
The Dream - Plane

Jun 19th, 2013
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  1. I only remeber certain parts here:
  2. b
  3. We were at a large shool... I was moving schools and all. I was new, blech! Anyways, we were all outside. It was some kind of party , which is kinda dumb. There was a MASSIVE field, , with a wlakway lined by trees on the 1/4 mark about from one side. I was somehow in the military then... I was scanning the skies, when a massive aircraft comes flying over the school. Machine guns start targetting me, but luckily miss. I note the four proppeller engines. Everyone else is running now. It turns and comes for me. I somehow disable it, and its doomed for a crash. Its current path would hit me, so I run along the lane. But I cant run for some reason. Im too slow... But I keep going. It turns to follow me. I turn and shoot several times, and right before it hits I run and jump out of its path. It crasheds and I am safe.
  6. -RCAP
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