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ACNH EventFlow 2.0.2/2.0.4 diff

a guest
Dec 16th, 2021
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Diff 119.04 KB | None | 0 0
  1. diff -r 2.0.2/AI_NPC_HospitalExamination.evfl.txt 2.0.4/AI_NPC_HospitalExamination.evfl.txt
  2. 2c2
  3. <     if (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:GetMedicalEquipToday']) and (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:DoctorEventStart']):
  4. ---
  5. >     if (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:GetMedicalEquipToday']) and (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:DoctorEventStart']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.IsInspectingWherearen()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenOrderStatus() == 0):
  6. diff -r 2.0.2/AI_NPC_HospitalReception.evfl.txt 2.0.4/AI_NPC_HospitalReception.evfl.txt
  7. 6a7
  8. >     run SetupDoctorEventCall()
  9. 11a13,17
  10. >
  11. > flow SetupDoctorEventCall():
  12. >     if (MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cInit')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.IsInspectingWherearen()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenOrderStatus() == 0) and (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:DoctorEventStart']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue4(4, 'cWherearenPlayer:HospitalReceptionFlag') in (1, 2, 3)):
  13. >         MainNpc.NpcSetAIBlackBoard('CallRequest', 1)
  14. >         MainNpc.NpcSetAIBlackBoard('CallCount', 180)
  15. diff -r 2.0.2/AI_NPC_Mnc_WherearenField.evfl.txt 2.0.4/AI_NPC_Mnc_WherearenField.evfl.txt
  16. 94c94
  17. <                                     MainNpc.SetNpcSpeakFlow('SNPC_mnc_03_WherearenOrder', 'MatchingTalk')
  18. ---
  19. >                                     MainNpc.SetNpcSpeakFlow('SNPC_mnc_03_WherearenOrder', 'OpenSceneMatchingTalk')
  20. diff -r 2.0.2/AI_NPC_Mnc_WherearenHouse.evfl.txt 2.0.4/AI_NPC_Mnc_WherearenHouse.evfl.txt
  21. 77,79c77,80
  22. <                 run Sub_Event0()
  23. <             elif System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:InCompleteDemo']:
  24. <                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cInvisible', '', '', '', false, true)
  25. ---
  26. >                 if (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenOrderStatus() in (0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.CalledWherearenOfficerNpc()):
  27. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cWait', '', 'SNPC_mnc_02_WherearenGarden', 'Root', false, false)
  28. >                 else:
  29. >                     run Sub_Event0()
  30. 81c82,85
  31. <                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cWait', '', 'SNPC_mnc_02_WherearenGarden', 'Root', false, false)
  32. ---
  33. >                 if System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:InCompleteDemo']:
  34. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cInvisible', '', '', '', false, true)
  35. >                 else:
  36. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cWait', '', 'SNPC_mnc_02_WherearenGarden', 'Root', false, false)
  37. diff -r 2.0.2/AI_NPC_Poo_Commune.evfl.txt 2.0.4/AI_NPC_Poo_Commune.evfl.txt
  38. 28a29
  39. >                 MainNpc.NpcAISetting(8, true)
  40. 34a36
  41. >                 MainNpc.NpcAISetting(8, true)
  42. 40a43
  43. >                 MainNpc.NpcAISetting(8, true)
  44. 42a46
  45. >                 MainNpc.NpcAISetting(8, true)
  46. diff -r 2.0.2/AI_NPC_WherearenGarden.evfl.txt 2.0.4/AI_NPC_WherearenGarden.evfl.txt
  47. 25c25
  48. <         case 0:
  49. ---
  50. >         case 0, 4:
  51. 29c29
  52. <         case 2, 4:
  53. ---
  54. >         case 2:
  55. 32c32,33
  56. <             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cWait', '', 'NNPC_Spot_WherearenGardenWork', 'UnderOrder', false, false)
  57. ---
  58. >             MainNpc.SetNpcTalkFlowName('NNPC_Spot_WherearenGardenWork', 'UnderOrder')
  59. >             MainNpc.ChangeEditMode()
  60. diff -r 2.0.2/AI_NPC_WherearenHouse.evfl.txt 2.0.4/AI_NPC_WherearenHouse.evfl.txt
  61. 13c13
  62. <         case 0:
  63. ---
  64. >         case 0, 4:
  65. 31c31,32
  66. <                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cWait', '', 'NNPC_Spot_WherearenGardenWork', 'UnderOrder', false, false)
  67. ---
  68. >                 MainNpc.SetNpcTalkFlowName('NNPC_Spot_WherearenGardenWork', 'UnderOrder')
  69. >                 MainNpc.ChangeEditMode()
  70. 35,36d35
  71. <         case 4:
  72. <             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cWait', '', 'NNPC_Spot_WherearenGardenWork', 'UnderOrder', false, false)
  73. diff -r 2.0.2/Demo_CelemonyWherearen.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Demo_CelemonyWherearen.evfl.txt
  74. 27c27
  75. <                 # That'll do it! Safe travels, everyone.
  76. ---
  77. >                 # That'll do it! Take care, everyone.
  78. diff -r 2.0.2/Ftr_Kitchen.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Ftr_Kitchen.evfl.txt
  79. 24c24
  80. <     # This would be a good place to prep some food...
  81. ---
  82. >     # This would be a good place to prep something...
  83. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_ApproachB_Greeting.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_ApproachB_Greeting.evfl.txt
  84. 58c58
  85. <             # "<50:3><110:14>snack attack</110:14>"?<10:4> Isn't that, umm…the same one?
  86. ---
  87. >             # "<50:3><110:14>Snack attack</110:14>"?<10:4> Isn't that, umm…the same one?
  88. 77c77
  89. <             # OK, lemme see how it feels on my tongue. Ahem… <50:3><110:14>snack attack</110:14>! Oh wow! That's got a real good mouthfeel!
  90. ---
  91. >             # OK, lemme see how it feels on my tongue. Ahem… <50:3><110:14>Snack attack</110:14>! Oh wow! That's got a real good mouthfeel!
  92. 81c81
  93. <                     # <50:3><110:14>snack attack</110:14>. <50:3><110:14>snack attack</110:14>… <50:3><110:14>snack attack</110:14>! OK, I'll never forget it now! Wait… Wh…
  94. ---
  95. >                     # <50:3><110:14>Snack attack</110:14>. <50:3><110:14>Snack attack</110:14>… <50:3><110:14>Snack attack</110:14>! OK, I'll never forget it now! Wait… Wh…
  96. 84c84
  97. <                     # <50:3><110:14>snack attack</110:14>… Yeah! It feels…yummy!
  98. ---
  99. >                     # <50:3><110:14>Snack attack</110:14>… Yeah! It feels…yummy!
  100. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Cafe2FCustomer.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Cafe2FCustomer.evfl.txt
  101. 5c5
  102. <             # <20:2:cd06><50:3><150:4:cd00>… What a real neat thing to shove inside a café, <110:6>.
  103. ---
  104. >             # <20:2:cd06><50:3><150:4:cd00>… That's a real nice theme for a school!<10:4> OOPS! Café! I meant to say café, not school! Café! What a neat…café! Wait…
  105. 30a31
  106. >             MainNpc.TurnNeck(10, false)
  107. 58,59c59
  108. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  109. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  110. ---
  111. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  112. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_CafeCustomer.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_CafeCustomer.evfl.txt
  113. 16a17
  114. >             MainNpc.TurnNeck(10, false)
  115. 32a34
  116. >             MainNpc.TurnNeck(10, false)
  117. 73,74c75
  118. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  119. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  120. ---
  121. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  122. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_CafeWaiter.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_CafeWaiter.evfl.txt
  123. 137,138c137
  124. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  125. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  126. ---
  127. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  128. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt
  129. 344c344
  130. <                 # OK, have you ever had fish manure? Uh…I mean fish…men…y'air. I did it! So, <item>meunière. Ever had it? Because it's really good! And it's really, RE…
  131. ---
  132. >                 # OK, have you ever had manure? Wait, uh…I mean men…y'air. I did it! So, <item>meunière. Ever had it? Because it's really good! And it's really, REALLY…
  133. 350c350
  134. <                 # OK, so everyone who knows how to pronounce fish, uh…<item>meunière knows it's got lots of big-fish smells! But there's a sorta-rare stripy fish that'…
  135. ---
  136. >                 # OK, so everyone who knows how to pronounce, uh…<item>meunière knows it's got lots of big-fish smells! But there's a sorta-rare stripy fish that's got…
  137. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_HospitalDoctor.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_HospitalDoctor.evfl.txt
  138. 18c18
  139. <     elif (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:DoctorEventStart']) and (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:GetMedicalEquipToday']):
  140. ---
  141. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:DoctorEventStart']) and (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:GetMedicalEquipToday']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.IsInspectingWherearen()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenOrderStatus() == 0):
  142. 67c67
  143. <     if MainNpc.NpcIsTalkedFromBehind():
  144. ---
  145. >     if (MainNpc.NpcIsTalkedFromBehind()) and (MainNpc.NpcNowPosture() != 0):
  146. 97c97
  147. <                         # Your head hurts… Is it throbbing or thumping? Is it a steady-enough beat that I can play a funky bass guitar to it?
  148. ---
  149. >                         # Your head is pounding… Is it like a throbbing or thumping? Is it a steady-enough beat that I can play a funky bass guitar to it?
  150. 227c227
  151. <     elif (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:DoctorEventStart']) and (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:GetMedicalEquipToday']):
  152. ---
  153. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:DoctorEventStart']) and (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:GetMedicalEquipToday']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.IsInspectingWherearen()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenOrderStatus() == 0):
  154. 243,244c243
  155. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  156. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  157. ---
  158. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  159. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_HospitalExamination.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_HospitalExamination.evfl.txt
  160. 31,32c31
  161. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  162. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  163. ---
  164. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  165. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_HospitalInpatient.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_HospitalInpatient.evfl.txt
  166. 34,35c34
  167. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  168. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  169. ---
  170. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  171. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_HospitalPatient.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_HospitalPatient.evfl.txt
  172. 42,43c42
  173. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  174. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  175. ---
  176. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  177. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_HospitalReception.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_HospitalReception.evfl.txt
  178. 104a105,107
  179. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue4(4, 'cWherearenPlayer:HospitalReceptionFlag') != 0:
  180. >         # Hi. Thank you for waiting. You're real good at it. You're so good that we'd all like to see you do it a little longer. Hmm…yes. Very impressive.
  181. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_FacilityEvent_Hospital:006_01', true)
  182. 229,230c232
  183. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  184. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  185. ---
  186. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  187. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_KO_Conv_KO.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_KO_Conv_KO.evfl.txt
  188. 52c52
  189. <         # You just keep on yappin'! I know! <20:3:cd06>What do you say we let <110:3> here tell us who's  the bigger sourpuss?
  190. ---
  191. >         # You just keep on yappin'! I know! <20:3:cd06>What do you say we let <110:3> here tell us who's the bigger sourpuss?
  192. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_End.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_End.evfl.txt
  193. 264c264
  194. <             # [A|An]<125:4:0000> is all ya need for snack time fun. That, and a real super cool Snack Buddy to share it with!
  195. ---
  196. >             # [A|An]<125:4:0000> is all ya need for snack- time fun, <110:6>. That, and a real super-cool Snack Buddy to share it with!
  197. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Quest_VisitN_Home.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Quest_VisitN_Home.evfl.txt
  198. 187,191c187,205
  199. <         # Aww, were you hoping to get my <125:0:0000>? You don't even need to ask. Or give me any Bells! Enjoy, <110:5>!
  200. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:105', false)
  201. <         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:VisitNFtrReturnToPlayer'] = true
  202. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemHasBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  203. <             if MainNpc.TradeFtrCanAttachLetter():
  204. ---
  205. >         # My <125:0:0000>? Heh…wow. Remember when you gave me my <125:0:0000> and I got so happy? Good times. I guess happy doesn't always last forever, huh?
