
shindo life gui

Jan 9th, 2021
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  1. --[[
  3. v3rm:
  4. Discord: reav#2966
  5. Discord Server:
  6. Usage:
  7. loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
  8. ]]
  10. repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded()
  11. --old-antitp bypass
  12. if workspace:FindFirstChild("CCoff") then
  13. game:GetService("Workspace").CCoff:Destroy()
  14. end
  15. --antiafk
  16. local VirtualUser=game:service'VirtualUser'
  17. game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
  18. warn("anti-afk")
  19. VirtualUser:CaptureController()
  20. VirtualUser:ClickButton2(
  21. end)
  22. --variables
  23. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  24. local mission = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("ingame"):WaitForChild("Missionstory")
  25. local menuplace = 4616652839
  26. local forestplace = 5447073001
  27. local rainplace = 5084678830
  28. local trainingplace = 5431071837
  29. local akatsukiplace = 5431069982
  30. local worldxplace = 5943874201
  31. local villageplace = game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("rank")
  32. local warplace = game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("warmode")
  33. function toTarget(pos, targetPos, targetCFrame)
  34. local tween_s = game:service"TweenService"
  35. local info = - pos).Magnitude/getgenv().speed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
  36. local tween, err = pcall(function()
  37. local tween = tween_s:Create(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], info, {CFrame = targetCFrame * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(,0,0), math.rad(90))})
  38. tween:Play()
  39. end)
  40. if not tween then return err end
  41. end
  43. --loading wally ui revamped By Aika
  44. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))()
  45. _G.ButtonTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  46. _G.ButtonColor = Color3.fromRGB(5, 16, 20);
  47. _G.PointerColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  48. _G.SecondaryColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 102, 255);
  49. _G.TertiaryColor = Color3.fromRGB(5, 16, 20);
  50. _G.ToggleColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  51. _G.MainTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255);
  52. _G.MainColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  53. _G.SliderColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  54. getgenv().speed = 500
  55. local w = library:CreateWindow("Shindo Life")
  56. if villageplace or game.PlaceId == trainingplace or game.PlaceId == rainplace or game.PlaceId == akatsukiplace or game.PlaceId == forestplace then
  57. --AUTOFARM
  58. local b = w:CreateFolder("AutoFarm")
  59. b:Label("To prevent issues farm in a ps",{
  60. TextSize = 16;
  61. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  62. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  63. })
  64. local autofarm
  65. b:Toggle("AutoFarm",function(bool)
  66. autofarm = bool
  67. end)
  68. local candies
  69. b:Toggle("Farm candies",function(bool)
  70. candies = bool
  71. end)
  72. local speed
  73. b:Slider("Tween Speed",{
  74. min = 500;
  75. max = 2500;
  76. precise = false;
  77. },function(speed)
  78. getgenv().speed = speed
  79. end)
  80. local scrollfarm
  81. b:Toggle("Scroll Sniper",function(bool)
  82. scrollfarm = bool
  83. end)
  84. local jinfarm
  85. b:Toggle("JinFarm (instakill)",function(bool)
  86. jinfarm = bool
  87. end)
  88. local RANKUP
  89. b:Toggle("AutoRank",function(bool)
  90. RANKUP = bool
  91. end)
  93. local d = w:CreateFolder("Quests Maker")
  94. d:Button("Rushs",function()
  95. for i = 1,300 do
  96. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("rushw")
  97. wait(.25)
  98. end
  99. end)
  100. d:Button("Jumps",function()
  101. for v = 1,300 do
  102. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("takemovement2")
  103. wait(.25)
  104. end
  105. end)
  106. d:Button("Chakra Charges",function()
  107. for i = 1,500 do
  108. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("key","c")
  109. wait(.1)
  110. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("key","cend")
  111. wait(.5)
  112. end
  113. end)
  114. d:Button("Punches",function()
  115. for i = 1,999 do
  116. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("mouse1",true)
  117. wait(.3)
  118. end
  119. end)
  120. d:Button("TP TrainLog",function()
