

Jan 5th, 2017
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  1. In USA Today Obama says he will help rebuild the Democratic Party by dispelling the notion that it is "too liberal." WTF? This is the most Corporatist, Republican Democratic Party in history, largely thanks to Obama. His fraudulent betrayal of liberalism is the reason so many Dems stayed home, and now he wants to Reinforce that failure? True Progressives literally hate this empty suit.
  3. The TPP, Total Bankster Protection, Endless War, New Cold War and Nuke Race, Failed Regime Changes, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Honduras, Naming Corporate Cronies to High Positions, War on Whistleblowers, Proposing a Social Security Cut, Ignoring Fight for Fifteen and Occupy Wall Street, The NDAA, which destroyed Habeus Corpus, The Phony Red Scare, A New Ministry of Truth to shut truth down on the Internet, An insurer-plagued Romneycare-style healthcare system, when he Finally admitted Single Payer was better - only as usual, too late. The list goes on and on ... feel free to add to it because I know there are rightwing outrages I forgot.
  5. This fraud and failure needs to get out of politics and retire into his well-deserved obscurity, where he can give million-dollar speeches to the Banksters he loves so well. Too bad he had less concern for the people.
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