Guest User


a guest
May 26th, 2017
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text 19.73 KB | None | 0 0
  1. loadmodule "modules/commands.dll";
  2. loadmodule "modules/cloak.dll";
  3. loadmodule "modules/M_getinfo.dll";
  4. loadmodule "modules/opers.dll";
  5. loadmodule "modules/operpasswd.dll";
  6. loadmodule "modules/M_chgswhois.dll";
  7. loadmodule "modules/vhosts.dll";
  8. include "modulepack/main.conf";
  9. include "help.conf";
  10. include "";
  11. include "badwords.message.conf";
  12. include "badwords.quit.conf";
  13. include "spamfilter.conf";
  14. me {
  15. name "";
  16. info "dorfd1s server";
  17. numeric 23;
  18. };
  20. oper bopm {
  21. class default;
  22. from {
  23. userhost *@localhost;
  24. };
  25. password "thekeytobopm";
  26. flags {
  27. can_gkline;
  28. global;
  29. };
  30. };
  34. oper winocm {
  35. class default;
  36. from {
  37. userhost *@*;
  39. };
  40. password "$umPDSaJ5$ulmhzGwAFuYvJe+A6BtI69wxA9A=" { sha1; };
  41. flags oOCAaNrDRhwgcLkKbBnGztZWHvqXd;
  42. //swhois "Evilest Variable Around";
  43. snomask kcfFjveGnNqSso;
  44. modes ghipqsvWw;
  45. };
  47. /*
  48. oper Undefined {
  49. class default;
  50. from {
  51. userhost *@*;
  53. };
  54. password "$lTFq9izD$Cu8qkYd6nNzHjNbfFIEV9A==" { md5; };
  55. flags oOCAaNrDRhwgcLkKbBnGztZWHvqXd;
  56. swhois "Evilest Variable Around";
  57. snomask cFfkejvGnNqsSaoJ;
  58. modes ghipqsvWw;
  59. };*/
  60. /*
  61. oper Blizzardo1 {
  62. class default;
  63. from {
  64. userhost *@*;
  65. };
  66. password "BlIzZyOhAiDeR1!";
  67. flags {
  69. netadmin;
  70. can_override;
  71. can_die;
  72. get_umodew;
  73. can_setq;
  74. can_dccdeny;
  75. global;
  76. };
  77. };*/
  81. oper VaultDweller {
  82. class default;
  83. from {
  84. userhost *@*;
  85. };
  86. password "$CqOyZP9r$xmO/ntO5kaCKJYHCc/NZgNUZ3qA=" { sha1; };
  87. flags {
  89. netadmin;
  90. can_override;
  91. can_zline;
  92. can_restart;
  93. can_rehash;
  94. can_die;
  95. get_umodew;
  96. can_gzline;
  97. can_gkline;
  98. can_setq;
  99. can_dccdeny;
  100. global;
  101. };
  102. };
  108. oper OBattler {
  109. class default;
  110. from {
  111. userhost *@*;
  112. };
  113. password "$TcwzjmDW$6XaZ55pWoXh9xEafvpnhszJDMBI=" { sha1; };
  114. flags {
  116. netadmin;
  117. can_override;
  118. can_zline;
  119. can_restart;
  120. can_rehash;
  121. can_die;
  122. get_umodew;
  123. can_gzline;
  124. can_gkline;
  125. can_setq;
  126. can_dccdeny;
  127. global;
  128. };
  129. };
  131. oper betacollector21 {
  132. class default;
  133. from {
  134. userhost *@*;
  135. };
  136. password "$52U7/Oed$nch2nBcoXOQOEV6omSQyIbYZJCU=" { sha1; };
  137. flags {
  138. global;
  139. };
  140. };
  142. oper therock247uk {
  143. class default;
  144. from {
  145. userhost *@*;
  146. };
  147. password "$SXDdXDCl$rJCVAC0rVhIHMBRSwxEiLVgdDkc=" { sha1; };
  148. flags {
  149. //can_override;
  150. can_zline;
  151. can_restart;
  152. can_rehash;
  153. can_die;
  154. get_umodew;
  155. can_gzline;
  156. //can_gline;
  157. can_gkline;
  158. can_setq;
  159. can_dccdeny;
  160. global;
  161. };
  162. };
  164. oper undefined {
  165. class default;
  166. from {
  167. userhost *@*;
  169. };
  170. password "$zPWcUWD+$KZH6GHjwTRGjkBygl9J4E+DBkTo=" { sha1; };
  171. flags oOCAaNrDRhwkKgcLbBnGztZWHvqXd;
  172. snomask QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;
  173. modes ghipqsvWwxKE;
  174. };
  176. oper richardg {
  177. class default;
  178. from {
  179. userhost *@*;
  181. };
  182. password "$/fVYsfZq$dvaHNGue3QP3GXHiGcvmbS7FX/4=" { sha1; };
  183. flags oOCAaNrDRhwkKgcLbBnGztZWHqXd;
  184. snomask QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;
