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Feb 21st, 2018
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  2. #ifndef __PROGTEST__
  3. #define __PROGTEST__
  5. #include <cstdlib>
  6. #include <cstring>
  7. #include <ctype.h>
  8. #include <map>
  9. #include <vector>
  10. #include <limits.h>
  12. using namespace std;
  14. class CValue
  15. {
  16. public:
  17. CValue(){v = -1;}
  18. CValue(const CValue &i){v = i.v;}
  19. CValue(int i){v = i;}
  20. ~CValue(){}
  21. CValue& operator = ( const CValue &i ){v = i.v; return *this;}
  22. bool operator == ( const CValue &i ) const {return v == i.v;}
  23. bool operator != ( const CValue &i ) const{return v != i.v;}
  24. bool operator < ( const CValue &i ) const{return v < i.v;}
  25. bool operator > ( const CValue &i ) const{return v > i.v;}
  26. bool operator >= ( const CValue &i ) const{return v >= i.v;}
  27. bool operator <= ( const CValue &i ) const{return v <= i.v;}
  28. int v;
  29. };
  31. class CKey
  32. {
  33. public:
  34. CKey() {k = -1;}
  35. CKey(const CKey &i){k = i.k;}
  36. CKey(int i){k = i;}
  37. ~CKey(){}
  38. CKey& operator = ( const CKey &i ){k = i.k; return *this;}
  39. bool operator == ( const CKey &i ) const{return k == i.k;}
  40. bool operator != ( const CKey &i ) const{return k != i.k;}
  41. bool operator < ( const CKey &i ) const{return k < i.k;}
  42. bool operator > ( const CKey &i ) const{return k > i.k;}
  43. bool operator >= ( const CKey &i ) const{return k >= i.k;}
  44. bool operator <= ( const CKey &i ) const{return k <= i.k;}
  45. int k;
  46. };
  48. struct Exc{char name[50];};
  49. struct InvalidIndexException : Exc
  50. {InvalidIndexException()
  51. {strcpy(name,"InvalidIndexException");} };
  52. struct InvalidTreeException : Exc{
  53. InvalidTreeException()
  54. {strcpy(name,"InvalidTreeException");} };
  57. #include "main.cpp"
  60. //these probably compile error (cout for sure, dont use them anyway)
  61. #include <iostream>
  62. #include <string>
  63. #include <sstream>
  66. //global access-----------------------------------------------------------------
  67. bool g_Verbose;
  68. map<int, int> g_Ref;
  69. vector<CKey> g_Used;
  70. ostream& out = cout;
  71. CNode * g_My;
  72. map<int,int>::iterator
  73. g_Correct;
  74. int g_Level;
  75. int g_LeafLvl;
  76. int g_Count;
  77. int g_Last;
  78. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. void printNode(CNode* n, string path){
  81. out << path << ": ";
  82. int gamma = n->getGamma();
  83. if ( gamma == 0 ) {out << "EMPTY" << endl; return;}
  85. for(int i = 1; i <= gamma; i++)try{
  86. out << '|'
  87. << n->getKey(i).k ; //key only
  88. // << n->getKey(i).k << '-' n->getValue(i).v; //key-value
  89. }catch(Exc& e){
  90. out << '|' <<;
  91. }
  93. out << "|" << "g(" << gamma <<")" << (n->isLeaf() ? ",L":"") << endl;
  95. if (!n->isLeaf())
  96. for (int i = 1; i <= gamma + 1; i++)
  97. {
  98. stringstream str; str.str("");
  99. str << path << "," << i;
  100. try{
  101. printNode(n->getChild(i), str.str());
  102. }catch(Exc& e){
  103. out << str.str() << ": " << << endl;
  104. }
  105. }
  106. }
  108. void print(CBTree& t){
  109. try{
  110. CNode * r = t.getRoot();
  111. out << "Tree:" << endl;
  112. printNode(r, "R");
  113. }catch(Exc& e){
  114. out << "Can't print tree: root's missing" << endl;
  115. }
  116. }
  118. void generateKVPair( CKey& key, CValue& value, int keyCeiling = RAND_MAX )
  119. {
  120. // key e N+
  121. key = rand( ) % keyCeiling +1;
  122. value = rand( );
  123. }
