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Dec 24th, 2013
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  1. ### FactionsPlus v0.6.4 configuration file
  2. ###
  3. ###
  4. ### All comments starting with `### ` (3 # and a space)(aka auto comments) will be automatically updated,
  5. ### please refrain from making any changes inside those lines because they will be lost upon save
  6. ### Comments with just one `#` will remain, though they will be moved before/after the auto comments
  7. ###
  8. ### You may not use `.` aka dot in config options names even though we are referring to them like that
  9. ### ie. jails.enabled becomes `jails:<hit enter and 2 spaces>enabled`
  10. ### Each level is indented by exactly 2 spaces
  11. ###
  12. ### You may use `/f debug configdiff` to see the config options that you've changed from their default (OPs/console only)
  13. ###
  14. ###
  15. ###
  16. ###
  17. jails:
  18. ###
  19. ### # jails.enabled
  20. ### default value: true
  21. enabled: true
  22. ###
  23. ### # jails.leadersCanSetJails
  24. ### default value: true
  25. leadersCanSetJails: true
  26. ###
  27. ### # jails.officersCanSetJails
  28. ### default value: true
  29. officersCanSetJails: true
  30. ###
  31. ### # jails.membersCanSetJails
  32. ### default value: false
  33. membersCanSetJails: false
  34. ###
  35. ### # jails.leadersCanJail
  36. ### default value: true
  37. leadersCanJail: true
  38. ###
  39. ### # jails.officersCanJail
  40. ### default value: true
  41. officersCanJail: true
  42. ###
  43. ### # jails.removeOwnJailDataWhenLeavingFaction
  44. ### default value: true
  45. removeOwnJailDataWhenLeavingFaction: true
  46. ###
  47. ### # jails.denyMovementWhileJailed
  48. ### default value: true
  49. denyMovementWhileJailed: true
  50. ###
  51. ### # jails.delayBeforeSentToJail
  52. ### default value: 0
  53. ### the delay (in seconds) before a player is sent to jail
  54. ### This is to help stop players jailing their own players while in combat.
  55. delayBeforeSentToJail: 0
  56. ###
  57. ### # jails.furtherRestrictJailUnjailToThoseThatHavePermission
  58. ### default value: false
  59. ### if true, it'll require leaders/officers to also have factionsplus.jailunjail permission node
  60. ### before they will be allowed to jail/unjail
  61. furtherRestrictJailUnjailToThoseThatHavePermission: false
  62. ###
  63. ### # jails.canJailOnlyIfIssuerIsInOwnTerritory
  64. ### default value: true
  65. ### if true, it'll require the player that issues /f jail to be located inside his own faction territory
  66. ### before they will be allowed to jail (unjailing will work regardless)
  67. ### if false, /f jail can be used from any location
  68. ### setting this to true will prevent two+ players for abusing /f jail
  69. ### by issuing it on each other when they are in danger
  70. canJailOnlyIfIssuerIsInOwnTerritory: true
  71. ###
  72. ### # jails.tellPlayerWhoBannedThem
  73. ### default value: true
  74. tellPlayerWhoBannedThem: true
  75. warps:
  76. ###
  77. ### # warps.enabled
  78. ### default value: true
  79. enabled: true
  80. ###
  81. ### # warps.leadersCanSetWarps
  82. ### default value: true
  83. leadersCanSetWarps: true
  84. ###
  85. ### # warps.officersCanSetWarps
  86. ### default value: true
  87. officersCanSetWarps: true
  88. ###
  89. ### # warps.membersCanSetWarps
  90. ### default value: false
  91. membersCanSetWarps: false
  92. ###
  93. ### # warps.mustBeInOwnTerritoryToCreate
  94. ### default value: true
  95. ### changing this from true to false does NOT remove all warps that are outside territories
  96. ### when false, allows you to create and teleport to warps in any places even if they are in enemy land
  97. mustBeInOwnTerritoryToCreate: true
  98. ###
  99. ### # warps.denyWarpToEnemyLand
  100. ### default value: true
