
Chapter 1 of MRVerse.

Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. Chapter 1 of MRVerse.
  3. In this universe, humanity have lived with wonderful creatures called Monsters since the beginning of time. At times, they help us with our daily lives, but for the most part, they are instrumental in the best sport known as Monster Battling, where 2 monsters duke it out in the ring in front of thousands of people for glory, pride, and money. The human who train them are called Trainers, the homes they resides in are called Ranches. Their are many other schools which teaches how to train monsters, some of the best ones being paid by rich families like the Schnees, Brandos, and Faradays. There are 3 organizations that take care of monster affairs...the FIMBA for both the Togle and Ryuwn regions....the IMA for Torble, and the AGIMA for Vizley.(edited)
  5. The story begin in the 1st week of April with 3 people between the age of 19-21, the 1st one is a dark skinned girl with bright green hair and an orange top on with matching shorts on. Besides her is a Mew monster known as a MumMew, mixed with the blood of a Pixie with tiny wings on it's pink cat-doll body. The sole male with them is a suave looking man with grey hair and a black shirt underneath a grey vest while wearing steel clad shoes on. Walking next to him is a Griffonyte, a Raiden mixed with the armor of a Durahan. As the 2 of them argue, the leader of them, a woman in a red dress with long black hair and golden eyes to her, is a Naga holding the trophy of the tournament he just won.
  7. "You only won because of that lucky Plow Kick of your Mars hitting Garnet, Mercury!!" The girl yells at the smug smiling male who crosses his arms.
  9. "Well, not my thought you felt that using Stab there was a good idea, Emerald!" Chuckling as he uncrosses his arms, Mercury leans down to rub her hair in a condescending manner while his monster, clad in Durahan Armor to contrast his black/brown feathers with a visor covering his eyes, smirk at the fuming Mummew before him.
  11. "..." The woman behind them keep to herself as her peons(She don't really consider them friends, more like underlings...which they don't mind either) argue with each other before eventually, they began to get annoying with their constant bickering. A feeling which her Naga shares judging by the low hissing it's making.
  13. "Enough from the both of you, What matter here is that I, Cinder, won and the 3 of us took the top 3."
  14. The 2 peons silent themselves as they cower before the older person. Mercury begins to speak up..
  16. "Yo-you're right, Cinder...we should walk past this issue and move on with our lives...Silly Emerald..." He look at her with a slight condescending look as he walk on ahead.....unaware of him walking next to a Disc Stone store and someone walking out of it. "You should learn to get over such small issues in life an-"He never finished as he bumps into that person who walk out of the store with their drink spilling all over Mercury's vest much to his horror and Emerald's laughing fit.
  18. "AHHHHH!!! MY BEST VEST!!!"
  22. Only Cinder seems to be the one looking at the person before them with a critical eye. The male is a black teen looking to be about 19 years of age with a blue jacket with the zipper open to show a white shirt underneath it. He have on blue jeans on with white sneakers and a backpack on. In his hands was a empty pop that he look at with a sad gaze..
  24. "(He looks like a total threat at all.)"
  26. " bad dude...Look, let me hel-"
  28. He didn't get to finish his sentence as Mercury rise up and punch him in the face, which doesn't make him fall down, only take a step back from the hit itself.
  32. And then Mercury get punched back by the guy who get knocked down to the ground from his punch. Mars, Mercury's monster, growls as he cracks his knuckles....
  36. The male stop talking as Mars grab him by his jacket and hold him up off the ground, making him drop his empty pop on the ground. By now a very small crowd of people are watching this happening as Mercury rubs his bloody face with his nose leaking...Emerald have stopped her laughing and is watching to see how Mercury will handle it. along with Cinder.
  38. "You fucking bastard..."Mercury glare at the male while Mars cocked a fist back, awaiting the order to punch the person... "I'll make you fucking pay for this....Mars, Sma-"
  40. "What the hell is gonna on here...?"
  42. Mercury flinches as he and the others turn around to see a man with a stubble on his chin with black hair slicked back in a white button-up shirt with black jeans walking towards them who seems to be in his low 40's...the symbol on his shirt with the Monster Shrine for Togle shows him as the boss there. There's also a flask of alcohol in his hand as he takes a swig from it and approaches them.
