
Fanventure Script: A Session Together

Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. A Session Together
  6. A young man stands in his room. On this day, the 14th of June, is this young man's birthday. Though it was fourteen years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name!What will the name of this young man be?
  8. >Enter Name
  10. Fuzzynuts Johnson!
  11. No,no. That's dumb.
  13. >Try again
  15. Monstahunta McUndyingswordsman!
  16. Are you fucking kidding me? One last try.
  18. >Try again
  20. D!
  21. Okay, fuck this shit.
  22. You break the Enter Name box over your knee. This has gone on long enough.
  23. ==>
  25. Your name is GRAY BENNETT. And as mentioned before, today is your BIRTHDAY! There are some PRESENTS scattered around your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for CHEESY SCI-FI MOVIES. You like to READ COMIC BOOKS AND MANGA, but you never admit it to your friends. You have a fondness for the MYTHOLOGICAL, and are an ASPIRING BOXER. You also have a passion for VIDEO GAMES.
  26. What will you do?
  28. >Dream about a video game where you get to punch aliens that look almost like humans on a spaceship that looks like a TV remote with wings stapled to the side, every time you win a level you get a free comic book.
  29. Oh man, that would be sweet! You would totally play that game if it existed.
  30. Oh well. It's fun to pretend anyway.
  32. >Learn how to make game's, and then struggle for years to make it. That's how Cave Stories was built!You have no time for that! Today's the big day! You've been planning this day with your friends for weeks and weeks on end! In fact, one of said friends is pestering you.==>
  34. >Gray: Answer AT
  36. -- accordantTumult [AT] began pestering ascendedCalamity [AC] --
  38. AT: Oi, Benny! You get that game yet?
  39. AC: hold your horses, dude. shitty thing's been a week and half late.
  40. AT: Good lord, can't count on UPS, can you?
  41. AT: Anyway, do we have the plan set up for when you DO finally get it? Who's hosting who?
  42. AT: You still there? I need the plan, dude!
  43. AC: don't worry about it. it's gonna be chain, starting and ending with me at both ends. don't worry about a second server copy, AG has me covered. she'll be burning the files and sending them to me.
  44. AT: AG? Really? Remind them to copy that project for me, will ya?
  45. AC: done and done.
  46. AC: you remember the chain, right?
  47. AT: Not really. I know I'm connecting to TA, but that's it.
  48. AC: it's gonna be set in a DNA sequence. AT, TA, AG, GA, and so forth.
  49. AT: So I got TA? Ohhh boy, the shit I'm gonna do to his house...
  50. AC: dude, no. we all agreed no trolling.
  51. AT: C'mon, you know he's always wanted to live in a giant...
  52. AT: Fine.
  53. AC: let's not indulge in his freudian nightmares, please.
  54. AT: I feel sorry for AG, then. Poor sucker won't know their couch from the shitter...
  55. AT: Bro, the horrors will be unimaginable...
  56. AC: i'll deal with TA when the time comes. what i'm worried about is what AA is going to do to me.
  57. AC: she probably still hates me. eh, whatever.
  58. AT: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, I guess. Good thing I don't have to worry about CA. He's a pretty level-headed dude.
  59. AC: not to be rude, but are you forgetting something, dude?
  60. AT: Hm? You mean that whole "extra year of survival" thing?
  61. AC: well when you up it THAT way.
  62. AC: :/
  63. AT: Relax, man. I'm kidding.
  64. AT: Happy Birthday, bro.
  65. AC: thanks anyway, dude.
  66. AT: Oh, hey, mail just came in for my place! I know that we are across the country, but times are usually the same. Check your shit!
  67. AC: alright. catch you later, bro.
  69. --ascendedCalamity [AC] ceased pestering accordantTumult [AT] --
  71. >Pester AG You'd love to pester them to see how the burning process has been going, but they're offline. They're probably busy.
  72. ==>
  74. >Watch Rocky III and wait for your game to arrive
  75. You have no time for that! Your game might be here already! Besides, you don't own a copy of Rocky III and probably never will.
  76. ==>
  78. Punch computer in screen to assert dominance. Its loyalty will be essential in the hard times approachingWhat computer? There's no computer in your room and you're pretty sure there never will be. You do have your phone but you have no intention on punching it because it would probably brake in half or something.
  79. ==>
  81. >Check if your game has came in yet
  82. You can't do that just yet. You have to leave your room first. Besides, you still have to open presents. It's only proper to open presents on your birthday. Especially one given to you by your dear, sweet MOTHER.
  83. ==>
  85. >Open present as slowly as possible
  86. You don't have the time. You tear into the present.==>It's a pair of BOXING GLOVES! Oh man, MOTHER really pulled through this time. This will replace your HAND WRAPS nicely.==> You replace the HAND WRAPS in your STRIFE DECK with your new BOXING GLOVES! You are so pumped and excited, you're just itching for a fight!
  87. ==>
  89. >Open presents with fists. Must practice boxing whenever possible
  90. You punch one of the other presents, making it rocket and bounce around the room like a rubber ball on steroids. Nice thinking there, Hawking.
  91. ==>
  93. >Rip open the others with your teeth!
  94. You viciously gnaw at the paper of one of your presents for no discernible raison! Bluh! The colored paper tastes like tinfoil and is twice as painful! Why would you even do this? You just open the present normally.
  95. ==>
  97. You get a CROWHEAD T-SHIRT! Oh sweet! This will look awesome on you! You combine your CROWHEAD T-SHIRT and your NINE-BALL LONG SLEEVE SHIRT. This was probably the best (and most fashionable) idea you had all day!
  98. ==>
  100. > Briefly muse how you combine stuff without both an Alchemeter and a Punch Designix
  101. You're not sure what those mean. You just put your shirt over your other shirt. Though for some reason you feel like you broke some sort of COSMIC RULE.
  102. ==>
  104. >Thank your dear Mother for your presents
  105. You would love to THANK HER so much! But she seems to be OUT right now.
  106. ==>
  108. >Gray: Leave your room
  110. You are now in THE HALLWAY. Behind you is the door to YOUR ROOM. In front of you is THE SPARE ROOM for all the extra junk in YOUR HOUSE. Down THE HALLWAY a bit more is one of two bathrooms in your house, the other one being downstairs, your STAIRS is across from the bathroom. On the opposite end of THE HALLWAY is your MOTHER'S ROOM. You don't go in there.
  112. >Gray: Go downstairs
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