

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. 01:36 Roxanne shifts in her bed, flipping through channels on the shitty hospital television set in the wall across from her. Neon General Hospital, one of the biggest medical centers in the city. And one where the Evos are sent to whenever they get critically injured in the line of duty. Doctors fucking hated her here, because her...condition almost always meant that she'd be a pain in the ass to treat...
  2. 01:36 Roxanne ...right. The bullet wound and gash in her back couldn't just be stitched up like a normal person, so as a result she was wearing what looks like a cross between a bandage and a massive cast in place of a shirt. Her left arm was lying on the bed, metallic harness attached to her forearm where the IV was leading into her. She was propped up, with a tray of food on her bedside table, sitting...
  3. 01:36 Roxanne ...right next to a small get-well card and a handful of roses in a glass. Day was dull as fuck. She /hated/ just sitting around wasting time, and there wasn't exactly much of a chance for her to get out and about like this, either. Well, at least the visitors were friendly....
  4. 01:40 Goodwill The door opened with a sudden crack, almost as if it was a bit more force away from just being blown right off. In the doorway there was a massive form hidden by shadow, the only thing that could be made out from where the patient was were a set of beady, sinister eyes gleaming with light, staring back at her as if a monster of her childhood nightmares
  5. 01:41 Goodwill Then it entered. It was a teddy bear. Okay that wasn't a good enough term for it. It was a teddy /bear/. It was the fucking size of a real one while still a big adorable plush fluff thing. The kind of thing given as grand prizes at the carnivals except not really, nobody ever won them and those who say otherwise are usually lying.
  6. 01:42 Roxanne "Jesus fuck!" She gave a start, and almost dropped the remote off her table, where she sure as hell wouldn't have been able to retrieve it
  7. 01:43 *** Platypus joined #covenger_rp
  8. 01:44 Goodwill Holding it was the smiling face of one of Roxanne's teammates. A glistening toothy grin that earned its place in all the ads. Johnny Goodwill, the redheaded bruiser with a heart of gold and the wit of copper. Settling the ungodly huge bear to the side he beamed.
  9. 01:44 Goodwill "Heya Roxanne! Didn't mean to surprise ya too much."
  10. 01:45 Roxanne "Jesus, man, I thought a real bear had just broken into the hospital" She sits up, brightening considerably. "Thing's fucking /huge/"
  11. 01:46 Goodwill "I know! I didn't think they made them this big, but I went out and won one, figured I'd bring it back for you!" Now, what was said earlier about lying? This guy was the small percent who didn't. He was practically incapable of lying.
  12. 01:50 Roxanne Thank /fuck/ she can't blush. "Thanks, man. It's appreciated." Shifted in the bed again. "Been dull as hell here."
  13. 01:51 Platypus suddenly materializes into the hospital room out of thin air. In his hands were a television remote and a beer, though he was still in his usual costume. Looking around for a moment to regain his bearings, his goggles fell on Roxanne and Goody. "Ah, Roxy!" He said relieved as he approached the bed. "I came as soon as I heard. How are you feeling?"
  14. 01:51 Goodwill "I can imagine. I heard about what those two did. I'm still thinking about how I'm going to go about hitting them in the noses for this, its practically cheating."
  15. 01:52 Goodwill "Oh, heya!" He had never seen this man before in his life.
  16. 01:56 Roxanne "You bet your ass it was cheating. Was kicking their /asses/ up till then." And right after you froze up and cost them the fight. Oh hey, it's that other guy! She waved. "Heya, Plat. Better than I was before, but that ain't saying much."
  17. 02:03 Roxanne She takes the teddy bear, wrapping her arms around it. S'fucking /huge/. "Hit 'em in the nose twice for me, alright?"
  18. 02:04 Platypus *"Heyyy, Goodwill, right?" He asked with appropriate levels of finger-gun for a hospital environment. Plat then grabbed a chair and sat down in coolguy backwards style. "Good to see you're on the mend, Cowgirl." He said, leaning in discreetly. "Have they inflicted the Hospital Food upon you yet? Because I can get to McGuffy's and back in a snap."
  19. 02:06 Goodwill "Will do!" Goody seemed pretty enthusiastic at the idea of hitting the dastardly villains in the nose. And although more subtly, he seemed rather happy she took to the teddy bear. Good call there, brain. You're welcome, Johnny. "Mmhmm. And... you are...."
  20. 02:06 Goodwill Give it a moment brain. What does he look like?
  21. 02:06 Goodwill "Duck man?"
  22. 02:06 Platypus Getting there...
  23. 02:06 Goodwill "...Goose-Man"
  24. 02:07 Goodwill didn't seem like he was messing with him.
  25. 02:08 Platypus *"Getting colder..." He replied as the AC in the room dropped a few degrees*
  26. 02:09 Goodwill "...Nope I think I was solid the first time."
