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a guest
Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. Settings:
  2. Enabled: true
  3. DefaultName: '&fCheval Blanc'
  4. SkullHash: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjBhMmRiMmYxZWI5M2U1OTc4ZDJkYzkxYTc0ZGY0M2Q3Yjc1ZDllYzBlNjk0ZmQ3ZjJhNjUyZmJkMTUifX19
  5. EntityType: HORSE
  6. Baby: false
  7. Charged: false
  8. Size: 4
  9. Color: WHITE
  10. Style: NONE
  11. Type: HORSE
  12. Profession: LIBRARIAN
  13. Catchable: true
  14. CatchRate: 30.0
  15. Inventory: false
  16. InventorySize: 18
  17. Rideable: true
  18. HealthPercentRegenPerSecond: 1.0E-4
  19. Equipment: false
  20. HungerPercentPerSecond: 0.01
  21. Leveling:
  22. BaseExp: 150
  23. ExpFormula: '%exp% * 1.15'
  24. MaxLevel: 30
  25. SkillPointsPerLevel: 5
  26. BaseAttributes:
  27. HEALTH: 45.0
  28. DAMAGE: 0.4
  29. DEFENSE: 1.0
  30. SPEED: 2.0
  31. AttributesPerStat:
  32. HEALTH: 1.15
  33. DAMAGE: 0.29
  34. DEFENSE: 0.26
  35. SPEED: 0.022
  36. BaseStats:
  37. VITALITY: 0
  38. DEFENSE: 0
  39. STRENGTH: 0
  40. DEXTERITY: 0
  41. MaxStats:
  42. VITALITY: 40
  43. DEFENSE: 40
  44. STRENGTH: 40
  45. DEXTERITY: 40
  46. Hunger:
  47. MaxSaturation: 50.0
  48. Food:
  49. RPGFoodID: pet_food
  50. Material: BREAD
  51. Name: '&6Pet Food'
  52. Saturation: 5.0
  54. Effect: HEART
  55. Extras:
  56. ArmorStand:
  57. HeadItem:
  58. Material: SKULL_ITEM:3
  59. SkullHash: Leave This Empty to Disable
  60. SkullOwner: Leave This Empty to Disable
  61. Unbreakable: true
  62. Position:
  63. XOffset: 0.0
  64. YOffset: -1.28
  65. ZOffset: 0.0
  66. Horse:
  67. JumpStrength: 1.0
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