

May 7th, 2010
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  1. [06:38:54] <lexipoo> hi SammyAvery
  2. [06:39:38] <storms> oh ok i guess so
  3. [06:39:46] <storms> but im 20 i can do what i want :P
  4. [06:39:59] <storms> besides they are both asleep
  5. [06:40:14] <storms> my mom is going to work like she always does early early in the morning
  6. [06:40:21] <storms> but getting out early
  7. [06:40:34] <lexipoo> ok look at it this way
  8. [06:40:42] <QuirkyCarla> when you live under their roof
  9. [06:40:47] <QuirkyCarla> you have to obey their rules
  10. [06:40:48] <lexipoo> you can NOT invite someone to a wedding or function
  11. [06:40:58] <lexipoo> without an invitation for them
  12. [06:41:03] <lexipoo> it is considered rude
  13. [06:41:09] <lexipoo> and also what carla said
  14. [06:41:17] <KWC10> its considered Gate crashing
  15. [06:41:28] <storms> no no im not gonna invite them with me im gonna go with them
  16. [06:41:39] <lexipoo> ok suppose four people were invited for dinner
  17. [06:41:59] <storms> i said i will go with them instead of bringing them
  18. [06:42:00] <lexipoo> and each person brought another person that would be 10 people plus the host and hostess which would be 12
  19. [06:42:04] <storms> bc i forgot we need tickets
  20. [06:42:13] <lexipoo> they had planned for 5 people plus themselves
  21. [06:42:15] <storms> so ill go with them
  22. [06:42:18] <lexipoo> and ended up with 12
  23. [06:42:37] <lexipoo> there would not be enough food, people would be angry etc
  24. [06:42:42] <storms> oh ok
  25. [06:42:49] <storms> well its a big things many people are coming
  26. [06:42:51] <lexipoo> so storms do not do it
  27. [06:42:55] <storms> but still
  28. [06:42:58] <lexipoo> it is rude
  29. [06:42:59] <storms> im gonna go with them
  30. [06:43:07] <storms> meaning im gonna ditch my moms plans
  31. [06:43:09] <storms> and hang with them
  32. [06:43:10] <lexipoo> and it will be embarrassing for your family
  33. [06:43:21] <lexipoo> either way it will be embarrassing for your mother
  34. [06:43:22] <storms> so no inviting people with out asking
  35. [06:43:25] <lexipoo> and it will hurt her
  36. [06:43:36] <storms> so ill hang with a bunch of young adults
  37. [06:43:38] <storms> on my own
  38. [06:43:41] <storms> hanving fun
  39. [06:43:44] <storms> and she will be there
  40. [06:43:45] <storms> so yea
  41. [06:43:53] <lexipoo> and then if you want something from her, I can guarantee you, you will never get it after this!
  42. [06:43:57] <storms> she cant be embarred then
  43. [06:44:12] <KWC10> storms its like if i were to invite cujo without asking you
  44. [06:44:18] <KWC10> would you like that?
  45. [06:44:21] <lexipoo> exactly!
  46. [06:44:22] <storms> no
  47. [06:44:26] <storms> listen guys!!
  48. [06:44:28] <storms> jesus
  49. [06:44:33] <storms> i told you chanced my mind!!
  50. [06:44:40] <storms> ill say it so you all understand...
  51. [06:44:44] <storms> im wont go
  52. [06:44:52] <storms> ill go with my cousins and his friends instead
  53. [06:44:53] <lexipoo> storms it can't always be about you
  54. [06:45:03] <lexipoo> sometimes you have to suck it up and do things for the people you love anyways
  55. [06:45:09] <storms> so me or them no go to dinner
  56. [06:45:12] <storms> we go somewhere else
  57. [06:45:14] <storms> like hang out
  58. [06:45:19] <storms> mom go to dinner
  59. [06:45:47] <storms> so im not inviting people with out asking
  60. [06:45:50] <storms> lol
  61. [06:45:56] <storms> im ditching
  62. [06:46:22] <lexipoo> which is just as bad
  63. [06:46:31] <lexipoo> if someone ditched on you, you'd be pretty upset
  64. [06:46:45] <storms> ditching is bed when it comes to school never ditched school in my life
  65. [06:46:53] <storms> everyone ditch something once in there lives
  66. [06:46:55] <storms> why not me
  67. [06:46:56] <QuirkyCarla> ditching your mom is pretty low
  68. [06:47:01] <lexipoo> it can also hurt people's feelings
  69. [06:47:05] <storms> i cant be a goody goody for all my live
  70. [06:47:08] <storms> life*
  71. [06:47:15] <QuirkyCarla> you already mentioned she cried in that restaurant
  72. [06:47:20] <lexipoo> well storms, your mom is the last person you should ditch
  73. [06:47:24] <storms> that wasnt bc of me QuirkyCarla
  74. [06:47:28] <storms> she was just depressed
  75. [06:47:39] <QuirkyCarla> I know but if she's depressed, you should try to make her happy
  76. [06:47:40] <storms> but she is forcing me against my will
  77. [06:47:42] <QuirkyCarla> ditching won't help
  78. [06:47:54] <storms> that was that day this will be TM different day
  79. [06:47:58] <storms> differnt mood
  80. [06:48:37] <QuirkyCarla> yes but why get her upset again
  81. [06:48:45] <QuirkyCarla> you really are selfish
  82. [06:48:57] <QuirkyCarla> and you don't act 20
  83. [06:49:00] <QuirkyCarla> you act 10
  84. [06:49:11] <lexipoo> well I wasn't going to say that
  85. [06:49:13] <storms> why are you being so mean to me for
  86. [06:49:19] <storms> i thought you were my friend
  87. [06:49:26] <lexipoo> we are storms
  88. [06:49:31] <lexipoo> but you don't seem to care about hurting others either
  89. [06:49:36] <lexipoo> and she's your MOTHER
  90. [06:49:39] <storms> she wont be hurt
  91. [06:49:48] <storms> ticked off yes but not hurt
  92. [06:49:53] <QuirkyCarla> you don't seem to care if you upset her
  93. [06:50:06] <lexipoo> oh trust me, she'll be hurt
  94. [06:50:09] <storms> and its not like my cousins is gonna really come anyways!! like he wants to get up early on a saturday morning anyways!
