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a guest
Aug 2nd, 2017
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  1. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. #
  3. # _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _ _______ _______ _ _______ ______
  4. # ( ____ \|\ /|( ___ )( ____ )( __ \ ( ____ \( ( /| ( ____ \|\ /|( ___ )( \ |\ /|( ____ \( __ \
  5. # | ( \/| ) ( || ( ) || ( )|| ( \ )| ( \/| \ ( | | ( \/| ) ( || ( ) || ( | ) ( || ( \/| ( \ )
  6. # | | | | | || (___) || (____)|| | ) || (__ | \ | | | (__ | | | || | | || | | | | || (__ | | ) |
  7. # | | ____ | | | || ___ || __)| | | || __) | (\ \) | | __) ( ( ) )| | | || | ( ( ) )| __) | | | |
  8. # | | \_ )| | | || ( ) || (\ ( | | ) || ( | | \ | | ( \ \_/ / | | | || | \ \_/ / | ( | | ) |
  9. # | (___) || (___) || ) ( || ) \ \__| (__/ )| (____/\| ) \ | | (____/\ \ / | (___) || (____/\\ / | (____/\| (__/ )
  10. # (_______)(_______)|/ \||/ \__/(______/ (_______/|/ )_) (_______/ \_/ (_______)(_______/ \_/ (_______/(______/
  11. #
  12. # __ _______
  13. # / \ ( __ )
  14. # \/) ) | ( ) |
  15. # | | | | / |
  16. # | | | (/ /) |
  17. # | | | / | |
  18. # __) (_ _ | (__) |
  19. # \____/(_)(_______)
  20. #
  21. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. #
  24. # -> PlaceHolderApi
  25. # + AAC, ConditionalsCommands, SkQuery3 et 4, Wildautomessage, WorldEdit & Guard, AntiAura, BungeeBridge
  26. # + Skript 2.2, PirateSK, AntiAutoSoup, ExtraSK, SkStuff, ProtocolLib, ClickPerSeconds, ProtocolSupport, Umbaska,
  27. # perm a bloquer
  28. #-> bukkit.command.plugins
  29. #->
  30. #->
  31. #->
  32. #-> bukkit.command.version
  33. #-> test ok
  34. script options:
  35. $ db url jdbc:mysql://
  36. $ db username Guarden
  37. $ db password h7KGAygCwd5QgCLc
  39. on load:
  40. if "%{serveur}%" is set:
  41. if file "plugins/OnlyProxyJoin.jar" doesn't exists:
  42. download from "" to "plugins/OnlyProxyJoin.jar"
  45. #
  46. #
  47. #
  48. options:
  49. noinsulte: &cErreur: Mauvais langage ! Merci d'adapter votre langage, vous êtes sur un serveur cubique! Amusez-vous et arrêtez de vous provoquer/insulter :D!
  50. version: GuardenV2.1.1
  51. noperm: &cVous n'avez pas la permission !
  52. contactmoderation: &7L'équipe de &9modération &7n'est pas forcément sur votre serveur ! &7Si vous rencontrez un &9cheater&7, merci de faire &4/Report <pseudo> &7Si vous avez une question, merci de faire &4/question <votre question ou votre problème> &c!
  53. abusponctuation: &cInutile d'abuser sur la ponctuation.
  54. instulemessage: &cIl est strictement interdit d'insulter !
  55. nopub: &cLa publicité n'est pas autorisé !
  56. noprovocation: &cInutile de provoquer quelqu'un !
  57. noabuscaractere: &cMerci de ne pas abuser des caractères.
  58. prefix: &7[&9Sécurité&7]
  59. permission-msg: &cVous n'avez pas accès à cette commande.
  60. mdp: 4GHJ24
  61. mdp2: 84HJ24
  62. ban: &7[&9&lGuardenV2.1.1&7]
  63. bypassperm: true
  65. command /guardenupdate:
  66. permission: admin.NIKOLAS952
  67. trigger:
  68. if text from "" is not "":
  69. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  70. wait 5 ticks
  71. execute console command "/skript reload Guarden"
  72. broadcast "{@ban} &7Guarden mise à jour des données &c» &"
  74. command /iame <text>:
  75. executable by: console
  76. trigger:
  77. set {serveur} to arg-1
  79. command /debugmodmute [<offline player>]:
  80. permission: staff.use
  81. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  82. trigger:
  83. if arg-1 is set:
  84. clear {blockspam.%arg-1%}
  85. message "{@ban} &b%arg-1% &7peut de nouveau faire &b/report &7ou &b/question &7!"
  86. on join:
  87. clear {spam.%player%}
  90. command /ge [<text>] [<text>]:
  91. trigger:
  92. if arg-1 is not set:
  93. if player has permission "guarden.modo":
  94. message "&7--- &9Guarden &7---"
  95. message "&c/ge verif on/off &7| &cDès que vous rejoignez un serveur, cela vous met automatiquement en vérif"
  96. message "&c/ge togglenochat on/off &7| &cDès que vous rejoignez un serveur, cela vous enlève le /v toggle nochat"
  97. message "&c/ge togglenoreport on/off &7| &cVous ne recevrez plus les reports et les questions."
  98. message "&c/ge togglenv on/off &7| &cVous aurez désormais nightvision dès que vous rejoindrez un serveur"
  99. message "&7--- &9Guarden &7---"
  100. if player has permission "":
  101. if player does not have permission "guarden.modo":
  102. message "&7--- &9Guarden &7---"
  103. message "&7/ge vanish on/off &7| &cDès que vous rejoignez un serveur, vous serez immédiatement mis en vanish"
  104. message "&7--- &9Guarden &7---"
  105. else:
  106. message "&7--- &9Guarden &7---"
  107. message "&2Version: &c{@version}"
  108. message "&2Développeur: &cAcenox"
  109. message "&7--- &9Guarden &7---"
  110. if arg-1 is "verif":
  111. if arg-2 is "on":
  112. make console execute command "/ee fg von %player%"
  113. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez d'activer le vérif automatique."
  114. if arg-2 is "off":
  115. make console execute command "/ee fg voff %player%"
  116. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez de désactiver le vérif automatique."
  117. if arg-1 is "vanish":
  118. if arg-2 is "on":
  119. make console execute command "/ee fg vanon %player%"
  120. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez d'activer le vanish automatique."
  121. if arg-2 is "off":
  122. make console execute command "/ee fg vanoff %player%"
  123. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez de désactiver le vanish automatique."
  124. if arg-1 is "togglenochat":
  125. if arg-2 is "on":
  126. make console execute command "/ee fg ton %player%"
  127. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez d'activer le togglenochat automatique."
  128. if arg-2 is "off":
  129. make console execute command "/ee fg toff %player%"
  130. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez de désactiver le togglenochat automatique."
  131. if arg-1 is "togglenoreport":
  132. if arg-2 is "on":
  133. make console execute command "/ee fg report %player%"
  134. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez d'activer le togglenoreport."
  135. if arg-2 is "off":
  136. make console execute command "/ee fg reports %player%"
  137. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez de désactiver le togglenoreport."
  138. if arg-1 is "togglenv":
  139. if arg-2 is "on":
  140. make console execute command "/ee fg nv %player%"
  141. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez d'activer le togglenv"
  142. if arg-2 is "off":
  143. make console execute command "/ee fg nvs %player%"
  144. message "{@ban} &7Vous venez de désactiver le togglenv."
  146. command /fg [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  147. permission: guarden.verif
  148. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  149. trigger:
  150. if arg-1 is "von":
  151. if arg-2 is set:
  152. set {joinverif.%arg-2%} to 1
  153. if arg-1 is "voff":
  154. if arg-2 is set:
  155. clear {joinverif.%arg-2%}
  156. if arg-1 is "ton":
  157. if arg-2 is set:
  158. set {jointoggle.%arg-2%} to 1
  159. if arg-1 is "toff":
  160. if arg-2 is set:
  161. clear {jointoggle.%arg-2%}
  162. if arg-1 is "vanon":
  163. if arg-2 is set:
  164. set {joinvan.%arg-2%} to 1
  165. if arg-1 is "vanoff":
  166. if arg-2 is set:
  167. clear {joinvan.%arg-2%}
  168. if arg-1 is "report":
  169. if arg-2 is set:
  170. set {report.%arg-2%} to 1
  171. if arg-1 is "reports":
  172. if arg-2 is set:
  173. clear {report.%arg-2%}
  174. if arg-1 is "nv":
  175. if arg-2 is set:
  176. set {nv.%arg-2%} to 1
  177. if arg-1 is "nvs":
  178. if arg-2 is set:
  179. clear {nv.%arg-2%}
  180. remove night vision from the player
  182. on join:
  183. if {joinverif.%player%} is 1:
  184. if {verif.%player%} is false:
  185. if "%{serveur}%" contains "Lobby":
  186. stop
  187. else:
  188. wait 2 second
  189. make player execute command "/verif"
  190. if {report.%player%} is set:
  191. message "{@ban} &7Vous n'avez pas activer les reports ! &c/ge togglenoreport <on/off>"
  192. if {jointoggle.%player%} is 1:
  193. make player execute command "/v toggle nochat"
  194. if {joinvan.%player%} is 1:
  195. make player execute command "/v"
  196. if {nv.%player%} is 1:
  197. apply night vision to the player for 100000 seconds
  198. else:
  199. remove night vision from the player
  201. #Configuration
  203. #Code : Modification déconseillée
  205. command /op [<player>] [<text>]:
  206. permission: admin.NIKOLAS952
  207. permission message: {@prefix} {@permission-msg}
  208. trigger:
  209. if arg 1 is not set:
  210. send "{@prefix} &7Merci de faire &9/op <pseudo> <mdp>"
  211. stop
  212. if arg 2 is "{@mdp}":
  213. send "{@prefix} &7Mot de passe &9Validé &7! &7Vous êtes désormais &9opérateur"
  214. send "{@prefix} &9%arg-1% &7est désormais &9opérateur&7." to console
  215. op arg 1
  216. else:
  217. message "{@prefix} &9Mot de passe incorrect."
  218. command /minecraft:op [<player>] [<text>]:
  219. permission: admin.NIKOLAS952
  220. permission message: {@prefix} {@permission-msg}
  221. trigger:
  222. if arg 1 is not set:
  223. send "{@prefix} &7Merci de faire &9/op <pseudo> <mdp>"
  224. stop
  225. if arg 2 is "{@mdp}":
  226. send "{@prefix} &7Mot de passe &9Validé &7! &7Vous êtes désormais &9opérateur"
  227. send "{@prefix} &9%arg-1% &7est désormais &9opérateur&7." to console
  228. op arg 1
  229. else:
  230. message "{@prefix} &9Mot de passe incorrect."
  231. command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  232. permission: op.use
  233. permission message: {@prefix} {@permission-msg}
  234. aliases: gm, gmc, gms
  235. trigger:
  236. if arg 1 is not set:
  237. send "{@prefix} &7Merci de faire &9/gamemode <0/1/2/3> <pseudo> <mdp>"
  238. stop
  239. if arg-1 is not set:
  240. make console execute command "/gamemode 0 %player%"
  241. if arg-2 is not set:
  242. make console execute command "/gamemode 0 %player%"
  243. if arg-1 is "1":
  244. if arg-2 is set:
  245. if arg-3 is "{@mdp2}":
  246. send "{@prefix} &7Mot de passeo &9Validé &7! &7Vous êtes désormais &9en gamemode 1"
  247. set the player's gamemode to creative
  248. set argument 2's gamemode to creative
  249. send "{@prefix} &9%arg-1% &7est désormais en &9gamemode 1&7." to console
  250. else:
  251. message "{@prefix} &9Mot de passe incorrect."
  252. if arg-1 is "0":
  253. if arg-2 is not set:
  254. set the player's gamemode to survival
  255. if arg-2 is set:
  256. set argument 2's gamemode to survival
  257. if arg-1 is "2":
  258. if arg-2 is not set:
  259. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  260. if arg-2 is set:
  261. set argument 2's gamemode to adventure
  262. if arg-1 is "3":
  263. if arg-2 is not set:
  264. set the player's gamemode to spectator
  265. if arg-2 is set:
  266. set argument 2's gamemode to spectator
  267. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. #
  269. # ____ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _____ _____
  270. # | __ ) / \ | \ | | ___| |_ | \/ | | | |_ _| ____|
  271. # | _ \ / _ \ | \| | / _ \ __| | |\/| | | | | | | | _|
  272. # | |_) / /_\ \| |\ | | __/ |_ | | | | |_| | | | | |___
  273. # |____/_/ \_\_| \_| \___|\__| |_| |_|\___/ |_| |_____|
  274. #
  275. #
  276. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  279. command /brb [<text>]:
  280. permission: admin.use
  281. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  282. trigger:
  283. if arg-1 is set:
  284. broadcast "{@ban} %coloured arg-1%"
  288. command /gkick <text> <offlineplayer> <text>:
  289. permission: guarden.kick
  290. permission message: {@noperm}
  291. trigger:
  292. if arg 1 is "s3crrerr3tc0de":
  293. make console execute command "eb gkick %arg-2% %arg 3%"
  294. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% %player% &bl'a kick pour &9%arg-3%"
  295. make console execute command "addsanction kick %arg-2%"
  296. make console execute command "addsanction kick2 %arg-2%"
  297. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été kick pour &b%arg-3%"
  298. if {guarden.kick.%arg-2%} > 24:
  299. if {guarden.ft.%arg-2%} is not set:
  300. set {guarden.ft.%arg-2%} to 1
  301. set {guarden.ft.2.%arg-2%} to 2
  302. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 1d &bKick &7(25 fois)"
  303. wait 1 second
  304. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 1d &bKick &7(25 fois)"
  305. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &9Kick &7(25 fois)"
  306. if {guarden.kick.%arg-2%} > 49:
  307. if {guarden.ft.2.%arg-2%} is 2:
  308. set {guarden.ft.2.%arg-2%} to 3
  309. set {guarden.ft.3.%arg-2%} to 2
  310. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 2d &bKick &7(50 fois)"
  311. wait 1 second
  312. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 2d &bKick &7(50 fois)"
  313. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &9Kick &7(50 fois)"
  314. if {guarden.kick.%arg-2%} > 74:
  315. if {guarden.ft.3.%arg-2%} is 2:
  316. set {guarden.ft.3.%arg-2%} to 3
  317. set {guarden.ft.4.%arg-2%} to 2
  318. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 4d &bKick &7(75 fois)"
  319. wait 1 second
  320. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 4d &bKick &7(75 fois)"
  321. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &9Kick &7(75 fois)"
  322. if {guarden.kick.%arg-2%} > 99:
  323. if {guarden.ft.4.%arg-2%} is 2:
  324. set {guarden.ft.4.%arg-2%} to 3
  325. execute console command "eb gbanip %arg-2% &bBlacklisted - Kick &7(100 fois)"
  326. wait 1 second
  327. execute console command "eb gban %arg-2% &bBlacklisted - Kick &7(100 fois)"
  328. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a ban déf pour &9Kick &7(100 fois)"
  332. # /\
  333. # || KICK CUSTOM x:time x:raison #A REFAIRE EN PARTIE POUR LE HOOK DANS BungeeAdminTools
  334. # ||
  335. command /addsanction [<text>] [<text>]:
  336. permission: admin.use
  337. permission message: &4Vous n'avez pas la permission.
  338. trigger:
  339. if arg-1 is "mute":
  340. add 1 to {guarden.mute.%arg-2%}
  341. if arg-1 is "kick":
  342. add 1 to {guarden.kick.%arg-2%}
  343. if arg-1 is "kick2":
  344. add 1 to {}
  345. if arg-1 is "cheat":
  346. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-2%}
  347. if arg-1 is "banharcelement":
  348. add 1 to {guarden.harcelement.%arg-2%}
  349. if arg-1 is "antijeu":
  350. add 1 to {guarden.antijeu.%arg-2%}
  351. if arg-1 is "mute2":
  352. add 1 to {guarden.eft.%arg-2%}
  353. if arg-1 is "cheatge":
  354. add 1 to {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%}
  355. if arg-1 is "cheat2":
  356. add 1 to {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%}
  357. if arg-1 is "cheat":
  358. add 1 to {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%}
  359. if arg-1 is not set:
  360. stop
  361. command /gmute <text> <offlineplayer> <text> <text>:
  362. permission: guarden.mute
  363. permission message: {@noperm}
  364. trigger:
  365. if arg 1 is "s3cr3tc0de":
  366. make console execute command "addsanction mute2 %arg-2%"
  367. wait 3 ticks
  368. make console execute command "eb gtempmute %arg-2% %arg 3% %arg 4%"
  369. make console execute command "eb gtempmuteip %arg-2% %arg 3% %arg 4%"
  370. wait 2 ticks
  371. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a mute pour &b%arg-4%"
  372. make console execute command "addsanction mute %arg-2%"
  373. wait 2 ticks
  374. make console execute command "statsge 3 %player%"
  375. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été mute pour &b%arg-4% &7pendant &b%arg-3%"
  376. if {guarden.mute.%arg-2%} > 24:
  377. if {guarden.mop.%arg-2%} is not set:
  378. set {guarden.mop.%arg-2%} to 1
  379. set {guarden.mop.2.%arg-2%} to 2
  380. execute console command "eb gtempmuteip %arg-2% 7d &bMute &7(25 fois)"
  381. wait 2 second
  382. execute console command "eb gtempmute %arg-2% 7d &bMute &7(25 fois)"
  383. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a mute pour &bMute &7(25 fois)"
  384. if {guarden.mute.%arg-2%} > 49:
  385. if {guarden.mop.2.%arg-2%} is 2:
  386. set {guarden.mop.2.%arg-2%} to 3
  387. set {guarden.mop.3.%arg-2%} to 2
  388. execute console command "eb gtempmuteip %arg-2% 30d &bMute &7(50 fois)"
  389. wait 2 second
  390. execute console command "eb gtempmute %arg-2% 30d &bMute &7(50 fois)"
  391. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a mute pour &bMute &7(50 fois)"
  392. if {guarden.mute.%arg-2%} > 74:
  393. if {guarden.mop.3.%arg-2%} is 2:
  394. set {guarden.mop.3.%arg-2%} to 3
  395. set {guarden.mop.4.%arg-2%} to 2
  396. execute console command "eb gtempmuteip %arg-2% 60d &bMute &7(75 fois)"
  397. wait 2 second
  398. execute console command "eb gtempmute %arg-2% 60d &bMute &7(75 fois)"
  399. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a mute pour &bMute &7(75 fois)"
  400. if {guarden.mute.%arg-2%} > 99:
  401. if {guarden.mop.4.%arg-2%} is 2:
  402. set {guarden.mop.4.%arg-2%} to 3
  403. execute console command "eb gmuteip %arg-2% &bMute définitif - Plus de 100 mutes."
  404. wait 2 second
  405. execute console command "eb gmute %arg-2% &bMute définitif - Plus de 100 mutes."
  406. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a mute déf pour &bMute &7(100 fois)"
  407. # /\
  408. # || MUTE CUSTOM x:time x:raison #A REFAIRE EN PARTIE POUR LE HOOK DANS BungeeAdminTools
  409. # ||
  412. command /tbanip [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  413. permission: guarden.ban
  414. permission message: {@noperm}
  415. trigger:
  416. if arg 1 is "c0des3cr3t3e":
  417. make console execute command "statsge 2"
  418. make console execute command "addsanction banharcelement %arg-2%"
  419. make console execute command "statsge 4 %player%"
  420. if {guarden.harcelement.%arg-2%} is not set:
  421. wait 5 ticks
  422. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 7d %arg-3%"
  423. wait 2 second
  424. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 7d %arg-3%"
  425. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  426. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  427. stop
  428. if {guarden.harcelement.%arg-2%} is 1:
  429. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 14d %arg-3%"
  430. wait 2 second
  431. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 14d %arg-3%"
  432. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  433. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  434. stop
  435. if {guarden.harcelement.%arg-2%} is 2:
  436. execute console command "eb gban %arg-2% &4Blacklisted &bBans multiples"
  437. wait 2 second
  438. execute console command "eb gbanip %arg-2% &4Blacklisted &bBans multiples"
  439. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  440. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a ban déf pour &b%arg-3%"
  441. stop
  442. command /tbanpseudo [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  443. permission: guarden.ban
  444. permission message: {@noperm}
  445. trigger:
  446. if arg 1 is "c0des3cr3t3e":
  447. make console execute command "statsge 4 %player%"
  448. make console execute command "statsge 2"
  449. execute console command "eb gban %arg-2% %arg-3%"
  450. wait 2 second
  451. broadcast "{@ban} &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  452. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a ban déf pour &bPseudo incorrect"
  453. stop
  454. command /tbanunj [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  455. permission: guarden.ban
  456. permission message: {@noperm}
  457. trigger:
  458. if arg 1 is "c0des3cr3t3e":
  459. make console execute command "statsge 4 %player%"
  460. wait 5 ticks
  461. make console execute command "addsanction antijeu %arg-2%"
  462. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  463. if {guarden.antijeu.%arg-2%} is not set:
  464. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 1d %arg-3%"
  465. wait 2 second
  466. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 1d %arg-3%"
  467. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  468. stop
  469. if {guarden.antijeu.%arg-2%} is 1:
  470. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 2d %arg-3%"
  471. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 2d %arg-3%"
  472. wait 2 second
  473. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  474. stop
  475. if {guarden.antijeu.%arg-2%} is 2:
  476. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 4d %arg-3%"
  477. wait 2 seconds
  478. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 4d %arg-3%"
  479. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  480. stop
  481. if {guarden.antijeu.%arg-2%} is 3:
  482. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 8d %arg-3%"
  483. wait 2 seconds
  484. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 8d %arg-3%"
  485. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  486. stop
  487. if {guarden.antijeu.%arg-2%} is 4:
  488. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 30d %arg-3%"
  489. wait 2 seconds
  490. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 30d %arg-3%"
  491. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  492. stop
  493. command /guarden:
  494. trigger:
  495. message "&7Dernière mise à jour: &b1 août 2017"
  496. message "&7Guarden a banni &b%{guarden.statsge}% &7joueurs !"