  206. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:107', false)
  207. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  208. >             # Awww, OK. If it means thaaat much to ya…
  209. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:108', false)
  210. >             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:VisitNFtrReturnToPlayer'] = true
  211. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemHasBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  212. >                 if MainNpc.TradeFtrCanAttachLetter():
  213. >                     MainNpc.NpcDeleteBuyFtr()
  214. >                     MainNpc.NpcMailSend('MAIL_XX_Quest_VisitN', 4, 'cNone', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', false)
  215. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
  216. >                     # Oh. Your pockets are too full. I'll send it to your house later, then. Thanks, <110:6>!
  217. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:206', false)
  218. >                     run Sub_Event141()
  219. >                 else:
  220. >                     # Oh, looks like your pockets are full! Sorry—I'm not allowed to give this to you if you don't have space.
  221. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:208', false)
  222. >                     MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkCountInHouseToday'] += 1
  223. >             else:
  224. 193c207
  225. <                 MainNpc.NpcMailSend('MAIL_XX_Quest_VisitN', 4, 'cNone', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', false)
  226. ---
  227. >                 MainNpc.NpcSetQuestRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
  228. 195,196c209
  229. <                 # Oh. Your pockets are too full. I'll send it to your house later, then. Thanks, <110:6>!
  230. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:206', false)
  231. ---
  232. >                 MainNpc.AddMemoryEventPlayerForNpc('Present_FromNNPC')
  233. 198,201c211
  234. <             else:
  235. <                 # Oh, looks like your pockets are full! Sorry—I'm not allowed to give this to you if you don't have space.
  236. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:208', false)
  237. <                 MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkCountInHouseToday'] += 1
  238. ---
  239. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  240. 203,208c213,215
  241. <             MainNpc.NpcDeleteBuyFtr()
  242. <             MainNpc.NpcSetQuestRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
  243. <             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(30)
  244. <             MainNpc.AddMemoryEventPlayerForNpc('Present_FromNNPC')
  245. <             run Sub_Event141()
  246. <         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  247. ---
  248. >             # Yaaay! Whew! I was super worried. But now I'm not! This whole thing's been a roller coaster.
  249. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_VisitN_Trade:109', false)
  250. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  251. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Quest_VisitP_Home.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Quest_VisitP_Home.evfl.txt
  252. 19c19
  253. <                     # Oh man, I'm coming in! I'm here for our hangout! You remember our plans, <110:5>?
  254. ---
  255. >                     # It's me! I'm here! To hang out! Just like we planned, <110:5>!
  256. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Reaction_Cooking.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Reaction_Cooking.evfl.txt
  257. 24c24
  258. <         # You're back for that thing I promised, huh? OK! Here ya go, <110:6>!
  259. ---
  260. >         # You're back! Here ya go, just like I promised, <110:6>.
  261. 75c75
  262. <                     # Heya! Guess what I'm making! [A|An]<125:0:0000>! And the best part? You can make all ya want once you know the recipe!
  263. ---
  264. >                     # Guess what I'm making! [A|An]<125:0:0000>! And the best part? You can make all ya want once you know the recipe!
  265. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Reaction_DIY.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Reaction_DIY.evfl.txt
  266. 134c134
  267. <     # You're back for that thing I promised, huh? OK! Here ya go, <110:6>!
  268. ---
  269. >     # You're back! Here ya go, just like I promised, <110:6>.
  270. 139c139
  271. <     # You're back for that thing I promised, huh? OK! Here ya go, <110:6>!
  272. ---
  273. >     # You're back! Here ya go, just like I promised, <110:6>.
  274. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_RestaurantCashier.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_RestaurantCashier.evfl.txt
  275. 46,47c46
  276. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  277. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  278. ---
  279. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  280. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_RestaurantCook.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_RestaurantCook.evfl.txt
  281. 69,70c69
  282. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  283. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  284. ---
  285. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  286. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_RestaurantCustomer.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_RestaurantCustomer.evfl.txt
  287. 78,79c78,85
  288. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  289. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  290. ---
  291. >     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… Zzz… These are sooo… // Zzz… Hey… Don't eat that… Zzz… You dunn… // Zzz… Hmphmph… A huh huh huh… "<50:3><13…
  292. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:101', false)
  293. >     # RANDOM: Hnnngh…<20:2:cd06> Hey! Was I sleeping … // Hey! When did I doze off? <20:2:cd06>Wo… // Yaaawn… Wait—where am I? <20:2:cd06>A h…
  294. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:102', false)
  295. >     MainNpc.WakeUpInWherearenFacility()
  296. >
  297. > flow `StandSleep_2.1`():
  298. >     run StandSleep()
  299. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_RestaurantTrainee.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_RestaurantTrainee.evfl.txt
  300. 48,49c48
  301. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  302. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  303. ---
  304. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  305. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_RestaurantVIPCustomer.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_RestaurantVIPCustomer.evfl.txt
  306. 30c30
  307. <         # <20:2:cd06>There's a room you can reserve at <150:3:cd00> that makes you feel sooo fancy. Science has proved that everything tastes better when you'r…
  308. ---
  309. >         # <20:2:cd06>This is definitely the fanciest room at <150:3:cd00>. Science has proved that everything tastes better when you're someplace fancy, <110:6…
  310. 40c40
  311. <         # <20:2:cd06>There's a room you can reserve at <150:3:cd00> that makes you feel sooo fancy. Science has proved that everything tastes better when you'r…
  312. ---
  313. >         # <20:2:cd06>This is definitely the fanciest room at <150:3:cd00>. Science has proved that everything tastes better when you're someplace fancy, <110:6…
  314. 86,87c86
  315. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  316. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  317. ---
  318. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  319. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_RestaurantWaiter.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_RestaurantWaiter.evfl.txt
  320. 58,59c58
  321. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  322. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  323. ---
  324. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  325. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Select_Chocolate.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Select_Chocolate.evfl.txt
  326. 61c61,66
  327. <         run NoVisit()
  328. ---
  329. >         if System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:Unlock_MncBridgeBoat']:
  330. >             # Aren't these sold on the vacation- island place? 'Cause these aren't gonna last me very long… If you're gonna go back there, could I come too, <110:6…
  331. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:601_02', false)
  332. >             run Sub_grp_Event4()
  333. >         else:
  334. >             run NoVisit()
  335. 65,71c70
  336. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  337. <             # Yaaay! Trips are fun! Let's get going!
  338. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:602', true)
  339. <             run Sub_Event31()
  340. <         else:
  341. <             # Oh! That's fine, I guess. I'll just… take my time with these, then.
  342. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:603', false)
  343. ---
  344. >         run Sub_grp_Event4()
  345. 110a110,118
  346. >
  347. > local flow Sub_grp_Event4():
  348. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  349. >         # Yaaay! Trips are fun! Let's get going!
  350. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:602', true)
  351. >         run Sub_Event31()
  352. >     else:
  353. >         # Oh! That's fine, I guess. I'll just… take my time with these, then.
  354. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:603', false)
  355. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Spot_WherearenEndShareHouseDemo.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Spot_WherearenEndShareHouseDemo.evfl.txt
  356. 37c37
  357. <     MainNpc.NpcMoveDirection(0.0, 30.0, 0, false, false)
  358. ---
  359. >     MainNpc.NpcMoveDirection(0.0, 50.0, 0, false, false)
  360. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Spot_WherearenGarden.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Spot_WherearenGarden.evfl.txt
  361. 314,319c314,316
  362. <                 if MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:GiveGiftFaild']:
  363. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemHasBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  364. <                         run SkipGift()
  365. <                     else:
  366. <                         run NNPC_Spot_WherearenMainField::GiveGiftRe()
  367. <                 elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:GiveGiftDone']:
  368. ---
  369. >                 run Sub_grp_Event170()
  370. >             case 1:
  371. >                 if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  372. 321,322d317
  373. <                 elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:GiveDrinkDone']:
  374. <                     run NNPC_Spot_WherearenMainField::GiveGift()
  375. 324,326c319
  376. <                     run SkipGift()
  377. <             case 1:
  378. <                 run SkipGift()
  379. ---
  380. >                     run Sub_grp_Event170()
  381. 454a448,460
  382. >
  383. > local flow Sub_grp_Event170():
  384. >     if MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:GiveGiftFaild']:
  385. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemHasBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  386. >             run SkipGift()
  387. >         else:
  388. >             run NNPC_Spot_WherearenMainField::GiveGiftRe()
  389. >     elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:GiveGiftDone']:
  390. >         run SkipGift()
  391. >     elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:GiveDrinkDone']:
  392. >         run NNPC_Spot_WherearenMainField::GiveGift()
  393. >     else:
  394. >         run SkipGift()
  395. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Spot_WherearenGardenWork.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Spot_WherearenGardenWork.evfl.txt
  396. 6c6,8
  397. <         if not PreCheck:
  398. ---
  399. >         if PreCheck:
  400. >             SubflowResults[0] = 3
  401. >         else:
  402. 11,16c13,18
  403. <     elif not EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cOpendAllCardboard'):
  404. <         if not PreCheck:
  405. <             # Um, I think you missed unpacking some stuff. Think you could, uh… un-miss it for me? Please?
  406. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003', false)
  407. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cPlacedAllMustItem'):
  408. <         run SkipFtrCheck(PreCheck=PreCheck)
  409. ---
  410. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cOpendAllCardboard'):
  411. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cPlacedAllMustItem'):
  412. >             run SkipFtrCheck(PreCheck=PreCheck)
  413. >         elif not PreCheck:
  414. >             # Huh? But…but where's all the stuff? You know, the stuff in the boxes. Why isn't it all set out, <110:6>?
  415. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_05', false)
  416. 18,19c20,25
  417. <         # Huh? But…but where's all the stuff? You know, the stuff in the boxes. Why isn't it all set out, <110:6>?
  418. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_05', false)
  419. ---
  420. >         # Um, I think you missed unpacking some stuff. Think you could, uh… un-miss it for me? Please?
  421. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003', false)
  422. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cWherearenNpcGarden'):
  423. >         SubflowResults[0] = 2
  424. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cWherearenNpcRoom1'):
  425. >         SubflowResults[0] = 2
  426. 158,161c164,178
  427. <     if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() not in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  428. <         MainNpc.TurnNeck(11, false)
  429. <         MainNpc.TurnBody(17, 0.0)
  430. <     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(20)
  431. ---
  432. >     if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  433. >         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(20)
  434. >     else:
  435. >         switch SubflowResults@4[0]:
  436. >             case 0:
  437. >                 MainNpc.TurnNeck(11, false)
  438. >                 MainNpc.TurnBody(17, 0.0)
  439. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(20)
  440. >             case 3:
  441. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetLookAtTargetObject('cWherearenNpcHouse')
  442. >                 MainNpc.TurnNeck(11, false)
  443. >                 MainNpc.TurnBody(13, 0.0)
  444. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(20)
  445. >             default:
  446. >                 return
  447. 190c207
  448. <         if not PreCheck:
  449. ---
  450. >         if PreCheck:
  451. 192,199c209,220
  452. <                 # You stuck too many things in my home and n-now… Now there's not enough room for me, <110:6>! Can you make a little room for me? Oh, and make sure the…
  453. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_03', false)
  454. <             elif EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cCanNotPlaceNpcNowRoom'):
  455. <                 # Hey, I like stuff, but there's so much stuff in here that there's no room for MORE stuff. That's too much stuff! Could you un-stuff this place for me…
  456. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_02', false)
  457. <             else:
  458. <                 # That other room's got too much stuff. And that's real uncool 'cause I was gonna use it to store OTHER stuff. Could you make some more room for me in …
  459. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_04', false)
  460. ---
  461. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 3
  462. >             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cCanNotPlaceNpcNowRoom'):
  463. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 2
  464. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cWherearenNpcGarden'):
  465. >             # You stuck too many things in my home and n-now… Now there's not enough room for me, <110:6>! Can you make a little room for me? Oh, and make sure the…
  466. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_03', false)
  467. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cCanNotPlaceNpcNowRoom'):
  468. >             # Hey, I like stuff, but there's so much stuff in here that there's no room for MORE stuff. That's too much stuff! Could you un-stuff this place for me…
  469. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_02', false)
  470. >         else:
  471. >             # That other room's got too much stuff. And that's real uncool 'cause I was gonna use it to store OTHER stuff. Could you make some more room for me in …
  472. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenGarden:003_04', false)
  473. 247,253c268,278
  474. <     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  475. <         run NPCCheckAct()
  476. <     else:
  477. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBGMVolumeFadeOut(0.10000000149011612, 0, 0.0)
  478. <         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(3)
  479. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SoundTriggerEmit('Demo_Complete_Edit', -1)
  480. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  481. ---
  482. >     switch SubflowResults@4[0]:
  483. >         case 0, 3:
  484. >             run NPCCheckAct()
  485. >         case 1:
  486. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBGMVolumeFadeOut(0.10000000149011612, 0, 0.0)
  487. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(3)
  488. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SoundTriggerEmit('Demo_Complete_Edit', -1)
  489. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  490. >         case 2:
  491. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  492. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(20)
  493. 307c332
  494. <                     # Can you believe we live together now? 'Cause I can't! I'm too excited to believe anything right now!