  125. bool checkSearch(CBTree& subject, CKey& key)
  126. {
  127. if (g_Verbose) out << "search()" << endl;
  128. int myIdx;
  129. bool myRet;
  130. try{
  131. myRet = (myIdx = subject.bTreeSearch(key, &g_My)) != -1;
  132. }catch(Exc& e){
  133. out << <<" caught called after calling: search() for key: " << key.k << endl;
  134. return false;
  135. }
  137. bool correct = (g_Correct = g_Ref.find(key.k)) != g_Ref.end();
  139. if ( myRet != correct ){
  140. out << "Bad result for: search() (isPresent?)" << "key: " << key.k << " response value: " << myRet << ", correct value: " << correct << endl;
  141. return false;
  142. }
  143. if( !myRet )
  144. return true;
  146. int k, v;
  147. try{
  148. k = g_My->getKey(myIdx).k;
  149. v = g_My->getValue(myIdx).v;
  150. }catch(Exc& e){
  151. out << "Bad result for: search() (couldn't extract key/value - invalid index)" << "key: " << key.k << " idx: " << myIdx << endl;
  152. return false;
  153. }
  155. if (k != key.k){
  156. out << "Bad result for: search() (keys don't match)" << "key: " << key.k << " search returned: " << k << endl;
  157. return false;
  158. }
  160. if (v != g_Correct->second){
  161. out << "Bad result for: search() (values don't match)" << "key: " << key.k << " value retured: " << v << ", correct value: " << g_Correct->second << endl;
  162. return false;
  163. }
  164. return true;
  165. }
  167. bool checkRemove(CBTree& subject, CKey& key)
  168. {
  169. CNode * dummy;
  171. bool correct = g_Ref.erase(key.k) > 0;
  172. if (g_Verbose) out << "remove() (" << (correct ? "present" : "missing") << " key)" << endl;
  173. bool my;
  174. try{
  175. my = subject.bTreeDelete(key);
  176. }catch(Exc& e){
  177. out << <<" caught called after calling: remove() for key: " << key.k << (correct ? " (existing" : " (new") << " key)" << endl;
  178. return false;
  179. }
  180. if(correct != my){
  181. out << "Bad result for: remove()" << "key: " << key.k << " response(wasDeleted?): " << my << ", correct: " << correct << endl;
  182. return false;
  183. }
  184. return true;
  185. }
  187. bool checkInsert(CBTree& subject, CKey& key, CValue& val){
  188. bool pres_correct = (g_Correct = g_Ref.find(key.k)) != g_Ref.end();
  189. bool pres_my;
  190. if( g_Verbose ){
  191. out << "insert() (" << (pres_correct ? "existing" : "new") << " key)" << endl;
  192. }
  194. try{
  195. pres_my = !subject.bTreeInsert(key, val);
  196. }catch(Exc& e){
  197. out << <<" caught called after calling: insert() for key: " << key.k << (pres_correct ? " (existing" : " (new") << " key)" << endl;
  198. return false;
  199. }
  200. g_Ref.operator [](key.k) = val.v;
  201. if (pres_correct != pres_my){
  202. out << "Bad result for: insert()" << "key: " << key.k << (pres_correct ? " (existing)" : " (new)") << " val: " << val.v
  203. << " response: " << pres_my << ", correct value: " << pres_correct << endl;
  204. return false;
  205. }
  206. return true;
  207. }
  209. bool InsertCoherencyTest(CBTree& subject, int cycles, int valRange, string comment)
  210. {
  211. out << "Insert coherency test (" << comment << "):" << endl;
  212. CKey k; CValue v;
  213. for (int i = 0; i < cycles ; i++)
  214. {
  215. generateKVPair(k,v, valRange);
  216. g_Used.push_back(k);
  217. if (g_Verbose) out << "key: " << k.k << " value: " << v.v << " actions: " << endl;
  218. if (!checkInsert(subject, k, v) ||
  219. !checkSearch(subject, k) ) {
  220. out << "FAILED" << endl;
  221. return false;}
  222. }
  223. return true;
  224. }
  226. bool RemoveCoherencyTest(CBTree& subject, int stepSize, string comment)
