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Mar 17th, 2017
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  1. #dynamic 0x10070D0
  3. #org @start
  4. special 0x187
  5. compare LASTRESULT 0x2
  6. if 0x1 goto 0x81A7AE0
  7. lock
  8. faceplayer
  9. special2 LASTRESULT 0xB6
  10. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  11. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A2E
  12. compare LASTRESULT 0x2
  13. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A52
  14. compare LASTRESULT 0x3
  15. if 0x1 goto 0x8171B86
  16. msgbox 0x81BF7E4 MSG_YESNO '"I'm the Day-Care Lady.\pWe can rai..."
  17. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  18. if 0x1 goto 0x8171993
  19. msgbox 0x81BF916 MSG_KEEPOPEN '" lright, fine then.\nCome agaYou d..."
  20. release
  21. end
  23. '---------------
  24. #org 0x1A7AE0
  25. release
  26. end
  28. '---------------
  29. #org 0x171A2E
  30. msgbox 0x81BF8F6 MSG_KEEPOPEN '" y husband was looking for you."
  31. release
  32. end
  34. '---------------
  35. #org 0x171A52
  36. msgbox 0x81BF988 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\pY..."
  37. setvar 0x8004 0x0
  38. call 0x8171A41
  39. msgbox 0x81BF89F MSG_YESNO '" e can raise two of your Pokémon.\..."
  40. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  41. if 0x1 goto 0x8171993
  42. msgbox 0x81BFAE8 MSG_YESNO '" ill you take your Pokémon back?"
  43. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  44. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A90
  45. goto 0x81719F7
  47. '---------------
  48. #org 0x171B86
  49. msgbox 0x81BF988 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\pY..."
  50. setvar 0x8004 0x0
  51. call 0x8171A41
  52. setvar 0x8004 0x1
  53. call 0x8171A41
  54. msgbox 0x81BFAE8 MSG_YESNO '" ill you take your Pokémon back?"
  55. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  56. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A90
  57. msgbox 0x81BF976 MSG_KEEPOPEN '" ine.\nTake care!"
  58. release
  59. end
  61. '---------------
  62. #org 0x171993
  63. special2 LASTRESULT 0x84
  64. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  65. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A1A
  66. msgbox 0x81BF839 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Which Pokémon should we raise for\..."
  67. fadescreen 0x1
  68. special 0xBC
  69. waitstate
  70. compare 0x8004 0x6
  71. if 0x4 goto 0x81719F7
  72. special2 LASTRESULT 0x85
  73. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  74. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A24
  75. special2 0x8005 0xBA
  76. checksound
  77. cry 0x8005 0x0
  78. msgbox 0x81BF860 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Fine, we'll raise your [buffer1]\n..."
  79. waitcry
  80. special 0xBB
  81. cmdc3 0x2F
  82. special2 LASTRESULT 0xB6
  83. compare LASTRESULT 0x2
  84. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A01
  85. release
  86. end
  88. '---------------
  89. #org 0x171A41
  90. special2 LASTRESULT 0xBE
  91. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  92. if 0x5 call 0x8171A38
  93. return
  95. '---------------
  96. #org 0x171A90
  97. special2 LASTRESULT 0x83
  98. compare LASTRESULT 0x6
  99. if 0x1 goto 0x8171B67
  100. special2 LASTRESULT 0xB6
  101. setvar 0x8004 0x0
  102. compare LASTRESULT 0x2
  103. if 0x1 goto 0x8171ACF
  104. special 0xBD
  105. waitstate
  106. copyvar 0x8004 LASTRESULT
  107. compare LASTRESULT 0x2
  108. if 0x1 goto 0x81719F7
  109. goto 0x8171ACF
  111. '---------------
  112. #org 0x1719F7
  113. msgbox 0x81BF976 MSG_KEEPOPEN '" ine.\nTake care!"
  114. release
  115. end
  117. '---------------
  118. #org 0x171A1A
  119. msgbox 0x81BFAAD MSG_KEEPOPEN '" h. But you have just one\nPokémon..."
  120. release
  121. end
  123. '---------------
  124. #org 0x171A24
  125. msgbox 0x81BFB09 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"If you leave me that Pokémon,\nwha..."
  126. release
  127. end
  129. '---------------
  130. #org 0x171A01
  131. msgbox 0x81BF89F MSG_YESNO '" e can raise two of your Pokémon.\..."
