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May 9th, 2017
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  1. The day Gavin started to take things personal
  4. February 8th 2007, early morning GMT+1
  6. Logging started at 08.02.2007
  7. [02:18:44] <Gavin> how strong are crocs
  8. [02:18:51] <Balmore> you cant kill one
  9. [02:19:18] <Gavin> hmm ive got captain planet cornered he has a croc thou
  10. [02:19:32] <Mikeyyaya> where at?
  11. [02:19:54] <Gavin> near IS
  12. [02:20:44] <Gavin> i damaged him twice before his croc kicked in
  13. [02:21:48] <Gavin> aww hes hiding behind a gate now :(
  14. [02:31:25] <Gavin> Killled him but his croc got me down to 24hp :(
  15. [02:31:42] <Balmore> you killed who?
  16. [02:32:11] <Gavin> balmore, Planeteer
  17. [02:32:28] <Balmore> lol, thought planeteer is stronger
  18. [02:32:35] <Gavin> fuck no i owned him
  19. [02:32:37] <Atom> Can or can't?
  20. [02:33:06] <Gavin> he only hit me once his croc did the rest
  21. [02:33:11] <Mikeyyaya> you killed planeteer?
  22. [02:33:18] <Gavin> yes easily :P
  23. [02:33:34] <Gavin> his croc hurt me a bit :(
  24. [02:34:15] <Gavin> he wants to have a 1v1 with me at the WL with armor later on so ill try to get some better swords for then :P
  25. [02:34:35] <Mikeyyaya> no dont he cant count
  26. [02:34:47] <Mikeyyaya> 1v1 to him means 1 v 10
  27. [02:35:11] <Mikeyyaya> what did he have on him?
  28. [02:35:17] <Gavin> mauls and cotton
  29. [02:35:24] <Balmore> no armour?
  30. [02:35:25] <Gavin> took the cotton patched myself up and left the mauls
  31. [02:35:30] <Gavin> i didnt use armor either
  32. [02:35:45] <Mikeyyaya> get the freakin mauls
  33. [02:36:10] <Gavin> they were 25ql unenchanted
  34. [02:36:16] <Mikeyyaya> so
  35. [02:36:19] <Balmore> get them
  36. [02:36:27] <Mikeyyaya> extra is extra
  37. [02:36:31] <Gavin> im passing RO allready he woulda got his body by now lol
  38. [02:36:40] <Sunn> nub
  39. [02:36:43] <Mikeyyaya> kill him again
  40. [02:36:44] <Gavin> =[ i didnt think they were any good lol
  41. [02:36:57] <Balmore> safes work to make them
  42. [02:37:29] <Gavin> oh also when we raid is we will need shovels and axes
  43. [02:37:35] <Gavin> lots of thorns and ditches there :P
  44. [02:37:49] <Sunn> if you got more news, tell me
  45. [02:37:53] <Mikeyyaya> post your log on the fourms
  46. [02:38:07] <Gavin> war has started thread is locked
  47. [02:38:08] <Mikeyyaya> he says your a liar
  48. [02:38:14] <Mikeyyaya> make a new 1
  49. [02:38:26] <Gavin> its a VERY long log lol
  50. [02:38:36] <Mikeyyaya> post it
  51. [02:38:42] <Gavin> ill take out the too far away crap and post it in a bit
  52. [02:39:05] <Gavin> also theres 2 towers there are we bashing those aswell or just levelling town ?
  53. [02:39:37] <Mikeyyaya> post log of the fight with planeteer
  54. [02:39:42] <Balmore> that tower question interests me too..
  55. [02:39:47] <Gavin> yea in a sec
  56. [02:39:57] <Gavin> lol theres scorpian right near equinox's place
  57. [02:40:29] <Balmore> What the hell is now about the towers? Do we have to imp large mauls or not?
  58. [02:40:53] <Gavin> one tower near there Amish deed
  59. [02:40:56] <Gavin> and one inside the main place
  60. [02:41:08] <Gavin> also theres 2 layers of ditches
  61. [02:41:23] <Balmore> they've 4 towers
  62. [02:41:27] <Gavin> like \_/ \_/ Then theres the main building its all thorned aswell :/
  63. [02:42:17] <Sunn> gavin, we know that stuff.
  64. [02:42:20] <Atom> Gavin, can you show me a screen shot of Planeteer dying?
  65. [02:42:25] <Atom> I wanna rub it in his face.
  66. [02:42:28] <Gavin> lol
  67. [02:42:36] <Gavin> like scroll up the log and screenshot ?
  68. [02:42:45] <Atom> Yea
  69. [02:43:02] <Gavin> k but youll only see the planeteer is dead part
  70. [02:43:29] <Gavin> because its like You are too far away you try to cut you are too far away etc. beause he keps running :P
  71. [02:43:39] <Atom> Let's just see it.
