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a guest
Nov 21st, 2017
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  1. # Global settings.
  2. Global:
  3. Notify: true
  4. DefaultTime: 5
  5. AdminListen: false
  6. DefaultReason: None
  7. BroadcastNode: mutemanager.listen
  8. BlockCommands: false
  9. Commands:
  10. - /msg
  11. - /tell
  12. AllowOfflineMute: false
  13. Debug: false
  14. Messages:
  15. NoPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command!'
  16. ZeroSeconds: 0 seconds
  17. Minutes: minutes
  18. Seconds: seconds
  19. Hours: hours
  20. Days: days
  21. Years: years
  22. Forever: forever
  23. UnableToUnMute: '&eUnable to unmute &b%PLAYER%&e.'
  24. Reason: '&eReason: &a%REASON%'
  25. Duration: '&eDuration: &a%DURATION%'
  26. YouHaveBeenMuted: '&eYou have been muted! %DURATIONTEXT% %REASONTEXT%'
  27. YouHaveBeenUnMuted: '&eYou have been unmuted!'
  28. NoPlayer: There is no player by that name online!
  29. PlayerNowMuted: '&b%PLAYER% &eis now muted! %DURATIONTEXT% %REASONTEXT%'
  30. PlayerNowUnMuted: '&b%PLAYER% &ehas been unmuted!'
  31. YouAreMuted: '&eYou are muted! %DURATIONTEXT% %REASONTEXT%'
  32. MaxReason: Mute time of &a%TIME% &rminutes exceeds maximum &a%MAX% &rminutes!
  33. Exempt: '&b%PLAYER% &eis exempt from mute!'
  34. Database:
  35. Enabled: false
  36. User: USERNAME
  37. Pass: PASSWORD
  38. Url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/mutemanager
  39. Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
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