  101. ### only has effect when `mustBeInOwnTerritoryToCreate` is false,
  102. ### if true, you cannot teleport to a warp residing inside enemy land
  103. denyWarpToEnemyLand: true
  104. ###
  105. ### # warps.denyWarpToAllyLand
  106. ### default value: false
  107. ### only has effect when `mustBeInOwnTerritoryToCreate` is false,
  108. ### if true, you cannot teleport to a warp residing inside ally land
  109. denyWarpToAllyLand: false
  110. ###
  111. ### # warps.denyWarpToNeutralOrTruceLand
  112. ### default value: false
  113. ### only has effect when `mustBeInOwnTerritoryToCreate` is false,
  114. ### if true, you cannot teleport to a warp residing inside neutral(and truce in 1.7) land
  115. denyWarpToNeutralOrTruceLand: false
  116. ###
  117. ### # warps.maxWarps
  118. ### default value: 5
  119. maxWarps: 5
  120. ###
  121. ### # warps.warpTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory
  122. ### default value: true
  123. warpTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory: true
  124. ###
  125. ### # warps.warpTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld
  126. ### default value: true
  127. warpTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld: true
  128. ###
  129. ### # warps.warpTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance
  130. ### default value: 35
  131. warpTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance: 100
  132. ###
  133. ### # warps.warpTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory
  134. ### default value: true
  135. warpTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory: true
  136. ###
  137. ### # warps.smokeEffectOnWarp
  138. ### default value: true
  139. smokeEffectOnWarp: true
  140. ###
  141. ### # warps.removeWarpIfDeniedAccess
  142. ### default value: true
  143. removeWarpIfDeniedAccess: true
  144. factions:
  145. ###
  146. ### # factions.factionNameFirstLetterForceUpperCase
  147. ### default value: false
  148. ### Forces the first letter to uppercase on Faction names
  149. factionNameFirstLetterForceUpperCase: false
  150. banning:
  151. ###
  152. ### # banning.enabled
  153. ### default value: true
  154. enabled: true
  155. ###
  156. ### # banning.leadersCanFactionBanAndUnban
  157. ### default value: true
  158. leadersCanFactionBanAndUnban: true
  159. ###
  160. ### # banning.officersCanFactionBanAndUnban
  161. ### default value: true
  162. officersCanFactionBanAndUnban: true
  163. ###
  164. ### # banning.furtherRestrictBanUnBanToThoseThatHavePermission
  165. ### default value: false
  166. ### If set to true this will automatically restrict the use of ban/unban commands
  167. ### to those leaders/officers that have `factionsplus.banunban` permission node
  168. ### For example if leaders/officers can ban/unban (from the above options)
  169. ### then they'll only be allowed to do so only if they have this permission node
  170. ### but if this option is false then they'll be allowed (only if their option above is set to true)
  171. ### No other players are allowed to use ban/unban (not even console/OPs)
  172. furtherRestrictBanUnBanToThoseThatHavePermission: false
  173. ###
  174. ### # banning.canBanToPreventFutureJoins
  175. ### default value: true
  176. ### If true it allows banning of any players(that exist on the server) regardless if they are already in your faction
  177. ### This is so that you can prevent a certain player from joining your faction even though your faction is open and
  178. ### doesn't require invitation
  179. ### If this is false then: You can only ban players that exist in your faction
  180. canBanToPreventFutureJoins: true
  181. rules:
  182. ###
  183. ### # rules.enabled
  184. ### default value: true
  185. enabled: true
  186. ###
  187. ### # rules.leadersCanSetRules
  188. ### default value: true
  189. leadersCanSetRules: true
  190. ###
