
Zaroc/Ilithid (NSFW-Shota)

Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. The dark alleyways of the underdark city felt uncomfortable to Zaroc, the hair on his neck standing at end as he walked.
  3. With his job finished he knew he should be heading home, he wanted to be home for his birthday after all. Dagwren had told him that when he turned 14 she would get him his own armor, and he knew she was excited to see him in it.
  5. He looked around at the city, the eclectic mix of citizens had all but disappeared as they bedded down, the sun stones in the cavernous sky long since dimmed as the sun set high above.
  7. But the sound of shifting cloth near his made him turn, raising a hand as a flash of fire swirled around his palm.
  9. “Hold up!” He shouted into the silence, turning to see a cloth store banner waving in the wind. He laughed nervously as he turned back, feeling uneasy and watched . “I should have had one of them come with me..”
  11. He felt alone as he walked faster down the street, looking for the inn he’d purchased a room at, but he'd become lost, the streets turning and turning till he was lost.
  13. Panicking he cast a spell, desperately hoping to find his way, a bead of pink flame raced away, leaving a glowing trail. Zaroc, half in tears chased the flame, desperate to get back.
  15. He cried in frustration as the warm light of the fire faded as he entered another alleyway. The tall stone walls loomed over him, shadows deepened.
  17. “Little one, are you lost? So far from where you wish to be?”
  19. Zaroc turned around, the flames flaring bright around his palm, the bright pink flames taking the shape of a curved knife held towards the darkness.
  21. “Child, child. I mean you no harm, but you may be frightened by my visage.”
  23. “Come out! I’m not scared!” His voice cracked as he willed the flame grow to a small sword. “I’m not scared…”
  25. “I mean no harm little one.”
  27. Zaroc yelped as a tall broad shouldered figure stepped out of the shadows, the face of tentacles stared down at him. He held the flame blade out as he stumbled back, his face grew flush as his eyes took in the stranger's body.
  29. The figure approached him, heavy boots ringing across the stonework till he stood over him. The man's fancy clothes sat close to him. Zaroc found himself staring at the bulge of the mans pants, his cheeks felt like fire as he stared.
  31. “Please, the magic is unnecessary.”
  33. “Who are you!”
  34. He pulled his gaze from the man's crotch and looked at his eyes, trying to hide his fear.
  36. “A friend perhaps? Certainly someone who just wants to help a scared child.”
  38. “I'm not a child! I'm just lost…”
  40. “May I help you find your way, young man?”
  42. “You still didn’t tell me who you are.”
  43. He let his hand fall, the fire fading into steam.
  45. “Drothtorug.”
  47. “I can’t say that.”
  49. The illithid chuckled, crouching till he was facelevel with Zaroc.
  50. “It’s not actually a name, it’s gibberish. We do not use names, but most call me Vriz.”
  51. He held out a hand to Zaroc, waiting for a reaction.
  53. “Vriz, im Zaroc! I guess it's nice to meet you. You shouldn’t hide in shadows though! It’s mean!”
  55. “I will try to do better, Zaroc.”
  57. “How are you doing that? Talking without a mouth?” Zaroc cocked his head to the side in mock confusion as he attempted to hide his gaze dropping to the man’s bulge once more. The large shape now visible against the pale stone work.
  59. “Wandering eyes speak louder than me Little One.” His hand moved to Zarocs face and lifted his gaze. “Behold…” the tentacles parted to reveal the sharp toothed maw, a long pointed tongue extending with a wave of viscous saliva.
  61. “Do you like your answer, Zaroc?” His eyes drew themself to the boy's own bulge now, his crimson shorts drawn tight. “You did not lie, you are not scared of me it seems.”
  63. Zaroc stared at the mouth, he felt himself blushing hard as the long tongue flopped out, the thick saliva rolling off. As the creature spoke once again he saw the mouth still didnt move.
  65. “Hey! You're still not using your mouth?”