  185. modes ghipqsvWwxKE;
  186. };
  189. oper dorfd1 {
  190. class default;
  191. from {
  192. userhost *@192.168.0.*;
  193. userhost *@;
  194. };
  195. password "$9AqvhTvh$SdXaWItgNemuY1569kEJNvGnDKc=" { sha1; };
  196. flags oOCAaNrDRhwkKgcLbBnGztZWHvqXd;
  197. snomask QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;
  198. modes ghipqsvWwxKE;
  199. };
  201. admin { "dorfd1"; ""; };
  202. class clients { pingfreq 120; maxclients 500; sendq 2900000; };
  203. class servers { pingfreq 120; maxclients 500; sendq 10000000; connfreq 100; };
  204. class statssrv { pingfreq 120; maxclients 500; sendq 200000000; connfreq 150; };
  206. allow { ip *@*; hostname *@*; class clients; maxperip 500; };
  207. drpass { restart "restart"; die "stop"; };
  209. ulines {
  215. abnirc.janus;
  217. };
  218. ban realname { mask "sub7server"; reason "sub7"; };
  219. except throttle { mask; };
  220. deny dcc { filename "*sub7*"; reason "Possible Sub7 Virus"; };
  222. listen *:6667;
  223. listen *:6668;
  224. listen *:6697 { options { clientsonly; }; };
  225. listen *:7000 { options { serversonly; }; };
  226. listen *:5412 { options { serversonly; }; };
  227. listen *:5413 { options { serversonly; }; };
  228. listen *:7029 { options { serversonly; }; };
  230. log "ircd.log" {
  231. maxsize 2097152;
  232. flags { oper; kline; connects; server-connects; kills; errors;
  233. sadmin-commands; chg-commands; oper-override; spamfilter;
  234. };
  235. };
  236. /*
  237. cgiirc {
  238. type webirc;
  239. hostname;
  240. password O5bNwebchat; /* only for type webirc */
  241. };*/
  243. cgiirc {
  244. type webirc;
  245. hostname "";
  246. password "osbnirc"; /* only for type webirc */
  247. };
  249. alias as { nick AsciiServ; type services; }; alias asciiserv { nick AsciiServ; type services; };
  250. alias os { nick OperServ; type services; }; alias operserv { nick OperServ; type services; };
  251. alias cs { nick ChanServ; type services; }; alias chanserv { nick ChanServ; type services; };
  252. alias ns { nick NickServ; type services; }; alias nickserv { nick NickServ; type services; };
  253. alias us { nick NickServ; type services; }; alias nickserv { nick NickServ; type services; };
  254. //alias us { nick UserServ; type services; }; alias userserv { nick UserServ; type services; };
  255. alias bs { nick BotServ; type services; }; alias botserv { nick BotServ; type services; };
  256. alias ms { nick MemoServ; type services; }; alias memoserv { nick MemoServ; type services; };
  257. alias hs { nick HostServ; type services; }; alias hostserv { nick HostServ; type services; };
  258. alias h1 { nick HostServ1; type stats; }; alias hostserv1 { nick HostServ; type stats; };
  259. alias ss { nick StatServ; type normal; }; alias statserv { nick StatServ; type normal; };
  260. alias gs { nick GameServ; type normal; }; alias gameserv { nick GameServ; type normal; };
  261. alias g1 { nick GameServ1; type stats; }; alias gameserv1 { nick GameServ1; type stats; };
  262. alias ws { nick StupidServ; type normal; }; alias stupidserv { nick StupidServ; type normal; };
  263. alias xs { nick SecureServ; type stats; }; alias secureserv { nick SecureServ; type stats; };
  264. alias ls { nick LimitServ; type stats; }; alias limitserv { nick LimitServ; type stats; };
  265. alias qs { nick QuoteServ; type stats; }; alias quoteserv { nick QuoteServ; type stats; };
  266. alias ts { nick TextServ; type stats; }; alias textserv { nick TextServ; type stats; };
  267. alias vs { nick vHostServ; type services; }; alias vhostserv { nick vHostServ; type services; };
  268. alias op { nick opsb; type stats; }; alias opsb { nick opsb; type stats; };
  269. alias bl { nick blsb; type stats; }; alias blsb { nick blsb; type stats; };