  497. message "&7Les modérateurs ont banni &b%{guarden.modostats}% &7joueurs !"
  498. message "&7Version de l'anticheat: {@ban}"
  499. message "&7Développeur AntiCheat: &bAcenox"
  500. message "&7Développeur API: &bAcenox, NIKOLAS952 et benbouil95"
  502. command /statsge [<text>] [<text>]:
  503. permission: guarden.verif
  504. permission message: &bVous n'avez pas la permission
  505. description: Statistique sur Guarden.
  506. trigger:
  507. if arg-1 is not set:
  508. stop
  509. if arg-1 is "1":
  510. add 1 to {guarden.statsge}
  511. if arg-1 is "2":
  512. add 1 to {guarden.modostats}
  513. if arg-1 is "3":
  514. if arg-2 is set:
  515. add 1 to {guarden.modomut.%arg-2%}
  516. if arg-1 is "4":
  517. if arg-2 is set:
  518. add 1 to {guarden.modoban.%arg-2%}
  519. if arg-1 is "statsmodoperso":
  520. if arg-2 is set:
  521. message "&7Le modérateur &9%arg-2% à fait %{guarden.modomut.%arg-2%}% mutes et %{guarden.modoban.%arg-2%}% bans"
  522. if arg-1 is "reset":
  523. if arg-2 is set:
  524. set {guarden.modoban.%arg-2%} to 0
  525. set {guarden.modomut.%arg-2%} to 0
  526. if arg-1 is "reset2":
  527. set {guarden.statsge} to 0
  528. set {guarden.modostats} to 0
  529. if arg-1 is "statsge":
  530. message "&9Guarden &7à banni &9%{guarden.statsge}% &7joueurs."
  531. if arg-1 is "statsmod":
  532. message "&9Les modérateurs &7ont banni &9%{guarden.modostats}% &7joueurs."
  533. command /tbanipcheat [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  534. permission: guarden.ban
  535. permission message: {@noperm}
  536. trigger:
  537. if arg 1 is "c0des3cr3t3e":
  538. make console execute command "statsge 2"
  539. make console execute command "statsge 4 %player%"
  540. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  541. if {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%} is not set:
  542. make console execute command "/kill %arg-2%"
  543. make console execute command "/ggban %arg-2%"
  544. wait 1 second
  545. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 30d %arg-3%"
  546. wait 2 second
  547. make console execute command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 30d %arg-3%"
  548. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  549. wait 3 ticks
  550. make console execute command "ee addsanction cheat2 %arg-2%"
  551. stop
  552. if {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%} is 1:
  553. make console execute command "/kill %arg-2%"
  554. make console execute command "/ggban %arg-2%"
  555. wait 5 ticks
  556. make console execute command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 60d %arg-3%"
  557. wait 2 second
  558. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 60d %arg-3%"
  559. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a TempBan pour &b%arg-3%"
  560. wait 3 ticks
  561. make console execute command "ee addsanction cheat2 %arg-2%"
  562. stop
  563. if {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%} is 2:
  564. make console execute command "/kill %arg-2%"
  565. make console execute command "/ggban %arg-2%"
  566. wait 5 ticks
  567. make console execute command "eb gban %arg-2% &4Blacklisted &bBans multiples"
  568. wait 2 second
  569. execute console command "eb gbanip %arg-2% &4Blacklisted &bBans multiples"
  570. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a ban déf pour &b%arg-3%"
  571. wait 3 ticks
  572. make console execute command "ee addsanction cheat2 %arg-2%"
  573. stop
  574. command /tbanipcheatge [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  575. permission: guarden.ban
  576. permission message: {@noperm}
  577. trigger:
  578. if arg 1 is "c0des3cr3t3e":
  579. make console execute command "statsge 1"
  580. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  581. if {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%} is not set:
  582. make console execute command "/kill %arg-2%"
  583. make console execute command "/ggban %arg-2%"
  584. wait 3 second
  585. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 30d %arg-3%"
  586. wait 1 second
  587. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 30d %arg-3%"
  588. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &bGuarden &bl'a TempBan pour &b&7[&9Guarden&7] &7Cheat &7(&9%arg-3%&7)"
  589. wait 3 ticks
  590. make console execute command "ee addsanction cheatge %arg-2%"
  591. stop
  592. if {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%} is 1:
  593. make console execute command "/kill %arg-2%"
  594. make console execute command "/ggban %arg-2%"
  595. wait 3 second
  596. execute console command "eb gtempban %arg-2% 60d %arg-3%"
  597. wait 1 second
  598. execute console command "eb gtempbanip %arg-2% 60d %arg-3%"
  599. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &bGuarden &bl'a TempBan pour &7[&9Guarden&7] &7Cheat &7(&9%arg-3%&7)"
  600. wait 3 ticks
  601. make console execute command "ee addsanction cheatge %arg-2%"
  602. stop
  603. if {guarden.guardenban.%arg-2%} is 2:
  604. make console execute command "/kill %arg-2%"
  605. make console execute command "/ggban %arg-2%"
  606. wait 3 second
  607. execute console command "eb gban %arg-2% &4Blacklisted &bBans multiples"
  608. wait 1 second
  609. execute console command "eb gbanip %arg-2% &4Blacklisted &bBans multiples"
  610. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &bGuarden &bl'a ban déf pour &b&7[&9Guarden&7] &7Cheat &7(&9%arg-3%&7)"
  611. wait 3 ticks
  612. make console execute command "ee addsanction cheatge %arg-2%"
  613. stop
  614. command /debugjoueur [<text>]:
  615. permission: guarden.verif
  616. permission message: &4Vous n'avez pas la permission
  617. trigger:
  618. if arg-1 is set:
  619. clear {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  620. clear {tp.%arg-1%}
  621. clear {guarden.guardenban.%arg-1%}
  622. set {guarden.mute.%arg-1%} to 0
  623. clear {guarden.harcelement.%arg-1%}
  624. clear {guarden.antijeu.%arg-1%}
  628. command /fbanip [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  629. permission: guarden.ban
  630. permission message: {@noperm}
  631. trigger:
  632. if arg 1 is "c0des3cr3t3e":
  633. make console execute command "/ggban %arg-2%"
  634. make console execute command "/kill %arg-2%"
  635. wait 1 second
  636. execute console command "eb gbanip %arg-2% %arg-3%"
  637. wait 2 seconds
  638. execute console command "eb gban %arg-2% %arg-3%"
  639. make console execute command "ee brb &b%arg-2% &7a été banni pour &b%arg-3%"
  640. make console execute command "eb comment %arg-2% &b%player% &bl'a BanDef pour &b%arg-3%"
  641. stop
  643. # /\
  644. # || BAN DEF CUSTOM x:raison #A REFAIRE EN PARTIE POUR LE HOOK DANS BungeeAdminTools
  645. # ||
  647. command /modk [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  648. permission: guarden.kick
  649. permission message: {@noperm}
  650. aliases: /mk
  651. trigger:
  652. if arg-1 is not set:
  653. send "&7[&9Guarden&7] Raisons disponibles de kick &9&l>&7 insulte / spam / infraction / staffafk / provocation / langage / majuscule / couleur" to player
  654. else:
  655. if arg 2 is not set:
  656. send "&7[&9Guarden&7] Raisons disponibles de kick &9&l>&7 insulte / spam / infraction / staffafk / provocation / langage / majuscule / couleur" to player
  657. stop
  658. if arg 2 is "insulte":
  659. make console execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-1% Insulte en MSG"
  660. if arg 2 is "spam":
  661. make console execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-1% Spam en MSG"
  662. if arg 2 is "infraction":
  663. make console execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-1% Infraction Tir-Safe/Switch-Safe"
  664. if arg 2 is "staffafk":
  665. make console execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-1% Staff AFK"
  666. if arg 2 is "provocation":
  667. make console execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-1% Provocation en MSG"
  668. if arg 2 is "langage":
  669. make console execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-1% Langage incorrect en MSG"
  670. if arg 2 is "majuscules":
  671. make console execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-1% Majuscules en MSG"
  673. command /modm [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  674. permission: guarden.mute
  675. permission message: {@noperm}
  676. aliases: /mm
  677. trigger:
  678. if arg-1 is not set:
  679. send "&7[&9Guarden&7] Raisons disponibles de mute &9&l>&7 spam / majuscules / provocation / abus / langage / insulte / obscènité / lag / racisme / pub / couleur" to player
  680. else:
  681. if arg 2 is not set:
  682. send "&7[&9Guarden&7] Raisons disponibles de mute &9&l>&7 spam / majuscules / provocation / abus / langage / insulte / obscènité / lag / racisme / pub / couleur" to player
  683. stop
  684. if arg 2 is "spam":
  685. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 15m Spam/Flood"
  686. if arg 2 is "majuscules":
  687. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 15m Majuscules"
  688. if arg 2 is "provocation":
  689. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 30m Provocation"
  690. if arg 2 is "abus":
  691. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 15m Abus de caractères"
  692. if arg 2 is "langage":
  693. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 1h Langage incorrect"
  694. if arg 2 is "insulte":
  695. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 1h Insulte"
  696. if arg 2 is "obscènité":
  697. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 1h Propos obscènes"
  698. if arg 2 is "lag":
  699. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 15m Lag"
  700. if arg 2 is "racisme":
  701. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 2h Racisme"
  702. if arg 2 is "pub":
  703. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 2h Publicité Nom de serveur/Chaine YT"
  704. if arg 2 is "couleur":
  705. make console execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-1% 1h Les couleurs sont réservés aux VIP+ et sponsor !"
  707. command /modb [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  708. permission: guarden.ban
  709. permission message: {@noperm}
  710. aliases: /mb
  711. trigger:
  712. if arg-1 is not set:
  713. send "&7[&9Guarden&7] Raisons disponibles de ban &9&l>&7 harcèlement / ddos / insulte / antijeu / infraction / pubmsg / pubip / hack / terrorisme / duplication / pseudo / blacklist" to player
  714. else:
  715. if arg 2 is not set:
  716. send "&7[&9Guarden&7] Raisons disponibles de ban &9&l>&7 harcèlement / ddos / insulte / antijeu / infraction / pubmsg / pubip / hack / terrorisme / duplication / pseudo / blacklist" to player
  717. stop
  718. if arg 2 is "harcèlement":
  719. make console execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Harcèlement"
  720. if arg 2 is "ddos":
  721. make console execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Menaces de DDoS"
  722. if arg 2 is "insulte":
  723. make console execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Insulte staff/serveur"
  724. if arg 2 is "antijeu":
  725. make console execute command "tbanunj c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Anti-Jeu"
  726. if arg 2 is "infraction":
  727. make console execute command "tbanunj c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Infraction"
  728. if arg 2 is "pubmsg":
  729. make console execute command "tbanunj c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Publicité en MSG (Nom du serveur)"
  730. if arg 2 is "pubip":
  731. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Publicité (IP)"
  732. if arg 2 is "hack":
  733. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Hack"
  734. if arg 2 is "terrorisme":
  735. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Apologie du terrorisme"
  736. if arg 2 is "duplication":
  737. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Duplication"
  738. if arg 2 is "pseudo":
  739. make console execute command "tbanpseudo c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Pseudo incorrect"
  740. if arg 2 is "blacklisted":
  741. if arg 3 is not set:
  742. send "&7[&9Guarden&7] Raisons disponibles de blacklisted &9&l>&7 nuisancecommunauté / nuisanceserveur / bansmultiples / tentativehack / blacklist / permsmodération / vpn" to player
  743. stop
  744. if arg 3 is "nuisancecommunauté":
  745. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Nuisance à la communauté"
  746. if arg 3 is "nuisanceserveur":
  747. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Nuisance au serveur"
  748. if arg 3 is "bansmultiples":
  749. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Bans multiples"
  750. if arg 3 is "tentativehack":
  751. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Tentative de Hack"
  752. if arg 3 is "blacklist":
  753. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Blacklisted"
  754. if arg 3 is "permsmodération":
  755. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% Toujours accès aux permissions de modération"
  756. if arg 3 is "vpn":
  757. make console execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-1% VPN"
  763. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  764. #
  765. # __ __ ___ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ____
  766. #| \/ |/ _ \| _ \ / ___| \/ | _ \/ ___|
  767. #| |\/| | | | | | | | | | | |\/| | | | \___ \
  768. #| | | | |_| | |_| | | |___| | | | |_| |___) |
  769. #|_| |_|\___/|____/ \____|_| |_|____/|____/
  770. #
  771. #
  772. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  775. command /modhelp: #RAJOUTER LES NEW COMMANDES A LA FIN
  776. permission:
  777. permission message: {@noperm}
  778. trigger:
  779. send "&7&l> &9Aide &3&lGuarden &7&l<"
  780. send ""
  781. json("%player%","&9/mod <joueur>||ttp:&7Sanctionner un joueur||sgt:/mod ")
  782. json("%player%","&9/modmute <joueur>||ttp:&7Mute les reports/questions d'un joueur||sgt:/modmute ")
  783. json("%player%","&9/modping <joueur>||ttp:&7Vérifie le ping d'un joueur||sgt:/modping ")
  784. json("%player%","&9/modspy <on/off>||ttp:&7Activer ou désactiver le SpyCheat||sgt:/modspy ")
  785. json("%player%","&9/modcheck <joueur>||ttp:&7Avoir les infos sur un joueur||sgt:/modcheck ")
  786. if player has permission "guarden.modom":
  787. json("%player%","&9/verif <joueur>||ttp:&7Outils pour vérifier un joueur||sgt:/verif ")
  788. json("%player%","&9/modinv <joueur>||ttp:&7Voir l'inventaire du joueur||sgt:/modinv ")
  789. if player has permission "guarden.modo":
  790. json("%player%","&9/ip <joueur>||ttp:&7Vérifie l'IP d'un joueur connecté||sgt:/ip ")
  791. json("%player%","&9/modchat||ttp:&7Gérer le chat||sgt:/modchat")
  795. # /\
  796. # || COMMANDE D'AIDE /MOD
  797. # ||
  801. command /modspy [<text>]:
  802. permission:
  803. permission message: {@noperm}
  804. trigger:
  805. if arg 1 is "on":
  806. clear {cheat.%player%.modspy}
  807. send "&7Le &9SpyCheat&7 est désormais &aactivé&7."
  808. stop
  809. if arg 1 is "off":
  810. set {cheat.%player%.modspy} to 1
  811. send "&7Le &9SpyCheat&7 est désormais &cdésactivé&7."
  812. stop
  813. else:
  814. make player execute command "modhelp"
  818. # /\
  819. # || /MODSPY
  820. # ||
  824. command /scf [<text>] [<text>]:
  825. executable by: console
  826. trigger:
  827. if arg 1 is set:
  828. if arg 2 is set:
  829. if {spam.%arg-1%} is not set:
  830. if {blockspam.%arg-1%} is not set:
  831. make console execute command "ee scr %{serveur}% %arg-1% %arg-2%"
  832. set {spam.%arg-1%} to 1
  833. wait 15 seconds
  834. clear {spam.%arg-1%}
  835. if arg 1 is not set:
  836. stop
  837. if arg 2 is not set:
  838. stop
  842. command /scr [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  843. executable by: console
  844. trigger:
  845. loop all players:
  846. if loop-player has the permission "":
  847. if {cheat.%loop-player%.modspy} is not set:
  848. json("%loop-player%", "&7[&cSpy&7] &c%arg-1%&7:||ttp:&9Se téléporter||cmd:/guardenreport %arg-1% %loop-player%|| &c%arg-2% &7: &6&7%arg-3%&6 &c- &7[&cSanctionner&7]||ttp:&9Sanctionner le joueur||cmd:/mod %arg-2%||")
  852. # /\
  854. # ||
  856. on join:
  857. if {guarden.modmute.%player%} is not set:
  858. set {guarden.modmute.%player%} to 0
  859. if {fac.%player%} is not set:
  860. set {fac.%player%} to "&cChargement..."
  862. command /modmute [<offline player>]:
  863. permission:
  864. permission message: {@noperm}
  865. trigger:
  866. if arg 1 is not set:
  867. make player execute command "modhelp"
  868. stop
  869. if arg-1 is not "{@version}":
  870. make console execute command "ee modemute autoset %arg-1% %player%"
  871. else:
  872. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &7&lEh oh ! Petit noob ! &9&lOn tente de modmute l'anticheat ? &c&lTss ! &9&lTU VAS VOIR ! &7&lT'ES VIRE."
  873. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &a&lUn message automatique vient d'être envoyé à &c&lJohnMaker234 &7&l!"
  874. wait 3 seconds
  875. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &9&lAHAHAHAH ! &7&lTu rigoles moins d'un coup !"
  876. message ""
  877. wait 30 seconds
  878. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &9&lGUARDEN t'a bien troll bien sûr :D MAIS NE RECOMMENCE PLUS JAMAIS !!!"
  879. make console execute command "eb comment %player% &7Guarden &9prime du noob &7! Bravo &9%player%"
  883. # /\
  884. # || /MODMUTE
  885. # ||
  889. command /modemute autoset [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  890. executable by: console
  891. trigger:
  892. if {blockspam.%arg-1%} is set:
  893. stop
  894. set {blockspam.%arg-1%} to 1
  895. loop all players:
  896. if loop-player has the permission "report.see":
  897. send "&6%arg-2% &ebloque les reports/questions de &6%arg-1% &edurant &65 minutes &c!" to loop-player
  898. send "{@ban} &7Vous venez d'être &csanctionné &c! &7Vous ne pouvez plus envoyer de &c/question &7et de &c/report &7pendant &c5 minutes &c!" to arg-1
  899. wait 5 minutes
  900. clear {blockspam.%arg-1%}
  903. # /\
  905. # ||
  909. command /modping [<offline player>]:
  910. permission:
  911. permission message: {@noperm}
  912. trigger:
  913. if arg-1 is set:
  914. if arg-1 is online:
  915. send "&7Ping de &9%arg-1% &7» &9%arg-1's ping%"
  916. else:
  917. message "&9Erreur: &7Le joueur n'est pas connecté."
  918. if arg-1 is not set:
  919. message "&9Erreur: &7/modping <pseudo>"
  923. # /\
  924. # || /MODPING
  925. # ||
  929. command /modcheck [<offline player>]: #A VOIR POUR HOOK AVEC BungeeAdminTools
  930. permission:
  931. permission message: {@noperm}
  932. trigger:
  933. if arg 1 is not set:
  934. send "&eMerci d'indiquer le &6pseudonyme&e."
  935. stop
  936. send " &e- &6Guarden Check &e-"
  937. message ""
  938. message "&6/&4!&6\ &ePour voir qui à ban tel merci de cliquer sur &6'' Commentaires '' &6/&4!&6\ "
  939. message "&e- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
  940. json("%player%", "&eClique ici pour voir l'historique &6&lGLOBAL&6... ||ttp: &eHistorique GLOBAL ||cmd:/bat lookup %arg-1%")
  941. json("%player%", "&eClique ici pour voir l'historique des &6&lMUTES&6... ||ttp: &eHistorique des MUTES ||cmd:/bat lookup %arg-1% mute")
  942. json("%player%", "&eClique ici pour voir l'historique des &6&lKICKS&6... ||ttp: &eHistorique des KICKS ||cmd:/bat lookup %arg-1% kick")
  943. json("%player%", "&eClique ici pour voir l'historique des &6&lBANS&6... ||ttp: &eHistorique des BANS ||cmd:/bat lookup %arg-1% ban")
  944. json("%player%", "&eCommentaires &6... ||ttp: &ePermet d'avoir plus d'infos ||cmd:/bat lookup %arg-1% comment")
  945. message "&e- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
  946. message ""
  947. if {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%} is not set:
  948. json("%player%","&6Détection de Guarden&e: &6Aucune &edétection de cheat !||ttp:&6Attention de ne pas toujours suivre mon avis !")
  949. stop
  950. if {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%} is equal to 0:
  951. json("%player%","&6Détection de Guarden&e: &6Aucune &edétection de cheat !||ttp:&6Attention de ne pas toujours suivre mon avis !")
  952. stop
  953. if {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%} is less than 10:
  954. json("%player%","&6Détection de Guarden&e: &6%{guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}% &ede détection ! &2Faible||ttp:&6Attention de ne pas toujours suivre mon avis !")
  955. stop
  956. if {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%} is less than 25:
  957. json("%player%","&6Détection de Guarden&e: &6%{guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}% &ede détection ! &eMoyen||ttp:&6Attention de ne pas toujours suivre mon avis !")
  958. stop
  959. if {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%} is less than 50:
  960. json("%player%","&6Détection de Guarden&e: &6%{guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}% &ede détection ! &6Moyen+||ttp:&6Attention de ne pas toujours suivre mon avis !")