  121. toTarget(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,workspace.npc.logtraining:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position,"Workspace").npc.logtraining:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position))
  122. end)
  124. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  125. if autofarm or candies then
  126. pcall(function()
  127. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  128. end)
  129. end
  130. end)
  131. local green = ""
  132. local red = ""
  133. local candy = ""
  134. spawn(function()
  135. while wait() do
  136. if autofarm then
  137. if player.currentmission.Value == nil then
  138. for i,v in pairs(workspace.missiongivers:GetChildren()) do
  139. pcall(function()
  140. if player.currentmission.Value == nil and v.Name == "" and v:FindFirstChild("Head") and v.Head:FindFirstChild("givemission").Enabled and v.Head.givemission:FindFirstChild("color").Visible then
  141. local TALK = v:FindFirstChild("Talk")
  142. local lvl = player.statz.lvl.lvl.Value
  143. if lvl <= 699 then
  144. if player.currentmission.Value == nil and v.Talk:FindFirstChild("typ").Value == "defeat" and v.Head.givemission.Enabled and v.Head.givemission.color.Visible and v.Head.givemission.color.Image == green then
  145. local getmission = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  146. local clienttalk = v:FindFirstChild("CLIENTTALK")
  147. repeat wait(.3)
  148. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-8,0)))
  149. if (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position-v.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude < 10 then
  150. clienttalk:FireServer()
  151. wait(.3)
  152. clienttalk:FireServer("accept")
  153. end
  154. until mission.Visible or v:FindFirstChild("Head").givemission.Enabled == false or player.currentmission.Value == "mission" or not autofarm
  155. end
  156. elseif lvl >= 700 then
  157. if player.currentmission.Value == nil and TALK.typ.Value == "defeat" and v.Head.givemission.Enabled and v.Head.givemission.color.Visible and v.Head.givemission.color.Image == green or v.Head.givemission.color.Image == red then
  158. local getmission = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  159. local clienttalk = v:FindFirstChild("CLIENTTALK")
  160. repeat wait(.3)
  161. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-8,0)))
  162. if (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position-v.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude < 10 then
  163. clienttalk:FireServer()
  164. wait(.3)
  165. clienttalk:FireServer("accept")
  166. end
  167. until mission.Visible or v:FindFirstChild("Head").givemission.Enabled == false or player.currentmission.Value == "mission" or not autofarm
  168. end
  169. end
  170. end
  171. end)
  172. end
  173. else
  174. for i,v in pairs(workspace.npc:GetChildren()) do
  175. pcall(function()
  176. if v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("npctype") and string.find(v.Name, "npc") and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Head.CFrame.Y > -1000 then
  177. repeat wait(.5)
  178. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-8,0)))
  179. v.Humanoid.Health = 0
  180. until v.Humanoid.Health == 0 or not autofarm or player.currentmission.Value == nil
  181. end
  182. end)
  183. end
  184. end
  185. end
  186. end
  187. end)
  188. spawn(function()
  189. while wait() do
  190. if candies then
  191. local spins = player.statz.spins.Value
  192. if spins < 500 then
  193. for i,v in pairs(workspace.missiongivers:GetChildren()) do
  194. pcall(function()
  195. if mission.Visible == false and v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("Head"):FindFirstChild("givemission").Enabled and v:FindFirstChild("CLIENTTALK") and v:FindFirstChild("Talk") and string.find(v.Talk.talk1.Value, "TRICK OR TREAT") and v.Talk:FindFirstChild("typ").Value == "halloweenevent" and v.Head.givemission.color.Image == candy then
  196. repeat wait(.3)
  197. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-5,0)))
  198. v.CLIENTTALK:FireServer()
  199. wait(.2)
  200. v.CLIENTTALK:FireServer("accept")
  201. until v:FindFirstChild("Head").givemission.Enabled == false or not candies
  202. end
  203. end)
  204. end
  205. else
  206. print("max spins reached 500")
  207. end
  208. end
  209. end
  210. end)
  211. local function SCROLLFARM()
  212. for i,v in pairs(game.workspace.GLOBALTIME:GetChildren()) do
  213. if v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("sh") and > -1000 and < 2000 then
  214. local scrollA ="invoke")
