  17. TCanvas::TCanvas(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) in main.cpp.o
  18. "TVector<3u, float>::operator[](unsigned int)", referenced from:
  19. TCanvas::Out(char const*) in canvas.cpp.o
  20. "TVector<3u, float>::operator-=(TVector<3u, float> const&)", referenced from:
  21. TVector<3u, float> operator-<3u, float>(TVector<3u, float>, TVector<3u, float> const&) in sphere.cpp.o
  22. "TVector<3u, float>::operator*=(float)", referenced from:
  23. TVector<3u, float> operator*<3u, float>(TVector<3u, float>, float) in canvas.cpp.o
  24. "TVector<3u, float>::Dot(TVector<3u, float> const&) const", referenced from:
  25. float operator*<3u, float>(TVector<3u, float> const&, TVector<3u, float> const&) in sphere.cpp.o
  26. ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
  27. clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
  28. make[3]: *** [MyRayMarching] Error 1
  29. make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/MyRayMarching.dir/all] Error 2
  30. make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/MyRayMarching.dir/rule] Error 2
  31. make: *** [MyRayMarching] Error 2
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