
ro ghoul auto farm

Sep 19th, 2020
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  1. -- These settings only work if _G.ServerHop is set to true --
  2. --Turn to true to Server Hop --
  3. _G.ServerHop = false -- Server hops if your player gets below a certain percentage of health
  4. _G.PercentageToHop = 25 -- Will server hop if you are below this percentage in health (0-99)
  5. -- Settings --
  6. _G.AutoEquipMask = false
  7. _G.RepFarm = true
  8. --Turn ONE of these to true if server hopping --
  9. _G.AogiriFarm = false
  10. _G.CCGFarm = false
  11. _G.HumanFarm = false
  12. _G.FarmAll = true
  13. -- Turn ONE of these to true if server hopping --
  14. _G.PlayAsGhoul = false
  15. _G.PlayAsCCG = false
  17. loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://pastebin.com/raw/x9She8BF'),true))()
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