
Additional Info About Jungle Freaks NFT

Jan 14th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. How to Kill an NFT: the Story of Jungle Freaks
  4. This document provides additional notes that were not able to make it into the video. If there are any questions on the below (or anything else related to Jungle Freaks and/or the actors involved), I'll be sure to answer all questions left in the YouTube comments.
  6. Act 1: FUD
  8. - IMO Zeneca takes a huge amount of blame for what happened to the Jungle Freaks project after the racism FUD released. At the time of the incident, Zeneca occupied a highly influential role in the NFT community, being able to literally move the NFT market with his tweets and blog posts. If Jungle Freaks had a chance at staging a comeback, Zeneca put the nail in the coffin when he announced the project's death. After Trosley Sr. spoke about the context of the cartoons, Zeneca tweeted a follow-up post admitting he got the situation wrong; but it was too little, too late. The project was already doomed. I wonder if the project would have survived if Zeneca sided with JF from the start.
  10. - I note in the video that Trosley Sr. worked for Larry Flynt at Hustler Magazine. It's worth noting that Flynt was an extremely progressive individual. In fact, Flynt was left permanently paralyzed in a wheel chair when he was shot by white supremacist serial killer, Joseph Paul Franklin, in 1978. Franklin confessed years later that he was outraged by an interracial photo shoot in Hustler.
  12. - I note that PrintMyMint was working as an NFT promoter and never disclosed his financial interests. In the U.S. stock market, this activity is called "Stock Promotion" and is an extremely illegal practice. But it's not clear to me what laws, if any, apply to NFT markets.
  14. - The inside source that told me PrintMyMint (PMM) is a known "threat actor" went radio silent after the exchange I showed on screen, so unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to see his additional materials on PMM's dealings.
  16. - One source that was close friends with THEPRINCE back when the racism allegations surfaced says that THEPRINCE was blackmailed by the racism allegations. He refused to give in to the anonymous individual's demands, so the racism FUD was released. This source believes this individual was either PrintMyMint or someone working for him.
  19. Act 2: ABANDONED
  21. - Kalidor Media Group and Ken Cantrill are both based in Australia
  23. - Ken believes the JF community should hold animosity towards THEPRINCE since he walked away from the project with an estimated $3.5 to $5 million. However, I personally do not believe THEPRINCE should take any blame or be considered a rug-puller. THEPRINCE stayed with the project and continue to ship (or attempt to ship) new features for nearly a full year AFTER the racism FUD crashed the project. The guy truly gave it his all IMO.
  25. - Insiders disagree on exactly why THEPRINCE ended up giving the project to Ken. One side says he chose Ken simply because he didn't have to leave any assets with the project. The other side argues that THEPRINCE walked away from the transfer to the 5 senior members because the members were taking too long to finalize the details on their end and kept stalling. There were questions about which of the five would take legal ownership, as such a transaction would come with significant future tax implications.
  27. - Why did THEPRINCE ultimately choose to leave the project? I'm told the racism FUD and ensuing backlash became too much for him and his family to handle.
  29. Act 3: LOOT
  31. - The material covered in the third act of the video is only a small fraction of all the information I uncovered, which will now be presented below.
  33. - First, a word on Ken: Ken operates what I call a "social ponzi scheme". In a traditional ponzi scheme (think Bernie Madoff), money is taken in from new investors in order to pay off the losses of old investors. This means that a constant flow of new capital is required to perpetuate the scheme. Ken has been doing this exact thing, except instead of trading in financial capital (money), he's trading in social capital (relationships). For example, Ken will get lucky and become friends with a prominent individual, named AAA. Ken will seek to form a closer relationship with a new contact, prominent individual BBB. So Ken will introduce BBB to AAA, effectively raising his own social capital in the eyes of both prominent individuals (BBB thinks Ken must be legit since he knows AAA). BUT - inevitably, these prominent individuals will figure out that Ken never executes or gets anything done, so they'll eventually stop associating with him. Ken's challenge is therefore to leverage the relationships with AAA and BBB - while he still has them - to go form new relationships with CCC, DDD, etc. And the scheme continues... Hence, a "social ponzi scheme".