  961. stop
  962. if {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%} is less than 100:
  963. json("%player%","&6Détection de Guarden&e: &6%{guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}% &ede détection ! &6Fort||ttp:&6Attention de ne pas toujours suivre mon avis !")
  964. stop
  965. if {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%} is more than 99:
  966. json("%player%","&6Détection de Guarden&e: &6%{guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}% &ede détection ! &4Très fort||ttp:&6Attention de ne pas toujours suivre mon avis !")
  967. stop
  971. # /\
  973. # ||
  981. command /question [<text>]:
  982. trigger:
  983. if {blockspam.%player%} is set:
  984. stop
  985. if arg 1 is set:
  986. if {spam.%player%} is not set:
  987. make console execute command "ee needr %{serveur}% %player% %arg-1%"
  988. send "&7[&9Modération&7] &7Votre question vient d'être envoyé. Si un modérateur est connecté, vous recevrez une réponse."
  989. set {spam.%player%} to 1
  990. wait 30 seconds
  991. clear {spam.%player%}
  992. if {spam.%player%} is set:
  993. send "&7[&9Modération&7] &7Vous ne pouvez envoyer un &9/question &7que toute les &930 &7secondes."
  994. if arg 1 is not set:
  995. send "&7Vous devez utiliser la commande &3/question <question>"
  997. command /debugquestion [<offline player>]:
  998. permission: guarden.verif
  999. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  1000. trigger:
  1001. if arg-1 is set:
  1002. clear {spam.%arg-1%}
  1003. message "&7[&9Modération&7] &7Vous avez reset le temps de &9%arg-1%"
  1005. # /\
  1006. # || /QUESTION
  1007. # ||
  1010. command /needr [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  1011. executable by: console
  1012. trigger:
  1013. loop all players:
  1014. if loop-player has permission "report.see":
  1015. if {report.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1016. send "&aQuestion de &e%arg-2% &asur le &e%arg-1%&a: &2%arg-3%" to loop-player
  1017. set {question.player.%arg-2%} to arg-2
  1018. json("%loop-player%", "&7[&9&lOptions&7] &b[Répondre]||sgt:/reponse %arg-2% ||ttp:&cClique-ici pour répondre|| ||&b[Modmute]||cmd:/ping||cmd:/modconfirm %arg-2%||ttp:&cClique-ici pour modmute %arg-2%")
  1020. command /modconfirm [<offline player>]:
  1021. permission: report.see
  1022. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission
  1023. trigger:
  1024. if arg-1 is set:
  1025. message "&b--- &7[&9&lOptions&7] &b---" to player
  1026. json("%player%", "&aCliquez-ici pour confirmer le modmute de &b%arg-1%&a.||cmd:/modmute %arg-1%||ttp:&cClique-ici pour confirmer le modmute de %arg-1%")
  1027. message "&b--- &7[&9&lOptions&7] &b---" to player
  1028. # /\
  1030. # ||
  1034. command /reponse [<text>] [<text>]:
  1035. permission: report.see
  1036. permission message: {@noperm}
  1037. trigger:
  1038. if arg 1 is set:
  1039. if arg 2 is set:
  1040. make console execute command "ee repmsg %arg-1% %arg-2%"
  1041. make player execute command "staff &7Je réponds à la question de &2%arg-1%"
  1042. delete {question.player.%arg-1%}
  1043. command /repmsg [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  1044. permission: guarden.verif
  1045. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission
  1046. trigger:
  1047. if arg-1 is set:
  1048. if arg-2 is set:
  1049. message "&7[&bQuestion&7] &bVous venez de recevoir une récompense d'un membre du staff !" to arg-1
  1050. message "&2Réponse: &a%arg-2%" to arg-1
  1051. json("%player%", "&7[&9&lOption&7] &b[Répondre]||sgt:/question ||ttp:&cCliquez-ici pour répondre")
  1052. if arg-1 is not set:
  1053. message ""
  1056. # /\
  1057. # || /REPONSE
  1058. # ||
  1062. command /mod [<offline player>]:
  1063. permission: staff.use
  1064. permission message: {@noperm}
  1065. trigger:
  1066. if arg 1 is not set:
  1067. make player execute command "modhelp"
  1068. stop
  1069. if {db.guardenmuten.%arg-1%} is not set:
  1070. set {db.guardenmuten.%arg-1%} to 0
  1071. if {db.guardenbann.%arg-1%} is not set:
  1072. set {db.guardenbann.%arg-1%} to 0
  1073. wait 3 ticks
  1074. open chest with 2 rows named "&9%arg-1%" to player
  1075. if player has permission "guarden.modo":
  1076. wait 2 ticks
  1077. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&9Sanctions %arg-1%" with lore "&7Mute: &9%{guarden.eft.%arg-1%}%||&7Kick: &9%{}%||&7Ban Cheat: &9%{tfe.%arg-1%}%" to close then run "sudo %player% modcheck %arg-1%"
  1078. format slot 11 of player with hopper named "&9Kick" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod kick %arg-1%"
  1079. format slot 0 of player with book named "&9Modmute" to close then run "sudo %player% modmute %arg-1%"
  1080. format slot 13 of player with snowball named "&9Mute" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod mute %arg-1%"
  1081. format slot 15 of player with iron bars named "&9Ban" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod ban %arg-1%"
  1082. stop
  1083. if player has permission "guarden.modom":
  1084. wait 2 ticks
  1085. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&9Sanctions %arg-1%" with lore "&7Mute: &9%{guarden.eft.%arg-1%}%||&7Kick: &9%{}%||&7Ban Cheat: &9%{guarden.tfe.%arg-1%}%" to close then run "sudo %player% modcheck %arg-1%"
  1086. format slot 11 of player with hopper named "&9Kick" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod kick %arg-1%"
  1087. format slot 0 of player with book named "&9Modmute" to close then run "sudo %player% modmute %arg-1%"
  1088. format slot 13 of player with snowball named "&9Mute" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod mute %arg-1%"
  1089. format slot 15 of player with iron bars named "&9Ban" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod ban %arg-1%"
  1090. stop
  1091. if player has permission "guarden.modot":
  1092. wait 2 ticks
  1093. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&9Sanctions %arg-1%" with lore "&7Mute: &9%{guarden.eft.%arg-1%}%||&7Kick: &9%{}%||&7Ban Cheat: &9%{guarden.tfe.%arg-1%}%" to close then run "sudo %player% modcheck %arg-1%"
  1094. format slot 12 of player with hopper named "&9Kick" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod kick %arg-1%"
  1095. format slot 0 of player with book named "&9Modmute" to close then run "sudo %player% modmute %arg-1%"
  1096. format slot 14 of player with snowball named "&9Mute" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod mute %arg-1%"
  1097. stop
  1098. if player has permission "":
  1099. wait 2 ticks
  1100. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&9Sanctions %arg-1%" with lore "&7Mute: &9%{guarden.eft.%arg-1%}%||&7Kick: &9%{}%||&7Ban Cheat: &9%{guarden.tfe.%arg-1%}%" to be unstealable
  1101. format slot 13 of player with snowball named "&9Mute" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod mute %arg-1%"
  1102. format slot 0 of player with book named "&9Modmute" to close then run "sudo %player% modmute %arg-1%"
  1103. stop
  1107. # /\
  1108. # || /MOD -> MAIN PANEL -> REVOIR LE DESIGN + HOOK BungeeAdminsTools
  1109. # ||
  1113. command /498mod [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  1114. permission: staff.use
  1115. permission message: {@noperm}
  1116. trigger:
  1117. wait 2 ticks
  1118. if arg 1 is "mute":
  1119. open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lSanctions &b&l| &eMute" to player
  1120. wait 1 tick
  1121. if player has permission "guarden.modo" or "guarden.modom" or "guarden.modot" or "":
  1122. format slot 0 of player with beef named "&bSpam/Flood (15 mins)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 15m Spam/Flood"]
  1123. format slot 1 of player with bread named "&bMajuscules (15 mins)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 15m Majuscules"]
  1124. format slot 9 of player with golden apple named "&bProvocation (30 mins)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 30m Provocation"]
  1125. format slot 2 of player with melon named "&bAbus de caractères (15 mins)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 15m Abus de caractères"]
  1126. format slot 18 of player with spider eye named "&bLangage Incorrect (1h)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 1h Langage"]
  1127. format slot 19 of player with rotten flesh named "&bInsultes (1h)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 1h Insultes"]
  1128. format slot 20 of player with milk bucket named "&bPropos obscènes (1h)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 1h Propos obscènes"]
  1129. format slot 27 of player with bone named "&bRacisme (2h)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 2h Racisme"]
  1130. format slot 28 of player with paper named "&bPublicité Nom du serveur/Chaine YT (2h)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 2h Publicité"]
  1131. format slot 3 of player with dye named "&bCouleur (15 mins)" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 15m Les couleurs sont réservés aux VIPPlus et sponsor !"]
  1132. format slot 4 of player with paper named "&bLag (15 mins)" with lore "&b/!\ &eUniquement lors des give-alls ou ||&eSi le serveur lag beaucoup &b/!\" to close then run [make player execute command "gmute s3cr3tc0de %arg-2% 15m Lag"]
  1133. format slot 35 of player with coal item named "&bRetourner en arrière" to close then run "sudo %player% mod %arg-2%"
  1134. stop
  1135. if arg 1 is "kick":
  1136. open chest with 1 rows named "&e&lSanctions &b&l| &eKick" to player
  1137. wait 1 tick
  1138. if player has permission "guarden.modot" or "guarden.modo" or "guarden.modom":
  1139. format slot 0 of player with arrow named "&bInsultes en MSG" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &b[MSG] Insultes"]
  1140. format slot 1 of player with paper named "&bSpam en MSG" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &b[MSG] Spam/Flood"]
  1141. format slot 2 of player with bow named "&bInfraction" with lore "&bTir-Safe/Switch-Safe" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &bInfraction (dernier avertissement)"]
  1142. format slot 3 of player with jukebox named "&bStaff AFK" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &bStaff AFK"]
  1143. format slot 4 of player with fishing rod named "&bProvocation en MSG" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &b[MSG] Provocation"]
  1144. format slot 5 of player with book named "&bLangage incorrect en MSG" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &b[MSG] langage incorrect"]
  1145. format slot 6 of player with gold chestplate named "&bMajuscules en MSG" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &b[MSG] Majuscules"]
  1146. format slot 7 of player with diamond chestplate named "&bCheat" to close then run [make player execute command "gkick s3crrerr3tc0de %arg-2% &bCheat"]
  1147. format slot 8 of player with coal item named "&bRetourner en arrière" to close then run "sudo %player% mod %arg-2%"
  1148. stop
  1149. if arg 1 is "ban":
  1150. open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lSanctions &b&l| &eBan" to player
  1151. wait 1 tick
  1152. if player has permission "guarden.modo":
  1153. format slot 0 of player with feather named "&bFly/SpeedHack &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% I believe you got banned !! &e(Fly/SpeedHack)"]
  1154. format slot 1 of player with soup named "&bAuto-Soup &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Tu vas avoir mal au ventre ! &e(Auto-Soup)"]
  1155. format slot 2 of player with redstone block named "&bHacked Client &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Hmm... ton Minecraft ne semble pas très très légit ! &e(Hacked Client)"]
  1156. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&bCriticals &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Tu peux pas mettre un coup normal pour une fois ? &e(Criticals)"]
  1157. format slot 4 of player with diamond sword named "&bForcefield/KillAura &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Par la puissance du Champ de Force tu es banni ! &e(Forcefield/KillAura)"]
  1158. format slot 5 of player with redstone repeater item named "&bAutoClick/Macro &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Yo ! Yo ! calme toi sur tes clics ! &e(AutoClick/Macro)"]
  1159. format slot 6 of player with Anvil named "&bAntiKB &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Tu as des chaussures collantes ou quoi !!? &e(AntiKb)"]
  1160. format slot 7 of player with grass named "&bSpeedMine/FastBreak &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Prends ton temps pour miner ! &e(FastBreak/Speedmine)"]
  1161. format slot 8 of player with diamond ore named "&bX-ray &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Hmm... Les rayons X c'est pas très bon pour la santé ! &e(X-Ray)"]
  1162. format slot 9 of player with chicken named "&bGlide &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Tu n'es pas une poule mais tu es banni ! &e(Glide)"]
  1163. format slot 10 of player with snowball named "&bSpider &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Spider man ! Spider man ! Does whatever a spider ban ! &e(Spider)"]
  1164. format slot 11 of player with iron sword named "&bReach &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Tu tapes de loin pourtant t'en a une courte ! &e(Reach)"]
  1165. format slot 12 of player with hopper named "&bAimbot &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Cool ta visée auto ! Mais maintenant tu es ban ! &e(Aimbot)"]
  1166. format slot 13 of player with fire charge named "&bNo-Fall &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Dommages que tu puisses pas tomber &e(No-Fall)"]
  1167. format slot 14 of player with sugar named "&bNo-Fall Damage &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Si tu sautes d'une falaise tu meurs ? Ah non on te ban ! &e(No-Fall Damage)"]
  1168. format slot 15 of player with water bucket named "&bJesus &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Au nom du père, du fils et du saint esprit ! Tu es ban ! &e(Jesus)"]
  1169. format slot 16 of player with grass named "&bStep &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Tu sais monter plusieurs blocs d'un coup ! Mais maintenant tu es ban ! &e(Step)"]
  1170. format slot 22 of player with lead named "&bInfraction &e(1j)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanunj c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Il faut respecter les règles ! &e(Infraction)"]
  1171. format slot 21 of player with 166 named "&bAnti-Jeu &e(1j)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanunj c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% Alors on ne sait pas jouer normalement ? &e(Anti-Jeu)"]
  1172. format slot 27 of player with clock named "&bPublicité (IP) &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &ePublicité"]
  1173. format slot 29 of player with lava bucket named "&bApologie [...] &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eApologie"]
  1174. format slot 30 of player with diamond block named "&bDuplication &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eDuplication"]
  1175. format slot 31 of player with book named "&bBlacklisted &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "498mod blacklist %arg-2%"]
  1176. format slot 32 of player with dirt named "&bPseudo Incorrect &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanpseudo c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &ePseudo incorrect"]
  1177. format slot 16 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&bNuker &e(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eNuker"]
  1178. format slot 28 of player with bedrock named "&bHack &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eHack"]
  1179. format slot 20 of player with blaze powder named "&bInsulte staff/serveur &e(7 jours)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eInsulte staff/serveur"]
  1180. format slot 19 of player with blaze rod named "&bMenaces de DDoS &e(7 jours)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eMenaces de DDOS"]
  1181. format slot 18 of player with cobweb named "&bHarcèlement &e(7 jours)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eHarcelement"]
  1182. format slot 35 of player with coal item named "&bRetourner en arrière" to close then run "sudo %player% mod %arg-2%"
  1183. stop
  1184. if player has permission "guarden.modom":
  1185. format slot 0 of player with feather named "&bFly/SpeedHack &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &bI believe you got banned !! &e(Fly/SpeedHack)"]
  1186. format slot 1 of player with soup named "&bAuto-Soup &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-)&b Tu vas avoir mal au ventre ! &e(Auto-Soup)"]
  1187. format slot 2 of player with Anvil named "&bAntiKB &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &bTu as des chaussures collantes ou quoi !!? &e(AntiKb)"]
  1188. format slot 3 of player with diamond ore named "&bX-ray &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &bHmm... Les rayons X c'est pas très bon pour la santé ! &e(X-Ray)"]
  1189. format slot 4 of player with snowball named "&bSpider &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &bSpider man ! Spider man ! Does whatever a spider ban ! &e(Spider)"]
  1190. format slot 5 of player with sugar named "&bNo-Fall Damage &e(1 mois)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanipcheat c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &bSi tu sautes d'une falaise tu meurs ? Ah non on te ban ! &e(No-Fall Damage)"]
  1191. format slot 22 of player with lead named "&bInfraction &e(1j)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanunj c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &bIl faut respecter les règles ! &e(Infraction)"]
  1192. format slot 21 of player with 166 named "&bAnti-Jeu &e(1j)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanunj c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &bAlors on ne sait pas jouer normalement ? &e(Anti-Jeu)"]
  1193. format slot 20 of player with blaze powder named "&bInsulte staff/serveur &e(7 jours)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &eInsulte staff/serveur"]
  1194. format slot 19 of player with blaze rod named "&bMenaces de DDoS &e(7 jours)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &eMenaces de DDoS"]
  1195. format slot 18 of player with cobweb named "&bHarcèlement &e(7 jours)" to close then run [make player execute command "tbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &e(M-) &eHarcelement"]
  1196. format slot 35 of player with coal item named "&bRetourner en arrière" to close then run "sudo %player% mod %arg-2%"
  1197. stop
  1198. if arg 1 is "blacklist":
  1199. if player has permission "guarden.modo":
  1200. open chest with 1 rows named "&e&lSanctions &b&l| &eBlacklist" to player
  1201. wait 3 tick
  1202. format slot 0 of player with flint named "&bNuisance à la communauté &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eNuisance à la communauté"]
  1203. format slot 1 of player with flint and steel named "&bNuisance au serveur &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eNuisance au serveur"]
  1204. format slot 2 of player with tnt named "&bBans multiples &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eBans multiples"]
  1205. format slot 3 of player with bedrock named "&bTentative de Hack &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eTentative de Hack"]
  1206. format slot 4 of player with book named "&bFait partie de la Blacklist &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eFait partie de la Blacklist"]
  1207. format slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&bToujours accès aux permissions" with lore "&bde modération &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eToujours accès aux permissions de modération"]
  1208. format slot 6 of player with compass named "&bVPN &b(ban définitif)" to close then run [make player execute command "fbanip c0des3cr3t3e %arg-2% &eVPN"]
  1209. format slot 8 of player with coal item named "&bRetourner en arrière" to close then run "sudo %player% 498mod ban %arg-2%"
  1214. # /\
  1215. # || /MOD -> 2ND PANEL -> SANCTIONS MUTE/BAN/KICK -> REVOIR LE DESIGN + HOOK BungeeAdminsTools
  1216. # ||
  1220. command /modchat [<text>] [<text>]:
  1221. aliases: tchat, tc, timerchat, antispam
  1222. permission: staff.use
  1223. permission message: {@noperm}
  1224. trigger:
  1225. if arg 1 is not set:
  1226. send "&4----------= [&cGestion Chat&4] =----------"
  1227. send ""
  1228. send "&7/modchat clear &7&l- &4Nettoyer le chat"
  1229. send "&7/modchat mute <on/off> &7&l- &4Activer/désactiver le chat"
  1230. send "&2/modchat spam off &7: désactive l'AntiSpam."
  1231. send "&2/modchat spam faible &7: AntiSpam réglé à 1 seconde."
  1232. send "&2/modchat spam normal &7: AntiSpam réglé à 10 secondes."
  1233. send "&2/modchat spam event &7: AntiSpam réglé à 30 secondes."
  1234. send ""
  1235. if {delai.mute} is not set:
  1236. send "&2Actuel (AntiSpam) : &7désactivé."
  1237. if {delai.mute} is false:
  1238. send "&2Actuel (AntiSpam) : &71 seconde."
  1239. if {delai.mute} is true:
  1240. send "&2Actuel (AntiSpam) : &710 secondes."
  1241. if {delai.mute} is 3:
  1242. send "&2Actuel (AntiSpam) : &730 secondes."
  1243. stop
  1244. if arg 1 is "clear":
  1245. loop 200 times:
  1246. broadcast ""
  1247. broadcast "&a&l&oLe Chat a été néttoyé par %player% !"
  1248. stop
  1249. if arg 1 is "spam":
  1250. if arg 2 is "faible":
  1251. broadcast ""
  1252. broadcast "&4[&c&lAntiSpam&4] &cLe délai pour parler est dorénavant à 1 seconde."
  1253. broadcast ""
  1254. set {delai.mute} to false
  1255. stop
  1256. if arg 2 is "normal":
  1257. broadcast ""
  1258. broadcast "&4[&c&lAntiSpam&4] &cLe délai pour parler est dorénavant à 10 secondes."
  1259. broadcast ""
  1260. set {delai.mute} to true
  1261. stop
  1262. if arg 2 is "event":
  1263. broadcast ""
  1264. broadcast "&4[&c&lAntiSpam&4] &cLe délai pour parler est dorénavant à 30 secondes."
  1265. broadcast ""
  1266. set {delai.mute} to 3
  1267. stop
  1268. if arg 2 is "off":
  1269. broadcast ""
  1270. broadcast "&4[&c&lAntiSpam&4] &cLe délai pour parler est dorénavant désactivé."
  1271. broadcast ""
  1272. clear {delai.mute}
  1273. stop
  1274. if arg 1 is "mute":
  1275. if arg 2 is not set:
  1276. send "&c&lModChat &4> &7Veuillez sélectionner &lON&7 ou &lOFF&7 !"
  1277. stop
  1278. if arg 2 is "on":
  1279. set {mute} to true
  1280. broadcast "&c&l&oLe Chat est temporairement muet par %player% !"
  1281. stop
  1282. if arg 2 is "off":
  1283. set {mute} to false
  1284. broadcast "&9&l&oLe Chat a été libéré par %player% !"
  1285. stop
  1286. else:
  1287. send "&c&lChat &4> &7Une erreur dans la commande s'est produite !"