  270. alias df { nick Defender; type normal; }; alias Defender { nick Defender; type normal; };
  271. alias bo { nick Defender; type normal; }; alias bopm { nick bopm; type normal; };
  272. alias fs { nick FloodServ; type stats; }; alias floodserv { nick FloodServ; type stats; };
  273. alias es { nick SeenServ; type stats; }; alias seenserv { nick SeenServ; type stats; };
  274. alias ne { nick NeoStats; type stats; }; alias neostats { nick NeoStats; type stats; };
  275. alias zs { nick CzechServ; type normal; }; alias czechserv { nick CzechServ; type normal; };
  276. alias sb { nick SupyBot; type normal; }; alias supybot { nick SupyBot; type normal; };
  277. alias pi { nick PieSpy; type normal; }; alias piespy { nick PieSpy; type normal; };
  278. alias cb { nick CuteB0t; type normal; }; alias cuteb0t { nick CuteB0t; type normal; };
  279. alias fn { nick Skynet; type normal; }; alias Undefined { nick Skynet; type normal; };
  280. alias sn { nick Skynet; type normal; }; alias Skynet { nick Skynet; type normal; };
  281. alias nt { nick NtServ; type normal; }; alias ntserv { nick NtServ; type normal; };
  282. alias bb { nick Betabot; type normal; }; alias betabot { nick Betabot; type normal; };
  283. alias ps { nick ProfileServ; type stats; }; alias profileserv { nick ProfileServ; type stats; };
  284. alias al { nick ALIS; type services; }; alias alis { nick ALIS; type services; };
  285. alias gl { nick Global; type services; }; alias global { nick Global; type services; };
  286. alias nm { nick NetMonkey; type normal; }; alias netmonkey { nick NetMonkey; type normal; };
  288. alias "global" {
  289. format ".+" {
  290. target "operserv";
  291. type services;
  292. parameters "global %1-";
  293. };
  294. type command;
  295. };
  298. official-channels {
  299. "#abn-irc" { topic "Welcome to the official ABN-IRC Channel! | Tier 1 - #abn-irc, Tier 2 - #nttalk, Tier 3 - #wintalk | To get into #nttalk, you must provide quality discussion. Bots are allowed. Drama, however, is not!"; };
  300. "#nttalk" { topic "Welcome to #nttalk, as it used to be in the old days (owned by everyone) :: All bots allowed, no spam, drama, or abuse, or you will be kicked :: * &WinBot ( Quit (Quit: WinBot: If it had breasts I'd marry it.)"; };
  301. "#wintalk" { topic "Welcome to #wintalk, where maturity and sanity come to play! :: 'Tis true, War. War Never Changes. :: Anti-#nttalk since April 11th, 2010 at 3:25PM ET"; };
  302. "#anime" { topic "Welcome to #anime, the official anime channel. | OBattler currently watching Kirarin Revolution, on episode 9 of 130+, ganbatteru ne~! ^_^ | OBattler currently fan-subbing Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, to Polish, fan-sub group #Uu~ - based on English fan-subs by WinD (We are in Deial), with permission." ; };
  303. "#forumzone" { topic "Welcome to #ForumZone, where we discuss the Ring. | The Ring thr3E slanted for 2011, the Loop movie seems to have been forgotten completely. | Apparently, there exists a Birthday radio drama, and MasterOfPuppets even has it. :O | No drama, or spam, please. ;)" ; };
  304. };
  306. alias "superadmin" {
  307. format ".+" {
  308. target "operserv";
  309. type services;
  310. parameters "set superadmin %1-";
  311. };
  312. type command;
  313. };
  315. tld {
  316. mask *@*;
  317. motd ircd.motd;
  318. rules ircd.motd;
  319. shortmotd ircd.motd;
  320. opermotd ircd.motd;
  321. botmotd ircd.motd;
  322. // channel "#abn-irc";
  323. options {
  324. //ssl;
  325. };
  326. };
  328. allow {
  329. ip *@*;
  330. hostname *@*;
  331. class clients;
  332. //password "$epEHCE5i$6ZUwpBh8X15pxKxhHGsoRIvgwE0=" { sha1; };
  333. maxperip 5;
  334. redirect-server;
  335. redirect-port 6667;
