

May 11th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Freedom:
  2. Somehow simultaneously the most and least important thing in life. Having some base-level freedom to control your own life is absolutely necessary for the pursuit of happiness. However, the ultimate freedom is unbridled chaos. After all, surely there's nothing free about locking up murderers. Well, actually, there is. To maximize the base-level freedom in which humanity thrives, some freedoms must be restricted. This is why I find myself strongly opposed to libertarianism or any other ideology in which freedom is measured in a more absolute sense versus the practical freedom of the vast majority of mankind. Your freedom to control massive amounts of wealth is simply not that important to me. I have no intent of abolishing the rich as a class, but I have even less intent of defending the superficial freedoms of the billionaire class over my own.
  4. Capitalism:
  5. I don't strongly identify as a capitalist, but I am one. I believe in heavily regulated capitalism. I do not believe in laisse-faire / free market capitalism. A libertarian or anarcho-capitalist's idea of freedom is a society in which the vast majority of humanity has the freedom to die or, at best, be enslaved. This idea of total (or approximately so) economic freedom is superficial at best and not a good measurement of the overall freedom of mankind. Capitalism is a majestic, carnivorous beast. It's wonderous in its majesty, but it is dangerous as well and will not hesitate to devour us if we do not take precautions against it. This is why I don't strongly identify as a capitalist. My brand of capitalism is defined by its opposition to the free market.
  7. Socialism:
  8. I oppose implementing a socialist state. I do not see socialism being a greater good for humanity than a properly regulated capitalism. In fact, I think the socialist movement would largely die down under such a system, as their more important complaints would largely disappear once the beast of capitalism was properly tamed. What degree of violence would be required to implement a socialist state? It just doesn't seem necessary to me.
  10. Redistribution of Wealth:
  11. As crazy as it sounds, this is probably one of the greatest factors contributing to a meaningful sense of freedom in modern society. Admittedly, I'm a little hazy on the details, but I think that something must be done in this area. A living wage? UBI? I'm not totally sure what the best option is. My understanding of the problem is this: the rich getting richer used to lead to the poor getting richer. Somewhere along the line, that stopped being the case. I do not want to eradicate rich people; I want to enrich poor people. We don't all need to be the same, but we should not settle for the working class living in poverty. Someone should not have to work several jobs just to survive. That is not freedom and it restricts human greatness.
  13. The Alt Right Pipeline:
  14. I have previously identified with the GamerGate / anti-SJW movement and I was particularly a big fan of Sargon of Akkad [Carl Benjamin, not the historical figure]. I was much harder on immigration back then, I didn't quite know what to think of trans rights, and I was quite brazen with my slurs. That being said, I was never part of the alternative right. There was never a time where I thought fascism was even an OK idea. Most of the leftist content creators who speak about "being on the alt right pipeline" are lying to you for clicks. If I'm being charitable, maybe they believe they were, but I find that very doubtful.
  16. The Alt Right / Paleo-cons / Neo-Nazis:
  17. If it weren't obvious, I am adamantly against the alternative right. Their bigoted ideology is not only fowl for its consequences, but it also has no basis in reality. Race is not real. There is no white race and, if there was, the alt right would surely destroy it with their foolish ideology. There is no better time in the past in which we should try to return to and, no, your populist political candidate is not going to bring you back in time.
  19. Conspiracy:
  20. I love Conspiracy, it is the best King Diamond album. All jokes aside, conspiracies can range from things that are obviously true to utter insanity that is totally devoid of all reason. Many conspiracy theorists fall prey to an ideology that I refer to as "Nothing Ever Happens". In the Nothing Ever Happens mindset, NOTHING bad actually happens. These people will assert that mass shootings, world pandemics, or even the most basic scientific facts are simply not real. They think that some shadowy government agency is to blame for every single event and every event is either staged or, in the case of normie conspiracy theorists, highly exaggerated.
  22. Feminism:
  23. I'm a feminist, but I do not associate with the feminism movement nor do I view the world through a feminist lens. My experience with feminist activists has been largely negative and I don't think that will change. Do I advocate for women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes? Yes. Do I acknowledge that we live in a patriarchal society? I hate to frame it that way, but yes.
  25. Where things get easier for me is when feminism gets RADICAL. When it comes to radical feminism, whether it is trans-exclusionary or not, I can easily say that I reject it. Trans people are valid and men are good, actually.
  27. Liberalism:
  28. I'm a liberal. I would probably fall most comfortably under the label of social democrat. I don't particularly get along with other socdems, but we still agree on the important things.
  30. Abortion:
  31. I'm very pro-choice. I don't consider human life to be inherently sacred or good. I don't believe we possess any supernatural souls. A fetus is not a baby and nobody treats them as such. A fetus does not possess personhood. We do not treat human beings as if they possess proper autonomy until they are 18 or 21 years old. It's all very complicated, but I see no reason to restrict abortion. A woman should be able to get as many abortions as she wants whenever she wants for whatever reason she wants.
  33. Religion:
  34. I'm an agnostic atheist. I reject the belief that any gods exist, but I accept that it is impossible to know for sure. I'm not 100% anti-religion, but I'm certainly not a fan. There are some obvious positives to religion (community, easy to digest moral teachings, reduced existential dread), but I do not think they outweigh the negatives.
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