

May 24th, 2018
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  1. #
  2. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  3. # | Notes | #
  4. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  5. ops-name-color: '4'
  6. nickname-prefix: ''
  7. max-nick-length: 100
  8. ignore-colors-in-max-nick-length: false
  9. change-displayname: true
  10. teleport-safety: true
  11. force-disable-teleport-safety: false
  12. teleport-cooldown: 0
  13. teleport-delay: 3
  14. teleport-invulnerability: 3
  15. teleport-to-center: true
  16. heal-cooldown: 60
  17. near-radius: 200
  18. permission-based-item-spawn: false
  19. spawnmob-limit: 10
  20. warn-on-smite: false
  21. drop-items-if-full: false
  22. notify-no-new-mail: false
  23. disabled-commands:
  24. - minecraft.tell
  25. - back.ondeath
  26. socialspy-commands:
  27. - msg
  28. - w
  29. - r
  30. - mail
  31. - m
  32. - t
  33. - whisper
  34. - emsg
  35. - tell
  36. - er
  37. - reply
  38. - ereply
  39. - email
  40. - action
  41. - describe
  42. - eme
  43. - eaction
  44. - edescribe
  45. - etell
  46. - ewhisper
  47. - pm
  48. mute-commands:
  49. - heal
  50. - kittycannon
  51. player-commands:
  52. - back
  53. - build
  54. - chat.color
  55. - chat.format
  56. - chat.shout
  57. - chat.question
  58. - clearinventory
  59. - compass
  60. - depth
  61. - delhome
  62. - getpos
  63. -
  64. - help
  65. - helpop
  66. - home
  67. - home.others
  68. - ignore
  69. - info
  70. - itemdb
  71. - kit
  72. -
  73. - list
  74. - mail
  75. - mail.send
  76. - me
  77. - motd
  78. - msg
  79. - msg.color
  80. - nick
  81. - near
  82. - pay
  83. - ping
  84. - protect
  85. - r
  86. - rules
  87. - realname
  88. - seen
  89. - sell
  90. - sethome
  91. - setxmpp
  92. -
  93. -
  94. -
  95. -
  96. - signs.use.balance
  97. -
  98. - signs.use.disposal
  99. - signs.use.enchant
  100. -
  101. - signs.use.gamemode
  102. - signs.use.enchant
  103. - signs.use.heal
  104. -
  105. - signs.use.kit
  106. - signs.use.mail
  107. -
  108. -
  109. - signs.use.sell
  110. - signs.use.time
  111. -
  112. - signs.use.warp
  113. -
  114. - spawn
  115. - suicide
  116. - time
  117. - tpa
  118. - tpaccept
  119. - tpahere
  120. - tpdeny
  121. - warp
  122. - warp.list
  123. - world
  124. - worth
  125. - xmpp
  126. skip-used-one-time-kits-from-kit-list: false
  127. enabledSigns:
  128. - color
  129. - balance
  130. - buy
  131. - sell
  132. - trade
  133. - free
  134. - disposal
  135. - warp
  136. - kit
  137. - mail
  138. - enchant
  139. - gamemode
  140. - heal
  141. - info
  142. - spawnmob
  143. - repair
  144. - time
  145. - weather
  146. sign-use-per-second: 4
  147. backup:
  148. interval: 30
  149. per-warp-permission: false
  150. list:
  151. Admins: owner admin
  152. debug: false
  153. locale: de
  154. remove-god-on-disconnect: false
  155. auto-afk: -1
  156. auto-afk-kick: -1
  157. freeze-afk-players: false
  158. disable-item-pickup-while-afk: false
  159. cancel-afk-on-interact: true
  160. cancel-afk-on-move: true
  161. afk-list-name: none
  162. death-messages: false
  163. allow-silent-join-quit: false
  164. custom-join-message: '&7{PLAYER} &2ist nun &a&lOnline&2!'
  165. custom-quit-message: '&7{PLAYER} &cist nun &4&lOffline&c!'