  336. options {
  337. };
  338. };
  342. except ban {
  343. mask *@localhost;
  344. };
  346. except ban {
  347. mask *@;
  348. };
  350. except ban {
  351. mask *@;
  352. };
  354. except ban {
  355. mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  356. };
  366. except tkl {
  367. mask *;
  368. //mask *@localhost;
  369. //mask *@;
  370. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  371. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  372. type {
  373. gline;
  374. gzline;
  375. qline;
  376. gqline;
  377. shun;
  378. };
  379. };
  381. except tkl {
  382. mask *@;
  383. //mask *@localhost;
  384. //mask *@;
  385. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  386. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  387. type {
  388. gline;
  389. gzline;
  390. qline;
  391. gqline;
  392. shun;
  393. };
  394. };
  397. except tkl {
  398. mask *@localhost;
  399. //mask *@localhost;
  400. //mask *@;
  401. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  402. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  403. type {
  404. gline;
  405. gzline;
  406. qline;
  407. gqline;
  408. shun;
  409. };
  410. };
  412. except tkl {
  413. mask *@;
  414. //mask *@localhost;
  415. //mask *@;
  416. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  417. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  418. type {
  419. gline;
  420. gzline;
  421. qline;
  422. gqline;
  423. shun;
  424. };
  425. };
  427. except tkl {
  428. mask *@;
  429. //mask *@localhost;
  430. //mask *@;
  431. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  432. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  433. type {
  434. gline;
  435. gzline;
  436. qline;
  437. gqline;
  438. shun;
  439. };
  440. };
  443. except tkl {
  444. mask *@187.*;
  445. //mask *@localhost;
  446. //mask *@;
  447. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  448. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  449. type {
  450. gline;
  451. gzline;
  452. qline;
  453. gqline;
  454. shun;
  455. };
  456. };
  459. except tkl {
  460. mask *@189.*;
  461. //mask *@localhost;
  462. //mask *@;
  463. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  464. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  465. type {
  466. gline;
  467. gzline;
  468. qline;
  469. gqline;
  470. shun;
  471. };
  472. };
  474. except tkl {
  475. mask *;
  476. //mask *@localhost;
  477. //mask *@;
  478. //mask *@osbn-17387BF2;
  479. //mask *@299376C.49F4A997.CB4E1A80.IP;
  480. type {
  481. gline;
  482. gzline;
  483. qline;
  484. gqline;
  485. shun;
  486. };
  487. };
  489. deny channel {
  490. channel "#opers";
  491. reason "IRCops only!";
  492. };
  494. deny channel {
  495. channel "#services";
  496. reason "IRCops only!";
  497. redirect "#services";
  498. };
  500. deny channel {
  501. channel "#netmatters";
  502. reason "Network Admins only!";
  503. };
  505. deny channel {
  506. channel "#netadminlair";
  507. reason "Network Admins only!";
  508. };
  510. deny channel {
  511. channel "##";
  512. reason "No it don't!";
  513. };
  515. deny channel {
  516. channel "#";
  517. reason "No it don't!";
  518. };
  520. deny channel {
  521. channel "###";
  522. reason "No it don't!";
  523. };
  525. ban nick {
  526. mask "*Serv*";
  527. reason "Reserved for Services";
  528. };
  530. // Datacenter one :
  531. cgiirc {
  532. type webirc;
  533. hostname;
  534. password "$yeaRADYN$goXreFHej4r3kVIre5fY3R1MzPY=" { sha1; }; // no brackets ;)
  535. };
  536. // Datacenter two:
  537. cgiirc {
  538. type webirc;
  539. hostname;
  540. password "$yeaRADYN$goXreFHej4r3kVIre5fY3R1MzPY=" { sha1; }; // same password as above!
