

Jul 22nd, 2015
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  1. Raw opened with another Giant pretape. "If you read the papers, you probably know that Kevin Sullivan and his wife Nancy were having more than a few marital problems, and as such WCW decided not to renew their contracts. Bad influences and all that. You probably also know that one of those problems was Nancy's affair with one Chris Benoit. But what you may not know is that WCW dropped the ball completely on another affair: Nick Lovin and Kimberly "Booty Babe" Page. Not a week after Kimberly took over managerial duties for Mr. Turner's own pet project, she had the kid wrapped around her little finger. Who can blame her? It's not like Dallas was getting it done in the bedroom.
  3. The poor sap didn't even know his wife was two-timing him until the week he put on a spectacular match with none other than Chris Benoit on Nitro that had Curt Hennig and the rest of the Diamonds thinking he might have a shot at the World Title. By the time they got back to the locker room, the word was out, and poor DDP was the last to know. The matter was dealt with pretty swiftly, as Kimberly requested a release not only from her WCW contract but also her marriage. But the revelation destroyed Dallas. He hasn't been the same since, and since he took that Hennigplex on the concrete on Nitro, he's on a "sabbatical" that's going to keep him out of business until after Starrcade. And what about Nick Lovin? Well, he didn't come out unscathed either. Ted Turner wasn't too happy that his blue chip prospect was taking a bite of his neighbor's pie, so Nick's Nitro debut has been... indefinitely postponed, so to speak.
  5. And that brings me to the question of how it started. Oh, you could say it just happened, that Kim and Nick just happened to fall into that situation, but I don't buy it. It played out too well to just be coincidence. I think one of those old men backstage, maybe even that little snake I mentioned last week, put the dominoes in order. Two hot prospects with one stone. "
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