  227. {
  228. out << "Remove coherency test (" << comment << "):" << endl;
  229. for (vector<CKey>::iterator it = g_Used.begin(); it < g_Used.end() ; it+=stepSize)
  230. {
  231. // out << "---------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
  232. CKey k= it->k;
  233. if (g_Verbose) out << "key: " << k.k << " actions: " << endl;
  234. if (!checkRemove(subject, k) ||
  235. !checkSearch(subject, k) ) {
  236. out << "FAILED" << endl;
  237. return false;}
  238. }
  239. return true;
  240. }
  242. bool CoherencyTestR2S(CBTree& subject)
  243. {
  244. CKey k;
  245. for(g_Correct = g_Ref.begin(); g_Correct != g_Ref.end(); g_Correct++)
  246. {
  247. k = g_Correct->first;
  248. if (g_Verbose) out << "key: " << k.k << " actions: " << endl;
  249. if (!checkSearch(subject, k)) {
  250. out << "FAILED" << endl;
  251. return false;}
  252. }
  253. return true;
  254. }
  256. //inOrder traverse
  257. bool CHTS2RSub(CNode * node, string rep){
  258. stringstream s;
  259. if (!node->isLeaf())
  260. try{
  261. s << rep << ",1";
  262. if ( !CHTS2RSub(node->getChild(1), s.str()) ) return false;
  263. } catch(Exc& e){
  264. out << <<" caught called after calling: getChild(1) on node " << s.str() << endl;
  265. return false;
  266. }
  267. for( int g = 1; g <= node->getGamma(); g++)
  268. {
  269. CKey k; CValue v;
  270. try{
  271. k = node->getKey(g);
  272. v = node->getValue(g);
  273. if ( k.k <= g_Last ){
  274. out << "Bad invariant: keys aren't in ascending order for key: " << k.k << " previous value " << g_Last << endl;
  275. return false;
  276. }
  277. g_Last = k.k;
  278. if ( (g_Correct = g_Ref.find(k.k)) == g_Ref.end() ){
  279. out << "Key: " << k.k << " shouldn't be in the tree" << endl;
  280. return false;
  281. }
  282. if (v.v != g_Correct->second)
  283. {
  284. out << "Values don't match for Key: " << k.k << " response:" << v.v <<", correct: " << g_Correct->second << endl;
  285. return false;
  286. }
  287. ++g_Count;
  288. }catch(Exc& e){
  289. out << <<" caught called after calling: getKey/Val("<< g << ") on node " << rep << endl;
  290. return false;
  291. }
  292. if (!node->isLeaf())
  293. try{
  294. s.str(rep); s << "," << g + 1;
  295. if ( !CHTS2RSub(node->getChild(g + 1), s.str()) ) return false;
  296. }catch(Exc& e){
  297. out << <<" caught called after calling: getChild(" << g+ 1 << ") on node " << s.str() << endl;
  298. return false;
  299. }
  300. }
  301. return true;
  302. }
  303. bool CoherencyTestS2R(CBTree& subject){
  304. g_Count = 0;
  305. g_Level = g_LeafLvl = -1;
  306. g_Last = INT_MIN;
  307. try{
  308. if (subject.getRoot() != NULL)
  309. if ( !CHTS2RSub(subject.getRoot(), "R") ) return false;
  310. }catch(Exc& e){
  311. out << <<" caught called after calling: getRoot()" << endl;
  312. out << "FAILED" << endl;
  313. return false;
  314. }
  315. if ( g_Count != g_Ref.size() ){
  316. out << "Invalid number of elements in tree: " << g_Count << " correct: " << g_Ref.size() << endl;
  317. out << "FAILED" << endl;
  318. return false;
  319. }
  320. return true;
  321. }
  323. bool TestSuite(CBTree& subject, int multiplier){
  325. g_Ref.clear(); g_Used.clear();
  326. subject.bTreeCreate();
  327. if ( ! InsertCoherencyTest(subject, 20 * multiplier, 40 * multiplier, "KEYS : Wide Range") ||
  328. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject) ||
  329. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  330. print(subject);
  331. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  332. g_Ref.clear(); g_Used.clear();