  35. - Ken justifies not paying the Discord mods by noting a clause saying that if they brought the project into disrepute, the contract would not be upheld. Ken feels this is fair because the mods began publicly trashing Ken in the Discord. There are other community members that are also owed money by Ken, but Ken feels none of these individuals have done enough community engagement work to earn their pay.
  37. - The acquisition of Steven Tyler Sahlein and Stephen Meier for the Jungle Freaks movie was a product of Ken's "social ponzi scheme" explained above. These guys both thought Ken was legit based on other contacts Ken had at the time. That said, I'm told the main reason why both individuals sought to leave the project is that they had no idea about the previous racism FUD around the project; when they found out, they were horrified. Steven Tyler Sahlein in particular has deep connections to Disney - a family-friendly corporation - so doing a movie related to racism artwork could severely damage his repuation amongst his network in Hollywood.
  39. - I'm told that when Ken insulted Cameron Hood, he was under the influence of alcohol; the insult wasn't intentional. Ken later described Cameron as a "nutjob". Ken continued using Cameron's name for personal gain even after their falling out.
  41. - Possible storylines for the Jungle Freaks TV show were to be set in the year 2077 (did Ken play Cyberpunk?) and were to feature the zombies and gorillas - once fierce rivals - coming together to defeat a greater foe that invades their planet.
  43. - Some of the names Ken dropped that he was talking to for the Jungle Freaks TV show/movie included Chris Hemsworth, Ice T, and Snoop Dogg.
  45. - Ken has current plans to restart the "Dead Air" podcast that uses the original JF artwork.
  47. - Ken once bragged that he was going to have Kalidor Media Group listed on the Dow Jones. This doesn't even make sense because Dow Jones is a stock market index, not a stock market exchange. Ken suggested that Peter Viska be chairman of the company while he himself takes the CEO spot (note that his current title at Kalidor is "Head of Creative"). Also this is really funny because Ken is effectly trying to IPO an NFT project - pretty insane when you think about that.
  49. - Andy Pringle (founder of Martians vs. Rednecks NFT project) claims he has nothing to do with Kalidor media group. But leaked filings I've acquired show that Kalidor Media Group in the U.K. has the same address as Andy/MvR. Andy has also signed contracts with Ken giving him ownership of 20% of Jungle Freaks, as shown in my ownership chart. In exchange for this, Andy gave Ken (or, presumably, Kalidor) 20% ownership of MvR.
  51. - There is a lot of confusion around the difference between Xentrix Studios and Kalidor Media Group. My research shows that Xentrix is a separate animation studio based in India. Ken and Peter Viska had contacts there and have worked with them in the past, and sought to set up the NFT media company as a subsidiary to Xentrix Studio (hence why it's called Xentrix Studios Australis). However, there was a falling out between Xentrix and Ken/Peter so this partnership has since been completely disolved. Kalidor is now Ken/Peter's replacement for Xentrix Studios Australia.
  53. - CA SEGA refers to "China Animation Sega", which is an animatoin studio in China owned by the Sega video game company. This contact was allegedly brought to Ken by Jason Tang, an HSBC banker in Hong Kong that focuses on serving the bank's most elite high net-worth individuals (Tang apparently knows someone in the Sega family and somehow he got involved in helping Ken raise money for JF/Kalidor). Ken mentioned sometime in late 2022 or early 2023 that they were working on a video game for Jungle Freaks, and hinted at it being from a big Japanese publisher - this is who he was referring to.
  55. - Ken has routinely hired freelance artists for his various projects and then never paid them.
  57. - The IRS report filed by noharmdone (username does NOT check out lol) did significant damage to Ken's reputation and business dealings. He had several partnerships in place at the time of that report that were all voided as a result of that complaint. Ken continues to complain about noharmdone to this very day, and claims that he singlehandedly destroyed many months of progress for Jungle Freaks.
  59. - Ken has racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in outstanding bills and/or commitments due to his foray into NFTs over the past couple years. People familiar with him claim he is financially insolvent.
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