
Leave the brownies alone

Nov 21st, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was standing at the stove with a large stock pot sitting on the burner, a wooden spoon in her hand as she stirred the vegetable soup she'd been making. Leaning over to smell the broth simmering all the assorted vegetables, she smiled and turned back to the counter, continuing to measure out ingredients for the brownies she waas baking.-
  2. Covet: Felix pulled up into the driveway after his shif at the Library. He looked beat, and he was still a little bleh, but he was feeling a fair amount better than he had been. When he walked into the house, after shuffling past the dogs, he smiled, "Mmmm That smells amazing, what are you brewing over there?" He asked her walking up to her and put his hands on her hips. "And is that... Brownies... What's this all about?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She glanced up when she heard the dogs making a fuss at the front door, seeing Felix on his way in. "Trying to get a jump on some things that take longer to prep for Thursday." she smiled as he put his hands on her hips, leaning into him to give him a kiss. "Anything I can get out of the way and not cook on Thursday, is good. I figured you could have some soup now though. It'll make your throat feel better. The brownies you can't touch yet."-
  4. Covet: "So those brownies aren't for tonight then?" He said with a bit of a frown, because he had gotten hopeful. He leaned back into her kiss. "Thank you, It's a little sore, but today's actually been pretty good on the sick front. Didn't even have to take anything for my nose."
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Brownies are for Thursday. Soup is for tonight. Why don't you be moderately tall and get yourself a bowl?" She asked, giving his side a quick rub before going back to her brownie making, stirring the batter in the bowl. "See? That's good. You'll be in perfect health for Thanksgiving."-
  6. Covet: "Wait you mean I have to wait TWO WHOLE DAYS for brownies?" He whined out. "Have you cleared it with Cadence about My mom and brother coming?" Felix asked as he got himself out a bowl, and held it out to her to put soup in. "Can I at least have the spatchula and the bowl?"
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Oh noooo two WHOLE days." She whined, mocking him. "So tragic." Turning to grab the pan she'd set out and greased, she started to pour the batter in, scraping the sides until she was satisfied that the bowl was clear. "Yes you can. Don't die from salmonella." She said as she set it to the side for him. "Uh... no. I did not. Because I'm an inconsiderate asshole. I guess I should probably do that, right?"-
  8. Covet: "You know you could at least try to be sympathetic to my plight." He told her in an unamused tone. While she was doing things with bowl he watched then pouted as she didn't leave that much. "The cases of that actually happening are so rare." He said with a scoff taking the bowl and spatchula, both of them being licked clean quickly. "I'm sure it won't be that big of a deal right?"
  9. Alexithymiaa: "With our luck? The chances of it happening to you go up drastically." Shaking the pan a bit to even out the batter, she turned and opened the oven, sliding the pan in and then setting the timer. "I doubt she'll mind. We're bringing so much food as it is, it's not like we'll be in short supply for two extra mouths."-
  10. Covet: "Ouch, that hurts. I've eaten batter plenty of times and have been fine." He said rolling his eyes at her. "If she knows how to cook for her husband and the fact that I'm going to be there. I'm sure she is very properly prepared."
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She paused, setting her hands down on the counter to think. "I don't think I've ever actually had Cadence's cooking. Between the so few instances that we've been in situations where she's cooked, and the fact that I'm a huge pain in the ass... I'm pretty sure I never have."-
  12. Covet: "Oh, so the reality of one of us dying on Thursday is a real one?" Felix asked as he looked at Steph, then at his still empty soup bowl with a bit of a pout since his brownie batter was almost gone.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Well I didn't say that. I think she's cooked for others and they're all still alive. Either that or Remy has an iron stomach. Which both might be true." Crossing her arms over her chest, she leaned back against the counter. "Do I have to serve you soup, too?"-
  14. Covet: "Well, I'm sure it's not the first time someone's been called an ambulance on a holiday. Or been brought into the ER for food poisoning." Felix said with a shrug, then nodded his head, "Pleaaaaase. It won't make me feel better unless it has your caring touch all the way until I put it in my stomach."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She watched him for a moment and then took his bowl, spinning around to ladle soup into the bowl for him. "You're lucky you're cute. And for the record, I tell Alfred that every day when he tries to knock the toothbrushes off the counter." Grabbing a spoon from the drawer, she set it in the bowl and slid it over the counter to him. "Did you talk to your mom and Seb about how long they're staying?"-
  16. Covet: "Eh, I'll take it. Mostly cause Alfred is the cat you've had the longest, so he probably means the most to you. So that means I mean the most to you too." He said with a grin, taking the bowl from her, then looked around, "Oh, crackers?" Felix asked as he took the spoon, dipping it into the soup before bringing it up to his mouth to blow on it. "Yeah, they said if it's not too much of an issue, They'd be here through Tuesday night."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I mean... I love them all equally..." She started, before just letting it go. "But whatever helps you sleep at night. I think the crackers are on the shelf under the microwave." She said as she grabbed for her phone, sliding her fingers over the screen. "I already told you they can stay whenever they want for however long they want."-
