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- /*Code by Surya a.k.a Sunny*/
- /* by */
- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include<stdlib.h>
- //#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
- #define lli long long
- #define pi 3.14159265358979323846
- #define MOD 1000000007
- #define foi(n) for(lli i=0;i<n;i++)
- #define foj(n) for(lli j=0;j<n;j++)
- #define test(T) lli T;cin>>T;while(T--)
- #define loop(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i<= (b); i++)
- #define unbuffer cin.clear(); cin.sync();
- #define option cout<<"Choose from one of the options below : \n\n\n";
- using namespace std;
- lli pass=0;
- string ans,backup;
- //using namespace boost::multiprecision;
- string decrypt(string backup)
- {
- lli temp,len=backup.length(),i=0;
- char ans2[len],x;
- while(i<len)
- {
- if(pass>50)
- pass=0;
- temp=backup[i];
- temp-=pass;
- x=(char)temp;
- ans2[i]=x;
- i++;
- pass++;
- }
- ans2[len]='\0';
- //ans;
- //cout<<backup<<"\n";
- return ans2;
- }
- string decryptv2()
- {
- string f;
- cout<<"Enter the name(with extension) of file you want to open.\n\n\t";
- cin>>f;
- ifstream file;
-, ios_base::app);
- unbuffer
- getline(file,backup);
- file.close();
- return decrypt(backup);
- //cout<<"yayayayayayayayayayayayayaya";
- //decrypt()
- }
- void save(string &backup)
- {
- string f;
- cout<<"Enter the name of the file(with extension)\n\n\t";
- cin>>f;
- ofstream file;
- file<<backup;
- cout<<"The text is succesfully saved in a file named \""<<f<<"\""<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- file.close();
- }
- void save2(string &backup)
- {
- string f;
- cout<<"Enter the name of the file(with extension)\n\n\t";
- cin>>f;
- ofstream file;
- file<<backup;
- cout<<"The text is succesfully saved in a file named \""<<f<<"\""<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- file.close();
- }
- string encrypt(string str)
- {
- lli len,i=0,temp;
- //"decrypted_v.1.00.txt");
- //getline(file,str);
- len=str.length();
- str[len]='\0';
- char enc[len],x;
- while(i<len)
- {
- if(pass>50)
- pass=0;
- temp=str[i];
- temp+=pass;
- x=(char)temp;
- enc[i]=x;//*********************************
- i++;
- pass++;
- }
- enc[len]='\0';
- //cout<<"\n_________________________________________________________________\n\n"<<enc<<"\n\n";
- i=0;
- pass=0;
- backup=enc;
- return enc;
- }
- void encryptv2()
- {
- cout<<"Enter the Filename(with extension).\n\n\t";
- string str;
- cin>>str;
- ifstream file;
- getline(file,str);
- encrypt(str);
- file.close();
- }
- int main()
- {
- //ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
- //cin.tie(NULL);
- //cout.tie(NULL);
- lli a,i=0,temp,len;
- string str;
- char x;
- //createfiles();
- while(1)
- {
- i=0,pass=0;
- system("cls");
- //textcolor(11);
- //setcolor(5);
- cout<<setw(80)<<"DATA ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION SOFTWARE v1.00\n\n\n";
- //gotoxy(24,30);
- option
- cout<<" 1. Encryption of a text \n";
- cout<<" 2. Decryption of a text \n";
- cout<<" 3. Exit \n\n\n\t";
- cin>>a;
- system("cls");
- if(a==1)
- {
- option
- cout<<" 1. Enter a text \n";
- cout<<" 2. Choose a .txt or .dat (binary) file by giving its name and extension \n\n\n \t";
- cin>>a;
- /*---------X------------X-----------X-----------X----------X----------X--------X---------*/
- system("cls");
- /*if(a==1)
- {
- cout<<"Enter your text below : \n";
- unbuffer
- getline(cin,str);
- len=str.length();
- str[len]='\0';
- char enc[len],dec[len];
- while(i<len)
