
OME notes

Dec 16th, 2016
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  1. The movement and shot mechanics overall seem very smooth and accurate to the original. There are a number of small bugs or things to consider, but it plays smoothly and I was really impressed. I would definitely speedrun a Mega Man game in this engine.
  3. Here's my issue list. Some of these things may be more preference than anything, but see what you think about each.
  6. -Jumps are floatier than Mega Man 1-6, lasting about a tenth of a second longer than in the original games. Mega Man seems to hover at the apex of his jump for longer.
  7. -The ladder climbing animation contines much further past the top of the ladder than in the NES games.
  8. -Water physics feel good, and I'm glad the ability to jump out of slides underwater is here.
  9. -I encountered slowdown in some weird places that didn't have anything to do with too many enemies onscreen. Maybe being played in a browser window is part of that?
  12. -Weapon balancing is definitely on the strong side. Centaur and Star are much more powerful than in the originals (but all of MM5's weapons are balanced far too weakly imo).
  13. -Pharaoh Shot's charged storage trick in MM4 doesn't work here. That's where you can damage a larger enemy or boss with the full-sized shot above your head, and release B to fire another full-sized shot right afterward. This is a huge part of the weapon's utility in speedrunning. Intentional?
  14. -Enemies carried up by Wind Storm in MM6 will damage you if you jump into them. Not necessarily a bad thing that it doesn't happen here.
  16. RUSH
  17. -Rush's teleport animation is a bit on the slow side for speedruns. He gets used more in games where he reaches the ground quicker (MM5 in particular).
  18. -Rush Coil's hitbox is very high as well, in MM3 and 4 you can bounce off him with a simple A button tap wil standing near him. This seems to need a large jump to trigger the bounce.
  19. -It would be nice to be able to slide on Rush Jet if possible, it's a good way to be able to turn around and face the other way, as well as a good speedrun trick.
  20. -This one is definitely a preference thing, but I'll try to explain it. In MM4 and 5, Rush Jet's summon stops when he reaches your vertical position, whether you're on the ground or in the air. This lets you summon him and jump up to land on him from a higher plane if you time it correctly. In OME, he stops when he reaches the ground, or the point you summoned him from if you were on the ground at the time. The first method is much nicer in my opinion, but I understand if it's not a priority.
  22. AUDIO
  23. -Some songs and effects are louder than others.
  26. -The boss intro background, Wily's capsule, and the castle maps are animated at a distractingly fluid framerate that feels at odds with the speed of the in-game sprite movement. If there's a way to match it to how they feel in the originals, I think they'd fit a lot better.
  28. MISC
  29. -I appreciate the fast M-Tank animation.
  30. -The final boss jumped out of bounds to the right and softlocked the game on me, lol. There also seems to be something weird going on with the left wall in that fight, if you try to jump up into it.
  31. -Recovery from knockback is quicker. This isn't necessarily bad.
  32. -The screen shake effect from the stompers seems to only happen when they first appear? It's very distracting any event.
  33. -I appreciate the MM6-style buster over the MM4 one.
  34. -The game seems to store charge shots between deaths and gameovers, and Mega Man will release the shot after teleporting in.
  35. -The Spark Man platforms wouldn't crush you in MM3. You'd lose collision with them and just fall if you reached the ceiling.
  36. -The red platforms that open up when you land on them are a lot slower here than they were in MM3.
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