

Jul 20th, 2016
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  1. 05:55 Eri Das cool tho
  2. 05:55 Eri How'd you change him from before?
  3. 05:55 Eri What makes him good now?
  4. 05:55 Eri I hunger for deets
  5. 05:56 Sylum remember the one Universe that was just all flesh and organs? the idea was Verraad kept a sample and made a giant living beast of Organs and mechanical parts
  6. 05:56 Sylum I think most people just joked or didnt care for it, but looking back I felt it was edgy adn just a bad idea
  7. 05:58 Eri Ahhh yes I recall it now
  8. 05:58 Eri So he's a child of the Meatverse
  9. 05:58 Eri But he's not meat any more?
  10. 05:58 Sylum well now hes just an Alien who wants to consume all, become all
  11. 05:59 Eri Oooooooh
  12. 05:59 Eri Getting a Tyranids 40k vibe
  13. 05:59 Sylum hmm, yeah I guess so
  14. 06:00 Sylum But hes usually speakless, touching him is a very bad idea so lasers or Sound is a good way to beat him
  15. 06:00 Eri What about foire?
  16. 06:00 Sylum Plasma and soundwaves are the only things he can't really consume/replicate
  17. 06:00 Sylum I suppose fire would count too
  18. 06:01 Eri Remember that plasma is a state of matter
  19. 06:01 Eri And lightning is a plasma
  20. 06:02 Eri Only one type, but worth noting!
  21. 06:03 Sylum Intense heat to boil him, Ice to freeze and contain him, and sound to destabilize him ala Symbiote
  22. 06:10 Eri Its brings me joy to see that you're developing weaknesses and stuff for your characters, giving them more depth.
  23. 06:11 Sylum Yis I like this, I was afraid the thing would be too op but this is good
  24. 06:12 Eri A good rule of thumb is to balance extreme power with extreme weakness or detriment
  25. 06:12 Eri You don't have to neuter them, but having SOMETHING is always better for characterisation
  26. 06:13 Sylum I should also think of a single element he cant absorb/replicate. so Containing him is possible
  27. 06:13 Eri His kryptonite, even!
  28. 06:15 Sylum Something that just pushes him away. like a strong magnet
  29. 06:15 Sylum Literally can't get near it, and placing it on all sides of him would compress him into a ball he can't escape from with an opening
  30. 06:17 Eri Could make for some cool and inventive offensive solutions too
  31. 06:17 Eri Weapons of X material
  32. 06:17 Eri Suits of X-laced armor
  33. 06:18 Eri So he doesn't hit as hard, but can still hit them
  34. 06:18 Eri Maybe make it like an allergic reaction so someone doesn't break out the X material shield and complete make him useless
  35. 06:18 Eri So he can still fight back, but it's just as risky for him too
  36. 06:20 Sylum Well thats where the Magnetic idea comes in, if you have a shield it would block his attacks cause he literally couldn't hit you, the attack would be pushed away. but he could still go around and hit
  37. 06:21 Eri True true, frontal defence is just that. Frontal, after all.
  38. 06:21 Eri But what if someone makes a complete suit?
  39. 06:23 Sylum he could probably lightly hit them with enough buildup and force, but maybe as a draw back because of the Magnetic drawback they themself can't hit him either
  40. 06:23 Sylum neither can hit niether if its a full suit
  41. 06:24 Eri Ahhhhhh very good, a full suit guarantees protection but also guarantees nothing but defensive and passive strategy.
  42. 06:27 Sylum Well with Direct hits, punches and such
  43. 06:27 Sylum if the suit had Lasers on it Organic would be in trouble
  44. 06:28 Eri Yeah, if you throw a magnet at a matching magnet, it'll still hit it because velocity overcomes magnetic forces when strong enough.
  45. 06:30 Sylum yeah so both would need big buildup for any hits
  46. 06:30 Eri Yeeeee
  47. 06:30 Eri I like it a lot
  48. 06:33 Sylum as do I, and I thank you
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