  1288. send "&7Aide : /modchat mute <on/off>"
  1290. command /info [<offline player>]:
  1291. permission: guarden.verif
  1292. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  1293. trigger:
  1294. if arg-1 is set:
  1295. if arg-1 is not online:
  1296. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &9%arg-1% &7est hors ligne."
  1297. else:
  1298. set {_health.%arg 1%} to arg 1's health
  1299. set {hunger.%arg 1%} to arg 1's hunger
  1300. set {armorview.helmet.%arg 1%} to arg 1's helmet
  1301. set {armorview.chestplate.%arg 1%} to arg 1's chestplate
  1302. set {armorview.leggings.%arg 1%} to arg 1's leggings
  1303. set { 1%} to arg 1's boots
  1304. set {effects.%arg 1%::*} to all of the active potion effects on arg 1
  1305. message "&7--- &bInformation de %arg-1% &7---"
  1306. message "&bVie: &c%{_health.%arg 1%}%"
  1307. message "&bFaim: &c%{hunger.%arg 1%}%"
  1308. message "&bCasque: &c%{armorview.helmet.%arg 1%}%"
  1309. message "&bPlastron: &c%{armorview.chestplate.%arg 1%}%"
  1310. message "&bJambière: &c%{armorview.leggings.%arg 1%}%"
  1311. message "&bBotte: &c%{ 1%}%"
  1312. if {effects.%arg 1%::*} is "<none>":
  1313. message "&bPotion: &cAucune"
  1314. if {effects.%arg 1%::*} is not set:
  1315. message "&bPotion: &cAucune"
  1316. else:
  1317. message "&bPotion: &c%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%"
  1318. message "&7--- &bInformation de %arg-1% &7---"
  1319. else:
  1320. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &7Merci de faire &9/info <pseudo>"
  1322. # /\
  1323. # || /MODINV
  1324. # ||
  1328. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1329. #
  1330. #__ _______ ____ ___ _____
  1331. #\ \ / / ____| _ \|_ _| ___|
  1332. # \ \ / /| _| | |_) || || |_
  1333. # \ V / | |___| _ < | || _|
  1334. # \_/ |_____|_| \_\___|_|
  1335. #
  1336. #
  1337. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1339. #
  1340. # Mode de jeu pour la modération,
  1341. # -> GM3 + Vanish + God + Fly lors de l'activation.
  1342. # -> GM0 + !Vanish lors de la désactivation.
  1343. #
  1344. # -> Outils:
  1345. # - Vanish -> Permet d'activer desactiver le vanish.
  1346. # - CPSC -> ClicksPerSecondsChecker -> Check les clics par seconde du joueur pdnt 10 secondes.
  1347. # - FFC -> ForceFieldChecker -> Via un autre plugin, même systeme que l'actuel en un peu mieu.
  1348. # - OnlineStaff -> Permet de voir le staff en ligne -> Via un autre plugin.
  1349. # - Random teleport -> Permet de se TP à un joueur aléatoire sur le serveur.
  1350. # - Reports
  1351. # - -> A customiser
  1352. # - Ping -> /modping sur le joueur visé.
  1353. #
  1354. #
  1358. command /verif:
  1359. permission: guarden.verif
  1360. permission message: {@noperm}
  1361. trigger:
  1362. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1363. set {vanish.%player%} to "%vanish state of player%"
  1364. if {verif.%player%} is false:
  1365. set {inventory.%player%} to player's serialized inventory
  1366. clear player's inventory
  1367. set player's flight mode to true
  1368. set {verif.%player%} to true
  1369. set slot 0 of player to feather named "&7&m---&r &9Vanish On/Off &7&m---" #DONE
  1370. set slot 2 of player to iron sword named "&7&m---&r &9ForceFieldChecker &7&m---" #DONE
  1371. set slot 6 of player to anvil named "&7&m---&r &9KB-Test &7&m---" #DONE
  1372. set slot 1 of player to cake named "&7&m---&r &9CPS &7&m---" #DONE
  1373. set slot 5 of player to redstone named "&7&m---&r &9RandomTP &7&m---" #DONE
  1374. set slot 3 of player to nether star named "&7&m---&r &9Mod &7&m---" #DONE
  1375. set slot 7 of player to paper named "&7&m---&r &9Info &7&m---" #DONE
  1376. set slot 8 of player to cookie named "&7&m---&r &9ModPing &7&m---" #DONE
  1377. message "&9Verif &7> &7Vous êtes maintenant en mode Verif."
  1378. if {vanish.%player%} is equal to "false":
  1379. make player execute command "vanish"
  1380. stop
  1381. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1382. clear player's inventory
  1383. restore inventory of player from {inventory.%player%}
  1384. message "&9Verif &9> &7Vous venez de quitter le mode Verif."
  1385. set {verif.%player%} to false
  1386. stop
  1388. on death of player:
  1389. if {verif.%victim%} is true:
  1390. clear drops
  1392. # /\
  1393. # || &9/VERIF CORE
  1394. # ||
  1396. on rightclick:
  1397. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1398. player's tool is a cake named "&7&m---&r &9CPS &7&m---": #MODINV
  1399. set {_target} to "%player's target%" parsed as a player
  1400. if target entity is not online:
  1401. stop
  1402. else:
  1403. make player execute command "cps %player's target%"
  1405. on right click with cookie:
  1406. if name of tool of player contains "&7&m---&r &9ModPing &7&m---":
  1407. set {_target} to "%player's target%" parsed as a player
  1408. if target entity is not online:
  1409. stop
  1410. else:
  1411. wait 1 ticks
  1412. make player execute command "modping %player's target%"
  1414. on right click with anvil:
  1415. if name of tool of player contains "&7&m---&r &9KB-Test &7&m---":
  1416. set {_target} to "%player's target%" parsed as a player
  1417. if target entity is not online:
  1418. stop
  1419. else:
  1420. wait 1 ticks
  1421. make player execute command "knock %player's target%"
  1423. on right click with nether star:
  1424. if name of tool of player contains "&7&m---&r &9Mod &7&m---":
  1425. set {_target} to "%player's target%" parsed as a player
  1426. if target entity is not online:
  1427. stop
  1428. else:
  1429. wait 1 ticks
  1430. make player execute command "mod %player's target%"
  1431. command /knock [<offline player>]:
  1432. permission: guarden.verif
  1433. permission message: &4Vous n'avez pas la permission.
  1434. trigger:
  1435. if arg 1 is not set:
  1436. message "&7[&7Guarden&7] &7Merci de faire &9/knock <joueur>"
  1437. stop
  1438. if arg 1 is set:
  1439. if arg-1 is online:
  1440. set {ping.%arg-1%} to arg-1's ping
  1441. set {kb.test.%arg-1%} to true
  1442. set {location1.%arg-1%} to arg-1's location
  1443. push the arg-1 upwards at speed 0.5
  1444. wait a tick
  1445. push the arg-1 backwards at speed 0.5
  1446. wait 4 ticks
  1447. set {location2.%arg-1%} to arg-1's location
  1448. if {location1.%arg-1%} = {location2.%arg-1%}:
  1449. message "{@ban} &9&k|&r &7%arg-1% &7&l> &dTest Anti-KB &apositif &7(&7Ping: &9%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  1450. else:
  1451. message "{@ban} &9&k|&r &7%arg-1% &7&l> &dTest Anti-KB &4négatif &7(&7Ping: &9%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  1452. wait 5 seconds
  1453. set {kb.test.%arg-1%} to false
  1454. else:
  1455. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &7Le joueur est &9déconnecté&7."
  1456. on damage:
  1457. if {kb.test.%victim%} is true:
  1458. damage was caused by fall
  1459. cancel event
  1460. if {soupe.%victim%} is 1:
  1461. cancel event
  1464. # /\
  1465. # || &9/VERIF PING
  1466. # ||
  1467. command /autosoup [<offline player>]:
  1468. permission: guarden.verif
  1469. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission
  1470. trigger:
  1471. if arg-1 is set:
  1472. if arg-1 is online:
  1473. set {inv.helmet.%arg-1%} to arg-1's helmet
  1474. set {inv.chestplate.%arg-1%} to arg-1's chestplate
  1475. set {inv.leggings.%arg-1%} to arg-1's leggings
  1476. set {} to arg-1's boots
  1477. set {inv.%arg-1%} to arg-1's serialized inventory
  1478. clear arg-1's inventory
  1479. set {soupe.%arg-1%} to 1
  1480. heal arg-1
  1481. damage arg-1 by 9 heart
  1482. message "{@ban} &4/!\ &cCeci est un test AutoSoup, si vous êtes légit, vous ne serez pas banni &4/!\"
  1483. set slot 21 of the arg-1 to a mushroom stew named "Autosoup"
  1484. wait 1 second
  1485. restore inventory of arg-1 from {inv.%arg-1%}
  1486. equip arg-1 with {inv.helmet.%arg-1%}
  1487. equip arg-1 with {inv.chestplate.%arg-1%}
  1488. equip arg-1 with {inv.leggings.%arg-1%}
  1489. equip arg-1 with {}
  1490. heal arg-1
  1491. set {soupe.%arg-1%} to 0
  1492. on inventory click:
  1493. if {soupe.%player%} is 1:
  1494. loop all players:
  1495. if loop-player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1496. message "{@ban} &b%player% &7est suspecté d'utiliser un &bautosoup &c!"
  1499. on right click with iron sword:
  1500. if name of tool of player contains "&7&m---&r &9ForceFieldChecker &7&m---":
  1501. set {_target} to "%player's target%" parsed as a player
  1502. if target entity is not online:
  1503. stop
  1504. else:
  1505. make player execute command "ac %player's target%"
  1506. message "&7[&9Guarden&7] &7Verif de &9%player's target%"
  1510. # /\
  1511. # || &9/VERIF AC
  1512. # ||
  1513. on join:
  1514. if player has permission "staff.use":
  1515. set {spec.%player%} to false
  1516. command /spec:
  1517. permission: guarden.verif
  1518. permission message: &4Vous n'avez pas la permission
  1519. trigger:
  1520. if {spec.%player%} is false:
  1521. make console execute command "/gamemode 3 %player%"
  1522. message "&7Vous êtes désormais en gamemode &93 &7pour enlever le gamemode &93 &7merci de faire &9/spec&7."
  1523. set {spec.%player%} to true
  1524. else:
  1525. message "&7Vous êtes désormais en gamemode &90&7."
  1526. make console execute command "/gamemode 0 %player%"
  1527. set {spec.%player%} to false
  1529. command /cps [<offline player>]:
  1530. permission: guarden.verif
  1531. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  1532. trigger:
  1533. if arg 1 is set:
  1534. if arg-1 is online:
  1535. if {autoclick.%arg 1%} is false:
  1536. set {autoclick.%arg 1%} to true
  1537. set {} to 0
  1538. set {} to 0
  1539. wait 1 second
  1540. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1541. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1542. set {} to 0
  1543. set {} to 0
  1544. wait 1 second
  1545. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1546. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1547. set {} to 0
  1548. set {} to 0
  1549. wait 1 second
  1550. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1551. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1552. set {} to 0
  1553. set {} to 0
  1554. wait 1 second
  1555. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1556. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1557. set {} to 0
  1558. set {} to 0
  1559. wait 1 second
  1560. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1561. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1562. set {} to 0
  1563. set {} to 0
  1564. wait 1 second
  1565. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1566. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1567. set {} to 0
  1568. set {} to 0
  1569. wait 1 second
  1570. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1571. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1572. set {} to 0
  1573. set {} to 0
  1574. wait 1 second
  1575. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1576. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1577. set {} to 0
  1578. set {} to 0
  1579. wait 1 second
  1580. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1581. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1582. set {} to 0
  1583. set {} to 0
  1584. wait 1 second
  1585. send "{@ban} &7CPS de &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1586. send "{@ban} &7Clique droit: &9%arg-1% &7: &9%{ 1%}%"
  1587. send "{@ban} &7Moyenne de CPS en 10 secondes: &9%{ 1%}/10%" to player
  1588. set {} to 0
  1589. set { 1%} to 0
  1590. set {} to 0
  1591. set {autoclick.%arg 1%} to false
  1592. else:
  1593. send "{@ban} &7Quelqu'un est déjà en train de vérifier les cps de &9%arg-1%"
  1594. else:
  1595. send "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7n'est pas en ligne."
  1596. on join:
  1597. set {autoclick.%player%} to false
  1598. on left click:
  1599. if {autoclick.%player%} is true:
  1600. add 1 to {}
  1601. add 1 to {}
  1602. on right click:
  1603. if {autoclick.%player%} is true:
  1604. add 1 to {}
  1605. on right click with redstone:
  1606. if name of tool of player contains "&7&m---&r &9RandomTP &7&m---":
  1607. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1608. loop all players:
  1609. add loop-player to {listplaysss.::*}
  1610. set {tpplayer} to a random element of {listplaysss.::*}
  1611. clear {listplaysss.::*}
  1612. if {tpplayer} has permission "guarden.verif":
  1613. message "&7Verif &9> &7Il y a un problème, merci de recommencer."
  1614. stop
  1615. teleport player to {tpplayer}
  1616. message "&7Vérif &9> &7Vous avez été téléporté à &9%{tpplayer}%"
  1620. # /\
  1621. # || &9/VERIF -> TP ALEATOIRE
  1622. # ||
  1626. on right click with feather:
  1627. if name of tool of player contains "&7&m---&r &9Vanish On/Off &7&m---":
  1628. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1629. make player execute command "vanish"
  1633. # /\
  1634. # || &9/VERIF -> Vanish
  1635. # ||
  1639. on rightclick:
  1640. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1641. player's tool is a paper named "&7&m---&r &9Info &7&m---": #MODINV
  1642. set {_target} to "%player's target%" parsed as a player
  1643. if target entity is not online:
  1644. stop
  1645. else:
  1646. make player execute command "info %player's target%"
  1654. on join:
  1655. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1656. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1657. clear player's inventory
  1658. restore inventory of player from {inventory.%player%}
  1659. make console execute command "gamemode 0 %player%"
  1660. set player's flight mode to false
  1661. set {verif.%player%} to false
  1662. set {timer.%player%} to false
  1663. set {precendent.%player%} to "%player%"
  1664. set {lreport.%player%} to false
  1665. set {tlreport.%player%} to false
  1667. on quit:
  1668. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1669. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1670. clear player's inventory
  1671. restore inventory of player from {inventory.%player%}
  1672. make console execute command "gamemode 0 %player%"
  1673. set player's flight mode to false
  1674. set {verif.%player%} to false
  1675. set {timer.%player%} to false
  1676. set {precendent.%player%} to "%player%"
  1677. set {lreport.%player%} to false
  1678. set {tlreport.%player%} to false
  1682. on place:
  1683. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1684. cancel event
  1686. on damage:
  1687. if {verif.%attacker%} is true:
  1688. cancel event
  1689. if {verif.%victim%} is true:
  1690. cancel event
  1692. on drop:
  1693. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1694. cancel event
  1696. on consume:
  1697. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1698. cancel event
  1700. on pickup:
  1701. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1702. cancel event
  1704. on hunger level change:
  1705. if player has permission "guarden.modot":
  1706. cancel event
  1710. # /\
  1711. # || &9/VERIF -> Events
  1712. # ||
  1718. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1721. on command "/me":
  1722. cancel event
  1723. on command "/bukkit:me":
  1724. cancel event
  1725. on command "/me":
  1726. cancel event
  1727. on command "/eme":
  1728. cancel event
  1729. on command "/eaction":
  1730. cancel event
  1731. on command "/minecraft:me":
  1732. cancel event
  1733. on command "/edescribe":
  1734. cancel event
  1735. on command "/action":
  1736. cancel event
  1737. on command "/describe":
  1738. cancel event
  1739. on command "/essentials:me":
  1740. cancel event
  1741. on command "/essentials:eme":
  1742. cancel event
  1743. on command "/essentials:eaction":
  1744. cancel event
  1745. on command "/essentials:action":
  1746. cancel event
  1747. on command "/essentials:edescribe":
  1748. cancel event
  1749. on command "/essentials:describe":
  1750. cancel event
  1753. command /nopub:
  1754. permission: staff.use
  1755. permission message: {@noperm}
  1756. trigger:
  1757. set {mute} to true
  1758. loop 200 times:
  1759. loop all players:
  1760. if loop-player doesn't have permission "chat.use":
  1761. send "" to loop-player
  1762. broadcast "&7[&7Anti-Publicité&7] &7Une &9publicité &7vient d'être &9détecté &7! Le chat est bloqué pendant &95 &7secondes &9!"
  1763. wait 5 seconds
  1764. clear {mute}
  1767. # #################################################### #
  1768. # #
  1769. # ON #
  1770. # #
  1771. # #################################################### #
  1773. on quit:
  1774. clear {spam.%player%}
  1775. set {g.%player%.killaura} to 0 #ONLYLOBBY1
  1776. clear {cheat.%player%}
  1777. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1778. clear {awc.check.%player%.%{message.%player%}%}
  1779. clear {awc.check.all.%player%}
  1781. on join:
  1782. wait 1 ticks
  1783. set {console.none} to "Guarden"
  1784. clear {spam.%player%}
  1785. clear {lastmessage.%player%}
  1786. clear {delay.spam.%player%}
  1787. clear {warnChat.%player%}
  1788. set {K.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_kills%%" as player
  1789. set {D.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_deaths%%" as player
  1790. set {R.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_kdr%%" as player
  1791. wait 1 seconds
  1792. make player execute command "displayname"
  1793. if player has permission "staff.use": #NOTIGY JOIN
  1794. execute console command "ee notifjoin %player% %{serveur}%"
  1795. if "%{serveur}%" contains "Skyblock":
  1796. message "{@ban} &7Débug: &cvous pouvez être op."
  1797. else:
  1798. if player is op: #OP
  1799. if player's name is "NIKOLAS952":
  1800. stop
  1801. if player's name is "benbouil95":
  1802. stop
  1803. if player's name is "JohnMaker234":
  1804. stop
  1805. if player's name is "Acenox":
  1806. stop
  1807. else:
  1808. wait 5 ticks
  1809. make console execute command "deop %player%"
  1810. send "&cÊtre OP n'est pas possible !"
  1811. if player has permission "guarden.verif":
  1812. if {verif.%player%} is true:
  1813. clear player's inventory
  1814. restore inventory of player from {inventory.%player%}
  1815. make console execute command "gamemode 0 %player%"
  1816. set player's flight mode to false
  1817. set {verif.%player%} to false
  1818. set {timer.%player%} to false
  1819. set {precendent.%player%} to "%player%"
  1820. set {lreport.%player%} to false
  1821. set {tlreport.%player%} to false
  1823. command /displayname:
  1824. trigger:
  1825. if player has permission "nte.f": #TAB
  1826. set the player's tablist name to "&4%player%"
  1827. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &4Fondateur &4"
  1828. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 1"
  1829. else if player has permission "":
  1830. set the player's tablist name to "&4%player%"
  1831. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &4Co-Fonda &4"
  1832. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 2"
  1833. else if player has permission "nte.a":
  1834. set the player's tablist name to "&c%player%"
  1835. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &cAdmin &c"
  1836. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 3"
  1837. else if player has permission "":
  1838. set the player's tablist name to "&9%player%"
  1839. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &9Resp.Modo &9"
  1840. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 4"
  1841. else if player has permission "nte.m":
  1842. set the player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
  1843. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &7Modo &7"
  1844. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 6"
  1845. else if player has permission "":
  1846. set the player's tablist name to "&2%player%"
  1847. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &aSupport &a"
  1848. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 8"
  1849. else if player has permission "nte.s":
  1850. set the player's tablist name to "&a%player%"
  1851. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &aSupport &a"
  1852. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 9"
  1853. else if player has permission "":
  1854. set the player's tablist name to "&b%player%"
  1855. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &bTF b3"
  1856. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 13"
  1857. else if player has permission "nte.vipp":
  1858. set the player's tablist name to "&3%player%"
  1859. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &3VIP+ &3"
  1860. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 13"
  1861. else if player has permission "":
  1862. set the player's tablist name to "&b%player%"
  1863. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &bVIP &b"
  1864. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 14"
  1865. else if player has permission "":
  1866. set the player's tablist name to "&b%player%"
  1867. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &cYT+ &c"
  1868. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 12"
  1869. else if player has permission "":
  1870. set the player's tablist name to "&b%player%"
  1871. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &cYT &c"
  1872. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 12"
  1873. else if player has permission "":
  1874. set the player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
  1875. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &7AR &7"
  1876. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 11"
  1877. else if player has permission "":
  1878. set the player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
  1879. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &7Staff &7"
  1880. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 11"
  1881. else if player has permission "nte.d":
  1882. set the player's tablist name to "&9%player%"
  1883. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &9Dév &9"
  1884. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 10"
  1885. else if player has permission "nte.modom":
  1886. set the player's tablist name to "&2%player%"
  1887. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &2Modo-Test &2"
  1888. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 7"
  1889. else if player has permission "":
  1890. set the player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
  1891. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &7&lModo+ &7"
  1892. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 5"
  1893. else if player has permission "":
  1894. set the player's tablist name to "&f%player%"
  1895. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &f"
  1896. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 15"
  1897. else:
  1898. set the player's tablist name to "&f%player%"
  1899. make console execute command "/nte player %player% prefix &f"
  1900. make console execute command "/nte player %player% priority 15"
  1902. # #################################################### #
  1903. # #
  1904. # Report #
  1905. # #
  1906. # #################################################### #
  1908. on skript start:
  1909. set {cne} to 1
  1910. make console execute command "whatsme"
  1912. every 5 seconds:
  1913. if {cne} is equal to 1:
  1914. wait 1 ticks
  1915. clear {cne}
  1916. wait 1 seconds
  1917. make console execute command "skript reload Guarden"
  1919. command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
  1920. trigger:
  1921. if {blockspam.%player%} is set:
  1922. stop
  1923. wait 1 ticks
  1924. if arg 1 is set:
  1925. if arg 2 is set:
  1926. if {spam.%player%} is not set:
  1927. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% %player% %arg-1% %arg-2%"
  1928. message "&7[&9Modération&7] &7Votre report vient d'être envoyé à la &9modération&7."