  191. ### # rules.officersCanSetRules
  192. ### default value: true
  193. officersCanSetRules: true
  194. ###
  195. ### # rules.maxRulesPerFaction
  196. ### default value: 12
  197. maxRulesPerFaction: 12
  198. ###
  199. ### # rules.onFirstJoinFactionShowRules
  200. ### default value: false
  201. onFirstJoinFactionShowRules: false
  202. peaceful:
  203. ###
  204. ### # peaceful.leadersCanToggleState
  205. ### default value: false
  206. ### if all these 3 options below are `false` then `/f togglestate` command won't be available
  207. ### you won't see it in `/f help`
  208. ### if any of these 3 is `true` then `/f toggle` should be in `/f help`
  209. ### but to make the command appear or disappear from help after changing these
  210. ### you have to restart the server
  211. leadersCanToggleState: false
  212. ###
  213. ### # peaceful.officersCanToggleState
  214. ### default value: false
  215. officersCanToggleState: false
  216. ###
  217. ### # peaceful.membersCanToggleState
  218. ### default value: false
  219. membersCanToggleState: false
  220. ###
  221. ### # peaceful.enablePeacefulBoosts
  222. ### default value: true
  223. enablePeacefulBoosts: true
  224. ###
  225. ### # peaceful.powerBoostIfPeaceful
  226. ### default value: 20
  227. powerBoostIfPeaceful: 20
  228. powerboosts:
  229. ###
  230. ### # powerboosts.enabled
  231. ### default value: true
  232. enabled: true
  233. ###
  234. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerWhenKillPlayer
  235. ### default value: 0.0
  236. extraPowerWhenKillPlayer: 0.0
  237. ###
  238. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerWhenKillMonster
  239. ### default value: 0.0
  240. extraPowerWhenKillMonster: 0.0
  241. ###
  242. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathBySuicide
  243. ### default value: 0.0
  244. extraPowerLossIfDeathBySuicide: 0.0
  245. ###
  246. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathByPVP
  247. ### default value: 0.0
  248. extraPowerLossIfDeathByPVP: 0.0
  249. ###
  250. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathByMob
  251. ### default value: 0.0
  252. extraPowerLossIfDeathByMob: 0.0
  253. ###
  254. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathByCactus
  255. ### default value: 0.0
  256. extraPowerLossIfDeathByCactus: 0.0
  257. ###
  258. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathByTNT
  259. ### default value: 0.0
  260. extraPowerLossIfDeathByTNT: 0.0
  261. ###
  262. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathByFire
  263. ### default value: 0.0
  264. extraPowerLossIfDeathByFire: 0.0
  265. ###
  266. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathByPotion
  267. ### default value: 0.0
  268. extraPowerLossIfDeathByPotion: 0.0
  269. ###
  270. ### # powerboosts.extraPowerLossIfDeathByOther
  271. ### default value: 0.0
  272. extraPowerLossIfDeathByOther: 0.0
  273. announce:
  274. ###
  275. ### # announce.enabled
  276. ### default value: true
  277. enabled: true
  278. ###
  279. ### # announce.leadersCanAnnounce
  280. ### default value: true
  281. leadersCanAnnounce: true
  282. ###
  283. ### # announce.officersCanAnnounce
  284. ### default value: true
  285. officersCanAnnounce: true
  286. ###
  287. ### # announce.showLastAnnounceOnLogin
  288. ### default value: true
  289. showLastAnnounceOnLogin: true
  290. ###
  291. ### # announce.showLastAnnounceOnLandEnter
  292. ### default value: true
  293. showLastAnnounceOnLandEnter: true
  294. economy:
  295. ###
  296. ### # economy.enabled
  297. ### default value: false
  298. enabled: false
  299. ###
  300. ### # economy.costToWarp
  301. ### default value: 0.0
  302. costToWarp: 0.0
  303. ###
  304. ### # economy.costToCreateWarp
  305. ### default value: 0.0
  306. costToCreateWarp: 0.0
  307. ###
  308. ### # economy.costToDeleteWarp