  495. ---
  496. >                     # Can you believe we're vacationing together now? 'Cause I can't! I'm too happy to believe anything right now!
  497. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Spot_WherearenMainFieldVisitor.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Spot_WherearenMainFieldVisitor.evfl.txt
  498. 67,68c67,72
  499. <                         # Hi! What's up?<10:4> A roommate? Ya mean other than the bugs in the floor? With <115:1:cd02>? Are they a bug? Hmm, I dunno. I guess a roommate sounds…
  500. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:204', false)
  501. ---
  502. >                         if (MainNpc.IsVillagerNpc()) and (EventFlowSystemActor@sub.WherearenIsShareHouseOrderNpcVillagerNpc()):
  503. >                             # You want me to be roommates with <115:1:cd02>? Is that the same <115:1:cd02> as the one from my island? Hmm, I dunno… I really like my vacationing ho…
  504. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:204_01', false)
  505. >                         else:
  506. >                             # Hi! What's up?<10:4> A roommate? Ya mean other than the bugs in the floor? With <115:1:cd02>? Are they a bug? Hmm, I dunno. I guess a roommate sounds…
  507. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:204', false)
  508. 71,76c75,89
  509. <                 # Hi! What's up?<10:4> A roommate? Ya mean other than the bugs in the floor? With <115:1:cd02>? Are they a bug? Hmm, I dunno. I guess a roommate sounds…
  510. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:204', false)
  511. <                 run Sub_grp_Event9()
  512. <         else:
  513. <             # Huh? You want me to move in with someone? I dunno… Buuut…I've been working real hard on my snack archive, and it'd be neat to show it to a captive au…
  514. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:201', false)
  515. ---
  516. >                 if (MainNpc.IsVillagerNpc()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenIsShareHouseOrderNpcVillagerNpc()):
  517. >                     # You want me to be roommates with <115:1:cd02>? Is that the same <115:1:cd02> as the one from my island? Hmm, I dunno… I really like my vacationing ho…
  518. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:204_01', false)
  519. >                     run Sub_grp_Event9()
  520. >                 else:
  521. >                     # Hi! What's up?<10:4> A roommate? Ya mean other than the bugs in the floor? With <115:1:cd02>? Are they a bug? Hmm, I dunno. I guess a roommate sounds…
  522. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:204', false)
  523. >                     run Sub_grp_Event9()
  524. >         else:
  525. >             if (MainNpc.IsVillagerNpc()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenIsShareHouseOrderNpcVillagerNpc()):
  526. >                 # Hi! What's up?<10:4> Huh. I could have a roommate of my very own? Who ya thinkin' about? <50:3><115:1:cd02>?! Wow! A huh huh, that sounds like a bunc…
  527. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:201_01', false)
  528. >             else:
  529. >                 # Huh? You want me to move in with someone? I dunno… Buuut…I've been working real hard on my snack archive, and it'd be neat to show it to a captive au…
  530. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:201', false)
  531. 195,197c208,212
  532. <     if MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  533. <         # RANDOM: Hey! You! From Paradise Planning! Vacat… // I know you! Um… You're… Um… You're that… // Hey, buddy! What's new? // Hi! That outfit must mean you're workin…
  534. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:101', false)
  535. ---
  536. >     if MainNpc.IsChocolateWherearenNpc():
  537. >         # I'm jealous you get to work in such a pretty place. I wish I had to do stuff here too!
  538. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:306', false)
  539. >         # Hey, I wanna build a vacation house somewhere around here. Can ya help me out?
  540. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:314', false)
  541. 199,203c214,222
  542. <         # RANDOM: Yaaay! This place is fun. Hey, are you … // I had a way-cool dream where I met some… // Whatcha need? Oh! You're with Paradise … // Huh? YOU'RE Paradise Planning?<10:4> Oh…
  543. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:100', false)
  544. <         MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship'] = true
  545. <     # RANDOM: Hey, can I ask you about houses on vaca… // Sorry, but I can't. // I'm busy right now... // Ooh! Idea time! I wanna ask you for you… // Sorry, but I can't. // I'm busy right now...
  546. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:116', false)
  547. ---
  548. >         if MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  549. >             # RANDOM: Hey! You! From Paradise Planning! Vacat… // I know you! Um… You're… Um… You're that… // Hey, buddy! What's new? // Hi! That outfit must mean you're workin…
  550. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:101', false)
  551. >         else:
  552. >             # RANDOM: Yaaay! This place is fun. Hey, are you … // I had a way-cool dream where I met some… // Whatcha need? Oh! You're with Paradise … // Huh? YOU'RE Paradise Planning?<10:4> Oh…
  553. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:100', false)
  554. >             MainNpc.EventFlags['cWherearenNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship'] = true
  555. >         # RANDOM: Hey, can I ask you about houses on vaca… // Sorry, but I can't. // I'm busy right now... // Ooh! Idea time! I wanna ask you for you… // Sorry, but I can't. // I'm busy right now...
  556. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:116', false)
  557. 278,280c297,299
  558. <         if MainNpc.WherearenIsBuiltNpc():
  559. <             # OK! But now why do I suddenly feel like I've got butterflies in my tummy? A huh huh huh! Butterflies tickle!
  560. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:202', false)
  561. ---
  562. >         if (MainNpc.IsVillagerNpc()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenIsShareHouseOrderNpcVillagerNpc()):
  563. >             # OK! Oh boy, <115:1:cd02>'s gonna be real surprised! I can't wait, <110:6>!
  564. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:202_01', false)
  565. 285,304c304,321
  566. <         MainNpc.WherearenSetHousemate()
  567. <         EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenOrderCallback('cFinishLookForHousemate')
  568. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cWherearenMainIsland'):
  569. <             EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
  570. <             MainNpc.ArrangeCharacterForOrder()
  571. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SetWherearenPlayerRemoveBinderSeq(true, false)
  572. <             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(3)
  573. <         else:
  574. <             if MainNpc.WherearenIsBuiltNpc():
  575. <                 run ClosePhotoUI()
  576. <             EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Demo:OrderCut0', '', true)
  577. <             EventFlowSystemActor.RequestWaterFallDucking(2)
  578. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cWherearenOrderDemo', 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  579. <     else:
  580. <         if MainNpc.WherearenIsBuiltNpc():
  581. <             # It's OK. Snack compatibility is hard. You gotta get it juuust right, so I'm glad you're taking it seriously.
  582. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:203', false)
  583. <         else:
  584. <             # It's OK. Snack compatibility is hard. You gotta get it juuust right, so I'm glad you're taking it seriously.
  585. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:203', false)
  586. ---
  587. >         if MainNpc.WherearenNpcOrderRelationKind() == 3:
  588. >             MainNpc.WherearenSetHousemate()
  589. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenOrderCallback('cFinishLookForHousemate')
  590. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cWherearenMainIsland'):
  591. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
  592. >                 MainNpc.ArrangeCharacterForOrder()
  593. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetWherearenPlayerRemoveBinderSeq(true, false)
  594. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(3)
  595. >             else:
  596. >                 if MainNpc.WherearenIsBuiltNpc():
  597. >                     run ClosePhotoUI()
  598. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Demo:OrderCut0', '', true)
  599. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.RequestWaterFallDucking(2)
  600. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ReserveSkipSceneStartDemo()
  601. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cWherearenOrderDemo', 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  602. >     else:
  603. >         # It's OK. Snack compatibility is hard. You gotta get it juuust right, so I'm glad you're taking it seriously.
  604. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenMainField:203', false)
  605. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_TailorClerk.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_TailorClerk.evfl.txt
  606. 63,64c63
  607. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  608. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  609. ---
  610. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  611. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_TailorCustomer.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_TailorCustomer.evfl.txt
  612. 22,23c22
  613. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  614. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  615. ---
  616. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  617. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Wherearen_SchoolStudent.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Wherearen_SchoolStudent.evfl.txt
  618. 45,46c45
  619. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  620. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  621. ---
  622. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  623. diff -r 2.0.2/NNPC_Wherearen_SchoolTeacher.evfl.txt 2.0.4/NNPC_Wherearen_SchoolTeacher.evfl.txt
  624. 88,89c88
  625. <     # RANDOM: Zzz… A huh huh huh… So yummy. I could e… // Zzz… N-no, don't touch that… That's my … // Hmphmph… A huh huh huh, huh huh huh huh…
  626. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Facility_Sleeping:001', false)
  627. ---
  628. >     run NNPC_RestaurantCustomer::`StandSleep_2.1`()
  629. diff -r 2.0.2/Obj_MessageCardRack.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Obj_MessageCardRack.evfl.txt
  630. 180c180
  631. <             # I can't afford to send it right now…
  632. ---
  633. >             # I can't afford to send one right now…
  634. diff -r 2.0.2/Obj_RcoMachine_AmiiboCall.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Obj_RcoMachine_AmiiboCall.evfl.txt
  635. 36a37
  636. >         EventFlowSystemActor.EventFlagOffAllLiver('cPlayer:CampFirstTalk')
  637. diff -r 2.0.2/Obj_WherearenAmiiboDeviceCall.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Obj_WherearenAmiiboDeviceCall.evfl.txt
  638. 63a64
  639. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ReserveSkipSceneStartDemo()
  640. diff -r 2.0.2/Obj_WherearenAmiiboDevice.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Obj_WherearenAmiiboDevice.evfl.txt
  641. 190c190
  642. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WherearenAmiiboDevice:403', false)
  643. ---
  644. >                 EventFlowSystemActor@sub.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WherearenAmiiboDevice:403', false)
  645. 192c192
  646. <                 EventFlowSystemActor@sub.UIWherearenIslandsMsgPhotoAppear('cJpeg_Amiibo', 0, false, 0.0, 0.0, '')
  647. ---
  648. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.UIWherearenIslandsMsgPhotoAppear('cJpeg_Amiibo', 0, false, 0.0, 0.0, '')
  649. diff -r 2.0.2/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery.evfl.txt
  650. 44a45,46
  651. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() in (0, 1):
  652. >             run System_ServerRegistration::UserRegist(WithLogin=false, WithSave=false, Terminate=true)
  653. diff -r 2.0.2/Player_SmaphoResortStudy.evfl.txt 2.0.4/Player_SmaphoResortStudy.evfl.txt
  654. 8a9
  655. >     EventFlowSystemActor.TelopEnd()
  656. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_bpt_02_Commune_2_CmnProcess.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_bpt_02_Commune_2_CmnProcess.evfl.txt
  657. 74c74
  658. <                     # <100:2>Keeee ha mo-ataa… Keeee ha mo-nurataa<100:2>…</100:2> RETSASID DIOVA!</100:2><10:8:003c0000>
  659. ---
  660. >                     # <100:2>Keeee ha mo-ataa… Keeee ha mo-nurataa… RETSASID DIOVA!</100:2><10:8:003c0000>
  661. 77c77
  662. <                     # <100:2>Keeee ha mo-ataa<100:2>…</100:2> Keeee ha mo-nurataa<100:2>…</100:2> SELUR PIHSDNEIRF!</100:2><10:8:003c0000>
  663. ---
  664. >                     # <100:2>Keeee ha mo-ataa… Keeee ha mo-nurataa… SELUR PIHSDNEIRF!</100:2><10:8:003c0000>
  665. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_common_CafeSitting.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_common_CafeSitting.evfl.txt
  666. 20a21,23
  667. >     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:MuseumCafeConstruction_3_OpenDay']:
  668. >         # RANDOM: Some folks dig moo juice in their java,… // Now that…is some fine coffee.<10:4> Whe… // Swing by and catch my live act sometime… // These quiet hours, when the island's fo… // Mmm-mmm. That coffee hits a real cool g…
  669. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:021', false)
  670. 23c26
  671. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice2(2) == 0:
  672. ---
  673. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  674. 52c55
  675. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice3(3) == 0:
  676. ---
  677. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true) == 0:
  678. 92c95
  679. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice3(3) == 0:
  680. ---
  681. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true) == 0:
  682. 142,145c145,257
  683. <     elif not MainNpc.NpcLabel('bey'):
  684. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice5(5):
  685. <             case 0, 1, 2:
  686. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice3(3) == 0:
  687. ---
  688. >     elif MainNpc.NpcLabel('bey'):
  689. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true) not in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7):
  690. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  691. >                 switch MainNpc.EnvWeatherNNpcTalkCustom():
  692. >                     case `Fine`, `Blossom`:
  693. >                         # When the weather's as nice as it is today, there's no finer feeling than being outside, singing a tune.
