

Jan 15th, 2018
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  1. ((Logs given to me by the user AmberBurnite, a friend, before I entered the room))
  2. [1:25pm] SillyFish: I got banned for a day on cpi -.-
  3. [1:25pm] nuntuckthehusky: -hugs-
  4. [1:25pm] SillyFish: for saying
  5. [1:25pm] SillyFish: Fucking Hell
  6. [1:25pm] AmberBurnite: .
  7. [1:25pm] AmberBurnite: xD
  8. [1:25pm] Munchies: XD
  9. [1:25pm] SillyFish: Then leaving
  10. [1:25pm] AmberBurnite: Well CPI is a 13 and under site
  11. [1:26pm] SillyFish: over?>
  12. [1:26pm] AmberBurnite: you keep it Pg-13 in public rooms
  13. [1:26pm] AmberBurnite: which means no cussing
  14. [1:26pm] AmberBurnite: period
  15. [1:26pm] Munchies: jeez
  16. [1:26pm] Munchies: i dont like kids
  17. [1:26pm] SillyFish: my wife said fucking and didn't get in trouble but I say somebody come get her shes dancing like a stripper and I get in trouble
  18. [1:26pm] Munchies: CX
  19. [1:27pm] SillyFish: It was Marvel -.- I don't like him.
  20. [1:27pm] AmberBurnite: Like your 'wife'
  22. [4:33pm] You are user 7 of 15 in the room
  23. [4:33pm] Bucky: just entered
  24. [4:33pm] AmberBurnite: just entered
  25. [4:33pm] nuntuckthehusky: just entered
  26. [4:33pm] Munchies: just entered
  27. [4:33pm] moonlight2344: just entered
  28. [4:33pm] SillyFish: just entered
  29. [4:33pm] Misaki: just entered
  30. [4:33pm] AmberBurnite: Hi bucky<3
  31. [4:33pm] nuntuckthehusky is away: .... uh.. oh.. ima go brb for abit
  32. [4:33pm] SillyFish: That it was stupid for me to be banned instead of just kicked?
  33. [4:33pm] AmberBurnite: come join the pile
  34. [4:33pm] Bucky: hi<33
  35. [4:33pm] AmberBurnite: I'm sure you were given plenty of warnings
  36. [4:33pm] AmberBurnite: and probably not from just one mod.
  37. [4:33pm] SillyFish: Only from the one mod
  38. [4:34pm] AmberBurnite: Well, I'm sure they gave you plenty of warnings.
  39. [4:34pm] AmberBurnite: In truth I think you only get 3
  40. [4:34pm] SillyFish: I got 1 and then he didn't even give me a warning -.- like tf
  41. [4:34pm] Misaki: ehhh, the warnings depend on the issue that's presented.
  42. [4:34pm] AmberBurnite: Agreed Misake
  43. [4:34pm] Bucky: looks like you wasted your deltas for a day ig @silly
  44. [4:34pm] moonlight2344: I never got banned on here
  45. [4:34pm] AmberBurnite: Misaki**
  46. [4:35pm] SillyFish: They got my account back to free>
  47. [4:35pm] AmberBurnite: I've been banned once, but it was a misunderstanding on age
  48. [4:35pm] SillyFish: But I can get my preferred back
  49. [4:35pm] AmberBurnite: Someone reported me for being under 13, (fake report). I was 15 at the time.
  50. [4:35pm] cerberus: just entered
  51. [4:35pm] SillyFish: wow
  52. [4:36pm] SillyFish: people are dicks
  53. [4:36pm] Bucky: What mod was this? @silly
  54. [4:36pm] SillyFish: Marvel
  55. [4:36pm] Bucky: Marvel seems p chill tho????
  56. [4:36pm] AmberBurnite: He does
  57. [4:36pm] SillyFish: Marvel or Owl
  58. [4:36pm] AmberBurnite: He usually doesn't kick much unless needed, or banned.
  59. [4:37pm] Bucky: yeah
  60. [4:37pm] SillyFish: He didn't even try kicking me, just an immediate ban -.-
  61. [4:37pm] AmberBurnite: Also, Marvel has to consult with other admins to ban someone.
  62. [4:37pm] SillyFish: Which he didn't
  63. [4:37pm] AmberBurnite: You don't know that.
  64. [4:37pm] AmberBurnite: Rooms on CPI are Pg-13 rated
  65. [4:37pm] Misaki: Silly, just saying, admins dont ban for silly or no reason. They will give you a warning, either via public or private chat.