  309. ### default value: 0.0
  310. costToDeleteWarp: 0.0
  311. ###
  312. ### # economy.costToAnnounce
  313. ### default value: 0.0
  314. costToAnnounce: 0.0
  315. ###
  316. ### # economy.costToJail
  317. ### default value: 0.0
  318. costToJail: 0.0
  319. ###
  320. ### # economy.costToSetJail
  321. ### default value: 0.0
  322. costToSetJail: 0.0
  323. ###
  324. ### # economy.costToUnJail
  325. ### default value: 0.0
  326. costToUnJail: 0.0
  327. ###
  328. ### # economy.costToToggleUpPeaceful
  329. ### default value: 0.0
  330. costToToggleUpPeaceful: 0.0
  331. ###
  332. ### # economy.costToToggleDownPeaceful
  333. ### default value: 0.0
  334. costToToggleDownPeaceful: 0.0
  335. Teleports:
  336. intoTerritory:
  337. Ally:
  338. deny:
  339. ###
  340. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Ally.deny.ViaHomeCommand
  341. ### default value: false
  342. ViaHomeCommand: false
  343. ###
  344. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Ally.deny.ViaBackCommand
  345. ### default value: false
  346. ViaBackCommand: false
  347. ###
  348. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Ally.deny.ViaEnderPeals
  349. ### default value: false
  350. ViaEnderPeals: false
  351. reportOnConsole:
  352. ###
  353. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Ally.reportOnConsole.ifTeleportCauseIs_Command
  354. ### default value: false
  355. ifTeleportCauseIs_Command: false
  356. ###
  357. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Ally.reportOnConsole.ViaEnderPeals
  358. ### default value: false
  359. ViaEnderPeals: false
  360. Enemy:
  361. deny:
  362. ###
  363. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Enemy.deny.viaHomeCommand
  364. ### default value: true
  365. ### If, by using /home, the player would be teleported inside enemy territory then
  366. ### having this option set to `true` will prevent the teleport from ever happening
  367. viaHomeCommand: true
  368. ###
  369. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Enemy.deny.viaBackCommand
  370. ### default value: true
  371. ### If true, it will deny the teleporting into enemy territory
  372. ### when the /back command would teleport you there
  373. viaBackCommand: true
  374. ###
  375. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Enemy.deny.viaEnderPeals
  376. ### default value: true
  377. ### If set to `true` this will prevent players from landing inside enemy territory by using ender pearls
  378. ### the pearl is spent if failed and a message will show
  379. viaEnderPeals: true
  380. reportOnConsole:
  381. ###
  382. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Enemy.reportOnConsole.ifTeleportCauseIs_Command
  383. ### default value: true
  384. ### When true this will report(on server Console) the player that landed(via teleport caused by a command)
  385. ### inside enemy territory. The command that caused the teleport cannot be known, but the last command typed
  386. ### by the teleported player is shown as a helper. For example: another player can use /tphere to teleport that player
  387. ### and that player's last command will be reported(ie. /who) which is not the command that caused the teleport.
  388. ### Enemy is the relation between that player that teleported and the faction that owns the territory where player would've landed, and it is evaluated at the time of the teleport
  389. ### This will not be triggered for /home or /back if you have set(to true) the option(s) to deny teleports into enemy territory (0.4.8+)
  390. ifTeleportCauseIs_Command: true
  391. ###
  392. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Enemy.reportOnConsole.ViaEnderPeals
  393. ### default value: true
  394. ### Reports on server Console when a teleport via ender pearls caused the player to land inside enemy territory
  395. ### This should be accurate.
