
Session 17: ...and Effect

Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. [2014-03-22 20:25:33] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session 17====
  2. [2014-03-22 20:26:34] <CrystalDM> 03Combat in the Wastelands is not uncommon. Indeed, much of the native fauna will try to exterminate the native sentient life forms with gusto. Let's watch how this white unicorn handles this larger species of Gecko, shall we?
  3. [2014-03-22 20:41:33] <CrystalDM> 03Trundling out of the back and from out of sight, comes a smaller gecko. It looks around, spotting the Clue... and charges her. It slams into the mare, but she proves to be able to stand up to the gecko slamming into her! The gecko, lands evenly on its legs.
  4. [2014-03-22 20:45:15] <Emerald_Blitz> "Clue!!" Emerald shouts, beating her powerful wings and speeding into the northern building as her shield blazes into life and color. She slams down next to Clue, her eyes glowing white as she confronts the Gecko. "STAND OFF," she shouts at the creatures. "NO ONE HARMS MY FRIENDS."
  5. [2014-03-22 20:51:25] <CrystalDM> 03The gecko at the end of the hall looks between the three ponies that stand before it... and it focuses on what appears to be the weakest amongst them. It... charges.
  6. [2014-03-22 20:52:55] * Militus has charged into the doorway, weapons drawn.
  7. [2014-03-22 20:55:05] <CrystalDM> 03Unfortunately for that gecko, the smallest and weakest looking of the ponies is also the most agile. Clue manages to dip, duck, and dodge out of the way of the charge as well as the bite that claw that swings next.
  8. [2014-03-22 21:00:32] * Clue gasps as the gecko next to her causes quick flashes of her original capture to come to life. She fires off a shot and it goes wide and she flees behind Militus touching him, trying to cast a spell but it decides otherwise.
  9. [2014-03-22 21:02:13] <CrystalDM> 03Darkness flares from Clue's eyes and shards of black crystal grow from Clue's horn, but nothing happens. The crystal shards and the darkness fade from sight...
  10. [2014-03-22 21:08:14] * Militus fails to notice the odd goings-on with Clue, as he is busy gouging a piece out of a charging gecko.
  11. [2014-03-22 21:13:44] <CrystalDM> 03Another Gecko comes charging down the hall and rams itself into Emerald_Blitz's shield... sending the alicorn (and her shield) flying out of the room! Clue manages to avoid the ball-of-alicorn, and the alicorn lands upright a few yards away.
  12. [2014-03-22 21:14:18] * Emerald_Blitz skids to a halt and snorts. "Oh, you do NOT toss a soldier of the Lunar Army!"
  13. [2014-03-22 21:14:56] <CrystalDM> 03The gecko looks back at Emerald_Blitz and gives a hissing smile.
  14. [2014-03-22 21:15:30] * Emerald_Blitz blinks. "They're intelligent and understand language?!" This changes... well, not a lot. She levels her shotgun.
  15. [2014-03-22 21:17:11] * Militus looks around and grins. "Alone in a room with a bunch of creatures that want to kill me. I love the Wasteland."
  16. [2014-03-22 21:20:27] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie darts forward, pulling out her revolver and taking careful aim. She fires at the one Militus stabbed... unfortunately, the shot goes wide.
  17. [2014-03-22 21:38:55] <CrystalDM> 03From around a corner walks another gecko... who steps back, readying to charge. Another gecko, with dark scales, comes dashing out into sight. It opens its mouth and howls... and its mouth are full of multiple rows of teeth like steak knives, that glitter and gleam in the dim light. Its head appears overly large, and the muscles of the jaw ripple. It charges, attempting to slam down...
  18. [2014-03-22 21:38:55] <CrystalDM> ...Militus into the ground, but missing. However, it gives a massive roar and takes a nasty bite out of the zebra's head... which holds the spear.
  19. [2014-03-22 21:41:57] * Asami jogs up, huffing and puffing to take up the rear of the group "whats going on!?
  20. [2014-03-22 21:42:27] * Militus yells in pain, but keeps his weapon.
  21. [2014-03-22 21:45:25] * Asami just waits at Emerald's side, lookin as if she were waiting for something to happen
  22. [2014-03-22 21:50:05] <CrystalDM> 03The gecko that slammed into Clue attempts to slam her again, missing and almost hitting the larger, dark-scaled gecko! It misses and manages to stay on its feet, taking two swings and tearing into the smaller unicorn.
