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Apr 24th, 2018
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  1. I understand that I had a 14 day suspension, but I do have a question actually since its been awhile since I had my account suspended, is it possible you can show me the chat logs for the entire chat and not just mine? And if you cant send the whole chat, at least send what I said and maybe tell me who I was with and up against so I can remember if that suspension was a misunderstanding? Because I dont remember if this was the game that got me chat restricted or the suspension, but in that game if I recall, I was playing with my friends and I forgot what I said in the beginning of the game, but I was just joking around and after that, the enemy jungler started to have a negative attitude towards me after I died once to him or to his laner, so I just said something like "dw, you will be useless later on in the game" and well, that was wrong for me to say that but he continued to be toxic afterwards and I just played it his game so when I killed him, I'd laugh at him like he did to me when I got killed by anyone. I didnt report him because it was a normals game and I was just joking around. That was quite awhile ago though and I got carried away trying to create "content" for my friends and I am sorry for that. Just the only reason why he probably ended up reporting me at the end of the game and maybe his team (not sure if he was playing with his friends too), was because I ended up being right and winning the game for my friends and I. But I never did that again trying to "create content" for my friends after that 14 day suspension. I am extremely sorry about getting carried away in that game.
  3. But Im also upset at the fact that, I only mentioned the misplays and mistakes so it doesnt happen again during that game we were in, or in their future games so they can get better at the game. If someone pointed out my mistakes and misplays and see what I could have done better for next time, I wouldnt mind it at all, Ill take it into note for next time and do my best to not make that mistake twice. But if they really started swearing and all ganging up on me and go extremely toxic, then yeah, I would mind. But I didnt do that and I only started saying that after they were flaming me... and yes, I understand I still shouldnt have acted towards that way, at that point, ill just /mute all if you give me another chance. But I didnt try to be rude until I mentioned their kda since I was freaking out how they were blaming me before their jungler even came bot once. I get tilted sometimes when all laners just always blame their junglers for everything and not themselves, which is why I started typing back. I just find it a little bit extreme that, just mentioning their kda alone can get me banned, or I misunderstood that, but if thats the case, dont you find that just a little bit too extreme? I can just randomly one day only type their kda "0/10" and I can get banned just for that? At that point, they are pretty much intentionally feeding and they themselves, deserves the ban, but instead, the one that points out that kda gets banned?
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