- {
- /*switch(str[i])
- {
- case 's':
- enc[i]='m';
- break;
- case 'u':
- enc[i]='n';
- break;
- case 'r':
- enc[i]='g';
- break;
- case 'y':
- enc[i]='l';
- break;
- case 'a':
- enc[i]='p';
- break;
- }
- if(pass>50)
- pass=0;
- temp=str[i];
- temp+=pass;
- x=(char)temp;
- //cout<<x;
- enc[i]=x; //*********************************
- i++;
- pass++;
- }
- enc[len]='\0';
- //cout<<str<<'\n';
- cout<<"\n_________________________________________________________________\n\n"<<enc<<"\n\n";
- i=0;
- pass=0;
- backup=enc; */
- /*---------X------------X-----------X-----------X----------X----------X--------X---------*/
- if(a==1)
- {
- cout<<"Enter your text below : \n";
- unbuffer
- getline(cin,str);
- ans=encrypt(str);
- }
- else if(a==2)
- {
- string f;
- cout<<"Enter the Filename(with extension).\n\n\t";
- cin>>f;
- ifstream file;
- if(file)
- {
- getline(file,backup);
- ans=encrypt(backup);
- }
- else
- {
- cout<<"\n\nEnter a valid Filename...";
- break;
- }
- }
- cout<<"\n_________________________________________________________________\n\n"<<ans<<"\n\n";
- cout<<"THIS IS YOUR ENCRYPTED TEXT \n Choose an option from below : \n \t1. Manually copy this text. \n \t2. Save this text to a file. \n\n";
- cin>>a;
- if(a==1)
- cout<<"The text is succesfully saved in a variable named \"backup\" which is printed above, you can note it down "<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- else if(a==2)
- {
- save(ans);
- //cout<<"The text is succesfully saved in a file named \""<<f<<"\""<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- /*ofstream file;
- file<<backup;
- file.close();*/
- }
- /*while(i<len)
- {
- temp=backup[i];
- temp-=i;
- x=(char)temp;
- backup[i]=x;
- i++;
- }
- backup[len]='\0';
- cout<<backup;*/
- // decrypt(backup,len); ######################################
- }
- /*---------X------------X-----------X-----------X----------X----------X--------X---------*/
- else if(a==2)
- {
- option
- cout<<"1. Paste the text here and decrypt it.\n2. Decrypt the text saved to a file .\n\n\t";
- cin>>a;
- if(a==1)
- {
- cout<<"\nPaste your text below "<<(char)25<<"\n\n\t";
- unbuffer
- getline(cin,str);
- cout<<"\nDecrypted text is below "<<(char)25<<"\n\n\t"<<decrypt(str);
- cout<<"\n\nTHIS IS YOUR DECRYPTED TEXT \n Choose an option from below : \n \t1. Manually copy this text. \n \t2. Save this text to a file. \n\n";
- cin>>a;
- if(a==1)
- cout<<"The text is succesfully saved in a variable named \"backup\" which is printed above, you can note it down "<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- else if(a==2)
- {
- save2(str);
- // cout<<"The text is succesfully saved in a file named \"decrypted_v.1.00.txt\" "<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- }
- }
- else if(a==2)
- {
- ans=decryptv2();
- cout<<"\nDecrypted text is below "<<(char)25<<"\n\n\t"<<ans;
- cout<<"\n\nTHIS IS YOUR DECRYPTED TEXT \n Choose an option from below : \n \t1. Manually copy this text. \n \t2. Save this text to a file. \n\n";
- cin>>a;
- if(a==1)
- {
- backup=ans;
- cout<<ans<<"/nThe text is succesfully saved in a variable named \"backup\" which is printed above, you can note it down "<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- }
- else if(a==2)
- {
- save2(ans);
- cout<<"The text is succesfully saved in a file named \"decrypted_v.1.00.txt\" "<<char(24)<<"\n\n\t";
- }
- }
- }
- else if(a==3)
- break;
- //exit(0);
- else
- cout<<"Enter a Valid Option. \n \n";
- }
- }
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