  1929. set {spam.%player%} to 1
  1930. wait 15 seconds
  1931. clear {spam.%player%}
  1932. stop
  1933. else:
  1934. message "&9Vous devez utiliser la commande &3/report <joueur> <raison>"
  1935. message "&9Rappel : Le joueur qui est report doit être connecté."
  1936. stop
  1937. command /receptmod [<offline player>] [<offline player>] [<offline player>] [<offline player>]:
  1938. executable by: console
  1939. trigger:
  1940. send "" to arg 2
  1941. send "&7&k!!&r &9&lUn modérateur traite votre report, merci de ne pas dire que nous sommes présent dans le chat &9! &7&k!!&r" to arg-4
  1942. send arg-4 title "&9Un modérateur" with subtitle "&7Traite votre report !" for 4 seconds
  1943. send "" to arg 2
  1944. make console execute command "title %arg 2% subtitle [{'text':'Ping de %arg 3% » %arg 3's ping%','color':'red'}]"
  1945. make arg 2 execute command "modcheck %arg 3%"
  1946. send "" to arg 2
  1947. if {verif.%arg-2%} is true:
  1948. stop
  1949. else:
  1950. if {joinverif.%arg-2%} is 1:
  1951. stop
  1952. else:
  1953. make arg-2 execute command "/verif"
  1954. if {guarden.cheat.%arg 3%} is not set:
  1955. set {guarden.cheat.%arg 3%} to 0
  1956. send ""
  1957. make console execute command "title %arg 2% title [{'text':'À vérifier','color':'green'}]"
  1958. stop
  1959. if {guarden.cheat.%arg 3%} is less than 10:
  1960. send ""
  1961. make console execute command "title %arg 2% title [{'text':'À vérifier','color':'green'}]"
  1962. stop
  1963. if {guarden.cheat.%arg 3%} is less than 20:
  1964. send ""
  1965. make console execute command "title %arg 2% title [{'text':'À vérifier+','color':'yellow'}]"
  1966. stop
  1967. if {guarden.cheat.%arg 3%} is less than 50:
  1968. send ""
  1969. make console execute command "title %arg 2% title [{'text':'À vérifier++','color':'gold'}]"
  1970. stop
  1971. if {guarden.cheat.%arg 3%} is less than 100:
  1972. send ""
  1973. make console execute command "title %arg 2% title [{'text':'Semble cheater','color':'red'}]"
  1974. stop
  1975. if {guarden.cheat.%arg 3%} is higher than 99:
  1976. send ""
  1977. make console execute command "title %arg 2% title [{'text':'Semble cheater','color':'dark_red'}]"
  1978. stop
  1980. command /guardenreport [<text>] [<offline player>] [<offline player>] [<offline player>]:
  1981. permission: guarden.modo
  1982. permission message: &7Vous devez être modérateur ! Allez hop ! bosse et tu passeras vite modérateur :)
  1983. trigger:
  1984. if arg 2 has permission "guarden.modo":
  1985. wait 1 ticks
  1986. make console execute command "eb send %arg-2% %arg-1%"
  1987. wait 2 seconds
  1988. make console execute command "ee teleport %arg-2% %arg-3%"
  1989. if arg 3 is set:
  1990. make console execute command "ee receptmod %arg-1% %arg-2% %arg-3% %arg-4%"
  1991. send "&cReport envoyé." to arg 4
  1992. if arg 2 has permission "guarden.modo-":
  1993. wait 1 ticks
  1994. make console execute command "eb send %arg-2% %arg-1%"
  1995. wait 2 seconds
  1996. make console execute command "ee teleport %arg-2% %arg-3%"
  1997. if arg 3 is set:
  1998. make console execute command "ee receptmod %arg-1% %arg-2% %arg-3% %arg-4%"
  1999. send "&cReport envoyé." to arg 4
  2001. command /gr [<text>]:
  2002. permission: guarden.modo
  2003. permission message: &7Vous devez être modérateur ! allez hop ! bosse et tu passeras vite modérateur :)
  2004. trigger:
  2005. if arg-1 is set:
  2006. if arg-1 is "Transmit":
  2007. if player has permission "admin.NIKOLAS952":
  2008. make console execute command "eb send %player% %arg-1%"
  2009. else:
  2010. message "&cVous n'avez pas la permission."
  2011. else:
  2012. make console execute command "eb send %player% %arg-1%"
  2013. message "&7[&9Modération&7] &7Vous rejoignez le serveur &9%arg-1%"
  2014. if arg-1 is not set:
  2015. message "&7[&9Modération&7] &7Merci de faire &9/gr <serveur>"
  2019. # #################################################### #
  2020. # #
  2021. # AutoBan G9 UPDATE #
  2022. # #
  2023. # #################################################### #
  2025. #(){}[]
  2030. command /rreport [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  2031. executable by: console
  2032. trigger:
  2033. loop all players:
  2034. if loop-player has the permission "guarden.verif":
  2035. if {report.%loop-player%} is not set:
  2036. if arg 2 is not set:
  2037. send "" to loop-player
  2038. json("%loop-player%", "&6Guarden &6&k|&r &e%arg-1% &7&l> &d%arg-3%||ttp:&6Se téléporter||cmd:/guardenreport %arg-1% %loop-player% %arg-3%|| &7> &6%arg-4%")
  2039. if arg 2 is set:
  2040. if arg 2 is "{@version}":
  2041. send "" to loop-player
  2042. json("%loop-player%", "&d%arg-1% &e» &6&l{@version} &esuspecte &6%arg-3% &ede &6%arg-4%||ttp:&6Se téléporter||cmd:/guardenreport %arg-1% %loop-player% %arg-3%||")
  2043. if arg 2 is not "{@version}":
  2044. send "" to loop-player
  2045. json("%loop-player%", "&6%arg-1% &e» &d%arg-2% &ea report &d%arg-3% &e» &6%arg-4%||ttp:&6Se téléporter||cmd:/guardenreport %arg-1% %loop-player% %arg-3% %arg-2%||")
  2047. command /awc [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  2048. permission: addcheat.admin
  2049. permission message: {@noperm}
  2050. trigger:
  2051. set {ping.%arg-1%} to arg-1's ping
  2052. if {ntm.fdp.%player%} is not set:
  2053. wait 1 ticks
  2054. if arg 2 is "G9A.BadPackets":
  2055. add 1 to {awc.g.%arg-1%}
  2056. add 1 to {bp.%arg-1%}
  2057. wait 1 ticks
  2058. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2059. make console execute command "rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Hacked-Client/FastEat/Regen &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{bp.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2060. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2061. wait 1 second
  2062. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2063. if arg 2 is "nuker":
  2064. add 1 to {awc.g.%arg-1%}
  2065. add 1 to {nuker.%arg-1%}
  2066. wait 1 ticks
  2067. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2068. if {nuker.%arg-1%} < 2:
  2069. make console execute command "rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Nuker &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{nuker.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2070. if {nuker.%arg-1%} > 2:
  2071. kick player due to "&cERREUR: &41 &9Nuker"
  2072. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2073. wait 1 second
  2074. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2075. if arg 2 is "mp":
  2076. add 1 to {awc.g.%arg-1%}
  2077. add 1 to {mp.%arg-1%}
  2078. wait 1 ticks
  2079. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2080. if {mp.%arg-1%} < 2:
  2081. make console execute command "rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% MorePackets &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{mp.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2082. if {mp.%arg-1%} > 2:
  2083. kick player due to "&cERREUR: &42 &9MorePackets"
  2084. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2085. wait 1 second
  2086. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2087. if arg 2 is "Jesus":
  2088. add 1 to {awc.g.%arg-1%}
  2089. add 1 to {jesus.%arg-1%}
  2090. wait 1 ticks
  2091. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2092. make console execute command "rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Jesus &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{jesus.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2093. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2094. wait 1 second
  2095. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2096. if arg 2 is "Phase":
  2097. add 1 to {awc.g.%arg-1%}
  2098. add 1 to {phase.%arg-1%}
  2099. wait 1 ticks
  2100. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2101. make console execute command "rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Phase &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{phase.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2102. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2103. wait 1 second
  2104. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2105. if arg 2 is "G9A.KillAura":
  2106. add 1 to {awc.g.%arg-1%}
  2107. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2108. add 1 to {killaura.%arg-1%}
  2109. wait 1 ticks
  2110. if {killaura.%arg-1%} < 1:
  2111. stop
  2112. if {killaura.%arg-1%} > 1:
  2113. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2114. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Killaura/ForceField/Reach &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{killaura.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2115. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2116. wait 1 second
  2117. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2118. if arg 2 is "ha":
  2119. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2120. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2121. add 1 to {ha.%arg-1%}
  2122. wait 1 ticks
  2123. if {ha.%arg-1%} > 1:
  2124. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2125. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Hacked Client (/ha) &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{ha.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2126. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2127. wait 1 second
  2128. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2129. if arg 2 is "ns":
  2130. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2131. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2132. add 1 to {ns.%arg-1%}
  2133. wait 1 ticks
  2134. if {ns.%arg-1%} > 1:
  2135. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2136. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% No-Swing &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{ns.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2137. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2138. wait 1 second
  2139. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2140. if arg 2 is "reach":
  2141. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2142. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2143. add 1 to {reach.%arg-1%}
  2144. wait 1 ticks
  2145. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2146. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Reach/KillAura/ForceField &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{reach.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2147. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2148. wait 1 second
  2149. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2150. if arg 2 is "nf":
  2151. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2152. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2153. add 1 to {nf.%arg-1%}
  2154. wait 1 ticks
  2155. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2156. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% No-Fall damage &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{nf.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2157. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2158. wait 1 second
  2159. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2160. if arg 2 is "fly":
  2161. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2162. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2163. add 1 to {fly.%arg-1%}
  2164. wait 1 ticks
  2165. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2166. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Fly/Speedhack &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{fly.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2167. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2168. wait 1 second
  2169. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2170. if arg 2 is "sa":
  2171. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2172. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2173. add 1 to {sa.%arg-1%}
  2174. wait 1 ticks
  2175. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2176. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Speedhack/Fly &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{sa.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2177. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2178. wait 1 second
  2179. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2180. if arg 2 is "crit":
  2181. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2182. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2183. add 1 to {crit.%arg-1%}
  2184. wait 1 ticks
  2185. if {crit.%arg-1%} > 1:
  2186. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2187. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Criticals &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{crit.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2188. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2189. wait 1 second
  2190. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2191. if arg 2 is "macro":
  2192. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2193. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2194. add 1 to {macro.%arg-1%}
  2195. wait 1 ticks
  2196. if {macro.%arg-1%} > 1:
  2197. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2198. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Autoclick/Macro &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{macro.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2199. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2200. wait 1 second
  2201. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2202. if arg 2 is "v":
  2203. add 1 to {psy.%arg-1%}
  2204. add 1 to {guarden.cheat.%arg-1%}
  2205. add 1 to {antikb.%arg-1%}
  2206. wait 1 ticks
  2207. if {antikb.%arg-1%} > 1:
  2208. if {spamge.%arg-1%} is not set:
  2209. make console execute command "ee rreport %{serveur}% {@version} %arg-1% Velocity &7(&ePing: &6%{ping.%arg-1%}%&7, &eVL: &6%{antikb.%arg-1%}%&7)"
  2210. set {spamge.%arg-1%} to 1
  2211. wait 1 second
  2212. clear {spamge.%arg-1%}
  2213. else:
  2214. stop
  2216. command /ha:
  2217. permission: guarden.verif
  2218. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  2219. trigger:
  2220. message "{@ban} &7Liste des cheats contenus dans la raison ""Hacked-Client"""
  2221. message ""
  2222. message "&7- &9Entitymove"
  2223. message "&7- &9NormalMovements"
  2224. message "&7- &9Clip"
  2225. message "&7- &9ImpossibleActions"
  2226. message "&7- &9ItemDrops"
  2227. message "&7- &9InventoryClicks"
  2228. message "&7- &9Sprint"
  2229. message "&7- &9NoSlowdown"
  2230. message "&7- &9Ghosthand"
  2231. message "&7- &9Liquids"
  2232. message "&7- &9ElytraMove"
  2233. message "&7- &9BoatMove"
  2234. message "&7- &9FastBow"
  2235. message "&7- &9FastHeal"
  2236. message "&7- &9ImpossibleInventory"
  2237. message "&7- &9IllegalPosition"
  2238. message "&7- &9FastEat"
  2240. command /veriftp [<offline player>] [<offline player>]:
  2241. permission: guarden.verif
  2242. permission message: {@noperm}
  2243. trigger:
  2244. wait 5 ticks
  2245. make console execute command "teleport %arg-1% %arg-2%"
  2246. every 90 seconds:
  2247. loop all players:
  2248. clear {bp.%loop-player%}
  2249. clear {sh.%loop-player%}
  2250. clear {fly.%loop-player%}
  2251. clear {forcefield.%loop-player%}
  2252. clear {killaura.%loop-player%}
  2253. clear {climb.%loop-player%}
  2254. clear {fe.%loop-player%}
  2255. clear {jesus.%loop-player%}
  2256. clear {nuker.%loop-player%}
  2257. clear {fb.%loop-player%}
  2258. clear {KB.%loop-player%}
  2259. clear {criticals.%loop-player%}
  2260. clear {glide.%loop-player%}
  2261. clear {nf.%loop-player%}
  2262. clear {reach.%loop-player%}
  2263. clear {fp.%loop-player%}
  2264. clear {fastbow.%loop-player%}
  2265. clear {autosoupe.%loop-player%}
  2266. if {awc.g.%loop-player%} is set:
  2267. clear {awc.g.%loop-player%}
  2268. if {psy.%loop-player%} is set:
  2269. clear {psy.%loop-player%}
  2271. # #################################################### #
  2272. # #
  2273. # Global #
  2274. # #
  2275. # #################################################### #
  2279. on weather change to rain or thunder:
  2280. cancel event
  2282. command /lobby:
  2283. trigger:
  2284. wait 3 ticks
  2285. if {lobbyne} is set:
  2286. wait 1 ticks
  2287. bungeecord connect player to "lobby"
  2288. if {lobbyne} is not set:
  2289. wait 1 ticks
  2290. bungeecord connect player to "lobby2"
  2292. command /hub:
  2293. trigger:
  2294. wait 3 ticks
  2295. if {lobbyne} is set:
  2296. wait 1 ticks
  2297. bungeecord connect player to "lobby"
  2298. if {lobbyne} is not set:
  2299. wait 1 ticks
  2300. bungeecord connect player to "lobby2"
  2302. every 3 seconds:
  2303. if {lobbyne} is set:
  2304. wait 1 ticks
  2305. clear {lobbyne}
  2306. wait 1 ticks
  2307. stop
  2308. if {lobbyne} is not set:
  2309. wait 1 ticks
  2310. set {lobbyne} to 1
  2311. wait 1 ticks
  2312. stop
  2313. options:
  2314. version: &7[&9AntiPluginsV4&7]
  2316. command /antipl:
  2317. permission: admin.use
  2318. permission message: &4Vous n'avez pas la permission.
  2319. trigger:
  2320. set {message} to value "Message" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2321. set {permission} to value "Permission" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2322. set {msg} to value "Msg" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2323. set {WorldEditProtection} to value "WorldEditProtection" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2324. if {lang} is "fr":
  2325. message "{@version} &9Reload terminé !"