  27. 02:09 Roxanne "Ha!"
  28. 02:11 Roxanne buries her face in the giant bear of cuddles
  29. 02:13 Platypus *"I go by Platypus while I'm like this. We met once before." He answered, offering a hand out to him. Usually Plat makes more of a mark on a first impression. Either Goody's thick, or Platypus is slipping.*
  30. 02:14 Goodwill is impressively thick! He shakes the guy's hand energetically, still smiling. "See, I was right about to guess that! Good to meet ya!"
  31. 02:17 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  32. 02:19 *** Roxanne quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  33. 02:19 *** MGFY is now known as Roxanne
  34. 02:20 Roxanne "So, uh, Goody. Plat. What have you been up to while I've been out?"
  35. 02:21 Goodwill "Well, I was training when the whole big thing happened. I managed to get them to upgrade a gravity cell to increase a few times so I could work under better strain. Its hard. But, when I heard that you and the others got beaten off by a bunch of cheaters I figured I had to do something"
  36. 02:22 Goodwill "...But I couldn't find them. But I did find the carnival!" And that's where the bear comes in.
  37. 02:22 *** Sylum is now known as Triangle
  38. 02:22 *** Triangle is now known as Triangle_man
  39. 02:28 Platypus thought about the question for a second while Goody went on about his Hyperbolic Time Chamber. "Well, I got my hair cut. That's probably why I wasn't recognizable. Uhm...? I caught a purse-snatcher... least I think I did. May have just been a tourist with a Man-Satchel. Either way, he was committing some kind of crime." he said, rubbing his helmet
  40. 02:32 Roxanne "So long as you went out and kicked some ass, eh? Fucked up some crim scum." She moved a bit in the bed, trying to get her arm in a more comfortable position, despite the IV harness strapped to her arm. "Christ, I hate the hospital."
  41. 02:34 Goodwill blinked a moment. Then a thought occurred to him. The first in a while! Shut up brain I'm handling this. "Hey, Roxanne, can I have your hand a moment?"
  42. 02:38 Roxanne "Uhhh." More and more thankful she can't blushe, Roxanne gingerly holds out her hand after setting down the megabear
  43. 02:40 Goodwill took Roxanne's hand in his own two as he moved down a moment to look at her with those big blue eyes that graced more than a few marketing items. "Just, trust me on this. I have an idea." Considering he wasn't one for tricks, this had to be something, right?
  44. 02:41 Goodwill closed his eyes and looked serious, focusing in on himself. Then he started to have the bluish light appear around him, very faint, but he was putting his powers to use. As time went on, the wounded girl would feel a warmth spread out, energy and, hell, relief from the pain starting to appear. Meanwhile, Goody looked more fatigued with each moment
  45. 02:42 Goodwill couldn't heal people, but he could damn well give them energy to speed it along!
  46. 02:42 Platypus slowly covers the Bear's eyes. This was not for innocent eyes to see
  47. 02:47 Roxanne gives a slight gasp. "J-Jesus, man."
  48. 02:48 Goodwill eventually expended as much energy as he could. Well, without passing out. His face had turned red, he was sweating lightly, and he looked exhausted. But he was still smiling. And the effects would take a while, but they could certainly be felt.
  49. 02:49 Goodwill "Th-That work? Because if it didn't I'd look really stupid right now, h-hehe..."
  50. 02:49 Roxanne "Y-yeah. That fuckign worked." And then some~
  51. 02:49 Roxanne "Feel like I'm ten fucking years younger"
  52. 02:50 Platypus "Let's hope not. That's illegal."
  53. 02:50 Goodwill "Glad you feel better." He seemed even cheerier. After holding hands for far longer than necessary by sheer coincidence he finally got up, catching his breath.
  54. 03:00 Roxanne "Really appreciate it, man." First a teddy bear, now this? She smiled, looking between the two of them. "I've gotten a few visitors here, but not much. Gets so /boring/ here, just sitting around watching TV all day.
  55. 03:00 Roxanne "
  56. 03:03 Goodwill "You'll be back up in no time! And then we can get back to training and getting stronger, and I can take you to the carnival so you can get the big stuffed rabbit. If they're still in town by then" Then he turned his eyes to Platypus
  57. 03:04 Goodwill "...You still open to get food. I feel like I haven't eaten for like, days." Jesus how much energy did he just spend.
  58. 03:10 Platypus "Yeah, sure I could swing by somewhere and bring you all back some grub." Plat says pulling himself up from the chair. Not as impressive as pouring life-energy into people, but if he could save Roxanne from the hospital food, then he'd truly be a hero. This is the burden he bears... brood brood brood... coming this summer*
  59. 03:11 Roxanne "Oh thank god. This shit's practically just oatmeal."
  60. 03:11 Goodwill "I want a burger!"