  694. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_11', false)
  695. >                     case `Cloudy`, `Rain`, `HeavyRain`:
  696. >                         # When I hear the sound of rain, it makes me feel like…the world is always overflowing with music.
  697. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_12', false)
  698. >                     case `Snow`, `HeavySnow`:
  699. >                         # Snow absorbs the sound. Swallows it right up. But quiet nights like this… They're not half bad.
  700. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_13', false)
  701. >             else:
  702. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSeason():
  703. >                     case `Spring`:
  704. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  705. >                             # Spring's a season for renewing and refreshing… Dropping in on old friends, and remembering old times.
  706. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_15', false)
  707. >                         else:
  708. >                             # Kicking back on a warm spring day, strumming a guitar… It's no bad way to be, daddio. And when folks pass you by, they don't even know it, but they g…
  709. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_16', false)
  710. >                     case `Summer`:
  711. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  712. >                             # Summer days are crazy hot. But when the mercury's been climbing high, the cool night wind feels great.
  713. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_17', false)
  714. >                         else:
  715. >                             # Summer makes me want to listen to that ocean beat. When I hear waves lapping at the beach… It's strange, but just the sound alone can cool down this …
  716. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_18', false)
  717. >                     case `Autumn`:
  718. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  719. >                             # Fall nights are all about that bug music. Those long, lonely nights aren't half so lonely, thanks to them.
  720. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_19', false)
  721. >                         else:
  722. >                             # I like folks to hear my music live, but that's no dig against listening to an album when it's all you've got. Albums can be good friends to keep you …
  723. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_20', false)
  724. >                     case `Winter`:
  725. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  726. >                             # Ah, that warms the bones. Brewster's brew is all it takes to get my frozen digits back to snapping.
  727. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_21', false)
  728. >                         else:
  729. >                             # A nice, hot cup of java really mellows my nerves when I'm wound up. Ah, I can feel a song coming on.
  730. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_22', false)
  731. >         elif not EventFlowSystemActor.CatchFesFreeQuery2('cChmQueryType_AttendInsectConvention'):
  732. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice3(3) == 0:
  733. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true):
  734. >                     case 0:
  735. >                         # Some folks dig moo juice in their java, or maybe a lump of sugar… Me, I take my coffee with a little music. That's what's brewing in my noodle as I s…
  736. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_01', false)
  737. >                     case 1:
  738. >                         # Brewster and I've got a lot of history, so when I drink his special blend, it takes me all the way back. Smelling that coffee, setting up a stool for…
  739. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_02', false)
  740. >                     case 2:
  741. >                         # Now that…is some fine coffee.<10:4> When you get something this good, it works a little magic on your soul. Nothing ever moves your heart if you know…
  742. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_03', false)
  743. >             else:
  744. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  745. >                     case 0:
  746. >                         # I take Brewster's brew just the way he makes it. You don't need to dress up your cup with beans this keen.
  747. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_05', false)
  748. >                     case 1:
  749. >                         # These quiet hours, when the island's folks are all sound asleep… If you ask me, that's the right time for grabbing a cup of joe and letting your mind…
  750. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_07', false)
  751. >                     case 2:
  752. >                         # Swing by and catch my live act sometime, daddio.
  753. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_06', false)
  754. >                     case 3:
  755. >                         # Just like some folks are fans of music, maybe even fans of mine, I'm a fan of Brewster's coffee.
  756. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_08', false)
  757. >                     case 4:
  758. >                         # Mmm-mmm. That coffee hits a real cool groove. Hmm… Got me thinking about my next song.
  759. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_09', false)
  760. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true) == 0:
  761. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
  762. >                 case 0:
  763. >                     # Some folks dig moo juice in their java, or maybe a lump of sugar… Me, I take my coffee with a little music. That's what's brewing in my noodle as I s…
  764. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_01', false)
  765. >                 case 1:
  766. >                     # Brewster and I've got a lot of history, so when I drink his special blend, it takes me all the way back. Smelling that coffee, setting up a stool for…
  767. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_02', false)
  768. >                 case 2:
  769. >                     # Now that…is some fine coffee.<10:4> When you get something this good, it works a little magic on your soul. Nothing ever moves your heart if you know…
  770. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_03', false)
  771. >                 case 3:
  772. >                     # Flick and his old man have some baggage and bad blood. It's a shame, but I don't think you gotta force a relationship just because you're family. Blo…
  773. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_bey:011_04', false)
  774. >         else:
  775. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious7(7, true):
  776. >                 case 0:
  777. >                     # I take Brewster's brew just the way he makes it. You don't need to dress up your cup with beans this keen.
  778. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_05', false)
  779. >                 case 1:
  780. >                     # These quiet hours, when the island's folks are all sound asleep… If you ask me, that's the right time for grabbing a cup of joe and letting your mind…
  781. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_07', false)
  782. >                 case 2:
  783. >                     # Swing by and catch my live act sometime, daddio.
  784. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_06', false)
  785. >                 case 3:
  786. >                     # Just like some folks are fans of music, maybe even fans of mine, I'm a fan of Brewster's coffee.
  787. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_08', false)
  788. >                 case 4:
  789. >                     # Mmm-mmm. That coffee hits a real cool groove. Hmm… Got me thinking about my next song.
  790. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_09', false)
  791. >                 case 5:
  792. >                     # I hear Flick comes here for a drink after his Bug-Off events. He doesn't make friends as easily as I do, so if you see him, would you chat with him a…
  793. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_bey:011_24', false)
  794. >                 case 6:
  795. >                     # I always notice the seasons changing in the fish I catch, but Flick does the same thing with bugs! However you do it, it's cool to be in touch with n…
  796. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_bey:011_23', false)
  797. >     elif (not MainNpc.NpcLabel('boc')) and (not MainNpc.NpcLabel('doc')):
  798. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true):
  799. >             case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
  800. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true) == 0:
  801. 173c285
  802. <             case 3:
  803. ---
  804. >             case 6:
  805. 184c296
  806. <             case 4:
  807. ---
  808. >             case 7, 8:
  809. 214,298d325
  810. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true) not in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7):
  811. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice2(2) == 0:
  812. <             switch MainNpc.EnvWeatherNNpcTalkCustom():
  813. <                 case `Fine`, `Blossom`:
  814. <                     # When the weather's as nice as it is today, there's no finer feeling than being outside, singing a tune.
  815. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_11', false)
  816. <                 case `Cloudy`, `Rain`, `HeavyRain`:
  817. <                     # When I hear the sound of rain, it makes me feel like…the world is always overflowing with music.
  818. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_12', false)
  819. <                 case `Snow`, `HeavySnow`:
  820. <                     # Snow absorbs the sound. Swallows it right up. But quiet nights like this… They're not half bad.
  821. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_13', false)
  822. <         else:
  823. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSeason():
  824. <                 case `Spring`:
  825. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  826. <                         # Spring's a season for renewing and refreshing… Dropping in on old friends, and remembering old times.
  827. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_15', false)
  828. <                     else:
  829. <                         # Kicking back on a warm spring day, strumming a guitar… It's no bad way to be, daddio. And when folks pass you by, they don't even know it, but they g…
  830. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_16', false)
  831. <                 case `Summer`:
  832. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  833. <                         # Summer days are crazy hot. But when the mercury's been climbing high, the cool night wind feels great.
  834. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_17', false)
  835. <                     else:
  836. <                         # Summer makes me want to listen to that ocean beat. When I hear waves lapping at the beach… It's strange, but just the sound alone can cool down this …
  837. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_18', false)
  838. <                 case `Autumn`:
  839. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  840. <                         # Fall nights are all about that bug music. Those long, lonely nights aren't half so lonely, thanks to them.
  841. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_19', false)
  842. <                     else:
  843. <                         # I like folks to hear my music live, but that's no dig against listening to an album when it's all you've got. Albums can be good friends to keep you …
  844. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_20', false)
  845. <                 case `Winter`:
  846. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  847. <                         # Ah, that warms the bones. Brewster's brew is all it takes to get my frozen digits back to snapping.
  848. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_21', false)
  849. <                     else:
  850. <                         # A nice, hot cup of java really mellows my nerves when I'm wound up. Ah, I can feel a song coming on.
  851. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_22', false)
  852. <     elif not EventFlowSystemActor.CatchFesFreeQuery2('cChmQueryType_AttendInsectConvention'):
  853. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice3(3) == 0:
  854. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true):
  855. <                 case 0:
  856. <                     # Some folks dig moo juice in their java, or maybe a lump of sugar… Me, I take my coffee with a little music. That's what's brewing in my noodle as I s…
  857. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_01', false)
  858. <                 case 1:
  859. <                     # Brewster and I've got a lot of history, so when I drink his special blend, it takes me all the way back. Smelling that coffee, setting up a stool for…
  860. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_02', false)
  861. <                 case 2:
  862. <                     # Now that…is some fine coffee.<10:4> When you get something this good, it works a little magic on your soul. Nothing ever moves your heart if you know…
  863. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_03', false)
  864. <         else:
  865. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  866. <                 case 0:
  867. <                     # I take Brewster's brew just the way he makes it. You don't need to dress up your cup with beans this keen.
  868. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_05', false)
  869. <                 case 1:
  870. <                     # These quiet hours, when the island's folks are all sound asleep… If you ask me, that's the right time for grabbing a cup of joe and letting your mind…
  871. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_07', false)
  872. <                 case 2:
  873. <                     # Swing by and catch my live act sometime, daddio.
  874. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_06', false)
  875. <                 case 3:
  876. <                     # Just like some folks are fans of music, maybe even fans of mine, I'm a fan of Brewster's coffee.
  877. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_08', false)
  878. <                 case 4:
  879. <                     # Mmm-mmm. That coffee hits a real cool groove. Hmm… Got me thinking about my next song.
  880. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_09', false)
  881. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoice3(3) == 0:
  882. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
  883. <             case 0:
  884. <                 # Some folks dig moo juice in their java, or maybe a lump of sugar… Me, I take my coffee with a little music. That's what's brewing in my noodle as I s…
  885. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_01', false)
  886. <             case 1:
  887. <                 # Brewster and I've got a lot of history, so when I drink his special blend, it takes me all the way back. Smelling that coffee, setting up a stool for…
  888. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_02', false)
  889. <             case 2:
  890. <                 # Now that…is some fine coffee.<10:4> When you get something this good, it works a little magic on your soul. Nothing ever moves your heart if you know…
  891. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_03', false)
  892. <             case 3:
  893. <                 # Flick and his old man have some baggage and bad blood. It's a shame, but I don't think you gotta force a relationship just because you're family. Blo…
  894. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_bey:011_04', false)
  895. 300,321c327,411
  896. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious7(7, true):
  897. <             case 0:
  898. <                 # I take Brewster's brew just the way he makes it. You don't need to dress up your cup with beans this keen.
  899. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_05', false)
  900. <             case 1:
  901. <                 # These quiet hours, when the island's folks are all sound asleep… If you ask me, that's the right time for grabbing a cup of joe and letting your mind…
  902. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_07', false)
  903. <             case 2:
  904. <                 # Swing by and catch my live act sometime, daddio.
