
Yo you both suck

Dec 4th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah had been dedicated to this Christmas spirit thing and therefore had gone out today after class and bought himself the only Christmas shirt he thought was worth the little money he could spend. Now in the kitchen, he was in the process of rolling out the sugar cookie dough and putting way too much effort into getting it flat and even, making all sorts of sounds as he rolled it.-
  2. Covet: Tae had also found some time to get into some extra christmas spirit, getting a new outfit for Santa pictrures. She heard Noah in the kitchen working on something, making weird noises. Furrowing her brow she walked in, "The hell are you doing that requires all those noises?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -He looked up with the rolling pin in his hands, staring over the counter at her with furrowed brows. "I can't get this to be the same thickness all the way across. It just keeps getting flatter, but the other side is still thinner. What the fuck?"-
  4. Covet: "are you pushing evenly on the roller? Cause that kind of helps, and you're supposed to go from the middle out." She told him walking over to look over his shoulder.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know? I'm just rolling it out. This isnt supposed to be rocket science, they're just cookies." He snapped back, picking up the roller and proceeding to just beat the rolled out dough with one side. "This is fucking stupid."-
  6. Covet: Tae just stared at him as he just banged on the dough, "Because that's going to help. How do you now know if you are rolling it out evenly... if it's not coming out the same layer than no, you aren't. It's not rocket science. It's just regular science, simple science at best. But you know.... they make plenty of videos on you tube to help with this shit. So the only thing that's stupid is you chosing not to go that route.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I watched a video recipe before I started." He shot back at her, dropping the rolling pin down onto the dough and crossing his arms over his chest.-
  8. Covet: "Okay well then it just takes practice. Whiner." Tae said rolling her eyes at him throwing a tantrum over stupid cookie dough. "You can always roll it back into a ball and start over."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Start ALL over?' He asked very loudly and dramatically, shaking his head. "This took me forever! Can't you help me? I made a considerable amount of effort to get to this point."-
  10. Covet: "It's a ball of dough. Starting over is just about making it into a ball again and rolling it out evenly that time." Tae said. "I'm not helping you, this was your idea not mine."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Actually, you said we should make christmas cookies. I just ended up being the one to do it." He said stubbornly, peeling the dough off the board and squishing it back into a ball angrily, dropping it down with a thud.-
  12. Covet: "I never asked you to do anything. And I was thinking we'd just do the premade dough and get some cookie cutters. Don't over work the dough or the cookies will be flat and crunchy." Tae said.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Well I didnt know they sold premade dough! I made this myself. I thought that was the Christmasy thing to do." He said in frustration, throwing his hands up into the air before whining. "Help meeeee."-
  14. Covet: "Really? You made the cookie dough yourself?" She said "I'm kind of impressed. What do you want me to help you with? I'm not rolling it out for you, you have to learn it, because I'm not always going to be here to hold your hand every time."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah I made the dough myself. I didnt know there was another option. Can you just roll it a little and make it even and I'll do the rest?" He asked, trying to bargain with her.-
  16. Covet: "No. I can't. Because it's not that hard. You're just making it that hard." She said to him pulling her phone out of her pocket to pull up another video for him.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I did the hard part and you're not even going to help me with this?" He asked angrily.-
  18. Covet: "You're the one who suddenly became ambitious about baking. If I wasn't here what would you be doing?" She asked then popped her kickstand out and set it up on the counter next to the dough with the propler way of how to roll out cookie dough.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Making uneven cookies." He said matter of factly, picking up the rolling pin again to continuously whack at the dough out of pure spite now.-
  20. Covet: "Mhhm. Watch the video, they are showing you how to do it right." Tae told him, smacking his arm.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "You could also show me how to do it." He said, grabbing the other side of the rolling pin and pushing it down haard into the dough. "Dammit, now it's sticking. Can you get more flour?"-
  22. Covet: "Why, you apparently didn't learn anything when your sister and I tried to teach you by showing you last week." Tae told him, then grabbed him the flour.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -He dunked his hand into the flour and rubbed some on the pin before setting to work on the dough again. "We weren't making even remotely the same thing."-
  24. Covet: "Baking is baking. It's all the same thing." Tae said. "The same techniques, and all that shit."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "We didnt roll anything." He retorted, pushing on the dough and working it flat again.-
  26. Covet: "Stop being facetious. You know what I mean." Tae told him "Watch the video, and it will show you what you need to do. Stop complaining about everything and just fucking pay attention and you'll learn something."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I made the dough from scratch didn't I? That should count for something. You should quit dismissing my hard work here." He said, dropping his eyes down to watch the video.-
  28. Covet: "Congrats, do you want a gold star? You made the dough, but that's only half the work. Don't half ass this like you half ass everything else if you really want it to turn out good." Tae said with an annoyed groan.