  541. };
  542. // Datacenter three:
  543. cgiirc {
  544. type webirc;
  545. hostname;
  546. password "$yeaRADYN$goXreFHej4r3kVIre5fY3R1MzPY=" { sha1; }; // same password as above!
  547. };
  548. // Datacenter four:
  549. cgiirc {
  550. type webirc;
  551. hostname;
  552. password "$yeaRADYN$goXreFHej4r3kVIre5fY3R1MzPY=" { sha1; }; // same password as above!
  553. };
  555. link
  556. {
  557. username *;
  558. hostname;
  559. bind-ip *;
  560. port 7000;
  561. hub *;
  562. password-connect "sayumipwns26";
  563. password-receive "sayumipwns26";
  564. class servers;
  565. };
  566. /*
  567. link
  568. {
  569. username *;
  570. hostname;
  571. bind-ip *;
  572. port 7000;
  573. hub *;
  574. password-connect "mypass";
  575. password-receive "mypass";
  576. class servers;
  577. };*/
  579. link
  580. {
  581. username *;
  582. hostname *;
  583. bind-ip *;
  584. port 5412;
  585. hub *;
  586. password-connect "mypass";
  587. password-receive "mypass";
  588. class servers;
  589. };
  591. link
  592. {
  593. username *;
  594. hostname *;
  595. bind-ip *;
  596. port 5412;
  597. hub *;
  598. password-connect "mypass";
  599. password-receive "mypass";
  600. class servers;
  601. };
  603. link
  604. {
  605. username *;
  606. hostname *;
  607. bind-ip *;
  608. port 5412;
  609. hub *;
  610. password-connect "mypass";
  611. password-receive "mypass";
  612. class servers;
  613. };
  615. link
  616. {
  617. username *;
  618. hostname *;
  619. bind-ip *;
  620. port 5412;
  621. hub *;
  622. password-connect "mypass";
  623. password-receive "mypass";
  624. class servers;
  625. };
  628. set {
  629. network-name "MoeNet-IRC";
  630. default-server "";
  631. services-server "";
  632. stats-server "";
  633. help-channel "#help";
  634. hiddenhost-prefix "osbn";
  635. prefix-quit "Quit:";
  636. master-password "$Q+rkla3X$c53nq20rh67n0u5rs3WcMFBtNE4=" { sha1; };
  637. //netadmins-are-gods yes;
  638. cloak-keys {
  639. "aoAr1HnR6gl3sJ7hVz4Zb7x4YwpW";
  640. "a890A8907aS0A89702xAbfAS3124";
  641. "0sd7r02304zAXq3f4242423vX412";
  642. };
  644. hosts {
  645. local "";
  646. global "";
  647. coadmin "";
  648. admin "";
  649. servicesadmin "";
  650. netadmin "";
  651. host-on-oper-up "no";
  652. };
  653. dns "";
  654. kline-address "";
  655. gline-address "not@available";
  656. snomask-on-oper "+cefFGjknNoqsSvO";
  657. allowed-nickchars { chinese-ja; };
  658. modes-on-connect "+iwx";
  659. //restrict-usermodes "x";
  660. modes-on-oper "+xwWgs";
  661. modes-on-join +CTnt;
  662. oper-auto-join "#opers,#services";
  663. options { hide-ulines; show-connect-info; identd-check; };
  664. maxchannelsperuser 20;
  665. maxbans 100;
  666. maxbanlength 4096;
  667. allow-userhost-change force-rejoin;
  668. anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
  669. oper-only-stats "*";
  670. throttle { connections 127; period 20s; };
  671. anti-flood { nick-flood 3:60; };
  672. spamfilter { ban-time 10m; ban-reason "Spam/Advertising"; virus-help-channel "#vhelp"; };
  673. /*antirandom {
  674. /* THRESHOLD:
  675. * This is pretty much the most important setting of all.