  333. subject.bTreeCreate();
  334. if ( ! InsertCoherencyTest(subject, 20 * multiplier, 10 * multiplier, "KEYS : Narrow Range") ||
  335. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  336. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  337. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  338. g_Ref.clear(); g_Used.clear();
  339. subject.bTreeCreate();
  340. if ( ! InsertCoherencyTest(subject, 20 * multiplier, 20 * multiplier, "General") ||
  341. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  342. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  343. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  344. if ( ! RemoveCoherencyTest(subject, 8, "Present Keys") ||
  345. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  346. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  347. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. if ( ! RemoveCoherencyTest(subject, 8, "Missing Keys") ||
  349. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  350. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  351. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  352. if ( ! RemoveCoherencyTest(subject, 6, "Present&Missing Keys") ||
  353. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  354. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  355. if ( ! InsertCoherencyTest(subject, 10 * multiplier, 10 * multiplier, "Inserting more values") ) return false;
  356. if ( ! RemoveCoherencyTest(subject, 1, "Present&Missing Keys, More Keys") ||
  357. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  358. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  359. g_Used.clear();
  360. if ( ! RemoveCoherencyTest(subject, 1, "Present&Missing Keys, More Keys") ||
  361. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  362. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  363. if ( ! InsertCoherencyTest(subject, 30 * multiplier, 30 * multiplier, "Inserting more values") ) return false;
  364. if ( ! RemoveCoherencyTest(subject, 3, "Final") ||
  365. ! CoherencyTestR2S(subject)||
  366. ! CoherencyTestS2R(subject)) return false;
  367. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  368. subject.bTreeCreate();g_Ref.clear();
  369. out << "Root Delete Test:" << endl;
  370. CValue v(5); CKey k(1);
  371. if ( !checkInsert(subject, k, v) || !checkRemove(subject,k) ) return false;
  372. out << "DONE" << endl;
  373. return true;
  374. }
  377. int main( int argc, char** argv )
  378. {
  379. srand( time( 0 ) );
  381. //suppress additional info
  382. g_Verbose // = true;
  383. = false;
  385. //print(tree) - prints tree structure to out
  387. out << ">------------------<" << endl;
  388. out << "SIMPLE TEST ODD (5):" << endl;
  389. out << ">------------------<" << endl;
  390. CBTree o(5);
  391. if (!TestSuite(o, 5) ) { print(o); return 1;};
  393. out << ">------------------<" << endl;
  394. out << "SIMPLE TEST EVEN (4):" << endl;
  395. out << ">------------------<" << endl;
  396. CBTree e(4);
  397. if (!TestSuite(e, 5) ) { print(e); return 1;};
  399. out << ">--------------------<" << endl;
  400. out << "COMPLEX TEST EVEN/ODD:" << endl;
  401. out << ">--------------------<" << endl;
  402. for(int size = 3; size < 13; size+= 1){
  403. CBTree r(size);
  404. for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  405. out << "M: " << size << " Test Complexity: " << 20+i*15 << endl;
  406. if ( !TestSuite(r,20+i*15)) {print(r);return 1;}
  407. }
  408. }
  409. return 0;
  410. }
  412. #endif
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