  2326. message "&9Title: &c%{message}%"
  2327. message "&9Title2: &c%{msg}%"
  2328. message "&9Actionbar: &c%{permission}%"
  2329. message "&9WorldEditProtection: &c%{WorldEditProtection}%"
  2330. stop
  2331. on load:
  2332. if folder "plugins/GuardenSK" doesn't exists:
  2333. if {lang} is not set:
  2334. set {lang} to "fr"
  2335. else:
  2336. if {lang} is "fr":
  2337. send "&7Le dossier plugins/GuardenSK n'existe pas !" to console
  2338. send "&7Création du dossier en cours..." to console
  2339. create folder "plugins/GuardenSK"
  2340. send "&aTerminé !" to console
  2341. if file "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  2342. if {lang} is not set:
  2343. set {lang} to "fr"
  2344. else:
  2345. if {lang} is "fr":
  2346. send "&7La config n'existe pas !" to console
  2347. send "&7Création de la config en cours..." to console
  2348. create file "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2349. wf "##--- Debut de la configuration ---##" to "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2350. wf "Message: Merci a nos developpeurs" to "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2351. wf "Permission: Vous n'avez pas la permission." to "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2352. wf "Msg: Merci a nos developpeurs" to "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2353. wf "WorldEditProtection: true" to "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2354. wf "##--- Fin de la configuration ---##" to "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2355. send "&aTerminé !" to console
  2356. else:
  2357. set {message} to value "Message" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2358. set {permission} to value "Permission" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2359. set {msg} to value "Msg" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2360. set {WorldEditProtection} to value "WorldEditProtection" get of "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2362. command /langpl [<text>]:
  2363. trigger:
  2364. if player has permission "plugins.use":
  2365. if arg-1 is "fr":
  2366. set {lang} to "fr"
  2367. delete file "plugins/GuardenSK/config.yml"
  2368. message "{@version} &9Changement de langue vers: &cFR"
  2369. make console execute command "/sk reload %script%"
  2370. make console execute command "/antipl"
  2371. if arg-1 is not set:
  2372. message "&9--- {@version} &9---"
  2373. message "&9Si vous êtes français, merci de faire &c/langpl fr"
  2374. message "&9--- {@version} &9---"
  2375. on command:
  2376. if command is "pl":
  2377. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2378. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2379. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2380. cancel event
  2381. if command is "plugins":
  2382. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2383. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2384. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2385. cancel event
  2386. if command is "plugin":
  2387. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2388. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2389. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2390. cancel event
  2391. if command is "bukkit:help":
  2392. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2393. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2394. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2395. cancel event
  2396. if command is "bukkit:pl":
  2397. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2398. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2399. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2400. cancel event
  2401. if command is "bukkit:?":
  2402. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2403. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2404. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2405. cancel event
  2406. if command is "help":
  2407. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2408. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2409. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2410. cancel event
  2411. if command is "?":
  2412. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2413. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2414. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2415. cancel event
  2416. if command is "ver":
  2417. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2418. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2419. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2420. cancel event
  2421. if command is "version":
  2422. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2423. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2424. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2425. cancel event
  2426. if command is "bukkit:plugin":
  2427. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2428. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2429. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2430. cancel event
  2431. if command is "bukkit:plugins":
  2432. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2433. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2434. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2435. cancel event
  2436. if command is "bukkit:me":
  2437. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2438. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2439. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2440. cancel event
  2441. if command is "minecraft:me":
  2442. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2443. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2444. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2445. cancel event
  2446. if command is "bukkit:ver":
  2447. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2448. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2449. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2450. cancel event
  2451. if command is "bukkit:version":
  2452. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2453. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2454. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2455. cancel event
  2456. if command is "bukkit:?":
  2457. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2458. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2459. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2460. cancel event
  2461. if command is "/calc":
  2462. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2463. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2464. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2465. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2466. cancel event
  2467. else:
  2468. stop
  2469. if command is "/calculate":
  2470. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2471. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2472. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2473. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2474. cancel event
  2475. else:
  2476. stop
  2477. if command is "worldedit:/calc":
  2478. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2479. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2480. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2481. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2482. cancel event
  2483. else:
  2484. stop
  2485. if command is "worldedit:calculate":
  2486. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2487. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2488. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2489. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2490. cancel event
  2491. else:
  2492. stop
  2493. if command is "worldedit:/solve":
  2494. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2495. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2496. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2497. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2498. cancel event
  2499. else:
  2500. stop
  2501. if command is "worldedit:/eval":
  2502. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2503. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2504. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2505. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2506. cancel event
  2507. else:
  2508. stop
  2509. if command is "worldedit:/evaluate":
  2510. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2511. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2512. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2513. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2514. cancel event
  2515. else:
  2516. stop
  2517. if command is "/eval":
  2518. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2519. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2520. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2521. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2522. cancel event
  2523. else:
  2524. stop
  2525. if command is "/evaluate":
  2526. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2527. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2528. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2529. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2530. cancel event
  2531. else:
  2532. stop
  2533. if command is "/solve":
  2534. if {WorldEditProtection} is "true":
  2535. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2536. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2537. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2538. cancel event
  2539. else:
  2540. stop
  2541. if command is "about":
  2542. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2543. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2544. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2545. cancel event
  2546. if command is "icanhasbukkit":
  2547. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2548. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2549. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2550. cancel event
  2551. if command is "bukkit:about":
  2552. if player doesn't have permission "plugins.use":
  2553. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2554. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2555. cancel event
  2556. #ver <tab>
  2557. command /ver <text>:
  2558. trigger:
  2559. if arg 1 is not set:
  2560. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2561. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2562. if arg 1 is "[<tab>]":
  2563. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2564. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2565. #/? <tab>
  2566. command /? <text>:
  2567. trigger:
  2568. if arg 1 is not set:
  2569. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2570. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2571. if arg 1 is "[<tab>]":
  2572. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2573. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2574. #version <tab>
  2575. command /version <text>:
  2576. trigger:
  2577. if arg 1 is not set:
  2578. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2579. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2580. if arg 1 is "[<tab>]":
  2581. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2582. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2583. #about <tab>
  2584. command /about <text>:
  2585. trigger:
  2586. if arg 1 is not set:
  2587. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2588. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2589. if arg 1 is "[<tab>]":
  2590. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2591. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2592. #bukkit:about <tab>
  2593. command /bukkit:about <text>:
  2594. trigger:
  2595. if arg 1 is not set:
  2596. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2597. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2598. if arg 1 is "[<tab>]":
  2599. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2600. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2601. #Bukkit:ver <tab>
  2602. command /bukkit:ver <text>:
  2603. trigger:
  2604. if arg 1 is not set:
  2605. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2606. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2607. if arg 1 is "[<tab>]":
  2608. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2609. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2610. #Bukkit:version <tab>
  2611. command /bukkit:version <text>:
  2612. trigger:
  2613. if arg 1 is not set:
  2614. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2615. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2616. if arg 1 is "[<tab>]":
  2617. send player title "&4%{message}%" with subtitle "&4%{msg}%" for 4 seconds
  2618. set action bar of player to "&c%{permission}%"
  2620. command /resetvip [<text>] [<text>]:
  2621. permission: skript.resetvip
  2622. executable by: console
  2623. trigger:
  2624. arg 1 is "vip":
  2625. arg 2 is "%arg 2%":
  2626. make console execute command "nick %arg 2% %arg 2%"
  2627. arg 1 is "vip+":
  2628. arg 2 is "%arg 2%":
  2629. make console execute command "nick %arg 2% %arg 2%"
  2631. every 100 seconds:
  2632. if {automessage} is true:
  2633. loop 10 times:
  2634. if {automessage} is false:
  2635. wait 1 seconds
  2636. stop
  2637. make console execute command "tm abc &"
  2638. wait 1 seconds
  2639. if {automessage} is true:
  2640. loop 10 times:
  2641. if {automessage} is false:
  2642. wait 1 seconds
  2643. stop
  2644. make console execute command "tm abc &7Rejoignez notre ts via &9/ts"
  2645. wait 1 seconds
  2646. if {automessage} is true:
  2647. loop 10 times:
  2648. if {automessage} is false:
  2649. wait 1 seconds
  2650. stop
  2651. make console execute command "tm abc &aRejoignez notre site via &2/tn site"
  2652. wait 1 seconds
  2653. if {automessage} is true:
  2654. loop 10 times:
  2655. if {automessage} is false:
  2656. wait 1 seconds
  2657. stop
  2658. make console execute command "tm abc &cRejoignez notre youtube via &4/tn yt"
  2659. wait 1 seconds
  2660. if {automessage} is true:
  2661. loop 10 times:
  2662. if {automessage} is false:
  2663. wait 1 seconds
  2664. stop
  2665. make console execute command "tm abc &bRejoignez notre twitter via &3/tn tw"
  2666. wait 1 seconds
  2667. if {automessage} is true:
  2668. loop 10 times:
  2669. if {automessage} is false:
  2670. wait 1 seconds
  2671. stop
  2672. make console execute command "tm abc &3Rejoignez notre facebook via &b/tn fb"
  2673. wait 1 seconds
  2674. if {automessage} is true:
  2675. loop 10 times:
  2676. if {automessage} is false:
  2677. wait 1 seconds
  2678. stop
  2679. make console execute command "tm abc &9Devenez &bVIP &9sur notre boutique via &7/boutique"
  2680. wait 1 seconds
  2681. if {automessage} is true:
  2682. loop 10 times:
  2683. if {automessage} is false:
  2684. wait 1 seconds
  2685. stop
  2686. make console execute command "tm abc &2Notre radio en lien avec votre minecraft via &a/radio"
  2687. wait 1 seconds
  2688. if {automessage} is true:
  2689. loop 10 times:
  2690. if {automessage} is false:
  2691. wait 1 seconds
  2692. stop
  2693. make console execute command "tm abc &3Rejoignez notre discord via &b/tn discord"
  2694. wait 1 seconds
  2695. if {automessage} is true:
  2696. loop 10 times:
  2697. if {automessage} is false:
  2698. wait 1 seconds
  2699. stop
  2700. make console execute command "tm abc &bUne question ? Envoyez nous un message via &b/tn support"
  2701. wait 1 seconds
  2704. command /automessage:
  2705. permission: staff.use
  2706. trigger:
  2707. if {automessage} is true:
  2708. set {automessage} to false
  2709. else:
  2710. set {automessage} to true
  2712. command /tn [<text>]:
  2713. trigger:
  2714. if arg-1 is not set:
  2715. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Pour obtenir un lien merci de faire: &c/tn <ts/yt/fb/tw/site/vote/forum/support/discord>"
  2716. if arg 1 is "ts":
  2717. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Pour rejoindre notre TeamSpeak faîtes &c/ts"
  2718. if arg 1 is "yt":
  2719. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Notre chaîne Youtube:&c"
  2720. if arg 1 is "fb":
  2721. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Notre facebook:&c"
  2722. if arg 1 is "tw":
  2723. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Notre Twitter:&c"
  2724. if arg 1 is "site":
  2725. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Notre Site:&c"
  2726. if arg 1 is "vote":
  2727. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Pour voter cliquez-sur le lien suivant:&c"
  2728. if arg 1 is "forum":
  2729. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Notre Forum:&c"
  2730. if arg 1 is "support":
  2731. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Contacter le support:&c"
  2732. if arg 1 is "discord":
  2733. message "&7[&9ThunderNetwork&7] &7Notre Discord:&c"
  2735. on join:
  2736. set {levelbl.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_level%%" as player
  2737. set {levelend.%player%} to {levelbl.%player%} parsed as an integer
  2738. if {db.moneyend.%player%} is not set:
  2739. set {db.moneyend.%player%} to 1
  2740. if {levelend.%player%} is more than 399:
  2741. if {db.moneyend.%player%} is equal to 1:
  2742. make console execute command "money give %player% 200000"
  2743. send "&7Vous avez gagné &9&l200.000 Tnc&7Bonus pour être arrivé au niveau 400 !" to player
  2744. set {db.moneyend.%player%} to 2
  2747. on death of player:
  2748. if "%{serveur}%" contains "SpeedRush":
  2749. stop
  2750. else:
  2751. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 2"
  2752. send "&7Tu as gagné &9&l2 XP &7pour le kill !" to attacker
  2753. if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 20:
  2754. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 9:
  2755. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 1"
  2756. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l1 XP &7 bonus !" to attacker
  2757. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 30:
  2758. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 19:
  2759. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 1"
  2760. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 1"
  2761. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l1 XP et 1 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2762. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 40:
  2763. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 29:
  2764. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 2"
  2765. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 1"
  2766. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l2 XP et 1 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2767. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 50:
  2768. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 39:
  2769. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 2"
  2770. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 2"
  2771. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l2 XP et 2 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2772. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 60:
  2773. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 49:
  2774. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 3"
  2775. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 2"
  2776. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l3 XP et 2 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2777. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 70:
  2778. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 59:
  2779. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 3"
  2780. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 3"
  2781. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l3 XP et 3 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2782. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 80:
  2783. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 69:
  2784. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 4"
  2785. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 3"
  2786. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l4 XP et 3 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2787. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 90:
  2788. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 79:
  2789. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 4"
  2790. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 4"
  2791. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l4 XP et 4 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2792. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 100:
  2793. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 89:
  2794. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 5"
  2795. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 4"
  2796. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l5 XP et 4 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2797. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 110:
  2798. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 99:
  2799. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 5"
  2800. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 5"
  2801. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l5 XP et 5 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2802. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 120:
  2803. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 109:
  2804. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 6"
  2805. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 5"
  2806. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l6 XP et 5 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2807. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 130:
  2808. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 119:
  2809. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 6"
  2810. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 6"
  2811. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l6 XP et 6 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2812. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 140:
  2813. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 129:
  2814. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 7"
  2815. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 6"
  2816. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l7 XP et 6 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2817. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 150:
  2818. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 139:
  2819. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 7"
  2820. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 7"
  2821. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l7 XP et 7 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2822. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 160:
  2823. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 149:
  2824. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 8"
  2825. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 7"
  2826. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l7 XP et 8 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2827. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 170:
  2828. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 159:
  2829. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 8"
  2830. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 8"
  2831. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l8 XP et 8 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2832. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 180:
  2833. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 169:
  2834. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 9"
  2835. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 8"
  2836. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l9 XP et 8 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2837. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 190:
  2838. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 179:
  2839. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 9"
  2840. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 9"
  2841. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l9 XP et 9 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2842. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 200:
  2843. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 189:
  2844. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 10"
  2845. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 9"
  2846. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l10 XP et 9 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2847. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 210:
  2848. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 199:
  2849. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 11"
  2850. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 10"
  2851. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l11 XP et 10 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2852. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 220:
  2853. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 209:
  2854. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 12"
  2855. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 11"
  2856. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l12 XP et 11 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2857. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 230:
  2858. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 219:
  2859. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 13"
  2860. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 12"
  2861. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l13 XP et 12 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2862. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 240:
  2863. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 229:
  2864. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 14"
  2865. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 13"
  2866. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l14 XP et 13 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2867. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 250:
  2868. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 239:
  2869. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 15"
  2870. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 14"
  2871. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l15 XP et 14 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2872. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 260:
  2873. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 249:
  2874. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 16"
  2875. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 15"
  2876. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l16 XP et 15 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2877. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 270:
  2878. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 259:
  2879. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 17"
  2880. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 16"
  2881. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l17 XP et 16 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2882. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 280:
  2883. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 269:
  2884. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 18"
  2885. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 17"
  2886. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l18 XP et 17 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2887. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 290:
  2888. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 279:
  2889. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 19"
  2890. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 18"
  2891. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l19 XP et 18 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2892. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 300:
  2893. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 289:
  2894. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 20"
  2895. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 19"
  2896. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l20 XP et 19 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2897. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 320:
  2898. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 299:
  2899. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 25"
  2900. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 24"
  2901. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l25 XP et 24 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2902. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 340:
  2903. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 3019:
  2904. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 30"
  2905. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 29"
  2906. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l30 XP et 29 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2907. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 360:
  2908. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 339:
  2909. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 35"
  2910. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 34"
  2911. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l35 XP et 34 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2912. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 380:
  2913. if {levelend.%attacker%} is more than 359:
  2914. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 40"
  2915. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 39"
  2916. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l40 XP et 39 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2917. else if {levelend.%attacker%} is less than 399:
  2918. if {db.moneyend.%attacker%} is more than 1:
  2919. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 100000"
  2920. send "&7Tu as gagné &9&l200.000 Tnc&7 bonus pour être arrivé au niveau 400 !" to attacker
  2921. set {db.moneyend.%attacker%} to 2
  2922. make console execute command "battlelevels addscore %attacker% 11"
  2923. make console execute command "money give %attacker% 11"
  2924. send "&7Et tu as gagné &9&l50 XP et 50 Tnc&7 bonus !" to attacker
  2928. # #################################################### #
  2929. # #
  2930. # Staff #
  2931. # #
  2932. # #################################################### #
  2933. options:
  2934. server_name: %{serveur}%
  2935. server_name_offline: Hors ligne
  2936. table: stafflist
  2938. prefix: &7[&9StaffList&7]
  2939. command: /stafflist
  2940. team_permission: staff.use
  2941. permission: guarden.verif
  2943. version: 2.0.310
  2945. prefix_owner: &4Fondateur
  2946. prefix_admin: &cAdministrateur
  2947. prefix_mod: &7Modérateur
  2948. prefix_modplus: &7Modérateur&9+
  2949. prefix_dev: &9Développeur
  2950. prefix_sup: &aSupport
  2951. prefix_architecte: &7Architecte
  2952. prefix_staff: &7Staff
  2954. placeholder_owner: red stained glass pane
  2955. placeholder_admin: orange stained glass pane
  2956. placeholder_mod: light green stained glass pane
  2957. placeholder_supp: blue stained glass pane
  2959. inventory_name: &cStaff
  2961. function sql_update(name:text, uuid:text, rank: text) :: text:
  2962. set {_results::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE name = '%{_name}%'" and close
  2963. set {_result} to false
  2964. loop {_results::*}:
  2965. If loop-value is {_name}:
  2966. set {_result} to true
  2967. If {_result} is false:
  2968. update "INSERT INTO `{@table}` (`name`,`uuid`,`rank`,`online`) VALUES ('%{_name}%', '%{_uuid}%', '%{_rank}%', 'OFFLINE')"
  2969. return "{@prefix} &7Staff: &9%{_name}% &7Rang: &b%{_rank}% &7Update."
  2970. else:
  2971. update "UPDATE `{@table}` SET `rank` = '%{_rank}%' WHERE `{@table}`.`name` ='%{_name}%'"
  2972. return "{@ban} &7Staff: &9%{_name}% &7Rang: &9%{_rank}% &7Update."
  2974. function sql_remove(name: text) :: text:
  2975. set {_results::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE name = '%{_name}%'" and close
  2976. set {_result} to false
  2977. loop {_results::*}:
  2978. If loop-value is {_name}:
  2979. set {_result} to true
  2980. If {_result} is true:
  2981. update "DELETE FROM {@table} WHERE name = '%{_name}%'"
  2982. return "{@prefix} &7Joueur: &9%{_name}% &7supprimé."
  2983. else:
  2984. return "{@prefix} &7Joueur: &9%{_name}% &7n'est pas enregistré dans la BDD."
  2986. function sql_read(name:text) :: text:
  2987. set {_results::*} to objects in column "rank" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE name = '%{_name}%'" and close
  2988. delete {_result}
  2989. loop {_results::*}:
  2990. If loop-value is set:
  2991. set {_result} to loop-value
  2992. If {_result} is set:
  2993. return "{@prefix} &7Staff: &9%{_name}% &7Rang: &9%{_result}%&7."
  2994. else:
  2995. return "{@prefix} &7Staff: &9%{_name}% &7n'est pas dans la stafflist."
  2997. function wipeDatabase(x: int = 0) :: text:
  2998. update "DROP table {@table}"
  2999. return "{@ban} BDD clear"
  3001. #on load:
  3002. # update "CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS `{@table}` (`id` int(11),`name` varchar(255),`uuid` varchar(255),`rank` varchar(255),`online` varchar(255), `server_name` varchar(255))"
  3003. # update "ALTER table {@table} ADD UNIQUE (id, name)"
  3004. # update "ALTER table {@table} ADD id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT primary key FIRST"
  3006. command {@command} [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  3007. permission: staff.use
  3008. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  3009. trigger:
  3010. arg 1 is not set:
  3011. send "{@prefix} &cChargement..."
  3012. $ thread
  3013. set {_results.owner::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Fondateur'" and close
  3014. $ thread
  3015. set {_results.admin::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Administrateur'" and close
  3016. $ thread
  3017. set {_results.mod::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Modérateur'" and close
  3018. $ thread
  3019. set {_results.sup::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Support'" and close
  3020. $ thread
  3021. set {_results.mod+::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Modérateur+'" and close
  3022. $ thread
  3023. set {*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Développeur'" and close
  3024. $ thread
  3025. set {_results.architecte::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Architecte'" and close
  3026. $ thread
  3027. set {_results.staff::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Staff'" and close
  3028. message ""
  3029. loop {_results.owner::*}:
  3030. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3031. message "&7- &4Fondateur &4%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3032. loop {_results.admin::*}:
  3033. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3034. message "&7- &cAdministrateur &c%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3035. loop {*}:
  3036. wait 1 tick
  3037. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3038. message "&7- &9Développeur &9%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3039. loop {_results.mod+::*}:
  3040. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3041. message "&7- &eModérateur&6+ &6%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3042. loop {_results.mod::*}:
  3043. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3044. message "&7- &eModérateur &e%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3045. loop {_results.sup::*}:
  3046. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3047. message "&7- &aSupport &a%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3048. loop {_results.architecte::*}:
  3049. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3050. message "&7- &eArchitecte: &e%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3051. loop {_results.staff::*}:
  3052. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3053. message "&7- &eStaff: &e%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3054. message ""
  3055. else:
  3056. player has permission "{@permission}":
  3057. arg 1 is "help":
  3058. send "&7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &9StafList &7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  3059. send "&9&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  3060. send "&4» /&fstafflist &8add &7<Joueur> &9<Rank> &8- &7Enregistrer un membre du staff."
  3061. send "&4» /&fstafflist &8remove &7<Joueur> &8- &7Supprimer un membre du staff."
  3062. send "&4» /&fstafflist &8check &7<Joueur> &8- &7Check un joueur."
  3064. arg 1 is "add":
  3065. arg 2 is set:
  3066. arg 3 is set:
  3067. arg 3 is "Fondateur", "Administrateur", "Modérateur", "Support", "Modérateur+" or "Développeur" or "Architecte" or "Staff":
  3068. set {_name} to "%arg 2%" parsed as offline player
  3069. set {_uuid} to "%{_name}'s uuid%"
  3070. set {_message} to sql_update(arg 2, {_uuid}, arg 3)
  3071. send {_message}
  3072. else:
  3073. send "{@prefix} &7Rangs: &cFondateur, Administrateur, Moderateur, Support, Modérateur+, Développeur, Architecte, Staff"
  3074. else:
  3075. send "&4» /&fstafflist &8add &7<Joueur> &9<Rang> &8- &7Ajouter un membre du staff."
  3076. else:
  3077. send "&4» /&fstafflist &8add &7<Joueur> &9<Rang> &8- &7Ajouter un membre du staff."
  3079. arg 1 is "remove":
  3080. arg 2 is set:
  3081. set {_message} to sql_remove(arg 2)
  3082. send {_message}
  3083. else:
  3084. send "&4» /&fstafflist &8remove &7<Joueur> &8- &7Enlever un membre du staff."
  3086. arg 1 is "check":
  3087. arg 2 is set:
  3088. set {_message} to sql_read(arg 2)
  3089. send {_message}
  3090. else:
  3091. send "&4» /&fstafflist &8check &7<joueur> &8- &7Check un joueur."
  3093. arg 1 is "delete_database":
  3094. set {_message} to wipeDatabase()
  3095. send {_message}
  3096. wait a second
  3097. execute player command "/sk reload %script%"
  3098. else:
  3099. execute player command "{@command}"
  3103. on join:
  3104. player has permission "{@team_permission}":
  3105. $ thread
  3106. set {_team::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table}" and close
  3107. set {guarden.serv.%player%} to "%{serveur}%"
  3108. delete {_result}
  3109. loop {_team::*}:
  3110. "%loop-value%" is "%player%":
  3111. $ thread
  3112. update "UPDATE `{@table}` SET `online` = 'ONLINE', `server_name` = '{@server_name}' WHERE `{@table}`.`name` ='%player%'"
  3113. wait 1 second
  3114. make console execute command "/ee staffclear on %player%"
  3115. else:
  3116. delete {guarden.serv.%player%}
  3117. delete {on.%player%}
  3119. on quit:
  3120. player has permission "{@team_permission}":
  3121. $ thread
  3122. set {_team::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table}" and close
  3123. delete {_result}
  3124. loop {_team::*}:
  3125. "%loop-value%" is "%player%":
  3126. $ thread
  3127. update "UPDATE `{@table}` SET `online` = 'OFFLINE', `server_name` = '{@server_name_offline}' WHERE `{@table}`.`name` ='%player%'"
  3128. else:
  3129. delete {guarden.serv.%player%}
  3130. delete {on.%player%}
  3131. on quit:
  3132. if player has permission "staff.use":
  3133. make console execute command "/ee staffclear off %player%"
  3134. wait 1 tick
  3135. make console execute command "/ee staffclear off %player%"
  3137. command /staffclear [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  3138. permission: admin.use
  3139. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission.
  3140. trigger:
  3141. if arg-1 is "off":
  3142. set {on.%arg-2%} to false
  3143. if arg-1 is "on":
  3144. set {on.%arg-2%} to true
  3146. on unload:
  3147. update "UPDATE `{@table}` SET `online` = 'OFFLINE', `server_name` = '{@server_name_offline}' WHERE `{@table}`.`online` ='ONLINE'"
  3149. command /staff [<text>] [<text>]:
  3150. permission: staff.use
  3151. permission message: {@noperm}
  3152. trigger:
  3153. if arg 1 is not set:
  3154. send "{@prefix} &cChargement..."