  676. * For every randomly looking ident the user gets a certain amount of
  677. * 'points', if this value reaches 'threshold' then the appropriate
  678. * action is taken (killed, *lined, see later on).
  679. * lower = more randomly looking users will be catched (but also more
  680. * innocent users)
  681. * higher = less chance of innocent users getting killed, but also less
  682. * chance on bots getting catched.
  683. * <2: DON'T!!
  684. * 4: Works good, probably a few more innocent kills but if you got
  685. * quite a bot problem then this might be a useful setting.
  686. * 5: Works well with few innocent kills, probably good to begin with.
  687. * 6: If you want to be a tad more careful
  688. * >6: For the paranoid. Module can still be quite effective, though :)
  689. */
  690. threshold 5;
  692. /* BAN-ACTION:
  693. * Action to take whenever the user is catched as random, options:
  694. * kill, gline, gzline, kline, zline, shun, tempshun
  695. */
  696. ban-action gline;
  698. /* BAN-TIME:
  699. * Time to ban the user (irrelevant for tempshun/kill).
  700. * Something between 1 hour and 2 days is recommended.
  701. * If you set it higher than 3 or 4 days then you get quite a risk
  702. * of catching innocent users due to dynamic IP, not to mention
  703. * your *line list gets filled up... so choose it wisely.
  704. */
  705. ban-time 4h;
  707. /* BAN-REASON:
  708. * The ban (or kill) reason to use.
  709. * You might want to put in an entry to a FAQ or an email address
  710. * where users can mail if they have been catched and don't know what to do.
  711. * NOTE: One of the various reasons that ""innocent users"" are catched is
  712. * if they just randomly type in info for their nick, ident, or realname.
  713. */
  714. ban-reason "You look like a bot. Be sure to fill in your nick/ident/realname properly.";
  717. * If enabled, then upon loading it will check all users that are currently
  718. * connected and give a status report about who it would have killed.
  719. * Note that it doesn't actually kill any currently connected users, it is for
  720. * informative purposes only.
  721. * This can be (very) useful if you use the module for the first time.
  722. * But you probably want to disable it after a while, since once the module
  723. * is actively dealing with randomly looking persons, it shouldn't report any
  724. * users anymore on load and then this check only eats useless CPU on /REHASH.
  725. */
  726. fullstatus-on-load yes;
  729. * This will send out a notice whenever a randomly looking user has been catched
  730. * during connecting. Obviously this can be pretty noisy.
  731. * Especially recommended to enable during the first few days you use this module.
  732. */
  733. show-failedconnects yes;
  735. /* EXCEPT-HOSTS:
  736. * Hostmasks on this list are matched against the IP and hostname of the connecting
  737. * user. If it matches then we do not check if the nick/ident/realname is random.
  738. * If you are using CGI:IRC on your network, then you probably want to put that
  739. * IP/host here.
  740. * NOTE: Use the REAL host or IP here, not any cloaked hosts!
  741. */
  742. except-hosts {
  743. "*-*-*-*"
  744. "";
  745. "";
  746. };
  747. };*/
  749. };
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