  29. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Wow... tell me how you really feel. Shit..." He said in a mock offended tone, easing up on the dough so he could look at her.-
  30. Covet: "I just did, didn't I?" Tae said, looking at him.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Obviously." He grumbled, setting the pin aside aand grabbing the Christmas tree cookie cutter from the set, pushing it into the dough in a couple of different places.-
  32. Covet: "Do you want me to get a cookie sheet out and greased so you have somewhere to put those?" She aske dhim.
  33. Covet: (asked him*
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Er..." He turned to look across the kitchen where he hadn't taken the sheet out or greased it yet. He'd only remembered to preheat the oven first this time. "It's fine. I'll do it myself." He dropped the cookie cutter with a grumble, reaching under the oven to take out the sheet and going to the fridge for some butter.-
  35. Covet: "I could have done it. You were getting cookies cut out." She said to him. "The oven looks like it's ready though."
  36. Alexithymiaa: "I have to learn, right?" He asked in a fucking tone, taking the stick of butter and rubbing it over the pan. "Might as well figure it out for myself."-
  37. Covet: "Okay then." Tae said with a shrug hopping up onto the counter. "Can I at least help decorate them once they are cooked?"
  38. Covet: *Cooled
  39. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Sure, I guess. Since we were supposed to do this Christmasy shit together anyway." He said, clearly bitter. Setting the pan aside, he went back to his dough, grabbing a star cutter and pushing it into the dough.-
  40. Covet: "Stop it. Don't be a brat just because I made you do it yourself. You're learning and next time you'll know exactly what to do. If you would just be willing to do without all the complaining you wouldn't have to be so grumpy."
  41. Alexithymiaa: "This was supposed to be a together activity and you won't even help because you want to be stubborn about it." He said aggressively, beginning to transfer cut out cookies to the greased pan. "It's not like I wanted to do this all by myself."-
  42. Covet: "If it was supposed to be a together activity, then why didn't you come get me when you started it?
  43. Covet: [Noo!]
  44. Covet: *it?" Tae asked. "Especially if you didn't want to do it by yourself?"
  45. Alexithymiaa: "Because I thought I'd start the dough as a favor to you and you'd come out of your room eventually and be surprised and excited that I did the hard part. Instead you came out like a bitch, making fun of me for having trouble with something you think is easy."-
  46. Covet: "Because you didn't ask for my help, you demanded it. I wasn't even a bitch, but if that's what you think, You can finish all this by yourself, and I can do my own cookies later." Tae said furrowing her brow at him.
  47. Alexithymiaa: "That's bullshit and you know it. You told me to watch the video and I asked if you could help me and you told me it was my idea, not yours. Which was also bullshit because yesterday you suggested we make Christmas cookies. So it's fine, whatever backs your idea that you didnt come out here attacking me and trying to make me feel like an idiot because I've never done this before."-
  48. Covet: "Okay fine, then you never asked nicely." Tae told him. " I suggested that we could do that, but I didn't realize that we were going to do it today. Nothing about how you went about this had any indication that you intended for me to be a part of this tonight." She said crossing her arms.
  49. Alexithymiaa: "I literally said yesterday, we should do it tomorrow. And you agreed. That's why I went and got this shit today so we could do this tonight. Like I said, it's fine. Whatever makes you feel better." He dropped the last cookie onto the sheet and turned away from her, walking it over to stick it in the oven and set the timer.-
  50. Covet: "Well if this is how you're going to be, then I don't want to help anymore." She said with a pout, furrowing her brow. "If the expectation is that I help you do everything you refuse to do...then it's not really going to be that fun.' she told him, then slid off the counter, taking her hat off and started back towards her room.
  51. Alexithymiaa: "Does it look like I refused to do it considering I tried to prep it FOR you?!" He yelled at her back. "You're just making excuses to make yourself feel better about being a shitty friend to me."-
  52. Covet: "Takes one to know one." Tae said barely loud enough for him to hear. "I don't need to make excuses for that, you know why? because that works both ways. I have been being a good friend to you, I'm sorry that I'm not coddling you the way you think you deserve. You're an adult now, get over it."
  53. Alexithymiaa: "You've done nothing, but shit on me for literally every single thing I don't know how to do before I even have the opportunity to try!" He yelled at her. "You're too busy being fucking personally offended I don't know how to do shit. I'm sorry that I wasn't raised in the same environment as you, okay? Fuck."-
  54. Covet: "Instead of being sorry about something that doesn't require you being sorry... and being offended because there are certain things that are expceted of any and every person your about you stop being such a stubborn jerk about being willing to learn it and figure it our for yourself. I'm not your parent, I don't have to hold your hand through it, and if you're going to be a jerk about it, I'm really not going to be a part of it."
  55. Alexithymiaa: "YOU SHIT ON ME FOR NOT KNOWING THIRTY SECONDS WAS TOO LONG TO SOFTEN BUTTER!" He threw his hands up. "Who the fuck would know that if they don't bake? That's not something every stupid fucking adult should know. You don't get to decide what you think I should know to be considered an adult. Get off your fucking high horse." He turned and grabbed the oven mitt when the timer went off, pulling the tray of cookies out of the oven and setting them on top of the stove with a little more force than was necessary. "Enjoy your fucking cookies." He said with the most attitude, storming past her.-
  56. Covet: "Because it's common sense! You use the microwave often enough, It's not that far fetched to assume you would know that!" Tae hollared back at him and just looked at the cookies on the stove. Rolling her eyes she walked over and turned the oven off before making her way to her own room, because she had run out of patience with him and his dramatics tonight.
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