  23. [2014-03-22 21:51:32] * Clue winces in slight pain.*
  24. [2014-03-22 21:53:42] <Emerald_Blitz> "Lethal gecko, hellhound style!" Emerald yells to Asami and Tallie. "Artillery, now!" She aims at the big gecko and pulls the trigger... only to hear a resounding CLACK as the shotgun's hammers hang up on the side of the housing. "Shit!"
  25. [2014-03-22 21:56:55] * Militus swings ineffectually at the larger gecko.
  26. [2014-03-22 21:59:50] * Militus recovers and exploits an opening, scoring a hit on the largest gecko.
  27. [2014-03-22 22:01:53] <CrystalDM> 03Another gecko trundles over, taking two swings and a bite at Militus! Fortunately, only one of the attacks hits the zebra.
  28. [2014-03-22 22:06:42] * Clue focuses her mental ability to throw a sheild over the doorway that still holds a gecko waiting to charge. She then shoots wildly at the injured geckos, and misses of course, but readies herself for an attack.
  29. [2014-03-22 22:08:54] <CrystalDM> 03As the darkness forms in her eyes and the shards of dark crystal form around her horn, dark crystalline energy, almost like a monolith, forms in the hallway.
  30. [2014-03-22 22:10:14] <CrystalDM> 03One of the smaller geckos gets a good hit on Militus before it slips on its own blood, falling to the floor. Its spends the next couple of seconds trying to stand; time it could have spent attempting to hit Militus.
  31. [2014-03-22 22:10:41] * Militus calls over his shoulder. "Where did that barrier come from!?"
  32. [2014-03-22 22:13:39] * Tallie "DUCK AND COVER!" she shouts as loud as she can before firing off two grenades into the furthest corner behind the geckos.
  33. [2014-03-22 22:24:58] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie fires twice... once hitting her intended target, the other landing too close. Oshi-!
  34. [2014-03-22 22:26:09] * Militus raises a forehoof to cover his face as he's pelted with shrapnel.
  35. [2014-03-22 22:26:25] * Emerald_Blitz winces as her shield sparks, absorbing almost the entire blast.
  36. [2014-03-22 22:26:52] * Clue yelps as shrapnel fills the air, them part of her.
  37. [2014-03-22 22:28:02] <CrystalDM> 03The gecko trapped on the other side of the shield charges it... landing on its ass. It stands up and takes a swing, and its claw sparks across the shield.
  38. [2014-03-22 22:37:00] <CrystalDM> 03The larger gecko with nasty gnashing teeth gnaws on Clue's front legs like a pony might gnaw on corn on the cob. The result is Clue's right foreleg left a shredded mess, with the left foreleg not far behind...
  39. [2014-03-22 22:37:46] * Tallie gasps. "OhmigoshI'msosorry!" she squeaks.
  40. [2014-03-22 22:38:26] * Militus shouts back again. "I don't care if you keep hitting us, as long as you keep hitting them harder!"
  41. [2014-03-22 22:39:08] * Clue screams in pain as her legs are being torn apart. Her pupils shrink and expand and her scream becomes wavered.
  42. [2014-03-22 22:42:20] * Asami inhales and breathes out a huge fireball that slams into the large gecko, igniting it quite readily as the fiery little hatchling gives a toothy grin
  43. [2014-03-22 22:44:19] <CrystalDM> 03The toothy gecko screams in pain as its scales crackle, blood starting to pour forth.
  44. [2014-03-22 22:51:46] * Emerald_Blitz closes her eyes as four potions float free of her sash. The shield melts to the ground and the potions whip out to splash onto Militus' and Clue's injured limbs, knitting the flesh and solidifying bones. With a definitive CLICK Emerald unjams her gun. "Now. Let's try this again..."
  45. [2014-03-22 22:54:19] * Militus sighs in relief as his wounds close. He then smiles devilishly at the largest gecko.
  46. [2014-03-22 23:02:20] * Militus is an artist, his spear a brush, and gecko flesh a canvas. After his weapon stops moving he steps back to regard his work.
  47. [2014-03-22 23:03:11] <CrystalDM> 03Ah, iz very fine work, very fine. De canvas be laying on de ground, de blue dragonfire complementing de artiztic slashes from de brush.
  48. [2014-03-22 23:03:35] * Militus nods and smiles in satisfaction. Still got it.