  396. ViaEnderPeals: true
  397. Neutral:
  398. deny:
  399. ###
  400. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Neutral.deny.viaHomeCommand
  401. ### default value: false
  402. viaHomeCommand: false
  403. ###
  404. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Neutral.deny.viaBackCommand
  405. ### default value: false
  406. viaBackCommand: false
  407. ###
  408. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Neutral.deny.viaEnderPeals
  409. ### default value: false
  410. viaEnderPeals: false
  411. reportOnConsole:
  412. ###
  413. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Neutral.reportOnConsole.ifTeleportCauseIs_Command
  414. ### default value: false
  415. ifTeleportCauseIs_Command: false
  416. ###
  417. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.Neutral.reportOnConsole.ViaEnderPeals
  418. ### default value: false
  419. ViaEnderPeals: false
  420. SafeZone:
  421. ###
  422. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.SafeZone.denyIfViaEnderPeals
  423. ### default value: false
  424. denyIfViaEnderPeals: false
  425. WarZone:
  426. ###
  427. ### # Teleports.intoTerritory.WarZone.denyIfViaEnderPeals
  428. ### default value: false
  429. denyIfViaEnderPeals: false
  430. extras:
  431. ###
  432. ### # extras.disableUpdateCheck
  433. ### default value: false
  434. disableUpdateCheck: false
  435. Scoreboards:
  436. ###
  437. ### # extras.Scoreboards.showScoreboardOfMap
  438. ### default value: false
  439. showScoreboardOfMap: false
  440. ###
  441. ### # extras.Scoreboards.showScoreboardOfFactions
  442. ### default value: true
  443. showScoreboardOfFactions: true
  444. ###
  445. ### # extras.Scoreboards.sendScoreboardOnJoin
  446. ### default value: true
  447. sendScoreboardOnJoin: true
  448. ###
  449. ### # extras.Scoreboards.secondsBetweenScoreboardUpdates
  450. ### default value: 5
  451. secondsBetweenScoreboardUpdates: 5
  452. Protection:
  453. LWC:
  454. ###
  455. ### # extras.Protection.LWC.removeAllLocksOnClaim
  456. ### default value: false
  457. ### It is highly encouraged to have this enabled IF you have Factions' "onCaptureResetLwcLocks": true,
  458. ### and you should then set onCaptureResetLwcLocks to false because all that one does is reset chests' locks,
  459. ### which is already done by this option below & more.
  460. ### The following are unlocked: chests, furnaces, signs, dispensers, wooden doors, iron doors, trap doors.
  461. ### The locks are removed only if they are owned by someone that is not in your faction.
  462. ### The removal happens when you claim land ie. /f claim
  463. ### If onCaptureResetLwcLocks is true (in Factions plugin) then this option will be autoset to true in memory
  464. removeAllLocksOnClaim: false
  465. ###
  466. ### # extras.Protection.LWC.blockCPublicAccessOnNonOwnFactionTerritory
  467. ### default value: false
  468. ### will allow you to make a door truly public via /cpublic
  469. blockCPublicAccessOnNonOwnFactionTerritory: false
  470. PVP:
  471. ###
  472. ### # extras.Protection.PVP.denyClaimWhenEnemyNearBy
  473. ### default value: true
  474. ### will not allow anyone to /f claim if enemy players are in that chunk
  475. denyClaimWhenEnemyNearBy: true
  476. ###
  477. ### # extras.Protection.PVP.denyClaimWhenAllyNearBy
  478. ### default value: false
  479. ### will not allow anyone to /f claim if ally players are in that chunk
  480. denyClaimWhenAllyNearBy: false
  481. ###
  482. ### # extras.Protection.PVP.denyClaimWhenNeutralNearBy
  483. ### default value: false
  484. ### will not allow anyone to /f claim if neutral/TRUCE players are in that chunk
  485. denyClaimWhenNeutralNearBy: false
  486. ###
  487. ### # extras.Protection.removeSignProtectionOnClaim
  488. ### default value: false
  489. ### Remove Lockette's sign protection
  490. removeSignProtectionOnClaim: true
  491. ###
  492. ### # extras.Protection.allowFactionKillAlliesMobs
  493. ### default value: true
  494. ### Allow factions to kill ally faction mobs
  495. allowFactionKillAlliesMobs: false
  496. ###
  497. ### # extras.Protection.allowFactionKillNeutralMobs
  498. ### default value: false
  499. ### Allow factions to kill netural factions mobs
  500. allowFactionKillNeutralMobs: false
  501. ###
  502. ### # extras.Protection.allowFactionKillEnemyMobs
  503. ### default value: false
  504. ### Allow factions to kill enemy factions mobs
  505. allowFactionKillEnemyMobs: false
  506. ###
  507. ### # extras.Protection.protectSafeAnimalsInSafeZone
  508. ### default value: false
  509. ### Protects some safe mobs in SafeZone
  510. protectSafeAnimalsInSafeZone: false
  511. ###
  512. ### # extras.Protection.stricterFarmingProtection
  513. ### default value: true
  514. ### Enabling this will disallow shearing, milking, and fishing
  515. ### outside your Faction land. But allows it in wilderness/factionless land.
