
thing for people and RP

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. __I was going to sleep. It was 1:05 AM. I saw that my pet Ampharos was already asleep. I decided to go ahead and sleep too. I closed my eyes, and I let the rest of my body shut down to allow me to sleep. All I wanted was a nice, good, dream.__
  2. __I woke up in the middle of the night. My Ampharos's legs were a bit darker, and I had no blankets on me. What was happening? Did someone rob my house? Can I find this robber? I don't know, maybe I should sleep again... or get a midnight snack.__
  3. __I walked downstairs to see a small worm near the top of the stairs. It stared at me. It turned a bit bigger... was it growing? I ignored it and walked downstairs. My glasses fell down! Wait, when did I put on my glasses? Why do I still have them on? I'm going crazy.__
  4. __I walked down and crushed them! The worm disappeared at that moment. Huh. Strange. I walked to my mom's room to tell her all about this. Huh. Her ring was a beautiful rose quartz, like I wanted. Her old one was a diamond. Maybe she changed rings?__
  5. __I went upstairs, ignoring the glasses and the worm I saw last time. I went on my computer, and I decided to tell my friends about this bizarre event. However, it seemed like my ad blocker was on, but there were much more ads than usual... did I download a virus?__
  6. __Blood fell out of my nose. Was I... dying? I got my phone and dialed 911. It redirected me to 666...? A deep voice appeared. It was rather friendly, however. It said:__ "What is your emergency, child?" __I explained the crazy stuff happening.__
  7. "Oh, that means you're MINE!" __The devil himself came out of the phone, breaking it. He choked me. I was dying now... was this the end of me?__
  8. __I woke up in a hospital. From the new date, 3 years has passed.__
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