
Light Hawk Wing Kimono

May 14th, 2018
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  1. Your armor, perhaps befitting of your Japanese heritage, was directly stolen from manga. Tenchi Muyo, to be exact, though the colors were black and dark blue instead of white, pink, green, and blue. Also, you got rid of the flowing shoulder ribbon things. The armor itself was pretty cool, but what was even more so was your sorta-replication of Light Hawk Wings! Kinda, at least. The trick was getting your armor to draw and store Od within itself.
  3. After Od was stored in your armor, it would become saturated in the defensive concepts held within and gain its own extremely powerful defensive leaning. From there you could radiate it out in a damage-reducing aura, form it into barriers by expelling it in a single direction from your armor, or supercharge your armor and double its strength for a time! There was also probably more effects to being able to store and use Od like this, but you didn't know what those would be and it didn't particularly matter anyways. Light Hawk Wings!
  5. When used against a single attack, each light hawk wing reduces the attack damage by 20% ie 3 light hawks = 60% reduction in attacking power i.e. 3 attacks can be reduced by 20% individually or 1 attack can be reduced by 40% whilst the other would be 20% and the last attack would have no reduction. This is halved to 30% when dealing with multiple attacks from various angles.
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