  905. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_06', false)
  906. <             case 3:
  907. <                 # Just like some folks are fans of music, maybe even fans of mine, I'm a fan of Brewster's coffee.
  908. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_08', false)
  909. <             case 4:
  910. <                 # Mmm-mmm. That coffee hits a real cool groove. Hmm… Got me thinking about my next song.
  911. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_09', false)
  912. <             case 5:
  913. <                 # I hear Flick comes here for a drink after his Bug-Off events. He doesn't make friends as easily as I do, so if you see him, would you chat with him a…
  914. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_bey:011_24', false)
  915. <             case 6:
  916. <                 # I always notice the seasons changing in the fish I catch, but Flick does the same thing with bugs! However you do it, it's cool to be in touch with n…
  917. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_bey:011_23', false)
  918. ---
  919. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious9(9, true):
  920. >             case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:
  921. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true) == 0:
  922. >                     switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(3, true):
  923. >                         case 0:
  924. >                             # Some folks dig moo juice in their java, or maybe a lump of sugar… Me, I take my coffee with a little music. That's what's brewing in my noodle as I s…
  925. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_01', false)
  926. >                         case 1:
  927. >                             # Brewster and I've got a lot of history, so when I drink his special blend, it takes me all the way back. Smelling that coffee, setting up a stool for…
  928. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_02', false)
  929. >                         case 2:
  930. >                             # Now that…is some fine coffee.<10:4> When you get something this good, it works a little magic on your soul. Nothing ever moves your heart if you know…
  931. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_03', false)
  932. >                 else:
  933. >                     switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  934. >                         case 0:
  935. >                             # I take Brewster's brew just the way he makes it. You don't need to dress up your cup with beans this keen.
  936. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_05', false)
  937. >                         case 1:
  938. >                             # These quiet hours, when the island's folks are all sound asleep… If you ask me, that's the right time for grabbing a cup of joe and letting your mind…
  939. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_07', false)
  940. >                         case 2:
  941. >                             # Swing by and catch my live act sometime, daddio.
  942. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_06', false)
  943. >                         case 3:
  944. >                             # Just like some folks are fans of music, maybe even fans of mine, I'm a fan of Brewster's coffee.
  945. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_08', false)
  946. >                         case 4:
  947. >                             # Mmm-mmm. That coffee hits a real cool groove. Hmm… Got me thinking about my next song.
  948. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_09', false)
  949. >             case 7:
  950. >                 switch MainNpc.EnvWeatherNNpcTalkCustom():
  951. >                     case `Fine`, `Blossom`:
  952. >                         # When the weather's as nice as it is today, there's no finer feeling than being outside, singing a tune.
  953. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_11', false)
  954. >                     case `Cloudy`, `Rain`, `HeavyRain`:
  955. >                         # When I hear the sound of rain, it makes me feel like…the world is always overflowing with music.
  956. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_12', false)
  957. >                     case `Snow`, `HeavySnow`:
  958. >                         # Snow absorbs the sound. Swallows it right up. But quiet nights like this… They're not half bad.
  959. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_13', false)
  960. >             case 8:
  961. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.EnvSeason():
  962. >                     case `Spring`:
  963. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvWeatherArea() == `cWeatherArea_North`:
  964. >                             if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(4, 1, 4, 10, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  965. >                                 run Sub_grp_Event144()
  966. >                             else:
  967. >                                 # Spring's a season for renewing and refreshing… Dropping in on old friends, and remembering old times.
  968. >                                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_15', false)
  969. >                         else:
  970. >                             if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 1, 10, 10, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  971. >                                 run Sub_grp_Event144()
  972. >                             else:
  973. >                                 # Spring's a season for renewing and refreshing… Dropping in on old friends, and remembering old times.
  974. >                                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_15', false)
  975. >                     case `Summer`:
  976. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  977. >                             # Summer days are crazy hot. But when the mercury's been climbing high, the cool night wind feels great.
  978. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_17', false)
  979. >                         else:
  980. >                             # Summer makes me want to listen to that ocean beat. When I hear waves lapping at the beach… It's strange, but just the sound alone can cool down this …
  981. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_18', false)
  982. >                     case `Autumn`:
  983. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  984. >                             # Fall nights are all about that bug music. Those long, lonely nights aren't half so lonely, thanks to them.
  985. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_19', false)
  986. >                         else:
  987. >                             # I like folks to hear my music live, but that's no dig against listening to an album when it's all you've got. Albums can be good friends to keep you …
  988. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_20', false)
  989. >                     case `Winter`:
  990. >                         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  991. >                             # Ah, that warms the bones. Brewster's brew is all it takes to get my frozen digits back to snapping.
  992. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_21', false)
  993. >                         else:
  994. >                             # A nice, hot cup of java really mellows my nerves when I'm wound up. Ah, I can feel a song coming on.
  995. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_22', false)
  996. >
  997. > local flow Sub_grp_Event144():
  998. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  999. >         # Spring's a season for renewing and refreshing… Dropping in on old friends, and remembering old times.
  1000. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_15', false)
  1001. >     else:
  1002. >         # Kicking back on a warm spring day, strumming a guitar… It's no bad way to be, daddio. And when folks pass you by, they don't even know it, but they g…
  1003. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/ForCafe/Normal_Sitting/SP_CafeSitting_tkk:011_16', false)
  1004. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_fox_02_ItemCheck.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_fox_02_ItemCheck.evfl.txt
  1005. 49c49
  1006. <                 # So you think you want <50:1> <125:0:0000>, huh? Believe it or not, that's actually my favorite piece in here. I really don't wanna sell it, but…it's …
  1007. ---
  1008. >                 # So you think you want <50:1> <125:0:0000>, huh? Believe it or not, that's actually my favorite piece here. I really don't wanna sell it, but…it's you…
  1009. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_fox_11_Commune_Art.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_fox_11_Commune_Art.evfl.txt
  1010. 52c52
  1011. <                         # So you think you want <50:1> <125:0:0000>, huh? Believe it or not, that's actually my favorite piece in here. I really don't wanna sell it, but…it's …
  1012. ---
  1013. >                         # So you think you want <50:1> <125:0:0000>, huh? Believe it or not, that's actually my favorite piece here. I really don't wanna sell it, but…it's you…
  1014. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_fox_11_Commune.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_fox_11_Commune.evfl.txt
  1015. 113c113
  1016. <             # If I'm not mistaken, you're the one I got introduced to earlier, right? Well, as I mentioned then, I deal in fine goods. And nothing's finer than fin…
  1017. ---
  1018. >             # As I'm sure you can see, I deal in fine goods here. And nothing's finer than fine art, am I right?
  1019. 116c116
  1020. <             # If I'm not mistaken, you're the one I got introduced to earlier, right? Well, as I mentioned then, I deal in fine goods. And nothing's finer than fin…
  1021. ---
  1022. >             # As I'm sure you can see, I deal in fine goods here. And nothing's finer than fine art, am I right?
  1023. 119c119
  1024. <         # As I'm sure you can see, I deal in fine goods. And nothing's finer than fine art, am I right?
  1025. ---
  1026. >         # As I'm sure you can see, I deal in fine goods here. And nothing's finer than fine art, am I right?
  1027. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_kpp_04_SongReturn.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_kpp_04_SongReturn.evfl.txt
  1028. 23c23
  1029. <         # RANDOM: Dig up anything good today? // If ye think it's all a dream…maybe it I… // A trip isn't over till ye're back home …
  1030. ---
  1031. >         # RANDOM: Dig up anythin' good today? // If ye think it's all a dream…maybe it I… // A trip isn't over till ye're back home …
  1032. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_kpp.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_kpp.evfl.txt
  1033. 105c105
  1034. <         # Hold on tharrr. Are ye in the midst of using yer Island Designer gizmo? I can't have ye running into trouble with it during the tour, so go ahead and…
  1035. ---
  1036. >         # Hold on tharrr. Are ye in the midst of usin' yer Island Designer gizmo? I can't have ye runnin' into trouble with it durin' the tour, so go ahead and…
  1037. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_mnc_01_Wherearen.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_mnc_01_Wherearen.evfl.txt
  1038. 48a49
  1039. >                     EventFlowSystemActor@sub.WaitFrame(45)
  1040. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_mnc_02_WherearenGarden.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_mnc_02_WherearenGarden.evfl.txt
  1041. 146c146
  1042. <             # OK! We're at the vacation home of <115:9:cd00> and [his|her] roomie.
  1043. ---
  1044. >             # Here we are at <115:9:cd00>'s vacation home!
  1045. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_mnc_03_WherearenOrder.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_mnc_03_WherearenOrder.evfl.txt
  1046. 89,90c89,94
  1047. <     # Ya know, it means a lot to me that you like <135:7:cd00> as much as I do, <115:1:cd01>.
  1048. <     Npc_2.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:101', false)
  1049. ---
  1050. >     if (Npc_1.IsVillagerNpc()) and (Npc_2.IsVillagerNpc()):
  1051. >         # A huh huh, yeah! I knew that me and <115:1:cd01> would get along!
  1052. >         Npc_2.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:101_01', false)
  1053. >     else:
  1054. >         # Ya know, it means a lot to me that you like <135:7:cd00> as much as I do, <115:1:cd01>.
  1055. >         Npc_2.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:101', false)
  1056. 96,99c100,109
  1057. <     # I didn't think we'd click this well, but here we are! Ready to be roommates.
  1058. <     Npc_1.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:102', false)
  1059. <     # I bet we're gonna get along super good. This'll be so fun, <110:6>!
  1060. <     Npc_2.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:103', false)
  1061. ---
  1062. >     if (Npc_1.IsVillagerNpc()) and (Npc_2.IsVillagerNpc()):
  1063. >         # Let's be roommates! It'll be real fun and probably wacky, <110:6>! Folks love wacky.
  1064. >         Npc_1.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:102_01', false)
  1065. >         # It'd be fun to be even closer pals with <115:1:cd01>. I'm talkin' both friendship and adjacency here. Let's do this thing, <110:6>!
  1066. >         Npc_2.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:103_01', false)
  1067. >     else:
  1068. >         # I didn't think we'd click this well, but here we are! Ready to be roommates.
  1069. >         Npc_1.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:102', false)
  1070. >         # I bet we're gonna get along super good. This'll be so fun, <110:6>!
  1071. >         Npc_2.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/OneRoom/BO_Spot_WherearenOrder:103', false)
  1072. 108c118
  1073. <         # Expansion? I guess space IS kinda tight right now. There's the two of us, the bugs I hide in the walls… Hmm, what should I do?
  1074. ---
  1075. >         # Expansion? I guess space IS kinda tight for two of us, plus the bugs I hide in the walls… What should I do?
  1076. 125c135
  1077. <                 # Let's head to <115:9:cd01>'s vacation home, PLAYER. I know you'll give [him|her] a great remodel so the roomies can live together in comfort and styl…
  1078. ---
  1079. >                 # Let's head to <115:9:cd01>'s vacation home, PLAYER. I know you'll give [him|her] a great remodel so the roomies can vacation together in comfort and …
  1080. 200c210
  1081. <         # <20:4:0022004e0030003e004e0031002c004e0031003e004e0030002c00500030003e004e0031>Thanks for putting in your order! So! Let's talk roommates!
  1082. ---
  1083. >         # <20:4:0022004e0030003e004e0031002c004e0031003e004e0030002c00500030003e004e0031>Thanks for putting in your request! So! Let's talk roommates!
  1084. 203c213
  1085. <         # <20:4:000a004e0030003e00500030>I've got it! [target N1>P0]You can find our client here the perfect roomie—right, PLAYER? Sure you can!
  1086. ---
  1087. >         # <20:4:000a004e0030003e00500030>Alright! [target N1>P0]You can find our client here the perfect roomie—right, PLAYER? Get to it!
  1088. 218a229,239
  1089. > flow OpenSceneMatchingTalk():
  1090. >     run SetupPlayerNeck()
  1091. >     MainNpc.TurnNeck(1, false)
  1092. >     Npc_1.TurnNeck(2, false)
  1093. >     Npc_2.TurnNeck(1, false)
  1094. >     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(15)
  1095. >     run MatchingTalk()
  1096. >
  1097. > flow OpenSceneMatchingTalk_Init():
  1098. >     run OrderTalk_Init()
  1099. >
  1100. 388c409
  1101. <     # Um… T-that's very nice. I… really like your concept!
