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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. <witness xml:id="G"><abbr type="siglum">G</abbr> = <title>Codex Gaddianus
  2. pl. 90, 12 inf.</title>
  3. <msDesc>
  4. <msIdentifier>
  5. <settlement>Florence</settlement>
  6. <repository>Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana</repository>
  7. <idno>plut. 90, 12 inf.</idno>
  8. </msIdentifier>
  9. <msContents>
  10. <p>Contains the twelve eclogues of Francesco Petrarch (ff.
  11. 1–44), the <bibl><title>Culex</title></bibl> of Vergilius
  12. Maro, the <bibl><title>Dirae</title></bibl> of Vergilius
  13. Maro (ff. 52–55), and Calpurnius and Nemesianus (ff. 55–74).
  14. A very brief, unattributed eclogue follows with the
  15. interlocutors Daphnis, Tityrus, Mopsus, and Meliboeus.</p>
  16. <p>The following inscription has been added to the eclogues of
  17. Calpurnius: <quote xml:lang="la">Egloge Calfurnii ad
  18. nemesianum cartaginiensem.</quote> (<quote>The Eclogues
  19. of Calfurnius to Nemesianus of Carthage</quote>).
  20. Nemesianus follows Calpurnius with the following title
  21. prefixed: <quote xml:lang="la">Aureliani nemesiani
  22. cartaginiensis egloghe incipiunt</quote> (<quote>Here
  23. begin the eclogues of Aurelianus Nemesianus of
  24. Carthage</quote>). At the end of each eclogue there
  25. appears an <hi rend="italic">explicit</hi> with the number
  26. of each eclogue, but Calpurnius’ sixth eclogue lacks a
  27. subscription, and the following is written at the end of the
  28. seventh: <quote xml:lang="la">explicit sexta egloga
  29. Calphurnii</quote> (<quote>Here ends the sixth eclogue
  30. of Calphurnius</quote>). This is explained by the fact
  31. that the seventh eclogue follows the sixth without any
  32. break, with the result that only six eclogues are attributed
  33. to Calpurnius in this manuscript. But in the margin, where
  34. the sixth eclogue ought to end, the copyist has added the
  35. following: <quote xml:lang="la">aliqui volunt dicere quod
  36. ista sit alia et diversa egloga ubi incipit “lentus,"
  37. aliqui dicunt quod est una etc.</quote> (<quote>Some
  38. wish to say that the eclogue that begins <hi
  39. rend="italic">lentus</hi> is a completely different
  40. eclogue; others say that it is the same,
  41. etc.</quote>).</p>
  42. </msContents>
  43. <physDesc>
  44. <objectDesc>
  45. <p>Paper: 294 × 225 mm.: 74 leaves. Individual pages
  46. generally have 29 verses, but some vary, with the
  47. shorter ones having 26 and the longer ones haveing 32
  48. verses.</p>
  49. </objectDesc>
  50. <handDesc hands="2">
  51. <handNote xml:id="G1"><abbr type="siglum">G<hi rend="super"
  52. >1</hi></abbr>: The copyist himself added almost
  53. all of the corrections either by removing scribal errors
  54. in the verses or adding variant readings to the margin.
  55. See <ref target="Gdesc-hand">above</ref> for a more
  56. detailed description of this hand’s activity.</handNote>
  57. <handNote xml:id="G2"><abbr type="siglum">G<hi rend="super"
  58. >2</hi></abbr>: Some corrections seem to have been
  59. made by another hand.</handNote>
  60. </handDesc>
  61. </physDesc>
  62. <history>
  63. <origin>
  64. <p>Written at the <origDate notAfter="1500" notBefore="1400"
  65. >beginning of the fifteenth century</origDate>.</p>
  66. </origin>
  67. </history>
  68. </msDesc>
  69. </witness>
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