  132. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  133. if 0x1 goto 0x8171993
  134. goto 0x81719F7
  136. '---------------
  137. #org 0x171A38
  138. msgbox 0x81BF9CC MSG_KEEPOPEN '"By level, your [buffer1] has\ngrow..."
  139. return
  141. '---------------
  142. #org 0x171B67
  143. msgbox 0x81BF9EF MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Your Pokémon party is full.\nMake ..."
  144. release
  145. end
  147. '---------------
  148. #org 0x171ACF
  149. special 0xBF
  150. msgbox 0x81BFA3B MSG_YESNO '"If you want your [buffer1] back,\n..."
  151. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  152. if 0x1 goto 0x8171AEB
  153. goto 0x81719F7
  155. '---------------
  156. #org 0x171AEB
  157. special2 LASTRESULT 0xC5
  158. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  159. if 0x1 goto 0x8171B05
  160. msgbox 0x81BF932 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You don't have enough money[.]"
  161. release
  162. end
  164. '---------------
  165. #org 0x171B05
  166. applymovement 0x1 0x90195A2
  167. waitmovement 0x0
  168. special2 LASTRESULT 0xC0
  169. special 0xC6
  170. sound 0x58
  171. msgbox 0x81BFA67 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Perfect!\nHere's your Pokémon."
  172. checksound
  173. cry LASTRESULT 0x0
  174. textcolor 0x3
  175. msgbox 0x81BFA85 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player] took back [buffer1] from\..."
  176. call 0x81A6675
  177. waitcry
  178. special2 LASTRESULT 0xB6
  179. compare LASTRESULT 0x2
  180. if 0x1 goto 0x8171B4E
  181. goto 0x81719F7
  183. '---------------
  184. #org 0x1A6675
  185. copyvar 0x8012 0x8013
  186. return
  188. '---------------
  189. #org 0x171B4E
  190. msgbox 0x81BF94F MSG_YESNO '"Will you take back the other one,\..."
  191. compare LASTRESULT 0x1
  192. if 0x1 goto 0x8171A90
  193. goto 0x81719F7
  196. '---------
  197. ' Strings
  198. '---------
  199. #org 0x1BF7E4
  200. = I'm the Day-Care Lady.\pWe can raise Pokémon for you.\pWould you like us to raise one?
  202. #org 0x1BF916
  203. = Alright, fine then.
  205. #org 0x1BF8F6
  206. = My husband was looking for you.
  208. #org 0x1BF988
  209. = Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\pYour Pokémon can only be doing\ngood!
  211. #org 0x1BF89F
  212. = We can raise two of your Pokémon.\pWould you like us to raise one\nmore Pokémon for you?
  214. #org 0x1BFAE8
  215. = Will you take your Pokémon back?
  217. #org 0x1BF976
  218. = Fine.\nTake care!
  220. #org 0x1BF839
  221. = Which Pokémon should we raise for\nyou?
  223. #org 0x1BF860
  224. = Fine, we'll raise your [buffer1]\nfor a while.\pCome back for it later.
  226. #org 0x1BFAAD
  227. = Oh. But you have just one\nPokémon.\pCome back another time.
  229. #org 0x1BFB09
  230. = If you leave me that Pokémon,\nwhat will you battle with?\pCome back another time.
  232. #org 0x1BF9CC
  233. = By level, your [buffer1] has\ngrown by [buffer2].
  235. #org 0x1BF9EF
  236. = Your Pokémon party is full.\nMake room, then come see me.
  238. #org 0x1BFA3B
  239. = If you want your [buffer1] back,\nit will cost [$][buffer2].
  241. #org 0x1BF932
  242. = You don't have enough money[.]
  244. #org 0x1BFA67
  245. = Perfect!\nHere's your Pokémon.
  247. #org 0x1BFA85
  248. = [player] took back [buffer1] from\nthe Day-Care Lady.
  250. #org 0x1BF94F
  251. = Will you take back the other one,\ntoo?
  254. '-----------
  255. ' Movements
  256. '-----------
  257. #org 0x10195A2
  258. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  259. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  260. #raw 0x3 'Face Right
  261. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  262. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  263. #raw 0x2 'Face Left
  264. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  265. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  266. #raw 0x1 'Face Up
  267. #raw 0x9 'Step Up (Very Slow)
  268. #raw 0x60 'Hide
  269. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  270. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  271. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  272. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  273. #raw 0x1C 'Delay5
  274. #raw 0x0 'Face Down
  275. #raw 0x61 'Show
  276. #raw 0x8 'Step Down (Very Slow)
  277. #raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
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