

Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. broadcast "&e===================================================="
  2. broadcast " &6<&0*&c%player%&0*&6>&fさんが初めての参加です!"
  3. broadcast "&e===================================================="
  4. wait 0.6 seconds
  5. execute console command "/tp %player% 340 5 442"
  6. on join:
  7. set the join message to "§e%player%§4が遊びにやってきた。§aゆっくりしていってね!§e/shopでショップが§e見れるよ!"
  8. execute console command "/gamemode 1 funanori"
  9. wait 2 seconds
  10. message "§6ようこそ§b%player%§6さん!!"
  12. on player's held item change:
  13. name of held item contains "&cあいあんそーど"
  14. cancel event
  16. on death of a player:
  17. broadcast "§b%victim%§eは&4%attacker%§eに§4ギタギタ§fにされた。"
  18. execute console command "/xp 10 %attacker%"
  20. on player respawn:
  21. wait 0.5 seconds
  22. execute console command "/effect %player% minecraft:resistance 10 255 true"
  23. message "§7§l§n[死神様]§f: §a%player%§fは§4リスポーン§fしたため、§e10秒間無敵§fになります。"
  26. on quit:
  27. set the quit message to "§l§b[Quit§6Plugin§b] §l§n§c%player%§r§fさんが§e星に§f帰った"
  29. on chat:
  30. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.item.pickup master @s "
  32. on player level change:
  33. broadcast "§b--------------------------"
  34. broadcast "§l§n§c%player%§fさんの§eレベル§fが上がりました! "
  35. broadcast "§b--------------------------"
  36. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @s"
  37. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /give @s emerald 1"
  39. on bed enter:
  40. wait 1 seconds
  41. execute console command "/effect %player% minecraft:instant_health 3 255"
  42. execute console command "/effect %player% minecraft:saturation 2 255"
  44. on bed leave:
  45. message "あなた: §cベッド§fで寝ころんだら力が湧いてきた。"
  46. message "§l§b§n[プログラム]: §7(§4補足:§f夜しか使えないから夜は積極的にベッドを使おう!!§7)"
  48. on rightclick with sugar:
  49. name of held item contains "§l§n§4[§l§n§c貴重な糖分§l§n§4]"
  50. execute console command "/clear %player% minecraft:sugar 0 1 {display:{Name:""§l§n§4[§l§n§c貴重な糖分§l§n§4]""}}"
  51. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% money 10"
  52. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.zombie.attack_door_wood master @s"
  54. on rightclick on a sea lantern:
  55. set {_cd} to difference between {sea.%player%} and now
  56. if {_cd} is less than 10 seconds:
  57. message "§l§n§f[§l§n§bSea§l§n§f]: すでに§4先客§fが来ていたようだ。まだ近くにいる§c可能性§fもある。気を付けよう!"
  58. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.blaze.hurt master @p ~ ~ ~ 1 2"
  59. stop
  60. else:
  61. set {sea.%player%} to now
  62. execute console command "/give %player% emerald 1"
  63. execute console command "/xp 2 %player%"
  64. broadcast "§l§n§f[§l§n§4報告§l§n§f]: §c%player%§fさんが§bSea地点§fにたどり着きました!!"
  66. command /resetxp <player>:
  67. description: 経験値を0に戻します(リセット)
  68. usage: コマンドの後にプレイヤーネームを入力してください
  69. permission: resetxp.admin
  70. permission message: あなたは権限をお持ちでないため、使用は制限されています。
  71. executable by: player and console
  72. aliases: /rxp,/rexp
  73. trigger:
  74. execute console command "/xp -1000000l %arg-1%"
  76. on rightclick with leather:
  77. name of held item contains "§e【§5革防具§c詰め込み§aセット§e】"
  78. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:leather_helmet 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§e頭§f[§4革§f]"",Lore:[""§9耐久力§fには優れている。 §2追加強度§fなどはない。""]},ench:[{id:34,lvl:10}]}"
  79. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:leather_chestplate 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§e胸§f[§4革§f]"",Lore:[""§9耐久力§fには優れている。 §2追加強度§fなどはない。""]},ench:[{id:34,lvl:10}]}"
  80. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:leather_leggings 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§e腰§f[§4革§f]"",Lore:[""§9耐久力§fには優れている。 §2追加強度§fなどはない。""]},ench:[{id:34,lvl:10}]}"
  81. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:leather_boots 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§e足§f[§4革§f]"",Lore:[""§9耐久力§fには優れている。 §2追加強度§fなどはない。""]},ench:[{id:34,lvl:10}]}"
  82. execute console command "/clear %player% minecraft:leather 0 1 {display:{Name:""§e【§5革防具§c詰め込み§aセット§e】""}}"
  84. command /mcb [<player>] [<offline player>]:
  85. description: プレイヤーの評価値を見たいときに使う。
  86. usage: /mcb <プレイヤーの名前>
  87. permission: mcbans.admin
  88. permission message: あなたは権限をお持ちでないため、使用は制限されています。
  89. executable by: player and console
  90. aliases: /banp,/rep
  91. trigger:
  92. if arg 1 is set:
  93. execute console command "/say"
  94. if arg 1 is not set:
  95. execute console command "say"
  96. command /news [<text>] [<text>]:#ニュースを流してくれる。
  97. description: &2最近&fの&5ニュース&fを流してくれます!