  1102. ---
  1103. >     # Um… Th-that's very nice. I…really like your concept!
  1104. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_mnc_18_WherearenEvent_Party.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_mnc_18_WherearenEvent_Party.evfl.txt
  1105. 16c16
  1106. <         # RANDOM: Construction on the event venue went sm… // It was kinda tough when Lottie wasn't a… // So, you know how Wardell's really laid-…
  1107. ---
  1108. >         # RANDOM: Everything at the event site is ready t… // It was kinda tough when Lottie wasn't a… // So, you know how Wardell's really laid-…
  1109. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_01_WherearenOffice.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_01_WherearenOffice.evfl.txt
  1110. 516c516
  1111. <         # Good job!
  1112. ---
  1113. >         # Back again!
  1114. 626c626
  1115. <         # By the way, you can give a name to the gallery you've designed. If you think of a good one, let me know!
  1116. ---
  1117. >         # By the way, you can set up a theme for the gallery you've designed. Let me know if you think of a good one!
  1118. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_02_WherearenOrder.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_02_WherearenOrder.evfl.txt
  1119. 107c107
  1120. <             # So, <115:9:cd00>… You'd like to not have roommates and go back to living alone, yes? Then let's move forward while I ask you about the kind of vacati…
  1121. ---
  1122. >             # So, <115:9:cd00>… You'd like to not have a roommate and go back to having your own place, yes? Then let's move forward while I ask you about the kind…
  1123. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_03_WherearenFacility.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_03_WherearenFacility.evfl.txt
  1124. 105c105,107
  1125. <         if not PreCheck:
  1126. ---
  1127. >         if PreCheck:
  1128. >             SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1129. >         else:
  1130. 113,119c115,123
  1131. <         if not PreCheck:
  1132. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cCanNotPlaceNpcNowRoom'):
  1133. <                 # Oh. This room…seems to have too many things in it. Folks might have trouble moving around, so let's try reducing the number of things.
  1134. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/otg/SP_otg_13_WherearenFacility:106', false)
  1135. <             else:
  1136. <                 # Oh dear… Seems like there are some rooms with too many things in them. Folks might have trouble moving around, so let's try reducing the number of th…
  1137. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/otg/SP_otg_13_WherearenFacility:107', false)
  1138. ---
  1139. >         if PreCheck:
  1140. >             if not EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cCanNotPlaceNpcNowRoom'):
  1141. >                 SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1142. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenEditEndTerms('cCanNotPlaceNpcNowRoom'):
  1143. >             # Oh. This room…seems to have too many things in it. Folks might have trouble moving around, so let's try reducing the number of things.
  1144. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/otg/SP_otg_13_WherearenFacility:106', false)
  1145. >         else:
  1146. >             # Oh dear… Seems like there are some rooms with too many things in them. Folks might have trouble moving around, so let's try reducing the number of th…
  1147. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/otg/SP_otg_13_WherearenFacility:107', false)
  1148. 343c347
  1149. <         # Wait… Before that…do you want to give a name to this <150:1:cd00>? Right now, we're calling it <150:3:cd00>.
  1150. ---
  1151. >         # Wait… Before that…do you want to give this <150:1:cd00> a new name? Right now, we're calling it <150:3:cd00>.
  1152. 389c393
  1153. <                 # Say hello to the restaurant staff! I also thought it would be good to bring a few diners along. This place really turned out fantastic. I can't wait …
  1154. ---
  1155. >                 # I brought the restaurant staff! I also thought it would be good to bring a few diners along. This place really turned out fantastic. I can't wait to …
  1156. 393c397
  1157. <                 # Please welcome your new staff! I also found some customers to take the place for a spin. I can't believe how gorgeous this café turned out to be. It'…
  1158. ---
  1159. >                 # The new staff is here! I also found some customers to take the place for a spin. I can't believe how gorgeous this café turned out to be. It's going …
  1160. 419,426c423,434
  1161. <     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  1162. <         run NPCCheckAct()
  1163. <     else:
  1164. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenFacilityOrderType() != 0:
  1165. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBGMVolumeFadeOut(0.10000000149011612, 0, 0.0)
  1166. <             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(3)
  1167. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SoundTriggerEmit('Demo_Complete_Edit', -1)
  1168. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1169. ---
  1170. >     switch SubflowResults@3[0]:
  1171. >         case 0:
  1172. >             run NPCCheckAct()
  1173. >         case 1:
  1174. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.WherearenFacilityOrderType() != 0:
  1175. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBGMVolumeFadeOut(0.10000000149011612, 0, 0.0)
  1176. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(3)
  1177. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SoundTriggerEmit('Demo_Complete_Edit', -1)
  1178. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1179. >         case 2:
  1180. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1181. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(20)
  1182. 461c469
  1183. <         # Oh, I get it. So you won't give it a name?
  1184. ---
  1185. >         # Oh, I get it. So you won't give it a new name, then?
  1186. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_12_WherearenEvent_CustomerList.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_12_WherearenEvent_CustomerList.evfl.txt
  1187. 58c58
  1188. <             EventFlowSystemActor.UIWherearenIslandsMsgPhotoAppear('cJpegFromUISelect', 0, false, 0.0, 0.0, '')
  1189. ---
  1190. >             EventFlowSystemActor.UIWherearenIslandsMsgPhotoAppear('cJpeg_CustomerNpc', 0, false, 0.0, 0.0, '')
  1191. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_16_WherearenEvent_Kabetasu.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_16_WherearenEvent_Kabetasu.evfl.txt
  1192. 28c28
  1193. <     # I thought I heard you working upstairs. Is that what you were working on? Niko's been dedicated to learning about DIY ever since you introduced him t…
  1194. ---
  1195. >     # I thought I heard you working upstairs. Is that what you were working on? Niko's been dedicated to learning about DIY ever since you talked to him ab…
  1196. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_19_WherearenEvent_RestaurantCafe.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_19_WherearenEvent_RestaurantCafe.evfl.txt
  1197. 110c110
  1198. <     # Welcome back! Our little eatery is bustling…and it's only the first day!
  1199. ---
  1200. >     # Our little eatery is bustling…and it's only the first day!
  1201. 112c112
  1202. <     # It surely helps that everything on the menu sounds AMAZING. Seriously! I had a hard time keeping my tummy from grumbling while we were taking that ph…
  1203. ---
  1204. >     # It sure helps that everything on the menu sounds AMAZING. Seriously! I had a hard time keeping my tummy from grumbling while we were taking that phot…
  1205. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_20_WherearenEvent_Hospital.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_20_WherearenEvent_Hospital.evfl.txt
  1206. 69a70
  1207. >     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1208. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_otg_25_WherearenEvent_PartyAtRestaurant.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_otg_25_WherearenEvent_PartyAtRestaurant.evfl.txt
  1209. 332c332
  1210. <                 # Yes! Thanks to everyone's hard work, everything is coming together nicely. Oh, before I forget…[target N0>N2] Wardell,[target N2>N0] how are things g…
  1211. ---
  1212. >                 # Yes! Thanks to everyone's hard work, I know it's going to be great. Oh, before I forget…[target N0>N2] Wardell,[target N2>N0] how are things going wi…
  1213. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_owl_23_Museum_DiveFish.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_owl_23_Museum_DiveFish.evfl.txt
  1214. 71a72,74
  1215. >             case `BlathersCafe`:
  1216. >                 System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlFoundDiveFish'] = true
  1217. >                 run SNPC_owl_22_Museum_RenualQuest::Root()
  1218. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_owl.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_owl.evfl.txt
  1219. 148a149
  1220. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlShowDiveFishReport'] = true
  1221. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_pge_02_Takeout.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_pge_02_Takeout.evfl.txt
  1222. 95c95,99
  1223. <                         if EventFlowSystemActor.HasBellCount(300):
  1224. ---
  1225. >                         if not EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cItemName', 14541):
  1226. >                             # Looks like…your pockets are full…
  1227. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pge/SP_pge_02_Takeout:022', false)
  1228. >                             run SNPC_pge::Pge_DeleteUI()
  1229. >                         elif EventFlowSystemActor.HasBellCount(300):
  1230. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_pge_03_TourIsland.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_pge_03_TourIsland.evfl.txt
  1231. 9c9
  1232. <         # RANDOM: Well then, I'll be seeing you on your i… // Well then, be seeing you… // Give Blathers my best…
  1233. ---
  1234. >         # RANDOM: I'll be seeing you on your island soon… // Well then, be seeing you… // Give Blathers my best…
  1235. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_pge.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_pge.evfl.txt
  1236. 487,488c487,515
  1237. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeCoffeeTodayFlag']:
  1238. <         run Sub_grp_Event137()
  1239. ---
  1240. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1241. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  1242. >             case 0:
  1243. >                 # Ah, just what I needed...
  1244. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_01', false)
  1245. >                 # The bold flavor is waking me up after my long journey.
  1246. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_06', false)
  1247. >             case 1:
  1248. >                 # I get it now!
  1249. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_02', false)
  1250. >                 # I see why everyone talks about the coffee on ISLAND.
  1251. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_07', false)
  1252. >             case 2:
  1253. >                 # Mmm, mmm, MMM!
  1254. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_03', false)
  1255. >                 # The flavor of the ISLAND roast is warming my soul...
  1256. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_08', false)
  1257. >             case 3:
  1258. >                 # Ah...the flavor of ISLAND!
  1259. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_04', false)
  1260. >                 # I can't decide which is better...the aroma or the flavor!
  1261. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_09', false)
  1262. >             case 4:
  1263. >                 # Dee-licious!
  1264. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_05', false)
  1265. >                 # This is the coffee that put ISLAND on the map.
  1266. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:605_10', false)
  1267. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeCoffeeTodayFlag']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeTalkBirthdayFlag']):
  1268. >         run Sub_grp_Event161()
  1269. 492a520,525
  1270. >         elif (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(2, 14, 2, 14, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeRegularCount'] >= 4):
  1271. >             #'s so sweet. This hot chocolate is warming my heart...
  1272. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:606', true)
  1273. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PgeCoolFlag']:
  1274. >             # RANDOM: Absolute perfection... Brewster knows w… // Mmm... It goes down nice and mellow whe… // Oh, WOW! The depth of flavor expands at…
  1275. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:604', true)
  1276. 494,496c527,529
  1277. <             if (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(2, 14, 2, 14, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeRegularCount'] >= 4):
  1278. <                 #'s so sweet. This hot chocolate is warming my heart...