  72. [02:43:56] <Gavin> k
  73. [02:45:59] <Gavin>
  74. [02:46:18] <Gavin> something fucked up and wurm crashed when i pressed f11 lemme see if it took the screen
  75. [02:46:30] <Sunn> ^^
  76. [02:48:31] <Gavin> screenshot is all gay i can post log if you like ? he hit me 3 times aswell and the croc hit me twice
  77. [02:48:42] <Atom> Post the log in IRC
  78. [02:48:47] <Gavin> he gave me a severe :O
  79. [02:48:56] <Gavin> k sec lemme take out the crap about too far away
  80. [02:49:04] <Atom> Leave it in.
  81. [02:49:08] <Atom> I can sort through it.
  82. [02:57:53] <Sunn> gavin, where is the log?
  83. [02:58:07] <Gavin> check #lo
  84. [02:58:51] <Mikeyyaya> put on wurm fourm for all to see the Great Planeteer was killed by a lo nub
  85. [02:59:25] <Gavin> by a nub ?
  86. [02:59:26] <Gavin> pfft
  87. [02:59:57] <Atom> Your times there don't exactly match up with when you announced that you killed him...
  88. [03:00:11] <Gavin> what do you mean by that atom ?
  89. [03:00:20] <Atom> Well...
  90. [03:00:26] <Atom> According to my log times and yours...
  91. [03:00:36] <Atom> You killed him 2 minutes BEFORE announcing that you had him cornered.
  92. [03:01:05] <Gavin> Hmm
  93. [03:01:07] <Gavin> you sure ?
  94. [03:01:11] <Atom> That, plus, he says you didn't kill him, and that he and his croc bashed you to 24%, you asked for cotton, then left.
  95. [03:01:18] <Atom> Whereas he still had 70%
  96. [03:01:27] <Gavin> Nah thats a load of crap
  97. [03:01:44] <Gavin> i killed him and then had to run from his croc and he respawned there and grabbed his body and all that
  98. [03:02:08] <Atom> Ok, lemmie explain why I'm more inclined to believe him:
  99. [03:02:12] <Balmore> simply ask planeteer for a screenshot of his event, if he didnt relog yet..
  100. [03:02:14] <Onesickpuppy> show battlerank message of log
  101. [03:02:14] <Gavin> + he woulda had less than 70
  102. [03:02:17] <Atom> #1, your logs don't match up.
  103. [03:02:37] <Atom> #2, you didn't loot his corpse, so you can't prove it with his items.
  104. [03:02:58] <Atom> #3, you had ample time to doctor those logs in the time that you were "weeding out the you are too far away"
  105. [03:02:59] <Balmore> planeteer cuts you, he had mauls?
  106. [03:03:10] <Gavin> i think he had a maul and an axe
  107. [03:03:22] <Atom> #4, your game convieniently crashed when you tried to take a screen shot.
  108. [03:03:22] <Gavin> + yes you can even ask him
  109. [03:03:51] <Gavin> there was atleast 50 of the You try to cut and the You are too far away he kept going inside and back out of the gate and i kept walking a few tiles back when the croc tried attacking me :P
  110. [03:04:04] <Atom> You have no conclusive proof that you killed him. And if he, and his croc, could kill ME, then you, would not have stood a chance.
  111. [03:04:34] <Gavin> his croc was only on me half of the time for the first few hits his croc was a tile or two back
  112. [03:04:35] <Sunn> i drink to that, atom
  113. [03:04:56] <Gavin> atom he must have had armor and you mustnt have or something then
  114. [03:05:11] <Gavin> id guess you have higher fighting than me you shoulda been able to kill him easily
  115. [03:05:27] <Atom> No, I wasn't wearing pants, jacket, or boots
  116. [03:05:58] <Atom> Gavin, your story's full of holes.
  117. [03:06:07] <Gavin> atom you aggro or defensive fighter ?
  118. [03:06:23] <Atom> I'm sorry, I don't think I trust you with that information.
  119. [03:06:35] <Gavin> just because i saw your log on the forums and it appears that you are fighting his croc then he comes to help
  120. [03:06:51] <Gavin> so basicly it was you killing a croc and him helping the croc out you wernet on him first, that would be why i think you lost
  121. [03:07:10] <Balmore> planeteer had no croc...
  122. [03:07:22] <Gavin> nah he did i saw the log on the forums
  123. [03:07:27] <Gavin> or was this a different time atom ?
  124. [03:07:41] <Atom> No, his croc did most of the damage.
  125. [03:07:50] <Gavin> ^ see :P
  126. [03:08:01] <Gavin> and i bet he had armor on aswell then
  127. [03:08:15] <Atom> I wouldn't know. I was logged off at the time.