  67. “Hahaha, I speak directly into your pretty head Zaroc. The mouth is just for eating, and fun.”
  69. “You laugh with your brain and that’s terrifying!”
  70. Zaroc looked back at the man's face, reaching his hand towards the thick saliva.
  72. “Ewww.”
  73. Before he pulled his hand far the tongue lashed out and wrapped around his wrist, holding it in place.
  74. “Curious child... that could be dangerous.”
  76. “Let me go please?”
  78. “Of course Zaroc, apologies.”
  79. He pulled his tongue back from Zaroc, a thick trail of saliva rolling down the boy's arm.
  81. He watched Zaroc lick the saliva and scowl. But as we went to wipe it he stopped as it stretched between his fingers, making him giggle. Vriz felt his pants tighter more at the light giggle of amusement.
  83. His eyes fell to the boys shorts again, the notable bulge looking larger now. He reached a hand out, his fingers brushing the soft fabric. At the renewed giggle he pushed, sliding his hand against the boy till he could grip the impressive girth through the shorts.
  85. “Zaroc, would you like to come back to my shop? I can sense your thinking much the same as I!”
  87. “Yeah! As long as I can head home afterwards!”
  89. “Of course, though I would not seek to delay you.”
  91. He looked at Vriz, smiling and laughing. “I was leaving in the morning anyways!”
  93. Zaroc followed Vriz through a door, entering into a small dark shop, crystal trinkets and baubles sat on shelves. The only light coming from a small hearth, reflecting off every shard of crystal like a million mirrors, and near the back was a low counter with a leather plate over it.
  95. He moved past the tall Illithid and climbed onto the counter, sitting and wriggling out of his shorts, grinning as his bulge slapped the counter, the low firelight catching the shimmering red fabric that hugged his cock.
  96. “Mr. Vriz? Can I please see what that mouth feels like?”
  98. Vriz paused at the blunt question, his eyes drawn to the shimmering red fabric. A few tentative steps brought him to the boy, towering over the thin frame. He hardly registered the movement till his face was inches from the briefs.
  100. He willed the tentacles forward, a fervor to pull the clothes away as his tongue slipped under the waistband and explored the boys cock.
  102. The smooth skin reacted to his tongue, hardening quickly as it wrapped around. A tentative motion down the shaft revealed to him that the kids dick was knotted in a unique way.
  104. His beady eyes widened as the briefs were pulled away before him, the soft orange skin embraced the slowly swelling knots. The boys foreskin rolled back, now indistinguishable from the rest of the heavy shaft.
  106. He pulled the boys cock into his mouth, a grunt of pleasure mixed with confusion fell from the boys lips. He watched as the small orange palms clenched, clutching at the edge of the counter.
  108. Surprised at the size he moved slowly, letting his tongue slowly coat the warm shaft in thick saliva as he worked down. The boy's tail whipped around to rest over his, the pointed tip wrapping around one of his own facial tentacles.
  110. “I like your throat! Kinda feels like jelly!”
  112. Vriz pushed his head down, eyes clenching as he felt the knotted base push in. The thick shaft filled his throat, warmth washed over him as he began moving his head along the shaft, a soft slapping echoed through the empty room as the thick saliva splashed around his face.
  114. “I'm glad you find it pleasurable Zaroc. You have quite the impressive cock for a boy your age.”
  116. “Thank you! It's genetic! I'm part incubus, oh hey, you wanna see something else I get with that?”
  118. Zarock giggled as he felt Vriz shove his head hard into him, a bit of the man's saliva splashing up onto his face. Giggling turned into a moan as the long wet tongue slipped out of the man's mouth and began licking his balls.
  120. “If it is as fun as these traits of yours I would love to see.”
  122. “Put your hands on my hips to brace me please!”
  123. He waited till the long hands gripped him, the fingers gripping him tightly as he asked.
  124. “Watch this!”