  95. [06:50:25] <QuirkyCarla> then why are you saying all this?
  96. [06:50:29] <lexipoo> stop thinking about what is in it for you
  97. [06:50:31] <storms> you guys need to chill out
  98. [06:50:35] <lexipoo> and start thinking about other people hon
  99. [06:50:43] <storms> well he seemed seriois but knowing him he proboly wont
  100. [06:50:45] <lexipoo> and you need to grow up sweetie
  101. [06:50:58] <storms> i dont want to do lame stuff
  102. [06:51:03] <lexipoo> who does
  103. [06:51:12] <lexipoo> you think people want to get up and go to work every day to pay bills
  104. [06:51:12] <lexipoo> no
  105. [06:51:20] <lexipoo> they'd like to sit home and play on computer and ipod
  106. [06:51:24] <lexipoo> but that's life
  107. [06:51:36] <lexipoo> they want to eat, they want a roof over their head
  108. [06:51:41] <lexipoo> so they suck it up and do it
  109. [06:51:51] <QuirkyCarla> everyone has to do things they don't want to do
  110. [06:51:55] <storms> well look im 20 an adult
  111. [06:52:02] <storms> a-d-u-l-t
  112. [06:52:06] <QuirkyCarla> so then start acting like you're 20
  113. [06:52:11] <storms> i should bedragged like im 10
  114. [06:52:11] <QuirkyCarla> you're being very childish
  115. [06:52:29] <storms> sigh...im starting to wonder if people here are really my friends or not
  116. [06:52:38] <storms> QuirkyCarla you are becoming like stephanie
  117. [06:52:58] <lexipoo> and if someone tells you to grow up and act your age
  118. [06:53:01] <lexipoo> you get huffy
  119. [06:53:18] <QuirkyCarla> stephanie is right
  120. [06:53:31] <lexipoo> if you think having fun is more important than hurting your mother's feelings then go for it
  121. [06:53:40] <storms> well dude QuirkyCarla is aspie too so you would think she would have the same mind set as other autistics
  122. [06:53:42] <lexipoo> I feel very sorry for your mother
  123. [06:53:52] * katesmith_ (~katesmith@75-138-199-099.dhcp.snfr.nc.charter.com) has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  124. [06:54:05] <storms> my mom doesnt want me to go bc of her she wants me to go bc my grandmas wants us to go
  125. [06:54:20] <QuirkyCarla> uh how many times do we have to go through this. NOT ALL AUTISTICS ARE THE SAME.
  126. [06:54:26] <QuirkyCarla> they don't all have the same mindset
  127. [06:54:28] <lexipoo> same thing, you could consider your gran's feelings for once
  128. [06:54:33] <QuirkyCarla> and stephanie is an aspie too
  129. [06:55:03] <lexipoo> would it KILL you to do something for someone else once in your life????????
  130. [06:55:18] <lexipoo> without wondering what the HELL you're gonna get out of it????????
  131. [06:55:22] <storms> i just should of not brought up my buseness in this room
  132. [06:55:29] <storms> bc no one ever supports me
  133. [06:55:33] <storms> only claws at me
  134. [06:55:34] <storms> wth
  135. [06:55:39] <storms> true friends give support
  136. [06:55:44] <lexipoo> I"m f'in done!
  137. [06:55:46] * lexipoo (~Lex@d207-6-125-66.bchsia.telus.net) has left ##belz
  138. [06:55:56] <QuirkyCarla> see you even upset lexipoo now
  139. [06:55:59] * katesmith (~katesmith@unaffiliated/costume) has joined ##belz
  140. [06:55:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +o katesmith
  141. [06:56:03] <storms> well
  142. [06:56:13] <QuirkyCarla> why should we support you being selfish?