  215. print("SCROLL SPAWNED")
  216. pcall(function()
  217. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position,,
  218. end)
  219. scrollA:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  220. fireclickdetector(
  221. end
  222. end
  223. end
  224. local function SCROLLFARM1()
  225. for i,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetChildren()) do
  226. if v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("sh") and > -1000 and < 2000 then
  227. local scrollA ="invoke")
  228. print("SCROLL SPAWNED in workspace")
  229. pcall(function()
  230. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position,,
  231. scrollA:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  232. fireclickdetector(
  233. end)
  234. end
  235. end
  236. end
  237. spawn(function()
  238. while wait() do
  239. if scrollfarm then
  240. repeat wait()
  242. SCROLLFARM1()
  243. until not scrollfarm or not war or not war2
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end)
  247. local function JINFARM()
  248. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").npc:GetChildren()) do
  249. if v.Name == "npc1" then
  250. repeat wait()
  251. pcall(function()
  252. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-25,0)))
  253. player.Character.combat.update:FireServer("mouse1", true)
  254. wait(.1)
  255. v.Humanoid.HealthChanged:Connect(function()
  256. v.Humanoid.Health = 0
  257. end)
  258. end)
  259. until v.Humanoid.Health == 0 or not jinfarm
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  263. spawn(function()
  264. while wait() do
  265. if jinfarm then
  266. JINFARM()
  267. end
  268. end
  269. end)
  270. spawn(function()
  271. while wait() do
  272. if RANKUP and player.statz.lvl:FindFirstChild("lvl").Value == 1000 then
  273. repeat wait()
  274. game.Players.LocalPlayer.startevent:FireServer("rankup")
  275. until player.statz.lvl:FindFirstChild("lvl").Value == 1 or not RANKUP
  276. end
  277. end
  278. end)
  279. end
  280. if villageplace or game.PlaceId == trainingplace or game.PlaceId == rainplace or game.PlaceId == akatsukiplace or game.PlaceId == forestplace then
  281. local g = w:CreateFolder("Infinite Mode")
  282. g:Label("Enable your mode and setup when charge chakra (not max)",{
  283. TextSize = 15;
  284. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  285. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  286. })
  287. local when = 100000
  288. g:Slider("When charge(NOT MAX)",{
  289. min = 30000;
  290. max = 200000;
  291. precise = false;
  292. },function(z)
  293. when = z
  294. end)
  295. g:Button("InfiniteMode",function()
  296. local mode = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.mode
  297. local copy = mode:Clone()
  298. copy.Parent = mode.Parent
  299. mode:Destroy()
  300. local chakra = string.split(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.ingamearena.Bar.cha.Text,"CHA: ")[2]
  301. c = chakra:gsub("CHA%:","")
  302. local cha
  303. local function chakracheck()
  304. chakra = string.split(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.ingamearena.Bar.cha.Text,"CHA: ")[2]
  305. c = chakra:gsub("CHA%:","")
  306. cha = c
  307. end
  308. spawn(function()
  309. while wait() do
  310. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed == 0 then
  311. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 50
  312. end
  313. chakracheck()
  314. end
  315. end)
  316. spawn(function()
  317. while wait() do
  318. if tonumber(cha) < tonumber(when) then
  319. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("key","c")
  320. else
  321. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("key","cend")
  322. end
  323. end
  324. end)
  325. end)
  326. g:Button("Disable InfMode",function()
  327. player.Character:BreakJoints()
  328. end)
  329. end
  330. if villageplace or game.PlaceId == trainingplace or game.PlaceId == rainplace or game.PlaceId == akatsukiplace or game.PlaceId == forestplace then
  331. local h = w:CreateFolder("Auto Chakra")
  332. h:Label("Setup when charge chakra (also max)",{
  333. TextSize = 16;
  334. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  335. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  336. })
  337. local infchakra
  338. h:Toggle("Charge Chakra+Move",function(bool)
  339. infchakra = bool
  340. end)
  341. local when = 100000
  342. h:Slider("When charge(NOT MAX)",{
  343. min = 30000;
  344. max = 250000;
  345. precise = false;
  346. },function(z)
  347. when = z
  348. end)
