CodingSquid By Benzy

Jun 1st, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. nopermission: &3| &bCrates &3| &cYou don't have permission to execute this command.
  3. prefix: &3| &bCrates &3|
  5. on load:
  6. broadcast "&3| &bCrates &3|&7 Crates have been loaded Successfully!"
  7. broadcast "&3| &bCrates &3|&7 Created by Benzy"
  9. command /crate <players>:
  10. permission: crate.give
  11. permission message: {@nopermission}
  12. trigger:
  13. open chest with 1 row named "&bCrate for %arg-1%" to player
  14. wait 5 tick
  15. format slot 0 of player with white glass pane named "&0-" to close
  16. format slot 1 of player with white glass pane named "&0-" to close
  17. format slot 2 of player with white glass pane named "&0-" to close
  18. format slot 3 of player with chest named "&3Default Crate" to close then run [console command "give %arg-1% chest 1 name:&3Default_Crate lore:&bRight_click_to_unlock"]->[send "{@prefix} &7You where given a &3Default Crate" to arg-1]->[send "{@prefix} &7You gave %arg-1% a &3Default Crate"]
  19. format slot 4 of player with chest named "&5Dank Crate" to close then run [console command "give %arg-1% chest 1 name:&5Dank_Crate lore:&bRight_click_to_unlock"]->[send "{@prefix} &7You where given a &5Dank Crate" to arg-1]->[send "{@prefix} &7You gave %arg-1% a &5Dank Crate"]
  20. format slot 5 of player with chest named "&cRankup Crate" to close then run [console command "give %arg-1% chest 1 name:&cRankup_Crate lore:&bRight_click_to_unlock"]->[send "{@prefix} &7You where given a &cRankup Crate" to arg-1]->[send "{@prefix} &7You gave %arg-1% a &cRankup Crate"]
  21. format slot 6 of player with white glass pane named "&0-" to close
  22. format slot 7 of player with white glass pane named "&0-" to close
  23. format slot 8 of player with white glass pane named "&0-" to close
  25. command /crates:
  26. permission: crate.give
  27. permission message: {@nopermission}
  28. trigger:
  29. message "&7&m--------------------------------"
  30. message " &cRankup &8, &5Dank &8, &3Default"
  31. message "&7&m--------------------------------"
  33. on rightclick:
  34. player is holding chest named "&3Default Crate" with lore "&bRight click to unlock"
  35. remove 1 chest named "&3Default Crate" with lore "&bRight click to unlock" from player
  36. set {default} to a random integer between 1 and 5
  37. if {default} is 1:
  38. execute console command "/eco give %player% 100"
  39. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$100"
  40. if {default} is 2:
  41. execute console command "/give %player% DIAMOND 1"
  42. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked a &bDiamond"
  43. if {default} is 3:
  44. execute console command "/eco give %player% 2000"
  45. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$2000"
  46. if {default} is 4:
  47. execute console command "/eco give %player% 5000"
  48. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$5000"
  49. if {default} is 5:
  50. execute console command "/eco give %player% 10000"
  51. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$10000"
  53. on rightclick:
  54. player is holding chest named "&5Dank Crate" with lore "&bRight click to unlock"
  55. remove 1 chest named "&5Dank Crate" with lore "&bRight click to unlock" from player
  56. set {dank} to a random integer between 1 and 5
  57. if {dank} is 1:
  58. execute console command "/eco give %player% 100"
  59. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$100"
  60. if {dank} is 2:
  61. execute console command "/give %player% DIAMOND 1"
  62. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked a &bDiamond"
  63. if {dank} is 3:
  64. execute console command "/eco give %player% 2000"
  65. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$2000"
  66. if {dank} is 4:
  67. execute console command "/eco give %player% 5000"
  68. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$5000"
  69. if {dank} is 5:
  70. execute console command "/eco give %player% 10000"
  71. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$10000"
  73. on rightclick:
  74. player is holding chest named "&cRankup Crate" with lore "&bRight click to unlock"
  75. remove 1 chest named "&cRankup Crate" with lore "&bRight click to unlock" from player
  76. set {rankup} to a random integer between 1 and 5
  77. if {default} is 1:
  78. execute console command "/eco give %player% 100"
  79. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$100"
  80. if {rankup} is 2:
  81. execute console command "/give %player% DIAMOND 1"
  82. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked a &bDiamond"
  83. if {rankup} is 3:
  84. execute console command "/eco give %player% 2000"
  85. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$2000"
  86. if {rankup} is 4:
  87. execute console command "/eco give %player% 5000"
  88. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$5000"
  89. if {rankup} is 5:
  90. execute console command "/eco give %player% 10000"
  91. send "{@prefix}&7 You have unlocked &a$10000"
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