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Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. Processing PlansController#skill_panel (for at 2009-05-28 01:20:52) [GET]
  2. Parameters: {"action"=>"skill_panel", "id"=>"3731", "controller"=>"plans", "character_id"=>"929361782", "plan_id"=>"1"}
  3. User Columns (1.3ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `users`
  4. User Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 1) LIMIT 1
  5. Character Columns (1.5ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `characters`
  6. Character Load (0.1ms) SELECT `characters`.* FROM `characters` INNER JOIN `api_keys` ON `characters`.api_key_id = `api_keys`.id WHERE (`characters`.`id` = 929361782 AND ((`api_keys`.user_id = 1))) ORDER BY skill_points desc
  7. Skill Load (0.2ms) SELECT `skills`.* FROM `skills` WHERE (`skills`.character_id = 929361782)
  8. Skill Columns (0.8ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `skills`
  9. ImplantSet Load (0.1ms) SELECT `implant_sets`.* FROM `implant_sets` WHERE (`implant_sets`.character_id = 929361782)
  10. ImplantSet Columns (1.0ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `implant_sets`
  11. Type Columns (1.4ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `types`
  12. Type Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM `types` WHERE (`types`.`id` = 3731)
  13. Plan Columns (0.9ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `plans`
  14. Plan Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `plans` WHERE (`plans`.`id` = 1 AND (`plans`.character_id = 929361782))
  15. PlannedSkill Columns (0.9ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `planned_skills`
  16. Rendering plans/skill_panel
  17. Attribute Load (0.1ms) SELECT id FROM `attributes` WHERE (name LIKE 'requiredSkill%')
  18. TypeAttribute Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `type_attributes` WHERE (`type_attributes`.type_id = 3731 AND (`type_attributes`.`attribute_id` IN (NULL)))
  19. Skill Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `skills` WHERE (`skills`.`character_id` = 929361782 AND `skills`.`type_id` = 3731) LIMIT 1
  20. PlannedSkill Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `planned_skills` WHERE (`planned_skills`.plan_id = 1 AND (`planned_skills`.`type_id` = 3731)) ORDER BY level DESC, position LIMIT 1
  21. CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `planned_skills` WHERE (`planned_skills`.plan_id = 1 AND (`planned_skills`.`type_id` = 3731)) ORDER BY level DESC, position LIMIT 1
  22. CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `planned_skills` WHERE (`planned_skills`.plan_id = 1 AND (`planned_skills`.`type_id` = 3731)) ORDER BY level DESC, position LIMIT 1
  23. CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `planned_skills` WHERE (`planned_skills`.plan_id = 1 AND (`planned_skills`.`type_id` = 3731)) ORDER BY level DESC, position LIMIT 1
  24. CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `planned_skills` WHERE (`planned_skills`.plan_id = 1 AND (`planned_skills`.`type_id` = 3731)) ORDER BY level DESC, position LIMIT 1
  25. CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `planned_skills` WHERE (`planned_skills`.plan_id = 1 AND (`planned_skills`.`type_id` = 3731)) ORDER BY level DESC, position LIMIT 1
  26. TypeAttribute Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `type_attributes` WHERE (`type_attributes`.type_id = 3731)
  28. ActionView::TemplateError (nil can't be coerced into Float) on line #34 of app/views/plans/skill_panel.html.haml:
  29. 31: %td= l[1]
  30. 32: %td
  31. 33: %div{:align=>'center'}= radio_button_tag :planned_skill_level, l[0]
  32. 34: %td= time_period_to_s(@character.training_time_with_prerequisites(@type,l[0]))
  33. 35: =hidden_field_tag :planned_skill_type_id,
  34. 36: %p=submit_tag 'Add to plan'
  35. 37: #status
  37. app/models/type.rb:69:in `_unmemoized_sp_at_level'
  38. app/models/character.rb:136:in `training_time'
  39. app/models/character.rb:157:in `training_time_with_prerequisites'
  40. app/models/character.rb:156:in `each_pair'
  41. app/models/character.rb:156:in `training_time_with_prerequisites'
  42. app/views/plans/skill_panel.html.haml:34:in `_run_haml_app47views47plans47skill_panel46html46haml'
  43. app/views/plans/skill_panel.html.haml:28:in `each'
  44. app/views/plans/skill_panel.html.haml:28:in `_run_haml_app47views47plans47skill_panel46html46haml'
  45. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:142:in `call'
  46. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:142:in `form_tag'
  47. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers.rb:447:in `call'
  48. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers.rb:447:in `haml_bind_proc'
  49. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers.rb:261:in `call'
  50. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers.rb:261:in `capture_haml'
  51. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers.rb:430:in `with_haml_buffer'
  52. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers.rb:258:in `capture_haml'
  53. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:90:in `capture'
  54. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:148:in `form_tag'
  55. app/views/plans/skill_panel.html.haml:11:in `_run_haml_app47views47plans47skill_panel46html46haml'
  56. haml (2.0.9) lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:14:in `render'
  57. haml (2.0.9) rails/./lib/sass/plugin/rails.rb:19:in `process'
  59. Rendered rescues/_trace (173.2ms)
  60. Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (0.5ms)
  61. Rendering rescues/layout (internal_server_error)
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