  49. [2014-03-22 23:04:16] <CrystalDM> 03Unfortunately, so does the other gecko standing next to Militus. It gets in a claw before starting to breakdance on the floor? For the next few seconds, it slips and spins on its own blood.
  50. [2014-03-22 23:05:41] * Militus winces from the fresh cut on his cheeck before glaring at the still-living gecko. "Oh, now /that/ was ungenerous of you."
  51. [2014-03-22 23:07:03] * Clue looks around frantically, the pain has been releaved from hooves and she takes off squeeling in fear.
  52. [2014-03-22 23:15:02] * Tallie whips out her revolver, and fires 3 shots.
  53. [2014-03-22 23:18:37] * Tallie only gets one shot off before a snap in her revolver stops her from shooting. "Noooo!"
  54. [2014-03-22 23:19:22] <CrystalDM> 03Meanwhile, a gecko behind a shield flails at the shield uselessly.
  55. [2014-03-22 23:22:29] * Asami stays put and instead of spouting flame again, bares her claws and looks ready to step in between anything and Emerald should it come to that
  56. [2014-03-22 23:26:10] * Emerald_Blitz disdainfully tilts her shotgun at the final non-shielded gecko and blows a bloody cavern in its torso. "Can you two handle the other?" she asks, tilting her head at the shield. "I need to fetch our dearly departing Clue."
  57. [2014-03-22 23:27:50] * Militus snorts at the newly dead gecko. "Of course, Captain. We can handle this last one."
  58. [2014-03-22 23:30:01] * Militus deftly skewers the last lizard and casually pulls his spear out of the carcass.
  59. [2014-03-22 23:30:45] <Militus> "Well, if the Captain and our disappeared unicorn return soon we can look for that armor."
  60. [2014-03-22 23:31:00] <CrystalDM> 03The gecko continues to claw at the shield, actually scoring a couple of good hits. However, it still gives Militus enough time to set up for the stabbing of the gecko.
  61. [2014-03-22 23:31:35] * Emerald_Blitz flies over, landing in front of Clue, who has apparently stopped to catch her breath. "Clue?" she says softly, lighting on the ground and folding her wings. "Are you all right?"
  62. [2014-03-22 23:34:02] * Clue breaths heavily for a few moments. She looks up into Emerald_Blitz's eyes. "Clue is around here?" Her head turns and searches the area. "I'll have to make conversation with her at some point." A small shrug leaves her shoulders. "Anywho, I must thank you for healing up my wounds Princess. Those rapscalions did a number to them. Tsk. Which means I'm going to need a new hoof-a-cure." Clue shakes her head.
  63. [2014-03-22 23:35:16] * Emerald_Blitz lets out a long, slow sigh, and a heavy-lidded blink to go with. "This again. Look, Cl- ...Rarity. We have some manner of vestments inside that building we're looking for. Hopefully something protective as well as stylish." She turns and heads back toward the others. "I don't suppose you'd help us come look for them?"
  64. [2014-03-22 23:36:26] * Emerald_Blitz makes mental notes about getting an MRI of Clue's brain and possibly finding a way to reverse her memory orb sickness. This has gotten out of hoof.
  65. [2014-03-22 23:37:04] * Clue finishes her quick pout. "I wouldn't mind at all Princess. It's the least I can do" She bows and follows Emerald_Blitz.
  66. [2014-03-22 23:38:45] * Emerald_Blitz rejoins Militus, Tallie, and Asami, with Clue in tow. "There. That settled, RARITY here will be helping us find that armor," she says, adding careful emphasis to alert the others.
  67. [2014-03-22 23:39:18] * Militus blinks. "Right," he says slowly, "of course."
  68. [2014-03-22 23:40:18] * Clue bows. "A pleasure to help. But where is Clue? You said she was around, yes? I have to give her a mane cut like mine. See?" Clue shows off her mane-do with a pose. "Feather Fall wants it like that. Ooo~ What love birds" She says with a smile.
  69. [2014-03-22 23:41:14] * Emerald_Blitz rolls her eyes. "Yes, I'm sure she'll turn up eventually," she says. "And when she does, I'll have to tell her all about what you're helping us find. Now, let's take a look and see what we can find." The alicorn takes point, being the least injured of the group, and looks around.
  70. [2014-03-22 23:41:56] * Militus follows further into the house, eyeing Clue cautiously.
  71. [2014-03-22 23:42:09] * Tallie stays silent, holding her face in her hands.
