
Cryptic Acrostic 6: Spill the Tea

Jun 27th, 2023
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  1. |001R|002K|003M|####|004H|005T|006G|007R|008D|009F|010Q|011S|####|012U|013T|014C|015M|016O|####|017L|018V|####|019R|020B|021P|
  2. |####|022H|023K|024V|025C|026A|027H|028W|029R|030Q|####|031T|032L|033E|034U|035S|036B|037B|####|038A|039V|####|040F|041Q|042G|
  3. |043J|044W|045O|046V|047Q|048R|049S|####|050L|051N|052F|####|053A|054P|055D|####|056C|057N|058J|059O|####|060J|061R|####|062K|
  4. |063H|064F|065V|####|066U|067D|068E|069A|####|070T|071W|072Q|073U|074H|####|075M|076C|077R|####|078B|079C|080H|081L|####|082M|
  5. |083R|084S|085P|086I|087U|####|088Q|089N|090C|091R|####|092S|093F|####|094L|095R|096B|097O|098M|####|099Q|100D|101K|102U|####|
  6. |103D|104V|105Q|106H|107A|####|108K|109B|110L|####|111J|112B|113S|114T|####|115M|116V|117O|118I|####|119Q|120I|121Q|####|122S|
  7. |123U|124Q|####|125G|126L|####|127F|128P|129T|####|130J|131C|132R|133A|134F|135W|136O|137P|####|138M|139I|140E|141M|142C|####|
  8. |143B|144U|145V|####|146S|147O|148H|####|149K|150M|151U|152P|####|153W|154T|155O|156V|####|157S|158A|159C|####|160R|161I|####|
  9. |162T|163F|164J|165B|166M|####|167A|168N|169O|170P|171D|172R|####|173R|174S|####|175C|176K|177E|178L|####|179J|180W|181B|182V|
  11. A. Massive pop? Stretch regularly beforehand (8)
  12. 167 26 107 69 38 158 133 53
  13. B. Without leader, Whigs (around midnight) dumped tea from Boston, leading to subject of July 4 declaration (5 5)
  14. 20 112 96 37 165 143 181 78 36 109
  15. C. Maguire's final Wicked book sees half of Oz come to the defenses of Dorothy and the community at large (9)
  16. 142 25 131 76 159 14 79 56 175
  17. D. Tea left out for more time than necessary (6)
  18. 100 67 103 8 55 171
  19. E. Have misgivings halfway through getting to second base with partner, essentially (5)
  20. 9 68 177 140 33
  21. F. Trap rodent after dropping candy into antique pot? (8)
  22. 155 64 127 163 134 52 93 40
  23. G. Source of refreshment - tops in Indian, Chinese economies (4)
  24. 6 125 90 42
  25. H. Reader: "Is something the Chinese have often sold to a dictator what's discussed on page 63 in the book?" (8)
  26. 74 148 27 63 4 106 22 80
  27. I. Transfer tea leaves from jar at the rear of the ship (5)
  28. 86 120 139 161 118
  29. J. Location of show on Apple TV (or Peacock, initially) following Joey Fatone's origin (7)
  30. 43 60 164 179 111 58 130
  31. K. Dance show without clothing? Very disheartening, and a little fishy (7)
  32. 108 23 149 2 176 101 62
  33. L. Tampa Bay ballplayer changes direction upon encountering defensive unit at midfield, for example (4 4)
  34. 50 32 178 110 94 17 126 81
  35. M. Mix two lattes for someone who talks a lot (10)
  36. 138 150 82 115 141 166 98 75 15 3
  37. N. Some watch ouroboros for the time it takes to complete a circle (4)
  38. 168 51 89 57
  39. O. The first nation to obtain a bit of independence in East Africa, ultimately (8)
  40. 16 45 97 169 147 59 136 117
  41. P. English tea - noon-time delight (7)
  42. 21 85 137 128 54 170 152
  43. Q. Maybe blood pressure almost rebounding after Alex slimmed down - ultimately, because of diet (11)
  44. 30 121 105 47 88 99 119 124 10 41 72
  45. R. One who studies people of other nations, surprisingly in the region around Hawaii (14)
  46. 77 1 91 48 160 83 95 172 19 173 132 7 29 61
  47. S. One wearing retro style? She's fancy, despite ... (10)
  48. 113 157 35 84 49 122 92 174 11 146
  49. T. ... spilling tea over seat, scrubbing last bit of stain (2 6)
  50. 5 162 31 114 70 129 154 13
  51. U. Changing fortunes surrounding a vampire (9)
  52. 151 123 87 66 102 73 34 12 144
  53. V. Place where you can spend hours taking breaks in the middle of procrastinating work (6 4)
  54. 145 116 65 24 39 182 18 46 104 156
  55. W. Reserved tour of unusual base (6)
  56. 28 71 180 153 135 44
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