  1279. <                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:606', true)
  1280. ---
  1281. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PgeAddMilkFlag']:
  1282. >                 # RANDOM: It's so mellow! The milk makes it cream… // It's so sweet and mild... It must be th… // Now THAT'S coffee! It's mild, but the f…
  1283. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:601', true)
  1284. 498c531
  1285. <                 run Sub_grp_Event137()
  1286. ---
  1287. >                 run Sub_grp_Event161()
  1288. 546c579
  1289. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeCoffeeTodayFlag']:
  1290. ---
  1291. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeTalkBirthdayFlag']:
  1292. 559a593
  1293. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeTalkBirthdayFlag'] = true
  1294. 562a597
  1295. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeTalkBirthdayFlag'] = true
  1296. 565a601
  1297. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeTalkBirthdayFlag'] = true
  1298. 568a605,608
  1299. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeTalkBirthdayFlag'] = true
  1300. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeCoffeeTodayFlag']:
  1301. >         # Just be careful… Too much coffee can mess with you…
  1302. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pge/SP_pge:073', false)
  1303. 574c614
  1304. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeCoffeeTodayFlag']:
  1305. ---
  1306. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeCoffeeTodayFlag']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PgeTalkBirthdayFlag']):
  1307. 897,914c937,947
  1308. < local flow Sub_grp_Event137():
  1309. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PgeCoolFlag']:
  1310. <         # RANDOM: Absolute perfection... Brewster knows w… // Mmm... It goes down nice and mellow whe… // Oh, WOW! The depth of flavor expands at…
  1311. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:604', true)
  1312. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:PgeAddMilkFlag']:
  1313. <         # RANDOM: It's so mellow! The milk makes it cream… // It's so sweet and mild... It must be th… // Now THAT'S coffee! It's mild, but the f…
  1314. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:601', true)
  1315. <     else:
  1316. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice3(30, 30, 40):
  1317. <             case 0:
  1318. <                 # RANDOM: The flavor is out of this world! It doe… //'s just a bit bitter. And that'… // It's perfect just as it is. Just the ri…
  1319. <                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:602', true)
  1320. <             case 1:
  1321. <                 # RANDOM: Yowza! Drink it while it's hot! That's … // Hot, hot, hot! It almost burned my tong… // Mmm...warm... Nothing like a fresh cup …
  1322. <                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:603', true)
  1323. <             case 2:
  1324. <                 # RANDOM: Mmm... That's the stuff. I knew I could… // Oh, that is heavenly... It's rich and b… // WOW. It's got depth and perfectly balan… // Oh! Yum... I've found the blend I want … // YESSSS! I'm blissing out on this coffee…
  1325. <                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:600', true)
  1326. ---
  1327. > local flow Sub_grp_Event161():
  1328. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice3(30, 30, 40):
  1329. >         case 0:
  1330. >             # RANDOM: The flavor is out of this world! It doe… //'s just a bit bitter. And that'… // It's perfect just as it is. Just the ri…
  1331. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:602', true)
  1332. >         case 1:
  1333. >             # RANDOM: Yowza! Drink it while it's hot! That's … // Hot, hot, hot! It almost burned my tong… // Mmm...warm... Nothing like a fresh cup …
  1334. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:603', true)
  1335. >         case 2:
  1336. >             # RANDOM: Mmm... That's the stuff. I knew I could… // Oh, that is heavenly... It's rich and b… // WOW. It's got depth and perfectly balan… // Oh! Yum... I've found the blend I want … // YESSSS! I'm blissing out on this coffee…
  1337. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:600', true)
  1338. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_pkn.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_pkn.evfl.txt
  1339. 248,250d247
  1340. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe('Halloween', 13237):
  1341. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(13237, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1342. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PknGetItem'] = 7
  1343. 252,253c249,254
  1344. <         EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(13237, false)
  1345. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PknGetItem'] = 4
  1346. ---
  1347. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe('Halloween', 13237):
  1348. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(13237, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1349. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PknGetItem'] = 7
  1350. >         else:
  1351. >             EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(13237, false)
  1352. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PknGetItem'] = 4
  1353. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_poo_02_Commune.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_poo_02_Commune.evfl.txt
  1354. 60,69c60,72
  1355. <                 switch SubflowResults@3[4]:
  1356. <                     case 0:
  1357. <                         # Harv is working so hard to get the shops here. It's so, so great to see him more energetic than before!
  1358. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/poo/SP_poo_02_Commune:031', false)
  1359. <                     case 1:
  1360. <                         # There's more and more shops here, and this plaza is getting real lively. Check it all out, sugar! Have fun!
  1361. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/poo/SP_poo_02_Commune:032', false)
  1362. <                     case 2:
  1363. <                         # This plaza is just so bustlin' now that we have all these shops here. It makes Harv so happy, and, well, seeing that makes me happy! Have fun while y…
  1364. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/poo/SP_poo_02_Commune:033', false)
  1365. ---
  1366. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(50):
  1367. >                     run NightPos()
  1368. >                 else:
  1369. >                     switch SubflowResults@3[4]:
  1370. >                         case 0:
  1371. >                             # Harv is working so hard to get the shops here. It's so, so great to see him more energetic than before!
  1372. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/poo/SP_poo_02_Commune:031', false)
  1373. >                         case 1:
  1374. >                             # There's more and more shops here, and this plaza is getting real lively. Check it all out, sugar! Have fun!
  1375. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/poo/SP_poo_02_Commune:032', false)
  1376. >                         case 2:
  1377. >                             # This plaza is just so bustlin' now that we have all these shops here. It makes Harv so happy, and, well, seeing that makes me happy! Have fun while y…
  1378. >                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/poo/SP_poo_02_Commune:033', false)
  1379. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt
  1380. 537a538
  1381. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetMemoryEventPlayer('cBlancoEventPlayer:PE_Easter_GetRecipe')
  1382. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rcm_00_Common.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rcm_00_Common.evfl.txt
  1383. 8,10c8,14
  1384. <         # Ah! I should also let you know… Right now, we're running a special Nook Friday sale! From now through November 30th, everything in the shop is marked…
  1385. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3008', false)
  1386. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1387. ---
  1388. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1389. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday']:
  1390. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday'] = true
  1391. >                 run Sub_Event172()
  1392. >         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:NoticeBlackFriday']:
  1393. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:NoticeBlackFriday'] = true
  1394. >             run Sub_Event172()
  1395. 184c188
  1396. <             run Sub_grp_Event24()
  1397. ---
  1398. >             run SkipBlackFridayNotice()
  1399. 186,187c190,198
  1400. <             if (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('BlackFriday', false)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag']):
  1401. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1402. ---
  1403. >             if not EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('BlackFriday', false):
  1404. >                 run SkipBlackFridayNotice()
  1405. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag']:
  1406. >                 run SkipBlackFridayNotice()
  1407. >             elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1408. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday']:
  1409. >                     run SkipBlackFridayNotice()
  1410. >                 else:
  1411. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday'] = true
  1412. 190,195c201,203
  1413. <                 else:
  1414. <                     # Ah, a visitor! Welcome, welcome! In the market for a souvenir, hm? We hope you find something you like!
  1415. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3006', false)
  1416. <                 # Your timing is impeccable!__ ...impeccable!__ Right now, we're running a special Nook Friday sale! From now through November 30th, everything in the …
  1417. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3007', false)
  1418. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1419. ---
  1420. >                     run Sub_Event161()
  1421. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:NoticeBlackFriday']:
  1422. >                 run SkipBlackFridayNotice()
  1423. 197c205,240
  1424. <                 run Sub_grp_Event24()
  1425. ---
  1426. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:NoticeBlackFriday'] = true
  1427. >                 # Ah, a visitor! Welcome, welcome! In the market for a souvenir, hm? We hope you find something you like!
  1428. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3006', false)
  1429. >                 run Sub_Event161()
  1430. >
  1431. > flow SkipBlackFridayNotice():
  1432. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag']:
  1433. >         # Yes! Yes, of course!__ ...of course!__ What do you need?
  1434. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:013', false)
  1435. >     else:
  1436. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1437. >             # <50:3>PLAYER, welcome!__ ...welcome!__ What do you need today?
  1438. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:011', false)
  1439. >         else:
  1440. >             # Oho! And what do we have here? I'm impressed that you traveled all the way to our fair island! What can I do you for today?
  1441. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:012', false)
  1442. > entrypoint Event0:
  1443. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  1444. >         case 0:
  1445. >             run SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell::Root()
  1446. >         case 1:
  1447. >             run Rcm_Common_TurnipChk()
  1448. >         case 2:
  1449. >             run rcm_Common_TodaysFurniture()
  1450. >         case 3:
  1451. >             run rcm_Common_End()
  1452. >
  1453. > local flow Sub_Event161():
  1454. >     # Your timing is impeccable!__ ...impeccable!__ Right now, we're running a special Nook Friday sale! From now through November 30th, everything in the …
  1455. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3007', false)
  1456. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1457. >
  1458. > local flow Sub_Event172():
  1459. >     # Ah! I should also let you know… Right now, we're running a special Nook Friday sale! From now through November 30th, everything in the shop is marked…
  1460. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3008', false)
  1461. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1462. 235,256d277
  1463. <
  1464. < local flow Sub_grp_Event24():
  1465. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag']:
  1466. <         # Yes! Yes, of course!__ ...of course!__ What do you need?
  1467. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:013', false)
  1468. <     else:
  1469. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1470. <             # <50:3>PLAYER, welcome!__ ...welcome!__ What do you need today?
  1471. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:011', false)
  1472. <         else:
  1473. <             # Oho! And what do we have here? I'm impressed that you traveled all the way to our fair island! What can I do you for today?
  1474. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:012', false)
  1475. < entrypoint Event0:
  1476. <     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  1477. <         case 0:
  1478. <             run SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell::Root()
  1479. <         case 1:
  1480. <             run Rcm_Common_TurnipChk()
  1481. <         case 2:
  1482. <             run rcm_Common_TodaysFurniture()
  1483. <         case 3:
  1484. <             run rcm_Common_End()
  1485. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_ItemCheck.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_ItemCheck.evfl.txt
  1486. 3,5c3,9
  1487. <         # Ah! I should also let you know… Right now, we're running a special Nook Friday sale! From now through November 30th, everything in the shop is marked…
  1488. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3008', false)
  1489. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1490. ---
  1491. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1492. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday']:
  1493. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday'] = true
  1494. >                 run Sub_Event52()
  1495. >         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:NoticeBlackFriday']:
  1496. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:NoticeBlackFriday'] = true
  1497. >             run Sub_Event52()
  1498. 71a76,80
  1499. >
  1500. > local flow Sub_Event52():
  1501. >     # Ah! I should also let you know… Right now, we're running a special Nook Friday sale! From now through November 30th, everything in the shop is marked…
  1502. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3008', false)
  1503. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1504. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rcm_00_In.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rcm_00_In.evfl.txt
  1505. 2c2,3
  1506. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() not in (`InResServiceTent`, `NooksCrannyInitial`)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('BlackFriday', false)):
  1507. ---
  1508. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() not in (`InResServiceTent`, `NooksCrannyInitial`)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('BlackFriday', false)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday']):
  1509. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday'] = true
  1510. 35a37
  1511. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday'] = true
  1512. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rcm_03_RenualOpen.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rcm_03_RenualOpen.evfl.txt
  1513. 190a191
  1514. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeBlackFridayToday'] = true
  1515. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rco_10_Common_BuildBridgeSlope.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rco_10_Common_BuildBridgeSlope.evfl.txt
  1516. 188c188
  1517. <         # Although… Yes, yes! I believe we may be able to squeeze in 2 more if we get an <item>Pro Construction License. And as our Resident Representative, yo…
  1518. ---
  1519. >         # Although… Yes, yes! I believe we may be able to squeeze in 2 more if we get a <item>Pro Construction License. And as our Resident Representative, you…
  1520. 194c194
  1521. <             # Oho, how exciting! I see you got an <item>Pro Construction License. Now we're able to build two more bridges!
  1522. ---
  1523. >             # Oho, how exciting! I see you got a <item>Pro Construction License. Now we're able to build two more bridges!
  1524. 274c274
  1525. <         # Although… Yes, yes! I believe we may be able to squeeze in 2 more if we get an <item>Pro Construction License. And as our Resident Representative, yo…
  1526. ---
  1527. >         # Although… Yes, yes! I believe we may be able to squeeze in 2 more if we get a <item>Pro Construction License. And as our Resident Representative, you…
  1528. 280c280
  1529. <             # Oho, how exciting! I see you got an <item>Pro Construction License. Now we're able to build two more inclines!
  1530. ---
  1531. >             # Oho, how exciting! I see you got a <item>Pro Construction License. Now we're able to build two more inclines!
  1532. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt
  1533. 147a148
  1534. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.UpdateUISelectedNpcLastTalkDate()
  1535. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rco_11_CoordinateNpcHouse_Office.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rco_11_CoordinateNpcHouse_Office.evfl.txt
  1536. 9a10
  1537. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UpdateUISelectedNpcLastTalkDate()
  1538. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt
  1539. 50c50
  1540. <                                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false)
  1541. ---
  1542. >                                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false, false)
  1543. 141c141
  1544. <                                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false)
  1545. ---
  1546. >                                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false, false)
  1547. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_skk_02_Commune.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_skk_02_Commune.evfl.txt
  1548. 3,13c3,4
  1549. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkBeforeFlag']:
  1550. <             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkCommuneTalkBefore']:
  1551. <                 # 'Allo! Welcome to… Oh, crikey! It's my old chum! Good to see your face again.