  72. [2014-03-22 23:46:11] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Tallie and shakes her head, mouthing "not a word" at the griffon.
  73. [2014-03-22 23:47:26] <CrystalDM> 03Clue, or rather, Rarity, notices that a pair of the walls are sculpted shut. In the northeast and northwest corners of the house. This takes about a minute of looking around or so.
  74. [2014-03-22 23:48:20] <Clue> "What an absolute travesty! Shoddy worksponyship does not go unnoticed!" Clue huffs.
  75. [2014-03-22 23:49:23] <Emerald_Blitz> As they walk, Emerald leans down and kisses the top of Asami's head. "You certainly saved our bacon back there, little one. Extra crispy salvation. Thank you." She continues walking and examines the wall Clue has decried as shoddy. "Militus, I believe this is the time to use more of that spell I cast on you earlier."
  76. [2014-03-22 23:50:01] * Militus raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Which one is that? I fear my knowledge of magic is limited at best.
  77. [2014-03-22 23:50:18] * Tallie walks in complete silence.
  78. [2014-03-22 23:50:28] * Emerald_Blitz rolls her eyes. "The sparkly one that makes your hooves more likely to shatter harder substances," she says. "We've got more sculpted wall, apparently."
  79. [2014-03-22 23:50:31] * Asami smiles up at Emerald and nodsnods "my pleasure...some pony...or hatchling...has to keep Clue's rump in one piece
  80. [2014-03-22 23:50:46] * Clue huffs for a moment then she grows silent, just staring the wall.
  81. [2014-03-22 23:51:45] * Militus nods. "Of course, magic away."
  82. [2014-03-22 23:52:57] * Emerald_Blitz waits a moment, then snorts. "Oh, my apologies, I'm afraid I wasn't clear. The spell is still active, and will be for another half-hour or so. You just need to kick the wall down."
  83. [2014-03-22 23:54:22] * Militus laughs. "Well then, I shall get to work!" He promptly approaches the wall and gives it a solid strike from his hooves.
  84. [2014-03-22 23:55:01] * Clue continues to stare.
  85. [2014-03-22 23:59:44] <CrystalDM> 03The wall shudders and starts to crack with the first buck.
  86. [2014-03-23 00:00:13] * Militus bucks the wall again.
  87. [2014-03-23 00:00:19] <CrystalDM> 03The crack increases, a small shard of purple crystal falling out.
  88. [2014-03-23 00:00:53] * Emerald_Blitz nudges Clue. "Are you still with us?" she asks, taking the time to examine Clue's remaining wounds.
  89. [2014-03-23 00:01:19] * Militus grumbles under his breath. "Oh, come on..."
  90. [2014-03-23 00:01:44] <CrystalDM> 03The wall cracks like thunder; the crystal shattering open into an Emerald_Blitz-sized hole.
  91. [2014-03-23 00:01:51] * Clue blinks and turns to look at Emerald_Blitz. She blinks again. "Em?" Quickly takes a look around. "The lizards are gone?..."
  92. [2014-03-23 00:02:44] * Militus smiles with satisfaction. "Much better." He turns and steps through the hole.
  93. [2014-03-23 00:02:57] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "One of them crippled your foreleg and you went Rarity on us again," Emerald explains. "We've polished them off for now though, don't worry. We're trying to find the armor at the moment." She looks down on Clue with a profoundly disappointed look. "You wandered off without telling anyone again, Clue..."
  94. [2014-03-23 00:03:36] <CrystalDM> 03Inside is another solid steel box, much similar to the one the rifles and lances were in earlier.
  95. [2014-03-23 00:04:12] * Clue frowns. "I did not... Asami was with me..."
  96. [2014-03-23 00:04:41] * Militus calmly pulls out his screwdriver and bobby pins.
  97. [2014-03-23 00:05:23] <Asami> well...yeah I was.,..til' you asked me to go fetch the others...didn't think you'd pick on a gang of geckoes in the minute I was gone
  98. [2014-03-23 00:06:21] * Emerald_Blitz raises an eyebrow. "So you ditched your backup. Clever." Emerald sighs and looks back at the box, watching Militus work. "I don't know what to do about you, Clue. You do realize that SOME ponies value your life, don't you?"
  99. [2014-03-23 00:08:13] * Clue lowers her head. "Rea... I wasn't doing anything bad... I was just making sure it was safe... I was about to run back and warn you... but... but.." Clue starts to studder. "...I was... they were so fast!"
