

Aug 5th, 2018
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  1. Top PyPI Disk Users:
  2. All of PyPI: : 2.03 TB
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  6. mxnet-cu91: 70.94 GB
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  9. mxnet-cu90mkl: 61.83 GB
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  39. opencv-contrib-python: 7.25 GB
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  49. Fiona: 5.16 GB
  50. metapy: 4.64 GB
  51. soxs: 4.59 GB
  52. python-libsbml-experimental: 4.42 GB
  53. tulipgui-python: 4.31 GB
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  55. inlineplz: 4.03 GB
  56. FlexGet: 4.01 GB
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  58. appdynamics-bindeps-linux-x86: 3.97 GB
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  62. obspy: 3.78 GB
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  64. bohrium: 3.66 GB
  65. pyXSIM: 3.51 GB
  66. SimpleITK: 3.5 GB
  67. fsleyes: 3.48 GB
  68. Panda3D: 3.48 GB
  69. python-opensesame: 3.46 GB
  70. scattertext: 3.37 GB
  71. ka-lite-static: 3.28 GB
  72. pocketsphinx: 3.27 GB
  73. botocore: 3.26 GB
  74. Pillow: 3.24 GB
  75. ka-lite: 3.16 GB
  76. amplpy: 3.15 GB
  77. cntk-gpu: 3.12 GB
  78. Transcrypt: 3.1 GB
  79. cryptography-vectors: 3.04 GB
  80. pmagpy: 3.04 GB
  81. wxPython: 3.01 GB
  82. appdynamics-bindeps-osx-x64: 3 GB
  83. opencv-contrib-python-headless: 2.98 GB
  84. ccxt: 2.96 GB
  85. h2o: 2.83 GB
  86. astropy: 2.77 GB
  87. Cython: 2.74 GB
  88. turicreate: 2.66 GB
  89. cityenergyanalyst: 2.64 GB
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  97. atx: 2.31 GB
  98. kivy.deps.gstreamer: 2.3 GB
  99. superset: 2.28 GB
  100. ccal: 2.23 GB
  101. pyqt5-tools: 2.2 GB
  102. lambda_packages: 2.2 GB
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