  98. usage: /news help
  99. permission: news.admin
  100. permission message: あなたは権限をお持ちでないため、使用は制限されています。
  101. executable by: player and console
  102. trigger:
  103. if arg 1 is "help":
  104. message " &6<&e<&dニュース&e>&6>"
  105. message "&b==============================================================================="
  106. message "&b/news new &e[&4message&e]&bを入力すると&aみんなに&bニュースを流してくれます!"
  107. message "&b/news gatya &e[&4ガチャ名&e]&bで&5ガチャ&bの&c新アイテム&bが入荷されたと表示される"
  108. message "&b/news crackup 銃の&4上方&b修正ログ"
  109. message "&b/news crackdown 銃の&9下方&b修正ログ"
  110. message "&b/news cracks 銃の修正のまとめ。 "
  111. message "&b/news coming soon...."
  112. message "&b==============================================================================="
  113. if arg 1 is "new":
  114. broadcast " &9☆&6<&e<&a%player%&fさんのニュース!&e>&6>&9☆"
  115. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  116. broadcast " &5%arg-2%"
  117. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  118. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon.flap master @a"
  119. if arg 1 is "gatya":
  120. broadcast " &9☆&6<&e<&aガチャについて&e>&6>&9☆"
  121. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  122. broadcast " &b新しい&cアイテム&bが&r&e%arg-2%&bに追加されました!"
  123. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  124. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon.flap master @a"
  125. if arg 1 is "crackup":
  126. broadcast " &9☆&6<&e<&5銃ついて&e>&6>&9☆"
  127. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  128. broadcast " &9銃の上方修正が行われました。内容は以下になります!"
  129. broadcast " &b%arg-2%"
  130. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  131. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon.flap master @a"
  132. if arg 1 is "crackdown":
  133. broadcast " &9☆&6<&e<&5銃ついて&e>&6>&9☆"
  134. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  135. broadcast " &9銃の下方修正が行われました。内容は以下になります!"
  136. broadcast " &b%arg-2%"
  137. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  138. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon.flap master @a"
  139. if arg 1 is "cracks":
  140. broadcast " &9☆&6<&e<&5銃ついて&e>&6>&9☆"
  141. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  142. broadcast " &9銃の修正が行われました。内容は以下になります!"
  143. broadcast " &b%arg-2%"
  144. broadcast "&c============================================================"
  145. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon.flap master @a"
  147. command /hweapon:
  148. description: もっているアイテムを表示します。
  149. usage: /hweaponで持っているアイテムを表示します
  150. executable by: player and console
  151. trigger:
  152. broadcast "&e^&6^&e^&6^&e^&6^&e^&6^&e^&6^&9%player%&fの武器&6^&e^&6^&e^&6^&e^&6^&e^&6^&e^"
  153. broadcast "&a<&d<%weapon's name%&d>&a>"
  155. on mine:
  156. name of held item contains "[初期斧]"
  157. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% money 2"
  159. on mine:
  160. name of held item contains "[初期ツルハシ]"
  161. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% money 2"
  163. command /shop:
  164. description: ショップ表示
  165. usage: /shopでRealmショップを見ることができます。
  166. executable by: console and player
  167. trigger:
  168. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /realm %player%"
  170. on death of player:
  171. chance of 10%:
  172. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /give %attacker% minecraft:nether_star 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&6設計図&fの欠片&e【&9武器&e】"",""Lore"":[""&4武器&fを作成できる&6設計図&fの&9欠片&f。"",""&fいくつか合わせると&6設計図&fと"",""&f交換できる&cアイテム&fが出来上がる!""]}}"
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