  44. "Now what I see here is a clear violation of the rules here set by our queen Robin here....And it IS my duty to report such things to the higher-ups around here..." At this, Mercury sweats...he knows that he could lose his license for Monster Training and then all that he worked for will be taken away from his hands...Cinder rolls her eyes out of the sight of this adult and turn to him with a more apologetic tone in her voice
  46. "Please forgive my friend here, he tends to be a very hasty person regarding his temper..I assure you this won't happen again as I will see to it that he shall be punished for this." If Mercury wasn't scared before, he's quaking in his boots now as Cinder must be feeling embarrassed enough to do this...And he knows that he will pay DEARLY for this tonight. Doesn't help that Emerald and her MmMew are hiding their smirks at his misfortune. By now, Mars have let go of the male who stands up after being dropped on the floor. The adult have a look on that speaks of him not buying the excuse, but he let it go with a shake of his head.
  48. "Fine, just get out of my sight, you 3....." Cinder bows and turn as she walk off, brushing harshly against Mercury's shoulder and almost knocking the black male down as her Naga slithers behind her.
  49. "I hope you are well-prepared for tonight, pal...Cinder just brought a new toy from Bad Dragon...Heheheheh" Emerald snickers as she walk past a frightened Mercury who pales in horror...before he look at the black male with anger in his eyes....
  51. "This isn't over between s, pal..." And he too, with his monster, walk off. Leaving the male to his own thoughts and devices. The adult walk to him with a bored look. "You ok there, kid?"
  52. "Huh?" The male turns towards him just as the adult looked at his backpack and noticed a rather familiar symbol on it. "(That's the symbol of Beacon Academy, located in Ryuwn..My old school.)"
  54. "Yeah, I'm fine..." He dust his pants off and check the disc stone in his backpack... "My disc stone is fine as well, good...Been quite a trip for me to find this stone...glad I did tho." The disc stone is brown like a Hare's fur...showing what kind of monster is inside the stone. "Been looking for Hares all week since I graduated from Beacon Academy..."
  56. "So i see....." Rubbing his chin, the adult decides to help this teen out. "Well, you're in luck, I'm on my way to the shrine now. Care to come with?"
  58. "Sure." The male hold his hand out with a small smile. "I'm Jalen Pruett."
  60. "Qrow Branwen." The adult take a swig of his beer and does the same...Jalen meanwhile widens his eyes in shock. "THE Qrow Branwen?? The one who had raise a bunch of monsters such as Raidens, Tigers, and even the rare Wrackys??" Qrow chuckles as he walk on ahead with Jalen following him.. "The one and only..tho now I've retired and decided to take charge of the shrine here...."
  62. They continued to walk towards the shrine in the morning part of the day as many other people walk past them...most of them recognizing Qrow from both being the head priest at the shrine, and from his career of Monster Training.
  64. Eventually, they arrive at the shrine on a hill above the town with a staircase built into the ground leading to said shrine....Jalen look up and take it all in as Qrow leads him to the shrine...
  66. "Well, c'mon, the monster won't wake itself up if you stay down there...."
  68. Jalen nods and he walk up the stairs and enter the shrine. It's a rather nice looking church-like building with many people walking around with some of them being breeders with their newborn monsters...Zuums, Mocchis, Suezos, the likes of which Jalen read all the time in his books back at Beacon. Qrow leads the lad up to a disc unlocker-a device that opens up like a CD Player where the person place the disc stone in. After that, on top of it is a podium where the monster is born. The podium change sizes depending on the monster itself.- and have Jalen stand before it.
  70. "Now.." Qrow walk around to the side and stand behind Jalen. "I'm sure you know how to unlock discs, right?" Of course Qrow knew this, he and his friends along with his older twin sister went to Beacon and assuming Professor Ozpin didn't changed the courses...Jalen must had went through it as well. "Of course!" And to his correct guess, Jalen does know it as he place the disc inside the device....Soon, the Disc Unlocker begin to come on and create a lot of energy....Jalen take a step and 2 back to watch the magic happen as sparks shoot all around the machine...the podium begins to shine brightly as a shape begins to form on the top...soon, the light dies down as a bunny like monster uncurls itself and stretches his body out with a yawn...He look at Jalen and hop off of the podium and give him a curious gaze.
  72. "A rather cute monster, huh?" Qrow speaks out loud as Jalen nods and rubs the Hare's head. "Yeah, I've been looking for one since graduation..." The Hare leans his head to the rub with a small smile, allready liking his new trainer.
  74. "Allrighty then, so what the name you got for him?"
  76. Jalen take no second to think as he nods to himself...
  78. "Broly."
  80. Qrow nods and lead the 2 out of the shrine and down the stairs...they are back in the lobby of the town and now that the sun is setting, Jalen and Broly are ready to head to the ranch that Jalen just brought some week ago...
  81. And so...Jalen heads off to train his Hare...and to begin his journey to become the best trainer ever!
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