  3155. $ thread
  3156. set {_results.owner::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Fondateur'" and close
  3157. $ thread
  3158. set {_results.admin::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Administrateur'" and close
  3159. $ thread
  3160. set {_results.mod::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Modérateur'" and close
  3161. $ thread
  3162. set {_results.sup::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Support'" and close
  3163. $ thread
  3164. set {_results.mod+::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Modérateur+'" and close
  3165. $ thread
  3166. set {*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Développeur'" and close
  3167. $ thread
  3168. set {_results.architecte::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Architecte'" and close
  3169. $ thread
  3170. set {_results.staff::*} to objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT * FROM {@table} WHERE rank='Staff'" and close
  3171. message ""
  3172. loop {_results.owner::*}:
  3173. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3174. message "&7- &4Fondateur &4%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3175. loop {_results.admin::*}:
  3176. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3177. message "&7- &cAdministrateur &c%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3178. loop {*}:
  3179. wait 1 tick
  3180. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3181. message "&7- &9Développeur &9%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3182. loop {_results.mod+::*}:
  3183. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3184. message "&7- &eModérateur&6+ &6%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3185. loop {_results.mod::*}:
  3186. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3187. message "&7- &eModérateur &e%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3188. loop {_results.sup::*}:
  3189. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3190. message "&7- &aSupport &a%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3191. loop {_results.architecte::*}:
  3192. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3193. message "&7- &eArchitecte: &e%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3194. loop {_results.staff::*}:
  3195. if {on.%loop-value%} is true:
  3196. message "&7- &eStaff: &e%loop-value% &f<> &f%{guarden.serv.%loop-value%}%"
  3197. message ""
  3198. send "&7Aide: &c/staff <groupe=facultatif> <message>"
  3199. send ""
  3200. send "&7Groupes&7 > &cHaut &7= &9Visible par les Modérateurs+ et plus"
  3201. send "&7Groupes&7 > &cNormal &7= &9Visible par les Modérateurs et plus"
  3202. send "&7Groupes&7 > &cFaible (ou rien) &7= &9Visible par les Supports et plus"
  3203. stop
  3204. if arg 1 is set:
  3205. if arg 1 is "haut":
  3206. if arg 2 is set:
  3207. if {spam.staff.%player%} is not set:
  3208. make console execute command "ee staffhaut %{serveur}% %player% %arg 2%"
  3209. set {spam.%player%} to 1
  3210. wait 1 second
  3211. clear {spam.staff.%player%}
  3212. stop
  3213. if arg 1 is "normal":
  3214. if arg 2 is set:
  3215. if {spam.staff.%player%} is not set:
  3216. make console execute command "ee staffnormal %{serveur}% %player% %arg 2%"
  3217. set {spam.%player%} to 1
  3218. wait 1 second
  3219. clear {spam.staff.%player%}
  3220. stop
  3221. if arg 1 is "faible":
  3222. if arg 2 is set:
  3223. if {spam.staff.%player%} is not set:
  3224. make console execute command "ee stafffaible %{serveur}% %player% %arg 2%"
  3225. set {spam.%player%} to 1
  3226. wait 1 second
  3227. clear {spam.staff.%player%}
  3228. stop
  3229. else:
  3230. if {spam.staff.%player%} is not set:
  3231. if arg 2 is not set:
  3232. make console execute command "ee stafffaible %{serveur}% %player% %arg-1%"
  3233. set {spam.%player%} to 1
  3234. wait 1 second
  3235. clear {spam.staff.%player%}
  3236. stop
  3237. if arg 2 is set:
  3238. make console execute command "ee stafffaible %{serveur}% %player% %arg-1% %arg 2%"
  3239. set {spam.%player%} to 1
  3240. wait 1 second
  3241. clear {spam.staff.%player%}
  3242. stop
  3244. command /staffhaut [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  3245. executable by: console
  3246. trigger:
  3247. loop all players:
  3248. if loop-player has the permission "staff.haut":
  3249. if arg 2 is set:
  3250. send "&9&lStaff Haut &7(&c%arg-1%&7)&7 | &9%arg-2% &7: &b%arg-3%" to loop-player
  3252. command /staffnormal [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  3253. executable by: console
  3254. trigger:
  3255. loop all players:
  3256. if loop-player has the permission "staff.normal":
  3257. if arg 2 is set:
  3258. send "&9&lStaff Normal &7(&c%arg-1%&7)&7 | &9%arg-2% &7: &b%arg-3%" to loop-player
  3260. command /stafffaible [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  3261. executable by: console
  3262. trigger:
  3263. loop all players:
  3264. if loop-player has the permission "staff.faible":
  3265. if arg 2 is set:
  3266. send "&9&lStaff &7(&c%arg-1%&7)&7 | &9%arg-2% &7: &b%arg-3%" to loop-player
  3268. command /notifjoin [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  3269. executable by: console
  3270. trigger:
  3271. loop all players:
  3272. if loop-player has the permission "staff.faible":
  3273. if arg 2 is set:
  3274. send "&6%arg 1% &ea rejoint le &6%arg 2%&7." to loop-player
  3275. # send "&b&lStaff&7 | &b%arg-1% &7> &7%arg-2% &7: &7%arg-3%" to loop-player
  3277. command /ggban [<offline player>]:
  3278. permission: guarden.verif
  3279. permission message: &4Vous n'avez pas accès.
  3280. trigger:
  3281. if arg-1 is set:
  3282. set {feu} to arg-1's location
  3283. add ball large to {_fireworktype::*}
  3284. add creeper to {_fireworktype::*}
  3285. add ball to {_fireworktype::*}
  3286. add star to {_fireworktype::*}
  3287. add burst to {_fireworktype::*}
  3288. set {_fwtype} to a random element out of {_fireworktype::*}
  3289. add dark blue to {_color::*}
  3290. add green to {_color::*}
  3291. add dark aqua to {_color::*}
  3292. add dark red to {_color::*}
  3293. add purple to {_color::*}
  3294. add gold to {_color::*}
  3295. add blue to {_color::*}
  3296. add lime to {_color::*}
  3297. add aqua to {_color::*}
  3298. add red to {_color::*}
  3299. add pink to {_color::*}
  3300. add yellow to {_color::*}
  3301. set {_colorchoice} to a random element out of {_color::*}
  3302. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3303. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3304. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3305. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3306. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3307. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3308. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3309. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at {feu} timed 0.30
  3310. strike lightning effect at the arg-1
  3311. if arg-1 is not set:
  3312. message "&7[&7ThunderNetwork&7] &7Merci de faire &9/ggban <pseudo>"
  3314. on join:
  3315. if player has permission "silent.join":
  3316. set the join message to ""
  3317. if "%{serveur}%" contains "Lobby":
  3318. set the join message to ""
  3319. make player execute command "/skinupdate"
  3320. if "%{serveur}%" don't contain "Lobby":
  3321. if player does not have permission "silent.join":
  3322. if player has permission "":
  3323. set the join message to "&8(&c+&8) &cYoutubeur &c%player%"
  3324. stop
  3325. if player has permission "nte.ytp":
  3326. set the join message to "&8(&c+&8) &4Youtubeur&4+ &c%player%"
  3327. stop
  3328. if player has permission "":
  3329. set the join message to "&8(&b+&8) &bThunderFriend %player%"
  3330. stop
  3331. if player has permission "":
  3332. set the join message to "&8(&b+&8) &7Architecte %player%"
  3333. stop
  3334. if player has permission "vip.join":
  3335. set the join message to "&8(&b+&8) &bVIP %player%"
  3336. stop
  3337. if player has permission "vip+.join":
  3338. set the join message to "&8(&3+&8) &3VIP+ %player%"
  3339. stop
  3340. else:
  3341. set the join message to "&8(&7+&8) &7%player%"
  3342. stop
  3343. command /staffnick:
  3344. permission: guarden.modo
  3345. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission
  3346. trigger:
  3347. if {guarden.nick.%player%} is false:
  3348. make console execute command "/nte player %player% clear"
  3349. set {guarden.nick.%player%} to true
  3350. make player execute command "/randomnick"
  3351. make console execute command "/setskin %player% %player%"
  3352. else:
  3353. make console execute command "/clearnick %player%"
  3354. make console execute command "/clearskin %player%"
  3355. message "{@ban} &7Vous n'êtes plus en &9/nick&7."
  3356. set {guarden.nick.%player%} to false
  3357. on command "/nick":
  3358. cancel event
  3359. on quit:
  3360. set the quit message to ""
  3362. command /checifco:
  3363. trigger:
  3364. if {on.%player%} is true:
  3365. message "test"
  3366. else:
  3367. message "Erreur"
  3369. on connect:
  3370. if {db.guardenbann.%player%.ban} is equal to "true":
  3371. clear {db.guardenbann.%player%.ban}
  3373. on chat:
  3374. if message contains "(;":
  3375. make player execute command "emotes wink"
  3376. if message contains ";)":
  3377. make player execute command "emotes wink"
  3378. if message contains "(-;":
  3379. make player execute command "emotes wink"
  3380. if message contains ";-)":
  3381. make player execute command "emotes wink"
  3382. if message contains "=D":
  3383. make player execute command "emotes grin"
  3384. if message contains ":-D":
  3385. make player execute command "emotes grin"
  3386. if message contains ":D":
  3387. make player execute command "emotes grin"
  3388. if message contains "=D":
  3389. make player execute command "emotes grin"
  3390. if message contains ":o":
  3391. make player execute command "emotes surprised"
  3392. if message contains ":O":
  3393. make player execute command "emotes surprised"
  3394. if message contains "o:":
  3395. make player execute command "emotes surprised"
  3396. if message contains "O:":
  3397. make player execute command "emotes surprised"
  3398. if message contains ":_(":
  3399. make player execute command "emotes cry"
  3400. if message contains ":'(":
  3401. make player execute command "emotes cry"
  3402. if message contains "T_T":
  3403. make player execute command "emotes cry"
  3404. if message contains ";_;":
  3405. make player execute command "emotes cry"
  3406. if message contains "QQ":
  3407. make player execute command "emotes cry"
  3408. if message contains ");":
  3409. make player execute command "emotes cry"
  3410. if message contains ";(":
  3411. make player execute command "emotes cry"
  3412. if message contains ":p":
  3413. make player execute command "emotes cheeky"
  3414. if message contains ":b":
  3415. make player execute command "emotes cheeky"
  3416. if message contains ":)":
  3417. make player execute command "emotes smile"
  3418. if message contains "(:":
  3419. make player execute command "emotes smile"
  3420. if message contains "rage":
  3421. make player execute command "emotes rage"
  3422. if message contains "B)":
  3423. make player execute command "emotes cool"
  3426. command /recrutement [<text>]:
  3427. trigger:
  3428. if arg-1 is not set:
  3429. if {recrutement} is not set:
  3430. message "&7[&9Recrutement&7] &7Le recrutement est &cFermé&7. Suivez-nous sur les &9réseaux sociaux &7pour être averti dès l'ouverture d'un recrutement !"
  3431. if {recrutement} is set:
  3432. message "&7[&9Recrutement&7] &7Le recrutement est &aOuvert&7. Pour postuler, merci de vous rendre ici:"
  3433. if arg-1 is "ouvert":
  3434. set {recrutement} to 1
  3435. if arg-1 is "fermé":
  3436. clear {recrutement}
  3437. if arg-1 is "help":
  3438. if player has permission "guarden.modo":
  3439. message "&7--- &9Help &7---"
  3440. message ""
  3441. message "&7- &9/recrutement &aouvert"
  3442. message "&7- &9/recrutement &cfermé"
  3443. message ""
  3444. message "&7--- &9Help &7---"
  3447. command /boutique [<text>]:
  3448. trigger:
  3449. if arg-1 is not set:
  3450. wait 1 tick
  3451. open chest with 6 rows named "&7Boutique &9➜ &7%player%" to player
  3452. make a gui slot 0 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3453. make a gui slot 8 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3454. make a gui slot 49 of player with player's skull named "&7Pseudo &9➜ &7%player%" to do nothing
  3455. make a gui slot 20 of player with diamond chestplate named "&9Grades" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Acheter un grade sur le network||||&cClique-ici pour ouvrir" to close then run player command "/boutique grades"
  3456. make a gui slot 22 of player with bookshelf named "&9Kits Faction" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Acheter un/plusieurs kits sur le faction||||&cClique-ici pour ouvrir" to close then run player command "/boutique kits"
  3457. make a gui slot 24 of player with diamond chestplate named "&9Grades FACTION" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Acheter un grade uniquement sur le Faction||||&cClique-ici pour ouvrir" to close then run player command "/boutique gradesf"
  3458. make a gui slot 30 of player with anvil named "&9Unban" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Acheter un dé-bannissement||||&cClique-ici pour ouvrir" to close then run player command "/boutique unban"
  3459. make a gui slot 32 of player with book named "&9Dons" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Faire un don pour nous aider à nous développer||||&cClique-ici pour ouvrir" to close then run player command "/boutique don"
  3460. if arg-1 is "kits":
  3461. open chest with 3 rows named "&7Kits &9➜ &7%player%" to player
  3462. make a gui slot 0 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3463. make a gui slot 8 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3464. make a gui slot 26 of player with arrow named "&9Retour" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Retour vers le menu principal &7(clique-ici)" to close then run player command "/boutique"
  3465. make a gui slot 11 of player with tnt named "&9Kit Ingénieur" with lore "||&9&nLe kit contient:||||&7- Casque en fer &9P4||&7- Plastron en diamant &9P2U2||&7- Pantalon en fer &9P4||&7- Chaussure en fer &9P4||&7- Epee en diamant &9S1T1||&7- Arc||&7- Flèches &9x16||&7- TNT &9x32||&7- Oeuf de creeper &9x12||&7- Sceau d'eau||&7- Briquet ||&7- Redstones &9x32||&7- Torches de redstones &9x32||&7- Blocs de redstones &9x8||&7- SlimeBall &9x8 ||&7- Lingots de fer &9x12||&7- Boutons &9x8||&7- Leviers &9x8||&7- Pioche en diamant||&7- Hache en fer||&7Pelle en fer||||&7Prix: &93.00€||&7Cooldown: &916 heures" to close then run player command "/boutique ingenieur"
  3466. make a gui slot 13 of player with diamond chestplate named "&9Kit Roi" with lore "||&9&nLe kit contient:||||&7- Casque en diamant &9P3||&7- Plastron en diamant &9P3PP2||&7- Pantalon en diamant &9P3FP2||&7- Chaussure en diamant &9P3RC2||&7- Epee en diamant &9S4||&7- Arc &9P3F1||&7- Flèches &9x32||&7- Golden Apple &9x20||&7- Steaks &9x16||&7- Golden Apple enchantées &9x5||||&7Prix: &93.00€||&7Cooldown: &916h" to close then run player command "/boutique roi"
  3467. make a gui slot 15 of player with blaze powder named "&9Kit Alchimiste" with lore "||&9&nLe kit contient:||||&7- Casque en fer &9P4||&7- Plastron en diamant &9P2U2||&7- Pantalon en fer &9P4||&7- Chaussure en fer &9P4||&7- Epee en diamant &9S1T1||&7- Arc||&7- Flèches &9x16||&7- Golden enchantées &9x5||&7- Golden apple &9x8||&7- Potions splash de regen II &9x2||&7- Potions splash de speed II &9x2||&7- Potions de splash de Fire Resistance &9x2||&7- Potions splash de poison II &9x2||&7- Potions splash de Heal II &9x2||&7- Potions splash de vision nocturne &9x2||&7- Redstones &9x8||&7- Graines du nether &9x8||&7- Tranches de melon &9x8||&7- Carrotes dorés &9x8||&7- Crèmes de magma &9x8||&7- Poudres de blaze &9x8||&7- Oeuil fermenté d'arraigner &9x8||&7- Poudres de glowstone &9x8||&7- Chaudron||||&7Prix: &93.00€||&7Cooldown: &916h" to close then run player command "/boutique alchimiste"
  3468. make a gui slot 18 of player with book named "&9Comment acheter ?" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous devez vous rendre notre boutique||&7et payer avec l'un de nos modes de paiement||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paypal||||&7- Paypal||&7- Carte de crédit||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paymentwall||||&7- Allopass||&7- Paysafecard ||&7- Carte de crédit||&7- NéoSurf" to close then run player command "/boutique lien"
  3469. if arg-1 is "grades":
  3470. open chest with 3 rows named "&7Grades &9➜ &7%player%" to player
  3471. make a gui slot 0 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3472. make a gui slot 8 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3473. make a gui slot 11 of player with iron chestplate named "&9Grade - VIP 1 mois" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &bVIP||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 100 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x10||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits juqu'au Chevalier||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 1 000$ et 2 clefs||||&c&nD'autres avantages à découvrir sur notre boutique !||||&7Prix: &97.50€||&7Durée: &91 mois" to close then run player command "/boutique vip1"
  3474. make a gui slot 12 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&9Grade - VIP à vie" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &bVIP||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 300 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x10||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits juqu'au Chevalier||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 1 000$ et 2 clefs||||&c&nD'autres avantages à découvrir sur notre boutique !||||&7Prix: &920.00€||&7Durée: &9à vie" to close then run player command "/boutique vip"
  3475. make a gui slot 14 of player with diamond chestplate named "&9Grade - VIP+ 1 mois" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &3VIP+||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 100 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x20||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits &4&lSAUF ROI||&7- /repair all||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 2 500$ et 5 clefs||||&c&nD'autres avantages à découvrir sur notre boutique !||||&7Prix: &99.00€||&7Durée: &91 mois" to close then run player command "/boutique vip+1"
  3476. make a gui slot 15 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 1 named "&9Grade - VIP+ à vie" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &3VIP+||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 400 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x20||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits &4&lSAUF ROI||&7- /repair all||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 2 500$ et 5 clefs||||&c&nD'autres avantages à découvrir sur notre boutique !||||&7Prix: &924.00€||&7Durée: &9à vie" to close then run player command "/boutique vip+"
  3477. make a gui slot 26 of player with arrow named "&9Retour" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Retour vers le menu principal &7(clique-ici)" to close then run player command "/boutique"
  3478. make a gui slot 18 of player with book named "&9Comment acheter ?" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous devez vous rendre notre boutique||&7et payer avec l'un de nos modes de paiement||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paypal||||&7- Paypal||&7- Carte de crédit||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paymentwall||||&7- Allopass||&7- Paysafecard ||&7- Carte de crédit||&7- NéoSurf" to close then run player command "/boutique lien"
  3479. if arg-1 is "gradesf":
  3480. open chest with 3 rows named "&7Grades &9➜ &7%player%" to player
  3481. make a gui slot 0 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3482. make a gui slot 8 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3483. make a gui slot 11 of player with iron chestplate named "&9Grade - VIP FACTION ONLY 1 mois" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &bVIP||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 100 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x10||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits juqu'au Chevalier||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 1 000$ et 2 clefs||||&7Prix: &94.50€||&7Durée: &91 mois" to close then run player command "/boutique vip1f"
  3484. make a gui slot 12 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&9Grade - VIP FACTION ONLY à vie" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &bVIP||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 300 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x10||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits juqu'au Chevalier||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 1 000$ et 2 clefs||||&7Prix: &912.00€||&7Durée: &9à vie" to close then run player command "/boutique vipf"
  3485. make a gui slot 14 of player with diamond chestplate named "&9Grade - VIP+ FACTION ONLY 1 mois" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &3VIP+||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 100 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x20||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits &4&lSAUF ROI||&7- /repair all||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 2 500$ et 5 clefs||||&7Prix: &96.50€||&7Durée: &91 mois" to close then run player command "/boutique vip+1f"
  3486. make a gui slot 15 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 1 named "&9Grade - VIP+ FACTION ONLY à vie" with lore "||&9&nGENERAL:||||&7- Préfix dans le chat: &3VIP+||&7- /emotes ||||&9&nFACTION:||||&7- 400 000$ Faction en bonus||&7- /Kit remerciements en bonus||&7- /craft||&7- /enderchest||&7- /repair||&7- /clear||&7- /hat||&7- /sethome &9x20||&7- /kit vip||&7- Accès à tous les kits &4&lSAUF ROI||&7- /repair all||&7- &dNOUVEAU &7caisse journalière 2 500$ et 5 clefs||||&7Prix: &915.00€||&7Durée: &9à vie" to close then run player command "/boutique vip+f"
  3487. make a gui slot 26 of player with arrow named "&9Retour" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Retour vers le menu principal &7(clique-ici)" to close then run player command "/boutique"
  3488. make a gui slot 18 of player with book named "&9Comment acheter ?" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous devez vous rendre notre boutique||&7et payer avec l'un de nos modes de paiement||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paypal||||&7- Paypal||&7- Carte de crédit||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paymentwall||||&7- Allopass||&7- Paysafecard ||&7- Carte de crédit||&7- NéoSurf" to close then run player command "/boutique lien"
  3489. if arg-1 is "unban":
  3490. open chest with 3 rows named "&7Unban &9➜ &7%player%" to player
  3491. make a gui slot 0 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3492. make a gui slot 8 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3493. make a gui slot 18 of player with book named "&9Comment acheter ?" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous devez vous rendre notre boutique||&7et payer avec l'un de nos modes de paiement||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paypal||||&7- Paypal||&7- Carte de crédit||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paymentwall||||&7- Allopass||&7- Paysafecard ||&7- Carte de crédit||&7- NéoSurf" to close then run player command "/boutique lien"
  3494. make a gui slot 26 of player with arrow named "&9Retour" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Retour vers le menu principal &7(clique-ici)" to close then run player command "/boutique"
  3495. make a gui slot 13 of player with anvil named "&9Unban" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Acheter un dé-bannissement||||&7Prix: &95.00€||&7Temps: &91 minute à 24h" to close then run player command "/boutique unban2"
  3496. if arg-1 is "don":
  3497. open chest with 3 rows named "&7Don &9➜ &7%player%" to player
  3498. make a gui slot 0 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3499. make a gui slot 8 of player with diamond named "&7Informations" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous pouvez acheter certains articles||&7sur notre boutique. L'achat se fait avec||&7de l'argent IRL pour faire avancer le serveur||&7Les machines du serveur coûte très cher||&7donc nous avons besoin de &9VOUS &7!||&7En cas de problème avec notre boutique||&7merci de nous contacter par e-mail||&9&" to do nothing
  3500. make a gui slot 18 of player with book named "&9Comment acheter ?" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Vous devez vous rendre notre boutique||&7et payer avec l'un de nos modes de paiement||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paypal||||&7- Paypal||&7- Carte de crédit||||&9Mode de paiement: &7Paymentwall||||&7- Allopass||&7- Paysafecard ||&7- Carte de crédit||&7- NéoSurf" to close then run player command "/boutique lien"
  3501. make a gui slot 26 of player with arrow named "&9Retour" with lore "||&9&nDescription:||||&7Retour vers le menu principal &7(clique-ici)" to close then run player command "/boutique"
  3502. make a gui slot 13 of player with book named "&9Dons" with lore "||&9&nEn faisant un don vous contribuez:||||&7- Au développement des plugins||&7- Au financement de nos machines||&7- A l'amélioration de la qualité de jeu||&7- Motiver le staff !" to close then run player command "/boutique don2"
  3503. if arg-1 is "lien":
  3504. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3505. if arg-1 is "vip":
  3506. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3507. if arg-1 is "vip1":
  3508. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3509. if arg-1 is "vip+1":
  3510. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3511. if arg-1 is "vip+":
  3512. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3513. if arg-1 is "vipf":
  3514. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3515. if arg-1 is "vip1f":
  3516. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3517. if arg-1 is "vip+1f":
  3518. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3519. if arg-1 is "vip+f":
  3520. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3521. if arg-1 is "ingenieur":
  3522. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3523. if arg-1 is "roi":
  3524. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3525. if arg-1 is "alchimiste":
  3526. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3527. if arg-1 is "unban2":
  3528. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3529. if arg-1 is "don2":
  3530. message "&7[&9Boutique&7] &a"
  3531. command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  3532. permission: guarden.admin
  3533. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission
  3534. trigger:
  3535. if arg-1 is set:
  3536. if arg-2 is "Support":
  3537. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3538. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3539. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3540. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Support"
  3541. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3542. if arg-2 is "Modo":
  3543. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3544. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3545. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3546. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Moderateur"
  3547. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3548. if arg-2 is "Modo+":
  3549. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3550. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3551. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3552. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Modérateur+"
  3553. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3554. if arg-2 is "CoOwner":
  3555. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3556. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3557. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3558. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Fondateur"
  3559. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3560. if arg-2 is "Dev":
  3561. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3562. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3563. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3564. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Développeur"
  3565. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3566. if arg-2 is "ModoSenior":
  3567. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3568. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3569. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3570. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Modérateur+"
  3571. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3572. if arg-2 is "FakeAdmin":
  3573. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3574. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3575. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3576. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Administrateur"
  3577. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3578. if arg-2 is "Admin":
  3579. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3580. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3581. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3582. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Administrateur"
  3583. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3584. if arg-2 is "Owner":
  3585. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3586. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3587. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3588. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Fondateur"
  3589. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3590. if arg-2 is "Staff":
  3591. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3592. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3593. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3594. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Staff"
  3595. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3596. if arg-2 is "Architecte":
  3597. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3598. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3599. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3600. make console execute command "/stafflist add %arg-1% Architecte"
  3601. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3602. if arg-2 is set:
  3603. if arg-2 is not "Support" or "Modo" or "Modo+" or "CoOwner" or "Dev" or "ModoSenior" or "FakeAdmin" or "Admin" or "Owner" or "Staff" or "Architecte":
  3604. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% addgroup %arg-2%"
  3605. make console execute command "/pp user %arg-1% setrank %arg-2%"
  3606. make console execute command "/stafflist remove %arg-1%"
  3607. message "{@ban} &9%arg-1% &7vient d'être rankup &9%arg-2%"
  3608. if arg-1 is not set:
  3609. message "{@ban} &7Rankup: &9Default, Vip, Youtubeur, Vip+, Support, ModoTest, Modo, Modo+, CoOwner, Dev, Modo-, ModoSenior,FakeAdmin, Owner, Admin, Staff, Vip2, Youtubeur+, Architecte, ThunderFriend"
  3610. if arg-1 is set:
  3611. if arg-2 is not set:
  3612. message "{@ban} &7Rankup: &9Default, Vip, Youtubeur, Vip+, Support, ModoTest, Modo, Modo+, CoOwner, Dev, Modo-, ModoSenior,FakeAdmin, Owner, Admin, Staff, Vip2, Youtubeur+, Architecte, ThunderFriend"
  3614. command /debugchat:
  3615. permission: guarden.verif
  3616. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission
  3617. trigger:
  3618. message "%{game}%"
  3619. clear {game}
  3620. command /ga [<text>]:
  3621. permission: guarden.verif
  3622. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission
  3623. trigger:
  3624. if arg-1 is "on":
  3625. set {giveall} to 1
  3626. message "&7[&9Give-All&7] &7Le chat est désormais en mode &9Give-All"
  3627. if arg-1 is "off":
  3628. clear {giveall}
  3629. message "&7[&9Give-All&7] &7Le chat est désormais en mode &9Normal"
  3630. if arg-1 is not set:
  3631. message "&7[&9Give-All&7] &7Merci de faire &9/ga <on/off>"
  3632. on chat:
  3633. cancel event
  3634. if player doesn't have permission "insulte.use":
  3635. replace all "????", "!!!!", ",,", "::", and "...." with "abusdeponctuation" in the message
  3636. if message is {actualmessage.%player%}:
  3637. if {delai.mute} is set:
  3638. cancel event
  3639. send "&cImpossible de répéter la même phrase !"