  100. [2014-03-23 00:08:58] * Militus swears as his pin breaks. He then swears again in zebra when he realizes the state of the lock.
  101. [2014-03-23 00:09:34] * Emerald_Blitz rests a gentle hoof on Clue's back. "I wish I could take your word for it, Clue, but your behavior leads me otherwise. I'm more concerned that you were ambushed than I am about anything material, though. I don't want you getting hurt, and-"
  102. [2014-03-23 00:10:16] * Militus glares at the chest before angrily smacking the lid with a hoof, cursing at it again in zebra.
  103. [2014-03-23 00:10:24] * Emerald_Blitz stops and looks at Militus. "My mother was a fine mare, thank you very much, and I sincerely doubt her private areas could accommodate an entire battalion, as you're implying." She chuckles. "I did learn a few zebra words, back in the day.
  104. [2014-03-23 00:10:34] <Emerald_Blitz> "
  105. [2014-03-23 00:11:08] <CrystalDM> 03The lid pops up for a few moments before closing again. Seems it wasn't locked.
  106. [2014-03-23 00:11:59] * Militus looks at Emerald_Blitz and blinks. "Oh! Well I think you may be slightly mistaken. The pronouns for he, she, and it are-," he looks at the open box before focehoofing and muttering something else in zebra.
  107. [2014-03-23 00:12:24] <Clue> "I wasn't going to steal anything!" Clue takes a seat on the floor. "We traveled together for a bit and you didn't know anything.. but now that I told you in confidence.... your holding it against me?..." She frowns.
  108. [2014-03-23 00:12:33] * Tallie scrapes at the ground, looking ashamed.
  109. [2014-03-23 00:13:18] * Militus then begins rummaging through the contents of the chest. This HAS to be the armor, after nearly getting killed for it.
  110. [2014-03-23 00:13:46] * Emerald_Blitz snorts. "No, I wouldn't know about your fluid pronouns. I speak a REAL language." She chuckles and looks back at Clue. "I'm not holding it against you, Clue. I'm using that information to keep you from indulging in self-destructive behavior. I'm not angry at you in the least, dear heart." She wraps a wing around Clue, then notices Tallie and gestures to her too. "And you, don't be ashamed of...
  111. [2014-03-23 00:13:48] * Emerald_Blitz ...yourself for helping, either. Friendly fire happens sometimes. It's called such because you're still friends afterward."
  112. [2014-03-23 00:15:40] * Tallie hides her face. "I missed..." she mutters. "People got hurt."
  113. [2014-03-23 00:16:29] <Emerald_Blitz> "And yet, we're all still alive and the enemy isn't," Emerald says, beckoning with a wingtip. "Come on, this hug isn't going to finish itself. If anyone was angry at you, they would have called you onto the mat about it already."
  114. [2014-03-23 00:16:58] * Tallie looks hesitant, then reluctantly hugs Emerald.
  115. [2014-03-23 00:17:02] * Clue lets out a sigh. "If you say so... some trust would be nice though..."
  116. [2014-03-23 00:17:05] <CrystalDM> 03Inside the chest are three sets of armor... all look like they have been the subject of more than a few rounds of target practice. The fetishes and gems are shattered, though it isn't hard to see what these suits of armor once were... Tribunal Armor.
  117. [2014-03-23 00:17:33] * Militus gasps. "How...?"
  118. [2014-03-23 00:19:28] * Emerald_Blitz hugs the two, then nuzzles Clue. "I trust you enough that I still want to bring you with us, even despite what you've done so far. More trust than that has to be earned," she says kindly. "Because I know you can be and do better. Now, as for thaa-!" She draws her shotgun for a moment, then sheepishly puts it away again. "Hmph. Officer armor. Can't say I was expecting that..."
  119. [2014-03-23 00:19:32] *Global* [Network Notice] Colgate - will be restarting shortly to be updated to the latest version of inspircd. You will see a newsplit, and may be disconnected, but don't worry! You should reconnect without any issues.
  120. [2014-03-23 00:20:33] * Militus doesn't even register having Emerald_Blitz's shotgun temporarily pointed at him. "These...have come a long way..."
  121. [2014-03-23 00:20:53] <CrystalDM> 03If the armor belonged to any specific legion within the zebra military, its impossible to say. Any of the symbols are defaced; any colors wiped clean.