  516. stricterFarmingProtection: true
  517. ###
  518. ### # extras.Protection.allowShopsInWilderness
  519. ### default value: true
  520. ### Change to false to disallow creating shops in the wilderness
  521. allowShopsInWilderness: true
  522. ###
  523. ### # extras.Protection.allowShopsInTerritory
  524. ### default value: true
  525. ### Change to false to disallow creating shops in their own territory
  526. allowShopsInTerritory: true
  527. ###
  528. ### # extras.Protection.allowSignProtectionInWilderness
  529. ### default value: true
  530. ### unused
  531. allowSignProtectionInWilderness: true
  532. ###
  533. ### # extras.Protection.allowSignProtectionInTerritory
  534. ### default value: true
  535. ### unused
  536. allowSignProtectionInTerritory: true
  537. ###
  538. ### # extras.Protection.onlyPeacefulCreateLWCProtections
  539. ### default value: false
  540. ### Enabling this will only allow peaceful Faction members to create LWC protections
  541. onlyPeacefulCreateLWCProtections: false
  542. disguise:
  543. ###
  544. ### # extras.disguise.enableDisguiseIntegration
  545. ### default value: false
  546. enableDisguiseIntegration: false
  547. ###
  548. ### # extras.disguise.unDisguiseIfInOwnTerritory
  549. ### default value: false
  550. unDisguiseIfInOwnTerritory: false
  551. ###
  552. ### # extras.disguise.unDisguiseIfInEnemyTerritory
  553. ### default value: false
  554. unDisguiseIfInEnemyTerritory: false
  555. MultiVerse:
  556. ###
  557. ### # extras.MultiVerse.enemyCantUseEnemyPortals
  558. ### default value: true
  559. ### disallow enemies from using each others portals
  560. enemyCantUseEnemyPortals: true
  561. ###
  562. ### # extras.MultiVerse.mustBeInOwnTerritoryToUsePortals
  563. ### default value: false
  564. ### will disallow people in other Factions from using others portals
  565. mustBeInOwnTerritoryToUsePortals: false
  566. ###
  567. ### # extras.MultiVerse.cannotBeInEnemyTerritoryToUsePortals
  568. ### default value: false
  569. ### this allows allies to use each others portals
  570. cannotBeInEnemyTerritoryToUsePortals: false
  571. Cannons:
  572. ###
  573. ### # extras.Cannons.allowCannonUseInWilderness
  574. ### default value: true
  575. allowCannonUseInWilderness: true
  576. ###
  577. ### # extras.Cannons.allowCannonUseInOwnTerritory
  578. ### default value: true
  579. allowCannonUseInOwnTerritory: true
  580. ###
  581. ### # extras.Cannons.allowCannonUseInEnemyTerritory
  582. ### default value: false
  583. allowCannonUseInEnemyTerritory: false
  584. ###
  585. ### # extras.crossBorderLiquidFlowBlock
  586. ### default value: false
  587. ### Warning: High Intensity/Resource Hog Check, prevents stuff like cobblestone grief using lava/water
  588. crossBorderLiquidFlowBlock: false
  589. template:
  590. ###
  591. ### # template.announcement_message
  592. ### default value: <red>!1 <white>announced: !2
  593. ### This is what is displayed for announcements
  594. announcement_message: <red>!1 <white>announced: !2
  595. ###
  596. ### # template.warp_created
  597. ### default value: <green>Warp <white>!1 <green>set for your Faction!