  1552. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:041', false)
  1553. <                 # Harvey invited me to set up shop on this island. He's a good fella, eh? Lookin' forward to seein' you around, my chum.
  1554. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:042', false)
  1555. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkCommuneTalkBefore'] = true
  1556. <                 # If it's awright with you, why not take a look-see at my offerings on this fine day?
  1557. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:004', false)
  1558. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkTodayFlag'] = true
  1559. <             elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkTodayFlag']:
  1560. ---
  1561. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkCommuneTalkBefore']:
  1562. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkTodayFlag']:
  1563. 26a18
  1564. >                 run Sub_Event45()
  1565. 28,33c20,28
  1566. <                 # 'Allo there! Welcome. Now then, what do we have here? Haven't seen your face before, chum. The name's Kicks.
  1567. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:001', false)
  1568. <             # As you can see, I sell shoes, socks, and bags. I look forward to seein' you around, chum. Awright? Awright!
  1569. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:003', false)
  1570. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkBeforeFlag'] = true
  1571. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkFirstTimeCommune'] = true
  1572. ---
  1573. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkBeforeFlag']:
  1574. >                     # 'Allo! Welcome to… Oh, crikey! It's my old chum! Good to see your face again.
  1575. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:041', false)
  1576. >                     # Harvey invited me to set up shop on this island. He's a good fella, eh? Lookin' forward to seein' you around, my chum.
  1577. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:042', false)
  1578. >                 else:
  1579. >                     # 'Allo there! Welcome. Now then, what do we have here? Haven't seen your face before, chum. The name's Kicks.
  1580. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:001', false)
  1581. >                     run Sub_Event45()
  1582. 87a83,88
  1583. >
  1584. > local flow Sub_Event45():
  1585. >     # As you can see, I sell shoes, socks, and bags. I look forward to seein' you around, chum. Awright? Awright!
  1586. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/skk/SP_skk_02_Commune:003', false)
  1587. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkBeforeFlag'] = true
  1588. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SkkTalkFirstTimeCommune'] = true
  1589. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt
  1590. 181c181
  1591. <         # In October, a special price is given to <50:1><125:0:0000>. They go on sale for <90:21:0000> each!
  1592. ---
  1593. >         # In October, a special price is given to <125:0:0200>. They go on sale for <90:21:0000> each!
  1594. 459c459,472
  1595. <         run `slo_FirstTalk2.0.0`()
  1596. ---
  1597. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TalkSloCommuneOpenEvent']:
  1598. >             # Well, hello! It sure is wonderful to see you here on ISLAND, PLAYER. How are you?
  1599. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:155', false)
  1600. >             # I like to come here to sell flowers and plants from time to time. It's so lovely here.
  1601. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo:157', false)
  1602. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:ReijiTalkBeforeFlag'] = true
  1603. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloTalkCommuneBeforeFlag'] = true
  1604. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloFirstTalkCommune'] = true
  1605. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloTalkBeforeCommune'] = true
  1606. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainbush'] = true
  1607. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainVegetableSeedling'] = true
  1608. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloTalkedToday'] = true
  1609. >         else:
  1610. >             run `slo_FirstTalk2.0.0`()
  1611. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_slo_02_Commune.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_slo_02_Commune.evfl.txt
  1612. 51a52
  1613. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainVegetableSeedling'] = true
  1614. 132c133
  1615. <                         # In October, a special price is given to <50:1><125:0:0000>. They go on sale for <90:21:0000> each!
  1616. ---
  1617. >                         # In October, a special price is given to <125:0:0200>. They go on sale for <90:21:0000> each!
  1618. 364,366c365,368
  1619. <             # <item>Pumpkins come in four colors— orange, green, yellow, and white… But you won't know what color you'll get until the <item>pumpkins grow. What an…
  1620. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo_02_Commune:083', false)
  1621. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
  1622. ---
  1623. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag']:
  1624. >                 # <item>Pumpkins come in four colors— orange, green, yellow, and white… But you won't know what color you'll get until the <item>pumpkins grow. What an…
  1625. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/slo/SP_slo_02_Commune:083', false)
  1626. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SloExplainPumpkinColorFlag'] = true
  1627. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_spn_02_Commune.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_spn_02_Commune.evfl.txt
  1628. 2,13c2,19
  1629. <     if (SubflowResults@3[2] in (1, 2)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SpnCommuneATMNoticeDone']):
  1630. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue3(3, 'cPlayerTemp:SpnCheckPlace'):
  1631. <             case 0:
  1632. <                 # Oh, hey, I put an ABD off toward the right side of the studio. Did you see it there?
  1633. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/SP_spn_02_Commune:1061', false)
  1634. <                 run Sub_Event218()
  1635. <             case 1:
  1636. <                 # Oh, hey, I put an ABD in on the right side of the photo studio. Did you see it there?
  1637. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/SP_spn_02_Commune:1061_01', false)
  1638. <                 run Sub_Event218()
  1639. <             default:
  1640. <                 return
  1641. ---
  1642. >     switch SubflowResults@3[2]:
  1643. >         case 1:
  1644. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SpnCommuneATMNoticeDone']:
  1645. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.FlagSystemIntValue3(3, 'cPlayerTemp:SpnCheckPlace'):
  1646. >                     case 0:
  1647. >                         # Oh, hey, I put an ABD off toward the right side of the studio. Did you see it there?
  1648. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/SP_spn_02_Commune:1061', false)
  1649. >                         run Sub_Event218()
  1650. >                     case 1:
  1651. >                         # Oh, hey, I put an ABD in on the right side of the photo studio. Did you see it there?
  1652. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/SP_spn_02_Commune:1061_01', false)
  1653. >                         run Sub_Event218()
  1654. >                     default:
  1655. >                         return
  1656. >         case 2:
  1657. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SpnCommuneATMNoticeDone'] = true
  1658. >         default:
  1659. >             return
  1660. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_spn_11_Commune_LandExpansion.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_spn_11_Commune_LandExpansion.evfl.txt
  1661. 15c15
  1662. <     EventFlowSystemActor.PooWarpCommune()
  1663. ---
  1664. >     EventFlowSystemActor.PooWarpCommune(false)
  1665. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_spn_12_Commune_ShopOpen.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_spn_12_Commune_ShopOpen.evfl.txt
  1666. 58c58
  1667. <     # [target N0>N1]Gosh, now that you mention it, maybe I should get a reading about the future of the collective…
  1668. ---
  1669. >     # [target N0>N1]Gosh, now that you mention it,[target P0>N0,N1>N0] maybe I should get a reading about the future of the collective…
  1670. 60c60
  1671. <     # Oh, yes…[target P0>N1]I can see it now. The shaggy dog with round glasses walks slowly along the sand. He is so focused on his vision that he does no…
  1672. ---
  1673. >     # Oh, yes…[target P0>N1]I can see it now. The shaggy dog with round glasses walks slowly along the sand. [target P0>N0]He is so focused on his vision t…
  1674. 106c106
  1675. <         EventFlowSystemActor.PooWarpCommune()
  1676. ---
  1677. >         EventFlowSystemActor.PooWarpCommune(true)
  1678. 125c125
  1679. <         EventFlowSystemActor.PooWarpCommune()
  1680. ---
  1681. >         EventFlowSystemActor.PooWarpCommune(true)
  1682. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_ttl_02_Commune.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_ttl_02_Commune.evfl.txt
  1683. 78c78
  1684. <         # Hello there! Mercy, but you're looking lively today! Here, have an acorn.
  1685. ---
  1686. >         # Hello there! Mercy, but you're looking lively today! Here, I know you love acorns.
  1687. 121c121
  1688. <             # Here! I want you to have this acorn. And don't say ol' Cornimer never gave you nuttin'! Heh heh HOORF!
  1689. ---
  1690. >             # Acorns are wonderful, aren't they? Here! Don't say ol' Cornimer never gave you nuttin'! Heh heh HOORF!
  1691. diff -r 2.0.2/SNPC_tuk.evfl.txt 2.0.4/SNPC_tuk.evfl.txt
  1692. 207c207
  1693. <                                 # Now then…for our next dish, we'll use lots of ingredients to make a hearty seafood <item>gratin. For this, we need to procure [a|an] <140:26:0000> as…
  1694. ---
  1695. >                                 # Now then…for our next dish, we'll use lots of ingredients to make a hearty <item>gratin. For this, we need to procure [a|an] <140:26:0000> as well as…
  1696. 211c211
  1697. <                                 # Let's see… Yes, it's time to tackle the final dish. Only the best for our main course! The final dish I have planned is none other than…a grand fish …
  1698. ---
  1699. >                                 # Let's see… Yes, it's time to tackle the final dish. Only the best for our main course! The final dish I have planned is none other than…a grand meuni…
  1700. 529c529
  1701. <                             # Masterful! My <item>gratin is filled with the freshest of fresh seafood. It'll be the talk of the town! You know, you're proving yourself quite the c…
  1702. ---
  1703. >                             # Masterful! My <item>gratin is filled with the heartiest of hearty ingredients. It'll be the talk of the town! You know, you're developing quite a sav…
  1704. diff -r 2.0.2/System_CmnDialog.evfl.txt 2.0.4/System_CmnDialog.evfl.txt
  1705. 23a24,32
  1706. > flow TipsEffectCloth():
  1707. >     if (not EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cPhotoStudio')) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:SpnPhotoStudioGuideDone']):
  1708. >         # Polishing Items You can use your new polishing techniques in your own home as well by using .
  1709. >         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:5205', false)
  1710. >     else:
  1711. >         # Polishing Items You can use your new polishing techniques in your own home and Photopia by using .
  1712. >         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:5205_01', false)
  1713. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:NoticeAboutMagokoro_MainIsland'] = true
  1714. >
  1715. 29c38
  1716. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cPhotoStudio')) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:InJuneBrideStudio']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideDayCount'] >= 6) and (not ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideDayCount'] != 7) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideQuestClearFlag']))):
  1717. ---
  1718. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cPhotoStudio')) and (not ((System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:InJuneBrideStudio']) and ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideDayCount'] < 6) or ((System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideDayCount'] != 7) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideQuestClearFlag']))))):
  1719. diff -r 2.0.2/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt 2.0.4/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt
  1720. 117c117
  1721. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(true)
  1722. ---
  1723. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false, true)
  1724. diff -r 2.0.2/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt 2.0.4/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt
  1725. 41c41
  1726. <                                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(true)
  1727. ---
  1728. >                                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false, true)
  1729. diff -r 2.0.2/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt 2.0.4/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt
  1730. 111c111
  1731. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false)
  1732. ---
  1733. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false, false)
  1734. 153c153
  1735. <                                         EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false)
  1736. ---
  1737. >                                         EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadPlayerMemories(false, false)
  1738. diff -r 2.0.2/System_WherearenGrowUp.evfl.txt 2.0.4/System_WherearenGrowUp.evfl.txt
  1739. 24c24
  1740. <     EventFlowSystemActor.TimeLock('cUpdateAndLock')
  1741. ---
  1742. >     EventFlowSystemActor.TimeLock('cLock')
  1743. 42c42
  1744. <     EventFlowSystemActor.TimeLock('cUpdateAndLock')
  1745. ---
  1746. >     EventFlowSystemActor.TimeLock('cLock')
  1747. 119c119
  1748. <     EventFlowSystemActor.TimeLock('cUpdateAndLock')
  1749. ---
  1750. >     EventFlowSystemActor.TimeLock('cLock')
  1751. 169c169
  1752. <     if (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:MncLessonDone']) and ((System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:Unlock_FlowerCatalog']) or (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:Unlock_Extension'])) and (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:Unlock_MargeCatalog_DIY']):
  1753. ---
  1754. >     if (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:MncLessonDone']) and (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:SeqExchangeMachineEventReady']) and (not System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:SeqResortStudyEventReady']) and ((System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:Unlock_FlowerCatalog']) or (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:Unlock_Extension'])) and (System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:Unlock_MargeCatalog_DIY']):
  1755. diff -r 2.0.2/System_WherearenResortPlanner.evfl.txt 2.0.4/System_WherearenResortPlanner.evfl.txt
  1756. 120a121
  1757. >     System.EventFlags['cWherearenPlayer:OtgWithoutMakeup'] = false
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