  66. [4:37pm] cerberus: If you have other crap on your record they don't need to kick
  67. [4:37pm] Misaki: that too >
  68. [4:37pm] Misaki: if you've been warned before, they go to the next level of punishment
  69. [4:38pm] Misaki: on any chat bte
  70. [4:38pm] Misaki: btw*
  71. [4:38pm] SillyFish: He warned me for saying STRIPPER
  72. [4:38pm] AmberBurnite: Cussing is minimal. But shouldn't really be said on any level anyway.
  73. [4:38pm] SillyFish: srsly.
  74. [4:38pm] Munchies: :T
  75. [4:38pm] cerberus: being theirs children around, prob shouldn't say that lol
  76. [4:38pm] cerberus: theres*
  77. [4:38pm] Misaki: well, the term stripper can be vulgar and rude. Not to mention chatlands isnt entirely PG13+
  78. [4:38pm] AmberBurnite: Pg-13 rooms,
  79. [4:38pm] cerberus: grammar work with me
  80. [4:38pm] AmberBurnite: Saying Fucking Hell, and Stripper
  81. [4:38pm] AmberBurnite: isn't allowed
  82. [4:39pm] Misaki: so the word stripper can be seen as vulgar to children
  83. [4:39pm] SillyFish: The stripper was in a freaking song, this is bullshit
  84. [4:39pm] Misaki: it doesn't matter
  85. [4:39pm] AmberBurnite: You recited the song lyrics.
  86. [4:39pm] AmberBurnite: You still said it in the chat
  87. [4:39pm] AmberBurnite: and not in whisper
  88. [4:40pm] SillyFish: Everyone in that room was over 13.
  89. [4:40pm] Bucky: How did you know?
  90. [4:40pm] cerberus: some kids lie
  91. [4:40pm] cerberus: and even so, the guidelines still need to be followed
  92. [4:40pm] SillyFish: Ehh I could tell
  93. [4:41pm] Misaki: you cant just tell
  94. [4:41pm] SillyFish: It was Nasa,Aresun,Umpa,Me,Nectarmist,Marvel,Owl,M-P,holykitten,someone else, and someone else.
  95. [4:41pm] Misaki: not to mention, the chat rating/room ratings still need to be abided by
  96. [4:41pm] moonlight2344: 3 days ago Addax said i wasn't 21 years old telling me i wasn't allowed to be on chatlands i am 21 years old
  97. [4:42pm] Misaki: well then that's something you need to take up with them.
  98. [4:42pm] AmberBurnite: There is a lot of children on chats.
  99. [4:42pm] SillyFish: hhhh I hate rules being so strict.. I have anger issues and they just. spurt.
  100. [4:42pm] AmberBurnite: They lie about their age more so than not
  101. [4:42pm] Misaki: They're not even strict.
  102. [4:42pm] SillyFish: the fucking hell, was suppose to be in whisper though O_O
  103. [4:42pm] AmberBurnite: Silly, if you don't want to follow the rules, then we don't know what to tell you.
  104. [4:42pm] moonlight2344: O told addax to leave me alone
  105. [4:43pm] AmberBurnite: Chats isn't strict
  106. [4:43pm] Misaki: the rules here, imo, are very simple, and easy to abide by. If you can't handle them, then Chatlands may not be for you.
  107. [4:43pm] cerberus: ^
  108. [4:43pm] AmberBurnite: Exactly.
  109. [4:43pm] AmberBurnite: I agree Misaki
  110. [4:43pm] moonlight2344: I follow the rules
  111. [4:43pm] AmberBurnite: I was about to say that omg
  112. [4:43pm] SillyFish: Cuz my wife was talking to me in whisper then left so I said fucking hell and went after her, but then the whisper went away so it was said in chat O_O
  113. [4:43pm] AmberBurnite: xD
  114. [4:43pm] Bucky: whispers dont go away
  115. [4:43pm] SillyFish: For me it did
  116. [4:44pm] Misaki: you probably clicked the X on the call/whisper tab on your chat box
  117. [4:44pm] moonlight2344: I'm going to different room
  118. [4:44pm] SillyFish: My computers been glitching for a while
  119. [4:44pm] wasabi: just entered
  120. [4:44pm] SillyFish: Well then I was fucked
  121. [4:44pm] cerberus: yo wasabi!
  122. [4:44pm] cerberus: did you bring soysauce
  123. [4:44pm] wasabi: helloooo
  124. [4:44pm] moonlight2344: just left
  125. [4:44pm] wasabi: too much sodium
  126. [4:45pm] cerberus: the green soy sauce
  127. [4:47pm] wasabi: smh
  128. [4:47pm] SillyFish: just left
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