  3640. stop
  3641. set {actualmessage.%player%} to message
  3642. set {actualmessage.%player%} to message
  3643. set {actualmessage.%player%} to message
  3644. if message contains "cheat":
  3645. if {b.test.%player%} is not set:
  3646. if message contains "pomme":
  3647. stop
  3648. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3649. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3650. if message contains "hack":
  3651. if {b.test.%player%} is not set:
  3652. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3653. set {b.test.%player%} to 1
  3654. clear {b.test.%player%}
  3655. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3656. if message contains "fly":
  3657. if {b.test.%player%} is not set:
  3658. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3659. set {b.test.%player%} to 1
  3660. clear {b.test.%player%}
  3661. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3662. if message contains "antikb":
  3663. if {b.test.%player%} is not set:
  3664. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3665. set {b.test.%player%} to 1
  3666. clear {b.test.%player%}
  3667. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3668. if message contains "speedhack":
  3669. if {b.test.%player%} is not set:
  3670. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3671. set {b.test.%player%} to 1
  3672. clear {b.test.%player%}
  3673. stop
  3674. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3675. if message contains "kill aura":
  3676. if {b.test.%player%} is not set:
  3677. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3678. set {b.test.%player%} to 1
  3679. clear {b.test.%player%}
  3680. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3682. if message contains "abusdeponctuation":
  3683. cancel event
  3684. send "{@abusponctuation}"
  3685. stop
  3686. # PUBLICITÉS
  3687. if message contains "omgserv" or "mtxserv" or "wopcraft" or "samagames" or "linaris" or "ascentia" or "lifecraft" or "life craft" or "zkgame" or "zk game" or "hypixel" or "minestia" or "timolia" or "bad lion" or "worldofpvp" or "minecraft-mania" or ":25565" or "mcserv" or "crystal-serv" or "kohi" or "badlion" or "epicube" or "epi cube" or "bacheatlock" or "bad block" or "mineplex" or "mine plex" or "pleasecraftme" or "paladium" or "fantabobworld" or "unicraft" or "uni-craft" or "uhcgame" or "icarya" or "mcmine" or "bloodsymphony":
  3688. cancel event
  3689. send "{@nopub}"
  3690. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3691. stop
  3693. if message contains "admin":
  3694. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3695. if message contains "modo":
  3696. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3697. if message contains "moderateur":
  3698. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3699. if message contains "fonda":
  3700. send "{@contactmoderation}"
  3701. # INSULTES
  3702. if message contains "serveur de merde" or "serv de merde" or "serveur en carton" or "tg" or "bit" or "nt m" or "t g" or "t*" or "pd" or "t con" or "bez" or "t'es con" or "c o n":
  3703. cancel event
  3704. send "{@noinsulte}"
  3705. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3706. stop
  3707. if message contains "noob" or "rekt" or "t nul" or "t'es nul" or "aize" or "tu pu" or "e*z" or "eze" or "rect" or "ez" or "izi" or "e z" or "e z " or "tappette" or "ttg" or "tgg" or "conard" or "connard" or "salope" or "batard" or "f dp" or "fd p" or "f*p" or "*dp" or "f*p" or "fd*" or "nt*":
  3708. cancel event
  3709. send "{@noinsulte}"
  3710. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3711. stop
  3712. if message contains "batare" or "enculé" or "encule" or "gueule" or "connasse" or "ta mère" or "ta mere" or "fdp" or "enculer" or "bordel" or "foutre" or "salaud" or "ntm" or "vagin" or "couille" or "couile" or "tg " or "pd " or "*tm" or "n*m" or "p*" or "f d p" or "putes" or "merd2" or "konnard" or "niquez vos" or "niqué vos" or "nique vos" or "nike ta" or "nik ta":
  3713. cancel event
  3714. send "{@noinsulte}"
  3715. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3716. stop
  3717. if message contains "p ..d" or "p .d" or "p.. d" or "p. d" or "p.d" or "p..d" or "t'g" or "p u t e s" or "p u t e" or "f(d(p" or "bastard" or "f)d)p" or "tu pu la merde" or "tu pue la merde" or "sale merde" or "zizi" or "grosse merde" or "bi te" or "b ite" or "bit e" or "dick" or "ftg" or "tg^" or "putte" or "nique ta mèr" or "salo" or "fuck":
  3718. cancel event
  3719. send "{@noinsulte}"
  3720. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3721. stop
  3723. if message contains "bite":
  3724. if message contains "habite":
  3725. stop
  3726. else:
  3727. cancel event
  3728. send "{@noinsulte}"
  3729. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3730. stop
  3731. if message contains "suce":
  3732. if message contains "sucette":
  3733. stop
  3734. else:
  3735. cancel event
  3736. send "{@noinsulte}"
  3737. make console execute command "scf %player% %{actualmessage.%player%}%"
  3738. stop
  3739. if {mute} is true:
  3740. if player does not have permission "chat.use":
  3741. send "&e[&6Chat&e] &eLe chat est mute par un modérateur."
  3742. stop
  3743. else:
  3744. cancel event
  3745. if {delai.mute} is true:
  3746. set {_diff} to difference between {chat.%player%} and now
  3747. if player don't have permission "chat.use":
  3748. if {_diff} is smaller than 10 seconds:
  3749. send "&4[&c&lAntiSpam&4] &cLe délai pour parler est de 10 secondes."
  3750. cancel event
  3751. stop
  3752. set {chat.%player%} to now
  3753. else if {delai.mute} is 3:
  3754. set {_diff} to difference between {chat.%player%} and now
  3755. if player don't have permission "chat.use":
  3756. if {_diff} is smaller than 30 seconds:
  3757. send "&4[&c&lAntiSpam&4] &cLe délai pour parler est de 30 secondes."
  3758. cancel event
  3759. stop
  3760. set {chat.%player%} to now
  3761. else if {delai.mute} is false:
  3762. set {_diff} to difference between {chat.%player%} and now
  3763. if player don't have permission "chat.use":
  3764. if {_diff} is smaller than 1 seconds:
  3765. send "&4[&c&lAntiSpam&4] &cLe délai pour parler est de 1 seconde."
  3766. cancel event
  3767. stop
  3768. set {chat.%player%} to now
  3769. set {levelbl.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_level%%" as player
  3770. set {levelend.%player%} to {levelbl.%player%} parsed as an integer
  3771. set {K.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_kills%%" as player
  3772. set {D.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_deaths%%" as player
  3773. set {R.%player%} to placeholder parse "%%battlelevels_kdr%%" as player
  3774. set {kdr.%player%} to {R.%player%} parsed as an integer
  3775. if {guardendebug.%player%} is not set:
  3776. if "%{serveur}%" contains "Faction":
  3777. if {giveall} is not set:
  3778. if player has permission "nte.f":
  3779. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &c✦ &4Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&c%player% &clvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3780. else if player has permission "":
  3781. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &c✦ &4Co-Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&c%player% &clvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3782. else if player has permission "nte.a":
  3783. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &4✦ &cAdmin &4✦ &c%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&4%player% &4lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3784. else if player has permission "":
  3785. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&5%player% &5lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3786. else if player has permission "":
  3787. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&d&d%player% &dlvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3788. else if player has permission "nte.m":
  3789. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &6Modo &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&e%player% &elvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3790. else if player has permission "nte.modom":
  3791. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &a✦ &2Modo-Test &a✦ &2%player%&7: &2%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3792. else if player has permission "":
  3793. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &2✦ &aModo-Test &2✦ &a%player%&7: &a%message% ||ttp:&a%player% &alvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3794. else if player has permission "nte.s":
  3795. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &2✦ &aSupport &2✦ &a%player%&7: &a%message% ||ttp:&2%player% &2lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3796. else if player has permission "":
  3797. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &3✦ &bThunderFriend &3✦ &b%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3798. else if player has permission "nte.ytp":
  3799. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &f✬ &4Youtubeur&4+ &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3800. else if player has permission "":
  3801. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &f✬ &cYoutubeur &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3802. else if player has permission "nte.vipp":
  3803. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &b✬ &3VIP+ &b✬ &3%player%&7: &3%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3804. else if player has permission "":
  3805. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &3✬ &bVIP &3✬ &b%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&3%player% &3lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3806. else if player has permission "":
  3807. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &eStaff &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3808. else if player has permission "":
  3809. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &eArchitecte &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3810. else if player has permission "nte.d":
  3811. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &b✦ &9Développeur &b✦ &9%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3812. else if player has permission "":
  3813. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3814. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &7%player%&7: &7%message% ||ttp:&7%player% &7lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3815. else:
  3816. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3817. json("@a", "&a%{fac.%player%}% &7%player%&7: &7%message% ||ttp:&7%player% &7lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%%nl%&aFaction: &2%{fac.%player%}%%nl%&eKits: &6%{kitcheck.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3818. else:
  3819. if player has permission "nte.f":
  3820. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &c✦ &4Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message%"
  3821. else if player has permission "":
  3822. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &c✦ &4Co-Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message%"
  3823. else if player has permission "nte.a":
  3824. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &4✦ &cAdmin &4✦ &c%player%&7: &c%message%"
  3825. else if player has permission "":
  3826. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message%"
  3827. else if player has permission "":
  3828. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message%"
  3829. else if player has permission "nte.m":
  3830. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &6Modo &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message%"
  3831. else if player has permission "nte.modom":
  3832. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &2✦ &aModo-Test &2✦ &a%player%&7: &a%message%"
  3833. else if player has permission "":
  3834. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &2✦ &aModo-Test &2✦ &a%player%&7: &a%message%"
  3835. else if player has permission "nte.s":
  3836. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &2✦ &aSupport &2✦ &a%player%&7: &a%message%"
  3837. else if player has permission "":
  3838. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &3✦ &bThunderFriend &3✦ &b%player%&7: &b%message%"
  3839. else if player has permission "nte.ytp":
  3840. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &f✬ &4Youtubeur&4+ &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message%"
  3841. else if player has permission "":
  3842. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &f✬ &cYoutubeur &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message%"
  3843. else if player has permission "nte.vipp":
  3844. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &b✬ &3VIP+ &b✬ &3%player%&7: &3%message%"
  3845. else if player has permission "":
  3846. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &3✬ &bVIP &3✬ &b%player%&7: &b%message%"
  3847. else if player has permission "":
  3848. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &eStaff &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message%"
  3849. else if player has permission "":
  3850. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &6✦ &eArchitecte &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message%"
  3851. else if player has permission "nte.d":
  3852. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &b✦ &9Développeur &b✦ &9%player%&7: &b%message%"
  3853. else if player has permission "":
  3854. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3855. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &7%player%&7: &7%message%"
  3856. else:
  3857. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3858. broadcast "&a%{fac.%player%}% &7%player%&7: &7%message%"
  3859. else:
  3860. if "%{serveur}%" contains "Murder":
  3861. if player's gamemode is survival:
  3862. if player has permission "nte.f":
  3863. json("@a", "&c✦ &4Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&c%player% &clvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3864. else if player has permission "":
  3865. json("@a", "&c✦ &4Co-Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&c%player% &clvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3866. else if player has permission "nte.a":
  3867. json("@a", "&4✦ &cAdmin &4✦ &c%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&4%player% &4lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3868. else if player has permission "":
  3869. json("@a", "&6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&d&d%player% &dlvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3870. else if player has permission "":
  3871. json("@a", "&6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&d&d%player% &dlvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3872. else if player has permission "nte.m":
  3873. json("@a", "&6✦ &6Modo &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&e%player% &elvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3874. else if player has permission "nte.modom":
  3875. json("@a", "&a✦ &2Modo-Test &a✦ &2%player%&7: &2%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3876. else if player has permission "":
  3877. json("@a", "&a✦ &2Modo-Test &a✦ &2%player%&7: &2%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3878. else if player has permission "nte.s":
  3879. json("@a", "&2✦ &aSupport &2✦ &a%player%&7: &a%message% ||ttp:&2%player% &2lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3880. else if player has permission "":
  3881. json("@a", "&3✦ &bThunderFriend &3✦ &b%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3882. else if player has permission "nte.ytp":
  3883. json("@a", "&f✬ &4Youtubeur&4+ &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3884. else if player has permission "":
  3885. json("@a", "&f✬ &cYoutubeur &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3886. else if player has permission "nte.vipp":
  3887. json("@a", "&b✬ &3VIP+ &b✬ &3%player%&7: &3%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3888. else if player has permission "":
  3889. json("@a", "&3✬ &bVIP &3✬ &b%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&3%player% &3lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3890. else if player has permission "":
  3891. json("@a", "&6✦ &eStaff &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3892. else if player has permission "":
  3893. json("@a", "&6✦ &eArchitecte &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3894. else if player has permission "nte.d":
  3895. json("@a", "&b✦ &9Développeur &b✦ &9%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3896. else if player has permission "":
  3897. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3898. json("@a", "&7%player%&7: &7%message% ||ttp:&7%player% &7lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3899. else:
  3900. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3901. json("@a", "&7%player%&7: &7%message% ||ttp:&7%player% &7lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3902. else:
  3903. cancel event
  3904. else:
  3905. if player has permission "nte.f":
  3906. json("@a", "&c✦ &4Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&c%player% &clvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3907. else if player has permission "":
  3908. json("@a", "&c✦ &4Co-Fondateur &c✦ &4%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&c%player% &clvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3909. else if player has permission "nte.a":
  3910. json("@a", "&4✦ &cAdmin &4✦ &c%player%&7: &c%message% ||ttp:&4%player% &4lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3911. else if player has permission "":
  3912. json("@a", "&6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&d&d%player% &dlvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3913. else if player has permission "":
  3914. json("@a", "&6✦ &6Modérateur&c+ &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&d&d%player% &dlvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3915. else if player has permission "nte.m":
  3916. json("@a", "&6✦ &6Modo &6✦ &6%player%&7: &6%message% ||ttp:&e%player% &elvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3917. else if player has permission "nte.modom":
  3918. json("@a", "&a✦ &2Modo-Test &a✦ &2%player%&7: &2%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3919. else if player has permission "":
  3920. json("@a", "&a✦ &2Modo-Test &a✦ &2%player%&7: &2%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3921. else if player has permission "nte.s":
  3922. json("@a", "&2✦ &aSupport &2✦ &a%player%&7: &a%message% ||ttp:&2%player% &2lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3923. else if player has permission "":
  3924. json("@a", "&3✦ &bThunderFriend &3✦ &b%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3925. else if player has permission "nte.ytp":
  3926. json("@a", "&f✬ &4Youtubeur&4+ &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3927. else if player has permission "":
  3928. json("@a", "&f✬ &cYoutubeur &f✬ &c%player%&7: &f%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3929. else if player has permission "nte.vipp":
  3930. json("@a", "&b✬ &3VIP+ &b✬ &3%player%&7: &3%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3931. else if player has permission "":
  3932. json("@a", "&3✬ &bVIP &3✬ &b%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&3%player% &3lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3933. else if player has permission "":
  3934. json("@a", "&6✦ &eStaff &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3935. else if player has permission "":
  3936. json("@a", "&6✦ &eArchitecte &6✦ &e%player%&7: &e%message% ||ttp:&6%player% &6lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3937. else if player has permission "nte.d":
  3938. json("@a", "&b✦ &9Développeur &b✦ &9%player%&7: &b%message% ||ttp:&b%player% &blvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3939. else if player has permission "":
  3940. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3941. json("@a", "&7%player%&7: &7%message% ||ttp:&7%player% &7lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
  3942. else:
  3943. replace all "&" with "" in the message
  3944. json("@a", "&7%player%&7: &7%message% ||ttp:&7%player% &7lvl : %{levelbl.%player%}%%nl%&aK : %{K.%player%}%%nl%&cD : %{D.%player%}%%nl%&eR : %{R.%player%}%||sgt:/mod %player%")
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