
GSiE (2): Rifle Spins and Acts of Mercy.

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  1. >You waken to M nudging your side.
  2. >You rise, shaking the dust from your hat and coat, and look at your amazing horse.
  3. >Who is significantly shorter than you last remember.
  4. >His saddle is comically large for his otherwise small frame.
  5. >He was 17 hands high, a huge horse by any means. You had to get a saddle custom made, not only for his size, but for the multiple pockets and holsters.
  6. >Everything you need to survive is attached to that saddle, or to yourself.
  7. >And now your workhorse is about the size of a p0ny.
  8. >He is so tiny!
  9. >You let out a chuckle.
  10. >”What the hell are you laughin about?”
  11. >Oh. Right. M can talk now. Now you can have conversations with your traveling buddy.
  12. >Let's get this show going on a good note.
  13. >”Hehe. You're short.”
  14. >Great start, Anon.
  15. >”You smell funny” M lets out a grin
  16. >You sniff yourself. The aromas of gunpowder, whiskey, and burned leather grace your nostrils.
  17. >”I don't smell funny, I smell great.”
  18. >M simply stares at you.
  20. >You look around at the trees, and take in your surroundings
  21. >This appears to be a forest, and even though it's day, there's not a whole lot of light coming through the treetops.
  22. >”So. Why are you short”
  23. >He simply shrugs
  24. >”Ok then. Why can I understand you?”
  25. >”I have no clue. This land feels different though than the other places we've been. I feel more alive here than I have anywhere else.”
  26. >”So, do you have any idea where we are?”
  27. >”How the hell should I know? Last thing I remember is you screaming like a little girl before we exploded”
  28. >”Hey, you try being lit on fire and tell me if you dont start hollerin like a fool.”
  29. >You approach M, and grab your compass off the saddle.
  30. >It may not be much to go off of, but usually north-west is where civilization is.
  31. >When did you decide that?
  32. >Well, we are already facing that direction brain, and I'm far too tuckered out to turn around.
  33. >You hop in the saddle.
  34. >M lets out an exacerbated groan, and collapses.
  35. >For the third time today, you hit the ground.
  37. >”You've gained weight, Anon.” M groans as he gets up.
  38. >”No, you've lost strength.” you rise yet again, and dust yourself off.
  39. >Your saddle lies on the ground in a crumpled heap of leather.
  40. >Lifting it, you place it on M's back.
  41. >”Thanks, partner.”
  42. >”Don't mention it, buddy.” Maybe your horse being able to talk is a good thing.
  43. >You wouldn't have to talk to yourself anymore.
  44. >”So I guess I'm walking then, huh?
  45. >”Yep. Unless you lose a load of weight in the next 6 seconds, I ain't gonna be able to haul your heavy ass around.”
  46. >You look at your gray coated friend.
  47. >”I already told ya, I ain't heavy, you're just weak.”
  48. >”Look, we ain't getting anywhere by arguing, lets just take off thataway, and-”
  49. >M is cut off by a howling in the wind.
  50. >Instinct kicks in, and you grab your lever action rifle from the saddle.
  51. >You turn towards the sound, and spin your rifle one handed, aiming it at a rustling bush.
  52. >You shoulder the rifle, and hold it steady towards the bush.
  53. >A brown wolf lunges right at you.
  54. >Without hesitation, you smack it aside with the butt of your rifle.
  55. >As the wolf slides across the ground, you quickly tighten the finger screw on the loop of the lever, and repeatedly pump the lever, firing a shot per pump.
  56. >The first shot went wild due to recoil, but the other 3 hit their mark perfectly
  57. >Wolves never hunt alone. There had to be more of them.
  58. >You look at the wolf's body.
  59. >Is that yellow blood?
  60. >”Behind you, Anon!”
  61. >Whipping around, you see another wolf barreling towards you, and you release another 3 rounds into the target.
  62. >You turn back towards M.
  63. >”See? I have complete control of the situa-HRK”
  65. >You are suddenly knocked over to your side, rifle flying from your hand.
  66. >Tumbling with the wolf, you grab your hatchet from your left hip, and swing it into the neck of the wolf.
  67. >Instead of a clean cut as you expected, your hatchet sticks into the wolf's neck armor.
  68. >What the hell? Are those wooden pla- Oh shit, teeth!
  69. >Your hand snaps up, clutching the dogs throat.
  70. >Yep, that's wood.
  71. >The snarling teeth are a mere inch from your nose, as you continue to push with all your might upwards.
  72. >Suddenly, the wolf yelps in pain as it flies off you.
  73. >You see M's extended legs where the wolf was a mere second ago.
  74. >Rolling backwards, you jump to your feet and pull out your revolver.
  75. >The wolf rises slowly, and shakes as if it were wet.
  76. >As soon as your properly aimed, you quickly fire all 6 rounds into your target.
  77. >The wolf crumples to the ground
  78. >”Shake that off, you smelly son of a bitch.” you say through gritted teeth.
  79. >You hear more howling behind you.
  80. >Holstering your revolver, you leap towards where your rifle rests.
  81. >Spinning yet again, your rifle is braced against your hip as you aim it downrange.