  126. He raised his hands and pulled down on his horns, Vriz immediately felt the boy's body shake, the thick shaft that he'd buried in his mouth jumped. He blinked rapidly at the surge if overly warm and thick cum that was rocketing down his throat.
  128. Zarocs giggling made him realize how easily the boy was keeping instride. His feet dangling off the counter lazily, Vriz pulled his head back, feeling as if his throat was full of the kids cum. The thick fluid splashed over his face as the slick cock bounced freely.
  130. “I am quite impressed. How long can you keep that up Zaroc?”
  131. Vriz let his tongue wrap around the shaft. His hands now pulling on Zarocs balls in curiosity.
  133. “As long as my horns or my tail are being pulled! If I let go, it goes for about a minute.”
  135. Zaroc let his hands fall, slowly stroking his own as he aimed the last spurts of cum at Vriz. Zaroc laughed as Vriz closed his eyes, letting the thick cum coat him.
  137. Vriz stood quickly, his hands sliding up Zaroc’s body and laying him flat, the boys green tunic pushed off to reveal the two-toned chest. His sharp fingers grazed the small nipples and chuckled.
  139. “You are a very cute kid Zaroc. A masterpiece of flesh.”
  141. “That sounds creepy…” he furrowed his brow as he wiggled out of the tunic.
  143. “Apologies Zaroc, apologies.”
  145. Zaroc watched as Vriz moved one hand away, the long fingers pulled away the man's belt, his pants falling away to show his underwear had been pulled taught as his cock strained against them.
  147. The boys tail whipped forward, pulling the tight shorts down. His eyes wide as the large shaft now slapped down onto the table. The man's dick was normal but for its size, the purple glans peeked out from behind the loose foreskin.
  149. The thick shaft enticed Zaroc, his tail wrapping around it as he sat up, leaning towards it. The foreskin pulled back as Zaroc pushed his tail to the base of Vriz’s cock. The glans slick with precum, sticky and thin fluid flowing from the tip.
  151. “You look quite impressed Little One, why not reciprocate my gift to you?”
  153. He had barely finished the words before Zaroc had rocked himself forward and shoved the thick shaft down his throat. Vriz’s feet slid back as he braced himself, the boys motions rapid and forceful.
  155. The kids sharp teeth brushed his shaft, his warm breath making Vriz’s legs shake. He placed his hands on the boy's horns and pushed him back. A muffled moan as he forced the boy away. A warmth hit his chest as the boy shot cum at him. He gave the horns another rough shove and felt the cum hit harder.
  157. “Slow child, I do not possess your endurance.”
  158. Vriz moved his hands to Zaroc’s chest, pressing him flat. Zaroc moved his feet to Vriz’s hips, using him as a step to get his feet onto the now warm counter.
  159. “What are you doing Zaroc?”
  161. Zaroc stood on the counter, his hand disappearing behind his back. Before Vriz could react Zaroc let out a moan as he yanked on his tail, an immediate shot of cum hit Vriz in the face.
  163. “Hehehe, you left yourself open to that!” The boy fell back on his ass laughing, his own chest now coated in his cum.
  165. “Child…” Vriz shook his head as he reached for Zaroc. He gripped the boys balls, now drawn tight to his body in effort.
  167. He quickly moved his thumb and pressed it deep into the boy. The faint pink hole against the orange skin had tempted him, and as he felt the muscles tighten and boy’s moan echoed through the shop, Vriz smiled.
  169. “This is more my speed.”
  171. Zaroc looked at Vriz, smiling as the man switched to a longer finger, the low light reflecting off the shimmering hand. He gave Vriz a big grin, his teeth barred at the Illithid. His feet moved close, arching his back as Vriz moaned and pulled him closer to the edge of the counter.
  173. “You are clearly used to this Zaroc? Are you ready for it?”
  175. “Yes sir, Mr Vriz!” He responded quickly, his tail coiled around his own leg. The tipslid slowly, pushing the boys hard cock down till it pointed at Vriz again. “Can I get a kiss first?”