  349. spawn(function()
  350. while wait() do
  351. if infchakra then
  352. local chakra = string.split(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.ingamearena.Bar.cha.Text,"CHA: ")[2]
  353. c = chakra:gsub("CHA%:","")
  354. local cha
  355. local function chakracheck()
  356. chakra = string.split(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.ingamearena.Bar.cha.Text,"CHA: ")[2]
  357. c = chakra:gsub("CHA%:","")
  358. cha = c
  359. end
  360. spawn(function()
  361. while wait() do
  362. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed == 0 then
  363. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 50
  364. end
  365. chakracheck()
  366. end
  367. end)
  368. spawn(function()
  369. while wait() do
  370. if tonumber(cha) < tonumber(when) then
  371. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("key","c")
  372. else
  373. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.combat.update:FireServer("key","cend")
  374. end
  375. end
  376. end)
  377. end
  378. end
  379. end)
  380. h:Label("Dont use INFMODE and INFCHAKRA together",{
  381. TextSize = 15;
  382. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  383. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  384. })
  385. end
  386. if warplace then
  387. --WAR
  388. local c = w:CreateFolder("War Farm")
  389. c:Label("Snipe is built-in",{
  390. TextSize = 24;
  391. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  392. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  393. })
  394. local war
  395. c:Toggle("WarMode No Tween",function(bool)
  396. war = bool
  397. end)
  398. local war2
  399. c:Toggle("WarMode Tween (multple players)",function(bool)
  400. war2 = bool
  401. end)
  403. c:Slider("Tween Speed",{
  404. min = 500;
  405. max = 2500;
  406. precise = false;
  407. },function(speed)
  408. getgenv().speed = speed
  409. end)
  410. local reset
  411. c:Toggle("Reset after round 21",function(bool)
  412. reset = bool
  413. end)
  414. --Suggested by Moddi#2715
  415. local refresh = c:Label("ROUND COUNTER",{
  416. TextSize = 24;
  417. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  418. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  419. })
  420. local count = 0
  421. local refreshC = c:Label("10TAILS COUNTER",{
  422. TextSize = 24;
  423. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  424. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  425. })
  426. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  427. if war or war2 then
  428. pcall(function()
  429. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  430. end)
  431. end
  432. end)
  433. local function SCROLLFARM()
  434. for i,v in pairs(game.workspace.GLOBALTIME:GetChildren()) do
  435. if v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("sh") and > -1000 and < 2000 then
  436. local scrollA ="invoke")
  437. print("SCROLL SPAWNED")
  438. pcall(function()
  439. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position,,
  440. end)
  441. scrollA:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  442. fireclickdetector(
  443. end
  444. end
  445. end
  446. local function SCROLLFARM1()
  447. for i,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetChildren()) do
  448. if v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("sh") and > -1000 and < 2000 then
  449. local scrollA ="invoke")
  450. print("SCROLL SPAWNED in workspace")
  451. pcall(function()
  452. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position,,
  453. scrollA:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  454. fireclickdetector(
  455. end)
  456. end
  457. end
  458. end
  459. spawn(function()
  460. while wait() do
  461. if war or war2 then
  462. repeat wait()
  464. SCROLLFARM1()
  465. until not scrollfarm or not war or not war2
  466. end
  467. end
  468. end)
  469. spawn(function()
  470. while wait() do
  471. if war then
  472. pcall(function()
  473. refresh:Refresh("War Completed: " .. count)
  474. refreshC:Refresh("Round: " .. workspace.warserver.round.Value)
  475. end)
  476. for i,v in pairs(workspace.npc:GetChildren()) do
  477. if workspace.warserver:FindFirstChild("zetsu").Value > 0 and string.find(workspace.warserver.text.Value, "Left") or string.find(workspace.warserver.text.Value, "DEFEAT") and v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("npc") and string.find(v.Name, "npc") and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Head.CFrame.Y > -1000 and not v:FindFirstChild("megaboss") then