  18. Covet: "Sure you do. And parents say that about their kids, but everyone knows they have a subconcious favorite." Felix said and got up to go get the crackers after slurping up a mouthful of soup. "Yeah, but I told her you had plan things going on for me, and she didn't want to interupt, and I told her, that you already said I couldnt' tell her no."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Of course they do. And I'm your moms subconscious favorite. Or conscious favorite... ya' know, whatever." She said with a smug grin, beaming at him like an asshole. "I do have plans for you, but we can work around their presence. Maybe we'll send them to dinner Sunday night and you can have your fun while they're gone?"-
  20. Covet: "Both... Definitely both." He said rolling his eyes at her, then nodded as he sat back down with his crackers and soup. "I think that could be good, Maybe Dinner and a movie? you know.. to give ourselves plenty of time." Felix said making waggly brows at her.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Kind of sounds like you found what to give your brother for your birthday that will also sate your complete lack of interest in doing something nice for him since you have ulterior motives." She smiled and turned to the oven when the timer went off, using an oven mitt to pull the brownies out and set them down to cool.-
  22. Covet: "Hey you're right, that's a fantastic idea." He said perking up. Felix perked up even more when the timer went off, even though he wasn't getting those brownies.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I'm just so full of them." She said with a smile, removing the oven mitt and walking over to him to loop her arm around his waist. "Tomorrow I'm going to make the blueberry pie, and Thursday I'll make the broccoli squares and the roasted potatoes. That's enough to bring, right?"-
  24. Covet: "I'm sure that's more than Cadence is expecting." Felix said to her. "Pie tomorrow... Woman are you trying to kill my patience?" He said with a whine, finishing up his soup.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Patience, or will power?" She asked him, giving his hair a nice stroke. "I'll be testing your patience when we start planning the wedding. And for the record, you can't take the proposal back regardless of how annoying I get. So good luck with that."-
  26. Covet: "Hmm, Probably will power." He said with a nod pushing the bowl away, looking at her. "I have no intentions of taking it back, Red. And Honestly.. is it weird that I'm not concerned about the wedding plans? I'm pretty much cool with anything. My only demand is that the cakes are delicious, and the music is awesome."
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled, leaning into him. "It's not weird. I wouldn't say I'm concerned, but I do want it to be perfect. Perfect can mean so many different things though, so until I figure out what that is, I will be as annoying as a human possibly can be."-
  28. Covet: "Be as annoying as you need to be, hun. I can handle it." He said wrapping an arm around her and pressed a kiss to her head. "Are you sure I can't have one brownie tonight?"
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I'm positive you cannot have one brownie until they are on Cadence's table being served for dessert." She said in a sweet voice to disguise how rejected he was. "Do you think it would weird if I asked your mom to come with me when it came time to shop for a dress?"-
  30. Covet: "UGH... Fine." He said with a pout. "Are you kidding me? She'd be honored to go with you. She'll probably cry when you ask her."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Well I don't want her to cry. It's just that you're supposed to take close friends and your mom. Of course I'm going to bring Cadence, but I need a mom there so we can all cry at the same time when I pick a dress I'll only ever wear once." She leaned in to kiss his cheek, giving his butt a pat. "I'm really thankful for your family."-
  32. Covet: "She's a mom.. she's going to cry." Felix told Steph with a laugh. "You all are going to be bawling. I wish I could be there to laugh at you guys." He said like an ass, then yawned. " You can tell them that at dinner on Thursday."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Hey." She said, nudging him. "You're not seeing shit until the day off. And if you laughed at us crying, I would hit you. In the throat. And then laugh when you cried." She said a little proudly because FUCK YOU thats a moment girls look forward to. "I intend to to tell them on Thursday."-
  34. Covet: "Okay, okay.. So fiesty. Sheesh." He said to her with a laugh. "Good, I'll think of something nice to say that I'm thankful for. I'm going to go climb into bed, unless you need me for anything out here before you come to bed?"
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Well if you don't want fire than don't make fun of us." She spoke matter of factly, leaning up to kiss him. "No, go get yourself into bed. I need you rested and feeling better so you can help me with the pie tomorrow and then I'll let you lick the bowl."-
  36. Covet: "Mmm pie." He said, after kissing her back. He got up and headed to the bedroom to get himself into bed and such.
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