
Anon Johnson's depression

Feb 16th, 2015
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  1. "Aww come on!"
  2. "No, I'm depressed, leave me alone."
  3. "You're gonna be depressed if you stay cooped up in here all day."
  4. "I'm not going outside, and I'm not getting up. The world is full of shit, everyone in it is shit, and everything else is shit too."
  5. "And what kind of attitude is that-"
  6. "The right one."
  7. "Anon, come on, cheer up, things will get better, I know your life isn't what you want it to be now, but you gotta keep trying."
  8. "Oh suuuuuure, keep trying, push harder, as if I haven't already, as if it would matter if I did or not."
  9. "It does matter.. At least, to me."
  10. "Yeah, and you don't matter either, none of us matter, we're all just in the waiting room for death."
  11. "Anon come on, I know you don't believe that. I know right now you're just a little upset, but it'll get better, trust me. Why don't we start by doing something fun?"
  12. "Yeah, like what?"
  13. "Well, we could play your favorite games."
  14. "Not interested. Why play the same games I've already played over again?"
  15. "Well, what do you want to do?"
  16. "Nothing, I just want to lie here in bed all day and reflect on how awful the world is."
  17. "Well, just sitting there thinking about it isn't going to change it."
  18. "As if you could change it even if you tried. People are rotten, and evil, you know that."
  19. Pinkie paused for a moment.
  20. "Well, not everyone is bad. I think you can be a pretty nice guy. That's why I'm here. I wanna be your friend and cheer you up. I wanna do whatever it takes to get you out of bed and get you moving.. Because.. I care about you Anon."
  21. "..."
  22. "Did you hear me Anon? I said I care about you."
  23. "..."
  24. "...and... and I know you feel something too. You don't have to be afraid 'nonny, you can just say it."
  25. "I don't care about you."
  26. "...You don't mean that."
  27. "..."
  28. "Please...'nonny. Anon. Just talk to me. Why can't you admit you care for me too. Why can't you just say it?"
  30. "...because you're not real."
  32. "..."
  33. ...
  34. Pinkie finally goes quiet for the first time that evening. You keep your back turned to Pinkie, eyes closed as the silence settles over you. Pinkie finally leaves you in peace.
  35. The next day you keep hearing knocks at your door
  36. "Anon! are you in there?"
  37. You look out the window, but no one is there
  38. You go into your basement and lock the door behind you
  39. As you pull up a chair you grab your legs and bury your face in your knees
  40. "She isnt real... She isnt"
  41. You say, trying not to break down and cry
  42. You feel a hand on your knee
  43. As you look up, a fuzzy-looking pinkie is standing there
  44. "Stop crying anon!" she says with a smile
  45. "No! Just go away!"
  46. You yell, picking up your chair and throwing it
  47. You blink and she is gone, everything is silent
  48. You collapse and start to cry
  49. "How long has this been has this been happening the doctor says
  50. "I.. I dont know, a month or two"
  51. You told the doctor about seeing people you loved that have left your life, you said nothing about it being pinkie...
  52. "I'll be right back" The doctor says, after jotting some notes down
  53. after he leaves you feel the paper on the mat crinkling
  54. You see pinkie jump up and rustle around
  55. "This is comfy!" she says, energetically
  56. "Pinkie.. stop.."
  57. She lays her head on your shoulder
  58. "Whats wrong anon? you seem so sad lately."
  59. You look at pinkie, she looks confused
  60. "Stop it!"
  61. You yell as you pick up the jar of cotton swabs and throw it
  62. After that she disappears and the doctor walks in
  63. "What happened in here?" The doctor says as you turn around with the lid in your hand
  64. "She isn't real"
  65. A nurse walks in and the doctor whispers to her
  66. "Come with me, mr. Johnson" The doctor says
  67. You follow him to the theriputic doctors office
  68. After a couple minutes of paperwork, you lay down in this chair made from leather
  69. "What are these visions, Anon. Is it ok if I call you that?" The therapist says
  70. "Yeah you can call me that... I keep seeing someone that I loved."
  71. "Who is this person?" He says jotting down notes
  72. "Its kinda personal.."
  73. "Ok, when does this happen?"
  74. "I dont know, when Im sad?"
  75. "Ah, this is common, just give it time and it will stop" he says, almost finished with his paper
  76. "But.. I can feel her touch me, she messes with things physically... She picks things up. But when someone enters the room, she fades away"
  77. The therapist pauses and then gets up
  78. "Stay here, I need to go get something" He says, walking out
  79. "Pinkie, I can see you"
  80. After the therapist closes the door, pinkie is in his chair
  81. "What is your mental state" She says, in a fake voice
  82. "Pinkie, please, you aren't helping"
  83. "What is wrong? why dont you think I'm real?"
  84. "You cant be real"
  85. She sighs and pulls you to your feet "Come on"
  86. She brings pulls you with her, and everything is hazy except her, her hair is flowing through the wind as she runs
  87. You both stop, and under you, you see Ponyville
  88. "Come on, I'll show you around" she says, as she takes a step down
  89. You nod, and go to do the same, as you start to fall
  90. You look down, as Ponyville starts to fade into Cars and the sounds of horns
  91. You hit the ground and everything goes black
  92. Epilogue:
  93. "Anon Johnson, A local man in his 20's committed suicide yesterday by jumping off a building. While not much is known about it, the doctors stated that he was filled for deep depression and saw figments of a loved one, saying that she could "Mess with things physically and pick things up." Who this was, however is unknown, because the man never wanted to state her name. His doctors said that he was throwing things, saying "She isn't real" and would at some points break down crying. More updates will be posted soon, this is Jaine Velgrama, signing off"
  94. Later, A girl with puffy pink hair sits at Anon's grave, crying as the camera zooms out, fading to black.
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