
Asairo impression

Jul 4th, 2019
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  1. One word to describe this VN: Magic.
  3. Easily one of the best VN for me. The amount of emotion that flow into the narrative of this VN is just, amazing. Shumon Yuu is particularly fantastic at creating a powerful emotional moment without using dramatic and sad or painful aspect. It's full of positive feeling, i'm not totally sure how to describe it, but it's so pleasant and make really glad and happy to have read it.
  5. The subject of friendship and relationship that this VN take were delivered in the most unusual and powerful way. This VN really depict the importance and meaning of friendship very impressively. The way Shumon Yuu create a drama around this subject and make you feel really emotional is just absolutely amazing. I think i never seen any other fiction that depict friendship as powerful as Asairo.
  7. As a VN that focus on its character more, the plot in this VN are quite decent. It's especially important to create a possible event for the characters drama to start. The story are told in linear fashion, and divided into 4 chapter. And each chapter have their own title, that will formed into a single title when you finished the story. I think it's really nice to see each time you finished a chapter, the title will changed, and keep changing until you finish the story, when it formed into a single, final, true title.
  9. Shumon Yuu's writing is superb. It's poetic, and have a lot of nuance. He also utilize a lot of wordplay and semantics throughout the story, which plays an important role toward providing an understanding toward the plot, settings, and characters. His prose is particularly really fantastic when depicting an emotional thoughts of a character, which become main reason why this VN is able to make you so emotional over simple and undramatic things. He also utilize multiple perspective from multiple characters, each with their own 'distinct voice' and emotion. However, His prose could be really difficult to comprehend at some point, especially when the character's thoughts are described using the meaning of another things that often require you to understand the cultural significance and the nuance, like name.
  11. When it come for the characters, Asairo undoubtly have really impressive characters. As the main focus, the 四君子characters are truly shaped amazingly, from characters depth to the character development, they all have amazing development. However, it doesn't mean that the other characters are suck, they are great, too. Almost all of the characters got a decent character development throughout the story. The only regrettable things is that all of the characters other than the 四君子 didn't really get much attention here, though some still play a quite a role, some are easily forgettable or is just a meme.
  13. When it come to the art/visual, there's only one word to describe it perfectly: Gorgeous. Asairo is arguably one of VN that has such an amazing art. The background image is astonishing, and the character design is good. The background image truly fit in perfectly with autumn settings in this VN, creating a fantastic atmosphere.
  15. Together with the art/visual, the music in Asairo played a big role in creating such a fantastic atmosphere. It's great. It fit perfectly with the settings, and make an emotional scene more emotional when the music kicks in.
  17. Overall, a powerful VN that bewitch me to read with emotion and feels really good after. Definitely one of the best and memorable VN for me.
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