  478. wait(.2)
  479. pcall(function()
  480. v.Humanoid.Health = 0
  481. end)
  482. elseif v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("npc") and string.find(v.Name, "npc") and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Head.CFrame.Y > -1000 and v:FindFirstChild("megaboss") then
  483. wait(6)
  484. pcall(function()
  485. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,
  486. v.Humanoid.Health = 0
  487. end)
  488. end
  489. end
  490. if reset then
  491. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do
  492. if v.Name == "warserver" and v:FindFirstChild("round").Value > 20 then
  493. wait(5)
  494. player.Character:BreakJoints()
  495. repeat wait()
  496. until v.round.Value == 0
  497. count = count + 1
  498. end
  499. end
  500. end
  501. end
  502. end
  503. end)
  504. spawn(function()
  505. while wait() do
  506. if war2 then
  507. refresh:Refresh("War Completed: " .. count)
  508. refreshC:Refresh("Round: " .. workspace.warserver.round.Value)
  509. for i,v in pairs(workspace.npc:GetChildren()) do
  510. if workspace.warserver:FindFirstChild("zetsu").Value > 0 and string.find(workspace.warserver.text.Value, "Left") or string.find(workspace.warserver.text.Value, "DEFEAT") and v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("npc") and string.find(v.Name, "npc") and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Head.CFrame.Y > -1000 and not v:FindFirstChild("megaboss") then
  511. pcall(function()
  512. repeat wait()
  513. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-12,0)))
  514. wait(.3)
  515. v.Humanoid.Health = 0
  516. until v.Humanoid.Health == 0
  517. end)
  518. elseif v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("npc") and string.find(v.Name, "npc") and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Head.CFrame.Y > -1000 and v:FindFirstChild("megaboss") then
  519. wait(8)
  520. pcall(function()
  521. toTarget(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,v.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-25,0)))
  522. v.Humanoid.Health = 0
  523. end)
  524. else
  525. wait()
  526. end
  527. end
  528. if reset then
  529. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do
  530. if v.Name == "warserver" and v:FindFirstChild("round").Value > 20 then
  531. wait(5)
  532. player.Character:BreakJoints()
  533. repeat wait()
  534. until v.round.Value == 0
  535. count = count + 1
  536. end
  537. end
  538. end
  539. end
  540. end
  541. end)
  542. end
  543. if game.PlaceId == menuplace then
  544. --main menu
  545. local e = w:CreateFolder("ResetSpins")
  546. local kgs = {}
  547. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").alljutsu:GetChildren()) do
  548. if v:FindFirstChild("KG") then
  549. table.insert(kgs, v.Name)
  550. end
  551. end
  552. e:Label("Select the KG slot you want to change",{
  553. TextSize = 15;
  554. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  555. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  556. })
  557. e:Label("Choose your kgs and press SPIN KG",{
  558. TextSize = 15;
  559. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  560. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  561. })
  562. local b
  563. local kgslot
  564. local kgvalue
  565. e:Dropdown("KG SLOT",{"kg1", "kg2", "kg3", "kg4"},true,function(kgS)
  566. b = kgS
  567. kgslot = game.Players.LocalPlayer.statz.main:FindFirstChild(b)
  568. kgvalue = kgslot.Value
  569. print(kgslot)
  570. print(kgvalue)
  571. end)
  572. local a1
  573. e:Dropdown("WHAT DO YOU WANT",kgs,true,function(KG1)
  574. print("Selected: " .. KG1)
  575. a1 = KG1
  576. end)
  577. local a2
  578. e:Dropdown("WHAT DO YOU WANT",kgs,true,function(KG2)
  579. print("Selected: " .. KG2)
  580. a2 = KG2
  581. end)
  582. local a3
  583. e:Dropdown("WHAT DO YOU WANT",kgs,true,function(KG3)
  584. print("Selected: " .. KG3)
  585. a3 = KG3
  586. end)
  587. local a4
  588. e:Dropdown("WHAT DO YOU WANT",kgs,true,function(KG4)
  589. print("Selected: " .. KG4)
  590. a4 = KG4
  591. end)
  592. local a5
  593. e:Dropdown("WHAT DO YOU WANT",kgs,true,function(KG5)
  594. print("Selected: " .. KG5)
  595. a5 = KG5
  596. end)
  597. e:Button("Start Spin KG",function()
  598. kgslot.ChildAdded:Connect(function(yes)
  599. if yes.Name == "dontspin" then
  600. wait(.1)
  601. yes:Destroy()
  602. end
  603. end)
  604. local spins = game.Players.LocalPlayer.statz.spins.Value
  605. local des = game.Players.LocalPlayer.statz.spins
  606. spawn(function()