  177. Vriz moved his head down, his tentacles wrapping tight to the boy’s thighs. The long slick tongue pushed inside him, making him shiver as he felt it writhing inside him.
  179. As the long tongue slithered back out he felt the thick saliva remain, his body shaking from the unfamiliar sensation.
  181. Vriz moved quickly, standing back up and pressing himself into Zaroc. The right side of the boy's face winced a bit as he squeezed out a moan. The orange cheeks turned red as he blushed.
  183. “You impress me Zaroc. You’re cute, and unafraid. And so very very warm.” Vriz looked at Zaroc, his hand brushing back the boys hair and then grabbing a horn as Zaroc smiled and nodded softly. “An impressive feature. Would you mind turning over for me Zaroc?” His hand brushed the base if the thick cock, feeling faintly as his shaft moved inside.
  185. Vriz winced as Zaroc rolled over, the boy‘s ass tightening around him. Zaroc pushed himself back again Vriz, sinking down the large cock till their balls slapped together.
  187. Vriz wrapped an arm around him, lifting him up till the boy was sitting on his dick, his feet pressed into the edge of the counter for support.
  189. Zaroc felt Vriz hug him close, the man's hands pressed into his belly to feel himself inside. The. He felt the cold wet as tentacles wrapped around his head and neck. Vriz’s mouth pressed into his neck. Slow sucking at his neck, the tongue lapping gently at his skin.
  191. Zaroc took to pushing himself up from the counter, letting Vriz force him back down. The man was shaking soon from the effort’s, his precum filling Zaroc slowly.
  193. “Vriz I have an idea! Here lick my tail!”
  194. “What?”
  195. “Trust me pleeease?”
  196. “Of course.”
  198. Zaroc whipped his tail toward Vriz’s mouth forcing the pointed tip inside. He felt Vriz gag as the tail went deep, and then the grip against his body tightened. He felt Vriz shove him down hard, Zaroc letting out a yip of discomfort.
  200. He quickly pulled his tail free dangling the now viscously lubed second cock before Vriz.
  201. “See! Neat trick huh?”
  203. “What are you planning little One?”
  205. Zaroc giggled as the tail whipped away, he felt the tentacles squirm over him as he pushed his tail into Vriz.
  207. Vriz shuddered as Zaroc moved his tail as fast as he could, the Illithid slowed as Zaroc felt the thin cum inside him. Vriz moved Zaroc’s head, forcing a kiss upon the boy. He held Zaroc as his shaft went soft, his cum sloshing as the boy moved.
  209. Moaning aloud as the boy relentlessly moved his tail, Vriz laid himself on the counter, his breathing ragged as the tireless boy worked.
  211. “Please Zaroc, how long can you go?”
  213. “I can stop whenever…” he panted the response, his tail sliding deep before stopping. “Want me to stop?”
  215. “No, no. Finish as you will. But I need rest, stay the night if you'd like.”
  217. Zaroc frowned and pulled his tail from Vriz, the man’s eyes going wide as he felt the cool air against him, realizing how long the boy kneeling on him had been cumming.
  219. “Rest is important! That's what my dads keep telling me if I stay up too late! I should head home… but, here!”
  220. Zaroc sat cross legged on Vriz’s hips. Pulling the man's cock between his legs. He gave the glans a few licks to clean it, Vriz Moaning as he grabbed the boys small hips and lifted him away.
  222. “Run on little one. You have given me much fun this night. Here, a blessing.”
  223. Vriz waved a hand, letting a low wave of Arcane energy wash over them, the spilled fluids dissipating into the ether.
  224. “If ever you find yourself here again stop by for more fun Zaroc, I would gladly meet you again.”
  226. “Thank you MR. Vriz! I had alot of fun, i hope we meet again. Byeeee!”
  229. Vriz watched as Zaroc left the building, he stood, walking to his bed as he felt himself weary and spent.
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