  598. ### This is ONLY send to the player setting the warp.
  599. warp_created: <green>Warp <white>!1 <green>set for your Faction!
  600. ###
  601. ### # template.notify_warp_created
  602. ### default value: !1 created a warp in your faction called !2
  603. ### This is announced to the Faction when a warp is set
  604. notify_warp_created: !1 created a warp in your faction called !2
  605. ###
  606. ### # template.warp_non_existant
  607. ### default value: That warp does not exist.
  608. ### Sent when a warp does not exist.
  609. warp_non_existant: That warp does not exist.
  610. ###
  611. ### # template.warped_to
  612. ### default value: <green>Warped to <white>!1
  613. ### Sent when a player is warped.
  614. warped_to: <green>Warped to <white>!1
  615. ###
  616. ### # template.warped_removed
  617. ### default value: <green>The warp <white>!1<green> was removed.
  618. ### Sent when a warp is removed.
  619. warped_removed: <green>The warp <white>!1<green> was removed.
  620. ###
  621. ### # template.warp_incorrect_password
  622. ### default value: <red>Incorrect password, please use /f warp [warp] <password>
  623. ### Sent when a warp has an incorrect password.
  624. warp_incorrect_password: <red>Incorrect password, please use /f warp [warp] <password>
  625. ###
  626. ### # template.create_warp_denied_badrank
  627. ### default value: <red>Sorry, your ranking is not high enough to create warps!
  628. ### When a players ranking is not high enough, this is sent through.
  629. create_warp_denied_badrank: <red>Sorry, your ranking is not high enough to create warps!
  630. ###
  631. ### # template.create_warp_denied_badterritory
  632. ### default value: <red>You must be in your own territory to create a warp!
  633. ### Message sent if the player is not in their own territory.
  634. create_warp_denied_badterritory: <red>You must be in your own territory to create a warp!
  635. ###
  636. ### # template.warps_reached_max
  637. ### default value: <red>You have reached the max amount of warps.
  638. ### Message sent when reached max warps for the players Faction.
  639. warps_reached_max: <red>You have reached the max amount of warps.
  640. ###
  641. ### # template.warps_already_exists
  642. ### default value: <red>A warp already exists with that name.
  643. ### Messaged sent to player when a warp already exists.
  644. warps_already_exists: <red>A warp already exists with that name.
  645. ###
  646. ### # template.jailed_message
  647. ### default value: <red>You have been Jailed! If you are unhappy with this faction, you can leave the Faction.
  648. ### Sent to a player when they have been jailed.
  649. jailed_message: <red>You have been Jailed! If you are unhappy with this faction, you can leave the Faction.
  650. ###
  651. ### # template.faction_need
  652. ### default value: <white>The player $1 is looking for a Faction! You can invite them with <green>/f inv $1
  653. ### Sent to Faction leaders and officers when /f need is called.
  654. faction_need: <white>The player $1 is looking for a Faction! You can invite them with <green>/f inv $1
  655. ###
  656. ### # disableAutoCommentsInConfig
  657. ### default value: false
  658. ### if true it will remove all auto comments which explain what each option does in the config file.
  659. ### The config file header is not removed.
  660. ### This option is here only for those that want to increase readability in the config file.
  661. disableAutoCommentsInConfig: false
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