  82. >”Come here you sons of bitches, I got plenty for all y'all"
  83. >That is not true, Anon. You only have 3 shots left. Enough for 1, maybe 2 more wolves. Your revolver is empty, and Choppy is stuck in that wolf's timber plating.
  84. >Fuck you, brain, I said I got this.
  85. >”Y'all are as dead as a can of corned beef.” you growl towards them.
  86. >M steps up besides you, and neighs fiercely.
  87. >”You ready for this, M?”
  88. >”You know it, friend”
  90. >3 wolves show themselves.
  91. >It's a Mexican standoff, except you're the only one with a gun.
  92. >Time seems to slow down for a moment, as you calculate.
  93. >Calculations complete.
  94. >Now it's killing time.
  95. >You fire the first shot, hitting the center wolf in the skull. He drops like a sack of potatoes
  96. >Seeing their comrade fall, the other wolves charge.
  97. >You fire the last 2 shots you have into the chest of the wolf closest to you.
  98. >Kill what's close, so you'll survive to kill whats far.
  99. >Dropping your rifle behind you, you lean down on one knee to draw the Bowie knife you have sheathed on your boot.
  100. >2 more wolves show up to flank you and M
  101. >Hehehe. Flank.
  102. >Shut up brain.
  103. >The wolf in front of you leaps towards M, who is in the process of spinning around to buck.
  104. >There's a sickening crack of wood and bone as his rear hooves connect with the wolf's face.
  105. >That hurts. You know from experience.
  106. >It took you 2 weeks before you recovered from a kick of that strength.
  107. >The wolf to your left leaps at you, and you stab your knife through its chin, curving the blade upwards to stab into the brain of the dog.
  108. >Although the outsides of the wolves are well armored, their undersides are not.
  109. >Your knife glides into its skull like a hot knife through butter.
  110. >You hear another bone smashing crunch come from behind you,
  111. >You don't need to turn around to know that some wolf is having a bad day.
  112. >You wipe your knife on belly of the wolf to clean off the blood, sheathing it afterwords.
  113. >Looking back at M, you see him taking in the carnage, yellow blood everywhere.
  114. >”That was exciting!” M clops his hooves together
  115. >Wat.
  117. >”M, did you just...” You stare at your horse, flabbergasted at what you just saw.
  118. >He looks down at his front hooves.
  119. >”Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, I guess I did.”
  120. >This land is strange.
  121. >You pick up your rifle, and loosen the thumbscrew.
  122. >Walking to the saddle, you open one of the pouches, and reload your revolver and rifle.
  123. >After reloading, you approach the wolf that has your hatchet stuck in its plated neck.
  124. >You now notice it's chest is heaving slowly up and down, as it wheezes, surprisingly not whimpering in pain.
  125. >Kneeling, you pull out your revolver, and place it against its forehead.
  126. >It looks into your eyes, into your very existence.
  127. >”I'm sorry for making you wait,” you whisper into its ear.
  128. >You gently caress its cheek as you cock back the hammer of your revolver.
  129. >”If I noticed you were in such pain, I would have released you from your misery far earlier.”
  130. >A tear falls from the wolf's eye.
  131. >”Rest in peace, you deserve it.”
  132. >And the wolf's life ended not with a whimper, but with a bang.
  134. >You lean over the body of the wolf for a full minute before rising.
  135. >”Anon, are you alright?” M walks towards you.
  136. >You replace the spent shell, and take a deep breath.
  137. >”Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a minute.” you pinch the bridge of your nose.
  138. >”I know you don't like to witness animal sufferin, and trust me, I can appreciate that,” M says “But you didn't know it was still alive. There was no way you could have-”
  139. >”That's no excuse. You know my motto, and you know how I operate.”
  140. >After any form of firefight or hunt, you immediately check the ones who have fallen in battle, and make sure none were still alive.
  141. >You let others think it was because you were a ruthless, heartless bastard who left no survivors.
  142. >That isn't the reason though.
  143. >You do it so you can bring the sufferers to a swift end, and perhaps give some last words to those who could still hear them.
  144. >You take comfort in the fact that you did not cause those to suffer unnecessarily before passing.
  145. >Leaning down on one knee, you lean your head on your rifle, close your eyes, and begin to pray.
  146. >You aren't a religious man yourself, but you still pray for a safe journey for those recently departed.
  148. >After a minute, you rise, and snap your fingers.
  149. >M trots towards you, saddle on his back.
  150. >Time to check yourself.
  151. >Revolver?
  152. >Loaded and ready.
  153. >Hatchet?
  154. >Clean and sharp.
  155. >Knife?
  156. >Same as the hatchet
  157. >Throwing knives?
  158. >Sharp and gathering dust. When was the last time you used these again?
  159. >You vaguely recall a drunken throwing knife competition that you were kickin ass at.
  160. >You then remember a patron of the saloon getting far too frisky with the barmaid.
  161. >Your next throwing knife ended up in his temple.
  162. >You ended up losing the competition because that counted as a throw, but you also ended up winning the girl.
  163. >The bartender payed for your drinks as well.
  164. >Good night, all in all.
  165. >Smiling at the memory, you clap your hands together, and begin walking in a random direction, M at your side.
  166. >You'll hit town soon enough. You always do.
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