  128. [03:08:22] <Gavin> ahh k
  129. [03:09:08] <Atom> Are you in town atm?
  130. [03:09:34] <Gavin> yes i got killed on my way out by a tower guard cos he for me in the foot i spawned at RO and walked back
  131. [03:09:39] <Atom> Good
  132. [03:09:42] <Atom> You're fired.
  133. [03:09:57] <Balmore> lol
  134. [03:10:45] <Sunn> WTF
  135. [03:10:57] <Onesickpuppy> off with his head i guess
  136. [03:11:00] <Taya> lol ownd ^^
  137. [03:11:17] <Sunn> kick him from irc channel now
  138. [03:11:24] <Mikeyyaya> Man can i stir the pot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  139. [03:11:27] <Sunn> change plans for the weekend a bit
  140. [03:12:01] <Mikeyyaya> move attact till next weekend
  141. [03:12:15] <Sunn> thats worse, i am in strassbourg then :/
  142. [03:12:21] <Mikeyyaya> shyt
  143. [03:12:36] <Onesickpuppy> lets go for a diff artifact
  144. [03:12:39] <Sunn> but well, i can give seths pass to someone to make zombies
  145. [03:13:00] <Mikeyyaya> well we need as many people there as possible
  146. [03:13:30] <Sunn> true, i have an important frat thingy going this weekend, but i would have tried to be there a few hours on sat morning
  147. [03:13:41] <Balmore> I'll smith jewelry for zombies, won't matter that you can't log seth
  148. [03:14:01] <Sunn> the weekend after that is the salon du vin in strassbourg, i have to go there definitely
  149. [03:15:06] <Onesickpuppy> rope tool great steel helm has new icon yoyo too chain sleeves
  150. [03:15:42] <Onesickpuppy> bows too
  151. [03:15:51] <Sunn> bows already had icons
  152. [03:16:09] <Onesickpuppy> sword icons change some?
  153. [03:16:17] <Sunn> maybe shortsword
  154. [03:16:36] <Mikeyyaya> give me 20 min and ill have it done for you
  155. [03:16:57] <Onesickpuppy> which chest was his?
  156. [03:17:20] <Sunn> he had a chest? !!?
  157. [03:17:33] <Taya> the right chest is mine, left or middle must him's
  158. [03:21:22] <Mikeyyaya> but now that they know or think the target is is lets go screw with silron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  159. [03:21:41] <Sunn> atom, can you lock him from the forum?
  160. [03:21:45] <Onesickpuppy> kyara agin
  161. [03:21:54] <Mikeyyaya> that 1 also
  162. [03:22:02] <Atom> No, I can't.
  163. [03:22:04] <Atom> Only T can.
  164. [03:22:17] <Onesickpuppy> change his pword
  165. [03:22:41] <Atom> I'm a moderator, not and admin.
  166. [03:23:16] <Onesickpuppy> consider it all compromised then
  167. [03:23:38] <Balmore> so what do we raid then?
  168. [03:23:55] <Atom> Who says we can't still do it?
  169. [03:24:03] <Balmore> I don't bother
  170. [03:24:10] <Mikeyyaya> this is true also
  171. [03:24:14] <Balmore> more WLs there = more corpse to loot
  172. [03:24:26] <Sunn> its just we can expect a lot more resistance and no arti will be at IS
  173. [03:24:59] <Atom> The only arti they have there atm anyway is the Hammer, and I doubt they're going to hold it for 2 days if we know it's there.
  174. [03:25:01] <Balmore> just talking to planeteer, he said he had this damn bronze hammer on him
  175. [03:25:09] <Onesickpuppy> lmao he just lost everything on his merchant if i do believe
  176. [03:25:11] <Sunn> maybe
  177. [03:25:31] <Onesickpuppy> his merchant packed up and left
  178. [03:25:38] <Sunn> lol
  179. [03:25:38] <Balmore> lol
  180. [03:25:43] <Balmore> stupid guy
  181. [03:26:05] <Onesickpuppy> tough ass lock here
  182. [03:26:24] <Atom> Why are we picking locks?
  183. [03:26:30] <Onesickpuppy> gavins chest
  184. [03:26:39] <Atom> I thought it was all on his trader?
  185. [03:26:54] <Onesickpuppy> he died in front of it
  186. [03:27:05] <Atom> Ah, good.
  187. [03:27:21] <Taya> lol its possible that this is swedish chest :P
  188. [03:27:32] <Onesickpuppy> if so i will just lock it baclk
  189. [03:29:01] <Onesickpuppy> my last good pick broke
  190. [03:29:12] <Taya> my last lockpick from winter broke ^^
  191. [03:29:27] <Mikeyyaya> thats cause you sux
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