  143. [06:56:14] <storms> no one eve supports me on here
  144. [06:56:26] <QuirkyCarla> I support you when you earn my support.
  145. [06:57:04] <storms> well i like talking to you guys
  146. [06:57:07] <storms> you know
  147. [06:57:16] <storms> i thought you guys would agree with me
  148. [06:57:58] <QuirkyCarla> well you finally drove lexipoo away
  149. [06:58:00] <storms> i was almost screaming in frusteration what if i accedently woke my parents up?? they what
  150. [06:58:20] <QuirkyCarla> and you're driving me away too
  151. [06:58:29] <storms> :/
  152. [06:58:34] <storms> but i dont want you to go
  153. [06:58:43] <storms> i jsut wish my friends would support me
  154. [06:58:45] <QuirkyCarla> I don't know how much longer I can stand coming here.
  155. [06:59:05] <storms> why do you hate it so much here for
  156. [06:59:58] <QuirkyCarla> because you're so self-centered and are always complaining about something
  157. [07:00:22] <storms> well no ones perfect :/
  158. [07:00:36] <storms> its like if life is only gonna be a chore its not worth it really
  159. [07:00:38] <QuirkyCarla> "no one's perfect" is no excuse for acting the way you do
  160. [07:00:59] <QuirkyCarla> you can change your life
  161. [07:01:14] <QuirkyCarla> but you won't
  162. [07:01:18] <storms> you mean i can change life the way i want it to be
  163. [07:01:38] <QuirkyCarla> you can take steps towards improving your life if it's that bad
  164. [07:02:14] <storms> its just i shouldnt of brought this up everytime i bring stuff up i disagree with i get jumped on...
  165. [07:02:42] <storms> the reason i do it here is bc if i keep it bottled up ill act out during the situation
  166. [07:02:43] <QuirkyCarla> lexipoo gave you good advice
  167. [07:02:50] <QuirkyCarla> because she is a good friend
  168. [07:02:54] <storms> which will have far worse concincences
  169. [07:02:55] <QuirkyCarla> but you don't give a shit about that
  170. [07:03:22] <QuirkyCarla> so write in a journal instead
  171. [07:03:36] <storms> but i cant get my point across to others
  172. [07:03:43] <storms> i want to show other people how i feel
  173. [07:03:49] <QuirkyCarla> lexipoo isn't coming back
  174. [07:03:54] <storms> a piece of paper doesnt have a mind
  175. [07:03:54] <QuirkyCarla> she is deleting you everywhere
  176. [07:03:59] <storms> why :/
  177. [07:04:02] <QuirkyCarla> you've even driven her away
  178. [07:04:18] <QuirkyCarla> and she has a lot of patience
  179. [07:04:40] <storms> well she was taking my moms side.....i dont know
  180. [07:06:32] <storms> why does every subject i bring up turns into a contervercy
  181. [07:13:59] <QuirkyCarla> she was right
  182. [07:14:04] <storms> kathryn....caramel....steph even...now lexipoo??? why is everyone dissing me
  183. [07:14:19] <QuirkyCarla> they're not dissing you
  184. [07:14:38] <QuirkyCarla> it is YOUR fault
  185. [07:14:43] <QuirkyCarla> take some ownership
  186. [07:14:50] <storms> how so?
  187. [07:14:57] <storms> they are all mad at me for different reasons
  188. [07:15:12] <QuirkyCarla> you drove them away
  189. [07:15:34] <storms> with my depression? what
  190. [07:16:10] <QuirkyCarla> with your behavior
  191. [07:17:11] <storms> its common in autisticpeople you see on those documentrys about autistic people who threw random fits in stores and stuff and cling to things and wont leave and all that even ones who are to old for tantrums
  192. [07:17:30] <QuirkyCarla> that is no excuse
  193. [07:17:42] <QuirkyCarla> and has nothing to do with what we're talking about
  194. [07:17:46] <storms> k
  195. [07:17:58] <storms> well i dont know how my behavor differs from others
  196. [07:18:19] <storms> i didnt know me hating an banquet would affect you and lexis lives....
  197. [07:18:34] <QuirkyCarla> now you're being manipulative
  198. [07:18:48] <storms> no im serious
  199. [07:18:48] <QuirkyCarla> the issue isn't you hating a banquet
  200. [07:18:54] <QuirkyCarla> you know what
  201. [07:18:56] <QuirkyCarla> i'm done too
  202. [07:18:59] <storms> no
  203. [07:19:02] <storms> dont go :(
  204. [07:19:03] <QuirkyCarla> don't you dare pm me
  205. [07:19:06] * QuirkyCarla (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/quirkycarla) has left ##belz
  206. [07:19:10] <storms> wtf
  207. [07:19:15] <storms> idiot
  208. [07:21:59] <storms> i cant take this anymore
  209. [07:22:12] <storms> this room only brings me hut
  210. [07:22:13] <storms> hurt
  211. [07:22:31] <storms> i think i should give up IRC i dont know anymore
  212. [07:24:39] * storms (~supercoas@adsl-99-40-187-188.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) has quit IRC
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