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Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. # Homework #1
  2. # 10/08/2019
  3. # Pg 105 Problem 12 (161)
  4. # Pg 106 Problem 14 (162)
  5. # Jose Zepeda
  7. # Problem 12
  8. # Last month, Joe purchased some stock in Acme Software, Inc. Here are the
  9. # details of the purchase:
  10. # -The number of shares that Joe purchased was 2,000.
  11. # -When Joe purchased the stock, he paid $40,000 per share.
  12. # -Joe paid his stockbroker a commision that amounted to 3 percent of the amount
  13. # he paid for the stock.
  14. # Two week later, Joe sold the stock. Here are the details of the sale:
  15. # -The number of shares that Joe sold was 2000.
  16. # -He sold the stock for $42.75 per share.
  17. # -He paid his stockbroker another commission that amounted to 3 percent of the
  18. # amount he received for the stock
  19. # Write a program that displays the following information:
  20. # -The amount of money Joe paid for the stock.
  21. # -The amount of commssion Joe paid his broker when he bought the stock.
  22. # -The amount for which Joe sold the stock.
  23. # -The amount of commission Joe paid his brokere when he sold the stock.
  24. # -Display the amount of money that Joe had left when he sold the stock and paid
  25. # his broker (both times). If this amount is positive, then Joe made a profit.
  26. # If this amount is negative that Joe lost money.
  28. number_shares_purchased = 2000
  29. amount_paid_per_share = 40.00
  30. total_stock_purchased = number_shares_purchased * amount_paid_per_share
  31. commission_to_broker = total_stock_purchased * .03
  33. number_shares_sold = 2000
  34. amount_sold_per_share = 42.75
  35. total_stock_sold= number_shares_sold * amount_sold_per_share
  36. commission_paid_to_broker = total_stock_sold * .03
  38. print('Total Amount paid for Stock: $'+ format(total_stock_purchased, ",.2f"))
  39. print('Commission for Buying: $' + format(commission_to_broker, ",.2f"))
  40. print('Amount sold the Stock: $' + format(total_stock_sold, ",.2f"))
  41. print('Commission for Selling: $' + format(commission_paid_to_broker, ",.2f"))
  43. profit = (total_stock_sold - commission_paid_to_broker) - \
  44. (total_stock_purchased - commission_to_broker)
  46. print('Total Profits: $' + format(profit, ",.2f"))
  49. # Problem 14
  50. # When a bank account pays compound interest, it pays interest not only on the
  51. # prinicipal amount that was deposited in the account, but also on the interest
  52. # that has accumulated over time. Suppose you want to deposit some money into a
  53. # savings account, and let the account earn compound interest for a certain
  54. # number of years. The formula for calculating the balance of the account after
  55. # a specified number of years is:
  56. # A=P(1+rn)nt
  57. # The terms in the formula are:
  58. # - A is the amount of money in the account after the specified number of years.
  59. # - P is the principal amount that was originally deposited into the account.
  60. # - r is the annual interest rate.
  61. # - n is the number of times per year that the interest is compounded.
  62. # - t is the specified number of years.
  63. # Write a program that makes the calculation for you. The program should ask the
  64. # user to input the following:
  65. # - The amount of principal originally deposited into the account.
  66. # - The annual interest rate paid by the account.
  67. # - The number of times per year that the interest is compounded (For example,
  68. # if interest is compounded monthly, enter 12. If interest is compounded
  69. # quarterly, enter 4.)
  70. # - The number of years the account will be left to earn interest.
  71. # Once the input data has been entered, the program should calculate and display
  72. # the amount of money that will be in the account after the specified number of
  73. # years.
  75. print('Calculate compound interest by inputting values.')
  76. print('Your initial deposit to your account.')
  77. principal = float(input('Princal Deposit:'))
  78. print('Input annual percentage rate example-')
  79. print('10 for 10% without the symbol and not dividing to 0.1.')
  80. rate = float(input('Enter Annual Interest Rate Percentage:'))
  81. print('Compound interest example-')
  82. print('12 for monthly, 4 for quarterly, or 1 for annually.')
  83. compound = float(input('Annual Compound Frequency:'))
  84. print('Number of years you would like to compound your \
  85. interest?')
  86. time = float(input('Years:'))
  87. print('')
  88. accrual = principal*(1+((rate/100/compound))**compound*time)
  89. print('Amount compounded after',time,'years is: $'+format(accrual,'.2f'))
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