  607. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").alljutsu:GetChildren()) do
  608. if v:FindFirstChild("KG") then
  609. local a ="StringValue")
  610. a.Name = v.Name
  611. a.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.statz.genkailevel
  612. end
  613. end
  614. end)
  615. spawn(function()
  616. while wait() do
  617. if spins > 0 then
  618. spins = game.Players.LocalPlayer.statz.spins.Value
  619. kgvalue = kgslot.Value
  620. print("Rolled: " .. kgvalue)
  621. if kgvalue ~= a1 and kgvalue ~= a2 and kgvalue ~= a3 and kgvalue ~= a4 and kgvalue ~= a5 then
  622. kgvalue = kgslot.Value
  623. game.Players.LocalPlayer.startevent:FireServer("spin", b)
  624. wait(.2)
  625. kgvalue = kgslot.Value
  626. else
  627. print("You have got: " .. kgvalue)
  628. end
  629. else
  630. player.statz.spins:Destroy()
  631. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(game.PlaceId, player)
  632. end
  633. end
  634. end)
  635. end)
  636. e:Button("Reset Spin NOW",function()
  637. player.statz.spins:Destroy()
  638. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(game.PlaceId, player)
  639. end)
  640. end
  641. if game.PlaceId == worldxplace then
  642. --World X
  643. local village = player.yourvillage.Value
  644. local g = w:CreateFolder("World X")
  645. local side
  646. g:Toggle("F Rank - Side Quest",function(bool)
  647. side = bool
  648. end)
  649. local nogrip
  650. g:Toggle("No Grip",function(bool)
  651. nogrip = bool
  652. end)
  653. spawn(function()
  654. while wait() do
  655. if side then
  656. if player.currentmission.Value == nil then
  657. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").sidequest.getmission:GetChildren()) do
  658. if v.Name == "rankd" and v:FindFirstChild("village").Value == village and v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector") then
  659. --player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame=v.CFrame
  660. v.invoke:FireServer()
  661. fireclickdetector(v.ClickDetector)
  662. end
  663. end
  664. else
  665. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").sidequest.weeds[village]:GetChildren()) do
  666. if v.Name == "grass" and v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector") and v:FindFirstChild("taken").Value == true then
  667. fireclickdetector(v.ClickDetector)
  668. end
  669. end
  670. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").sidequest.dirt[village]:GetChildren()) do
  671. if v.Name == village and v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector") and v:FindFirstChild("taken").Value == true then
  672. fireclickdetector(v.ClickDetector)
  673. end
  674. end
  675. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").sidequest.grafitti[village]:GetChildren()) do
  676. if v.Name == village and v:FindFirstChild("taken").Value == true and v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector") then
  677. fireclickdetector(v.ClickDetector)
  678. end
  679. end
  680. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").sidequest.groceries[village]:GetChildren()) do
  681. if v.Name == village and v:FindFirstChild("taken").Value == true then
  682. player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame=v.CFrame
  683. end
  684. end
  685. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").sidequest.deliver:GetChildren()) do
  686. if v.Name == "point" and v:FindFirstChild("taken").Value == true then
  687. player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame=v.CFrame
  688. end
  689. end
  690. end
  691. end
  692. end
  693. end)
  694. spawn(function()
  695. while wait() do
  696. if nogrip then
  697. while player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed == 0 do
  698. player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 200
  699. end
  700. end
  701. end
  702. end)
  703. end
  705. local f = w:CreateFolder("Misc")
  706. f:Box("Teleport to PS","string",function(tpps)
  707. game.Players.LocalPlayer.startevent:FireServer("teleporttoprivate", tpps)
  708. end)
  709. f:Label("made by reav#2966 | ver 4.2",{
  710. TextSize = 15;
  711. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  712. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  713. })
  714. f:Label("",{
  715. TextSize = 17;
  716. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
  717. BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(247, 95, 28);
  718. })
  719. f:Button("Copy Discord Link",function()
  720. setclipboard("")
  721. end)
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