  61. 03:15 Platypus "A fine choice, sir. And for the lady?" He asked, taking on the posture of a snooty restaurant waiter
  62. 03:15 Roxanne "ucking /anything/. Meat if you can grab it."
  63. 03:16 Goodwill "Two burgers!"
  64. 03:16 Roxanne "No pickles!"
  65. 03:20 Platypus *"Ah, but of course! Then I shall return with your order!" Platypus states proudly. Then, leaning in close to Roxanne he whispers "You know, I could take my time coming back if you're feeling like... using some of that energy on him."*
  66. 03:22 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  67. 03:22 Goodwill is innocent and doesn't hear what they are saying.
  68. 03:27 Roxanne "You might, uh. Wanna shut the curtains on your way out."
  69. 03:31 Platypus stood back up and gradually began drawing the shutters closed. "Good call. Wouldn't want to see you on the news twice in one week." He replied as he made his way across the room and pushed the door shut followed by the heavy click of the lock.
  70. 03:31 Goodwill "Huh. Fun guy."
  71. 03:32 Roxanne She laughs. "So how's Darwin holding up without me? Place burn down yet?"
  72. 03:35 Goodwill turned back over, grinning. "The fire alarm went off today, but it was just a cooking mishap. We all miss ya though, even the boss man. You should have heard how he reacted to the news." That reaction he probably could not say. Never once has Goody been caught swearing.
  73. 03:43 Roxanne "Yeah, I can see that. His wife got fucked up worse than I did." Again, most of that was from you freezing up for most of that fight. So great job. She shifted a bit closer to Goodwill, idly petting the bear. "Thanks for the bear, man. And the pick-me-up. Means a lot, y'know? Glad to see you've got my back."
  74. 03:48 Goodwill "Aww, its what I do. Well, I mean, not for everybody, but you mean a lot." Goody settled down at her bedside, still somewhat drained from earlier but already showing signs of getting better. Always had stamina to spare, this one. "Wasn't gonna just let the Evos' own Roxanne sit around bored and hurting in a hospital."
  75. 03:58 Roxanne She reaches up with her free hand and-carefully-grabs his shoulder. She has to be careful she doesn't pull down the IV drip leading into her arm, but she pulls herself up and kisses him on the cheek. "You mean a lot to me too, man."
  76. 04:01 Goodwill blushed bright red through his freckled cheeks while he was given the little peck on the cheek. For a brief instant something inside of him shifted, as if his mysterious youthful abilities had changed somewhat with the sway of his emotions, as he recovered back all that lost energy instantly!
  77. 04:01 Goodwill smiled softly, closing his eyes and speaking even softer. "...I was kinda hoping you'd say that."
  78. 04:06 Roxanne dropped back on the bed. "You know." She grinned. Shark are envious of those teeth. "Probably gonna take a while for Platypus to get back..."
  79. 04:08 *** Eridana quit (Quit: Eridana)
  80. 04:08 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  81. 04:12 Goodwill turned his eyes from side to side before leaning in a bit. Perhaps it was a blessing he didn't think much. He just went with the feeling. "That's true... We have some time to ourselves."
  82. 04:16 Roxanne She ran her fingers through her hair. Carefully. Don't need to get it cut for another couple weeks. "What did you have in mind?"
  83. 04:19 Goodwill Admittedly, that is where he hit the snare. He looked a little embarrassed, still a genuine look in his eyes. "I don't know very much about all of this. But I like you. And I want to do something, just don't know what... Maybe you can lead me?"
  84. 04:22 Roxanne "Oh for fuck's sake." She grabs him by the collar, and pulled him in. There's a loud crack as their foreheads smack together.
  85. 04:25 Goodwill gave a slight chuckle as their heads collided. Something that probably would have hurt any normal man. Johnny was hardly near normal, she had seen the kind of training he puts himself through. And now they were eye to eye, and he started getting the picture. "...That's a little better."
  86. 04:34 Roxanne Fourth time that's happened to her. First time he hasn't pulled back~ She laughed at that, and pulled him, this time planting her mouth right on his
  87. 04:36 Goodwill at least had seen the movies. He knew somewhat how this part went. Leaning in, he'd finally give her a kiss right back...
  88. 04:38 *** Juniper joined #covenger_rp
  89. 04:38 *** Eridana quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  90. 04:43 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  91. 04:44 *** Juniper quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  92. 04:44 Goodwill [FADE TO BLACK]
  93. 04:46 Platypus rematerializes into the hospital room once again lowering his hand after having snapped his fingers at the restaurant, a large sack of burgers and other bad-for-you goodies in tow. Upon viewing the sight before him, he immediately realizes he was a little too quick coming back. Quietly, he places the food on Roxanne's side table and with another snap
  94. 04:46 Platypus of his fingers, disappears from sight
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