  166. world-teleport-permissions: false
  167. default-stack-size: -1
  168. oversized-stacksize: 64
  169. repair-enchanted: true
  170. unsafe-enchantments: false
  171. register-back-in-listener: true
  172. login-attack-delay: 1
  173. max-fly-speed: 0.8
  174. max-walk-speed: 0.8
  175. mails-per-minute: 1
  176. max-tempban-time: -1
  177. last-message-reply-recipient: true
  178. last-message-reply-recipient-timeout: 180
  179. milk-bucket-easter-egg: true
  180. send-fly-enable-on-join: true
  181. world-time-permissions: false
  182. command-cooldown-persistence: true
  183. npcs-in-balance-ranking: false
  184. pastebin-createkit: false
  185. allow-bulk-buy-sell: true
  186. update-bed-at-daytime: true
  187. world-home-permissions: false
  188. sethome-multiple:
  189. default: 2
  190. tpa-accept-cancellation: 120
  191. starting-balance: 0
  192. currency-symbol: ā‚¬
  193. max-money: 10000000000
  194. min-money: 0
  195. economy-log-enabled: false
  196. use-bukkit-permissions: false
  197. minimum-pay-amount: 1
  198. non-ess-in-help: true
  199. hide-permissionless-help: true
  200. chat:
  201. radius: 0
  202. format: '&e&lM&r&lI&e&lN&r&lI&e&lN&r&lG &8Ā» &7{DISPLAYNAME} &eĀ» &7{MESSAGE}'
  203. protect:
  204. prevent:
  205. lava-flow: false
  206. water-flow: false
  207. water-bucket-flow: false
  208. fire-spread: false
  209. lava-fire-spread: false
  210. flint-fire: false
  211. lightning-fire-spread: false
  212. portal-creation: false
  213. tnt-explosion: false
  214. tnt-playerdamage: false
  215. tnt-minecart-explosion: false
  216. tnt-minecart-playerdamage: false
  217. fireball-explosion: false
  218. fireball-fire: false
  219. fireball-playerdamage: false
  220. witherskull-explosion: false
  221. witherskull-playerdamage: false
  222. wither-spawnexplosion: false
  223. wither-blockreplace: false
  224. creeper-explosion: false
  225. creeper-playerdamage: false
  226. creeper-blockdamage: false
  227. enderdragon-blockdamage: false
  228. enderman-pickup: false
  229. villager-death: false
  230. entitytarget: false
  231. spawn:
  232. creeper: false
  233. skeleton: false
  234. spider: false
  235. giant: false
  236. zombie: false
  237. slime: false
  238. ghast: false
  239. pig_zombie: false
  240. enderman: false
  241. cave_spider: false
  242. silverfish: false
  243. blaze: false
  244. magma_cube: false
  245. ender_dragon: false
  246. pig: false
  247. sheep: false
  248. cow: false
  249. chicken: false
  250. squid: false
  251. wolf: false
  252. mushroom_cow: false
  253. snowman: false
  254. ocelot: false
  255. iron_golem: false
  256. villager: false
  257. wither: false
  258. bat: false
  259. witch: false
  260. horse: false
  261. creeper:
  262. max-height: -1
  263. disable:
  264. fall: false
  265. pvp: false
  266. drown: false
  267. suffocate: false
  268. lavadmg: false
  269. projectiles: false
  270. contactdmg: false
  271. firedmg: false
  272. lightning: false
  273. wither: false
  274. weather:
  275. storm: false
  276. thunder: false
  277. lightning: false
  278. build: true
  279. use: true
  280. warn-on-build-disallow: true
  281. alert:
  282. on-placement: 10,11,46,327
  283. on-use: 327
  284. blacklist:
  285. placement: 10,11,46,327
  286. usage: 327
  287. newbies:
  288. announce-format: '&aHerzlich Willkommen &7{DISPLAYNAME}!'
  289. spawnpoint: newbies
  290. kit: ''
  291. respawn-listener-priority: high
  292. respawn-at-home: false
  293. spawn-on-join: false
  294. kits:
  295. Spieler:
  296. delay: 60
  297. items:
  298. - DIAMOND_SWORD 1 name:&a&lSpieler damage_all:2
  299. - FISHING_ROD 1 name:&a&lSpieler lore:#Rod
  300. - DIAMOND_HELMET 1 name:&a&lSpieler protection_environmental:4 durability:3
  301. - DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE 1 name:&a&lSpieler protection_environmental:4 durability:3
  302. - DIAMOND_LEGGINGS 1 name:&a&lSpieler protection_environmental:4 durability:3
  303. - DIAMOND_BOOTS 1 name:&a&lSpieler protection_environmental:4 durability:3
  304. - GOLDEN_APPLE 32
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