  122. [2014-03-23 00:22:19] * Emerald_Blitz peers into the box. "That's funny, I can't say I've seen armor exactly like that before," she says. "That design is a bit more... intricate than I've seen. Could still be helpful, I suppose, though I was hoping for something less flashy."
  123. [2014-03-23 00:22:42] <Militus> "This is the armor of a Tribunal. That's no small thing, and that there's three of them..."
  124. [2014-03-23 00:23:43] * Emerald_Blitz wrinkles her nose. "Prisoners of war, perhaps?" she says, then turns back to the others. "Well, that's one down. Perhaps there's more here, like there was in the other large building?"
  125. [2014-03-23 00:24:01] * Clue keeps her lowered demeanor. "Could just... sell them..."
  126. [2014-03-23 00:24:11] * Militus nods, not taking his eyes off the armor. "Yes...we should go look..."
  127. [2014-03-23 00:25:03] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "No, they might be worth more than their value in bottlecaps," she says. "Besides... Militus, Equestria to Militus... our zebra seems quite fascinated by them."
  128. [2014-03-23 00:25:50] * Militus snaps out of his reverie. "Oh, yes! Sorry...these bring back memories, is all."
  129. [2014-03-23 00:26:19] * Emerald_Blitz nods sadly. "Yes, I... I know the feeling. Now, let's look for more... practical armor, if there is some."
  130. [2014-03-23 00:34:11] * Militus moves to the other wall and begins demolishing it.
  131. [2014-03-23 00:35:04] <CrystalDM> 03It takes three solid bucks from Militus, but the other wall also shatters open with mighty CRACK! Inside... isn't a chest. It's a wooden box, covered in strange painted markings.
  132. [2014-03-23 00:35:50] <CrystalDM> 03The box... has no lock. Anyone got a crowbar?
  133. [2014-03-23 00:36:24] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the box curiously. "Hmm. This is not what I was expecting," she says, puzzled.
  134. [2014-03-23 00:37:39] * Militus rubs his chin. "Yes...I might be able to use one of these spears to pry it open, though."
  135. [2014-03-23 00:38:03] * Emerald_Blitz nods and steps out of the way.
  136. [2014-03-23 00:38:07] * Clue moves her mouth side to side. "What is with this box?"
  137. [2014-03-23 00:38:09] <CrystalDM> 03The words on the box are in a combination of languages. Equestrian, Zebrican and a couple of other languages that are not known to the group.
  138. [2014-03-23 00:40:24] * Militus takes one last look at the box and frowns. "The markings all talk about size and shape, but nothing that makes much sense." He then shrugs before taking one of his spears and wedging the head under the lid and pushing down.
  139. [2014-03-23 00:40:49] <Asami> thats....interesting
  140. [2014-03-23 00:41:45] <Asami> hey Emmy? that box all like, blue glowy and stuff to you?
  141. [2014-03-23 00:43:27] <Emerald_Blitz> "It's covered in symbols, but they're not glowing, why?" Emerald asks as Militus reefs on the lever.
  142. [2014-03-23 00:44:05] <Clue> Clue's ears swivel to Asami. "Hmmr?..." A thought boils in that brain of hers.
  143. [2014-03-23 00:44:19] <CrystalDM> 03The nails pop up with a squeak of protest, the box opening up. Out of the box spills a bright, yellow light. Its as bright as Celestia's sun, like you're staring directly into it!
  144. [2014-03-23 00:45:10] * Emerald_Blitz winces and turns away. "What in the bells of Starswirl...!"
  145. [2014-03-23 00:45:12] <Asami> well they're really glowing to meahhh damn thats bright!!!" At which point the dragoness shields her eyes
  146. [2014-03-23 00:45:16] * Clue sheilds her eyes. "Aaah!"
  147. [2014-03-23 00:45:35] * Militus staggers back, clamping his eyes shut.
  148. [2014-03-23 00:46:29] <Militus> "Opening that /may/ not have been the best idea."
  149. [2014-03-23 00:46:34] * Emerald_Blitz abruptly sits down, shaking her head, her eyes closed. "Ow... ow ow... what was in there, floodlights?" She opens her eyes, then blinks, and blinks again as she waves a hoof in front of her face. "Oh no..."
  150. [2014-03-23 00:47:41] <CrystalDM> 03As the bright light dims and dies away, Militus and Emerald_Blitz's eyes no longer possess a pupil or an iris. They are of that yellow light, and glow softly, providing some illumination. As for what's in the box...
  151. [2014-03-23 00:47:53] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session End====
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